tv Hannity FOX News November 4, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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plants because they can't rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of the world, the existence of the plan. so it's going to become a wind generation and all they're doing is going to save them a hell of a lot of money and using the same transmission line they transmit as coal fired electric car . we're going be shutting these plants down all across america. >> wind turbines more alive. >> we've never had. and welcome to hannity this friday. night. we opened with a question tonight. are you better off than you are? two years ago? because in four days you'll have a critical opportunity to answer that question at the ballot box. now, only you can check both joe biden and the radical democratic socialist party. only you can hold them accountable for the years of lies and abuse. and tonight, that abuse is now reaching a boiling point.
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the democrats, their closing message to you, the american people, is americans that don't vote for us are. you don't believe. >> take a look. this is what happens in a country that follows what happened in germany. in the early thirties. and as i said, in 2018, they caused a lot of help from a lot of people for having said it without. it was true then and it's true now. this country is on track to repeat what happened in germany when it was the greatest democracy going elected a chancellor who then co-opted the media. i see what's happening here devoid of anything positive at all that they can run on democrats. they're now attempting to gin up fear by dehumanizing half the country. now, this week, alone, they compared, let's see, republican suburban women approaches. they compared conservatives to . they accused of plotting to overthrow democracy. they said that america streets
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will run red with blood if republicans get elected. >> we're not exaggerating. we report. you decide. >> overwhelming majority of americans believe our democracy is at risk, that our democracy is under threat. >> they to see that democracy is on the ballot this year and they're deeply concerned about what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed. we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system. >> white republicans, suburban women are now going to vote republican . why? it's almost like roaches voting for rade. they're pushing out all of these polls, this sort of muddy up the averages and sort of create this narrative of a red wave. if it doesn't happen, aren't we going to be in more danger of violence?
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because they've created a narrative? and if it doesn't happen, they're going to say the whole election is stolen. >> we're seeing a whole political party and those who support it, those who enable it, those who run under its banner, engaging in behavior that is so dangerous. and i find, frankly, disqualifying for people who are running for office, children arrested and they're going to be killed. nazi germany analogies and suburban women, the vote republican , it's like roaches voting for raid. now, according to the left, the only crisis in america is republicans can win an election. violent crime is a vast right wing conspiracy theory in their world. the border being totally out of control. no, it's secure. if you listen to them. gas prices, according to democrats, are really low. the economy is just great. inflation is only a term being used by republicans to drive turnout. according to most dnc chief economic expert joy reid. >> take a look.
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>> the only people i ever heard here use the word inflation are journalists and economists. right? so that is not part of the normal lexicon of the way people talk. so it's interesting that republicans are doing something they don't normally do. right, which not use the common tongue. right. not use just common english to sort do on their campaigns like they do with crime. but what they've done is they've taught people the word inflation. right. most people who have never used that word ever in their lives are using it now because they've been taught it. >> choi, with all due respect, americans know what inflation is . and guess what? because it's ruining their lives caused by the democratic socialist party. it is draining their bank accounts. it is forcing them into credit card debt. so, joy reid waxing poetic about the word inflation because i guess she can afford to . she probably gets paid millions of dollars to demean slanderer . publican's on mzoudi dnc. she's not choosing between gas
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or food. she's not living paycheck to paycheck. now, 70%. the country is . and unfortunately, top democrats, they obviously don't care. they probably don't even know the two thirds of the country plus are living paycheck to paycheck. people are not making ends meet. they are totally detached in the media mob from reality. their agenda is radical. their policies are insane. their goals are naive, and they're failing and their candidates are just awful and extreme. but perhaps no one is worse than that. pennsylvania trust fund brad in a hoodie that tries to play like he's a real hard working blue collar worker. he's a trust fund brad in a hoodie, pretends that he's a working man. it's basically a halloween costume all year round every year. fetterman has never had a real job in his life until he became a part time mayor of a small town of braddock, pennsylvania. and like many other democrats running this year, fetterman is a devout radical socialist.
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this guy will destroy pennsylvania's economy with his moratorium on fracking. he wants to defund the police. he is the single biggest supporter of convicted murderers ever to run for the u.s. senate. he wants to empty all prisons in pennsylvania, nationalize private industry, punish job creators, something he wouldn't know about because he's never had a job. make pennsylvania a sanctuary state, make you, the taxpayers in pennsylvania, pay for free heroin, safe injection sites. unfortunately, fetterman also recently suffered a debilitating stroke and now has severe damage. but let's be clear, fetterman is not qualified to serve for a variety of reasons. but according to the left, a vote for fetterman is well against fetterman is an act of violence against him like why now? according to democrats, you are voting to overthrow democracy by voting for someone more qualified. they will call you a fascist for voting evil, sexist,
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racist, xenophobic, fascist enemies of the state. you want dirty air, you want dirty water. you're plotting and planning and scheming to take away social security and medicare. although not a single republican has ever said it and none of them will ever do it. and yet at the very same time, they're accusing, well, those on the right of spewing destructive rhetoric that is causing political violence. now, of course, they're totally ignoring gop house candidate pat aragón. he's going to join us in a minute. his family home. take look, that's a bullet hole was just shot up while his children were sleeping inside. but again, democrats, the media mob, they're not covering a story. they don't seem to care for them. everything is only about narrative. if it doesn't fit their political agenda, if it doesn't fit that narrative, it doesn't exist and they ignore it. of course, as you know, the narrative doesn't fix inflation. the narrative doesn't bring down energy costs. it doesn't secure the southern border. it doesn't solve the real crime
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crisis in small towns and big cities all across the country. and it certainly doesn't bring any of us together. the democratic party has failed this country on a spectacular level. they have lied to our faces and they need to be held accountable and you can fire them next tuesday. here with the very latest from what we can expect on tuesday night. he's at the hammer big board, our very own bill hemmer is there. bill , good to see you on this friday night. and we're going to be watching a lot of races. here's what i can tell me. if tell me if you disagree with us by the time all the votes are counted between georgia, i'm talking about the senate races, north carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, arizona, nevada, probably less than one hundred thousand votes will will determine the balance of power in the senate. >> could very well. i mean, it's kind of like where we were in 2020. >> you might be right about that, john . i'm not quite sure you need based on that. >> but what i want to do for you need you in the audience
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tonight is just kind of give you a primer about what you should look for. when you tune in on tuesday night. so i'm going to take to the house, the senate and the governor races, not going to cover the whole country on mostly eastern time zone areas. okay, so in the house, you could pretty much and we've been talking about this for a while now in the state of virginia, closes at 7:00 o'clock. they count pretty quickly. a lot of people in a very similar analysis. this these are the three house districts that seem to be the most highly contested if republicans are able to win in virginia, two with jenny higgin higgins, rather, down here in norfolk, then they're off to they're off to a decent start on the evening if they're able also to win in virginia, seven , defeat abigail bamberger's. she's running for a third term right here south of washington, d.c. then you're going to start asking yourself, how big is the wave if they're able to also win in virginia ten , which is just west of fairfax here with huncke now running for this, then you're going to be asking yourself how many feet high is it? all right. but before we go there, sean,
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let's just say the democrats are able to hang on to maybe two of these seats. and if that's the case, we're going to be looking for other areas on the east coast. and republicans are playing in districts this year that you would not expect. it's going to give you a couple right here. was the last time, sean, you talked about rhode island. this is the western half of rhode island that republicans really like their candidate and thung the former mayor of cranston run against seth magaziner, allen funt. they like him. they think he's a likable guy. he's running an interesting campaign. and if they're able to score a trick there in rhode island, and that would be that would be quite a swing. >> the other thing we're looking at is connecticut. like, when was the last time, sean, you talked about connecticut when he came to the republican party or the western half here in connecticut, five . george logan, really good candidate taking on johannah. he's just had to see for a number of years. they think they're playing in that area as well. so for the seven o'clock closing time in the 8:00 closing time, i would think about the five races that i just mentioned there to give you a sense of whether or not
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democrats are holding back republicans or whether that republicans are really getting the momentum. the other thing is down here in florida, it's give me a ton of news tuesday night in florida. i want to take you forward one time and show you what i what i think is important. this is congressional district twenty seven . maria salazar is the republican . she lost 18 . she won in twenty 20. she's trying to win reelection again. she's running down here in miami. okay, a lot of cuban-americans ,a lot of democrats, she did it in 2020. if she's able to ride this early wave of voting, the early vote in florida seems just that. republicans are doing really well so far . and i'll see you got a big governor's race. come on out here. one more time for me and then we'll take you into the senate race here. if i'm watching salazar to see her margin from 2020, whether or not she's able to meet it short or even surpass it, that will be an early indicator as well on the senate. the obvious one that's right here. it's pennsylvania, it's fetterman. and oz could go late into
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the night. we may not even know based on the mail in ballots and what time they process them and open them and count them. we may not even know tuesday night. so pennsylvania is a big one i could talk about. well, i mean, new hampshire is out there, ohio with j.d. vance, but i'd point you to georgia and think about this warnock walker race. you got to get to fifty percent. the clear and avoid a runoff come december six . that's going to be super hot. that closes at seven o'clock as well. one more area here, the governor's races. and there are some some really good ones to , i would think about nine o'clock closing time in new york . is lee zeldin really contending as a republican in the state of new york against kathleen hochul? if he is more there's going to be some suspense throughout the night, not just for that, but a lot of these house races that we've been tracking as well. so keep an eye on that. george pataki. twenty two is the last time new york had a republican governor . i'd also keep an eye down here on georgia yet again. you have two great races.
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does brian kemp get above 50%? does he defeat abrams for the second time in four years? that's something we're watching also. and come back to florida as we conclude this show on ron. the santos is running a good campaign, coming off the hurricane and run against charlie crist, a former republican who was a republican as he was governor in the state of florida. watch the margin on the outcome of this race. they'll tell us a lot about this election next tuesday. and might tell us a lot also about the next election. in twenty four . >> john , back to you. all right, bill hemmer, great analysis. >> it's the hammer board. he can't do it like he can. nobody like he can have a go anyway. bill hemmer, you have a great weekend. all right. joining us now, former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich. you have been steadfast in terms of predicting that this this environment that republicans are now running in the fact that democrats have nothing positive to run on , that they're now back to the old scare of seniors, of
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republicans are going to take away your social security and medicare. to me, that's a sign of desperation. let's walk through what you see, what you predict, what's going to happen on tuesday night. >> well, i think in a general level, we're going to be somewhere between plus three and plus five in the senate, the one which i think is hanging in the balance is a terrific candidate, tiffany smiley and washington state. but washington state's a very tough state for us . but i think we're going to win all the republican seats, which will include us in pennsylvania. j.d. vance, will include people like marco rubio handily. and we're going to keep the seat in north carolina and in wisconsin with ron johnson. then i think we're going to pick up baldor for almost certainly going to win in new hampshire as people go out and fill up their heating oil tanks for the winter. the price shock is enormous. and hassan is a very, very weak
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senator . i think we're going to pick up the seat in georgia where we have adam laxalt in georgia. i actually look, i'm an optimist. i think hershel is probably going to win. herschel walker is going to win without a runoff. i think that brian kemp has done such a great job, put together such a powerful team that he's going to be stacy by a big margin. and in that process, i think he's going to carry hershel above 50%. and then i think, frankly, blake masters is going to win in arizona, where you have and kelly, somebody who pretends to be a moderate, but in fact has consistently favored more irs agents over more border patrol and people of arizona. not so i think is going to be a great night on the house side will be somewhere between 20 and plus 50 . i personally think it'll be about 40 for. and kevin mccarthy is the next speaker. wow. that is a very bold prediction. >> when you think of all these races, a lot of them are either
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dead even in the polls or a one point advantage or a two point advantage. and i'm talking about more specifically, i'll break it down. georgia, new hampshire, pennsylvania, nevada and arizona in particular, those races seem to be the toughest right now. i'd add . tiffany smiley and washington state, when you see the races that are that tight, how should people interpret that? because now you're talking about, you know, between all those races, i just mentioned, you know, maybe 30 , 40 , 50 thousand votes will determine the winner in all those races combined. >> well, it could be we won with reagan, we won control of the senate and nobody expected it. and the total margin is amazingly small. but we kept winning seats by ten thousand fifteen thousand twenty thousand. look, there are two things to remember here. one is robert o'hanley of trafalgar said over and over again, with all of the vicious ,hateful language from biden and others, you suppress
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the republican willingness to talk to pollsters so cogently says it's much harder to get an accurate read on republicans right now. because they frankly don't want to tell people what they're going to do. >> and the hostility has been so great in the news media. so, one , the polls are almost certainly undercounting republicans, too, as i just in a newsletter that goes out from gingrich 360 today, this is going to be a hard weekend for the democrats. people are going to go fill up their gas tank. they're going to go and fill out, go to the grocery store. they're going to watch the evening news. the normal weekend carnage in chicago, the murders in new york . i think by the time it's over, almost nobody who's currently undecided is going to decide to vote democrat. so you can take if the democrats below fifty one or 52%, i , i personally believe they're probably gone. and i see. so you show me a forty six forty seven race. the democrat seems to be ahead by one. know that democrats at
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forty seven they're probably behind fifty three . forty seven because i think all the final votes are going to go against the democrats. >> you know i've learned over the many years and being the emcee the night you became speaker of the house of a night i'll never forget and was honored to be a part of you've never been wrong. you are almost always right. so i trust your your confidence. >> almost always. almost always, but very consistently. give a very objective analysis. we'll be watching. speaker gingrich, thanks for being with us. all right. joining us now, author, the brand new book, a great book, by the way, justice corrupted texas senator ted cruz, long, by the way, with texas congressional candidate cassie garcia. casy, by the way. welcome to you. good to see you. i know first of all, senator cruz, i got to give you a lot of credit. you, tim scott in particular, have gone way above and beyond . you've gone to 17 states . you've been campaigning all over the country. you've been helping senate candidates, gubernatorial candidates, congressional
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candidates, you've been pretty much helping everybody out. i got to give you a lot of credit for that. >> i think it's having an impact. what are you seeing when you're out there? well, thank you, sean. you're right. we've been in the midst of a month long, 17 state national bus tour, actually , the very last event on the national bus tour is right here in san antonio. tonight. it's a rally for kasey garcia. it is going to be blowing the doors out and it's closing out. what we're seeing all across the country. and it was interesting, i was listening to your interview with newt. you and i have been friends with newt a long time. >> newt has always been brilliant. but i got to say it was remarkable. as i sat there listening, i think i agreed with every syllable of every word newt said to you, you know, just just this week, on my podcast verdict, i went through in detail seat by seat , all of the senate seats. and i agree with newt. i think at the end of the day, we win the house and we have between 30 and 50 seats that we pick up in the house. and i think in the senate, i think we're likely at either
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fifty three or fifty for republican pickups. i think we win nevada. i think we win georgia. and i think we've got a very good shot at winning arizona and new hampshire. i agree with newt that i think we hold on to all of the seats where we're on defense, whether it's pennsylvania, ohio or wisconsin at the end of the day. and i also agree that we've got a shot. tiffany smiley in washington state. she's a great candidate in a tough state. we also have an outside shot in colorado. so at the end of the day, i think we're headed to a wave election. that is going to be a big step forward and change in the direction of the country. >> cassie, what drove you into politics as both senator cruz and myself, we spent five minutes with you before you made the decision. we would probably talk to you out of it. it's a rough and tumble business. there's a reason they call it a blood sport. but having senator cruz's support is a big deal in your race.
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and all projections. >> are you going to do very well on election night? what got into this? like, i am a lifelong texan and the wife of a border patrol agent, and i don't like what i'm seeing in washington. me, the hispanic community, are tired of the biden pelosi agenda. look, henry has been in office since nineteen eighty seven since i was in kindergarten. and what has a guy look the border broken, prices are out of control and four out of nine counties in the district do not even have a doctor. we are sick and tired. and not only that, he's under a criminal investigation for corruption. so people are sick and tired. and the state's been democrat controlled for one hundred , ten years. and it's time for change. and people are ready for a new voice in washington, dc. and i had the honor privilege working alongside senator cruz for the past eight years. and people are ready, people we're seeing the momentum on the ground right now. and i predict we're going to see a red wave in south texas. >> we're going to be watching the race very closely. senator cruz, honestly, i want people to know how hard you've
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been working 17 states on a bus every day away from your family. you didn't have to do what you did. people like you and senator tim scott have gone way above and beyond. thank you for what you did. we appreciate you being with us all. coming up, with just four days to go, polls could not be any tighter. we're going to break down the very latest numbers. our pollsters, matt towery, robert haley, by the way, they both got a big recognition today. we'll tell you about that straight ahead. >> there's an uneasiness growing within today's parents . questions arise around what our kids are being taught, exposed to and influenced by . >> thankfully, a fully engaged, well-informed parent is a powerful thing. >> that's why i support answers in genesis. and i would recommend that you do as well, because it's important to remember that the battle for our kids minds isn't won in the courts or the classroom is one from the safety and comfort of our own home. >> so be the influence our kids need and support answers in genesis today. hey, i just got a text from
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six thirty two hundred. that's 800, five , seven , six thirty two hundred. and welcome to fox news. ashley strohmeyer in new york . tornadoes ripping through the central us , killing one and hurting at least two dozen people. areas close to the texas oklahoma border were hit the hardest, with more than 50 homes damaged or even destroyed. tens of thousands of homes are
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also without power. the national weather service issued tornado warnings stretching from the dallas fort worth area. and in neighboring oklahoma, the storm system now heading east toward arkansas and louisiana. house speaker nancy pelosi making her first public remarks since her husband, paul , was violently attacked in their san francisco home last week. pelosi spoke out about her husband's recovery and thanked well-wishers. >> it's going to be a long haul, but he will be well. and it's just so tragic what happened. but nonetheless, we have to be optimistic. he surrounded by family. >> so that's a wonderful thing. mr. pelosi suffered a fractured skull and other injuries when the intruder attacked him with a hammer. when asked what would make her feel better, pelosi told people to go out and vote. the suspect pleaded not guilty and is being held on suspicion of attempted murder and other charges. giant nike ending its relationship with nba star kyrie irving. the latest problems for the hoops star come one day
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after he was suspended by the brooklyn nets for failing to say he has no anti-semitic beliefs. irving tweeted a link to a film that contains anti-semitic material and repeatedly refused to apologize until he was suspended. nike's canceling the launch of the new chiri eight shoe. and finally, should be your lucky week in the powerball jackpot, reaching one point a billion ahead of saturday night's drawing is the largest lottery prize in history. nobody's won the top prize in more than three months. i'm actually strohmeyer and i'm back to "hannity". world war headlines. log on to fox news. .com. >> all right. only four days away from tuesday's election day in america and the polls are tightening in a number of key races all across the country. new polls released from insider advantage show the dr. oz now with a two point lead over the trust fund. brad in a hoodie. john fetterman, arizona,
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gubernatorial candidate terry lake has a three point lead over democrat katie hobbs, georgia senate candidate herschel walker with a three point lead over incumbent raphael warnock. and meanwhile, new polls from trafalgar show surprisingly close results in historically blue states. look at new hampshire. senate candidate don bolduc leads senator carson by more than a point in new york , republican lead zeldin holds a slim lead over kathy hochul. now, while republican tiffany smiley is in a statistical tie with incumbent patty murray in washington. all right. here with the latest insider advantage, chairman matt towery, chief pollster at trafalgar group. robert connolly, let me praise both of you. both of you showed up as two of the top pollsters in america. i noticed a real clear politics . congratulations to both of you. >> thank you. thank you. we a lot of people were involved in that over the years, though.
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i certainly had better be right than on tuesday to robert because not you're going to be there. they might take it back . polling is a hard thing to do. let's look at the senate and robert haley. we're going to go through real quick, both of you. we'll start with georgia. robert , who's going to win georgia in the senate? hershel, matt , i think it could be a runoff, but i think walker's the favorite either way. okay, let's go to north carolina. ted bud, matt bud, what do you think? robert ? >> but not even close. let's go . >> bolduc in new hampshire. robert , barely. but boulder, what do you think, matt ? toss up right now? i don't have an answer. >> minimums with bolded. okay, let's look at pennsylvania and oz. >> matt towery, who's going to win that race?
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>> well, based on the polling, i should win. but pennsylvania is a weird place in terms of how they count their ballots in like. so i'm going to have to hold my breath and say it's a toss up. wow. thoughts. robert , what do you think? i think i always get the most votes. oh, boy, that that is a lot to do. that's what robert says every time that's a loaded term, you just throw out there in the in the end. >> do you think oz wins this? robert , i think whether he wins, like matt said, it's a toss up. all right. let's look at j.d. vance in ohio. thoughts, robert , that's not close. matt saying, i agree. ron johnson in wisconsin. matt . yeah, he's got it. what do you think, robert ? i think he wins, but he because he's an incumbent, he might he
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might be a little under what the polling says. okay, let's look at laxalt in in nevada. matt , that one , i believe, is going to be one of the two seats that will probably cause republicans to carry the senate . i think he wins. okay, robert , you agree? definitely. and what do you think about arizona blake masters, robert ? i feel like mastrov with the libertarian getting out. i think he's got a real advantage now and he'll close the gap. so i think i think he wins it. but by hair. what do you think, matt ? i basically agree. i carrie lake is running so strong that that's going to help push him over the edge. let's look at three gubernatorial races. new york , michigan, with tooter dixon, lee zeldin in new york and carrie in arizona, who wins those three races? matau? >> well, karen lake is going to win in arizona based
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on the polling we've been doing for the fox affiliate there. michigan's going to be an absolute tight, tight race to the end. and i'm not even going to talk about new york because robert is the man who discovered there was a close race there in the first place. >> so i'll toss that to him. all right. you're punting on that one . i love how you guys punt back and forth. what's your take on the three? hmm. well, first of all, i think kerry, like is is the new superstar of the republican party. and i think she's going to win and she's going to impress people how well she wins. i think michigan is a toss up and it's more about what the turnout for opposition to the ballot initiative three does that is going to drive that race more than any other factor. and new york, i think it is very, very close, but it really could go either way. and it's going to be about crime. but it's just a matter of it's going to be a toss up. all right. thank you both. >> and congratulations also
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to both of you. the highest rankings on real clear politics in terms of pollsters in america. we appreciate you being with us. when we come back , jim jordan outlines a new bombshell report on the fbi and the doj, how the fbi has been politicized and the doj has been weaponizes. and this is going to be investigated if republicans win back the house on tuesday. also tonight, a shocking attack last night on a republican congressional candidates parents house. they shot a bullet into the window. the kids were inside while that candidate, pat harrington, will tell us this story straight. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep. you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually
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a long time, how the fbi has been politicized and the department of justice weaponized. now, this under attorney general merrick garland. the fbi under director christopher wray. in the report, house republicans assert that the fbi has, quote, broken, but stated that the problem is not with the front line agents, the rank and file, but rather the politicized bureaucracy. joining us now to outline the report's findings, house judiciary committee ranking member, congressman jim jordan. if i'm a democrat and i'm looking at this election season and i see this thousand page report and i look deeply into it and the things that we have talked about, even going back to the russia hoax, we now now know in early october that the fbi went to christopher steele, offered him a million dollars to prove his dossier was true. he couldn't do it by the end of october. 2016 they used it anyway in a fisa application. and then in january of 2017,
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the main source of christopher steele, dan chanko, he says none of it's true. >> it's all bar talk. what do they do that put them on the payroll? so i am very worried how the fbi has been politicized and the doj is now weaponizes. how real will this investigation get ? >> as real as it can possibly be ? as aggressive as we can possibly be , sean, because that's what's warranted. and you outline it all in this report. and as you indicate, we say this in the report because this is what the whistleblowers told us . the fbi has broken. the washington field office is broken. one whistleblower described it as rotten to its core. and one of the key things that just came out recently from one of the newest whistleblowers, most recent whistleblowers, has come to us is this unbelievable relationship between big tech and the fbi, where they were working together. and facebook, one whistleblower says he believes facebook was just giving user information to the justice department, to the fbi without the users knowing that. so, i mean, you talk about frightening stuff.
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so, yeah, this is why we put it all in a report. and this is this is chronicles everything we've been talking about now for the last year and frankly, for a lot longer, as you point out. clear back to when they spied on president trump's campaign. so we're going to we're committed to doing that. the investigate that needs to be done to exposing it all, getting the truth to the american people. and beginning to hold people accountable. what did you think when merit garland came out? i thought we had whistleblower protection laws in this country. but after it was revealed there were anywhere between 20 and 30 fbi whistleblowers, doj whistleblowers, merrick garland reminded people in the doj that they are not allowed to talk to people like you or senator grassley or senator johnson. was that reminder an attempt at intimidation to silence them? >> yeah, it's all part of the plan to chill people's speech at the same thing. joe biden did the other night. it's the same reason why as the trafalgar group, mr. cayley
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pointed out, people are reluctant. republicans are reluctant to participate polls. it's all designed to to chill speech. and it's a fundamental attack on the first amendment. and it's wrong. and by the way, merrick garland did that. if you remember on the day after you talked about this issue on your show the next day, shazam, here comes merrick garland saying, oh, here's here's how you're supposed to operate people in the justice department. if you're going to talk to congress, i found that a little more than coincidental. so, yeah, this is all designed to chill speech. and it's so scary when you think about what they've been up to . think about the last two months on . they raided the home of the former president , took the phone of a sitting member of congress and kicked in the door of a pro-life activist outside of philadelphia, arrested him in front of his wife and seven children for something the local judge says wasn't problem, wasn't a crime. that's what the fbi has been up to . and that is all designed to chill speech and to keep as quiet as well. but we're not going to be quiet. we're going to do the investigation that our duty requires. we do our constitutional oath requires we do and get the truth to the american
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people. >> all right. jim jordan, thank you for being with us. stay tuned. things will change from washington in a major way if republicans win on tuesday. now turning to the state of north carolina, where last night the home of republican congressional candidate pat harrigan's parents was shot at while his children were inside, leaving a bullet hole right there. you can see it on your screen. the fbi is now investigating the incident. and harrigan's democratic opponent, jeff jackson, has now reportedly pulled his advertising off the air because his most recent tv ad included pictures of one of harrigan's homes. now, we reached out to the campaign for comment and we were told, well, jackson condemns violence and that the house attack last night does not appear in any of his ads. while pat harrigan is partially blaming his jackson's rhetoric for the attack. he says, quote, a bullet and death threats aren't enough to knock this green beret off his mission to save this country.
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here now with more. north carolina republican congressional candidate pat harrigan. first, i'm sorry, what happened? it's got to be pretty scary as a parent to have this happen to you. sean. >> thanks for having me tonight and thanks for your concern. i think the important thing is everybody's doing all right and we're moving forward out here in north carolina. >> so we had we had gen. bolduc guy tried to attack them before a debate earlier this week. we had your attack. we've had numerous other attacks. lee zeldin, on two occasions, one guy came at him with a knife and there was a shootout on the front lawn of his house. apparently a gang related shootout. and all we hear from the democrats in the media is that republican rhetoric is responsible for what happened to paul pelosi. nobody that i know supports that kind of violence. as a matter of fact, i think the speaker as speaker in line to be president if, god forbid, something happens, i would argue need secret service
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protection. >> yeah, i don't think that you're wrong. john . i can tell you from just the perspective of being a candidate over here, you know, we're on our own when we face this stuff. you know, we're not sitting congress and congresswoman that are dealing with all of this and that have the potential of having a protective detail. we've got to take care of ourselves. but i'll tell you what, you highlighted this exactly. we are facing this problem all across the country and it's completely unconscionable and unnecessary and unproductive for the future of the united states of america. to conduct our politics with such demonizing rhetoric that we force the extremes of our nation to take action against politicians who are just trying to serve the people of the united states and their constituents. it's ridiculous. you know, i'm sad that that's happened to you. >> i don't want it to happen to anybody. this is this transcends political leanings. or partisanship in any way. we're going to watch your race closely.
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i know you're doing well there. we want to see ted budwood as well. in north carolina. thanks for being with us. my best to your family. all right. coming up, more bizarre details and confusion around the paul pelosi hammer attack. it is getting bizarre. nbc news now reported new details about the incident . then they abruptly deleted the story from their web site. we will explain straight ahead. >> what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it? >> most christian healthcare ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family, a group that sees you for who you are regardless of your health history, offering values based, affordable health care solutions for people just like you and me. >> learn more today. at your smug about health care that puts you in control this holiday season.
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this 800 five seven six thirty two hundred and all right. this morning, nbc news aired a pretty strange piece about paul pelosi, that hammer attack. take a look at this and listen very closely. >> nbc news learning new details about the moments police arrived. sources familiar with what unfolded in the pelosi
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residence now revealing when officers responded to the high priority call. they were seemingly unaware they've been called to the home of the speaker of the house after a knock and announce the front door was opened by mr. pelosi. the eighty two year old did not immediately declare an emergency or tried to leave his home, but instead began walking several feet back into the foyer, toward the assailant and away from police. it's unclear if the 82 year old was already injured or what his mental state was, say sources. >> now, nbc news has now removed the report from their website and social media platforms. they're now saying it doesn't meet their editorial standards . we did reach out to nbc for further comment. we did not hear back here with reaction. fox news contributor joe concha ,valchek founder. travis, good to see you both. clay, let me let me start with you tonight. now, this is odd. up until this point, i just assumed that this was an attack, that this was real
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and i just wish paul pelosi, you know, that he get well. i don't want anybody attacked. and i also think that a speaker because, you know, after the vice president , they're next in line to be president . if something happens to a sitting president to take that job. so i think a speaker should have secret service protection . my question is , if this report is true, that he to open the door nonchalantly and that not only then walks into the hall where this guy with a hammer is , and that's a police witnessed the assault at that time. that would be the strangest reaction that i could ever think of, of anybody that just got attacked or you have an intruder in your home with a hammer. i think most people would say, go get him. he's in there and run out the door. >> yeah, i you're exactly right, sean. i think you can start by saying, let's take this outside of the paul pelosi situation and just say, if you're in your home right now in the middle of the night
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and somebody is an intruder, and the police are there and you are fortunate enough to be able to open the door and you see the police there 90 , nine point 99% of people are immediately running out of the house, getting behind the police and saying thank you for being here. go get the guy who is the intruder in my home right now. and that's not what happened. and sean, the analogy that i would also draw here is you remember when the shooting happened that you've all day awful story. and the initial report that came out virtually everything that the police told us and everything that the authorities in that situation told us ended up not being true. this is starting to sound just straight up weird and as if there are many details, we are not being shared. and so that's why i would say, why can't the san francisco police just release the body cam footage from their officers so everybody can see exactly what happened, what the interaction was like
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and what details surrounding this incident. so we don't have to speculate as to what or what may or may not have happened. >> joe concha, i agree completely with clay. let's release a body cam footage. and my understanding is the capitol police also have cameras, security cameras on site. and there's video of the incident of the guy breaking in. people that were to monitor the cameras didn't do it. why don't we release all of that video and let the american people decide? >> that is the biggest question here, right? if you want to remove all ambiguity here, sean, around this story, he said he said speculation sources. no, just simply release the body cam footage from the police officers there on the scene. why isn't that happening? these are questions other media outlets should be asking, by the way, instead of pointing fingers and trying to somehow make this a political story. "the washington post" even ran a story saying that if you're a member of the media or you're
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a clay travis or a joe and you ask for the body cam footage should be released. >> you're a conspiracy theorist . how is that possible that this solves many, many problems when we have a situation where we don't know exactly what happened? but by the way, i'm sorry, i want to get this in. paul pelosi should not even have been at home when this happened. he should be in jail. because i am absolutely certain if i or clay or you or anybody not married to the speaker of the house decide to go out one night, get hammered, then get behind the wheel of a porsche and crash into another car , that would absolutely result in my arrest and a decent amount of jail time, sean. but that didn't happen. so that's why i can't give paul pelosi or the narrative here the benefit of the doubt, given the way that drunk driving story was handled, where there was a bunch of ambiguity around that for weeks as well. >> all right. straight ahead, more "hannity" right after this. by 305 empire to 300, 898
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possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity for news. any time. all the time, every time it's fox news, .com, hannity, .com. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. the ingraham angle is next with laura. and when we come back on monday, it'll be election eve in america. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you monday. everyone. i'm ingram and welcome to a special "ingraham angle". we're here live in new york city in front of a fantastic audience. i've just been teasing them for our final retaking america town hall ahead of the midterms. >> all right. the first polls open 80 hours from now in a midterm election. that will shape the direction of our country for at least the next two yea
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