tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 4, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> all right.s unfortunately, that's all the time we have left thish as always, thank you for being with us. we hope you'll setss your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. don't forget for news any time. every time, all the time. fox news, .com hannity, .com. pn oh, i'm getting a heads up in gg my ear. something's going on .ng laura's up to something. let no t your heart be troubled.trou the ingram angle is now okay now. well know we just celebrated our fifth anniversary. this is like the shares farewell concert, right. it never ends like she was always retiring. and then if she never retires though, it's like the fifth anniversary. never. so my great crack producers put together a little tribute >> five years of crosst talk with sean hannity. >> no, n so bad. : let it you get paid a lot of money to do a show. you've got to be prepared for b foe handle.
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my show's over strip tease thing off america. this is the hannity strip tease. okay, we already have enough. it's not that hannity is so sean, i would pay for you to do a live rap throw to me one night and i'll try to hang on . just wait for me.n: han i'll be right there. i ng on . one one radio. i'm walking into the nextthe ne studioxt. how close are you to your make sure that make sure the make sure the lighting is really, you know, shadowy. and laur a. all right, hannity, i'm gladu ha you have your tie on .ve a i thought you were going to wear like one of those. isally? now, is this going to be a strip tease? every this is a dangerous time. yes.p why stop there? like this? i can't go on. take the hour. all right. i can't do it. >> and it's extended hour of hannity to the taking it back . nice try, but apparently we lost our signal, which is fine with me because i'm a talk show host and i never shut up. i ami african-american.
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i'm black. well, you can say thank you for being with me. i wanted to finish my monologue. okay, no scrip>>t, no way i'm getting to do that. that is the american flag. okay, that look like that's the thing. that's not that the chinese made like. all right. actually ,. i wear out. >> i'm going to say good night . all right.: good youw. go .lack o that's it. oh, wow.ut look out. tom jones. >> okay, are there really alleal the crowd out there, by thecrow way, samantha noticed you actually had the same yellow tie on tonight. and i think you was four years y ageao. k go >>d it's the same one .it o but they got you through it off. in the middle. >> all right. first, can i say one seriousth thing? you ha, you've had five unbelievable, amazing year, s here on fox. you we're so proud of you. you're such a critical part of our team. it is a teams hera e, fox and u show so successful. d
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we'rhae proud of you. we're happy for you. here's foryo another fifteen years. how many more games are weor going to keep doing this? i don't know. but but all i can say is whenau you're greati , you react to that. now, sean, thank you. and we always it always makes it fun. okay, so but we lost the time. but you're a frugal person, so ears it's the same time as four years ago. i like that. okay, sean, you're the best in show tonight. all right. t alonight. l happy. >> thank you. anniversary. thank you. will be celebrating forham an the next month. all right. i'm laura ingram .gl this is thelect e "ingraham ang" from washington tonight. i'll check them or else. that'selse the focus of tonights joe oe. all right. joe biden is an unrepentant liar because he can't beate he republicans fair and square. he's trying to criminalize their very existence. he fabricates phantom scenarios with half truths. >> there's an alarming rise in the number of our people in this country condoning thi
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political violence or simplyndon remaining silence because silence is complicity. we can't allow this sentiment to grow. we can must confront it head on now. >> noww --, we'll confront what. people who happen to disagree bide joe biden and the democrats. well, that doesn't sound veranyh fair. and how do you intendth to confront them, mr president ? by surveilling the surveillam. ar fe hounding them, tryingr to get them fired, canceled? i thought you were a public servant, not the public's master. bottom line, i can't think of anything more irresponsible than a presidentg who tellsorla a e world that america is a democracy only if his partyha wins. but that'st exactly whatht the white husband has been doing. consists been d really since he wasmbarrs sworn into office last night t was embarrassinghe for both the president and our country. no policy, no effort to bringy the country together, just furyt and personal invective. toward republicans. >> it's estimated that there are more than three hundred
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election deniers on the ballot all acrossth america this year. we can't ignore the impact this is having on our country. >>r is damaging, is corrosive, and it's destructive. >> presumably, then, i.f the democrats lose and if folks like kerry lake to dixon, tiffany smiley, a don bolduc are elected or biden will not recognize them as legitimate leaders, if certain governors or senators are district destructive and corrosive, as he said and is essentially, you know, they're all enemiesder of democracy, then why wouldac democrats ever even cooperate with them now, given the track u record of the sleazy biden team, i wouldn't at alld l be surprised if they took their implicit threats a step further and used the full force of the federal government to make the livefel s of any of these newly elected republicans miserable. edi'm talking audit's phony
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phvestigations, information leaks and , yes,on surveillance. heck, they've done it before. eh they've goavt the whole deepte thate and the regime media. they gotey ready to do their bidding and they're now issuing fina l warnings. >> the president decided a fewnt days ago that it was important to issue one final warning cle on this issue to make veryare he clear or to leave no doubt that we have people out there still peddling the big lie people now raising the issue of election denial in this election. and , of course,e an the horribe incident involving speaker pelosi and her famil y, youfamily know, showing the rising threat of political violence. final wa. a final warning. what a bizarre and negative closin g argument to america. >> again, implicit in this message is that if democrats dom not win, then america hasameric failed and we're no longer eveno a democracy. now, once again, democrats area engaged in the in artfular exercise, in projection..
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they claim republicans are against democracy, but it's the democrats who are, in effect, questioning the legitimacy of the midterms because the candidates themselves are illegitimate. lethe mid-becausthey think becae mega, mega, the extreme element of the republican party is trying to succeed where they failed in 2020 to suppress the right of voters and subvert the electoral system itself. anthat means denying your right to vote and deciding whethernd your vote even counts. >>g whethe instead of waiting ul the election is over. >> whose idea was that speech?st but let's fast forward fors do a moment here. these words do matter now.attere what if listening to the president , the world begins to treat america as a pariah thv state, basically one that's on the verge of revolutioner? r what if other countries refuse t to cooperate with us on issues likeh ukraine and taiwan? kraie
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is that really wha at biden tai wants? woul would it make him happy?e it certainly would make this so-called historian happy. >> we could be six days away from losing our rule of lawsinga and losing a situation where wel have elections that we all kind of rely on . a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this weekan was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whethe, whetr our children wille arrested and conceivably killed. we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system. being if being a blowhard is a qualification for winning the pulitzer, then beschloss definitely deserves one . and before you say, oh, those are just the words of one historian, laura , big t deal . remember, beschloss was invitedh to the white house along with other thinkers, and augustb was invited by biden himself to craft messages aboutes a democracbouty so far on the edgf a brutal authoritarian system where our children could
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be arrested. that would lead many left wing. activist to to extreme measures. and i mean , extreme measures should perhaps be takenea to prevent these illegitimate candidatessures. from winning. i mean, again, if that's really what is happening here, what if wift wing activists turn to violence fongr a party that's about policing speech, it should start watching it s own words. but he's just a snob, just likee the other people who appear regularly on msnbc's morning show. they think they are better than you. the online publication salon can't hide its disgust for gop voters with this hilarious headline, is america ready to trade democracy for cheap gas? that's fascism in a nutshell. ai a leftist writerca by the name f chauncey de vega sneers that americans are unsophisticatee d in their understanding of politics and policy. they're in full meltdown mode over there, my friends.ow i love reading the lawn every now and then. another silly scribe named
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amanda marcotte is claiming that insurrectionist are poisedr to take power across the country and goes on to blame. low informatio across the coun voters who will elect them, voters who are. incorrectly blaming biden for inflation. they're save democracy, which is the height of hypocrisy. there's a long list of liberal groups that have refused to accept the trump presidency . hillary clinton, the democrat establishment, the media and let's not forget the entertainment elites. back in twenty , seventeen, d t they wanted trump stop before he even started picked upwashint "the washington post" and theon trump takes powe headline read trump takes powert . i don't thinhik so. the president is not america. presidentit is not america. no. >> [cheers and applause] i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the whitehe house. !
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oh, madge. "angl now, as the"e angle has said, many times, this is a sad ending for the party of fdr and jfk. you can't browbeat someone into loving you and you can't browbeat the jfkm into voting fr you either. we've talked a lot aboutou or vo biden's lies, but here'st th the truth. our new populist conservative movement is our only hope of hop saving a government of the people by the people and for the people, because for decades, our political leaders largely ignored what we wanted and they felt that they could just keep policies in place, like open borders, endless wars and free trade with china. no matter who is in office.s in they did that. but now that's coming to anma end. the people are on the march. we're getting new leaders,o leaders who trust and listen to the american peopleerican ane old establishment hacks who've run this country into the ground. ran thwell, they're going to be looking for work. that's what democracy reallye looks like. and that's the angle. now is mollie
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hemingway, editor in chief of the federalist and fox news contributor, and chad wolff, former trump acting secretary of homeland security. grea t to have you both in studio. molly, we just learned tonight that biden's doj is mulling a potential special counsel. if trump even runs in 2020 four. >> quite the democracy defenders, these folks. right. we have a department of justicep trat has gone afteecial r i saw the speech where president obama said we don'tns want to have a country where people wouldn be persecuted fo what they say. wewe't have a department of juse that has gone after pro-life activists arresting them, raiding their homes. a department of justice thatnt has had completely unequal standards of how they handle problems, that has actually targeted their primary political opponent. the former president donald trump, now leaking tha st they would like to maybe come up with new ways to go afterto him in order to keep kee the american people from being able to choose their own leaders. the idea that this would all be wrapped up in this taglineta of democracy is absurd. people are goingg li to practicl democracy.l they're going to practice voting to pick who they wantpra
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to have, lead them. and that is a good thingba, not a bad thing. even if democrats sara: morey more people are voting in this midterm, it looks like, than we've seen maybe ever. is that democracy or not? sounds like democracy to me, chad. we heard that the dhs is nowad issuing new warnings about right wing domestic terror in the country. we don't heawarningsr very mucha left wing terror, of which we've seen actually play out we over the last few years in the summer of love and other things. what's thisng on here? well, it's you know, we talk it, we hearto the president and this administration talk about these threats to democracy. >> but, you know, if you go back after president trump, even before president trump got into office,be you saw riots right. day of in the week after. and then in the summer of 2020, you saw bommel riots. you saw in tifa in a like no no special committee there, no theyselect committee. f they didn't talk about any ofonn this. so i think it's obviously it'stt politically convenient for them to talk about this now.>> yeah. lau blm was out therras e buying ho. with the money that they were sw raising, but we saw a country
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that was in turmoil and it was a wink and a nod by thet happen democrats on whaedt is happening on the ground. >> well, i think that's right. it didn'rsonally saw this in portland, and it didn't happen one day, one week or one month.1 it happened over ninety three nights in portland where they were targeting law enforcement and trying to bur down a courthouse. but you didn't hear anything ry about threats to democracy. you didn't you didn't haveu didn calls to have investigations about this. they kind just believe that they were isolated. >> representative clyburn, who's one of the leaders of the democrate le party, said thi that bringing the coming aftertt the rioters was a threat to democracy. that's actually what he said inm july o of 2020, that having any kind of law enforcement or rule of law in portland months intoe their siege of a federal courthouse, was itself a threat to democracy, he claimed. >> cha d white house adviser>>, keisha lance bottoms is now inventing threats. check it out. inv enas of now, they are no credibe threats towards any pollingling places on the election day. but justlaces the facont that e
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having to have this conversation in twenty ,spea twenty two really speaks to the necessity of the speecksh the president gave last night. >> cha d. they are needlessly riling people up and it's like they're thating fire fires, going stoke it with the poker. that's it.t theyng seems like that's what they're doing. there's any number of threats facing the homeland. every single day. but if you have no credible threats, then what are you talking about? what is it that you're pushing to state and local law cre enforcement and gettindiblg on national television to talk about there's no credible threats? bout?e 10i mean, there's 100 tht you could talk about that are potential threats to the homeland . if there's nothing credible, if they don't have any specific information, i'm not sur sure w it is that they want lawwe enforcement to look at. >> all righte .n a co and we're goinndg to get to the morder in a second. but, mollyll, i need to get your reaction to speaking of words matterin, thisg, this vitl coming from the ladies on the view today. >> white republicans, suburban women are now going to vote why republican . why? it's almost like? roaches>>almost voting
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for ra'ed, right. go ahead, republicans. you're voting a cult. remember that? t it's a cult. it's not republicans. >> molly, no comment.ra: no con that from parent companyy n disney about those comments of thot women are roaches.s. i can't imagine these are big feminists, by the way. i can't imagine anyone saying ie that about any democrat group and getting away with it in anyu in any way. although i do havenn to say it's almost funny to watch this meltdown that's happening. they clearly are expecting a very bad night on tuesday. they are losing all control ofon their senses. g they're bullying people. and i don't think it's a veryn'n wise campaign strategy.campaign but if you can, you couldyou almost laugh acat how absurdy they're the chat. i think right now americanars a. e afraid, but they're not afraid,g really, about the things thattst the democrats think they shouldy be afraid of. they're afraid of the economy. completely tanking.the bord they're afraider of the border being open. we saw e, ugly,is
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disgusting video coming out of e the border today with the sheer numbers of people. they're afraid of what's happening with real crime in not their streets. so they are afraid, but they're not afraid of democracy. going away because republicans, when it's a bad strategy forstre the democrats, i'm actually shocked they're still doing it. >> well, it's not only agyhe bad strategy. i mean, i think you mentionede. that salon article fromu to earlier. what they want you to believe is the america n people shoulderne be more concerned about january 6th than the economy, than puttingary 6t food on their table, gas in their cars. and it's it's a ridiculous s argumentargument that i think the american people have have dismissed the real threat to democracy, if we wantdown to talk about it, is tearingsecu down border securityri and lettintyg hundreds of thousands and millions of lives. >> we have 10 million peopleaur herewe 1 that are here illegall, half of which you probably don't even know who they are.. and so there's a lot ofy th the public safety threat an threats. security i think that is a threatye to democracy. yeah, that's that's that'ss, t that's a pretty big one , don't you think? well, yeah, they're in a complete bubble and that is going to be punctured p in a few days. >> thiys.s is going to be
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fun to watch molly and chad, great to see you both. thank you. nex and up next,c. the d.c. cityru council's response to runaway ci crime. well, reducing sentences and a few other tidbits you will not m believe. senator tom cotton is here in i studio with a new bill putting democrats on the record. plus, african-americans a creasinglyan crime as the top issue ahead ofp the midterms. so why are they being ignored? . congressman byron donaldson on malapa. noby, react. stay. hi, i'm lucene discolor. quinn, chef, author and tv host. and with over ten years as the executive food director for martha stewart, i've seen it all. and i promise you, you'll love my news spurtle. in fact, with over ten million sold, i know they'll be the hardest working tools in your kitchen. my new super spurtle is wider, curved and rounded at the end. now you can scoop, stir and serve even things like
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six thirty two hundred. that's a hundred and five, seven , six thirty two hundred. >> and wow, wow. >> that happened right here in dc. >> just two weeks ago. a an elderly woman brutally assaulted just for asking cugroup of teens to stop cursing since then, there havee. been eight murders, eight assaults and 40 violent attacksi with a dangerous but let's go back furthe ar. five years ago, there were one hundred and sixteen murders in d.c.. and as of today, the city has already seen one hundred ansed seventy five murders with two months more to go . so one would think tha.d t city
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council in dc would take drastic measures to bring safety o bring to the city. no. instead, they unanimously vote. d to upend the dc criminal code, some provisions they approved include reducing maximum sentences, the elimination of nearly allreduce mandatory minim sentences, and the elimination of accomplice liability felon and felony murder cases. also, public, i believe, is now legal in the district of columbia. so three cheers for that. joining me now is senate judiciary member tom cotton. he's also the author of the fantastic book, , only the strong senator . this bill is facing one more legislative hurdle, but if it passes, tell us how destructive this will be. i understand that your nationel provisiol usn is sailing throug, by the way. >> it's amazing that the dc city council facing a massive homelessness problem, a crime solving, thatd we should eliminate mandatory minimum sentences and decriminalizin shoule thinge lifestyle crimes, like publicd
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decr or i think there'sim other crim that they're going to decriminalize. i mean, i found it deeplthingsy ironic that joe biden decidedsph to give his speech from union station, the city's main train station, which is the epicenter for homelessness and so bad there that you can't even get a cup of coffee. getting on the train to starbucks had to close itse store in that train station. epici thought he may be do his speech in front of allcaus the tents that are in front of i . they rousted them all out justeh like. yeah, just like ten years ageio or five years ago.t there was no problem with it was a great place to go have lunch. thisit was it's just totally different. now, this morning on cnn,orning senator hillary clinton ha odn a different take on the whole crime wave issue. >> watch. >> when they talk about crime, you know, they're justth tryinga to gin up all kinds of fear and anxiety in people. they're not dealing with it. they're not trying to tackle it. i and so i view it as an effort to scare voters. are you trying to scare voters?g tsenator ? no. i think voters are scared ofc po democratic policies that have
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led this crime wave in america. we have a wide open southern border with five million illegal aliens crossing almostio all drugs in america come from there. democrats across the country have called to defund the police. they've condemned the police. they want to end the bail system. they were in mandatory minimum sentences in priso th were released prisoners. what do they expect to get?ey and that's why voters are going to repudiate them next week, i because they know that thise obu is the direct and obvious polilts s of soft on crime policies from the democrats. >> now, i think thismocrat senae is going to go republican on tuesday. .a lot ofople get out and vote conc buernet a lot of republicans are concerned that if the republicans take control of the senateepublicaf th, senatorl not do the aggressive oversight that is necessary athe the pentagon because and i know your military background reflected in your book, but i mean, i'm of the view that this pentagon needs to beeaned cleaned out. i mean, in republicans say, oh, de can't defund the pentagon, we can't defund the . >> but we can't. but okay, then what can we do now? bid the entire biden administrationv needs a lot of oversighter to include the department of
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defense. and that's not just the kind of traditional oversight we would normally do to make sure you're getting good value for your tax dollars on things like the new stealth bomberlue fo, but also the kind of left wing struggle sessions like something ofe mao's cultural revolution that i've heard from so many troops from i got a note just yesterday from someone with whom i served in the army tota l warrior. he taught me a lot about what i know about surviving in the woods and leading men in combat. he's been a special operator for years. he's going to retire. now because he'd pick up command. he said, you know, i guess t i'm just not today'she army t is kind of the kind of leader that today's army wants. so there needs to be a lotight oversight on what the leadership of the pentagon has done to our military. that's why we have a retentionro and recruiting crisis and our >>litary wants to go to the military if it's jus lt likehe going to be like an associate lecturer. look if it's, young, an ivy lea? school, young men and women womn join the army to learn to killor the bad guys. >>l they don'tht learn how to n the army, learn to use the right pronoun. >> lau sora you will insist that this happens? yeah, absolutely. or insisis your book, only the w >> now, why did you write it real quick? i wrote in the aftermath, ?
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the afghanistan fiasco last year, a lot of our kids are asking me how do we like this happened? loosed a band of medievalaf savages like this. and it was but ighaniswantedt we us that i want to lay ouftt the case for how the left is at best ambivalent about america going back to woodrow wilson and the progressives, and therefore they've been s ambivaundermining sources of n power for over a century. >> well, how did w e have that fiasco? fiasco and no one lost their job. >> yeah, there's going to beheir a lot of oversight in austin. should not be in their positions after what happened. everyone can get out and get this booget this k. o se >> only the senator , great to see you. thank you, laura .s have it's great to be all right. the democrats have a boldcrim strategy on crime this midterme cycle. pretend it's just no t happening ,as you heard from hillary, or just blame republicans who control neither house of t congress or the white house. but how is that a political strategy? welll , according to pew, 61% o1 all registered voters say violent crime is very important to them in this midterm vote . now, the group that has m the most respondents feeling that wayt , black americans.amer 81% ofic whom say violent crime is very important to their midterm vote . now, compare tha
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t with only 34%f libe of liberal voters. oh, weird.ral right? joining us now, it's florida congressman byron donalds and prager universitidyngressma personality lepp wannabe congressman. what is this disconnect? tell us , besides the fact that a white elite liberals aret cocooning themselves frombe realitralsy is confirm for us te thing that we've always known that typicallyd wh in america we you have violent crime, he runin demn democrat cities, which is frankly whereoc most of it does reside. if you look at the data, it'st a because you have liberalre politicians who simply do not care aboutabout th o the conditn what's happening in urban. communities and most urban communities are populated with black americans. look, i grew up in brooklyn,i gw new york , my mother wanted safe streets. i wanted safe streets because those are the streetr s. i want to go to school. sch those are the areas whereto i walk to the playground to play pickup basketbalk to l. nobody wants to have to be looking over their shoulder. black americans are having to deal with this, unfortunately, in a disproportionate measure de the democrats that
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run their cities are listening to the liberals as insteadaura: the people >> amela, this morning and then in new york , a homeless man with twenty five priors was busted in connection with a brutal of a jogger in the west village. this morning. now, he choked her out from behind until she passed out. then he her and then he robbedui her along. passed the left says they care aboutrod a woman's choice, but nota the choice to jog. i guess chois, without. right. attacked. yes, laura , they're very selective in their care. and that's a horrific story.tive and we've heard many a story hoi mike that in this year, in particular here in los angeles, only a few minutes awanu fy from where i live, a young woman was stabbed to death in broad daylight. well, simply working at a furniture store. this is the reality of the crime here. storein these major big citiest are democrat run. it is people becoming career criminals and being emboldened by progressive policy to continue to commit crimes. i've worked with police officers here in south centralh
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and they say due to progressive policy, people do not care about police officers. they do not respect them. and because of the death on the police movement, largelyd pushed by our left leaningle politicians in this country, police are demoralized when it comes to doing their job and they're not incentivized to be hard on crime in this country. well, congressman, today, ressman,john , fetterman, addres crime issue. >> watch i n this race where the only candidate that actually has hands on experience fighting against crime is compared to dr. has never done anyf kinds of hands on kind of approac h in fighting against crime, let alone being successful. >> congressman, i guess this idea of crime fighting is likein chasing down an innocent african-american jogger with a shotgun. afr that's his idea of fightingicane crime. i mean th a, he's not talking about his career. >> i'm glad you said because he still hasn't apologized for what he did, chasing downfo a black man who's joggingck through the neighborhood with a shotgun. i guess he thought it was a crime fighter.
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then. or maybe it's the policy you want to release a third of the violent criminals from prisons. that's a great one , john . give us any other policies youjo think are going to work lower. this is hna joke th we already know,es john fetterman doesn't have the capabilities to be in the united states senate. and that'sben th a sad thing. everybody wants him to get his better, but his policies are radical. and those same radical policies, unfortunately, hav e i hurt the very families in all philadelphia and in pittsburgh. s inand all points in between with his radical out of control criminalcies reform policies, wh actually only help the criminals and they leave the citizens the behind., we >> and we just found out jus tonight that oprah has come in to pennsylvania to endorse john fetterman. is oprah going to put fettermann over the finish line here after his stellar debate performance? r i hope not, laura . lau it seems that the democratic strategy when it comesbeli to midterms is just to belittle and demean their opposition and then roll out a bunch ofosio charismatic black people in deai
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front of cities that arems dealing with the problems that they've created and hoping that willg face is going to get voters to come out and supportd them. sur them, i don't think that's the scenario. people can looariok at. smilingo faces like oprah and obama, but when they leave their front door in the morning and they don't feellee thei don't safe ia ,that's what they're goingl take to take into account when they hit the polls. neither obama nor oprah have to actually deal with the result thes of the left'sopa policies, do they ?t doesn't happen. why doesn't have it on mars? w itvineyard, et cetera, congressman. and i'm like, great to see youto both speaking of obama, he's losing his cool. well, the cool f factoactorn on the trail. kevin corke has a new reportew explaining how in moments. plus, a top democratic senator wants to reimagine free speech. glenn greenwald will tell us what that means. stay there. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary.
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all right. despite suffering historicg midterhim losses during his presidency, the democrats think it wise to put obama wise to bai the road ahead of tuesday. but he's losing his cool in more ways than one or >> kevin corke has the report. intrepid reporter that he is from washington tonight. cannot leave your singing. you cracke. d me.ra: to well, tommmmy made me. i'm very impressed. a usually. let's be honest, he's a sure footed, charismatic, smooth talking politician. d smoobut lately, president obas appeared a bit tense, even touchy. case in point, his latest stump speeches for struggling democrateeches. yes, he's usually celebrated,ua revered spritzedll with rose i petal bungt now he's having to faces h the proverbial pitchforks and torches of americans who are in many caseo are ins, p with the democratic policies. >> he's out there defending. yes, so, sir, serves. s is come on , sir. sir, this is this is what
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i'm saying. look, we we've got it. we've got a there is a process u that we set up in our democracyi right i'm talking you'll havyoe a chance to talk sometime.chance >> it's oh, he's right about that. >> you canesda taly wik tuesday with your vote and if you thought that was bad, check out this. take talk with a an influencern under the desk. people o it's meant to get young people out to vote. but watching was about as uncomfortable as wearing a pair of skinny jeans on a nine hour trip across texas. s >> and here's the point. democrats are once again goingx. back to the well, hoping for a bit of pre-election obama magic. pre bu-et this time there may not be a rabbit to pull out of that hat no mattet ber, he is going to still be out there. >> they're going to have him pullhere they can get him over the next five days, he lamented during that speech in phoenix. >> everybody's yelling, well, we'll see if the yelling all stops on tuesday. >> laura . well, maybe they're yelling because they can't afford heating oil. >> le they athis winter and theg cold already. yeah, yeah, yeah. it's a little much great to see
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you, too. all right. the head of the senate judiciary and yale educatedheado lawyer dick durbin dropped thisd gem on twitter this week. free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence. well, for starters, assertion is contrary to his oath ofhi office. but beyond that, he has to know what's wrong. so the question becomes, whywh is the head, the judiciary committee, purposefully whdefining what free speech, in fact, does mean?at is what's the end goathl here?d here now is independent journalist glenn greenwald. glenn, they forget that it's not just speech you agree with that's protected by the first amendment speech that's inconvenient that you even find vilereenwald is also protected, especially when you're talking about political speech.wh >> what'ats happening here? i? >> i yeah, i mean, if free speech only is for people with whomgree you agree or think is telling the truth, you would need freee speech. norman, noam chomsky has always said one of the people on the left who has been a steadfast defender of free speech, that even hermann
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goerin hermag believed that ine speech, for those who agreed with every dictator believes in that. i think, you know, dick durbin has to know what he said. was a lie. you would be kicked out of law l school or fail the first yearie of law school if you said that what's happening is that democrats since 2016 really did conclude that the only way they can win elections is thatlh they can control the flow of information over the internet. and in order to do that, they're trying to redefine what free speec rh is to meanat i information that is false as they see it. is the government finds it can be legitimately constrained and those who express that can be punished. and that's part of their overall strategy. now, unsurprisingly, glenn, a former fbi assistantstan director and msnbc fave, he's piggybacking off of durban's comments. >> watch. it's not free speech without responsibility attached to it. so we're beingsponsibi duped ino thinking, yeah, you're right.whv i guess yoeru do have the righti to say whatever you want, even people are getting killed.
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that that's where we are right now. we've become numb to theen violent radicalization that's being incitet radid and we're becoming duped into thinking i guess that's free speech. hinking,it's not what a dope fre speech isn't something you can be duped into. cat is i mean, tha this is shocking, actually , even for people like him. >> you know, i keep tryingt to say thaant this is not an issue where people disagree with democrats about free speech democ. they really have regarded sense of come to regard censorship as central to their political project. imagine if you accepted what he was saying is true. it would mean that constitutionally you could go round up all of the new york times reporter s, 22 , said there were mass weapons of mass destruction in iraq where you could go in and sue or even in prison. ofe who said the hunter biden lollipop was russiano sa disinformation as much contempte as i have for those who did that, of course, i know you can't legally punish them.stat the state can't imprison them, even though it wasimpr
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misinformation because, of course, that's protected by the constitution. but they're trying to conditioc americans to believe that there's a greater and greater role for the state in deciding what is true and false and therefore what can and can't be heard. and >> well, you we all know that't there's they want they want a global agreement. the elites would likese a global agreement about what freen. speech should mean. and so across the atlantic, france has now demanded thatform the video platform rumball remove all content from our which is a russian networkti out trumbull's credit.platfo they've refused.rm they pulled their platform from the country entirely. arand are looking into a legal challenge to this demand. but, glenn, how significant is it thatant we now have entie nations trying to bully private companies into censorship? whether you like our tea or hate our tea or al jazeera or like it or don't? i mean, this is bizarre. >> wha what's really alarming about alm this warin is at the beginning f the war in ukraine, the eu,ine the entire eu, made it illegal
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for platforms to broadcast orr t to platform russian state media. now, maybe you like artier don't. maybe you want to watch them ord you don't. that should be your choice. b bue t the eu has said it's notr your choice. if you're a citizen of the eu, u you are not allowed to access that. n those outlets, even if you want to hear it. the russians are saying because we've made it illegal for youe l to dto heao but whate they're doing nowey is they're reaching over to american companies, rumball,n and they're saying we demandik that you take off the news sitet that we dislike or we're going to deny you access to our markets. e that means if you're an american citizen, you are now going to be told not by the government that you've elected by governments in europe or china or iran. vernmenturope,or wherever, thatg to be dictated to what you can and can't hear. and that's why it's somportant important where that rumble, which is now tt ru our free spem alternative to youtube, told the french government they wouldn't complyenould. >> oh, i'm thrilled thatenn, the they're doing that, glenn. these are such important issues thd we like to stay ahead of
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them, not behind them. so thank youst foray helping toe that. now, one of the more withering takedowns the democrats attitude toward hispanic voters was just published and one of the most liberal publications out there. we're going to explain. and thenit republican leslie vega, well, she actually reacts to that and more coming up. >> attention, marines and family members who spent time at camp lejeune. if you spent time on base at camp zun prior to nineteen eighty eight and developed any of these cancers, or suffered any of these injuries, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation called camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals, up to 208 times acceptable levels. in some instances there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action
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accused of being rats. tell me it's got no cleaning lady is all new this time the deal will be made on my terms. prove to me my doubts are unfounded. i can't do this anymore. the cleaning lady all new monday at nine eight central on fox, the fight for arizona. i'm telling you, we have a movement iroops and diplomats.
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today, virginia senator and former vice presidential candidate tim kaine has a warning for virginia voters. if republicans flip the house or the senate on tuesday, they will throw an emergency r brake on the biden administration. well, that'sesday thhe whole point, thanks to him foanr spreading the word. >> yay. kaine made these comments while campaigning in virginia 7th congressional district for incumbent disaster. democrat abigail spane berger, whoscain virgie about to lose hs my next guest, republican veiga. yes, thanks for coming into the studio tonight. now, your race is exciting. that districguest.t is one near and dear to my heart. it's been labeled for a while as leaning democrat. but last week, when cookitched t political went in, they switched it to a toss up.os >> what the heck is going on ?se >> look, voters in the 7thre district are sick and tired of abigail's bamberger's lip service. they know that she's a liar, that she's a hypocrite.
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they k andand that is why we're democrats and independents supporting our candidacy. crite.mocrats anand that is whys we're going to win this race. >> and i know there are a lot of women who are now supportingc you. obviously, you're hispanic, you're young, you're you've decided like you went from being on a on fa more localgove prince william countynt government position to running for this position thisn here. but you're getting under hispa people's skin and i'm finding this with hispanicni women, especially. you guys know how to ruffle all the feathers and getting undere your skin. this is a littlefeat charge msnn made against you. >> some people to defend the insurrectionists as as an example my opponent has or to mandate a national abortion ban as my opponent has advocated for or to insult the fbi as my opponent has in calling them deep stateem and corrupt. >> obviously dee, avigail svanbg are going after you there.y >>y reaction to that? tthat right there is a desperan woman who cannot run on herd an
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record and is going to doe everything in her powe rthat to distract the voters from that failed record . shd e doesn't want the voters of the seventh district to know that she's voted with joe biden and nancy pelosi. joe 100% of the time she is responsible for record high inflationancy n, crime that cri is crippling our communities. and this is why voters areican p tired and flocking to the republican party in numbers like we've never seen before. >>in the seventh district. people nee ld their cars.ct peo' they don't want to be told they have to buy an electric car . i don't know nothing about electric cars. that's what you want to do. floats your boat great. but they don't want to have to do that and they drive . you guys are drivers ine your district that has hammered, hammereddrivers. famin virginia. >> it absolutely has. you have people novirginiaw makg the tough decision on whether or not they're going to goyou to the grocery store or if they're going to pump gas in a their vehicle to get to work. and again, this is a direct t result of failed democratocer leadership and their failed policies. and voters are tiredore or get. yes, we have an interesting quote from an article in. int the atlanticer today about hispanic voters leaving the democratic party. we just had a big town hall
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last week in houston. former florida congressmantlanti joe garcia said that the conviction that history and demography were on the side of the democrats dullson the political instinct of persuasion the. look, i'm a big fan of barack dl obama, but he turned our party into a religious order. when you think you're right,dull when you know you're right, everybody should just get it. you stop making the argument quickly. >> your thoughts. democrats have lost s the hispanics. absolutely. that because they only pander wn it's election season and when they're in office, they do absolutely nothing to deliver on the promises they made. and look, hispanic onl voters, all americans, are sick wha and tired about what's been coming out of washington over the last couple of years. and this is why we have the momentum. the energy is on our side and that's why we're going to win. >> and i'm excited. yes. thank yog u sowe will much forg in. and we'll be watching the worst thing i've ever seen beto o'rourke do. >> and i'm saying the worst next
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please cover their eyes. ♪ ♪ , that is beto o'rourke. urkedon't forget to set your dvr "the ingraham angle" retaking from the town hall.m i will talk to dr. oz, herschel walker and everyone running for senate. tune in tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. >> todd: a fox news alert, twitter reportedly facing a class action lawsuit as elon musk's mass layoff begins this morning. speak to the social media giant temporarily closing its office today and will alert employees of their employee status 9:00 a.m. pacific time. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this friday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i am todd piro and gearing up to cut 3700 jobs in an email this morning and that is half of twitter's workforce
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