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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 6, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> welcome to a preelection sunday edition of outnumbered. i'm harris faulkner. the high stakes midterm elections are less than two days away and control of congress is up for grabs, you know this particularly on the senate side which many analysts said would not be in play and the battle for the senate is down for the wire in places like pennsylvania, nevada, arizona and georgia, too close to call.
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republicans need a win in just two of these states to take control of the senate. so democrats are bringing out some of the biggest names on the left to get their voters to the polls. president biden actually is coming back from the sidelines, he's been in and out of the game. he's going join his former boss in pennsylvania or he did yesterday arguably barack obama is still the democrats only star player and later today he will be once true blue state of new york campaigning for governor kathy hochul who you know her big sticking point has been crime should she help solve it, get rid of liberal da or standby on the sidelines much like a biden and jumping in hasn't been with the plan. it's been a hot mess sandwich and in the window of hot mess sandwich. the race is becoming purple.
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a red hot republican lee zeldin is pulling ahead. president biden mocking hecklers calling them idiots. >> give me a break. what idiots? socialist. no one ever doubts what i say, sometimes i say all that i mean. harris: sometimes we don't know what he's saying or what he means. president biden on coal miners. >> they can't rely on it even if they have coal guarantied for the rest of existence of the plan. it's going to become a wind generation and all they are going is going too save them a hell lot of money and use transmission line that transmitted the coal fire
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electric on. we will be shutting the plants down all across america. harris: so, of course, there's so much irony, tammy bruce is with me and some guests are coming. tammy, he's talking energy. something that he hasn't talked about that he needed to talk about especially with the cost of heating oil going up and reserves having to be tapped, another oil reserve having to be tapped so people don't have to choose eat or heat. they still have to pay high inflation on eating but maybe they can heat their homes this winter. >> exactly, it's almost so late. it would be better for them to stick with something generic. they have not addressed it from the start, unforced errors. it's his policies. they don't want to change them. they don't know what to say. they think addressing it and giving it lip service is enough but that reminds people that they haven't had a solution. it reminds people that they've
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not done anything and that, in fact, they may be responsible and we are seeing numbers surge in the last week. harris: you know what it reminds me, the baby formula crisis. >> great point. harris: even if you don't have a baby that young right now, you're sensitive to the fact as a human being that you need food and certain children needed a special formula and we couldn't get our hands on any of that for the longest time before this particular this administration decided that it would jump in and help and now what we didn't know winter was coming? >> exactly. you don't need to be worried about the home heating oil but it becomes either someone you know, it's the friend of someone, it's how you grew up. you recognize it, you may be experienced it and your bill was 600 and thousand it's 4,000. no one can handle that unless,
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of course, you're in the upper like pelosi, clintons and people that seem to be destroying our lives every now and then. harris: jessica tarlov is with us today. jessica, it's no secret that the democratic party didn't have a cohesive message coming to the game here and the game is almost up and they do have a better messenger for you guys, you have the star of the party, barack obama, but he was frustrated down in florida. people were not -- one heckler got their whole game off. >> i think you watched all the rallies and i have been the fan girl that's been watching clip after clip after clip when are you coming back. he handled the heckler fine and that's something that happens in politics. harris: barack obama, the former president said, just a second here, it wasn't whether or not he handled them fine, he chastised the crowd for saying that you guys are, you know,
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you're getting distracted by politics. i need for you to focus in and i let that play on the faulkner focus this week. several minutes before he could get a democratic crowd in hand enough to then talk about the message of winning. >> i understand the point. florida is a state where we are not nearly as competitive as i would hope that we would be and other states are bellwethers for where swing states are going to go. that's what's trending in florida lately. i've never said that have been strong, people are voting on the economy. harris: literally bread and butter. >> heating, cost of gas. harris: and bread and butter. >> which i do enjoy as well. but what you are doing -- for what you would expect to be a run away win for the republicans possibly 30, 40 seats let's say taking the senate back it is remarkably close. two big polls, nbc and abc
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washington posthave razer-thin races. harris: kelly anneconway. >> i would be concerned that my incumbents, challengers, particularly the senate level have not been able to crack 50% almost ever and the party out of power can expect the undecided voters to vote against them. what else would they need to hear for you to be convinced that they don't have an effective message or solution on rising costs and rising crime, on education, on immigration. the abc polls released today showed double-digit advantages for the republicans on the top issues people say are driving them to the polls, the afore mentioned, incalculation, crime, immigration. number 6 or 8 in the entire poll in terms of most important issue and i think most importantly in the abc poll today since it was
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raised protecting democracy. democrats have a four-point advantage, harris. it's been their only message, they've been vomiting for 3 weeks. yet they are tied basically with republicans on education, immigration, it's going to be a big republican night. the only reason it's not 63 seats, simple, gerrymandering and redistricting and both parties made sure there aren't competitive seats. republicans won 15 seats in 2020. we may see that again on tuesday night. harris: you mentioned making democracy a priority. here is former president obama saturday just yesterday rallying, telling voters, come on, that's what we are here for, it's to save democracy. watch. >> i understand that democracy might not seem like a top priority right you know specially when you're worried about paying the bills but when true democracy goes away, we've
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seen throughout history, we have seen around the world when true democracy goes away, people get hurt. it has real consequences. this is not an abstraction. government start telling you what books you can read and which ones you can't. reporters start getting locked up if they're not towing the party line. corruption reins because there's no accountability. people get hurt. there are consequences. harris: everybody is here now. all right. okay. there we go. so guy, the part, though, that people are struggling with was the throw away line for the former president. know the part about how you can't pay their bills, he literal i will said that. how can that be the throw away line out of stuff that he said,
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democracy is important. that's why people come here, that's why they are crashing the border because they think this is a better place than anywhere else in the world and they are right. why the message late in the game in. >> strikes me as desperation, they don't have nothing else left. and that parade of potential horribles was really quite something. reporters getting locked up, books being band, what, by the federal government, this is radical for him to suggest. he did mention the word accountability which is a touchdown in this election just not the way he thinks. i think there's a lot of voters out there center right and slight left of center who wants some accountability for what has happened in the country in the last two years under unified democratic control and it's on tuesday and we are going to see it. harris: a lot of people. 32 million plus have already voted and that matters, tammy
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bruise, because, you know, kellyanne you and i were on the couch. the intensity rides with republican voters, those who we would have assumed have gone to the polls and those who will go on election day. so that gives advantage potentially to their side. >> of course, enthusiasm gap. it's whether or not you are going to leave to the house, if you have enough gas to lever to the polling place. it can be enthusiasm in a nonstatement in being passive aggressive which is staying home and which many democrats are going to do to not vote. that's their statement. it's not whether they will vote or not, many of them will go vote for republicans because you know, they have another chance in two years. this is what the genius of the founders was. you have a do-over, you really do and people have a chance to prove themselves but it also is a sign with 32 million people that it seems like democracy is very exciting these days and
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democracy is working and people are voting and people are going to rallies an talking to people about their vote about how democracy, it is amorphous. it can be whatever the listener is going to be. obama giving a litany of horribles, he felt he needed to ttell them what it meant. i was thinking about his administration, wiretapping of journalists. the books being banned now, the books they want to ban that they -- the politicians that they want to ban, the people that they want to make impossible to work again, people being canceled from their jobs, this is -- americans have heard and felt that, but it's the economy because it's the combination. it's on top of so many other things it's like the last straw. i can feel jessica is getting
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ready to move here. harris: she is physically moving toward you. jessica. >> a lot of people are voting early and majority of them are democrats, so except in florida we are winning the early vote and also by higher percentages in 20 to and 2018 and that's important and democrats are more prone to vote early. that's not happening. >> don't know who they are voting for. >> okay, sure. i'm sure there will be some swing democrats but as the only democrat on this panel, i can tell you that the democrats that i know went and enthusiastically checked all the boxes for democrats. in terms of enthusiasm gap, if you look at nbc poll, it's gone, it's now equal and part of that is what's going on at rallies like president obama held with josh shapiro and donald trump did last night as well. it is now turning into a base election where everyone is getting riled about what life would look like if the other guy
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wins. harris: a base election with your party's particularly former star. why isn't the current president put forward a message that didn't have to come down to the wire? he's got -- he can count on both houses, majorities on the hill and the bully pulpit of the white house and yet he struggles when he see him. >> first of all, he was standing on there featured on stage with top candidates, hands in the air. he was in new mexico last week and he was in florida, president biden has been out there but this is what happens historically, tell me a president that you particularly like that didn't get their butt beat, bill clinton popular, happened to him. obama happened to him. george bush. >> they believed in that, they got slapped back but this -- joe biden is just insulting half of the country and ignoring most of the country.
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james carville formed the phrase, it's the economy stupid. 30 years later singing true. i don't know if people on the left can hear the bell but it is ringing. this time it could have very different implications for democrats. stay with us. let's dive in! but what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! ugh! advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. hi, i'm karen. i lost 58 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for over a year. it was so easy that the weight just kept coming off. that's when i knew that this is real. golo works. i still can't believe that i look like this.
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>> there's something else at stake, democracy itself. i'm not the only one who sees it. recent polls have shown the overwhelming majority of americans believe our democracy is at risk, that our democracy
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is under threat. they too see that democracy is on the ballot this year and they are deeply concerned about it. harris: wow, so he and former president obama are finally on the same page. it only took the party about a year. president biden is trying to make this election about saving democracy. most voters don't seem to be buying any of that nor is it categorically their priority. the majority of polls show that a majority of americans are most concerned about the economy. the abc news and washington post poll shows 80% are calling tit are calling itthe top issue ands speaking of 38%. voters surveying saying republicans would be better of handling all of that. what are the implications when
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people pick a side for handling a problem. does that -- do they take at that time polls historically? >> they do. it's actually very consequential that the republicans have a 14-point advantage on the number one issue and where the advantages for party handling of an issue are tied, harris, is on handling democracy, education, these are issues that the democrats would have expected and have in the past had major, major double edges,en education alone, loss learning and reduced scores, democrats had double digit, 18 or 20-point advantage, lost learning and test score declines and all the major issues the republicans have a double-digit advantage. that's why people speak so willingly of a red wave.
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harris: you mentioned democracy. democrats are trying to own it. >> the promise of america belongs to each and every one of us. it's really just code but most americans are thinking january 6, 2023 when rent mortgage is due, utility and insurance for what is expected to be a cold winter. democracy demands that you debate your opponent and so many of them have hidden like katie hobbs about two lose to carrie lee for governor. harris: in my district, district 9 in new jersey, the person running really, it's so blue. he probably wasn't going to lose anyway but he refused to debate. >> it's very strange and now few interviews, the katie hobbs
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example when you think of big of a deal to lose as someone painted danger to democracy and the united states. you should always show up. look at famous cases -- harris: they don't have to talk about joe biden and his policies. >> there are plenty of democrats who have shown up and tim ryan in ohio, he's down double digits in the latest polling. he's done a good job, emphasizing independent streak, we have made progress and we have to do more. it's possible to do it. harris: guy, tim ryan's double-digit problem is that democrats are right to stay away from the debate table. look at john fetterman. if you think you can't be competitive in that venue and the president is hurting you with his policies and you know you're going to be asked about maybe you do just say, no. >> damn if you do and damn if you don't and will be
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second-guessing the fetterman decision. katie hobbs has been asked endlessly to debate carrie lake and she very well could lose. harris: that's a good point and arizona is such an interesting state now anyway. all eyes on arizona because, you know, just like georgia the election situation was supposed to keep everybody at bay and people are voting in droves. tammy, i will give you the last word. >> just back to the threat to democracy. the new york times in signa had a poll and when people were asked specifically who were concerned about that, why were they and the -- the unified answer majority both republicans and democrats was that it was the mainstream media that was the threat to democracy. there's this presumption about when we hear about arguments that the democrats own it or that they -- it's based on their narrative whereas in fact, that isn't the case, that's the mistake that democrats make, they are presuming that they
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control the issues including about debating. this is the chance to shine as an individual. if you can't shine, then it's over for you. >> the point of these debates are to be respectful to the voters, for everyone, you are asking them to hire you with the most important job there is. harris: it's a service to the voters. >> absolutely. anyone and there are people on the left and n this cycle certainly and on the right who have refused before but that's why john fetterman showed up. he cares about the people of pennsylvania. he felt embarrassed. we do because he's talked about it and he was clear last night and president obama made the best case for him where he said that his values and who he is hasn't changed just because he can't get the words out in the same way he could. >> that's the problem. >> still against fracking. >> listen -- >> harris: it matters what he's saying and i don't think he feels embarrassed about his policies at all because he's still saying the same thing and struggling how to say it.
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>> when he does speak well it's what comes out of his moat. looked into the camera and said, quote, you can release to one-third of one prisoners and no one would feel less safe and some people said i would, other people would. since michael bloomberg made elizabeth warren mince him out in seconds, people are fearful but voters have a right free of charge, free of charge to pope the fruit and see candidates one-on-one and see who should be one of 100 senators of 132 million. harris: interesting. coming up a seismic shift. could be big wins for republicans tuesday night. we will still be here. is there music? >> there is now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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harris: special sunday preelection edition ofout numbered for you. so excited that we are here. democrats could be in trouble, key voting blocs are now tilting republican according to latest polling they show white suburban women who make up 20% of the electorate have significantly shifted their support in the closing days of midterm campaigning. the latest wall street journal poll shows 27% of them moving away from the democrats, 15% now favoring the gop and it's not just white suburban women. a recent nbc telemundo poll shows democrats are losing their advantage with latino voters in the past four years with a 13-point swing in the gop's favor. so guy, the challenge is going to be for republicans now to fill up that gap between the 27 who are leaving democrats and
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the 15 who are going to republicans, that means some people are ready to sit out, sit down, so there's still people to go after there. >> yeah, there's always an opportunity to build in addition to what you've already did. i think the polls show that republicans are now taking a 15-point lead among the demographic which is a huge swing away. we've been talking on shows like this for now about the hispanic vote and some of the bread crumbs in south texas and elsewhere. another thing that we need to talk about are black men who are moving not massively but incremental shifts can make a big difference in really important states and we've seen already, for example, stacey abrams in georgia sort of blaming, they are being misinformed and bamboozled. harris: guy, i will come back to you, let's play it. >> who is doing the polling and who is doing the counting? we have seen record turnout, black men have increased
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participation rate by 52% over 2018 and i do not believe it's because of a deep-well enthusiasm. we know black vote rester discounted and unfortunately black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation, not misinformation about what they want but why they want what they deserve and my campaign has been the only one that has intentionally thoughtfully and consistently reached out. that is the misconstrued as concern when, indeed, this is perspect. >> some of the moving that we are seeing in the polling because this group has been sort of attacked by misinformation. i saw very similar argument made this morning by keisha lance bottoms, she decided not to run for reelection, failed upward to the white house and asked about this and saying, it's very dangerous, the misinformation targeting black men. they must be seeing stuff in internal data they are
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preblaming some of the losses on, again, misinformation which i think is incredibly con -- co. >> when you look at the number of men in particular who have come out of the economy, it's something that steve forbes have talked about in detail, it really does speak to the issue of what might be important to all men, not just black men and you have such a beautiful point there, guy, yes, they are a voting bloc as the democrats and others have seen it but they are also individual american who is are suffering the same things that other men are suffering in this country right now. >> most of the numbers that we are seeing including direction of the country, what matters, what's the most important numbers are giant, they are huge, it's 70, 80%. that it reminds us that we are americans first, that this is a unified countries and our daily lives are similar, the care for
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the future are the same, whether black, white, hispanic, but what's missed by the democrats often is the impact of faith, what certain blocks that they see as people who they've had in the past that it's a combination of culture issues, what happened in schools, the ability -- frankly the recognition that the government is in control of so much and yet it is failing, that this comes back down to this idea that, yes, back to guy's point, that they don't think about having been on the left, that they don't think about the nature of the -- what the individual thinks as a person, that they are just one block that can be controlled and that they are known intimately. we are individual people and, boy, this election is going to show that. >> well, look, the head has told them, that would be joe biden, if you don't vote for him, you're not really black. that was the beginning of the
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message and the realization that, wait, we are being looked at as some game piece when we are individuals with families and the heating oil matters and the gas matters not to the people making the decisions but in our daily lives and there is frankly the -- the tails of a donald trump, the coat tails that no so long ago we were energy independent, not so long i had a really great job and that's what matters. that's what they remember. harris: well, and talk to black men about that. kellyanne, when you look at where the economy was under president trump, former president trump, yes, we had a pandemic but for a win there we had something else that we hadn't seen in 50 years, lower unemployment among black voters in particular but black men. >> and they know that. look, what strikes me is that the democrats are bleeding these demographic groups, black voters particularly black men, black
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men and suburban women, i don't know if they are become reckless, not addressing crime and inflation and education. go back to the primary for la mayor between independent former republican rick sánchez, i believe it is karen bass, former state legislator, he beat her. you fit into this neat box or that cohort. let me just say one more thing. it's not the voters are realigning republican, we have diverse group of candidates, black, hispanic female, indian american, native american, both that are from -- who are immigrants, excuse me, who were born in mexico like the woman in the rio grande valley myra flores. you see in electorate but
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candidates for election. harris: before the election season you saw lieutenant governor of virginia, former military so much -- so many of those box that is you check as an american and then you learn, okay, well, this woman is also black and all the things that people have been saying about the gop. it makes it complicated, jessica, i will give you the last word on this, to the segregate the way politics can do and monolithic group of people because have treated all hispanic populations as if it's the same. it's shifting over to texas. i'm not concerned about black vote. black women are reliable democratic voter i don't think the shift with black men will be as exaggerated as this. you have clyburn on your
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program. harris: when we first started talking about it, he didn't call me a liar like the way that senator manchin of west virginia called me on a different issue. he wasn't always seeing this for what it is, cycle through, i cannot believe it. and it was pivotal in 2020 in georgia and arizona towards democrats. asian americans going towards republicans. >> that's not my point about it. we don't talk about it and that's the fastest growing demographic in terms of voting. harris: we are going to scoot but we will be right. what the expected midterm election red wave, the policies reversals and political future for the speaker of the house nancy pelosi, president biden and the rest of the party itself. we will get into all of it.
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that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> there's a lot on the line for democrats if tuesday does not go their way. they could see major policy reversals and political shake-up that is could cause nancy pelosi her job and republicans are gearing up for potential investigations including into hunter biden's business dealings. kellyanne, i want to start with that because it seems like a lot of the people i have spoken with, there's a slight concern that this is a certifyosome game we are only going to be hearing about hunter biden when people still want major issues about the economy, about governing, about getting things done, do you think that's going to be an issue that we see a lot of grand standing with the democrats, shouldn't the republicans perhaps balance out what they end up doing? >> the republicans will balance out. first of all in two month times nancy pelosi will not be speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy
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will. i believe they are going to act pretty swiftly to postsome points through legislation. sure, let the investigatory committees and chairmen and chairmanwoman investigate. where did we react and overreact on covid and turned control of taliban, et cetera. i think they are going to try to stop the economic bleeding for americans, stop the radical economic policies and get back to energy independence and, listen, the question is for joe biden, yeah, are you going to play ball and try to work with the congress that is actually going to do things this one party control congress did not do. >> that's why i think for harris that there's a sense should there be bipartisanship or we want certain things to stop, we don't wan bipartisanship, we want things to change. harris: that's part of the reason, jessica was right when she brought up the president see a wave of the opposite party while they are in office
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particularly when people aren't happy with the current policies because the american people do like that back and forth, they do want a balance there. but sometimes they just want to stop things from getting done. and the challenge for republicans will be put up everything you can and make sure that you try to get this president to veto it. don't give up on the fact that he's not probably going to sign anything even if it is a great idea and even if he once said he was a great you n uniter on capl hill and challenge him on energy coming back into the country online with keystone and so on and so forth. make him veto because that just helps you out in 2024. we will see if republicans do that. >> there's discussion about pelosi retiring, about clyburn, hoyer, is it same for a new set, a new different generation for the democrats? >> i think it absolutely. you look at the share numbers of it, late 70's, early 08's, you .
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>> i thought you were talking about their ages? >> i am. these have been able to accomplish about practice in keeping people in line and nancy pelosi never miscounts. >> they've misread the american people. >> people -- we will see how bad it actually is, but these investigations, they are going to happen no matter what but we need to see what is the solution and it's not tax cuts. >> guy, final words here. >> part of it feels weird because we haven't had the election yet. waves don't happen by accident. they just don't materialize. they must be made by voters which i hope will tap on tuesday and likely will. that being said, there's fascinating stuff ahead for the democratic party.
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probably brand-new leadership in congress on the house side, will president biden be forced now by the voters to operate the type of presidency that he sort of campaigned on, this moderate type of guy. he might have to do it now. >> we will see, he will be made having to do it. more outnumbered coming up next.
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>> welcome back, just days before the midterm elections president biden signaled his frustration that elon musk has bought twitter at fundraiser on friday he said, quote, elon musk buys an outfit that spews lies across the world. there's no editors, there's no editors, how do we expect kids to understand what's at stake. there's a lot going on but we have an enormous opportunity, however, just days ago the white house owned twitter account deleted a tweet that was called out by fact-checkers. kellyanne i saw you checking your head while i was reading. what you've got? >> what joe biden mouths on a given day, anybody care what is he has to say, this man has earned 55% disapproval rating to have last year. and by the way, conservatives already feel like big tech is unfair. we know that twitter censored the new york post and took away its twitter account and, you
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know, people expect social media owners and they expect tech owners and they expect the new york times and washington post to do the democrats' bidding. these should be a fair and free form for all and joe biden is just wrong to say, by the way, i am struck and disappointed how much joe biden has been denying and lying. he's being called out by the fact-checkers in the washington post. he's lying about the economy to people. >> guy, the most important question as we head into election day, will you be purchasing your blue check mark? >> no. i'm not spending my own money on it. if someone wants to -- >> can we expense it? >> exactly. work expense, then maybe yes. with my own cash, probably -- is that tomorrow? is it going away tomorrow? >> just in time for the election. >> i'm not spending a dollar of it on my own personal money. i find this whole endless wining about elon musk to be exhausting. i'm so over it. >> are you over it too, tammy?
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>> i'm excited about it. democrats don't know what to say because the media is not going to say it for them. good times. democrats will become better, better party if they survive it but right now a marginal party as long as they have to speak for themselves. harris: the democrats are going to have to reimagine social media the way they tried to reimagine police in our lives. jessica: i did see where you were going with that. that's it. we are done. [laughter]
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harris: i lover kelly clarkson. look, the weather was not cooperating. we came inside and look how beautiful it was out there but it was pouring a little while ago. that's why we are socially
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distanced and we didn't do a proper introduction but i just want today thank, tammy, jessica, guy, because we all ran in here because it did rain. anyway, there's a lot on the line this election and we at fox have you covered. tonight at 10:00 p.m., bret baier and martha maccallum hosting countdown to the midterms and then on tuesday bret and martha will be leading election night coverage and i will be speaking live to and audience of voters for my voter voices and their top concerns and that will be contemporaneous throughout the night. a few seconds to go, there's a lot on the line. i like what you said. we don't know what the voters are going to do. >> we have indications, we have clues, i'm rooting for those to be correct but it's up to voters. >> i agree. it is up to voters and it's last day of early voting in a lot of places, it's very convenient and safe and i did it last week. i voted early. >> it is great, it's exciting to
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see that americans know that they are the once in charge and that the future is theirs. we will see that tuesday. >> your vote is your voice and your choice the most equalizing factor in our great democracy, the question is not whom to vote but whether they bother at all. harris: amen. that's it for us. this has been great. eric and athe arthel with fox ns live right now. arthel: here we are, election day now just 48 hours away. americans are voting on a slew of races and propositions that will help determine the direction of the country for the next few years and potentially tip the house and/or the senate to the gop. hello, everyone, i'm arthel neville, welcome to fox news live, hey, eric. eric: thank you for joining us, i'm eric shawn. candidates are pulling out all the stops in some of the coatle battleground states, democratic incumbent raphael warnock and


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