tv Outnumbered FOX News November 3, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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i want my dog to have a healthy and long life. the farmer's dog really helps that out. see the benefits of fresh food at >> hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany here with cohosts harris faulkner and emily come pan i don't see. furious new reaction to president biden's speech last night, warning americans that democracy as we know it is going to end in five days if you don't vote for the democrats.
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that was the warning. during last minute speeches near the capitol, curious, didn't hear him mention crime in a crime ridden train station, interesting point there, juxtaposition, the optics matter but apparently not to the president. that voters need to preserve and protect democracy by electing members of his own party. republicans, they fired back today, calling the speech patronizing and a bid to divide and distract americans. we'll let you decide. take a listen. >> this is the struggle we're now in, a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress, a struggle for the very soul of america itself. remarkable thing about american democracy is this, just enough of us on just enough occasions have chosen not to dismantle democracy but to preserve democracy. we must choose that path again.
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because democracy is on the ballot. >> so i want to put this in context. yesterday, the preview of the speech from the press secretary, she seemed to dismiss peter doocy's question on republicans being a threat to democracy. take a watch. >> following up on your comment that there's an alarming number of republicans who are saying they're not going to accept election results, does that mean president biden thinks it is a threat to democracy if somebody votes republican? >> no. that's a ridiculous question. no. >> why is that a ridiculous question? >> because american people should have their right to vote for whomever they want. we are talking about mega maga, republican officials who have been very clear about this, who say, who say, you know, they are pro-police, and pro-insurrectionist. you cannot be pro-police and pro-insurrectionist. >> harris, she said that no, it is ridiculous to say that the
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president thinks republicans are a threat to democracy, but quickly i want to play a flashback to the september speech. the question is not add all ridiculous. here was the president saying it three times. >> donald trump and the maga republicans represent an ex extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. the republican party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by donald trump and the maga republicans. and that is a threat to this country. clear and present danger to our democracy. >> so basically what this tells us is that democrats have been out of the way, out of the ideas for winning the election cycle since september. at least. because that is a pitch to the ditch. last ditch ideas. what are we going to do, what are we going to tell people to get them to vote after we told them election laws would keep them from voting, shot ourselves in the foot telling our own base
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and everyone else don't vote. how do you get them out, tell them the sky is falling, democracy will fall with it, try that part. poor kjp. she seems so nice, she's beautiful, right? a lovely woman. it is not in the binder. because he didn't tell her what he was going to say apparently or she is not listening when he does talk. i don't know which it is. he made it very clear it is them and everybody else, it is them against the world, and the only way you get to be in their world is vote like him. if you're black, don't vote for him, you're not really black. you can go down a bunch of lists, if you're not like them, you're just not going to keep america together. that doesn't work. what happened to the message of i feel your pain, i know you're struggling now, it is getting cooler in parts of the country, not where he is, because he was cozy at the cleaned up union station in washington, d.c. so warm. he changed the optics on crime in the location where he spoke.
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they're trying to change the optics of what it takes to win an election in five days. i don't think they can do that. maybe they can make it better for themselves, i don't know. but the truth of the matter is, he said to half the country if you don't vote for him, you're going to break america. >> that was the take away. my other take away, he didn't seem to know the year. this is 2022. we have high gas prices, high inflation, this is not about the 2020 election, it simply is not. maybe it was apropos, the day prior in florida he didn't know the century. watch this. >> anybody think we're doing it the first time now in the 20th, 21th century, from 20th into second quarter of the 21st century, think 12 years is enough, 12 years going into 20, 30, 40, 50? >> what? you can translate that. >> don't ask me to do that.
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what a gift to the florida republicans having him down there in the closing stretch of the campaign. here's the thing about the democracy talking point and the sound bite of the press secretary, it is awkward, she herself is an election denier. she said the election was stolen from stacey abrams, said in 2016 the election was stolen for donald trump and hired by this president to speak on his behalf, and she's sort of a quasi unapologetic election denier herself. i think some of the points in a vacuum that the president made i could be on board with, there's just no credibility there. this is a president who also not long ago went down, not to harp on georgia, he went to that state and said the completely common sense election reform they made in that state were worse than jim crow. >> yep. >> and he endorsed stacey abrams, one of the biggest election deniers as opposed to brian kemp who accepted results, even when it was tough for him,
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he was on the other side, the president was. if someone wants to make the points, fair enough. not front burner for most americans. he and his administration unfortunately have little credibility and should probably have a seat. >> probably shouldn't have found a camera last night, democrats didn't receive it well. peter baker of "new york times" wrote that while democrats largely agree with the argument he made, not every democrat thought it was helpful when candidates are trying to distance themselves from him. you had axelrod while he praised the speech content, said i doubt many democrats and marginal racists are eager for him to be on tv tonight. wasn't well received by democrats, by the way, the same democrats propping up the candidates they now say are a threat to democracy. >> that's right. that's exactly the point i want to hammer. we have a president that singled out half of america hases night, said it was a threat to democracy. said it is an existential threat, a fight for the soul of america, republicans.
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he fails to mention his own party spent tens of millions of dollars putting those people on the ballot. if it was really a threat and about the soul, money wouldn't matter. they would do all they can to prevent dismantling of democracy. even the executive president of the democratic national committee admits it freely. said yeah, that's just politics. so that's what the democrat party is, you guys. crime they only care about when it is about currying favor with voters, threat of democracy only matters when it is rhetoric. it is all about getting votes on the ballot. it illustrates the rhetoric, crime, migrant safety, education, it is a sham. so are their principles. >> you can see the issues important to voters. we have them on the wall, the economy, crime, immigration, abortion, crimeslimate change. you see the mentions, zero on the border, crime, inflation,
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zero on supply chain, zero on gas, zero on china. we could go on. look at all of the zeros. >> regardless of politics, any good strategy, let me talk like a marketer a second, is anchored on what matters to customers, and out of line to americans. over and over, i run data all the time. we got new numbers today for the last 14 days based on 7 million data points, the positive sentiment towards the gop nationwide is 46%. and we know from cnn's information 17% is about the favorability that is strong towards president biden. so it is not only the messenger and that brand and affinity that he has or not with americans right now but the strategic misalignment, talking about things that are not the top issues. i think reagan was the one that
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said the issues of america are fixed around the dinner table. these are issues that should be the priority of messaging and we're missing out. anyone that does the homework, looks up the numbers would realign that script. >> no doubt. when you're at the dinner table, you're not talking about democracy and having this esoteric talk, you talk about the price of chicken, eggs, gasoline, how to send your kid to college. that's it. bottom line. coming up, hillary clinton and kamala harris, campaigning for kathy hochul as female victims of crime cry for help and blame the governor. that's next.
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today for new york governor kathy hochul who is facing major backlash over the cold-blooded murder of a young mother in buffalo. police say kara benefield shot and killed her in front of their three children. he had gotten out of jail 24 hours earlier because of the no bail reforms. he had been arrested for a caught on camera beat down of the now deceased mother. we have to warn, this video is graphic. and despite brutality of the attack, he was only charged with misdemeanors making him eligible for the state's cashless bail law. and while her heartbroken family blames governor hochul for that, the democrat is pointing fingers elsewhere. watch. >> this system absolutely failed, the system has to work. orders of protection have to be granted. transition homes have to be available and we have to make sure that judges and prosecutors charge appropriately. >> she says the system has to
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work, orders of protection have to be granted. in keir a's case, order of protection was issued, the same day he got out of jail walking free because he was only charged with misdemeanors. and the following day he executed her in front of her three children. the erie county district attorney has been adamant, no felony charges could be filed at all. he says it was appropriate. he says there was zero evidence for anything higher than misdemeanors, charges were correctly charged and the judge again had no choice but release him. what i am sick of is a criminal justice system where no one has accountability and points fingers at each other, or the outlier saying that was somehow correct, that mother's blood is on his hands like the governor's, too. >> he was asked if there should be a harsher sentence, said absolutely not, absolutely not, absolutely emphatically 100% not, could i be any more
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clearer. a woman died. we cover a lot of crime stories. my husband looks at me last night, said have you heard this one. first time he brought one specifically to my attention. when i saw the details this morning, it is horrifying. a mother shot dead in her car in front of her children. to your point, and there was video, 8 minute video of the attack, shouting that he was going to kill her. he took out knives at one point, found him cutting himself, these are the allegations. she was afraid for her life. this is a mother and this was preventable, and her children will never be the same because of what they saw. when hochul says this is the system, no, no, no, kathy hochul, you are the system. lori lightfoot in chicago, you are the system. mayor garcetti, gavin newsom, you are the system. i stood at the white house podium, we said the names of these beautiful little children
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and reporters didn't ask questions about it, democrats didn't seem to take notice. this has been going on in democrat cities for two plus years. don't give me this crap it is the system, you're the system. >> that's right. harris, let's dig into that a bit, too. even if the system was a certain way, there's nothing to change, that's part of the issue. here's why. in new york state, people like kathy hochul that advocated for this removed judicial discretion. even after an eight minute beating, even though she wore a bulletproof vest to drop off kids at school she knew this monster would kill her and he succeeded in that, for some reason hands were tied, so were the judges. that judicial discussion which exists in new jersey, it doesn't exist here. when governor hochul says remember there was accountability, that there were consequences, there isn't, governor hochul, in part because of the system you advocated for that you refuse to dismantle even though she threatened to remove d.a. alvin bragg, he has
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been letting perps like this go free. >> the media are not doing their jobs in new york. when reporters are in her company, they need to ask her this question. if you weren't running to try to keep the seat that you got from someone who was under a sex investigation, andrew cuomo, would you fight harder for the citizens of your state, would you remove a d.a. that put into place that system that you say didn't work, is broken, and wait for the answer? would she do it differently if her political life were not on the line. would she choose the people of new york instead of herself. would she then? and if not then, when? and if she can't answer that question, then voters can make up their mind between now and tuesday whether they want this woman to be in charge of their state because no matter what stripe you wear, no matter what jersey you wear, republican, democrat, when it is blood stained, that's what counts.
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we watched a murder of a woman that lasted two days. i don't want to get this twisted, i don't want to say the system broke and they didn't do the right thing with him. they haven't done the right thing with him for so long that when they saw what the right thing to do was, they didn't choose it. they thought that was a misdemeanor because it was a stand-alone crime. it's not. we watched her die in slow motion. kiara is her name. she died in slow motion. she started dying the day he was beating her in front of the kids and lord knows how many times that happened and then he finished the job after they let him go without bail. in front of his children. and the governor, i don't know what she says privately, she ought to make her response public, if it has anything to do with i'm part of that system and we failed. we didn't just fail the mom, we failed those children who sat there and watched mommy die in slow motion across two days.
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>> i actually argue we watched it for 15 years. that's the duration that monster served in prison that the judge wasn't allowed to take into account because he or she can't take into account the dangerousness of a perp, thanks to legislation that occurs. >> he beat her across two days. >> the reason he was beating her, according to now deceased kiara, he had beaten the daughter, she intervened and that was the problem. he is enjoying his breaths while kiara is not. according to campaigning, she said i am not going to stop looking the camera in the eye until every new yorker feels safe. too late. >> she called it a conspiracy, people were worried about crime. why does lee zeldin care about keeping guys like this locked up. she said that allowed. i would say she's in charge of the system. she's the governor of the state of new york. you are not a bystander, you are the governor of the state. part of this is on you, at least
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the policy, you refused to change your stripes on it, won't change your tune to modulate for a campaign and she has to answer for some of the results. >> she was appointed to that seat. maybe there's rethought to two things in state of new york. can the public recall someone like alvin bragg or do you have to wait for the governor to do it, a governor that may not quite know how to do her job because she didn't earn it from the electorate. andrew cuomo left and she slid into it, maybe she wasn't the right person. should they have open elections when those seats become available. especially after scandal. i am not a new yorker, i live in new jersey. >> and all of the documents won't be released by the court or d.a.'s office, the post has been asking about it. they said you have to do this, you have to do this. >> you can get it cht. >> what pains me most is being soft on crime is really, really hard on communities of color. and we talk about diversity and the party that cares about all
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americans, and we continue to see this pattern, so kiara should be one of the names we say and remember as a mom, as a woman, that is the consequence of not rolling back these bail reforms that benefits the bad guys. no wonder we have so many nypd officers flocking out of the force. i think the last number i saw which is scary, 42% more cops left in 2022 while these policies continue. it is really hard. >> shouldn't have to say her name at all. unfortunately it is one more adding to the list. coming up, aoc the latest liberal whining about elon musk's decision to make twitter users pay up for blue check marks. their whar of words next.
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we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles you're bringing to kids faces every day. will today be the day you send your love to the rescue? when you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change a life forever. because of you, we're happy and i know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently. or go to right away. >> she's using her words on
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twitter and then twitter is using its words or something. alexandria ocasio-cortez, congresswoman from new york is going after twitter's new owner elon musk for his plan to charge $8 a month for twitter users to receive a verified blue check. here's what she tweeted. lmao. laughing my -- off. trying to sell people on the idea that free speech is an $8 a month subscription plan. elon musk fired back your feedback is appreciated. now pay $8. he also defended his new service fee by pointing out this sweatshirt on aoc's website that cost $58. she claimed her twitter account seemed to suddenly breakdown, my twitter says notifications aren't working tonight, i was informed via text i seem to have
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gotten under a certain billionaire's skin. just a reminder money will never buy your way out of insecurity, folks. then she issued another tweet that corrected the spelling of the word buy, should have been b-u-y. >> this is funny that it is happening on twitter. point taken, that is the platform you get to engage. we are in free enterprise. you don't like to pay it, don't buy it. give up your starbucks and let the bird tell the stories you want to tell. all blue check markets here. start adjusting your budgets because we have to pay. i'm okay with that. not surprised that marketers will have cancelled budgets because of twitter being now elon musk's platform. i think it is a smart move, creating a new revenue stream, anyone wants to pay, do it, and if you don't, move on. >> interesting point.
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he will be seeing celebrities, are those the people that were moving to canada if trump was in office? because they didn't go. they're still here. >> i wonder when the brands cancel twitter because of ownership. that's the point of freedom of speech, right? >> emily, i am curious, didn't we report a few days ago it was $20. the price went to 8, if we wait long enough? >> what i find amusing about what aoc said, first of all, it isn't necessarily the definition of free speech as this is a private company. he took the company private. in terms of subscription it doesn't matter about the blue check mark. she from the beginning advocated for extensive followers to be with her in this process, right, she's really live streamed a lot of her experience there on the hill and said she's committed to including everyone. so my point is she should be the first advocate to breathe a sigh
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of relief, now it is about the public town square, shouldn't matter about the price. shouldn't she be championing the changes despite the hubris of tech workers that thought they were insulated and untouchable for so long. the reality, they're employees of a normal company that's actually private and he's their boss. if anything, she should work harder appreciating the fact that people under her watch and average americans now actually get a say at the town square table. >> it is interesting. i'm looking back. was she selling the sweatshirts on twitter or just on her website? >> her website, yeah. >> and there is a connection to her website on her twitter page, i'm going to check it out, see if that's the case. the point i'm getting to, is she making money on the deal? i want to see if that's true. >> am i mistaken or does she drive a tesla?
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she has given him thousands of dollars for her car, that will never not be funny to me. the other thing, we're seeing this from her and other people complaining about the dollar amount attached to monthly fee, if you want to keep the blue check mark, treating it if the blue check goes away, they can no longer tweet. tweeting ends without the check mark. you can keep tweeting. you just won't have the thing, that's up to you. it is a weird conflation they're making. >> under her profile, this is significant to me. she has been making $58 a sweatshirt as long as she has been able to sell them, i think she was having other issues with the sweatshirts and where they were made. is listed under bronx, queens, new york city. i don't know. she doesn't talk about the people of her district, but they're welcome to buy stuff if they want to click off twitter and pay $58 for a sweatshirt. does she owe him a cut of that money? >> harris, great point.
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she uses twitter to fund raise. all of washington, reporters, newspapers use twitter to financially gain. this is their currency, this is where they put out breaking news and their articles. they use this stream to make money. so do the politicians, congressmen and women, they depend on twitter. elon says you want to make money off twitter? guess what, pay up. by the way, i may fact check you like i did the white house causing them to take down the tweet. >> and that's for free. >> and that's for free. >> the fact check is for free. all right. coming up, stephen colbert accused tieued or dixon about lying about a democrat voter who switched sides. we have the video that shows he is very real. the story next.
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we'll come to you pay you on the spot then pick up your car that's it at carvana ♪ ♪ >> late night host stephen colbert accused gop candidate tudor dixon of lying about a democrat voter that switched sides. turns out he's got it all wrong. he mocked a story told in a debate last week. >> this is not the only one worried about this issue, so is this guy she totally made up. >> had a gentleman come up to me a few nights ago, said i found content in my school library describing how to have sex to my son. i went to the democrats and i said i cannot believe this is in there. >> okay. fine.
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that happened. >> but the man does exist. and dixon's story was, in fact, real. >> parents, concerned parents -- and thank you for being a mother. i am along with hundreds, maybe thousands of people who are ready for the red tsunami. >> i am real, he said. that's the 41-year-old muslim american from dearborn, michigan. but dismissed by stephen colbert, by someone with a huge microphone and platform because he felt it was unbelievable. the audience felt it was
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comical, but it is not. it is real and that is real life. >> he's concerned about his kids, he said in multiple stories about this i didn't really expect to be voting republican but here we are because of a school issue. this is another example of elite sneering at parents and their worries about their own kids and their education. i thought tudor dixon who is the republican who told the accurate story and was lampooned for it had good response for why it happened and why colbert was wrong. that's where the democrats are now. you don't exist. your stories aren't important. and i think that's tapping into something that's real. we saw it in virginia and new jersey a year ago and i suspect we'll see it again in five days. >> gosh, she's right. we talk about it in horrifying context of crime victims. as things being dismissed. just google it, how hard is it to exercise some diligence to see if it's true before you mock it in front of your hundreds of
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thousands of members of the audience. >> this falls on colbert's team as well. his team is writing a lot of that material or editing a lot of that material and nobody thought to google it, nobody thought to see, let's double check. because these mistakes happened before. i have looked at times when president biden has talked about something and we'll say wow, he knew this train conductor? no, he didn't. and his family, the one story he tells with the person on his way to scranton on the year used to talk to, we were good friends. the family of the gentleman who was deceased by the time biden's story would have begun had it been true, every time he brings it up it is painful for them. they've spoken about that. so people can get things wrong, they can be fact checked.
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col colbert, will he fix it. he could have him on. i could write that segment. that would then require that man to say why he is voting the way he is, i don't know if his audience would like that. >> that's the point, too. the amplification is so much more diluted with apology, fact checking correction, than it is with the lie to begin with. >> lifelong democrat, father of five, immigrated from yemen. has to say i am real. let me let colbert know it is not just him who is real, there's an entire movement that's real. he must not be paying attention. we call it the forgotten man and women. flyover country, michigan, wisconsin, red in 2016. they're real, exerted their voice, not just a person, we saw it in loudon county, saw it in new jersey and florida, when desantis school board members
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save a few won elections. it is not a person, it is a movement. they're very real. you will hear them loud and clear tuesday. >> what is it about the hubris of the left, the elite, the condescension of the progressive left that somehow emboldens them to dismiss a man, a story. what a joke. and that is so liberated so often every day until november 8th when it is a rude awakening of the movement that's very real. >> it is ignorant, not saying that, the quote from mr. kalil who came out and is real said it, called it out. it is ignorant, it is sloppy. a lot of people don't realize the world of entertainment and these stages have a big responsibility. when i'm sitting here with you ladies and gentlemen, there's all this paper you see around us. that's called homework, called due diligence. it takes time to be accurate. but i guess when you don't agree
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with a story, the diligence of accuracy and homework gets toned down or lowers the standard and shouldn't be, that's irresponsible with millions of people that are probably watching you and the way you are shaping culture with what we say from these. >> they would say we're just a comedy show, but the guests were elizabeth warren and former energy secretary, that's a barrel of laughs. no wonder. >> it is very political. if you are allergic to facts about the man who says, who has to say i am real from the right, then obviously you're allergic to anything that might be funny if you have them on. not saying they don't have potential to be funny, but come on, a lot of these people, five days from election that matters to everybody in this country, you don't think senator elizabeth warren cares about how the senate is going to be run? she might not be one of the members of the majority. look, i know it was likely a mistake, saying clean it up,
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bu buttercup. >> as you say, there needs to be responsibility, but i don't see that anytime soon out of mainstream immediate. up next, pizza for thanksgiving? the reality for millions of americans who say they can't keep up with sky high inflation as the holidays approach. that's next. ♪ ♪ all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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>> five days to go. new fox news poll shows herschel walker among those certain to get vote. jessica you are who have and who will molly hemingway. and what are they doing to liar prices? senator john barrasso is here. and rick scott reacts to the fact that republicans want to cut social security and medicare. a big show lined up for today. john roberts. sandra and i will see you top of the hour for "america reports." >> does higher cost of living mean domino's for thanksgiving? i wouldn't be disappointed.
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i love it. survey finds one in five doubt whether they'll have enough money to cover the cost of the traditional thanksgiving feast, and the democratic that feels most financially pinched is generation z who are opting for meals of soup, salad, pizza. families are coping cutting back on big dinners, eliminating one dish to save money, asking guests to bring their own booze due to high cost of just about everything. maybe our president has some helpful words, maybe not. listen. >> that's called inflation, end of the month, what you have left, you have no money, that's inflation. the things you need, are they going up. they are. they are. >> harris, you have thoughts on that sound bite. >> yeah, he just can't dial up the empathy for people that he literally doesn't see. we had a statistic on the faulkner focus that shows that
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red states will struggle more than blue states, and you would hope, and you know the white house gets these stats. and into that speech last night you would hope somebody would say before you further divide the nation and make anybody voting for republicans a villain consider the fact that a lot of poor and economically challenged people live in some of our beautiful states that vote a certain way, they're red states. >> i just would hope he would have somebody on a team. hope is not strategy. i don't think that that person is being listened to, if they do exist. the greatest problem that i have with what the president says about inflation is that he talks to us like he is a professor on it. and if he knew that much about it, then he would know there are some things from the bully pulpit that he could pull into action. he is not utilizing any of those th things, not putting pressure. he is not saying your answer won't drive down inflation, he didn't say we can't call it the
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inflation reduction act, the cbo, we know, go back to the table, draw some more. he doesn't do that. >> emily, not much time to play it, in october he said americans are squeezed for cost of living. >> inflation was a high class problem. i guess messaging changes, although lack of empathy does not. i have to say that the point of thanksgiving in part is the connections, family time, the tradition. a lot of traditions including family recipes. if people can't afford to make that family recipe that's near and dear to them because butter is up 37%, i appreciate the coping mechanisms people are employing. maybe we're not doing this side this year. but that hurts and that's important. and i note, too, in furtherance of biden's america that premiums haven't hit restaurants at much, we're being encouraged make the reservations at a restaurant,
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but call ahead because they're short staffed and not open for the hours they used to be. no matter where you turn -- >> we only have 30 seconds, not playing well with latinos. >> i quoted numbers early. latest numbers, 45% positive among hispanics, based on 240,000 data points, and the top issue is the economy and inflation. and when turkey is up 28% versus last year, that's an expensive turkey. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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travel again, survey of 2,000 americans who have traveled internationally in the last 14 months revealed that 66% have a desire to revenge travel, wanting to travel more after feeling like you missed out on time and experiences due to the pandemic. and nearly 60% say they were able to take a once in a lifetime adventure in 2022. i ventured into my 15-year-old's bedroom after quite some time, i've got to tell you, i could sell tickets. i mean -- you could not see the floor, there was stuff everywhere -- no, i digress. where did you go? some revenge travel? >> oh, yeah, being cooped up in the house or apartment for that long i was just itching to get out, and prices were crazy, prices on airfare is getting worse, revenge travel desire -- >> fuel, a lot of reasons.
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>> and you look at the iphone, maybe less revenge. >> worker shortages are driving that. fewer flights, everything goes up. >> who commissions the survey, it was a travel company. of course they are going to say it's our way of phrasing it, and they also included in there over a third had luggage lost, canceled and delayed flights, fuel charges, a lot of the travel might have to be staycations or maybe home cleaning, the better. >> lost bags and i started with pack your bags. maybe wear a backpack? >> carry-on. >> i have standards. >> i never check in and i did check two bucket list places. >> you did. >> ireland and san miguel, i was there last week, leading up to the day of the dead, thanks to my friend terri, we are experiences, exploring the world and maybe our way to help the economy. everyone chip in and pack your
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bags. >> i'm the opposite. during covid i was in six states a day, i was on the campaign trail in 2020, i want a staycation to be home with my husband and daughter, like the idea of locking down. >> staycation, i love it. don't forget to keep us close. dvr us if you missed the show. now here is "america reports." >> john: i just take my revenge harley wherever i need to go. thanks, harris. just five days left until the election, two big name democrats coming to the big apple to help governor kathy hochul survive what has turned into a very competitive race. both hillary clinton and vice president kamala harris will appear with hochul this afternoon in an effort to mobilize voters. >> sandra: lee zeldin gaining ground, large part to crime. two all-star panels, sean and jessica on the prominent
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