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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 4, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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we will have the democratic candidate for florida governor. we already had ron desantis on. the arizona libertarian who could very much help swing things around for republican adam laxalt. mark victor. among my special guests tomorrow as we plow through the economic and other issues that will decide this most unusual and busy of mentor years. here now "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i am judge jeanine puro with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and bill hemmer. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." four days to go into the limited terms and its spin, baby, spin for the democrats and the media. president biden setting the tone and straight up lying to the
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american people about the lousy state of the economy and kitchen table issues. >> let's take a look at the facts. when i took office, this economy was in ruins. the economy is out. price inflation is down. real incomes are up. gas prices are down and the need to come down further. exports are also up which means a simple thing, we are making a lot of money in america because of that. >> judge jeanine: you think that's crazy? biden's friends in the media are taking things to the next level by claiming republicans made up the term inflation to help them win. >> the only people i ever hear use the word inflation are journalists and economists. right? that's not part of the normal lexicon of the way people talk. it's interesting the republicans are doing something they don't normally do, right, not use the common tongue. not using common english in their campaigns. what they've done is they have taught people the word inflation. most people would've never use
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that word ever in their lives are using it now because they've been taught. >> judge jeanine: so inflation is just republican created talking point. what about crime? people are being randomly attacked and killed in the streets, hillary clinton says it's just a vast right-wing conspiracy. >> i've seen -- i am sure you have, maybe you don't watch television, but if you did. you would see what i see which are ads about crime every 30 seconds, right? no solutions. just a lot of really fearful, scary pictures and scary music. they don't care about keeping you safe. they want to keep you scared. >> judge jeanine: and after a poll showed white suburban women moving to republicans in a massive 27-point swing. leave it to liberal filmmaker michael moore to tell us what women voters really want. >> to believe that we are going
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to lose on tuesday and that they are going to take over, you have to accept certain assumptions. for instance, you have to believe what the pollsters and people have been telling us since the roe v. wade decision. women are very upset in june when the decision came down. but now they have kind of collective themselves and they are not so upset. they are thinking more about the price of a gallon of gas or with a can of campbell's soup is up $0.27. it's so condescending. do you really think that women are just over it? over roe? >> judge jeanine: what's interesting about that as he talks about condescending. i think he's condescending and sexist to presume what women want in this election. as if they don't buy groceries, they don't fill up their car with gas. what's with him? >> dana: it's not just him but like joy reid to suggest people don't understand what the word inflation. we all went to school. we understand what it is. even if you've never heard the word, you know what it feels
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like because that's what they've been dealing with for several months now and they're looking at even worse going into 2023 so they know that. that's why people are looking for change. it's not hard to understand. you take what he said about women -- are they over roe? maybe they are not but they have also understood states are going to deal with it and you live in the state like new york, nothing changes for you on abortion. then your main issue which is affordability, housing, your electricity bills undergoing outcome of the school fees that went up, all the gas and groceries that you have to deal with. maybe you're taking care of aging parents. all of those costs are bearing down. women take a lot on. they are stretched. taking care of the kids and taking care of elderly parents, trying to work. super condescending. it reminds me of what sonny huston said yesterday, any woman who's going to vote for republicans like roach. it's almost incomprehensible. he can imagine.
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you can't imagine. >> judge jeanine: what sonny huston said was that white suburban women are roaches heading toward raid. if i said black suburban women were roaches heading towards anything, i would be fined. >> nice knowing you. didn't trump say baltimore was rat infested and it was a three week story. first of all, with joy, we didn't teach anybody anything. carter taught us about inflation. joe just reminded us. this is what i call the republican pounds attack. you not really scared of crime. republicans are scaring you. or you didn't know anything about high prices until republicans taught you about high prices. johnny goes out to manhattan and talks to new yorkers who don't watch fox. johnny doesn't scare anybody. look at johnny. he is not that scary.
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also johnny doesn't teach anybody anything except maybe who won the civil war. so you get a situation where hillary is saying this is a vast right-wing conspiracy. her husband signed a bill by joe biden to reduce crime in the 90s, was zada scary right-wing conspiracy. i think the democrats on the media. michael moore. i found, jeanine, and my 40 plus years, it's not a good idea to tell women what they think. i have found it's a better idea to listen to women and then summarize. there's two scenarios. the polls are either right or michael moore knows more about what women want than women. i'm going that's the case. >> judge jeanine: what's interesting, you have hillary clinton denying -- she lives in new york. crime is the number one issue in new york state, and she says we're just trying to scare them which reminds me of jen psaki. i will never forget, she's looking up the tv and saying i'm
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watching fox. why is jeanine pirro talking about crime? what is wrong with these people? >> harold: i'm glad that everything is well with your hand. i was worried about yesterday. >> judge jeanine: you are worried? thanks for the email. >> harold: i sent you a text. this is what happens. dana knows this, and has practiced this. i was on the ballot at the end of the campaign and when things are not going your way or they are going your way and you try to outline things that are going your way or try to deflate or dismiss or belittle the things that are not. some things are straining the notion of accuracy. friends and my party are saying things that may not necessarily altogether be true. again, there's a long tradition of that in america. i think of the end of a campaign, i think the thing that's most refreshing is it appears that the lines of been drawn in a campaign. democrats care deeply about freedom of choice. democrats care deeply about affordability and drug prices and democrats care deeply about
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supporting ukraine. some of the republican friends, old callings of mine, even ones i didn't serve with that if republicans get the majority that ukrainians will get a penny more or a dime more from the country. marjorie taylor greene said republicans would not provide another dime to ukraine. >> dana: that's like saying like rick scott -- >> harold: you can't assign aoc to me and you can't assign sunny hostin to me. i don't take it personally, his politics. you can't get offended when democrats are firing back as well. this is real-time high-stakes politics. democrats believe that if republicans think the majority things are going to change will be a lot of investigations. i think hillary clinton is right in one regard. i'm not heard republicans say what they are going to do. if you believe we should not fund ukraine then you are saying
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you want gas prices to be higher because that means that putin is in a stronger position. >> dana: you need to read the commitment to america. >> harold: there's a commitment to america. scott and mccarthy. at some point, all these issues should be on the table. >> judge jeanine: let's talk about reality. reality is hillary clinton saying crime is something crazy. >> harold: she's wrong. i would agree. what about ukraine? >> bill: i wanted thank harold for having me here. and i'd like to make a motion, judge. my motion is, raise your right hand. >> harold: i would like to have this election is made. we are ready to go. with regard to the spin i would say watch the margin of the difference between republicans and democrats on tuesday. that's either going to crush the spin or it's going to help it live for another day. with regard to cockroaches, they really liked them in 2020. not so much now based on the we
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are hearing from early voting in the way women have moved away from democrats towards republicans. i voted yesterday in new york. new york is the most extraordinary voting experience you'll ever have. you go in the booth, am i wrong about this? the state supreme court justices are all these. there's not a republican on the ballot. four initiatives. the first one is to spend an additional $400 billion. 400 billion on climate change. in new york state. proposition -- but a few others. there is a racial equity commission. they want to put in the city charter and a true cost-of-living provision. the president said the economy was in ruins when he came into office. and there was no plan for the pandemic. the plan was the vaccine. the vaccine was well underway. >> judge jeanine: thank you.
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>> bill: raise your right ha hand. >> judge jeanine: this sunday, you don't want to miss a huge special edition of "the five." we are counting down to thin terms and will break down all the key races that could tip the balance of power. this sunday 5:00 p.m. eastern and stick with fox news all day. we have a packed lineup starting at noon. coming up next, where's the outrage over this? a gunshot fired into the family of a republican candidate as his young children sleep inside. breakthrough heartburn... means your heartburn treatment is broken. try zegerid otc. it contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc. ♪well well you♪ ♪ooh ooh ooh ooh♪
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♪ ♪ >> bill: democratic heavy hitters turning up the hyperbolic rhetoric. >> this is really deadly earnest. democracy is on the ballot along with your right to choose on the to privacy. >> democracy as we know it may not survive in arizona. that's not an exaggeration. that's a fact. >> this country is on track to repeat what happened in germany when it was the greatest democracy going, elected chancellor who then co-opted the media. >> bill: that's rich. should politicians try to turn down the heat with incidents like this happening? the fbi's said to be investigating a shooting in a north carolina home at the
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parents of republican congressional candidate pat here again. it happened last month. a suspect firing a shot through the window. the candidates children sleeping only a few feet away. thankfully no one was injured. no rest have been made and the candidate is sounding off on what happened. >> i received very credible death threat. this was followed up by my opponent utilizing very poor judgment to actually shoot and add out in front of one of my homes and display that home for all to see in the world. in an era of steve scalise and brett kavanaugh and now paul pelosi, my parents are watching tv at 11:00 at night sitting in their living room and a bullet cracked through their home only 20 feet away from where my kids were sleeping. this is politics at its worst. >> bill: he is running for a seat on the west side of charlotte, favored for democrats. we will see how it goes. to my partner, dana.
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because we haven't spent enough time today together there's more coming up. that's a tease. what about going back to nazi germany? >> dana: once you start talking about that, nobody is listening. the democrats seem so upset with every other voter who is not taking things as seriously as they are. they want to talk about jan january 6. a major issue. it was. there are people being prosecuted right now. everybody in the meantime as they are going to the ballot box are like well, we've got crime as an issue. the border is an issue. some people might also want to talk about the fact that they are paying through their nose at the pump, also found out today a lot of people in new england found out their heating bills are going to be 60% higher than they were last year. all of this is coming fast and furious and they are mad and saying congress, if it changes from a democratic majority to a republican majority, that all of a sudden is nazi germany? that's a stretch.
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the other thing is, i guarantee you if things go the way it looks like they're going at least especially in the house, what is president biden going to say the next day? he's going to say it wasn't as bad as it could have been and i am so great okay fine. but then he is good to say won't matter. because i've got a pen and a phone and i have the veto power. that's exactly what they're going to say so how is that tierney? that's democracy. >> bill: to the one armed bandit, listening to the harrigan story. reminded me of a story in new york. >> judge jeanine: i was watching i was thinking there were two issues. there is the hyper political climate that we are living in with a bullet going through the home. then there is a crime issue. i would bet my bottom dollar the person who shot that bullet through the home of pat harrigan's family is someone who's got a prior criminal record. you know. i think it's this perfect storm
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that we've got of chaos and anarchy in this country where anything goes anymore. there is no one who is being held accountable solis just get up and do when our gut instincts tell us to do. you know, dana, i was thinking as you were speaking. will joe biden except the results of this election? will he be someone who says you know what, i accepted. will he say i took a shellacking? maybe i was on the wrong course. these people, all of them like chicken little. the sky is falling. nazi germany. are you kidding? for anyone who is a jew, that's the worst thing you can say. how can you compare the politics of today to that horrific elimination of jews in europe during world war ii? >> bill: fair point. a lot of jews in new york are going for lee zeldin. watching that story. see how it turns out.
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jesse, will you accept the results of this election? >> jesse: yeah because it's going to be a blowout. it's not going to be close enough to question. i am an amateur historian. there was one party that enslaved a race and started a civil war and put another race in internment camps, sensors speech, rates homes, plans evidence, sensors speech, accuses him of the people being cockroaches. i can call the democrats nazis but i won't because i choose to show little bit more restraint. i am looking forward to seeing what the democrats are going to accuse us of next. manhattan is not underwater, al gore. blacks are not back in chains, joe biden. we are still going to have voting, barack obama, and we are not going to be nazis next year. it is like the boy who cried wolf and then he cried dinosaur then he cried loch ness monster.
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what's worse than being an underwater slave-owning nazi? i've a feeling we are going to find out. >> bill: we shall. president biden apparently on the tarmac. he's campaigning in some districts you wouldn't expect. he said we are going to win this time. i feel really good about our chances. [laughter] sorry. >> jesse: oh, that's really what he said? you got me. >> bill: harold, what you think about going back to 1941? >> harold: i don't want to. my prayers go out to this young candidate north carolina and i hope we all, we'll have come everybody in politics has condemned this and we've gotten to a point unfortunately in which everyone has remarked about where the way you instigate turnout for your own party is to personally castigate the other side. there was a time when you talk about how your ideas are better and how the opponents ideas would not make the country stronger and safer and healthier and more whole. today we say that and we say the most awful personal things about a person you're running against. it undercuts the whole purpose
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of serving and working with them because once the election is over, he will to come together. saying we got beat. we got to work together. clinton did it. other presidents have had to do it including president obama, and they did. some would argue that perhaps divided government makes it better for things to get done. i'm not necessarily believing democrats are believing that's the case this go around but one thing is for certain. if republicans get the majority, there will be some people i fervently disagree with. there will be a lot of people i hope my party can fervently work with. i hope the rhetoric, whatever happens next tuesday or wednesday if we have runoffs, when it comes down everyone has to make a commitment and say to the country. jesse, dana, bill, one arm. we may differ on things that we can work together. otherwise were not going to solve it. put down the weapons if you disagree with somebody. this is not a time to be knifing and shooting and fighting pe people. fight at the ballot box, not by shooting into someone's home.
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>> bill: oprah winfrey is talking. apparently turning her back on her friend dr. oz. she has made an endorsement in pennsylvania. we'll break it down for you and watch for -- what you should watch for come tuesday night. ♪ energy is everywhere...
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♪ ♪ >> dana: bill hemmer is at the election board to answer some of our most pressing midterm questions. let's go to jesse. you have one that's very important. i'm sorry. do we want to hear about opera? oprah decided to endorse -- go against endorsing her friend dr. oz. she said she would vote for fetterman instead. >> i said it was up to the citizens of pennsylvania but i
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will tell you this, if i lived in pennsylvania i would've already cast my vote for john fetterman for many reasons. >> dana: bill hemmer. has a celebrity endorsement ever effected a big race like this? >> bill: is this stump the anchor time? >> dana: i tried to get them to go along with me but they wouldn't do it. >> bill: it might turn out embarrassing. i'm sure jesse has got something. >> jesse: i refuse to participate in her kneecap game but i do have a legitimate question. when the polls close, when do they close? which states close first and what are the indicators that i need to look for to tell if it's a win. >> bill: virginia, 7:00 east coast time. that's the easiest one to break down. a lot of people have done it, talking about this, the reason is there are three house races considered toss ups. key races too close to call.
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virginia 2. norfolk. both have military records. republicans think it can be the beginning of a good night for them on tuesday night. virginia 7. elaine spann berger -- abigail spanberger. we did that before. what's interesting about all three democratic women in these racist won their first terms in 2018. democrats had a great midterm run another up for reelection. good republican candidate. this is a different district for abigail spanberger. we will go over it on tuesday. i'm talking very fast because i want to tell you something. if republicans are able to win in that district then you start looking the way in your thinking how high could this beats that if they win virginia 10, then you really start counting the feet in the wave. it's a tall hurdle. i'm not saying it's going to happen but you asked me for an early indicator on the night. i look at virginia and those three races. virginia closes at 7:00 and they
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count quickly. >> jesse: perfect. >> dana: harold. >> harold: what's your thinking on nevada? the reason i ask. he looked like, i think adam laxalt is pretty impressive. he was ahead for a while. now it seems like it's come down. seems like the democrat might be ahead. one of those seats seems to be evening out. >> bill: the polling's neck and neck. some of the early voting returns indicate republicans are coming out democrats less so. the first latina in senate history, she's got that on her side. adam laxalt is a pretty good candidate. i would say wingback to 2020 as you look at nevada, clark county, las vegas, biden won the county by almost 54%. 60% of the voting population in nevada live in clark county. something to watch. >> judge jeanine: bill, i didn't go along with the kneecap
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in either. new york, 17th congressional district. new york, very blue state and you got the head of the dccc. >> bill: was amazing, can you see this, key races. how long have you looked in new york? >> judge jeanine: my whole life. >> bill: one, two, three 456-789-1011, 12 races we are watching in new york. why is that. here is one, new york 17, it's a new district for sean patrick maloney up against a good candidate, mike lawler. maloney runs the democratic congressional campaign comm committee. republicans have spent millions on this raise. g.o.p. wants to take them down. don't know if they can. hudson river valley north of new york city, something both parties have been watching very carefully. >> dana: your district, judge? i thought that was her district but it's not. >> bill: do you live in 17?
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>> judge jeanine: no. >> bill: do you know where you live? >> judge jeanine: i live in westchester. i ran five times. >> dana: i will do the knee capping. this actually just happened in the commercial break when you went upstairs. jesse saw a real clear politics has just moved to colorado senate race to a toss-up. what do you think of them apples? >> bill: who did? >> dana: rcp. >> bill: he dropped out of college, two courses shot, developed a construction business, very successful. he put a lot of his own money in it, he has not been in politics before. michael bennet is the establishment democrat, he's trying to get another one. o'day is not your typical republican. he has, in favor of certain abortion-rights, reproductive rights for women. he's had a few things to say about donald trump, et cetera.
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you want to look at the state? that is the hurdle that joe o'day needs to climb. biden by 14 points two years a ago. it's a democratic state. >> dana: when they move it to a toss-up, that's a possibility. >> bill: within the margin. >> dana: more knee capping ahead. just kidding. democrats might've taken this keyboarding group for granted and it could cost them dearly in just four days. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew...
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the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. >> jesse: no. you can call them tacos and this is what you get, democrats. latinos are abandoning the democratic party in droves. the latest sign of trouble, registered republicans voting early and super blue miami-dade county has surpassed democrats one day after biden was there. the county's nearly 72% hispanic. hillary won by almost 30 points on biden by 7. even obama's former top aide david axelrod has to admit his party has taken latinos for granted. >> i think arrogance. i think the word assumption is the right word. i don't think laura said -- talking about ignoring, i don't think you should ignore parts of the country where you think people are not going to support you or ignore constituencies because you take them for granted. >> jesse: bill hemmer,
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miami-dade county, that's cuban. >> bill: you were asking about early indicators, that's another one i would watch. republicans lost in 2018. came back and beat her in 2020. she is running for another term. look at the margins, it may tell you a lot about that race and about the santa statewide. one thing about latinos. dana and i have been talking to a ton of people and we have been doing this kind of together, a lot of meetings, trying to figure out what each side is thinking about. one thing i learned about the latino population in america, both parties believe that they are up for grabs and they are looking for a home right now in which political party is going to take them in. faith, family, the economy, education for kids, over the past few years, regardless of what happens on tuesday night, they latinos in america will be the most discussed demographic
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in america until we vote again. >> jesse: what about white suburban women? we are not going to talk about them? dayton, the latinx language. >> dana: didn't work. >> jesse: didn't work that well. >> dana: the latinos have been saying that they are for the american dream and they are not for political correctness. they are not for being local. the one opportunity. they don't believe that the country is this terrible place and nobody wants to come to and they are concerned about the open border. especially for some of them who may have waited in line for a long time and finally got here and finally made it and also some of these latino families are third, fourth generation. at that point, they are like, we are americans. we are not worried about what's going on in venezuela. we have been here for a while. they might have empathy but they also want order and that's what they don't have. plus, they've really been hit hard by covid in the economy.
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and inflation. a lot of immigrants that come to this country become entrepreneurs. it's one of the ways they figure out a way to get a foothold in the country and because of covid, shut down a lot of those small businesses for a long time. people are not going to forget that. their kids were in school. they are not going to forget that. test scores are down. they are not going to forget that and they are concerned about woke education. >> jesse: if it is a red wave and democrats lose big among hispanics or bigger than they expected, are they going to look inside and try to see what they did wrong? or is it just like, blame everybody. we are now in nazi germany there is tradition, you have to figure out what you did wrong. talking about democracy and freedom of choice. we'll find out the next several days if that's what pushes people over. to dana's point about voters of color, voters of any stripe. people want you to meet them where they are, to listen to them and speak to unhelp advance their aspirations.
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i'm certainly hispanic voters in this country, many who have come here from desperate places around the world and our own hemisphere have a greater appreciation for america's ability to help their families grow and be better than they are. so politicians who don't speak to that, who speak to the worst instincts, eventually that catches up with you. black voters, white voters, hispanic voters, i think we'll always talk about big blocks of voters, pennsylvania and michigan who happened to be white suburban women. but i think without doubt, you look at the swing voters for the parties and the key states where there is growth, bill is right, hispanic voters are a critical part of that matrix. in nevada, did i say right? obviously florida. she look at the growing hispanic population. look at the southeast area, this is where the fight is going to happen. democrats speak to people, not race.
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speak to people. not to their children. black children, hispanic children, white children. no one wants to pay more for gas. everyone's a good education for the kids and afford health care. >> judge jeanine: the interesting thing about latinos as they are traditional. traditional in terms of religion and family on the work ethic and physical blows things going on. if you recall -- obviously we all know because there is open border and they've been spilling over. 2 million, 3 million, whatever it's been. when they started coming in from cuba, i remember mayorkas saying, go back. go back. there was no entry for the cubans. the latinos and the cubans in florida heard that loud and clear and it was obvious to them that the cubans weren't being welcomed into this country while nicaragua and the other countries, el salvador and
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venezuela. all of those countries, come on in. here is a welcome mat. not cuba. it was amazing. i don't think that the latinos will forget that. the cubans in florida won't forget that either in the cubans hate socialism. they hate what happened in venezuela. they hear joe biden. they hear what he's talking about and they don't want it for this country because they came here to work can achieve the american dream, not to be fed this socialist nonsense. >> harold: why are you looking at me? >> dana: when you pronounce nevada like that, i can see u.s. president. nevada. >> jesse: coming up, elon musk warns left-wing activists they are trying to shut down free speech as he shakes up putter. twitter this week is your chance to try any subway
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footlong for free. like the subway series menu. just buy any footlong in the app, and get one free. free monsters, free bosses, any footlong for free! this guy loves a great offer. so let's see some hustle!
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after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris
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call the barnes firm now when that car hit my motorcycle, yoyou ght t beurprpris insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ >> harold: elon musk tries to shake up the country tweeting
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"twitter has had a massive drop in revenue. even though nothing is changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the actors. externally messed up. they are trying to destroy free speech in america." musk most of fire have to work for us, some getting their pink slips today. jesse. is this right? activists have a right to say what they want but he has a right to say what he wants. he has the right to run the company. >> jesse: he has a lot of rights. one is to hit on aoc aggressively. >> judge jeanine: what is wrong with you? >> jesse: i'm picking up some major tension between aoc and musk. i want to fill up everybody in. it's important. he charges eight bucks, she puts out a video where she's eating chicken and she's got the nice lighting and she's like hey, what's up? and then he's like no, you're going to pay. get it. then she hits them back and says i can't look at my mentions.
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is elon messing with me? elon says, what can i say, it was a naked abuse of power? >> judge jeanine: chassis. >> jesse: i know she's eng engaged. >> harold: may be you nailed it. >> jesse: i know she's engaged. i'm going to leave it there. they want me to leave it there. >> dana: i don't know what the heck is going on with twitter. i don't know. i don't understand. >> harold: the only thing that matters is how he runs the business. >> bill: stock close debt 54 bucks a share. can he make money off it? people making a big deal on $8 for the blue check. if he says that he can eliminate the bots on twitter, is that not a good thing? if this guy can take a rocket and landed on a ship in the pacific ocean floating on a barge, i think he can figure it out at twitter. by the way, i'd pay the eight box. >> judge jeanine: i would pay
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it. >> bill: if it makes the product better, let's do it. >> judge jeanine: they are bringing a class action against him saying you can't fire us. here's the bottom line. he can fire them. he's just got to give them 60 days notice or severance pay. it's that simple. elon musk was great and great and great until he decided that we have free speech in america know they hate him so now the right to make his life miserable. >> harold: do you have more thoughts? >> dana: i don't. i'm glad that hammer city was going to pay my eight bucks. >> harold: we use it. >> bill: we use it for our jobs. it helps to go through news. there is value in the product. if he can make it better through the right code, then i think it's worth it. >> harold: i am not disagreeing. i'm curious, would you pay it. >> judge jeanine: who expenses it? >> jesse: i am putting it
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through. >> judge jeanine: i am loo looking. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪you shook me all night long♪ ♪yeah you shook me all night♪ get 5 boneless wings for just $1 with any burger. only at applebee's.
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but when you have the capability to go anywhere, and do anything, you realize there's nothing more beautiful... than freedom. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: before we get to "one more thing," a reminder we are back this sunday at 5:00 p.m. eastern for a special midterm show. now it is time for "one more thing." >> dana: bill hemmer is here, this is a live look at them coming on the stretch of the selection, and it is as you can see it is neck and neck, just so you have your update. also i got to meet gus, this is gutfeld's puppy, really cute dog. >> jesse: did you have it in a
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choke hold? spit on his a tiny baby. it >> dana: he only weighs 5 pounds. >> bill: you will look at that as a good memory. as >> judge jeanine: today by the way as national candy day, the candy term was coined in the 13th century, i don't know why, they did not have sugar then order it was not a readily available, made from honey with candy makers coding fruits over the honey, but let me -- i'm going to tell you the top ten candy is in the united states. receipts peanut butter cups, skittles, m&ms, starburst, hot tamales, they are my favorite period peppermint patties, hershey kisses, sour patch, snickers, tootsie pops. and your peppermint patties were created before i was born in 1940. now, jesse, hit it. >> jesse: a kid and a claw machine, you know where you put in a quarter and you try to pick up some stuffed animal and it never works, this kid got into the claw machine case. we don't know how he did it, but
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he is in, and if you want to get a kid, it's just $0.25. jesse watters prime time tonight, dana perino, cary lake, and sarah palin with a special guest appearance by bill hemmer. >> bill: it's must-see tv. >> lena horne was the first black women to have a broadway career, born in brooklyn 1917, the first show in 1934. she won four tony's and died in 2010 at 92 years old, congratulations to her and her family. and i'm glad that i was able to talk about it. >> bill: before we go is dana and i like to say, check out the size of these bobbles. all right, that is central london. a runaway ornament. it's a bubble, i think there were two that got away. so that's it.
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also, bill hemmer and dana primo, prime time jesse watters, so don't miss that. >> dana: it can and will believe we. >> jesse: i think i have my money, dana lost last sink or swim. she has lost every time, so you are due. >> judge jeanine: all right, that's it for us tonight, we will see you back here on sunday at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington, i am bret baier, four days left till the midterm vote, president biden and democrats are trying to turn to the economic narrative and turn it in their favor. the october jobs report shows another solid month of hiring with a slight increase in the unemployment rate, but the headwinds of inflation at skyrocketing interest rates may be too much to overcome, and that could give control of congress to the g.o.p. maybe one chamber, maybe both chambers, white house correspondent peter doocy starts us off live


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