tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News November 7, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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e or fair than the one we saw in this country two years ago. that's what you have heard a lot. >> joe biden got years more vots than any president ever., >>at l eighty one million atea t . and every single one of thosf es votes was entirely real. anyery maletirely real. kind. to a >> every mail in ballot belonged to a real person who voted just once. no, dropbox was stuffed. nobody coach dementia patients in nursing homes to vote the democratic line. even vladimir puti vladimir pn somehow decided to stay out of that election. >> tech oligarch mux. >> mark zuckerberg didg get involved. he spent four hundred million dollarspentmechanics to controly the mechanics of the election. but for the very best reasons, e mark zuckerberg wanted to keepat voters safe from the deadly coronaviruo keep vs. his reward is in heaven. and above all, in case you were wonderinyog, voting machines around this country recorded with flawless precision. >> the machines counted. each votes cast for each candidate and awarded those votes accordingly. can you see the software thatt p would prove that happened?
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t. camerve that happened? as with the body cama footage from nancy pelosi's house, you don't have the necessary clearancve necese to see it. >> but you can know that electronic voting machines are 100% safe and reliable. and that's why government officials have told you againd i and again that the twenty twenty election was, quoten tha, the most secure in american history. >> believe ilievt, by the way, l you don't believe it, our advice is to shut the up unless you want to be sued into bankruptcy or have the fbi interrupt your breakfast. >> so that information is the official media approved view of our last election. >> it was perfect. don't as, don't k questions. le >> so given that we're a little surprised, we pulled up politico this morning. politico is the publication that helps control the rest of the media. the jo >>e on behalf of the biden are administration, we are surprised to discover that sur actually voting machines are not safe at all. electronic voting machines, politico told us , are in factai easily hacked and manipulated, which is whywhy real countriesep
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like france have banned them and use paper ballots insteaerd quote, there are real risks. political told us that hackersog could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine tuesday's vote . >>ying to according to politicl >> that's entirely possible because many states , quote, use wireless modems to transmit unofficial election night results to their centrall offices. >> these modems usethey u telecommunications networks halecommunications networks and malicious actors could cod malicious actors could with unofficial vote data. >> corrupt votinting mg machineg compromised. >> the computers used to tally l official results for riggedwell voting machine, s, fake vote totals, underground tunnels, to subvert modems. >> isn't this the release the cracke?n talk? >> well, it is . and as of yesterday, would have been regarded as insane, possibly criminal. >> it would have bee possiblyn an assault on our democracy. but things havte changed.
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>> twenty four hours beforefore democrats were expected to lose the midterm elections, politico is letting you know thatm elections are fakeiticis and nod because of rigged elektronik voting machines. >> by the way, there's an even ines, the way, there's an even bigger problem somehow, despite the best efforts of google and facebook, some of joe biden's critics have been allowed to speak in public. and that means it's possible that their dangerous opinions may have infecte d the minds of some confused and mentally enfeebled voters, tricking them into not loving joe biden. this is known in the business as misinformation. if left untreated, it caneated develoitp to a condition called disinformation. watch cnn explain a difference.o >>th we know there are different kinds of falsehoods out thererer relateelatd to election day. o a some of theml set to go virale on that day. and this is where ise there's a really important distinction between misinformation and dissent. information, misinformation is , you know, people might share false information mistakenly by accident disinformation, as in false
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information that is created to deceive. >> disinformation is deliberate . one of the most sort of sadio phenomenons. right. as in 2016, most of that disinformation came from outside the country. now, sadly, a lot of it comes deliberately from inside this country. >> first we learn thathines the voting machines are hackedar and then we learn not only of l disinformation, but the disinformationea coming frommationea inside the house.. >> it's terrifying. on msn, we learned that communities of color are suffering the most. where is the black vote for you right now?. because some observers have said it' d ths not as enthusiastic as it was last time around. again, this is a question of who's doing the polling and who's doing the counting. i do not believe it's because of a deep well of enthusiasm for my opponent. we know that black voters are often discounted and unfortunately, this year, black men have been a very targeted population for misinformation. >> i think that stacey is spot on with that. i listen as my kids watch nba highlights and whatever else
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they watch on youtube. i hear the misinformation being piped in. >> honestly, it's pretty easy to fool black men , says stacey abrams, whom we should remind you is not at all a racist. >> he's just keeping it real. is anderson cooper a racist? well, we can't say, but he is concerned that there are an awful lot of gullible mexicans a out there. watch anderson cooper. >> th anderson cooper. voters has increased by nearlyib five million since 201le vot8. n but spanish speaking communities are also being flooded with the disinformatione ,conspiracy theories, much of it through social media. >> we ar us we ar where i used to break bread with republik friends who have now been radicalized. >> for some latinos here in south florida, election laws have ruptured friendships and split families sce. >> you can see this information in english and in two or three days you can see thisith this information with captions in spanish.
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>> one of the challenges of tackling spanish disinformation is that so much of it is spread on the messaging platform. whatsapp messages are encrypted, so fact check labels can be used like they are on facebook, twitter and youtube. >> now, maybe we're giving them too much credit, but we didn't realize that anderson cooper hated hispanics. >> we thought he loved them. rsn >> c yet there he was in the tape. we just played you thosed t he mexicans i ln are conspiracyir theories, which, if you thinkwh about it, is itself a kind ofel conspiracy theory. anderson cooper knows becauseerr he's read it on twitter thate nonwhite voters are rejecting the democratic partyth in record numbers. >> but why are they doing that?t that's the question wehat? knowe they can't be thinking for themselves and drawing their own conclusions like adults themselve . capabhemselve >>le that's impossible. they're not capable of that. so there must be disinformationt foot. iooot. that's his conclusion. of course, stacey abrams agrees. and she's no racisstt. what p this is whatan panic looks like. these are people who knowge they're about to get crushed and they're desperatt e to pretend that they're not responsible for it.
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>> voters don't hate us . honestly, that's disinformationi . >> "the guardian" newspaper announced today that we don't eliminate freedom of speech in this country and imposean more censorshidp to fightt disinformation. disit of willn. the current utopia. and at that point,ivil we'll hae civil war, quote, judges war will be assassinated. democrats and moderate republicans will be jailed on bogus charges. >> bogus charges. will be bombed. pedestrian blackd syna will be picked off by snipers in city streets. they printed that message. bottom line, democrats absolutely cannot lose tomorrow's elections. >> that's their view. >> this cannot happen. so with that in mind, they're already preparing the rest of us for election theft, which if you don't want a civil war, you shouldn't complain about, you should just passively accept. si >> abc news posted a story tonight letting us know that a quote, red maraj or an artificial gop vote lead g will likely reoccur on tuesdayoh early election night results might not indicate finalt tallies. words
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>> t and that's okay. in other words, to our readers, says abc news, don't worry. john fetterman is going to winta . >> so with that in mind, since they've already said that they plan to do, how are republicans planning to respond to this? >> harmeet dillon isr gu the chairwoman of the republican national lawyers association. joins e joinuss us tonight. i can't imagine a more sinister combiner ation of ruthlessness and hysteria that we're seeing.a and that's not an overstatement. n't imagine theby the way, on te tonight, you know, there areheyr goine g to be efforts to tot ovr tamper with the results or to , at the very least, fight over the results. >> how are republicans inrepubl the states going to responicd? well, thank you, tucker., tuck i'm happy to report thater republicans are better poised than at any time in my lifetime to watch what's happeningction, tomorrow and to take legal wen action quickly. in fact, we've already bee doinl doing that for the last couple of years. the republican national committee in this election cycle has deployed
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thirty eight paid election lawyer senior lawyers inwy nineteen stateers and another 50 more. and there are hundreds more republican volunteer hoursg and paid staff of campaigns being organized. so every battlegrounnsd statee s is saturated with lawyers. i'm here in arizona and you can't swing a cat without hitting a lawyer. and we aree herto make to makee that everything is run according to the law, notno according to what jut democratsp make up at the last now, as yod asu mentioned, tucki the democratic party is so hysterical about the likely losses tomorrow that tom the department of justicore they're sending lawyers to all the counties where they're thinking that they're going to lose big, including six o gof the heaviest populated counties here in arizona. but the republican national t committee has engaged in almost 80 lawsuits in this cycle. his cyclwe've won a lot of these lawsuits. i filed many of these lawsuits in multiple states . and so we were under a consent decree, tucker, for the last
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forty years almost that prevented republican national committee from engaging in election day operations that liftedfrom eng and since we've n able to do it and the virginiat election last year and some otheaferr special elections, ite been a success. i'm very confident and voters should be very confident. they go to thenf pollsident toe that there are lawyers watchings the results very carefully and prepared to run into court all over the country if necessary. carefu and notand not let democy with their efforts to misinform the public and interfere with the results of the election tomorrow. wiharmeet dhillon joining. us tonight from arizona.uc thanks so much forh fo that. so you just heard because we played you the clip, anderson cooper on cnn saying, well, it looks like a lot of hispanics, v latinos are votingot republican in the cycle, but that's just because they've been brainwashed by conspiracy theories and disinformation. >> there's probablat is bey no y in america more symbolically important to the democratic party than miami-dade and florida. south florida, new pollinge inda there indicates that
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ron desantis, who's running for reelection as governor of the state of florida, may win miami-dade. >> it's pretty unbelievable. so why how did ron desantis, who served for one term as governor, of florida, apparently shift to miami dade republican ? what is going on here exactly? not all disinformation. we suspect. ron desantis joins us tonight. >> governor , thanks so much. >> hey, how are you?u so m great foucr coming on . so you know, these are just wi you know, these are just possible that you will winll-dad miami-dade, which wouldn't have seemed possible two years ago. so what exactly is going on here? >> to what do you attribute? there's clearly been a shift. why? i think there's a number of factors. i mean, one , i waswas sa the governor that was savingvi their jobs, their businesses and keeping their kids in school during covid the democratic partyn school ope
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on every single one of those policies. se and they wanted basicallyfinite indefinite lockdowns and school closures l. r people. d for blue collar people. we also have done very strong on crime. when you had the floyd riots, i immediately called out the national guard. we were not going to let that happen. let thappenin florida. we are a law and order state we are a law and order state and order governor . th that i think that's importan. and then i also think we reflect their values as parents ,raising kids. we thought disney to make sure i that the kids wouldn't be sexualized in elementary school by keeping things like gender ideology out of the classroom. >> but yet it'er is the left thk wants to put all that in there. >> so i think you just see latinos down here, but really blue collar people generally saying latin we're representing. we are standing up for them. sa are standing up for them. their safety and their familief. . >> io i once saw frank luntz, who's a famous republican pollster, tell republican members of congress that they wanted to win
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hispanic votes. they had to move left. >> you're saying you've won those votes by moving right? >> absolutely. and including on immigration. my first year, we banned sanctuary cities and news mediay thought that that would be notwl approved down here. >> and yet hispanic voters in florida had the highest approval ratin v g for our policy to ban sanctuary cities. b >>an w se did the transport to martha's vineyard and people thought that this is going to be so bad. and yet hispanic voters backed me on doing that becauseha they understand the border is out of control. so i think it' s on all of theseclearl issues. but clearly, the republican establishment viewy that youment viewy need open borders and amnestyo p to appeal to hispanic voters in the united states is dead wrong. it was wrongwa then and it's clearly been proven to be wrong now. >> they've been saying it for 30 years. n sayiit's just an amazing expet in democracy. >> actually , governor ron desantit ans ofd governor ron desantit ans ofd the election. >> thank you so much. k. thank you so much.
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but it's hard to trust polls anymore, obviously, after the last couple of elections. but some pollsters have turned out to be pretty accurate. keshishian is a pollster from, well, really a different time. >> he was reagan's pollster, actually , and so he's seen a lot of election cycles come and go and has the kind of perspective that you value on the eve of an election. >> he joins us . greg, thanks so much for coming on . so i'm not going to embarrass you by asking you how many elections you've seen or polled on , but a lot given that perspective, where do you think we really are right now? >> i think tucker, and thank fit you again for having me on tonight. i think we're inr the midsthavf a red surge, maybe not a wave, but certainly a surge that will punish democrats in power. and reward republicans. a but there is a caveat. there is a sacred covenantddle between the great middle class a and our government, and that
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is that if you keep our streetsp safe , keep our schools open and our way of life intact, we will send our children to far off battlefields to fight for you. the democrats broke that. covenant and they're going to pay a political price for it. let's hope the republicans do a lot better than that. >> what a really interesting observation. i just ask you to pause for a second. >> so you're watching these recruitment goals fall far short across the armed services for the first time, really, since post vietnam. and you're saying that's the result of this broken covenant? i think so. i think the middle class president trump gave the republican party an everlastdent fr he inverted the party from antry elite country club, wall street type orientation, to a great middlassociate class entrepreneurial main street party. and those folks look to thefor o republicans for solacelace and r
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comfort and for protection. and they have seen the democrats disappoint them time and time again. that's why you see a shift, a paradigm shift of latino voters, asian voters, black americans coming our way for the first time in forever. so it's a true monumentallicans shift. and i hope the republicans d blo don't blow it. but unfortunately, they always miss an opportunity to miss antr opportunity. >> it you've: yo seen 50 years f it. you know, greg, thanks for joining us ., thatthank . >> i appreciate it. thank you. with pleasure. so donald trump has shown up in ohio to support jd vance. o supp there's a big rally. the night should be starting soon. there are reports that the former president may make an announcement about his future plans. obviously, we're going to keep you posted on that. >> dr. marc siegel, by the way,r has been following politics this season. been he has an assessment to make about the health of a senate candidate, john fetterman.
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we'll be right back . do we have operational control? >> yes, or no? >> yes, we do. joe biden says there's nothing wrong in our southern border, but there is . the mexican cartels have the majority operational control. now, if our leaders care about the united states , protecting american citizens, they would do everything in their power to take the border back for mexican drug cartels. sentinel is the biggest drug that we are concerned about. border agents seized nearly one hundred thousand pounds of drugs every single month. the mexican cartels are also working with criminal gang members in the united states as well to manufacture, distribute this drug. there's nothing humane about handing our nation's sovereignty to a violent criminal organization. someone will control
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the border. it will be the u.s. government or mexican drug dealers. tucker carlson, originals battle for the border streaming now exclusively on fox nation. >> high amorphously. >> the inventor of life back simple rescue device that could save a life in a choking emergency. all these people were saved by life that people may not realize that on average, 14 people a day die from smoking related incidents every five days. >> one of those is a child. this simple is please push, pull to learn more , please visit lifehacker at. hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to give each and every one of you one last chance to get your very own. mypillow brickhill bed sheets go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. use your promo code and you'll get the lowest prices ever. for example, you get my bill showing queen size regular. eighty nine , ninety eight . now only thirty nine .
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middle age. his only real job was a symbolic mayoral position int a town called braddock, pennsylvania, which he improved. not at all. the so on the basis of that, he's running for senate against mehmet oz and of course, fetterman, this point is not really the candidate he can'tky be can't even form coherent sentence is. >> in a recent interviewu ca with fox twenty nine in philadelphia, he essentially hi his wife is reallyntially the candidate. >> watch this. there was a woman right at the end of one of the ads thaths says that she had supported you in the past, butt she thinks maybe it's time to take a stepoe back , take time a to healal and maybe make a run for and s the senate in six years. >> what doix d youo sayyou to? i would just say that i owe my doctors believe that we're fit to serve and we are ready . r he's >> so the doctor he's referring to , of course, is campaign donor was clearly lying to thes rest of us .ct or thaso we thought it'd be wora
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talking to an actual doctor , dr. marc siegel, who joinsin us now to assess the ability of john fetterman to serve in the u.s. senate. >> dr. siegel, what's your view of that? we'll talk, tucker. we talk. tconc good evening.erne a nd othwe talked about how conced i am and others are about the impact of this stroke and his comprehension abilitimpy and his ability to make decisions and executive function, which he'd have to do daily in office, and he'd have to juggle many at ng manin. a lot of us have a lot of concern about that, have been calling for his records for transpfoo guarantee, which he hasn't shown. hesn't shown. some courage, as we've said, ts but no, and but you know what we haven'tbout talked about? we haven't talked about his heart. and there's a lot of info about his heart that's very concerning, tucker. 2017. he's a real cardiologist. saw him, dr. ramachandra in2017 pittsburgh, who said his legsut were swollen and his heart was weak. and he put him on medication. and you know what fetterman did? and? doctor for five years and he didn't take that medication, which we all would doctors
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would all be horrified at. instead, he had the stroke and then he went back and saw dr. shondra again. and dr. shandra got involved. kn they put a pacemaker and ad defibrillator in and fetterman himself said that his stroke was due to a blood clot from the the heart. he that is veryart, significant, tucker, because a studusy out oj a journal called stroke, very grjournal called stroke, very over six thousand people froeamo great britain have found thatod if your blood clotart, you comeu the heart, you have about t less than 60%, a 60 percent chance, more than a 60 percent chance of either not living five yearse or having anothears r stroke win those five years. peose five years. sonn i say to the voters of pennsylvania tonight who are ready to check the box tomorrow, i think before you tom check a box, you shoulordatisti considerc a statistic like that greater than 60% chance that someone like futterman, with a heart in his condition, having had a stroke, will either have
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a recurrence or won't survive the term tucker.ld mean >> it's like, why not justm to i mean, this happened in may. k >>no they had time to put a real candidate. and it's also bewilderin, theyg >> dr. marc siegel, thank youoc for that. appreciate it. thanks. drma .. a >> so, washington state, city of seattle, got to be some of the prettiest places on the planet, but they've been destroyed. tent,attle, o cities, open-air g markets, tippity smiley is hoping to chang thee that. she's running against patty murray for senate in the state of washington. she's up against patty murray. she appears in the polls to be up. >> patty murray has served five terms. tiffany smile could change that tomorrow. servjoins us to explain.k you on . i meanwe, this is one of those e haven't been paying a ton of attention, but if you had said o three months ago a republican could win in washington state,dy statewide, that would have seemed impossible. why do you thinkou t this is happening? well, this is happening becausev i've been connecting with voters over the lase tith voters over the lase 18 months and connecting on common ground.
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you know, i have been n to the largest homeless encampment in the heart of seattle. . o le roo le the roadblocks to getting help and why we are allowing this, why we are allowing individuals to poison themselves in front of our eyes. it's inhumane. it's immoral, and it's wrong. so i went i was helping clean up needles, dirty needles, and do harm reduction. and there was a woman that was there helping as well.d sh and she came across the and she said, tiffany smiley. and i sort of laughed hearing m him in the heart oe f seattle. and i said, yeah, i don't know and i said, yeah, i don't know but i'm really a nice person. i'm here to ser and she goes, nove, no, i've always voted democrat. in fact, i've always voted for patty murray. and i'm honored to be voting for you. and it was this real special moment here was a democratocratn and republican. we're standing in the heart of a city where we're allowing people to poison themselves to death and we want what's best. my mes that's why we are gaining ground, because my message is resonating across the board with democrats, independents and republicans, hundredependens
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people are coming to my events. we need hope here ind we washington. state. i have a whole agenda to turn tr crisis into hope, tucker. and thisn this isn't just about. washington state. this is about our country. this is about the future. thisrof our children.ure. senator murray just continuesrrc the dangerous rhetoric that divideons us . i'm here to unify. i mean, we t havhae hundreds of thousands of americans living on the street. nobody ever mentions it. ne it's the first thing yountions mentioned. winthatthe fi on the basisrs of that, it'll be such a wonderful and affirming thing to see and affirming thing to see yes.tiy smil because you're right.eyyo tiffanu foy smiley, thank you vy much. yes. thank you, tucker. >> i appreciate it. well, speaking of a race, nobody expected, the arizona governor's race. carrie lake comes out of nowhere to become one of the most famous republicans in the country. >> then the fbi and bomb squad showed up at her campaign offices. >> and it's impossible to find out exactly what that's about.ri carrie lee joins us nextwill to explain exactly what that was about.
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from sharper image with improved ergonomic handle and enhanced performance. >> the power boost massager from sharper image relief. >> now wellness always the greatest clip ever recorded in the history of cable news. joy reena roy, msnbc explained the other day that voters are upset about inflation because republicans thottam a word. they didn't know the word inflation, but republicans repu that todd ant be upset about it. but actually , accordingught the to people who know what they're talking about, inflation really is real. it's higher than it's been in nearly forty years. how high is it and what effect will that have on the elections tomorrow? >> charlie gasparinoelections? , is a fox business senior correspondent. >> he's been covering this topic. he joins us tonigh joinst. charlie, i assume you believeali inflation is real. how real is . >> yeah, inflation is real., i get it. the sun's coming out >>. i mean, here's the thing, tucker. you know, this whole notion that inflation isn't real, it's made up really gives lie to the notion that the that dem the democrats are the party ofoc the working class. i mean, inflation is really bad. you know, my mother flew outg n
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queens in one week. groceries go up twenty bucks. i mean, good thing we're there for her. but, you know, a lot of people on fixed incomes, aren't they ? don't have that backup. and it's a pernicious tax on the working and middle class that it gives well, gives lie to the notion that this administration that democrats care about them. they may care about the rich who can make money in the stock market, why prices are going up. they may care about the poor, give them transfer payments, but they don't care abou don'tt the middle class, the workinghea class. and this is a bindg tax on them. and it's probably going to cost them tomorrow. so you look at one issue that people crazy when they're when they're working class people in particular, it's when they can't fill up their tank of gas. they have to they can't buy steak. they have to eat according to one democrat. what did he say? you know, eat right. eat, you know, chef boyardee,n y that was the solution that c they came up with . joe biden buy generic raisin bran. i mean, think abou bt how stupio and tone deaf this is . and if they don't pay tomorrow, i would be really surprised.
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i mean, you know, the nineteen seventies, we both are old enough to remember why there was a reagan revolution with a massive wave of republicans in nineteen eighty. >> and it was a lot of it wastin inflatio rn. that's right. and history is not recorded that. but i remember it and you're exactly right. >> i guess we can thank you for that any time tucker. so no one really expected the governor's race in arizonaia to become one of the most hotly contested, most closelyat is covered races in the lastwh ten years. but that's what it is , thanks to carrie lake.kari l and carrie lakake is a huge threat because she comes out of the media 30 years in the newsme media. she knows exactly how it works. meand she can explain >> so it probably shouldn'te you surprise you that her office was attacked recently. apparently in a politically motivated attack. fbi, police and bomb squadsb were called to her campaign headquarters in phoenix over a suspicious piece of mail that contained white powder. so we still don't know whatebat that powder is .ov there's some debate over w
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whether the fbi's even tested it. so to find outhe exactly what is going on in that story, we are proud to have carrie lee join us tonight. >> thanks so much for coming on . so there are all kinds ofonight versions o, f this story. what is the truth? well, the truth is that we hadeo delivered at our officeup a couple of envelopes that had white powder and then one of themhat had , our employee or s, opened up and immediately realized there was a problemhe with it, threw it inen anoth the garbage can, and then stm sarbage can, and then the garbage can. and then all s oeveralf a sudded several people exposed to it. the police showed up, the bombot squad showed up. firefighters and the fbi and they took the envelopes. there were a couple of them at minimum, maybe more . and we were told they took them for testing. now, this is the first timethe i hearing that maybers they haven't. doey haven't. it than i do. i've been busy.i campaigninghat and we've just been monitoring our staffers health. and so far so good. but we are counting on the fbi to test that and let us know if we should be concerned about
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any danger. apparently, the contents of the letter were incredibly, you know, vulgar and threatening. and so we take it as a legitimate threat. >> but we're just happy that so far our staffers are okay. since we're not in arizona, wet can't tell what kind of coverage is is receiving in your media in the state. i did see you get some coverage. you know, i have not wanted to get much coverage out of this because let'sge face it, i really would rather this be investigated and we find out who did it and catch the culprits. but the real story is , i'll be honest, this is minor i'm compared to what i'm going to go up against whe n i winp against whe this race. we are going to secure the border and take down the cartels, the border. i don't think letters, threatening letters are going to be the worst of it. i think there's muchre com more coming and we're ready for it. we will noin but t be intimidated, tucker. we've got big issues facingissus us . we have a border facing us with narcoterrorists in control. and while i'm upset that these cos were sent and i'mmyt these
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monitoring, i care deeply about my staff. i know that there will be more threats to come and we will stare them down because we will secure arizona, their republican led border states have done nothing to secure the border. >> so if you actually do that as governor of arizona, you're going to get major pushback from the administration. >> press will be covering it and rooting for you. carry like thank you. >> thank you. so here's a race that's gotten very little attention, at least from us . >> it's in the state h oampshif new hampshire, used to be a republican state. now, thanks to immigration from boston, it's not it's a mixed t state. and it's senator maggie hassan was, of course, going to win. but then don bolduc showed up and now he appears to be leading maggie hassan in some polls, which is amazing. >> how does that happen? no joins us tonight. w thanks so much for coming on . . >> again, another race that i think very few people watching from outside new hampshire expected to be competitive and now by some measures, you're winning. >> how would you do that?
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well, tucker, thank you for having me on , but it was just doing it the right way, grassroots way. two years of campaigning, every town and city. we just finished our eighty third town hall between the primary and general election. we focused on message when he joins we started two years ago. we didn't have the economic issues, the inflation, the people struggling with heating and eating up here in new england, you know, in a pending black blackoutf natu and shortages of natural gasra and diesel already experiencing diesel shortages with some ofsss the small businesses. and that's just terrible. so it' we i transitionedthro with granite staters through this with two years of campaigug nhis with two years of campaigug and went through it myself with high electric bills and high oil bills and highh sc food bills.ho and i share this with them. and by doing that, talking foo with them and listening and learning from them, you know, we were able to , you know, be able to relate. and senator has and just hasn't done that.
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she's hidden from them.senato she hasn't done any town halls. she doesto some calls, you know, to replace her. her you in-person appearances. >> and she brings people like jill biden and cory booker and , you know, elizabeth warren up here n her flatwarren up here campaign. and it just can'r t be donflatea because they thaigt those people are just an indicator to granite staters tha bt it's get ready for your misery indexa to get higher. so it'tis a moral imperative for that of office so that we can go down there and fix this mess. >> she brought corey booker wel, >> she brought corey booker wel, >> wow. talk about assir double the good luck tomorrow, truly.tu thank you so much.nk you f god bless you, tucker.y to be and thank you for the opportunity to be on your show. god bless. >> so yet another whistleblowere after tony belinski has come forward. new details about the business de that joe biden was business
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involved in while vice president . we've got to tails next. th've got to tails next. campaign events on this election eve. e seleon the left side of your screen, governor of florida ron desantis speaking ron , oron desantis speaking florida, in the southern partarf of the state. on the other side, on the righ t tn the other side, on the righ t ,donald trump in dayton, ohio,tm campaigning for jd vance in thes that state senattae race. we'll be right back . hello, i'm mike lindell. >> in light of the recent events, your continued support means everything to myself and my employees to thank you for having the biggest sale ever on all mypillow. bening get my pillow bed sheets for as long as twenty nine . ninety eight . a set of pillowcases for only nineteen ninety eight in this economy, instead of buying a new bed, rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper. first. ninety nine ninety nine . we all share blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles like plush wallpaper, gossamer for as low
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one . just pay a separate fee call or log on to buy bioactive plus .com. we've on several hour longiews interviews on this show. the man called tony baba, he was famously hunter biden's business partner and as such, he watched firsthand the biden's family's overseas influence peddling operation. in progress. but he's not the only one who saw it. now ther proe is anothergres whistleblower with firsthand information who is speaking. this person is on a conference call in 2012 as joe biden was president . that call included joe and hunter biden, as well as biden's businescluding ens p jeff cooper, the late senator harry reid and his son . >> the call waits abou wt obtais an overseas license for a a gaming companyn called okot global, which hunter jeff cal
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and harry reid's son were involved in the daily mail.le >> dotcom's spoke to the whistleblower. >> here's part of it. spo i wakes involved with otaru. ene there was a conference call i overheard and stanley on a conference call with joe biden, hunter bob woodrufjoe bidef hooe harry reid and keywood.d the reasonan they were talking about it is that this is ans is internet gaming and gamblingkint company. what they're specifically talking about was, you know, how how the business development was happening to rejoice that they had just gotten an t recently with the government of peru for a license. the thing that was outstanding ,you know, obvious more thanoreh anythingan else is joe biden was directly involved in this business activity. he wasn't passive . he was talking about it.s. that i had to describe him. w heas was like a member ofa memb the board of directors, maybeonw
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because of his prominent position. i would even describe hioum as a chairman of the board.n of >> war so the sitting vice president is involved in p a business deal for onlinereside gambling. >> could it get sleazier? josh boswell is the senior reporter at daily mail. >> he joins us now. josh, thanks so much for coming on . >> so just to be clear , the man in the video we just saw who's image and voice were obscured, had direct first hand knowledge of this. that's absolutely correct.t this whistleblower was on that conference call in 2012 when harry reid, the then senate c majority leader, came on and phe joe biden was asking all these detailed questions aboute webs revenue projections forit the company when the website would be livbe live. you seem very concerned,r the whistleblower said, about what money they would be making from this company, and that'vis the vice president of the united states . >> well, that's a crime. that's a felony. the sitting vice president is not allowed to do that.
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no government official is . so is anybody is the fbi following up on this, do you know? >> well, the whistleblower has tried to get this to law enforcement, to congress. i've seen documents showing their outrage, but nobody has responded to them properly yet. and they have made themselves a they've notified and the the senators who are investigating hunter biden. t will be followed up. now, and i think the thing that may change after tomorrow is there are a couple of committees that are going to have subpoena powers, maybe. that will really kick start things in this particular part of the investigation. that's unbelievable. >>at's unbelievable. i mean, i don't really have to see him in an abortion clinic to get the interest of the fbi. >> i think at this point,, josh josh margolin. well, thank you so bos mucweh fr your reporting, as always.for y. thank you. >> so we want to sum up exactly what we're looking at. so many races, notace, a presidential race, but
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governors races, the entire house of representatives, big chunk of the senate. what does all of this add up to ? >> are we going to see tomorrow? dana perino is co-host of america's newsroom and the five on her life from politics. >>mo our frienred joins us toni .is going >> dana, great to see you. t what do you think's going to happen tomorrow and why? thank you. i think you'll see a culmination of what we have believed to be true since even january 20th. 2020 one . what did we know then? what history tells us that y, almost always historically, tucker, loses seats in a midterm. the question is just how many seats? let's look ayt the house firste of all, bei think that the recruiting on the house republican side has been really phenomenal. the number of different types of candidates that you'l.s ofl will be the most diverse class by far and just some good quality individuals that have to sometimes taken six tonv eight years to convince to run . i definitely think that you'll ayou'llitely think that you'll republican majority. now to the even i got to tell you, tucker, we're hearing tonight even justu
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some caution from republicans saying, look, these racetis arse very, very close on the governor's side of things. you just had kari lake on . i think she's definitely going to win. and her candidate she was running against was just terrible. so the democrats will have a lot ofble. the thinking to do after the election results come in. elt atec 6:00results come in. p.m. we've got a great team, tucker. >> it's going to be a good night. it's interesting. >> i mean, do you think becaused this is , as you, said, part of like a long term cycle where, you know, we go one direction,ra then another president's party always loses. >> d you thinko you think it's a little over the top to be calling this a referendum on democracy itself? >> since it's a recognizable pattern? yes, thank you for picking up on that. that's exactly what i mean. indeed. , i think that the democrats, because they're so desperate, you know, they've ignored what a people have been telling them. they're worried aboutin inflation, the economy, their jobs, crime, and they're mad about what happened to them during covid on behalf ofehalf themselves and their businesses, but also on behalf e
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of their children. this is the first election where they get to actually havea their say after covidtime. you're going to see a lot of that. the democrats are being somocrat hyperbolic about the end of democracs ary when actually yous have people that are turning that i did this thing today on my one more thing. and lauren singletary is a republican running in new york . twenty five challenging a democratic incumbent and the refugeesmbent, a up there, theyt legally. they were canvasing. they've never voted for a democrat. in i'm a republican before. their they're changing their mind. why? m because of crimeime an and educ edand inflation. >> those are the three issues. that is democracy.democrg, i wou thisld is democracy working, i would say, on real issues. dana, i was excited to see that picture. >> okay, take care. thank you. >> tomorrow.. so the united states recognizes what's at stake for him and his party. thrty. out the vote. not surprisinglyvote, not going very well with the video evidence. it's sad, but necessa unsy.urpr >> we'll show it to you next. hello, i'm mike lindell and i want to thank each and every one of you for your support
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,gentlemen. here's a deal. gazit gentlemen, here's the deal. d >> that waeal.s the president lt tuesday. esday. hi his messaging has not gotten better yesterday in yonkers,is new york , biden nearly fellstea ove unelectersd governor , kathy hochul. >>n we put a cap of taos dollan a year on prescription drugs for seniors no matter whatfo their cost to 10, 12 , 15 .10 stepping on a bus, black. >> anyway, look up, make itood e end. >> here'wss some good news on the way out. we told you last week about two leaders, the group true, the vote, one oftrue whom we knw well, catherine engelbrecht and greg phillips. they were thrown in jail back on halloween. what did they do? they burned down a wendy's. >> oh, that's not a crime.e pu they they made a real crime, actually . they broke the law. they made allegations about voter fraud in american elections and then refused to reveal to a court their source, which
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they thought was constitutionally protected. al turns out, to t no,theient tht to jail. well, today, a federal appealsar thurt reversed the decision and sprung them from behind bars. godspeed to them both. always vote justice when it appears. well, our final show before election day is over. e fo we'll be back during fox's election coverage for a bit tomorrow. that coverage starts. 6:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. >> we recommend it highly. >> it's going to be an interesting night. here's sean hannity. all right. it's going to be an interesting day tomorrow. >> welcome to . >> all right. it is officially here. the moment is upon us . tomorrow is election day in america and you will decide the balance of power in the washington swamp. at this hour, we are monitoring tonight's massive trump rally. and it's massive. it's in ohio, which advance there is expectations of a big announcement will dip in live. straight ahead. also, dr. oz will join us with his final thoughts from pennsylvania. we'll bring you the very latest polls from all across the country. right now. five senate
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