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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 4, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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that's a deer swimming on a lake. he said the buck was not in distress, water was shallow. he thinks his new friend was heading to an island to look for acorns. i didn't know -- yes, they do, yeah. experts say deer with swim 15 miles-per-hour twice a speed of michael phelps. that's all we know. >> harris: we'll begin on friday with the fox news alert. democrats thought far right candidates would be easier to beat in the mid-term elections. they could end up being very wrong. all that cash democrats poured into helping those conservatives win in the primaries may come back to haunt them for years to come. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." tuesday, november 8th, you could almost count it down by hours now four days -- less than four days away now. the election meddling strategy democrats thought would give
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them the path to victory next tuesday. the party spent tens of millions of dollars across nine states. imagine if you are a donor, a supporter of that party and they set up a situation now where they can't beat the candidates that they spent your donation money trying to beat by paying them technically. president biden and the white house focused on tearing down the very same candidates that they built up because dems likely can't take them down. >> president biden: it's a fundamental shift working compared to the mega republican -- >> we have seen mega maga republican officials who don't believe in the rule of law. >> harris: well, the house majority shocked that anybody could see hypocrisy here. >> by amplifying these election
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and deniers aren't you holding responsibility for a degree for the undermining of democracy you are also warning about? >> oh my god, we ran a true general election ad two weeks early calling john gibbs an extremist who is too conservative for western michigan. >> it's a boost. >> harris: david spunt live at the white house. it could be the worst strategy ever for democrats. >> it brings up the old phrase buyers re-- remorse. president biden has made his feelings about the make america great again republican party crystal clear. >> president biden: they don't respect the constitution or believe in the rule of law. extreme maga republicans aim to question the legitimacy of past elections but elections being held now and into the future. >> political groups and nonprofits aligned with the
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president's own party spent nearly $50 million to help boost far right candidates in several states hoping it would play into democrats' favor. a few examples right here the new hampshire senate race, governors race in illinois, maryland, pennsylvania, also the house races in michigan and new hampshire. now congressman maloney, the head of the fundraising arm for the democratic party says propping up michigan maga candidate john gibbs was money well spent. >> she has been beating him consistently. a strong pro-choice democrat. >> you stand by it. >> republicans are taking that money and running with it. >> you are seeing places we haven't seen before very competitive. we're playing in seats where you watch democrats funneling money to seats biden won by 20 points. it's unheard of that they're worried.
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>> the president is in san diego today and philadelphia with his former boss barack obama, the 44th president, to help try to rally the base as we know just a few days out from the mid-terms, harris. >> harris: that's one of the places where democrats really spent a lot of cash. we'll get into it in a moment. good to see you, david spunt. marc thiessen, fox news contributor, former white house speech writer and columnist for the "washington post" is here on a friday. talk to me about the strategy. it was a good strategy is not something no one ever said what they did. >> it won't work out too well for them on tuesday overall. i think they will see a red wave like they never expected. joe biden devoted not one but two prime time presidential addresses to warning the american people that maga republicans represent a threat to the very foundations of our democracy. he has urged republicans to turn away from maga republicans and embrace a more mainstream
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republicanism but spent his party spent tens of millions of dollars to get those candidates nominated. how can you urge them to reject them but then spend money promoting them? on top of that you take new hampshire where they spent millions of dollars on ads. chuck schumer's super pac promoting bolduc over morris. and they got his nominee. he is ahead by half a point in the rcp average. they may actually get a maga republican elected, which they said was a threat to the foundations of our country. it is a pretty dumb strategy if you ask me. >> harris: if you want to know why democratic voters might look at their party and say maybe not this time. if we look on tuesday or after tuesday and find out those numbers were down in particular areas, where that money was spent, you have to wonder if people didn't figure it out and
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say what am i buying with my donation? i thought i was boosting a democrat candidate. what i was doing was boosting the other guy. and we couldn't even beat them. if voters end up saying that it builds voter apathy as well. let's get to this. go ahead. quick thought. >> one other point that joe biden is right now in georgia, has endorsed campaigning the election denier stacey abrams instead of brian kemp. not only is he campaigning for the election denier, he is accusing the person who stood up to her saying it's jim crow 2.0. the hypocrisy is very deep going beyond the money. >> harris: democrats pouring cash into key senate races in hopes of keeping the majority. you mentioned chuck schumer. the senate super pac spent more than $24 million on senate
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races. the most money spent in pennsylvania followed by arizona and georgia. of course, those are the toss-ups, right? fox news learning a schumer-aligned dark money group is pumping nearly $50 million in secret donations into mid-terms to save senate majority. talk to me about secret donations and the dark money. >> i'm not so concerned about secret donations and dark money. republicans do it as well. it is an exercise in free doom. supreme court said we don't have to expose the names of donors. it is the democrats who have been pushing to make sure that all the names of donors are exposed. so it's hypocrisy again they complain about dark money but then use it to promote their candidates. so, you know, you have to pick a side. are you for maga or against maga? for dark money or against it?
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just choose. >> harris: it's interesting. many one of the first red flags for democrats and everybody that they were in trouble, particularly on the issue of economy, is that rather than run with the momentum, a little bit of mom menendez tom they had with the overturning of roe v. wade but instead they tried to buy-out far right conservatives on the ticket to make sure they won. what kind of strategy could that ever have been. it was never going to make the economy right. >> also, it might help them ma marginally in a few races. they're in deep trouble. you can see it in biden's speech about the maga republicans the other day. he didn't talk about inflation, crime or grocery prices or all the things that voters are saying they care about. he basically said to voters, you are focused on the wrong things.
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focus on this. that's my closing argument. most voters don't take kindly to being told they're focused on the wrong thing when they have to choose between gas and food. >> harris: hillary clinton again trying her very best to denigrate about half the country. >> we are in a struggle between democracy and ought october rasy. this is a time of great ferment and a time when the united states should be standing strongly on behalf of our values, of democracy and freedom. of opportunity and equality. instead of being engaged in this culture war driven by the political opportunism on people on the other side of the ledger. >> harris: you are sitting home and these are the closing arguments from the top of the food chain in the democrat party. they don't even see the voters
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and then hillary clinton tore into republican election deniers as she calls them. hum. this is rich because i don't think she remembered this. >> you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you. finally we'll see how illegitimate his victory was. there were a bunch of different reasons the election turned out the way it did. he knows he is an illegitimate president. he knows. >> harris: your reaction. >> no person in america has done more to undermine confidence in our elections or confidence in democracy around the world than hillary clinton. as a reminder as secretary of state she presided over the rise of isis and not going into the red line in syria. don't tell me about democracy, hillary. second of all she not only
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questioned the legitimacy of donald trump's election but created the conspiracy theory and funded the discredited steele dossier and used the russia collusion conspiracy to question the legitimacy of the election and finally trump is not the only candidate whose election she questioned the legitimacy of. in 2000 she said the presidentsy was stolen by the supreme court and 2004 questioned whether george w. bush had beaten john kerry. she questioned the legitimacy of the last three republican presidents. >> harris: marc thiessen. the expert. more and more voters are worried about politically motivated violence. now the f.b.i. is investigating a shooting at the home of a republican congressional
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candidate's parents. his children were inside the home last month. another example sparking concern for the protection of politicians. here he is from this morning. >> as a former green beret i am used to getting shot at. i'm not okay with my family getting shot at. it is another level. >> harris: he is right about that and was right about that when republicans were saying where is the president on the issue of an attempted assassination of a u.s. sitting supreme court justice kavanaugh? where? the president is upset, right, over paul pelosi. that's a very sad situation. but where is he when others are in the crosshairs? >> so he gives the speech at union station and tries to lay the blame for the attack on paul pelosi at the feet of maga
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republicans. he gives hyperbolic rhetoric how our democracy is under attack by maga republicans. the very next day someone fires a shot into this republican congressional candidate's home. is joe biden responsible for that? dan bolduc is a maga republican. this week someone tried to attack him at a campaign rally. is joe biden responsible for that attack with his hyperbolic rhetoric about maga republicans? and he used hyperbolic rhetoric to say an illegitimate supreme court was stealing women's's personal freedom. is he responsible for the assassination attempt against brett kavanaugh? of course not. no one is responsible except the attacker for a deranged individual. a funny situation when a republican is attacked, then the democrats -- like after steve scalise attempted assassination by a deranged bernie sanders supporters democrats said don't
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you dare say our rhetoric is responsible for that. as soon as paul pelosi is attacked they say maga republicans are responsible for their hyperbolic rhetoric. it's hypocrisy. >> harris: they better come with the facts on that. the president's hyperbolic nature about speaking up when things are being adjudicated and investigations are being carried out. we saw it with kyle rittenhouse and what the president called him and the facts turned out to be something extremely different. extremely different. that was the only extreme in the whole constellation during that event. good to see you, fantastic to have you on a friday before the big election. thank you. classroom culture the wars are shaping the mid-term elections as parents fight for their rights using their words. candidates on both sides of the political aisle saying they're the best to represent everybody including those parents, the best on the issue of education.
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we'll see. plus an attack so brutal even people in crime-ridden new york are shaken to the core. it's putting more pressure on the democrat hopeful governor hochul. >> we have a crime crisis in this state. kathy hochul has embraced and is the leader of the defund the police democrat party of the failed bail reform democrat party. >> harris: new york republicans digging in on the crime issue as they see daylight in the polls between hochul and lee zeldin, the republican candidate. it is tight. jason rantz in "focus" next. at newday usa we give veterans the va cash out loan
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with no upfront costs for an appraisal or termite inspection. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein.
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>> harris: it's taking center stage in people's lives and now it's taking center stage in the governor's race in new york. critics putting the democrat incumbent governor kathy hochul on full blast after yet another violent attack. a jogger was raped in the heart of the city. police say it was a homeless man with a rap sheet a mile long wanted for prior assaults with at least 25 other arrests. now charged with choking, raping and robbing a woman yesterday morning in manhattan. police are saying he could even have sought a second victim who was able to call 911. it was gop candidate lee zeldin who said new yorkers live in
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fear. >> people see the videos, the pictures and the news reports and want leadership and action and solutions, 0 tolerance. we're taking back our streets, this is how. instead what we're getting is don't understand why this is so important to you, congressman zeldin. when she says that to me she says it to everybody else. >> harris: he is talking about her reaction most recently when they were debating. she couldn't figure out why he was concentrating so much on crime. mind you, the moderator was asking about it, too. yesterday hochul got back up from some big names who say otherwise. vice president kamala harris and hillary clinton, the former secretary of state, added in her $0.02. >> maybe you don't watch television but if you did, you would see what i see, which are ads about crime every 30 seconds, right? no solutions, but just a lot of really fearful, scary pictures
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and scary music. they don't care about keeping you safe. they want to keep you scared. >> harris: she is selling it for the other side. where do you think they get all the video of crime? because it's happening. it is on your phone, on the news, radio, all around you. she is selling it right there for the republicans. helping them out. real clear politics has governor hochul up by six points. i remember when those digits were much farther apart. jason rantz, seattle ktth radio talk show host. >> i love the idea that hillary clinton is out there yet again trying to gas light us. you have kamala harris out there. is she there because she wants to bail out some of the criminals who have been actually caught and maybe going to be prosecuted? at the end of the day what we are seeing is over and over and over again a prolific criminal problems. kathy hochul now claims she will
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take the issue seriously. the reason why they're running away is because they're responsible, their policies. everybody knows it. they've done a good job branding themselves around the defund movement. we'll see what happens in new york. it is a blue state and shouldn't be that close and i think it's much closer than six points. >> harris: hochul did admit crime has gotten worse after she blamed master manipulators and data deniers for creating a conspiracy of rising crime, she says. >> i acknowledge there is a crime issue and it's not new to me because it's election time. i have been working on this as my entire time as governor. >> harris: she hasn't acted like i it's urgent. crime up over 30% last year in new york city. she can say in these last few hours and i've been counting since we started, it's 86 hours
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until tuesday because we can count like that now. not days anymore. she can say what she wants to say but can't stop the crime. it is going to happen right through the time that people are voting. >> yeah. that's the unfortunate reality of the situation in new york right now. we'll have another major maybe two crimes that happen before tuesday. while she is out there saying well, this is not new to to me, i've been working on it but okay, you failed to address the crime issue. there are no ideas coming out of her mouth or their campaign. there is nothing at all. there is this you are a data denier, maybe you are not denying the date yeah, it is not political, don't worry. no solutions. you have lee zeldin talking about things. this is easy to come up with some solutions. get away from some of the reforms you made. just repeal them. stop going forward with this cash bail ban. >> harris: the governor is the only person who can yank alvin brag, the liberal district
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attorney in new york city out of his seat. they don't have a recall process in new york. that person actually really could change things. it is his soft on crime, you know, basically infection throughout the prosecutorial process in new york city. it is every where now. the governor could stop that. even the liberal meeting are hitting governor hochul and the democrats on crime. watch this. >> the fact that lee zeldin is doing so well i think is reflective of two things. one, his messaging on crime and more importantly, he is taking it to new york city where he needs to. if he wants to pull it off around 35% of the vote, he is staying in new york city and talking to voters about crime specifically subway crime. you can't tell people that it is safer based on stats when they are afraid to go on the subway platforms. >> harris: that was the point i was making with hillary clinton talking about it's all over the tv. how does she think it gets all over the tv -- we're shooting
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it. it is video, it's real. >> exactly. that strategy i don't quite understand. i understand if you are talking about data points that no one knows about and can't feel. if you are a new yorker who is terrified to go on a subway platform and then to come out and say our subways are safe, don't worry, just six crimes a day to say it's not really an issue they are trying to scare you. people are scared because of their experiences, not because of what they are seeing on tv. what they are seeing on tv is a reflection of the reality of living not just in new york but in the democrat-run cities and states across the country. >> harris: it is not even tourist season yet. i wonder what the governor will say at that point, if she prevails. remember, six points. they are almost at the margin of error now. it was double digits. she has come down in a mighty way. let's get to this.
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another sticking point for democrats that they haven't wanted to talk about, parents. and parents are taking out their frustrations on voting day. many of them have voted already. 32 million americans have already voted. early voting. some in person. "politico" with the headline. your kids' school is a mid-term battleground. teachers unions on the trail to push dem tickets. many union leaders are the ones who pushed the devastating school lockdowns and support woke lessons. >> parents saw firsthand what their kids were learning during the remote learning sessions. they saw critical race theory, they saw kids learning about very inappropriate matters that should never be taught in school. they've seen the books these kids are bringing home and reading as part of their assignments from school. they don't need anyone to tell them anything. >> harris: fox radio host said parents are over it.
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he tweeted don't mess with people's kids. it lands differently and they will hold a grudge. jason. >> don't mess with people's kids is a perfect way to sum it up. if you are going to experiment with different kind of curriculum stop pretending that the parents are wrong to ask questions and to express some concern. when it comes to covid policies, how about this, i know this is shocking and maybe controversial. apologize for what you did to these kids when you shut down the schools. not because of the data, not because of the science, but because you wanted the take more money from the federal government. look at the parents and say i'm sorry. >> harris: randi weingarten this week, her union, leads 1.7 million teachers. she doesn't want to do what you just said. she doesn't want to apologize. they wants amnesty for people who made the terrible decisions that put our children back years and years and years in math and
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reading. your last quick thought. >> time for a covid hall of shame and she should be in that hall of shame. there are so many people who purposefully lied for us. it wasn't when we didn't know information. we give a lot of leverage to those folks. they decided to completely ignore all the data and didn't care that your kids were hurting. >> harris: the science. jason rantz, thank you very much. good to have you in "focus." fuel companies sounding the alarm now over a dire diesel fuel shortage coming. this is critical. it will make the pain of high prices even worse overall because things that run on diesel bring us all the things we need to keep our lives running. they deliver the goods. the president, however, keeping up his attacks on the oil industry. and is it time to call it what it is? >> in my opinion the president needs to step away from some of his overreach over the last two
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years so we can heal the nation and heel the economy. >> the only one saying we're already in a recession. white house says it's not even preparing for a recession. not sure americans will feel reassured by many of that. steve forbes next.
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all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing,
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with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. >> harris: we've been getting a warning now for about a week and the crisis is here. fuel companies are saying a diesel shortage could really hit us hard on top of the current inflation. u.s. supply is at historic lows now down 15% over last year, nearly 1/3 compared to two years ago. right now diesel prices are at an average of $5.31 a gallon up from $1.60 a year ago. it has been above seven in the
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last few months. truckers say this is bad. >> there is no way any company can absorb cost increases like this and any business that can't pass on their costs won't stay in business very long. the larger fleets are a little bit better positioned to deal with these kind of conditions but the smaller fleets and like 91% of the nation's truck fleet, these companies have six or fewer trucks. >> harris: and what will that do to the price of goods? a new op-ed argues this. the truth is our entire world runs on diesel. imagine demanding farmers grow more food and then giving them the least amount of land in 70 years. that's what joe biden has done to fuel production. steve forbes, chairman and editor in chief of forbes media is in "focus" now. steve, this went from a situation to a crisis in a week.
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>> this is what happens when you do everything you can to hurt the production of oil and gas. the demand for diesel has been going up. now we find now it's a worldwide product. a lot of this is self-inflicted. we put on regulations on refineries which give us the diesel. when you put the regulations on, guess what? the refineries produce less of it and it costs more. so we have also a global energy crisis. right now it's a mess because economies are slowing down. the production of natural gas is way low and yet the infrastructure of energy in this country sec attacked by the biden administration and they say if you don't increase production we'll increase taxes. that's real incentive to increase production with long term investments. it's immoral what they're doing. they are hurting us and the global economy as well. >> harris: the word immoral.
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coming out of a pandemic that we remembered the bare shelves. things dependent on the supply chain and a critical part of the supply chain are the people who bring it in off the cargo ships and off the rails and drive it into our cities in those diesel trucks. what could this look like? >> well, it's already looking like what we're seeing. that is ultimately it will be higher prices. unfortunately the federal reserve believes the way you fight inflation is by trashing the economy and making people poor. it is engineering a recession. i don't care when the economic theologians get around to calling it is' session, probably next year. it will bring prices down for a while. as soon as you try to get prosperity the shortages will kick in again and prices will go up again. we had that in the 1970s called stagflation, bag economic growth, recession, higher prices
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going up. that's what we'll have next year. the word is being dusted off stagflation from the 1970s. thank you, joe biden. >> harris: job growth stronger than expected in october. that was a bright mark for the administration, so they thought. they didn't really spend two seconds talking about it. the market adding 261,000 jobs in october. the unemployment rate ticking up a bit to 3.7%. top economists forecasting that recession for next year after the fed raised interest rates for a fourth time this week. the white house pushing back on all of it. >> so want to be clear we are not -- there are no meetings or anything happening like that in preparing for a recession. >> look, we are in -- we are not in a recession. i want to be really clear on that. >> harris: no meetings. they don't even talk about it. how is that possible? >> don't you know inflation was
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transitory? don't you know the economy is doing better? joe biden proclaimed one month inflation was down to 0. that so-called good report. but there are two surveys being done, what they call the household survey and the establishment survey. the establishment survey goes to businesses, how many people are you employing? household survey is much more sensitive to small businesses. who is working and who isn't, things like that? that monthly report is down 328,000. it found out the number of people unemployed went up 366,000. the labor participation rate is down. we know what's happened in compensation in third quarter inflation up 6 to 8%. that's a bad jobs report. this is the third quarter gdp was a bad report when you look at final sales, flat, going down or going in the wrong direction. >> harris: quickly, what you are saying is so critical, too.
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we know how important to the jobs engine small businesses are. they still make up north of 60% of how people pay their bills. those are the jobs that most people in america have. so when you say that those are going away and the white house doesn't tell us that, it looks like a shell game. >> it is. they pick the numbers they think are good. they want you to believe inflation is not a real problem. just don't go to the fuel pump or grocery store. household survey the household numbers fluctuate very much. eventually the two surveys match up even though the numbers may differ each month. the household survey does measure small businesses better because small businesses don't show up in terms of existing businesses. they come in and out all the time. that's an ominous report. it goes along with the flat final sales when you look at the gdp numbers and final sales.
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those are on a down trend and now flat and going down. the road ahead looks very rough. the federal reserve is oblivious and the white house is totally bubbled up. >> harris: the household survey, the loss of more than 300,000 jobs sounds like a red flag on fire. >> it really is. >> harris: steve forbes, thank you very much and bringing us so many important details today. >> thank you. >> harris: a lot of democrats are saying no thank you to president biden joining them on the campaign trail. but desperate times call for desperate measures. can the president and all the high-profile players in the dem party save the day for the most vulnerable candidates in a final blitz? ♪
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>> harris: you know i'm counting down by hours now. 85 hours and 15 minutes until election day begins day break. former presidents barack obama, bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton are all out campaigning to help save the house and senate for their political
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party. where is president biden? we understand his campaign schedule is not too taxing. >> it's interesting that bill clinton, we are pulling out the relics now instead of joe biden, right? none of the democrats want to campaign with the very person who is making life miserable with inflation and crime and open border and drugs and kids with major deficits because of the lockdowns. >> harris: one of the democrats who will be seen with biden is john fetterman along with former president barack obama all in philadelphia together tomorrow. the rescue mission comes as a new poll shows dr. mehmet oz pulling ahead of fetterman for the very first time. however, the super celebrity who made dr. oz famous has endorsed his opponent. >> i said it was up to the citizens of pennsylvania. if i lived in pennsylvania i
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would have already cast my vote for john fetterman for many reasons. >> harris: power panel. the president of sun vision strategies and a former chairman of the d.c. democratic party. actually, scott, i want to start with you. did you know that north of 32 million people in the country have already voted? 2 1/2 down in georgia and many of the battleground states millions of people have already voted. how does having two former presidents pop by for john feeterman make a difference? >> you certainly hope there are a lot more votes out there. that is not every vote. this is for the whole bag of marbles. the democrats have a slight lead in the house and senate and they have the president, the white house. but it is not over yet. mid-terms are a referendum on the president. the republicans and democrats are pulling out all of their big guns. so there are still a lot of votes out there. fetterman needs as much help as
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he can get. that race is tight. the monmouth poll after the debate in pennsylvania for the senate seat had fetterman up 48-44. this is all prognostication. in the end it is about getting people to the polls. counting your votes and watching the results. we probably won't know the results of many of these races, these tight races, as you said, until days later after november 8th. >> harris: particularly in pennsylvania and wisconsin because they can't start counting simultaneously with the day. >> it's weird. i don't know why they do that but you're right. >> harris: chris, talk to me about the campaign strategies down the stretch here. i find it fascinating that you need the big guns this late in the game. a time when most people have made up their minds. scott says a lot more people will vote. it would have to be a lot more when 32 million people have already voted. >> you are right. bottom line is the big guns
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won't matter and drawing blanks. i can tell you that for sure. when you have 54% of pennsylvania voters who have already said they will be voting for dr. oz. over half of the voters in pennsylvania have unfavorable regard for fetterman after the debate. i mean this with all due respect for the man having a stroke. we are talking about a job for the united states senate. this takes a lot of work. it is stressful. a very tough job. right now it is not a time to play games. right now the time to get our country back on track. issues with inflation and high crime. you have over 70% of america need to get a second job. things aren't in a good place. we have to bring things back on track and it will be a stressful job. that being said biden was there already to help fetterman campaign. it did a disservice to him and didn't help. he is down two points. by bringing other folks there biden being there and obama
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won't make a difference. >> harris: all right. let me get to this and i'll come back to you both certainly. i want to make this point. republicans' path to the senate majority, is looking more and more possible. pennsylvania is important because it plays into the bigger picture. a state that joe biden carried by seven points, senate race in new hampshire is moving from lean democratic to toss-up in the election forecast. maggie hassan now is clinging to a narrow lead over republican don bolduc. hillary clinton heading to the granite state today to try to help out hassan. i'll come back to you, chris. can she do it? >> i think it is an interesting race. they can pull it off. the bottom line is having hillary clinton coming to your state won't make a difference at this point. people are tired and fed up. fox had a great town hall this morning and voters talked about
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it. many democratic voters say they will vote republican because they want change. people are tired of democrats talking, tired of issues with crime and tired of inflation. the bottom line. it has to do with what goes in your pocket right now. >> harris: absolutely. let me ask this. we all watched just moments ago the video of the rnc chair ronna mcdaniel saying it is like pulling out the relics at this point. scott. >> you have to go who will bring you to the dance and go with who you got. who you got is popular with the democrats. >> harris: where is biden? he didn't take anybody to any dance. >> he is the democratic leader of the party and the president. >> harris: is he? or is it barack obama? >> he is a very talented barack obama. i didn't hear exactly what you said. he is in illinois and california and been to georgia, and he is going to pennsylvania, which is a stronghold for him. listen, all of these endorsement and all these folks whether you
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call them relics or not out campaigning. whoever said it. the rnc chair. my point is this. either you like hillary clinton and you like the democratic leader like barack obama and maybe they push some votes your way. maybe not. >> harris: a lot of women in your party who didn't like hillary clinton last go around. interesting pick to help people out. good to see you. i'll bring you back. "outnumbered" is next. >> thanks. of your home. and maybe a lot more than you think. if you need cash to stay ahead, call newday. use your va home loan benefit to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. not just 80% like some other lenders. take out an average of $60,000 and lower your payments by $600 a month with the newday 100 va cash out loan. pay down high-rate credit cards, personal loans, even car loans. missed a payment along the way?
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