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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 3, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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the flying squirrel comes to mind. we do not have a private jet. hannity probably has the jet. we do not have the jet. other than that, it is exactly the same. exactly the same. that's it for us. dvr the show. that's a threat and an order. tucker is up next. always remember, i am watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to t"tucker carlson tonight." if you're an american, you assume there's one kind of democracy, the kind you grew up with. that would be the democracy where citizens govern themselves through elected representatives, chosen in free and fair elections by secret ballot. in that democracy, you get to elect anyone you want because it is your government. the country belongs to you, its citizens. that's traditional
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american democracy. it exists to serve you. that's the know the only kind of democracy, there's also the soviet version of democracy, same word but very different definition. bowl has conviction took power by promising more democracy. the country that created the soviet union became the most impressive police state in human history. yet it was, you should know, a democracy. that's what they called it. east germany was a democracy, too, so was north vietnam, and ethiopia, and albania. democracies all. in his first speech as leader of north korea in 1946, kim i will sung talked about destruction of opposition to his rule, killing of political opponents as democratic reform. almost 80 years later, kim jong-un continues to run north korea as a democracy, a soviet style democracy. so again, they're using a very different definition of the word.
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in their version of democracy all decisions are made by a shadowy oligarchy. front by a strong man. the point isn't to find out what the population thinks or wants, it is to lend aura of legitimacy to criminals already in charge. here is joseph stalin bragging about results of the 1937 soviet election where his party won 99.4% support. 89 million votes to 562,000 votes for the other guys, whoever they were. >> our elections stalin went on to say are the only free and democratic elections in the whole world. at the moment stalin spoke those words, he was busy murdering more than a million citizens for
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political crimes in what became known as the great purge. across the ocean here in the u.s. it was clear even at the time what was happening in the soviet union. stalin show trials were public and obviously totalitarian. but the american left supported stalin anyway, that includes some of our country's most famous intellectuals and celebrities and journalists. "new york times" was all in. this turned out to be the version of democracy they supported, stalin's version. why are we telling you all of this? because you're hearing a lot about democracy lately. it is important to understand which version they're talking about. joe biden gave a speech about democracy last night. here's part of what he said. >> there's something else at stake, democracy itself. i'm not the only one who sees it. we must vote knowing what's at stake, not just the policy of the moment, but institutions that have held us together as we sought a more perfect union are also at stake.
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we must vote knowing who we are then, what we're at risk of becoming. this is the struggle we're now in, a struggle for democracy. a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress. a struggle for the very soul of america itself. make no mistake, democracy is on the ballot for all of us. >> democracy is on the ballot, says joe biden. no, joe biden, names of candidates are on the ballot. democracy is not on the ballot because democracy isn't determined by the outcome of an election. democracy is the election itself. democracy is the process by which citizens choose how they will be governed according to their own desires. that's their choice. it's not yours. but joe biden is telling you the opposite and you should know that. he is telling you unless you arrive at a very
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specific outcome, the very outcome he commands you to arrive at, the system itself is illegitimate. we control the system, we have a more will a right to control the system. therefore, if we lose control of the system, the system itself can no longer exist. this is a dramatic misreading of what american democracy is. in american democracy, people that control the system only have a right to control the system to the extent the public grants them that right through voting. what biden is describing is the soviet version of democracy, where elections exist to ratify the status quo, to bolster the cabal already in power. that's effectively what the democratic party is saying out loud now. here is barack obama. >> i understand that democracy might not seem like a top priority right now, but we have seen throughout history and we see right now around the world what happens when you give up on democracy.
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you can see it in countries where the government tells you what books you can and cannot read, countries where if you dissent, you are put in jail, countries where reporters are silenced. >> oh, he is slick. but it is hard to believe he really means that. quote, i understand that democracy might not seem like a top priority now, said barack obama. really? the opposite is so obviously true. democracy is very much a top priority for so many americans this november. and that's why you're seeing record turnout in midterm elections because voters are using the only power they have, their ballots, in our democracy to punish their reckless, incompetent leaders and replace them with somebody else. so what you are seeing unmistakably is democracy in action. that would be very obvious to anyone that believes that democracy means representation. but to those that believe that democracy means
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supporting the democratic party no matter what it does, to those people, this moment has a very different feel. this moment feels like an emergency. a rejection of joe biden's party from their perspective is the end of the system itself, and they clearly believe that, they mean it. that's why the biden administration spent the last two years destroying the two prerequisites for american democracy, those would be free speech and the rule of law. that's why they silenced disobedient reporters, put their political opponents in jail. it is why fbi agents with automatic rifles dragged christians from their homes for the crime of praying at an abortion clinic. nonviolent protesters remain in jail for daring to walk into what used to be called the people's house because as far as the democratic party is concerned, that house no longer belongs to the people, it belongs to the party, along with the entire u.s. government and the nation itself. that's how they think. if you really believe that you had a moral right to
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govern forever, and they really do believe that, you would see elections very differently. you wouldn't view the loss of a midterm cycle as the usual healthy rebalancing of american politics, too far one direction, swing back toward the other side, the kind of thing that happened countless times in our, yes, democracy. that's what's supposed to happen. but you wouldn't see that. you wouldn't see the loss of your own political power as loss of everything, as total destruction of the system itself, the beginning of the dark ages. if you believe that, you might be hysterical, and they are. watch. >> democracy is at stake in this election, nevada. >> made it clear that democracy is at stake this november. >> democracy is at stake this november. >> democracy is at stake. >> our democracy is at st stake. >> the future of our democracy is at stake. >> we all know democracy is at stake. >> this is the most important election coming up, democracy is at stake.
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>> nothing less than the future of democracy is at stake. >>. >> tucker: it is nonsensical to most americans. isn't this democracy? dissatisfied with one thing, we are choosing another? isn't that the most basic right? no. not according to the people you just saw. and keep in mind, those weren't just talking points you heard, the people mouthing those words believe them sincerely, every one of them, and they're emotional about it. because if the democratic party goes, so do they. the party is the only power they have. once that party has been rejected, they'll be nothing but what they already are, sad middle aged immediate ooh objecting krit ohs with nothing interesting to say. everything is on the line for them. they can't lose. and because they can't lose they're getting explicit about what if. here's ron klain, joe biden's all powerful chief of staff issuing explicit threat to anyone thinking of voting the wrong way next tuesday.
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>> the president decided a few days ago it was important to issue one final warning on this issue, to make very clear to leave no doubt that we have people out there still pedalling the big lie, people now raising the election of election denial in this election. >> tucker: one final warning? one final warning, really? who do you think you're talking to, ron klain, illiterate villagers? we are americans. we are free people. you don't get to warn us of anything, much less for the last time. this is your final warning. yeah. don't think so. you don't get to say that, ron klain. you don't get to say anything like that ever because this is a democracy. an american democracy. not a soviet democracy. in our system you don't get to issue orders to the rest of us on the eve of an election. no. you beg for our consent because our consent is the only legitimacy you have. this is our government, it
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is not yours. you are the servant, we are the boss. act like it. teddy vance is running in oh ohio. thanks for coming on. how is it in a system designed to serve desires and needs of the public that an election outcome the people don't like is the end of the system. isn't it in fact a heartwarming piece of evidence that the system works? >> yeah, tucker. when people say that our democracy is under threat, what they typically mean is that people who actually challenge the establishment might get an opportunity to govern which is exactly what i think will happen in our race and a number of other races in about five days, tucker. one of the crazy things and one of the really big ways in which the democrats and establishment really suppress anti-establishment candidates is by flooding the zone with a ton of
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money. i'm running against democrat tim ryan who has this tech backed fundraising platform where he raised $65 million, that's not a threat when the tech industry promotes tim ryan's fundraising and suppress information on our race and others, but it is a threat to democracy when people vote the way they want to anyway. it doesn't make sense. it is why, tucker, people need to vote. go to j dd vance, they need to not listen to sensors and warnings. we are free people and need to let people know that november 8th. >> if you believed in democracy, you would want each congressional district in a statewide race to get representatives that closely near the views he represents. tim ryan who represented youngstown, conservative democrats, moved way left, way left, crazy left, at
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the behest of his tdonors. how is that democracy? >> it is not. it is oligarchy. tim ryan is the poster for oligarchy. look at green energy, bad for people of youngstown ohio, look at views on flooding america with illegal aliens, using tax dollars to fund gender reassignment for those aliens, that's what tim ryan proposed doing. you realize that this is not about letting the will of the people determine elections, that's not why people are threatening, that's not why they're warning, not why they're censoring, the will of the people is to get back to common sense, inflation policies to, to secure the border, that's democracy in action. that's a great thing, tucker. that's not what they offer. they offer the donor class of the democratic party
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continuing to control what democrats say and what ultimately happens in our government. i don't think we're going to let it happen any more. five days, tucker, we send a big message, that's not how it works in this country any longer. >> last question, jd advance, may be the last chance we speak before the election, and god speed. you were a best selling author, businessman, didn't need the job, big paycut, hassle for the family. you did it because you wanted to be a citizen legislator. there are a lot of candidates on the republican side that did the same thing. isn't that what a democracy is supposed to produce? yet you're attacked as threat to democracy. how does that work? >> well, it is because i'm not a threat to democracy, tucker, i'm a threat to the existing power structure in this country that we have to remember has gotten rich by shipping our industrial base to china and has thrown a set of values in our schools, even in our military onto the american people, that the american people never asked for and
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none of us actually want. we have to remember that offshoring and woke ideology and gender reassignment surgeries for nine-year-old kids, that's all part of the same ruling class set of ideas. those of us fighting back against it, and i certainly think i am not the only one, those of us fighting against it are doing what democracy demands of us which is taking the will of the people and translating it hopefully to effective public policy that pushes back against the craziness. it is not a threat to democracy, tucker, it is the very realization of democracy. i think our founding fathers gave us a great system, but we have to fight for it, and we have to preserve it, and when people say we are threatening democracy, we need to ignore them. the will of the people is democracy and that's a great thing. >> amen. really, best of luck. jd vance, great to see you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: among many candidates on the republican side this year, running for office, who never ran for office before, never served in
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congress, james judge, running for the house from florida, tampa bay area. i think newly redrawn district. thank you so much for joining us tonight. you're running against an incumbent who if i get this right, i think they're part of the democratic majority in congress, therefore part of the problem. have you been treated as a breath of fresh air by media in tampa bay area as someone who is embodying the values of democracy or the opposite? >> well, thank you so much for having me on, tucker. i greatly appreciate it. i would say quite the opposite. you know, we have called the media out for not covering this race, they're not interested in covering this race. you know, locally we've had issues trying to get the message out. my opponent is an incumbent democrat in office since 2006, cosponsored legislation to defund police, pushes the radical agenda. she's the problem we're up against. i am not a career politician, not part of
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the washington establishment. i am going there to disrupt things and turn our country back to the people so they're not exactly thrilled. we had an issue this week where kathy caster walked into a polling precinct, broke the law, tried to coerce voters there, and the immediate didn't want to cover it for two days. this program is the first program that reached out to line up something last night, since then, the media subsequently is interested in it, hillsborough sheriff office is investigating and criminal investigation into my opponent now. >> tucker: well, that's a felony. she's being investigate by the police she voted to defund. really quick, i'm confused. how could you two-and-a-half years after this insanity began with the death of george floyd, how could anybody that supported defunding the police be elected to any office anywhere? >> it is outrageous. it is the worst possible idea you could do.
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and you know, it goes in line with she wants to take guns away. you want to take guns away, when we had riots in the streets, setting cities on fire, you need guns to protect yourselves. police weren't coming for you then, and they made it hard for police officers to do their jobs. i would like to get there, make the country more safe, support men and women in law enforcement that do such a great job every day. and the unsung hero is the poll watcher that reported the incident and turned it over. since then, they filed their, we filed complaint, they're investigating it, and she's under criminal investigation. another member of congress under criminal felony investigation going into the election. >> tucker: for tampering with an election. maybe the president will point that out since he is a democracy defender. great to see you, james judge. >> great to see you, thank you, tucker. >> tucker: we'll have months and years to understand exactly why what's happening now politically is happening,
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but it's got to be true one of the main reasons republicans are pulling ahead, seem like they're about to win, is because the southern border is gone. more than 5 million people have broken our laws to come here. we don't know who they are. we did a documentary on this for a series, tucker carlson originals. bill ma luge and is a part of it and joins us from the border next.
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hi, i'm darlene and i lost 40 pounds with golo in just eight months. golo has really taught me how to eat better and feel better. as long as you eat the right food groups in the right amounts, that's all it is. it's so simple and it works. golo was the smartest thing i ever did.
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- my name is deven schei and i served in the united states army. back in 2004 when my brother came back from his first tour, he asked me to make him a promise and that promise was if anything ever happened to him overseas that i would finish what he started. unfortunately, my brother was shot in 2005 in the head in mosul, iraq. three years later, i knew that i needed to fulfill that promise. it was about finishing what the schei name started.
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and july 2nd, 2010, we were called on a mission. and that was the day i got hit. transitioning back to civilian life was extremely difficult. you feel like an outsider every it was hard to admit defeat. and that's exactly what i felt like i was doing when i finally contacted the wounded warrior project. i knew that i needed help. and when i reached out, they gave me tools to better my life. they truly saved my life.
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>> tucker: one of the reasons it looks like the people that currently run the government are about to be repudiated in historic way next tuesday is that they have completely opened the southern border over which more than 5 million foreign nationals have come in and broken laws by doing it. the situation at the border is not getting better, you would think it would with election coming, but it is worse. bill melugin has amazing footage for us. hey, bill. >> hey, tucker, that's right. the illegal crossings down here in eagle pass area are nonstop. we had an absolutely enormous group cross this morning. want to show you remarkable drone footage the team shot before the sun came up. this is a fox news thermal capable drone showing several hundred migrants
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crossing into normandy, texas, a tiny town on the outskirts of eagle pass. as illegal immigrants come in, they snake in through the brush after crossing the rio grande. a source telling us as of this morning in a 24 hour span in this sector, there were more than 1700 illegal crossings. you can see from the video almost all of the people coming in are single adults, had a chance to talk to a lot of them as they walked up, mostly from cuba, colombia, nicaragua, uraguay and dominican republic. you see them walking in single file line, willing to surrender to border patrol. they do that because they know once they step food in the united states under the biden administration, they're likely released into the united states rather than removed from the country. we had a chance to talk to a lot of migrants walking up for processing, asked them a simple question in spanish. do you believe the border is open or is it closed. everybody who talked to us laughed and smiled and said i didn't tell open, i
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didn't tell -- it's open, it's open. we see groups like this every single day out here in the eagle pass area. to put it in perspective for you, we had a group in the same spot yesterday, and yesterday in a one hour span had more than 800 illegal crossings. back here live, a cbp source says there have been 46,000 illegal crossings, not including the thousands of known get aways. >> greatest crime committed against the united states, by far. nothing has come close to what we are seeing now. no one has reported on it mo more than you. i want to show reporting for the documentary battle for the border on fox nation. here's a clip. stay there. i want to put this up. tens of thousands of illegal aliens coming across every month only make it easier for cartels to smuggle drugs through
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the big ben sector. >> smugglers love this area, it is so open, so remote, so easy to hide, not as many border patrol agents looking for them. >> tucker: resources are already stretched thin. customs and border protection and department of public safety have cameras through the desert to identify illegal crossers, but the technology isn't enough. the only way to stop deadly drugs from entering this country is hunting smugglers in person. on the ground, in the field. abandoned drug bundles litter the desert floor, ditched by smugglers that hear law enforcement helicopters overhead. after hiding drugs, this he blend in with immigrant groups to get away scott free. >> sergeant morris decided he wanted to find drug bundles. >> tucker: he joined a mission to recover bundles with sorj morris. >> we investigate, get two bundles with 100 pounds of
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marijuana. >> look like worth landing for sure. there it is. from the air could see a square. >> how the hell did you see it from the air? >> doing it awhile, the eye is strained. haven't seen a square rock before. he this break in, we are looking around here. should be another bundle here. >> i fw through tsa tomorrow, drug dogs will light me up. >> come up here. there you go. there it is. yeah. awesome. >> here we go. >> but perfectly intact, good condition here. look at that. >> we're going to pull the duct tape off. shoot. holy smokes, what have we got. >> tucker: we've done the story so many times, but pictures are still stunning. bill, people who are still two years in living next to this day to day, what is their view of the border right now?
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>> well, they're frustrated because they feel like it is just getting worse and worse and numbers back that up. fiscal year '21 broke the record with 1.7 million illegal crossings. then we broke the record again in fiscal 2022 with 2.4 million crossings and there's been no action, no change in policy from the administration, and the numbers don't even count for the known got aways. we are pushing over # million known got aways since president biden took office, that's what border patrol agents are most concerned about, it is not the families or people willing to turn themselves in. what happens when big groups come across, border patrol agents are sucked up having to process them, and then bad actors and drugs slip in elsewhere along the border, tucker? >> tucker: and no one in washington cares. i wish desantis would send 10,000 more to bethesda. wake those people up. documentary is on fox nation, free membership at
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tucker the country could be weeks away from running out of diesel fuel. well, everything runs on diesel. diesel fuel, no jet fuel, what's that going to look at. we've got details next.
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>> tucker: according to the energy information administration, the united states is about to run out of diesel fuel. supply of diesel will be exhausted in less than a month. what will that mean exactly? currently seven states are at, quote, alert level four. the southeast in code red. that means 72 hour notice required for all fuel delivery in anticipation of shortages. diesel shortage is a symptom of a larger problem, distill ats, including jet fuel, and lowest recorded levels in more than a decade. there are a lot of reasons for this. the biden war against russia is the main one. but the effect on the
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country, that's the question tonight. what will that mean if we run out of distillates in the middle of winter. mike taylor from energy services joins us. thanks for coming on. so what will that look like exactly? >> well, tucker, i am hearing from suppliers that seems like we're walking a fine tight rope on home heating oil and diesel supply. i can only speak to the northeast. they're telling me in reserves we're at 60% of a five year average. all our heating oil, most of it comes from philadelphia market, lynn den, new jersey. good news, a refinery in new jersey is coming back online, produces 105 million barrels a day. that will help the northeast. all the oil comes out of that region floats through the new york harbor and supplies new england. we've seen shortages in early on october. suppliers are saying it is a fine tight rope if we
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have a drastically cold winter could be trouble. >> tucker: could be trouble in the richest developed nation in the world, afraid of winter. what will that mean for prices for heating oil and kerosene which a lot of people use in trailers, what will that look like in february? >> no question already we've seen home heating oil up 3.50 a gallon. retail home heating is over $6 a gallon. kerosene when we get it is at 7. as we have spoken, mobile homes use kerosene, it is hard to get and will be unaffordable. climate change agenda in the northeast is what's causing this. across the country demonization of fossil fuels. but in new york state, new jersey, we're on fast track to eliminate fossil fuels with no alternatives anybody can afford. i don't know if we told you -- >> price of cord wood goes
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up. >> absolutely. in new york state, they outlawed natural gas, heating gas, appliances in the home. new jersey outlawing boilers in 2025. any boiler, 1 million btus and up, natural gas and heating oil systems, there are 8300 of them have to convert to electricity. tucker, new jersey estimated it will cost over $2 million to convert each of these buildings and admitted with operating cost five to six times using electricity over natural gas. crash course we are on in the northeast is undescribable. >> tucker: that's the definition of insanity. appreciate you coming in. thank you. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> tucker: among many citizens never in politics before who jumped in, are trying to exercise democracy as it is meant to be, maybe the most impressive running for congress this cycle, a man called joe kent from washington state. heard that previous
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segment. joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. as a result of these theories, this ideology, this weird religion that well educated white liberals seem to have fallen for in the last 15 years, we're about to run out of diesel fuel and heating oil? why isn't anyone held responsible for this? >> we're in a very dangerous position now, tucker. not only are the lives of everyday americans being destroyed because of these energy policies, joe biden came in office, day one killed our own pipelines, stopped issuing exploratory drilling. now the energy industry has been crushed and trickle down effect is people have inflation out of control, taking away one month of their wages. but at a broader scale we have an energy crisis that makes us extremely vulnerable. we have caught biden dipping into the strategic petroleum reserves that's only to be used in time of an actual emergency. at the same time, biden is pushing us towards an actual emergency by pushing us into the war in
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ukraine. we are closer to nuclear conflict than we have been since the cuban missile crisis. not only is biden destroying lives of americans, he is pushing us towards an absolute disaster, a nuclear war. that's why this election is critical. >> tucker: it is. i should remind the viewers, you spent more than 20 years in uniform. you understand this topic. you run against marie perez, asked in recent debate about males playing in female sports. i want to play for the audience. >> do you support biological males competing in biological female sports? >> i think that is -- it depends. what are hormone levels. when you look at athlete have all different natural
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hormone levels, so it is a nuanced question. >> tucker: your grin in that clip. why were you grinning? >> i mean, you can't make this up, tucker. it's almost like she's playing a character. these people actually believe this. more dangerously, i don't know if she truly believes that but she knows she has to genuflect. the message for those that hey, i am not a republican, maybe they're an independent or democrat, there's no moderation any more with the democrat party. they don't even stand for protecting our children. they're okay with biological males going into women's locker rooms, women's bathrooms, competing against them in sports to include contact sports. 10, 15 years ago i don't think there's any democrat that would have tolerated that talk even in their own party, but here we are. this is the mainstream of the democrat party. the democrats here in washington state are doing everything they can to
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build my opponent, the woman you saw, as a moderate. >> look, i'm not calling her an evil person, but such an obvious npr listener. does she have a tote bag from the last drive and six cats, do you know? >> i am not 100% sure. i think she's done her fair share of pledging and gives her full allegiance. it was on opb debate. she said six police officers were killed and the moderator fact checked her, no police officers were killed on january 6. she's more extreme than the average npr listener. >> tucker: wow. that's saying a lot. we are fervently rooting for you. joe kent, thanks so much. >> thank you very much, tucker. >> tucker: so they want you to shut up. they want you to shut up. no questions in our democracy. but there are questions about what happened in nancy pelosi's house last friday night. a lot of people don't want
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you to ask those questions, including former cnn plus star, is that oxymoron, saying it anyway, rex chapman. he is on twitter and in posts the other day announced if you don't buy the official story line, you think paul pelosi must be gay, which according to liberals, it is bad to be. we can't keep up. but rex chapman is pretty sure nancy pelosi's husband is not gay because nancy pelosi is a smoke show. by the way, embarrassing to read this. this was on twitter. i love nancy pelosi, full disclosure, huge crush, huge, from way back. beautiful, yeah. but big brain. big, big brain. huge confidence. sexy personified. then chapman posted several pictures of paul and nancy pelosi together, all of which does make you kind of wish cnn plus were still on the air. that guy had a show. imagine a full hour of
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that guy telling you that paul pelosi couldn't be gay, not that it is a bad thing. because nancy is hot, smoking hot. who wouldn't watch that? violent crime is surging all over the country, not just right wingers who care, the key part of the democratic base thinks that crime is a top issue heading to midterms because they're human beings. most people hate crime actually except npr listeners. that's next.
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>> tucker: if you're the democratic party of new york, you're calling every union leader and hack and shoveling cashi to keep lee zeldin from winning. he could be the next governor of new york, a state that went for biden by 23 points. what's that about? simple. violent crime. it is out of control, particularly in new york city, destroying the city. for example, around 5:30 a.m. this morning in new york, a homeless man with 25 prior arrests, a suspect in previous sexual assaults who was out on the street, that man raped
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and robbed a 43-year-old woman out jogging in the west village, probably the nicest part of the city. again, this guy was already wanted for two prior sex crimes. one of them back in april sexual assaulted a different woman out for a jog. in october, tried to rip the clothes off a 48-year-old woman walking on fdr drive and then tried to rape her. why was this guy walking around the city this morning. the real question is where was kathy hochul, great defender of women? she's a woman, big feminist. did kathy hochul say anything about this today, anything? it is one of the biggest issues. no, she said nothing. she talked gun control which new york has had for 60 years. stricter gun control. has nothing to do with gun control, this is rape and it has gone way up in new york under heatkathy hochul. registered voters show 82%
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of black democrats believe violent crime is a quote, very important issue. you know who doesn't care about violent crime? people that don't have to deal with it. only 33% of white liberals care. huh. what explains the difference. larry elders, candidate for governor in california host of larry elder show joins us next. thanks for coming on. you would think if you are a feminist candidate and empower women, girl power, and you're kathy hochul and people are being raped in huge numbers in your state you would say something about it maybe? >> well, you would think so. and that poll is very telling. 82% of black democrats believe crime is a very serious problem, only 33% of white democrats feel that way. as you pointed out, that's because they don't have to face the consequences. this is not all that surprising. there's a website called police, and those who are self described,
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tucker, as very liberal were asked how many unarmed black men did the police kill in 2019. half of them thought they killed 1,000, and 5% thought they killed 10,000 unarmed black men. answer according to "the washington post" database was 12. they're not concerned about crime but are very concerned about the systemic racism by the police, why you have all of the d.a.s many backed by george soros money, cashless bail, letting people on the streets. believe they're victims of society instead of victimizing. >> tucker: i am wondering, republicans likely zeldin running on this message are doing well. why isn't every republican, this is a civilization issue. why isn't every republican running on it. >> all the ones i talk to, caroline levitt running in
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new hampshire, crime is an issue around the country and should be, i want to talk more about the white liberal thing. white liberals are often clear and present danger to black people. white liberals incentivized women to marry the government, and you have 70% of black boys and girls entering the world without a father marrying the mother. when we had the recession a bunch of people got wiped out. black net worth fell dramatically. these are white liberals. quick point. one of my friends is the economist, walter williams. he wrote a column where he issued proclamation giving white people for all the bad things in the past to stop acting like fools because you're hurting us. >> malcolm x was right about them. >> for sure. >> tucker: larry elder, thank you. >> you got it. >> tucker: how desperate is the democratic party? wait until you see the
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bizarre and creepy gimmick they've come up with next.
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>> tucker: why should you vote for beto o'rourke from texas? simple, he loves the ladies. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: message, i'll pay for your abortion. here is stacey abrams who believes she's running for re-election of governor of georgia, gyrating for vote. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: it's not going to work. sean hannity. >> sean: i didn't know you were a tiktok fan. >> tucker: i didn't get that from tiktok. >> sean: just checking. thank you. welcome to "hannity." tonight in just five days you, the american people, make that critical decision you will rehire the politicians who kept you out of work, kept your kids out of school, opened borders, emptied prisons, dismantled the police, drove inflation through the roof, a 40 year high, or send them packing, your choice. polls show the possibility of a


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