tv The Five FOX News November 6, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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democrats making a last-ditch effort to stop a potential red wave the president biden turning to his former boss barack obama. republicans looking to capitalize on their momentum. democrats closing argument is much different than the gop's morning republicans will destroy the country. >> one of the most important elections of our lifetime will shape our country for decades to come. the power to shape that outcome is in your hands. >> people get hurt. it has real consequences. governments start telling you what books you can read and which books you cannot. dissidents start getting locked out. reporter start getting locked up if they are not telling the party line. corruption rains because there's no accountability.
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>> president biden seems to think his party will defy history on tuesday. >> we will win this time around. i feel really good about our chances. i think that we will keep the senate and pick up buffy cared i think we have a chance of winning the house. i am optimistic. >> making it a choice, not a referendum on his record. a top democrat does not see it that way. >> how much responsibility do you think president biden has for this political environment. >> based on all your answers to me it sounds like you don't believe democrats did anything wrong. you believe if you don't do well it is simply you had bad messaging or you did not communicate at right. is that your basic take here? >> neither you or i know what will happen on tuesday so what do you say we wait and see.
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>> showing up a little bit. abc washington post old today. the republicans have the edge on turnout and the economy is the issue. >> that does not surprise me. i know barack obama well. i never met him, actually, i kne was embarrassed yesterday by having to campaign for john federman. there is something called dignity. he lost a little dignity yesterday. he had already scheduled this campaign event for federman and then he saw the debate that we all solve. for a whole hour. my sources inside are telling me that he wanted to cancel that debate. you don't want to go there and campaign for a guy after a performance like that. it would have been worse if he had canceled. federman looks like -- he has made his entire career out of emptying the prisons. he gets there nt cannot talk.
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you can see barack obama just going like this. what is this guy saying. they do this on a saturday in philadelphia. 1.5 million population. they get out there and they do 5000 people at the venue. they are at half capacity. this is barack obama, joe biden, federman. trump and was due 17,000 in pennsylvania. that is about population 6000. they doubled the town's population. that is during the phillies game. that will tell you a lot about the energy. then barack obama comes out and says dissidents will be locked up. i think that he meant criminals. and then he said we want to lock up reporters. trump had been president for four years. did he lock up a single
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reporter? do you think mitch mcconnell will lock up reporters? absolutely not. they will ban books. now, i think that we will ban the books that talk about graphic sex and middle school libraries. if that is his message during a crime crisis and an economic crisis, he will get crushed. >> this race in pennsylvania is gay and. what are your sources inside the obama team saying? >> i think jesse makes a good point about the crowd size in those things. this race is a dead heat. during the debate, i think any of us want him to do better. he has had a stroke and we will have a chance to see if voters give him the benefit of the doubt there. we do not know yet what will happen in the senate. i think the house is likely to go republican.
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right herein new york you have some close races. i think phil was on the other night saying virginia as who we have to watch early and i think we should. we should not allow ourselves to be distorted if the numbers for the house jump up early. democrats and republicans, i hope the right lessons are taken for whoever wins. i can live with the outcome. it will be hard to live with his if republicans take the wrong lessons and democrats take the wrong lessons. crime, education, republicans ought to give voters a sense of security around reproductive rights. we have to work our hardest and try our hardest to secure our border. if they are willing to work together there, the country will win. if both sides take the wrong message from it, whoever wins into ever loses, it will be another two years. >> when you been called a nazi.
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>> we have to figure out a way. >> yesterday at the democrats event, they said that the republicans will set our country back 50 years. >> there is no question about it biden and obama coming out in all of these statements that they are making are so rich in terms of the irony. when obama starts talking about reporters being locked up, if they are not telling the party line, i have pulled out a few articles on obama's war on journalists when he was president. leading congress over that investigation of journalist. remember all of that a few years ago? that is rich. i will tell you what else is rich. corruption rains because there is no accountability with republicans. hello, what do you think happened with the fbi, the false
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dossier and all the re- upping of that. that had to do with corruption. americans have had two years of joe biden. they cannot take another two years of this. americans have to buy food, gas, they are not looking forward to paying for their energy and then when biden comes along or sean patrick maloney in the 17th in new york, coming out and saying biden is saying he is fixing our roads and bringing back jobs from china, are you kidding? he is shutting down coal plants in the united states, dana and building them up in china so we can buy oil from china. americans are too smart for this nonsense. the fact that joe biden is not the closer and joe biden is, that is telling. >> kamala harris was nowhere to be seen. she was actually campaigning in california, if that gives you an indication of how things are going. plus what happens to the happy
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one? >> i dunno. i'm just unhappy i have to be here on a sunday. i mean, look. today was my headstart of destroying democracy. we were going to glue ourselves to voting machines. i'm here on the five doing this stuff. we are all part of the right wing conspiracy to destroy democracy. honestly, i cannot wait to get started. if i vote, then i destroy democracy. maybe i should not vote. does that preserve democracy? i think that what we are seeing is, maybe we are seeing b and aim for the apocalyptic campaigning. we always talk about biden saying he will put you all back in chains. we thought that was bad and then they find another level and then
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another level. i do not think that they can get more past this. i think that the american public is finally seeing what the democrats predict will happen never does. almost everything that they say never does. then they also realize that everything that the republicans were talking about actually matters. whether it's inflation or crime or immigration. what ever. it is a battle between the imaginary and the real. the republicans in this case, it is real. i agree with harold that we do some of the same things. we will call entire party socialists when it is only half the party. i understand that, harold. [laughter] it is terrible. two last points, i worry if you keep saying red wave, red wave, red wave, a lot of people will
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not come out. i think that it may be a democratic strategy to have such low expectations that it cannot meet them and they will see that it is not so bad. >> we will try to keep the show going. >> are you going to help me destroy democracy? i've got my uncles pickup truck. we will go up and down broadway and just destroy democracy. >> i am in. >> hopefully we will not get arrested. >> at least you will get out the next day. [laughter] vote like your life depends on it. laying out the stakes. ♪
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like your life depends on it. lee zeldon not mincing words when it comes to america's crisis. arrested for raping and robbing a 43-year-old woman while she was jogging. the republican hopeful that wants to send kathy hogle packing is laying out the stakes for voters. >> un dyer here here talking about the need to take back our streets. she says she does not understand why it is so important when i was talking about the need to lock up criminals. the safety on kids education and freedom. kathy hogle is not getting the job done and i will. >> violence getting even more out of control. nine people shot out of a bar in
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philly. nearly 600 people killed in chicago so far this year. all she seems to care about is getting famous on tiktok. watch one confront kathy hogle. >> i will interrupt you then. here is the problem. we do not feel safe. you may be working closely with mayor adams. everything is on lockdown because of shoplifters. people do not feel safe in this town. you may have done these things but right now we are not feeling good. we are worried we could be san francisco. >> we will never be san francisco. >> why? >> because we are already making a difference. >> someone finally doing their own errands. we've been talking about this
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for how long? we go out onto the street and by our toothpaste. they should make it mandatory to watch the five. it would help them. this stuff is what we will talk about. when we talk about crime, nobody else was. i'm not saying i'm happy we have crime, i'm just saying if you listen to us, nothing political about it. we were worried about the country since the riots and looting, we knew that there would be this mess. >> this is probably the most important governors race. if new york votes that person back in after this disaster, i just don't know. then she bragged about no one spending more money on safety than her. you have no results. people are dying. >> you are wasting our money and you suck.
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there are people dying because she not repeal a really basic wall that is allowing people to die. >> how do you see new york turning out? >> this is a very important state. an important state for the country. it could happen all across the country. progressive prosecutors, for example. we have seen it in philadelphia, for example, and los angeles and certainly additional races happening right now on the local prosecutor level. so, here is what i think. new york has not elected a republican governor in 21 years. i believe now, the time is right not just because you have a governors race but several of the house that are likely to go to republican. writing off all the long island seats and most of the hudson valley seats as well. that includes sean patrick
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maloney. he is the leader of the democrats. trying to get them reelected to the house. likely to get taken out by a republican. those could push zeldon up a little bit. but it is very close, it is very tight and that will be a nailbiter on election night. >> does new york go read? >> if you look at history, it may very well go for lee zeldon. obviously, i support him. if you recall when george became governor of new york which was a huge shock, it was at the height of the crime crisis. when judy rudy giuliani it was at the height of the crime crisis. all of us are afraid to come out of our homes to go shopping because it may be the end of us
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if we go to a store or get on the subway or if we catch a cab. it is too dangerous. when the democrats showed their total misalignment with the people of this state, you have a clueless, hopeless governor more interested in putting money into a buffalo stadium where her husband has the concessions were interested in some microchip factories where the average job would be 600,000 or something because of the high pay level paying people. she is just clueless about what is going on. for her to say that it is all on lee zeldon's mind, she is like marie antoinette. we did enough for them. she needs to go. >> we make 600 grand upstate? >> i sense what you are saying is what a lot of voters are saying. democrats, you are absolutely
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right. i have been as outspoken on this issue and i am a democrat. if we lose a governors race in new york and others across the country and even some marrow races across the country, it will be because of this issue. i still go out, i still go to the drugstore, i still go to other places. if lee zeldon were pro-choice he would be 15 points ahead. this is a tight race. is a jump. driving voters out of the next few days you will have a shocker here in new york. >> i'm predicting a lee zeldon when. you can take that to the bank. [laughter] >> what are your insiders telling you at the bank? [laughter] >> they tell you you are behind. democrats are beefing now before
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grab your popcorn because the democrats are fighting again. joe mansion is furious with joe biden after the president promised to shut down all coal plants across america. >> we are now changing the nature. folks, it is also not cheaper to generate history. we will be shutting these plants down all across america and having wind and solar.
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all they are doing is saving a hell of a lot of money. >> joe mansion demanding biden apologize in a statement that says "president guidance comments are not only outrageous and divorced from reality they ignore the severe economic pain the american people are feeling because of rising energy costs. comments like these are the reasons american people are losing trust in president biden and he does not understand the need to have an all in energy policy that would keep our nation totally energy independent and our nation secure. forced to one again cleanup biden's remarks by saying his words had been "twisted". the first question that i have, jesse, when biden goes in after making a tone deaf statement like at the detriment of democrats running across this
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country, who comes out and decides that they need to clean it up? who will behind the curtains is calling the shots and saying this has to be redone. this has to be re- explained. >> treasury, energy, everybody knows that he put his foot in his mouth. they all know that joe screwed up. i don't know who to root for in this fight. convincing me not to hit mansion that hard. i may hit him less hard. this guy gave joe biden a trillion in a green slush fund. he broke my heart. let's put it that way. joe biden says we will get rid of : do wind and solar. that is not what delaware did.
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delaware got rid of coal and then just uses natural gas. 92% natural gas. they don't have a single offshore wind turbine. why doesn't somebody ask joe biden why? also, where are these workers going to go work when they get fired from these old jobs? will they join forces with the laid-off keystone pipeline guys? will they go make electric batteries somewhere? it is kind of a long commute. >> also, dana, dear member the obama administration when we lost half a million dollars. are we back to solar panels again? >> solyndra was our favorite story on the five. the democrats should have watched us then as well. >> remember when we thought that that was something.
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joe biden just said what he truly believes. hillary clinton said the same thing. all the democrats, you can't say that. it is, they need that left wing side of the democratic party to be energized in the election. that is why they say. the white house came out and said we apologize but joe biden's words were twisted. nobody twisted it. he actually said that. you say what you mean you mean what you say. the political realignment that is happening is pretty interesting with working-class voters. joe mansion is up for reelection in 2024 and i think that he will have a very telfer race on his hands. >> that is interesting. what do you think, harold. >> when a party can have an open feud two days before an election. you do not see this on the
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republican side. i hope if republicans take the senate, i hope their voices stand up to republicans when they think they are spending much, going overboard, being excessive. there is no question we need more domestic energy production in the country. any fossil fuel that we are able to produce here when we are the biggest producer for a long period of time. it happened under him. not only should we have an all about strategy, any republican, please don't support putin. if we expand the horizon and strength of an autocrat and we expand his ability to produce natural gas and for that matter produce energy products. the greatest is gas prices and energy prices. we should produce more care and support zelinski.
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if this thing is enriched, it will only make energy more expensive which makes food more expensive. things making your suits darker. the reality is we need to ensure that we produce more here and we do not empower putin in the process. >> amen. >> with respect, he should not even be in the picture. we should be energy independent. whose fault is that? >> a democrat. >> exactly. i blame harold ford. for everything. everything that has gone wrong in my life. [laughter] that think that gets me mad, it was not getting rid of coal plants, it is when he said wind and solar. if that is how you feel, you first. the white house is not relying on when spirit white house is not relying on solar. he is lying.
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i don't know how it got started, but we politicized even energy. you should be able to have this basically objective view that, yeah, let's use this stuff, maybe it's not that great, but in the meantime, let's do this. how did it become left and right? when did this happen? i guess you have to follow the money and find out who makes money by pitting us against each other. when greta -- what is her name -- don't get rid of the nuclear power plants because we need them, that tells you that may be stuff is starting to crack. the last thing is, when i listen to biden, he reminds me of a bingo spinner. use bennett, paul pops out, that is his brain. and then he reads what is on the ball. got to get rid of coal plants. and then he throws the ball away and he does it again.
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relief and even to their own constituents. >> more than 16 million are on track to be approved for relief this week. left state republican officials get their way, tens of millions of hours will be robbed of their opportunity to get this extra breathing room as they prepare to restart loan payments next year. >> that could be a selling point for vote for the gop. half the country is not on board with wiping out all of that cash. we talked about this in the locality of it. it seems that the court has given the okay to go forward with this. what are your thoughts on that? republicans may wipe this out. >> 47% are in favor of canceling the debt of americans. 46% are not unless it's 48-47. in terms of what is going on in the court, the supreme court has
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twice denied an emergency application. that denial was for an emergency application not the merits at this point. it was really an issue of standing on whether they brought the request for that emergency application or the appropriate ones to appeal. right now it is on appeal because he ate circuit court of appeals has put a stay on it pending an appeal. they cannot give this money out until it is decided by the courts. that appeal in the eighth circuit is keeping all of this on hold. >> i think justice barrett may have spoken on that. >> you are pointing a finger at me, harold. >> you think we should -- >> no. they have to stop using the verb forgive. that is not the right label. it is not forgiveness if another person is carrying that burden.
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somebody is paying for that. also, they do not deserve it. they do not deserve it. this is like a reverse scholarship. they get a loan, and then they go, no, you apply for a scholarship, maybe it is athletic, maybe it's academic, but you don't go to college and decide you are not going to pay. you signed a contract. a contract is a contract. i am not paying it. if the banks and colleges want to take care of it, that is on them. but it is not on us, unless i get something out of it. a little bit of servitude. if i forgive a loan, you can come work at my place. i need some help around the house. how about that speemac this is really super bad. the brazenness of how they are trying to buy votes is really ridiculous.
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remember, nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, this calendar year said ida does not have the legal authority to do this and they knew it and they did it anyway. now they are saying the mean republicans will keep you from doing that. in the meantime, they are saying they are before the working class. the handouts are the ones for the college-educated. i think it is pretty outrageous. plus i would add this. remember when trump was going to sign all the stimulus jackson everyone was freaking out. everyone would think that that money was coming from him. where are they now? they are nowhere. >> it is diabolical. we are bribing you and the republicans are blocking the bride. it is fraud. then they start mailing and the votes early and then they are like, well, sorry, the republicans are blocking these bribes. vote for us.
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votes for bribes. they are not even arguing whether it's legal or constitutional. they are not even writing legislation. the new argument is we will buy your votes and they do not want you to have the money. that is crazy. there is nothing to stop them from doing that with everything. >> these tuitions keep going up. they have to address that as well. stacey abrams and the hot seat. after georgia smashes voting records. ♪
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democrats joe biden warren that jim crow would look like jim eagle. more like jim pidgeon. it is a smaller bird, dana. >> got it. more than 2.5 million residents casting ballots. stacy abrams is still clinging to our voter suppression lie. >> while the polls will always tell the story you want to see, what we know is the old told --
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untold story is this is a race that his neck and neck. if we can get all voters turned out and they can navigate the difficulties in place to not only gain the system, but to suppress voting in the state of georgia. >> dana, this is another example where no one is held accountable for the hyperbole or the consequences of their hyperbole. they lost the all-star game. they lost a lot of stuff that i cannot even remember it so much. >> the untold story of this election. i don't think there is anything untold in the georgia elections. the most unscrupulous place. yes, she is likely to lose and likely not to be a runoff. the incumbent governor is well-liked. he has a good popularity rating. he is likely to win. she was running all around the country on a certain program. the college student that goes to
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a high school party. you know what, it's pastor time. you should go on now. >> was at a job at me. >> do you do that? >> yeah. she seems like she is a lovable loser. >> she will get a promotion. she will probably teach at harvard. >> thank god i did not go there. >> you went to berkeley. >> i looked into what they didn't georgia. they expanded early voting. they stopped officials from blasting out unsolicited mail ballots to every single voter on these. they said you have to use voter id when you are doing your absentee and they knocked off some drop boxes. we will do an investigation on those. >> please do. >> here is what i think.
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miss abrams dismissed by the court. since we all get into this, i think it was a democratic judge that did it. the only reason i was concerned about the georgia laws is they shifted their decision-making in the accountability from the secretary of state to the legislature. a republican that wins if we have this law. the democratic legislature will have a time till way and. i think we should appoint people and allow them to oversee those things. that is a different conversation he is still talking about the 2020 race. the judge dismissed a case. more people are voting. getting a better message to ensure that she wins on tuesday. >> can you please use it to
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destroy harold ford. >> i'm not going to do that to you, harold. here is the thing about what stacy abrams did. she can vent some people in america that we are a racist country. she took the games out of atlanta and along with that went tons of small businesses. people that had an opportunity to make those games for a short period of time. she had coca-cola move out as well. she is an election denier. she has always called donald trump and illegitimate president stacy abrams is the one person that is done more damage to georgia then any other candidate now she is criticizing. as secretary of state, what he did has essentially helped in terms of changing the election law what should only be done by
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twenty-five big ones. >> and then if you get that we can buy other tickets we will talk about in just a moment. midterm coverage continues tonight. martha and brett lead us in a discussion that you will not want to miss. also, check out this bird coming very close to danger. taking a little ride on an alligator. i don't know what's going on here. >> it is perverted, that's all i can say. stay in your lane, bird. i will be on for the next four-eight hours live doing moment by moment coverage. no, i won't be, i will be at home drinking wine. let's do this. national sloth day yesterday. i am lying. anyway, this is a picture of a sloth relaxing and yawning.
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you know that breath smells delicious. they eat nothing but healthy things like bugs and fingers. >> we have a $1.6 billion megamillion jack lottery. i bought tickets for the entire show. not the producers, just a talent. >> good for you. >> tomorrow we find out if we will get the lump sum of about $100 million. if we don't show up on tuesday or wednesday, we want. >> you have not given me a copy of that. how will i know. >> he wants to win the lottery on tuesday. >> and the red when. >> congrats to dolly parton inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. initially hesitant about doing a rock album. eleven grammys. inducted in 1999 into the country hall of fame. six female artists, the most
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ever inducted into the hall of fame. congratulations. >> judge, how is your wrist doing. >> my wrist is doing well. i am actually very happy. >> she will not be needing those pain meds anymore. >> how is gus. >> gus is great. that is my dog. >> fox special report. >> midterm election day two days away with control of the house and senate hanging in the ballots. good evening. this is the fox report. ♪ >> senate control hinges on just a handful of key races including pennsylvania and georgia. candidates calling in their heavy hitters in this final stretch. data from the u.s. election project shows nearly 40 million americans already have cas
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