tv Hannity FOX News November 3, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> tucker: message, i'll pay for your abortion. here is stacey abrams who believes she's running for re-election of governor of georgia, gyrating for vote. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: it's not going to work. sean hannity. >> sean: i didn't know you were a tiktok fan. >> tucker: i didn't get that from tiktok. >> sean: just checking. thank you. welcome to "hannity." tonight in just five days you, the american people, make that critical decision you will rehire the politicians who kept you out of work, kept your kids out of school, opened borders, emptied prisons, dismantled the police, drove inflation through the roof, a 40 year high, or send them packing, your choice. polls show the possibility of a red wave, but it is
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not at all certain, so be careful. it is not even close. i'm telling everyone to assume that every single race is that close that you, yourself will be the deciding vote. anything can happen. turnout will be key. take nothing for granted. as of now, nearly every major race is dead even in polls or within one to three points. that includes the live free or die great state of new hampshire where a republican is up by one in two brand new poles. straight ahead, bualance duck joins us. we hear from south carolina senator on this race and others, tim scott, and new mexico, their gubernatorial candidate mark ron high temperature oh, polling neck in neck with the state's democratic incumbent. we will check in with carrie lake and blake master's together in arizona. the senate race in the great state of arizona is
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tied, according to new insider advantage poll. i have to imagine it will mean something that the libertarian bailed out, in pennsylvania, less than a point separates dr. oz and the trust fund baby brat in a hoodie fetterman. in nevada, a two point race, in georgia less than a point, in north carolina, it is about five. and wisconsin, anywhere from three to five. high school same thing, between three and five. let me put it this way. it is likely less than 100,000 votes from all these states combined will decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate, and right now, there's no reason to celebrate. these races could go either way. you might remember three states in 2016 combined made the difference, 77,000 votes that put donald trump over the top, and in 2020, three state, 43,000 vote made the difference for joe biden. no one can predict what will happen come election
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day, but i know the democrats are running very scared. we know tonight we are witnessing full on state of panic on the left, and there was no panic when gas prices were spiking or when inflation went through the roof, supposedly transitory. they told us it wasn't a big deal. for months they didn't know there was a baby formula shortage. they frequently accuse us of overreacting to violent crime, crt, afghanistan, the border crisis, fentanyl crisis, yet they're totally unbothered by any of the very real pain and suffering the american people are now facing. 70% of americans fully living paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet. many of those people are not making end meet, and just for bare necessities they are spending on a credit card. all faced with the real possibility of losing an election, democrats are claiming the sky is falling, democracy is in peril, america itself is doomed. high in their ivory tower.
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liberals seem to believe a republican majority in the house or senate is the greatest threat known to man, and by the way, the only way to save democracy is to vote for them. again, and give them more power. power in perpetuity. one party rule forever and ever, amen. does that sound like democracy to you? doesn't to me. right on cue biden declaring the mega maga republicans are a threat to the republic. today his brainless chief of staff, ron klain, referred to the speech as joe's final warning to the country. i hope you were watching. >> the president decided a few days ago it was important to issue one final warning on this issue, to make very clear, to leave no doubt that we have people out there still pedalling the big lie, people now raising the issue of election denial in this election, and of course the horrible incident involving speaker pelosi and her family, you know, showing the rising
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threat of political violence, so i think all those things came together and led the president to make the strong remarks he made last night. >> sean: that stacey abrams needs to stop that. i agree. final warning, rise of political violence because of republicans? we have been consistent. we condemn all violence, condemned it real time on january 6th, condemned it all through the summer of 2020, 574 riots, dozens of dead americans, thousands of cops injured. we have another example of republican house candidate in north carolina, he just had his house shot up. look at that right there. bullets into his home after his democratic opponent featured the house in a campaign ad. and last night someone tried to acost general boldock. earlier, a man tried to stab lee zeldin, going for his carotid on stage. a man assaulted rand paul.
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deranged bernie sanders, rachel maddow super fan shot up a baseball field, nearly killed steve scalise, and unlike the democrats, i don't blame bernie sanders or the democratic party for any of it, but political violence is not this one sided republican issue. there are psychos in both parties and shameful democrats are smearing conservatives for a cheap political win because they can't run on issues they have been successful at. instead of condemning all violence, blame republicans. unfortunately many on the left have totally lost touch with reality. you want case in point, listen to the official presidential historian for nbc news, chick little himself. take a look. >> historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, if there are free publishing houses and free press which i am not certain of, if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact
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whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed. we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away. >> sean: he is trembling with fear from his d.c. mansion. he can't fathom why voters are worried about inflation, gas prices, violent crime, open borders, and the like, woke education. kids aren't learning to read, write, do math, science, history and computers. and chicken little so painfully detached from reality it seems to be rotting his brain. he is not alone. so-called journalists across the country now believe the end is near. these predictions of republican win means life as we know it is over. take a look. >> democracy is in danger all over the world, here in the united states as well, but all over the world, secretary clinton. >> they're pushing out all these polls that muddy up
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the averages and sort of create this narrative of a red wave. if it doesn't happen, aren't we going to be in more danger of violence because they created a narrative and if it doesn't happen, they'll say the whole election was stolen. >> what the president said tonight is that there is a serious chance that if this doesn't go well, we don't have democracy any more. >> for the president and the white house and the americans across the country, there's still a concern about the threat to democracy on multiple fronts. >> i think what the president did is motivate democratic base voters who quite rightly are worried about the existence of our democracy if these trumpy election liars get in. >> sean: try to keep track. according to democrats, if the gop wins an election, democracy will be over, cities will burn, people will die, and republicans will abolish medicare and social security and they will defund the va for good measure. >> they want to gut social
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security and medicare and then give some more tax breaks to the wealthy. >> every year congress doesn't vote it, it goes away, gone. you have been paying social security your whole life. you earned it. now these guys want to take it away. who in the hell to they think they are. excuse my language. >> if you're worried about the economy, cost of living, getting by, think of what it will be like if they go back to higher prescription drug prices, undo what the democrats did, go after social security and medicare and pull it up by the roots. those are serious threats to anybody. >> sean: i will go back to gdp of 1.4%, not 8.5, a 40 year high. go back to $2 gasoline. back to secure borders and
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back to energy independence. i would love that. what they're doing, obama, biden, hillary, they're making it up. it is desperate fear mongering, lying, manipulating the elderly and sick for vote that shows how desperate democrats really are. this big lie that republicans are going to cut social security and medicare, they roll it out every single election. republicans are racist, sexist, homophobhomophobic, isl phobic, transphobic. now they want to take away grandma and grandpa's social security and throw them over the cliff in a wheelchair. they've been using this for decades, republicans never laid a finger on medicare or social security. not one republican said they would. and it is clear democrats have nothing positive to run on. their agenda failed miserably. they have no positive story to tell at home and abroad, and americans are now worse off by every
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single measure. yet they're demanding you reward them and reward their lies and their failures. and you reward the hysteria, vitriol. it is all delusional. thankfully in five days you have the power to send them a message right at the polls. they all need to be fired. here now with reaction, new hampshire governor chris sununu, and new hampshire senate candidate, republican general don bulduc is with us. thank you for both being with us. general, a guy took a swipe at you last night. i know you served ten tours of duty. you have two purple hearts, five medals of valor, a true american hero. i am sure somebody taking a swing at you is not unusual to you, not comfortable though on the other hand. >> well, thank you, sean. my best to your viewers. great to be on.
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it is one of those things that you have to guard against all the time. i am thankful for the police being there to respond quickly. certainly had some supporters that responded quickly. but this guy identified himself quickly. all kept a good eye and i was able to react in plenty of time so nothing happened, the police reacted in plenty of time and the gentleman was arrested and removed from the scene. >> sean: you did a great job during the debate. governor sue new shepard -- sununu, you go up for re-election every two years. your dad is probably very proud of you, as he should be. the reason i argue you're so successful, you are a simple, common sense conservative. when i listen to you speak, it doesn't get complicated, you're there to serve the people of new hampshire and they appreciate it.
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>> look, politics isn't hard. it is just that we have so many entrenched politicians that try to convince something of someone they're not. they don't connect with folks on a very genuine level. here in new hampshire, that's what we're all about. we're about that grass roots, grass tops connection, local control, limited government. that's why general bolduc is doing so well. he has done like 70, 80 town halls, willing to talk about any issue to anyone. doesn't mean we're convincing folks it is our policy or the highway, just connecting with folks, listen with an open ear, understand their issues. general bolduc is running against maggie hassan who doesn't do town halls and doesn't connect with anybody, she's spending 50 million bucks to convince folks she has been here. it is what new hampshire is about. that's why the general is having so much success. be yourself, be normal.
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it ain't tricky. >> sean: governor, i look at your policies. i watched the debate. and general bolduc, i thought you won hands down, did a terrific job, and i was watching a very polished, very seasoned politician that wouldn't even answer a simple question, do you have any restrictions on abortion. the answer was obviously no. and i was thinking about your policies, governor, in particular and what is so successful, what made you so popular. there's not a single thing that i heard from senator ha hassan that matches up to what you're doing in new hampshire, in the granite state. i can't imagine why the people would elect you by 18 points, 20 points and then also elect her. the senator agrees with nothing you stand for. >> no. that's why it is not going to happen. we're going to have a lot of success in new hampshire on tuesday. the democrats, again, their entire campaign,
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look at what they tried to push not just with me and the general, it is negative. they're not about anything. that's what you have to be. in new hampshire, more than anywhere else, we have to look you in the eye, buy you off as a person first. that's why the town halls the general does are important. being out there 24/7 for the last year. doesn't mean you agree with every point but he is connecting and he is listening to them. people want to know as individuals they'll be treated as individuals, not about big government and a system, it isn't about us, it is about individuals and creating that opportunity for them and that's exactly what the general will bring to washington. beholden to nobody, shake things up. we all want washington to change. even democrats want washington to change fundamentally, but at the end of the day, can't keep sending the same people back and expect something different. that's why you're going to see change across the country. it will be a good week this week. >> sean: we say being a politician you're supposed to be a public servant. you served this country
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over 30 years, i mentioned two purple hearts, five medals of valor, you served your country. i listen to senator hassan refer to all the positions you took and things you were advocating, you said i never voted on any of these, i wasn't there. you were the one that was there voting with biden and schumer 98% of the time. she was pretty much a rubber stamp. i thought that was a pretty effective tactic of yours. what do you say to the people of new hampshire tonight having the great support of a very popular governor i think is very powerful for you. i thought your message was common sense conservatism. >> i am thankful to have the governor's support and i'm thankful to have his leadership in the republican party in new hampshire. he unified the party. that's really what's scaring the democrats here is a unified republican party. you know, he managed to support the ticket from bottom to the top, top to
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the bottom, and that's what's going to make the difference. a unified republican party. i want to thank him for doing that because it allows me on the ground to be more effective. you know, his ability to resonate with the political electorate from republican, democrat, independent, libertarian, free stater is very powerful. that enables us as well. the point he makes about being yourself and getting out there on the ground two years, 78 to be exact, two today town halls, here participating, it was awesome. this is the way it has to be done. >> sean: i read, governor, in "the wall street journal" that there might be a blackout this winter in all of new england because they don't have
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enough natural gas available to power the grid. also i read that people can expect heating bills to go up minimum 30%, be it gas or oil. is that what new hampshire is facing? >> without a doubt. unfortunately all of new england is tied to this energy grid. some of the bad decisions by not just our neighboring states but specifically out of washington, normally when demand goes up on a cold couple of weeks in january production goes up. oil or natural gas comes through new york, all gets distributed across new england. unfortunately now there's no incentive to increase production, there's disincentive. we are not tapping our own resources. heating oil is a huge deal. people are paying 13 bucks a month for heating oil. lack of kerosene. lack of cdl drivers because of regulation on drivers. it is lack of materials, inflationary cost and it
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baffles me they go back to stuff from a couple years ago, what happened in 2020. voters look forward. voters vote in their family's interest as they should. that's why inflation and cost of fuel and cost of heating and frankly the realistic fear people have about what may come in a cold winter in new england, that's going to drive the vote this tuesday. >> sean: i couldn't agree more. general bolduc, it is great that you have the governor's support. governor, we appreciate you and you being on the program. general, we're watching your race. i think a very winnable race. it would be a benefit to the governor and the whole state of new hampshire to, well, send senator hassan back home to new hampshire, maybe learn a lesson or two, come back with more independence from the democratic party. thank you both. when we come back, senator tim scott joins us after the break. also today "the view" compared female republican voters to cockroaches. we have the tape. we also have the great
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feel. the midterms, and what it means for the country in five days. here with reaction, our friend, tim scott. he has done a phenomenal job, traveled around the country on behalf of republican candidates. great to have you back, senator. here we are, five days to go. closing arguments. democrats are desperate. they say all republicans want to cut social security, medicare, va benefit. that's a lie, not one person is advocating that and they seem desperate. >> i smell desperation in the air. sean, you're right what you said in the monday doing is so important. it is crystal clear. if we are to win the majority in the senate, it takes every single voter in a battleground state who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. republicans, democrats, independents, show up and vote for the republican candidate. remember this, sean, in state of georgia, january 5th, 2021, loss of a single senate seat cost
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the american taxpayers more than 4 tdollars. that could be held by general don bolduc, a patriot. winning in new hampshire may be the state that takes us across and gives us the majority. in georgia, north carolina, ohio, wisconsin, we have to win. nevada. arizona. every single voter hear me clearly. your vote matters today more than it has ever mattered. we must finish this race. don't run to the finish line, run through the finish line. there's too much at stake. i understand the power of the american dream. >> sean: don't forget pennsylvania and the state of washington either. >> tiffany smiley, spoke with her day before yesterday, she's closing the gap. we're sending more resources her way because we know the red wave is
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coming, but it doesn't happen by itself. we have to make sure from sea to shining sea we show up, get voters out, make sure you call your friends. if you don't have one, lindsey graham says make one today. we need every single voter showing up, showing out. we will have a majority in the senate. a 25 seat majority in the house and restore sanity to the greatest nation on god's green earth. let's get it done. >> sean: if republicans win, senator, you have been one of the most powerful advocates for so many people, a big part of their success will be because of your hard work and efforts traveling around the country. senator tim scott, always appreciate you being on. thank you, sir. on that hard hitting news show "the view," sonny hostin compared suburban women voting republican to roaches. take a look. >> what's also surprising to me is the abortion issue.
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i read a poll just yesterday that white republican suburban women are now going to vote republican. >> why? >> almost like roaches voting for raid, right? they're voting against their own self interest. do they want to live in giliad? >> do we love democracy or not. just saying it is insulting to a voter. people make decisions what's right for their family. >> sean: if you're a white republican suburban woman and voting republican, you're a roach. fox and friends cohost pete hegseth joins us with contributor tammy bruce. consider me old fashioned, i don't think comparing women to roaches is a particularly kind, nice, politically correct thing to do. >> no, it wasn't, and it was more than insulting. look, we've seen this is the democrat closing argument. it is shocking. it's not surprising. it starts with joe biden
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declaring half of america fascist or bigots or racist or threats to democracy, whether it was philadelphia or union station, there is no conversation about the issues most important to the voters, like the economy, like crime. those things don't matter. now beyond being called fascists and threats to democracy, you know, groups that effectively over the last century have killed 100 million human beings, but now we're insects. that also has a horrible history politically when you begin to not just demonize people but cast them as subhuman. makes it easier, encouraging to hurt them. this, sean, from the party of the people, complaining about rhetoric from republicans encouraging violence? there's only one group in this country putting out rhetoric that demonizes
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and suggests people are subhuman who disagree with them politically and that's the democrats. we have multiple examples of republicans and young conservatives being attacked. when you move into a direction saying, not even suggesting, that women who simply think for themselves are insects, that goes too far, but this is what the democrats have revealed themselves as being. >> sean: not only that, it is like calling somebody a rat. if you're going to be a bug, you could be a beautiful butterfly. call me and hegseth a roach, it is probably well deserved. >> not wrong. >> sean: probably not wrong, exactly. pete, in all seriousness, though, if you said that, i said that, we would be excoriated for weeks, never ending. calls for boycotts and firing. it would never end. yet democrats seem to get away with everything. >> they're on the same
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team with the people they're attempting to elect and media are an extension of that. we have no illusions about that at this point. you can play the game of imagine if it was any other race or any other is heing meptyou can play the game of any other network and the game of in reality, the characterization that suburban white women might care about something other than abortion, these women of "the view" live in a bubble on their set in manhattan where this is the only issue and they agree with everything joe biden said in union station about threat to democracy and january 6th. ultimately suburban women like women of all shades in all places care about the safety of their kids, education of their kids, whether or not people are here illegally. this is a loser silly closing argument because they have nothing else to run on, so they're demagoguing the other side in ways we could never get
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away with and it won't work. >> sean: i agree. well said. >> it is also what they are. what they think of people. and they will pay a price, sean, november 8th. >> sean: five days we'll know, tammy. thank you. thank you pete hegseth. here with more on midterms, host of the number one show on weekends on fox news channel, life, liberty levin, i call him the great one, also a national syndicated radio host and best selling "new york times" author. god bless us, how am i. mark, we have five days to go. i pointed out beginning of the is heinsegment or in the monologue that when you look at georgia and north carolina and new hampshire and pennsylvania and ohio and wisconsin and nevada and arizona and all of these senate races, they're either even or one or two point margin, that probably all states combined will be decided by less than 100,000
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people. then there are people all over saying red wave, tsunami, red wae, tsunami. it is possible. democrats have destroyed the country. however, i am not counting on it until the votes come in. >> let's pretend we're ten point behind across the country. whether we are, doesn't matter to me. we have to get our ass in gear and defeat these people or they're going to defeat the country. this is the biggest part of represent ri baits i've seen. the worst most extreme hate america crowd you can imagine. you look at these state, look at wisconsin. you look at north carolina, georgia. these are radical, marxist type candidates. look at all the other races as a matter of fact. i would say to the american people, do you like being called names by
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joe biden and his party? you ever have a president of the united states trashing the american people? lincoln? i don't think so. john kennedy, reagan, trump, you actually have this guy, joe biden, who has been a washington bureaucrat his entire life on our payroll and communist chinese payroll, hasn't worked a real job in the private sector his entire life, goes for pelosi and schumer, too, and they are inflation deniers and inflation deniers, open border deniers, fent nal deniers, massive debt denideniers. they're desperate. they want you to actually believe if you vote for these wild, crazy, riotous republicans that are well known for overthrowing the country, well known for burning down cities, well known for attacking cops
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and the military, well known for burning the american flag and declaration of independence and constitution, that we will not have our country the day after the election, really? how about we bet $10 million on that right now, joe. you got enough money from the communist chinese. i bet you $10 million right now that we'll have a democracy, actually a republic, the day after election. let me say something else to washington establishment, including mcconnell. you trashed our candidates before. i have never been so proud and excited about the republican candidates ever. we have citizen candidates from every corner of this country. people who care about working people in this country, all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of races, all kinds of faiths coming together, uniting to save this country and defeat the one force that is destroying classrooms, destroying our currency, our homes, our families,
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destroying our economy, destroying people's ability to get fuel, and that is the democrat party. the democrat party did in 20 months what communist chinese in china haven't been able to do in 70 years, what the russians haven't been able to do since 1917. they did it in 20 months. and to speak as reagan would speak, are you better off today than you were two years ago? the answer is yes. you're not. or as trump would say what do you have to lose? you're going to vote for these people some more? so i would say republicans unite. i would say to independents help us. i would say to democrats wash this dirt off your hands and join us. this is election between those who love america and those who hate america. we have a man in the oval office, every speech he gives is cringing, grinding his teeth, he's
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angry and he's angry at you. long past of days when carter talked about malaise in effect. this guy is literally attacking the american people because he's afraid they won't vote democrat. this democrat part is ideologically crazy, it is utterly corrupt, and so are the media that represent it. they're the ones that have put their boot on the throat of the energy industry. we were energy independent, something we sought to be for 60 years. they're the wunlz harming our farmers. they're the ones making food prices go up and gas prices go up. you're going to have a hell of a winner in parts of the country that are cold thanks to the democratic party. they have nothing to say except abort our babies, abort our babies, abort our babies. they are obsessed, radical, and extreme. that's it. >> sean: mark levin, the great one, thank you. we appreciate you being
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with us. we go to the state of new mexico where republican gubernatorial candidate march ronchetti is in a razor thin raise with mic michelle lujan grisham who refuses to take the issue of rising crime seriously and new mexico voters are taking notice. here with reaction, mark ronchetti is with us. i'm looking at your candidate's record, all i can see just like fetterman and mandela barns, like most democrats running, you have a radical leftist climate alarmist biden schumer rubber stamp radical democrat running, and that's probably why it is so close. do you think in your blue state of new mexico you can win this race? >> no doubt we can, sean. we're seeing what you talked about. we went into the campaign, had a governor still releasing people early under covid orders from
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prison. now the prison population, 26% lower than it was when she took office. violent crime has gone up 30%, and the people of the state had enough. what we see is we're the second most violent state in the country now, soft on crime judges which she appointed and soft on crime parole board. as we continue to see crime spike, that's a huge issue. you have been talking about the inflation issue here, it is a massive problem here in new mexico. the average new mexican makes $30,000 a year, and we are seeing prices spike. they're not talking about it at all. bad energy policy hurts a state like us, and we are the number two energy producer in the country. i think people are realizing this isn't about republican and democrat, this is about looking out for new mexicans, realizing at this point we are on a path hurting working families and hurting safety of families in new mexico. that's why we have momentum, why we closed the gap, why we're going to win november 8th. >> sean: anti-domestic energy production, part of
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the climate alarmist cult, prodrug legalization, she herself had her own ethics problem, a groping incident, ended up paying money to settle that case. on abortion, no restrictions, on the 2020 protests, she said they're not going to use covid as a reason to prevent protests but can't use it as an excuse for political organizing, instead of criticizing the violence. is she out of touch with the people of new mexico? >> sean, it was apparent on the debate stage how out of touch she is, not only from crime and personal finance, and education, sean, 51st in education. our kids stayed out of school some of the longest duration times of any children in the country. we're seeing people across the country talking about the shutdowns. here in new mexico, they were even worse.
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we are 51st in education. no plan to catch kids up. we have a plan to catch kids up. we're putting more money in people's pockets and are going to end catch and release and sanctuary state policies along with making sure we secure the border, sean. we have a major fentanyl problem. lose one new mexican a day by overdose. it hasn't been addressed. we will absolutely address it. >> sean: the 51st, what are we including, d.c. in that? >> we are adding d.c. into that, sean, and one other number that's staggering, 18% of kids can read grade level, 13% can do math. we need extra learning time. have to catch them up. and seeing them pour more money into this than any other race, but we have help from people on the ground. would love help. mark ronchetti. we have donors that helped us across the country. we appreciate it and we're going to win it. >> sean: hope so, following it closely. that would be a big win.
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candidate kari lake and senate candidate blake masters put democrats in panic mode. there he was, the anointed one, barack obama out in arizona, pretty angry on the campaign trail this time, campaigning against them earlier today. here with reaction, gubernatorial candidate kari lake, she has a pretty big lead over her opponent and blake masters who got great news this week. not only did the libertarian running for the senate in arizona drop out of the race but that libertarian candidate endorsed blake masters. good to see you both. kari, let me start with you. i'm sure you're all upset that barack obama went out to campaign against you. >> oh, first it was liz cheney last week, and i just laughed that off. now i am living rent free in barack obama's mind, and eric holder today. but i was a little concerned today, i'm going to be honest, when i saw hillary clinton bad mouthing me. she looked angry and
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actually scared and just completely unrelated, i want you to know in case you are wondering, i am in perfect health, brakes on the car are in good shape and i am not suicidal. we're going to win this thing tuesday. >> sean: i think one of the things that endeared you to people of arizona and around the country, you have a great sense of humor and good come back for everything. blake masters, this is big news for you. look, in the polls i was seeing, 4, 5, 6% the libertarian was drawing. those are votes against mark kelly. he is a rubber stamp for all things chuck schumer and joe biden. on the forefront of supporting every bit of the jaent that they are advocating, and he hasn't lifted a finger to secure the border in your state. i would say now that you are the odds on favorite because of this endorsement. this is a big deal. >> it is a big deal, sean. i'm honored that the libertarian candidate, i
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think he graciously bowed out, offered his endorsement, it is a boost of momentum here. we have all of the momentum in this race. mark kelly, he is floundering. he is desperate. i think katie hobbs is desperate, too. so desperate they don't want to talk about their own ideas or track records. what do they do, dust off barack obama, drag this guy out of retirement to come and distract everybody. he talks about how we're dangerous. >> sean: he likes his schedule. doesn't feel like working every day. he is mad he has to get up and do the work because joe biden can't do it. and nobody wants -- >> they almost filled a high school gymnasium. it was low energy, pathetic. you know. bring it on. >> sean: kari, you say you talk about filling head space, that defined your race. i think the people in arizona find it refreshing frankly. >> yeah, people, sean, are
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tired of being silenced by the news and tired of being silenced by big tech, worrying if they speak common sense they're going to be cancelled. i am seeing a lot of people saying this is the time for us to stand up and speak out. if we don't, it will be too late. that's why we're seeing in polling the latinos are coming our way, soccer moms are coming our way, the suburban moms are coming our way because they're worried about real issues like crime, the wide open border, the fentanyl crisis, brain washing of kids in school and they realize this is the election when we can finally solve these problems. >> sean: one of the things i noticed when i was out in arizona with both of you is that, you know, you're very much like a team. kari, what you're going to do on the state level, blake what you'll do in washington will complement service for people of arizona.
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you don't see that in every state. we had it with general sununu and general bolduc in that race, but if you win, if bolduc wins, if her shell and oz win, this could be a blowout. yet they're all close races. blake, what's your take? >> you know, i think we could end up with 54 senate seats, if not more. it is important. when i'm in the senate, i'm going to be working with governor kari lake. she's going to pull power back from washington, d.c. to the state. i am going to help push that power back from d.c. to the states. we have to work together. it helps that we're friends, it helps that we're running on this america first agenda, and our opponents are so bad, katie hobbs is probably the worst candidate in the country, second maybe only to john fetterman in pennsylvania. >> i agree. >> and mark kelly is right there with him. he votes in lock step for joe biden's agenda. what kind of guy promises the good people of arizona to be an independent only to get to d.c. and
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surrender to chuck schumer and vote for open borders and fentanyl and 300,000 illegals coming through every month. sorry, this guy needs to be fired. that's what we're doing next tuesday. >> sean: you get the last 20 second. kari lake. >> we have a real opportunity, arizona, to get things on track here. everyone wants a secure border, everybody wants safe streets. they know i'm working for the people of arizona. thank you, sean, for having us on. >> sean: great to have you. this election is simple, it is about inflation, about record high gas prices, open borders, about defund, dismantle, no bail laws, safety and security for the american people, it is about woke education and reading, writing, math, science, history and computers. that simple. blake, thank you, kari, thank you. more "hannity" straight ahead.
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>> sean: that's all the time we have left. thanks for being with us. never miss an episode of "hannity." for news all the time. fox i am getting a heads up in my ear. something is going on. laura is up to something. let not your heart be troubled. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: well, we just celebrated our fifth anniversary. this is like the cher's farewell concert. she never retired. my great crack producers put together a tribute it 5 years of crosstalk with sean hannity. >> sean: no, no. >> laura: let it roll. >> sean: you have to be prepared
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