tv Hannity FOX News November 7, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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a federal appeals court reversed the decision and sprung them from behind bars. godsspeed to them both. we'll be back during fox's election coverage for a bit tomorrow. that starts at 6:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. we recommend it highly. it's going to be an interesting night. here's sean hannity. >> sean: thanks, tucker. an interesting day tomorrow. welcome to "hannity." it is officially here. the moment is upon us. tomorrow is election day in america. you will decide the balance of power in the washington swamp. at this hour, we're monitoring tonight's massive trump rally and it's massive. it's in ohio with j.d. vance. there's expectations of a big announcement. we'll dip in live. dr. oz will joins us with his final thoughts from pennsylvania. we'll bring you the latest polls from across the country.
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five senate races, three gubernatorial elections. they're key swing states if you go back to 2016 propelled donald trump to victory in 2016. the combined vote, 70,000 votes. 2020, 43,000 votes in three states. that would be georgia, wisconsin and arizona decided the election. if you stay home, democrats are likely to win. you'll get the government that you deserve. we're warning you. we warned you. this brings us to the most important question. every american this election eve needs to be asking themselves. are you better off than you were 21 months ago? are you happy? we have a 40-year record high of inflation. we have back breaking gas prices. diesel prices and a diesel shortage. are you happy about that?
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is that the best we're capable of? are you happy that our borders are wide open? 4.5 million illegal immigrants its estimated aided and abetted by joe biden and his policies, human trafficking, drug smuggling, record deaths of fentanyl and heroin are. you happy with your children getting indoctrinated with critical race theory, radical gender theory, other woke ideologies while parents, you're told to sit down, shut up or you'll risk being investigated? are you happy with zero bail laws? violent criminal, bank robbers, let them out. no bail. get caught again, let them out with to bail. are you happy with lacks prose prosecutions? if see, my advice you vote democrat or state home. if you're furious, if you think we're better as a country that
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we can be better as a country, if you're unhappy with the direction of this country, you have a chance tomorrow to let your voice be heard at the ballot box. so much is at stake, this is an inflection point election. any cliche' you want to use, they're all appropriate. the current crop of democratic candidates, i've been doing this since 1987 starting on radio. they're the most radical beyond radical that i've witnessed. pennsylvania, that trust fund brat, this guy thinks it's halloween all year around. john fetterman. he dresses up like a working guy except he never had a job in his life. an opponent of fracking. he's against all domestic energy production. he's obsessed with letting first degree convicted murderers out of prison. additionally he wants to open up the prisons in pennsylvania,
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led 1/3 to 1/2 walk out free. he's in favor of safe heroin injections sites. you live in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, you get to pay for that sanctuary cities and states. no limit on abortion. during his reign as mayor of braddock, population declined by 40%. 1,700 people. that's his one job in life. meantime, crime and poverty skyrocketed. next up, look at georgia. next up you have raphael warnock. democrat there's, you want to vote for warnock? he loves not god bless america, g.d. america. loves luis farrakhan. a proponent of defund, dismantle bail a littles. he calls the police gangsters and thugs.
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he praised fidel castro. he demanded that america repent for america's whiteness. he was previously accused of running over his estranged wife's foot with a car after a domestic dispute. he was arrested at a church camp. they found five varying cases that were in fact true. he was arrested for obstructing justice. he also collects a large paycheck as a pastor who supports no limits on abortion until the moment of birth.mean while in the great state of wisconsin, there you have mandela barnes. he wants to cut the prison population in half. let everybody free. he wants all cash bail ended, defund the place and praised the 2020 riots. dozens of americans died, thousands of cops injured. in new hampshire, you have maggie hassan. she support as bottlelishing the legislative filibuster, she also voted against the keystone xl
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pipeline, voted against new natural gas exploration and during her time as governor, she's sign a 23% gas tax hike. they're expecting in all of new england, including new hampshire, that the possibility that the grid itself won't have enough natural gas to be powered and they'll have blackouts in new england this winter with a minimum 30% anticipated price increase to heat your home, whether you heat it by gas or oil. doesn't matter. out in arizona, you have democrat mark kelly. he's no moderate. he votes with chucky and joe biden 98% of the time. for example, he voted to hire 83,000 new irs agents, voted against hiring 18,000 new border patrol agents. i wonder whose side he's on? anyway, he voted to defund border wall construction, voted against deporting illegal immigrants during the pandemic. to top it off, he has big dreams of using obamacare as a back door into a single payer
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socialized healthcare system in america. arizona, you're a border state. are you happy with mr. kelly? none of these far left candidates should be in the united states is senate. but tonight, in the spirit of fairness, i want to highlight the democrats closing arguments to you. the american people. featuring a big new plan to combat inflation. here's the guy in charge of helping democrats, sean patrick maloney. take a look. >> hudson valley residents are feeling pain at the pump and at grocery stores what do you plan to do to help solve our inflation problem? >> yeah, i grew up in a family if the gas price went up, the food budget went down. so by this time of the week, we'll be eating canned food if that budget wouldn't change. that's what families have to do. >> sean: so families, by the way, it's about $1.99 a can. this is beef ravioli.
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hope you're hungry. let's see. spaghetti and meatballs. we have beef-a-roni and lasagne. look at the lasagne. isn't that delicious? $1.99 a can. we can eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner. that's how you deal with biden's inflation. costing the average household $7,200 a year that you weren't paying when donald trump was president. forget build back better. make do with less. by the way, eat more canned food, suffer in silence and you probably won't have heat this winter. he will tell you to put on a sweater like jimmy carter did. democracy though, their argument is on the ballot. democracy on the ballot. democrats claims their political opponents are nazis and fascist and violent extremists. if the gop wins, america as you know it is over forever.
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you mean i won't have to pay high gas prices? we won't have open border, fentanyl, drug trafficking? you mean, we won't have defund? that's not their argument. listen to james clyburn doubling down on his recent is nazi germany comparisons. take a look. >> congressman -- >> people want to deny it, that's fine. the facts are clear. i studied history all of my life. i taught history. i'm telling you what i see here are parallels to what the history was back in the 1930s -- >> so congressman -- >> in germany, in italy. >> sean: nazi comparison. by the way, the chef boyardee has no artificial flavors, colors or -- none of that. it's amazing. hysteria doesn't end there. this is what we told you. when you don't have anything to run on, this is all you got. what i collection would be complete without democrats
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attempting to manipulate senior citizens? they dusted off their decades old smear campaign to falsely accuse republicans of wanting to abolish social security and medicare. the lying is now so outrageous that even "the washington post" agrees with me. they're referring to joe biden as a bottomless pinocchio. by the way, who fact checks the fact checkers? with nothing positive to run on, democrats are doing what they always do. trying to win an election purely through fear and dishonesty. they don't have any plans to improve the quality of your life or change course in any way. in fact over the weekend, biden was caught revealing his plan to shut down coal production and end oil drilling that means russia, iran, saudi arabia will be depended on for the life blood of our economy? we don't have the wind turbines
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and solar panels that they say we should be using. it's not available and it's not efficient and it's not cost efficient. take a look. >> so it's going to become a wind generation. all they're doing, they're going to save a lot of money and using the same transmission lines that transmitted the coal fire electric on. we're going to be shutting these plans down across america and having wind and solar. no more drilling. there is no more drilling. i haven't formed any new drilling. >> sean: if you think energy costs are bad now, just wait until that plan takes effect. joe biden must be held in check. that's what tomorrow is about. the good news for you tonight is the momentum important republicans is palpable. take a look at your screen. look at that screen. massive outdoor trump rally. that was the one in pennsylvania with dr. oz. absolutely packed.
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compare that to the john fetterman rally, same day, same night. barack obama, joe biden. oh, half the place is empty. they had to hide the empty seats. while this is a great sign, it is the only thing that is going to matter is what happens tomorrow. election day in america. so get to the polls or you'll get the government you deserve. it's that simple. here with reaction, kellyanne conway, mike huckabee and fox news contributor ari fleischer. kellyanne, we start with you. you're good with numbers. when we go back to 2016, if we take the three swing states that donald trump won, combined total votes, 70,000. it's not a lot. if you look at 2020 and you look at arizona, georgia, wisconsin, you're talking about 43,000 votes, kellyanne. so when i look at the polls in georgia and i look at the polls in nevada, arizona, although a poll has blake masters up by
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three today, and i look at those polls am i wrong in believing that probably every one of those races the power in the senate will be determined by tens of thousands of votes and not hundreds of thousands? >> you're right. that's the way the elections have been going and that's why her called swing states. they sit on the razor's edge. it depends on turnout and motivation and what i call investing in the nonsexy part of politics. everybody sees the ads, the rallies, the campaign, the candidate direct appeals, the tv interviews. what they don't see is who is investing in data and digital. how many volunteers you have, how many voter contacts have you made. i don't know what the dnc is doing, but the rnc has done a gait job on this. they raised over $300 million and spent it. they have over 100 million voter contacts. think about that. you're calling voters and you're the party talking about inflation, crime, education, immigration, border security,
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national security, financial security. physical security in your communities. they have over one million volunteers. you see that all of these candidates have been very well-resourced. i think what has happened late in the game, people like mark kelly and the woman in the battle with three names and no accomplishments and fetterman and warnock. he had jon ossoff, the other senator there. these guys didn't go down. i don't know if they have given up on warnock but nobody went there for him lately. they probably didn't want to be near stacey abrams. these about a to be a two-time loser. this is important. the democrats haven't been anywhere near 50% in the polls in a long time. that's bad for the party in power. you see the narrow margins. in 2020, at the house level there were 27 toss-ups. republicans won all or most of them. in 2018, there were a number of
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races, 17 races not called because they were so close. democrats ended up winning most of those. so if you didn't get out to vote yet, day of voting is a rich tradition in this country. you take the time to do things every single day. independents, swing voters, if you're saying i hate both parties, they're not different, the parties have never been more different. one is for energy independence and a sound economy and lower crime. one is simply not -- one didn't listen to you. in addition to asking people, are you better off? here's the question in 2022. which party saw you, heard you, listened to you and responded to? it's clear that the republicans. >> sean: ari, you're looking at the big picture here. this is not your first rodeo. all of us have been down this road. all of the foundational issues are there for the republicans to have a wave election. it doesn't happen unless the people get out and vote.
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there's not a single thing that they can run on that is a success for them. where do you see this going tomorrow? >> the republicans will take the house and the senate. i think that's that simple. the first race i worked on, sean was 1982. ronald reagan's first mid-term election and the republicans lost 26 seats. it was a wave for the democrats. a president's first mid-term is tough with one exception the last 60 years and that was george w. bush because of september 11th and his great popularity, he won seats in the house and the senate. this year for joe biden, the man has a 42% job approval. abysmally low. the nation by 70% thinks we're on the wrong track and the economy is terrible. marry that to a first term election, it's the kiss of death for the party in power. the republicans will take the house and end up with 230 seats. i think republicans in the
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senate, i predicted it to you last week a 25% chance that the republicans will get 56 seats. it's a 33% chance now. it's been a good week since last week for republicans. the trend continues. republicans will take the senate, probably with 53 or 54 seats. i can see a 33% chance of republicans ending up with 56 seats. >> sean: let me take a break, governor. we're going to get to you in a second. we're going to dip into president trump. he's in ohio. a big crowd tonight for j.d. vance. he's expected to make a big announcement tonight. >> this is the beginning of communism. a local left-wing d.a. in atlanta is after me for an absolutely perfect phone call about election integrity. even while atlanta has among the highest murder rates per capita of any city in the country. they're worse than chicago, which is a disaster. and all of these local
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democrat-run case are being directed by washington d.c. it's part of the witch hunt. the longest in history. i have gone through the largest witch hunt in the history of our country. and it's a disgrace. a friend of mine, smart guy said you've been going through this for 6 1/2 years. you have to be the most honest person -- it's true. can you imagine, 11 million pages of documents they have examined and they have nothing. they have one person that they're torturing about a company owned car. did pay tax on a company-owned department. they're called fringe benefits. didn'ted -- didn't report i paid the education for a man. they're torturitorturing.
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they want him to say something bad about trump. friend of mine owns a big accounting firm. he said there's never been a case like this before. they have persecuted this man in order for him to say something and then ultimately you go to jail for a couple weeks or a couple months or you go to jail for many years. he said i have to say this is what -- think of what they did. anybody out here would probably take a deal like that. i wouldn't. i'll be honest. i wouldn't. but they torture. this is what they used to do and do currently in communist country. that's where we're going. think of it. handcuffs, walked in front, a man that never heard of jail before. a man that never had a problem with anything before. handcuffs. they perp walked him in front of the press. nobody has ever been criminally charged from what we understand on a fringe benefit case. a company-owned car.
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think of that. didn't pay tax on a company-owned car. companied own apartment. they say that very few people do. how many people -- how many people have a company owned car. do you pay tax? cover your face. uncle sam, do you have a company-owned car, please? i guarantee even uncle sam doesn't pay tax. it's a shame. when i see what's going on, it's a shame. our country has gone to hell. we have a weaponized department of justice and a weaponited fbi including raid of mar-a-largo in the document case. totally violating my fourth amendment rights. clinton, you know the sock case. he had things in his socks. nothing happened to him except a great verdict. we go by that verdict. the socks verdict. no, he had it in his socks. you know that. others took many documents.
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they take them out of the white house. i'm the only one that can't take anything. maybe our country would be better off if i had the nuclear codes, j.d., because our enemies would be afraid unlike the way they are now. if i had the nuclear codes. bill clinton, he lost the nuclear codes twice. how do you explain that to the military? i lost the military codes. he lost them twice. i didn't. they're coming after me because i'm fighting for you. that's all it is. if i wasn't leading in all of these polls -- if you find the poll numbers, you can put them up. if you find them back there eugenioe uses that do this stuf we'll talk about this. i think this is going to be a big wave. i hope so. starting right here. >> sean: all right. that's president trump. he's in the state of ohio.
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he's expected to make a big announcement. i've been calling sources all day. governor huckabee, many speculating that in fact the president may be announcing that he's running for president tonight. my sources say that that will not be the case, that he will be announcing that he's made a decision and that decision will be forthcoming. would it have mattered if he did announce tonight? >> i think it probably is better if he holds off for a little while for two reasons. number 1, everybody is focused on the mid-term elections through tomorrow night. we need to get through this. we need to put all the attention on getting our voters out to vote and win the races and to win them big. the second reason, he really would be taking away from the focus of his own announcement. in the midst of the mid-term elections, if he were to make that announcement tonight, people wouldn't be talking about it nearly as much if he has a
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date out there somewhere in the future and he has the stage all to himself with nothing else going on. it will give all of the press people an opportunity to do what they love to do. beat up on him. by the way, i want to say one thing about chef boyardee. when i was a kid growing up, it was a luxury to have chef boyardee. all of these people talking about it being some kind of a piker lunch. heck, man, i would be thrilled to have chef boyardee when i was a kid. >> sean: i'll send you a case. i liked it as a kid and liked the spaghettios, too. i couldn't get there. my dad like corned hash and dinty moore beef stew. if my sources are correct and only that he made up his mind and will be announcing in the future, is that a hint? how do you take that? >> it shouldn't with a surprise
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to anyone. he made it clear that donald trump agrees with the majority of democrats, that he doesn't want biden there in 2024 either. if this could be a binary choice between the economy, energy, security, crime under donald trump and border, of course, and under joe biden, then i think it's easy. but look, donald trump has been doing what you see him doing right there on the split screen. he's been doing this 1 1/2 years now. he endorsed candidates, he wrote checks to them. his maga inc. has spent millions in five states, especially he's showed up, stood up, spoken up and put up for these candidates. contrast this with the current president who can't stand at the podium. he was in maryland today, not a swing state. he was in union station the other day. not a swing state. it's a train station. and the president went there to give some rousing speech. he was in new york, he was in
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california. so look, i think that a number of people deserve a lot of credit for this going the republicans way. but that includes donald trump. he will have a lot of good to say about the candidates he endorsed, the way he did the teletown halls and the issues set. the america first issue set is on the ballot no ari, we'll have to give you the last word and governor huckabee will no longer be the best governor in arkansas history. what is your talk about the president not announcing but saying he's made up his mind? >> yeah, he's a wonderful teaser, isn't he? he does know how to get the focus on him. i think governor huckabee is exactly right. republicans want to have the focus on joe biden through election day. that's the reason that republicans have been propelled to such success. joe biden is a very unpopular president. keep the focus on joe biden. whatever the president does, president trump does after that,
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then we'll see. then i think it's a fascinating issue about whether anybody challenges donald trump. i'm certain he's going to run. i can't imagine with all the teasing he's done that he will pull back. i'm pretty sure that president donald trump will run again in the republican nomination and all the attention shifts to will somebody challenge him. >> sean: we'll find out. we'll go back to our coverage of that. thank you all, kelly an and governor huckabee. good luck to sarah tomorrow. republicans are now making their closing pitches to voters laying out their plans to fix inflation, reduce crime, security the border and of course end woke education and indoctrination in our schools while democrats continue to double down on the politics of personal destruction and are as desperate as ever. we turn now to the great state of georgia. herschel walker has opened up the biggest lead yell over
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raphael warnock. control of the senate likely runs through the state of georgia. herschel walker is campaigning with lindsey graham in the great state of georgia. welcome both of you. herschel, welcome back. you have now pulled away in a lead. i saw a poll today that shows you might have an opportunity to win this outright and not have to go to a run-off on december 6. that would be good news if that happened. >> well that would be great news. what we're looking for is to win it outright. so i got to thank senator graham for being here. we're going to continue to push because i want everyone to get out and vote, have their voices heard, vote counted. that's what we have to do we want to change this country back to being the america we grew up with, a great, great place, we have to get out and vote. so i'm encouraging everybody to get out and vote. get people out to vote. do whatever you can. right now we have to get america
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back. the way we're going to do it is vote for republicans that believe in this country and believe in the american flag. >> sean: lindsey, when you look at states like new hampshire that are very close, states like pennsylvania that are still pretty close. arizona still pretty close. i don't like when some people get ahead of themselves and talk about wave elections and tsunamis until it actually happens. races can be closer than people think. however, all of the underpinnings, all the foundational issues seem to be on the republican's side. there's not a single thing that the democrats can point to where they can say they've been successful and they made the lives of the american people better. >> thank you. yes. number 1, thank you, audience, your audience for helping herschel and so many others. i hope he wins without a run-off. it would be great for georgia, great for the country, great for your audience.
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i won't be on tv every night begging for more money. here's what i think will happen. i think it's going to be a big night for republicans because everything that they have thrown at herschel and everybody else, he's handled. they have tried to make it about everything but inflation and crime and broken borders. of all the people running in this cycle, herschel walker has impressed me so much because they hate him so much. he's a threat to the democratic narrative that the republican party is a bunch of racists. thanks for helping. tim has herschel walker running as a republican house member and hispanic women along the border are going to win in large numbers because the border is broken. i would just say this. if we don't win in this cycle, if we don't stop the crazy now, god help us all. this is the last best chance we'll have as americans to stop the slide to socialism.
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turn out big in georgia. >> sean: it's georgia, it's north carolina, it's your mutual friend, tim scott, in south carolina. it's also general don bolduc. two purple hearts, five bronze stars in new hampshire. it's dr. oz versus the most radical candidate ever to run for the u.s. senate, john fetterman. it's j.d. vance where president trump is today. it ron johnson in wisconsin. it's eric smith in missouri. it's blake masters in arizona, adam laxalt in nevada. tiffany smiley in the state of washington. you look at the races and the margins and the numbers i was talking about earlier, the difference between 2023 swing states, 7,000 votes combined. 43,000 in 2020, lindsey. that means every vote does matter. >> let's just end this on my
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part. we talk a lot as senators but we vote. herschel walkler be one less vote for an agenda that makes you throw up. he won't make d.c. and puerto rico a state. he's not going to vote for the radical agenda of joe biden. he will vote to security the boarder, independence. he won't vote for 87,000 irs agents. this man will be a vote for common sense. how we vote in the senate affects you. if you have any friends in georgia vote tomorrow if they haven't already voted for herschel. >> sean: herschel, your last closing comments. what do you want to say to the people of georgia? >> first of all, i'd like to thank everyone that has contributed to team herschel and continue to tell people to go to team herschel and just volunteer your time and see what's going on with the campaign. we're going to continue to fight. we're not looking to a run-off.
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but if we have to run off, we're ready to fight that as well. right now this election is bigger than herschel walker. this is about the people of georgia and about the people of the united states of america. >> sean: all right. herschel walker, good to see you. thank you. lindsey graham, thank you. appreciate you both withing with us. in the great state of pennsylvania, far left, the guy that thinks halloween is every day of the year and tries to masquerade as a working guy, john fetterman, the trust fund brat in a hoodie is literally struggling as much as and his campaign is warning that votes will not be fully counted until days after the election. fetterman had another major mishap. take a look. >> today, dr. oz is going to be standing with donald trump on the stage.
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i'm going to be standing with the president that is 100% sedition-free. i want to serve pennsylvania. >> sean: you see every american flag go whopping down there? he's surging at the right time. look at this new poll showing him ahead of fetterman. dr. oz joins us now to explain. still close. say hello to our friends in pennsylvania. i love cheese steaks. i'm not going to be eating chef boyardee tonight. >> i'm proud of you. i'm in montgomery county. i've been traveling the commonwealth. i'm home. behind me there's a crowd of everybody 1,000 people i just spoke to. to your point, the main argument was making, washington keeps
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getting it wrong because of its radical ideas. john fetterman will be more radical for policies that will be destructive. to follow up what lindsey graham has said, the most dangerous thing he promised to do, blow up the filibuster and pack the court and get all of these laws passed that are not aligned with the values of people here in pennsylvania. that's why i'm going to win tomorrow. >> sean: you look at the guy you're running against, look at his record. he want to legalize drugs in the state -- in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. he's the biggest pro criminal. he's advocated for more convicted murders to get out of jail than any one person. legalize drugs and tax players to pay for heroin injection sites and no restrictions on abortion and moratorium on fracking and no domestic energy production. that cost the common wealth $83 billion. he wants to sue grocery stores
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and oil companies. he want sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. why have gone through this whole campaign. but for the one-hour debate, the media so corrupt has never asked for any explanation on any of these issues. he's like joe biden. hiding in the basement. the less you talk, the better. send out surrogates to talk for you and act as though everything is okay and the media lets him get away with that. having a debate five weeks after voting starts? that's fundamentally unfair. that needs to change in the future. your thoughts. >> you can't fool the voters of pennsylvania. they're on to him now. that one debate was enough. they got to see why he's unable to see why he has the far left radical positions that are out of tune with what most pennsylvanians believe. they're going to vote based on what they think is best for the country and the commonwealth.
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the most important thing doctors do is listen. we listened to voters. they tell me the same story. the economy is destroying their lives, they're unable to make a safe community so they can send their kids into and don't trust their mailboxes because there's fentanyl showing up all the time. they're going to vote because they're angry, frustrated and don't feel like anybody is listening. that said they feel like they're a social experiment being run by people like john fetterman. my big speech tonight was about believing in them. listen, i believe that we'll have the opportunity. i believe we're the land of plenty. i believe we can balance a budget. i believe we can have safe cities and streets and i believe we can have a security border to have legal immigration work again. most importantly, i believe in you. the voters of pennsylvania. they believe in me. which is why we're going to carry the day tomorrow. i think when all the dust has settled, what you said is
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correct, but the voters will not be fooled by a narrative that did not tell the truth about what john fetterman stood for. >> sean: by the way, they're very respectful behind you. you can tell them i said hello and they can wave to the crowd. >> he said hi, you can cheer. >> sean: i'm on tv. hello. >> i couldn't get them quiet. they wouldn't stop. >> sean: they were being respectful. by the way, dr. oz, is it healthy to eat chef boyardee? that's the democratic plan if you can't afford groceries. it's $1.99 a can. is that a good idea? >> sean, the democrats have no agenda for prosperity. it's not just the food. it's energy prices, where your kids are going to school. they're not taking us anywhere. republicans have better ideas. let's win this election tomorrow and let the better ideas shine forward. go to dr. we have all of our ideas there. if you want to support us, get involved.
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call friends of yours in pennsylvania and get them to vote. we don't want to grab defeat from the jaws of victory. let's win at this time right way. >> sean: thanks, dr. oz. thank you. also tonight, republican gubernatorial candidates are on the rise all across the country. arizona, michigan, florida, new mexico, even in deep blue new york state. voters are rejecting the failed far left pro criminal agenda. glenn youngkin has been in state after state. he's been out campaigning for these great candidates vowing the mid-term races will be a wake-up call for joe biden and the democrats. governor youngkin joins us now. at least your crowd is alive. dr. oz's was being respectful. i don't know if they were told to be quiet. good to see you, governor. you've been all over the country campaigning for gubernatorial candidates. what do you feel on the ground?
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often you get a feeling on the ground. i've been out on the campaign trail when i felt no injury and when i felt a lot of energy. there's a discernible difference. >> yeah, sean. the momentum is huge. everywhere that i have had the great privilege of campaigning, the momentum has been giants. and listen, this red wave that found its head waters in the commonwealth of virginia has grown in momentum. tonight we had an amazing rally for jen kiggans. we had kevin mccarthy with us. we had newt gingrich with us. the crowd was huge. folks can feel it happening. it's time for change. americans have been hurting, virginiians have been hurting. they've seen the damage that joe biden has done and they're going to show up and make a statement. i hope joe biden answers this wake-up call. there's going to be a loud one. but we have to do the work. tomorrow is the day to get out
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and vote. get ten friends, get to the polls and do the work. let's win this. >> sean: we're going to come back. j.d. vance has taken the stage in ohio with president trump -- former president trump. >> people will fight for the issues and actually get something done for the people of ohio. that's what i'm going to do. let's get out to the polls tomorrow. thank you all. [applause] >> thank you, j.d. you're going to win big. we have to send a signal. tomorrow you need to get out and vote and re-elect mike dewine and your lieutenant governor, john houston. he's done a good job. mike and john have been an outstanding team who have fought tirelessly to bring jobs and factories back to ohio. i worked with them on doing that. including $20 billion intel
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plant that will create more than 20,000 ohio jobs and they cut taxes, slash regulations and they delivered historic funding for support and for the police officers. they have done a job. mike and john are running against a radical left lunatic that was a disaster as the major of dayton. we had a terrible shooting here. we went to the hospital and got to know her. >> sean: president trump with j.d. vance in ohio. massive crowd. final rally of the mid-terms this year. we go back to governor glenn youngkin. governor, you ran in a state that many argued for years that was purple but was really a blue state. you didn't just won, you won by a significant margin. the issues that were very prevalent in your race, everything from education to law and order and safety and security and not defunding the police or no bail laws, the issues of the economy and
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inflation and record gas prices, they seem to be resonating all around the country. you know, with that said, as you look at these very close races, as we look at pennsylvania and georgia and new hampshire and arizona and nevada, what do you see happening? >> sean, americans are hurting. when they sit around their kitchen tables, that's what they're talking about. the undermining of their schools, the demeaning of law enforcement. oh, by the way, a crisis at the border that has made every state a border state. so republicans have answers. they've seen republican governors lead. they have seen our congressmen and senators want to make change and be held back. tomorrow will be a loud wake-up call. we have to do the work. boy, americans are ready to lock arms and sean, the amazing thing is it's not just republicans against democrats. it's americans that will stand up and make a statement about our future.
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>> sean: you know, the reality is, i don't think -- the democratic party in the past that i knew, governor, they used to hide their real opinions. it was interesting when you were running against terry mcauliffe, he was part of the clinton administration. very close to the clintons. yet he made these outrageous comments about parents need to stay out of the classroom. you were saying excuse me. parents have every right to know what's going on in the classroom. what is fascinating, things that democrats would never say years ago, they are now openly advocating. defund the police. dismantle the police. no bail laws. they're proud of wide open borders. they have no problem speaking out and saying, no, we don't need to be energy independent at all. you need to go buy an electric car, which is only $22,000 more than a gas powered car and by the way, it's powered by an electric grid that is 90% fossil fuels.
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all of these issues seem to be resonating around the country. do you see the democratic party, if in fact this is a bad day for them today, do you see any hope of any change? bill clinton once said the big government is over. i don't see that in this party. i don't see moderate voices out there. >> i hope that joe biden hears this loud wake-up call that is coming tomorrow. listen, we have not seen any democrat candidates profess anything close to common sense. you hit it on the nose. we've got inflation, stealing everybody's hard earned money, they demean law enforcements. we have a wide open border. these are straightforward to go at and fix. they have done nothing. that's why -- you know, in virginia, we have three amazing congressional candidates, kiggins and vega and cow. this reflects the needs of
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virginiians and americans. going to make a big statement today. >> sean: we'll get the early races of virginia. they could be indicative of what will happen the rest of the night. thanks, governor youngkin. president trump with his rally for j.d. vance. it's expected the president will make a big announcement tonight. my sources are telling me that he has come to a decision. will he give that decision tonight? there's conflicting reports. we'll see. >> the best in the whole country. best wrestler. but i look at it and i looked at those years. i shouldn't say this. i said they guy had some things going on with the fighting stuff. but he's a warrior. is he here? come here. i love this guy. [cheers & applause] come here. say something.
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>> they've heard from me, mr. president. but they want you back here. i'll just say this. my favorite scripture verse is second timothy 4:7. fight the good fight, finish the course, keep the faith. and i tell folks, i tell folks, that's a verse for our country. fight, finish, keep. words of action. not timid works, not sissy words. words that we associate with america and words that we associate with the best president we've ever had, president trump. god bless you all. [cheers & applause] >> sean: thank you, jim, very much. a friend of jim's, a friend of all of us, warren, davidson warren. good job injury doing. mike kerry and a person who -- where is mike? good job, mike. warrior. another warrior, a person who is
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very shy, very timid, we're trying to get her tougher. marjorie taylor green. she's terrific. she did a commercial. yes, yes, something can break into my house. we'll treat her nicely. first she has to go through this. i said that's a hell of a commercial. but she's great. she's done a tremendous job. she's highly respected, highly respected. she just won with almost like everybody voted for her. thanks very much, marjorie. it's an honor to have you. congressional candidates, i love this guy. max miller. where is max? where is max? i'll tell you, the job he's done, right? he was with me for four years. i know him maybe almost as well as this guy right there, jim. but max is going to be a great congressman. turn out to be an incredible
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campaigner. had a hard time with the district. it got works and worse, a trump plus 20, a trump plus 10 and a trump plus 2. he said don't worry about it, sir. i'm going to win anyway. doesn't matter. went to other way. he said don't worry about it. in the end, it became like a trump plus 18. i don't know how the hell you pulled that off. you did a great job. you're going to have a great career. young man and a great man. grew up right here. thank you very much, max. and j.r., he suffered a lot of false statements. and i just want to tell you, everyone knows -- all of the people i just named. but they have my complete and total endorsement. you know that. they treated j.r. very unfairly. they made up a lot of stories. he is a tremendous warrior and a great gentleman and he will do
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very well tomorrow. i think you got treated very unfairly. i don't know what will happen. the fake news went after him and we don't know what will happen. i think you're doing to have a good result. the people know that you are a legitimate hero. you know who told me that? jim jordan. that's all i have to hear. when jim says it. so good luck tomorrow, fellows. good luck tomorrow. ohio republican party chairman, bob -- >> sean: all right. that is president trump. he's stumps his last campaign rally in this mid-term election cycle. obviously it's election night in america. tomorrow, election day. joining us, our pollsters, matt towery and robert cahaly. trafalgar. they have been polling every race. all right, guys. this is your final opportunity. we're going to be go through especially the senate races. a lot of these gubernatorial races. let's start in the great state of georgia. both of you have herschel
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walkner the lead. robert cahaly, who will happen tomorrow? >> i think herschel will come in first and i think he's going to get it barely and avoid a run-off. >> sean: you think it's a run-off december 6. >> i think he avoids it. >> sean: you think he avoids it. barely. that would be a big night for republicans if that happens. matt towery, do you agree? >> well, i have to tell you, i'm increasingly convinced that robert is the best pollster on this. i think herschel walker will make it across the 50% plus one. partly because african american men will vote for walker at an even higher level than they have told us in the polls. >> sean: you can't deny brian kemp has run a great campaign for governor. >> oh, yeah. he's lifting all votes in
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georgia. he's going to absolutely -- he will have a big night. let's puts it that way over stacey abrams. yes, brian kemp will add to herschel walker's likelihood of making it without a run off. >> sean: let's go to north carolina and ted budd. where do you see that race? >> budd. that is easy. >> sean: robert, agreement? >> yes. budd comfortably. >> let's go to new hampshire. a poll came out today had general bolduc up by one. you have a governor that is leading anywhere from 12 to 18 points in some polls. is that going to help general bolduc who also had a good debate against maggie hassan. where is that state going, matt towery? >> well, it's very close. they don't have that early voting. they don't have a lot of noise before the actual election.
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he's been rising the entire time. the british betting houses say he's not going to win. i say he has a chance of winning. it will be close. robert thinks i think that it's probably going to be closer. >> sean: what do you think, robert? >> yeah, i think just exactly what you said. he had a great debate. he has governor sununu behind him. that's a big move. the governor has done a bunch of town halls and maggie hassan sat in the basement. in the end, he pulls it out. i said bolduc wins it. >> sean: look at general bolduc. he's not a polished politician. he's ben a general. he did ten tours of duty, two purple harts, five bronze stars. he's in it to serve. he would be a great choice. i hope he pulls this out. let's go to the state of pennsylvania. we paid a lot of attention to this race. you have i think in john
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fetterman, the most extreme candidate ever to run for the u.s. senate. it's still relatively close. your take, robert. >> i think in the end, oz is going to get the most votes. i think mastian know outperforms all of his polling and makes that a little more competitive than anybody gives him credit for. after pennsylvania drags it out is anybody's guess. >> sean: he gets the most votes. that sounds like code words. matt? >> i alluded a moment ago to the british odds makers that tend to be the very best at figuring out american politics. go figure. that i have moved this race to favor oz winning. so has larry sabato. our poll in philadelphia had oz up by several points. i think oz will win the race. it's going to be tight and i agree with robert. he will get the most votes.
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we'll see what happens. >> sean: i will argue that john fetterman, if you're in pennsylvania, you can't let that hans. let's look at j.d. vance and ron johnson. any issues there for either of you? >> none. they both >> none. >> sean: all right. let's go to the state of arizona. blake masters. robert, you had him up by three today. >> actually, our brand new poll has him up by one. that's the first poll that we've put out with masters winning. what we've seen happen is what we expected. once this libertarian got out, looks like masters is -- >> sean: we're going to dip back in to the ohio rally with donald trump. he's with j.d. vance. let's listen in. >> we will end visa lottery and end illegal immigration in our country once and for all. we wants people to come in but they have to come in legally.
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have to come in legally. we will stop the crime wave in democrat-run cities. we will give our police the power they need and the respect that they deserve. we will not take legal protection away from our police. they want to take protection so that if somebody sues a police person for doing their job, they have to go out and hire their own lawyer. that's not a good idea. we will restore law and order in america.we will hold china accountable for unleashing the virus upon the world. $65 trillion in damage. they can't pay that much. something is going to happen. we will abolish all covid mandates and clamp downs and rehire every patriot that was fired from the military with an apology and fullback pay. [cheers & applause]
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and we will defend our constitution, we will defend the second amendment that we will proudly uphold, the judeo-christian falls of our nation's founding. we will restore patriotic education to our schools and we will teach our children to love their country, honor our history and to always respect our great american flag. always respect our flag. in conclusion, our maga movement, make america great again, is by far the greatest political movement in the history of our country. they never challenge that. they have never challenged that. they wouldn't challenge it. if i said anything slightly wrong they would challenge it's. we are standing up against some of the most menaces forces and vicious opponents our people have ever seen. despite great outside dangers,
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our biggest threat is the sick sinister and evil people from within our country. you know who i'm talking about. you see them all the time. no matter how corrupt the democrats that we're fighting against may be, you must never get this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. that's who it belongs to. this is your home. this is your heritage. and our american liberty is your god-given right. from akron to toledo, from cleveland to columbus, from youngstown to dayton, you inherit the legacy of generations of americans that risk their everything for the beloved country that they love so much. ohio is the state that gave us american heros, icons and le agendaing with names like neil
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armstrong, annie oakley and the great general and president grant. this is the state that gave us legions of farmers and skilled craftsmen that built this country with the sweat of their brows and the strength of their spines and suffered so greatly. but they also gave us something very, very special. the goodness of their souls. your ohio ancestors broke the barriers, conquered the unknown dangers, pushed into unchartered frontiers and made america in to the greatest nation in the history of the world. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> but now, we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years, and where the stock market finished the worst first half of the year since 1872. likewise, we are a nation that has the highest energy costs in its history. we are no longer energy independent or energy dominate as we were just two short years ago. we are a nation that is begging venezuela saudi arabia and many others for oil. please, please, please help us, joe biden says. and we have more liquid gold right under our feet than any
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other country anywhere in the world. we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left's green new deal. >> sean: tomorrow's election is now in your hands and it's all about the things that you're happy with inflation record high gas prices open boreders happy with no bail laws defund the police and woke education vote democrat otherwise save the country. let not your heart be troubled. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the laura ingraham from new york tonight. in just eight hours, the first polls of the 2022 midterms open and candidates are not leaving anything on the field. >> who's ready to take this state back? who's ready to save this country? >> this is the greatest country in the world today, and it's time, it is time for us to sign up for america. >> if we're all in, we win. all in? >> we win. >> all in? >>
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