tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 8, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
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we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left screen deal . >> tomorrow's election is now in your hands, and it's all about the things that you're happy with . inflation record high gas prices, open borders. if you're happy with no bail, laws, defund the police and work education. vote for the democrats, otherwise save the country. let not your heart be trouble. laura's next. aham and >> i'm laura ingraham.s th this is the "ingraham angle" from new york tonight. and just eight hours, the first polls, the twenty twenty two midterms open and candidates are not leavinghs anything on the field. >> who's ready to take this state back ? great >> who's ready to save this country? thisin the wor is the greatest n the world today. and this time it is time for us to stand up for america., we >> if we're all in, we win. all in, all in all.
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ready tomorrow?y toto take back this country? ba? are you ready to take the state back ? who's ready to send markkell kelly back to space? tomorrow? now, we're going to hear from reporters and candidates acrossh the nation tonight, including our own mark meridith in ohio, where donald trump is stilio wd stilll delivering what was billed as ah highly anticipated speech. 's ts but first, the great realignment. that's the focus of tonight's angle, with republicans about to take control of botf h the house and the senate, mostis democrats aren't interested in serious soul searching aboutr au how it all unraveled fornc a bunch so worried about election denial, they seem to be preemptively questioning the legitimacy of the impending republican takeover. rean how concerned are you that the upheaval at twitter >>ll result in a flood of
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misinformation, disinformation right before i the election? and it actually goes beyonde ar twitter today. there arree reports s that, in fact, russian bots news reportse have come back outside c interference comin>> laug back . of course, the regime media, as always, picks up run the democrat button and runs with it. mes it's and the "new york times", it's russian bots and trolls and interference. >> oh, my k .abou .s beenhink about this the same group that has been droning on for years about a how we'll vote for them is a wel vote to protect democracy. well, we nowl, see whatat they reall ty meant by that. orw >>he democracy only works when they win. that >> now, we should always assumee that our adversaries are mucking around in our instem fact, a russian business. yevgeny petrosian, and today admitted to using social mediaoy to influence our elections. and it only stands to reason that china is meddling as well. but it's too sophisticated to get caught. let's face it, but what biden
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and his band of reality deniers ignore is this neither russia nor china nor any other foreign countrieors created the pain the american families are feeling th american families are feelin g from inflation. and they didn't causet the increase in violent crime. new york subways. and i'll tell you, putin didn't. design the deviant curricula polluting schools across americ desiga. ulum. one more suburban women, hispanics, african-americans, vote republican. ican it's not because of some putin inspired disinfo lurking on facebook and circulating on twitter. that paradigm shift will occurat because democrats misrea paraddt their mandate and threw in with the far left to destroy our prosperity. h thouand our public safety. >> there are a few democrats, t though, who seem to be kind of sort of getting it. > i'm a loyal democrat, but a i am not happy. i just think that we are you elt know, we didio not listen to voters in this election. and i think we'rthink e have a d night and this conversation's
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not going to have muchoi impacnt on tuesday. bug t i hope it has an impacten going forward, because whenr an voters tell you over and overy e and over again that they careth mostly about the economy, listen to them stop talkingthe about democracy being at stake. that's not the only deftness, e only quicksand that they're stepping into as americans are facing record high prices for heating oil this winter. n went at and he told the truth over the weekend, no>n more drilling. there is no more drilling. okay, old man. >>ll, a few days earlier, he knocked off the entire coals bu industry as well. >> no one is building new coalin plants because they can't relytb on it. we're going to be shutting these plants down all acrossd hg america and having windd and solaanr and since we already know how they feel about fracking for natural gas, they're against it. >> what does this exactly leavetin us as a nation now, even with at hot air perpetually blowing in d.c., it's not nearly enough to power america.
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so either.enough biden is a t complete ignoramus on our existing energy framework. that could very wellso i be orgh he's setting the stage for another self-imposed shutdown of the entire country. >>shutdown oil, natural gas andp are responsiblone for nearly 80% of american energy consumption. >> so without that life as we know it in the united states , will caro r to a screeching hal. malks, this is their closing message. str barack and the so-called master communicator, barack obamaobama didn't do much better before he headed out on the trail fo r the democrats. he must have had a spotifycreate create some kind of playlist based on john lennon's song imagine. >> imagine if we'd enabled himatio to fix our broken immigration system back in 2011. imagine if we'd been able to pass meaningful gun safetyimg imagine if we'ifd been we had to reduce our emissions. if we if we had kept the senate in 2014, we'd have a very different supreme court makingyf
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decisioners about our most basic rights. >> imagine if martha's vineyard wanted to keep all those0 of imagine thall 50 of them. >> okay, imagine that. t so all right.f step imagine if you had a democrat party that wasn't so out of step with our middle class, out of step with hispanics and out of step with independent voters. imagine let's imagine that now really been something to behold . the party thato tanked our gdpt in less than two years got, the party that got us into party a pointless proxy ward by with russia, the party that played by its got played by thes saudis on oil production, is now claiming to bele the champions for the middle class. middle class gets stiffed.r unde the poor get poorer under our . you saw what happened last time under my predecessor, a currenta economy was in ruins.ct and we lost manufacturing jobsd a and hundreds of smallhu businesses in the state. one hundred thousand nationwid e laura . the elocution notwithstanding liar, liar, pants on fire. trump, we hads
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the strongest gains in real median income in over two decades. mecre thee the pandemi destroyed everyone's economies, america had the highest gdp growth in the g7 p h. w now we're six . and he fought his own party's establishment to get toughe but nina's trade abuses. but nice tryce, joe . now,s let's face it, it's tougo to be a democrat this midterm. the lies, eventually they catch up to you pretty quickly and their party's elders t who are about to loseheor their chairmanships, areso getting very cranky, so crankyrk that they're skipping the race card and going right to the card. id straight all of tau my life historghy. and i'm tellin g you what i see here are parallels to what the history of this worldhe back in nineteen , congressman in italy, it's hard to come. a >> let's call someone a when you're about to go to a luau. it's very hard now. this is when you know thatn conr the democrats are just going to get shellackeactuallyd when
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conservatives actually focus on the issues that voters care abous care is t, it's now fascig that's their closing message. mand i have this simple question. did democratdid demos actually y some consultant somewhere for this campaign advice? campnow we're going to see where things end up in this election. ing but one thing is for sure,es the future of the republican parti say is the same as what i said it was on election night 2020 when i was at the white house, the same coalition wee saw in florida back in 2020, a rising populist coalition that takes the solid republican base and adds more working people, more hispanirkin, moc voters,bun more suburban women and more people on the coasts. who are tired of crimechaos, and economic chaos that is getting a lot stronge r now. rise for 12 years, ever since the rise of the tea party, this coalition has been gaining strength. first, we stopped obama, then we defeated hillary. then we helped donald trumpdonad hoh the white house. we held together through covid,s
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through lies, through attacks, the big business community from the regime, media and no mediawe competitive all across the country. i hopehoan and i believe thate e tomorrow will be a great night for the republicans and the republic. but we're no.t finished yet. y americans arfoe ready for peaces and prosperity. they're ready for a congress anh and at wa president that works e and tells them the truth. and that's the angle. >> joining us now, charliean hurt, washington times opinionaton,r, and ben domenech, editor at large for the spectator, both are foxectao news contributors, both here irn new york . >> with me, charlie, from h censorshiper now to political violence, the media, the administration just they're not turninmedia,urningg down the temperature in this race. one bit, but they're looking for both. oh, yeah, no. and they really aren't.e gotteni and we've gotten this sort of strange thing where we have the pre-election election denying, which i think is ausly first. >> but the other thing that we s have ahan obviously politicians always sort of shade the truth and don't always speak
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honestly. but what is so alarming, what's so astounding about this is tono listen to the bidenmocrat administration and to listens y to these democrats lie to people's faces and tell themi what they know is going on in their own personal lives is not going on .e it's not only does it belittle those people, but it alsocomp completelyle destroys their credibility. and i agree with you. i think thisi th is ina great realignment, but i think it'sin even more than this. i think that what joe biden now is doing to the democrat partyo right now and what democrats are doing to that party right now is a generational damage that could take 10 years, could take decades for them to recover because nobody believes what they're saying. >> and that is excellent point. now, ben, the big news today out of pennsylvania is that the fetterman campaign is now suing to have undatedome and misdated ballots counted and apparently some aren't signedard there. a now, they argue that the handwritten date requirement is just a technicality and notnicality d to determine whether the votes were legally cast and thatast throwingan them all out violates
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federal civil rights laws. bes.n, this is another desperate move on the part of yt the democrats. >> yes, but it's also totally predictable. i mean, they're completely hypocritespocrites on all of ths stuff. but one of the things thats is i think and thispo is such a great point that charlie just made the ramifications of what we're seeing going the on ,d ab the realignment that you talked about. le are talking aboutar a sweepig away of a generation ofs do democratic leadership thatmi is dominated in washington. it hasdirected controlled and de their party. and what we're going to see is not just them swept awat y, but a whole group of gen xers gx as well who were supposed to take the reins, swept'e peop. like tim ryan better. o'rorke there. to o'rourk i went back and calculated over 200 million has been spent over the last 10 years on better or on trying to make beddoe happen . >> he's not happening. he's going to get clobbered. stacey abrams is going to get completely swept away by brian kemp. and i think thatletely one of kee things that we should
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understand here is we are goinga to move to a democratic party very quickly. that is alndl being led by these millennial girl boss energyy th typeats. and that's going to be crazys te town in terms of what they'retht goin ig to offer to the country and what they're going to say. so as much as i think you had this whole false approach by joe biden to return to normalcy, joe ur the actual result of his policies and this ribl terrible white house is going to be an even crazier,t de more leftist democratic party. >> well, into your point abouts how the old dinosaurs are kind of going to be pushed offelosi the stage or lumber off the stage. nancy pelosi was on cnn tonight being interviewed by anderson cooperanders. me, >> it seemed like she was to me her body language, aside fromm the fact she said she nevere ne spoke aboutht the attack with hr husband, which that was an b interesting commenutt, but shets seemed like she was on her waybu out to me. i mean, not that she's just going to be defeated, but sheod was going to leave. >> that's what that was my sense. well, certainly the body language but th tha would suggest that.ta
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bundt the fact that they don't speak openly about and i get it ,it's ahead of the election. >> s do maybife it's sort ofto difficult, but it goes to the heart of destroying w whatever credibilityha they havd left. and honestly, i really don't know whaart how are they going to respond to this election? >> are they going to learn a lesson or are they going to do something now? another lessons will be learned. >> laura they have convinced themselves. we are we are having this morae stand up thing for in defense of democracy. and it's just a bunch ofst ah fascistsof and racists who aretr going to come beat you know, the problem, of course, is that this is going to be one of the most diverseuba coalitions republicans have ever formed. >>ns all talking points don't work. >> it doesn't work anymore. no one believes that . o people understand that. i mean, when youou see the governor of new york come out and say that, you know, it's just hysterical to complain about crime, you know, black, hispanic and asian americans in these new york communities's a who have seen the increases ines crime, they know that that'see a lie they see right throughth t theythey aren't going to be called racists in order for it because of they're
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actually pointing out, charlie,i we talked aboutit how politiciat tend to lose their mojo over. time when they stay in the gameo too long. >> i neverul thought i'd say ths about obama, but we played a little bit of an angle. but he dropped a particularly unhinged line over the weekend. >> watch. when true democracy goes away, people get hurt. it h has real consequences. this is not an abstraction. t ge dissidents start getting locked up. reporters start getting lockedue up if they'rthe not toeing the party line. corruption reigns becausartyee there's no accountability. be charlie, he wass no successfl to the extent he was because he was able to keep the far left at bay. k hefar a member he was forional traditional marriage. you all this time. oh, the old daysmae ol of obamae kept them kind of a little bit at arm's length. but now it's katy, bar the door . >>s he's suchle a liar.ngth and of course, of course, l barack obama never would havebak ru on on the campaign that joe biden has run and he never would have won reelection, u
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except that his 20 campaign wasl a brilliant campaign. it was hopeful, buabout t from t moment on , it has beenn dark darkness and dishonesty. from him. e >>ar and in that clip you playeo earlier, where he's talking about yoweu, if we had the majority in 2014, they had a filibuster proof majority for two years at the beginning ofe t his term. >> if heerm. wanted to fixe done immigration, that he could have done it.y they could have done anythin g they wanted to and they failed to do. and they didn't wan to do it.y i they didn't want to do it. they want to keep the issue.ntet and they wanted to take over a sixth of the economy because there waixs more money in it.: s >> but his whole imagine if this had. oh, no, it's like an old lounge act.-- it's like imagine if i wass li still in beijing.kel it was like spinal imagine up. the stadium was still fullfound and i wasn't playing like a circle iann theater inlie be the round charlton band.t >>to s greatee to see you both t . all right. a new "wall street journal" poll spells trouble for w the democrats noall st ks troubr tomorrow, but as we were justg talking about, perhaps forrh a generationaps , gop gaining. support among black and latino voters. now, biden'stween 20 pollster
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who conducted the poll warned that we are e seeing a paradigme shift. >> so where could this make the most difference? joining us now is illinois congressman darin lahood, financ le chair for the nrdc,c n and tom beven, realm clear politics president andtomw co-founder. >> bontemps, which state ihitatn which race do you think if you can narrow it down to one would mean the most make the most difference in terms of the coalition shift? yes, t? for this year, it's probably arizona and nevada. i would put in that categoryll t as well. shthto the extent that hispanic, if they vote, if they shift to the gopn , in those kinds oft numbers, that will makes the difference for two senat e seats, for pickups for republicans. >> well, congressman, i'm looking at michigan because we see in michigan a young conservative, tooter dixon, comes from a steel family, understands the working class
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sentiment and ideals. people didn' at give her much or a chance. we featured her first, f i believirst oingrahame, the an. she's making a real run for this against gretchen whitmer, o who is the lockdown queen. and i think parent is are still angry about that. >> l well, you're absolutely i right, laura . the reason i look atdiana, is northwest indiana, gary, indiana, g where we have a great candidate. and jennifer ruth green , navy pilot in her mid 30s,, african-american and she hasdist a grearit chance of winning that district. and so i think that's goineat ng to watch. it's going to be a great nighte if we cafun get across the finih line. but she's the future opublicfant the republican party and it goes to show with hispanic voters and african-americanave a voters they're coming to uils because biden's policies havewe failed have on the border. we have out of control crime and we have a disastrous economy. >> well, tom , the noted election denier, stacey abrams, has a theory now about black men . >> watch. we know that black voters ar n e often discounted.
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and unfortunately, this youngee black men have been a veryisinfo targeted population forrm misinformation, not the misinformation about what they want, but about whyy t the they want what they that has ver and my campaign has been the only one that has very intentionally thoughtful and consistently reached out to them. >> i have no tal a idea whatying she's talking about. >> but it, t sounds likeyou ca she's saying than't you can't hold the bar too high or too sophisticated. for that demographic. point i don't know her point at all,l but it doesn't it seems to fall. flat. >> n didn't make a lot of sense there. and look, you know, g african-american turnout ieorgne georgia is has beenen thr particularly in the earlyou vote , has beef.n through the roof. that shd so it's it's just not going the way that she wants. and i thine ok she sees the writing on the wall. but to the point that i made earlier, i mean, there are two issues at play here. one is that it's it's not just race and ethnicity. it's class .
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the inflation is hitting h working people the hardest of all races. itting le theand hitting working people the hardest. and so that's why you're seeing the shift. that's that's one of the things divet on the otherhat' hand , republicans have fielded probably the most diverse set of candidates this cycle. didates than they ever have. more hispanic candidates, more african-american candidates, and so i think that, you know, democrats, i think, have takeosn those constituencies for granted for o too and republicans are are taking that opportunity. >> and the national party deserves a lot of credit. they get beaten upey get beat of us a lot of the time. for they deserve a lot of creditrecm for the recruitment they did. sn now, congressman henry olsen had a fantastic my view analysis in today's washington post. he said republicans will gain support and almost every voter demographic, but they'll make especially large inroads among hispanics and middle income suburbanites. the white working hig classes, abandonment of the democrats and the 2010 midtermndonments foreshadowed its movement into the gop. is donald trump brok0 e republican orthodoxy a similar unorthodox move in
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2020 four could turn the tablesr on the democrats, creating the foundationcreating for a los republican resurgence. congressmae.n, you've had your hands on the data. >> is this the trend line? well, i think what we're goingls to see tomorrow night is really a sea change when it comesea h to working class hispanicis voters, working class african-american voters,c o because they're turned off frofm the biden policies and they'reea think about thisst, laura . just in the last year, hispanico working class voters havnte lost one month of a one month of salary because of inflationary policies put in place by biden .elate to so they can relate to that, right? they can relate to defundingefun policeding by democrats. they can relate to having five , six dollars a gallon gase . right. so w, i meanorki, these are woru class issues tha'rt whetherhe you're hispanic, whether you're african-american or whether you' likefordg class i represent in peoria,hese illinois, or rockford, illinois. poli don'te policies don't work. and that's why people are gravitating to freedom and opportunitd y. and what we bring to the pointw
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that you made is we have to make sure we understand thatk and we govern that way when we take back this majority, we don't waste that. >> yeah,>> l i thinkau the popuo conservative playbook is what'sb going to continue to grow thisot movement. i've been saying it for a longse time. me i think we're going to see ts tomorrow night. >> congressman lahood, tom , great to see aboutl se now.tomo. >> a lot of eyes were on ohio tonight where former president trump just wrappedat a rally for republican senate candidate j.d. vance that was just minutes ago, but it was the big expectation of a big 20 , 20 four announcement that many were tuning in fo4 r fox is mar k meredith is in daytonh is for all the details. >> mark, what happened? apparently no announcement. look. ohappare, laura , there's a sliy announcement maybe just to stayt true to this point because bece as you were talking about,d the former president held a rally for about an hourrall and forty five minutes. he had a few thousand people braving the cold along with the rest of us . bue t it was at the end of about the rally after he got done speaking about the state of the countr countryy as well as tomorrow's midterms, that the former president said that he will be makinfo he e makig ar
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announcement, which, of course, is ninety nine point nine percent going to bein abou2 his future. 202002 fous r plans a week froma tomorrow. and that thandhat announcement would be happening at the mar-a-lago club. jusjut outside of palmclea beach, florida. and so the former president made it very clear that that's when he's expected to make the news that everybody was talkingthat s about th right.atgoin there wag s a lot of speculation that he was going to make the sort of announcement aboutfh his run on the eve of the election that would have been a shocker because, of course, it would have a big impact on what people arehe hel thinking when they go to the polls tomorrow. he held back , kept itocused foe on the republican candidatesinks as well as the issues he thinkss voters should be caring abou st tomorrow. but i also thought it'ss fascinating because, as i mentioned, it's going to b froe foweek from tuesday, the samdae pey that former vicerm president mike pence, hincs boo is due out. and you'll havl ove president br still overseas. bae will be in bali atobvi that point at the g20. so obviously, you're goingou to have al l sorts of importantiding international headlines colliding at the same time. at on wilbut all attention will bed of course, what the former
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president will announce then heo thd members of his family here with him tonight. laura , there was a lot ofatbe i speculation that maybe thisno would be there. but no, melania trump,ia the former first lady, was nota with him. so then, o hinf course, gave us another hint that maybe itye was going to be delayed. a little bit longer. former president seemed like he was thrilled to be back ousideto on the stump tonight. he talked a lot about what he would like to see happen seemed w and the twenty , elect twenty four election. he didn't hold back on his ac criticism, as you can imagine. he u did bring up the polls, which shows him leading the republican presidential possibility pack. however, he also refrained froe attacking some of his other othr potential republican candidates, keeping it fairl any polite, if you will ,e in as polite as it could possibly be in presidential politics. sidentia now, mark, have you ever done a report while ymc is playinghae in the background? and do you have a do you havee a request? maybe you should jusshould justo favond and ask them what your favorite song at thise thes point. cing. >> my to are they still dancing?up i go for a heater. up.hing, anything to warm it's like forty five degrees.
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but th i'll tell you whatey, peopleay i they were really eager to hear from them, but they braved a long day in the cold to come see this. all right, mark, it's it's'r amazing. we're already here. e . twenty , twenty four right around the corner. great to see youd tonightthrn.e youall right.n oppo >>rt tomorrow, voters inejec new york have an opportunity to reject a lawlessness they're seeing on their streets. and today, a shocking story gives them another reason to vote for lee zeldin. now, according to reporting k post, a gangng that preys on men is suspected of killing at least two victims and of drugging and robbingth more than a dozen others. but the manhattan d.a. alvinaggf bragg's office is impeding the investigation. s impedingjoining us now is mirs devine, who broke this story ink the new york post. d anyt miranda, have yohiu heard anything from bragge and the manhattan d.a.'s office at all about this? aboutcase? >> look, we finally gotsa some sort of a response thisy kn afternoon, but it was only toows say that, you knowen, they sent their sympathy and that
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the investigation was ongoing. i do know that there was a meeting this morning in the district attorney's office about these casecaut os, aboutme our story. obviously, that's what's, prompted it.t th i mean, i know that that the police have been tryinghe desperately to get some action from the d.a.'s office and they've just been with complete stonewalling. you know, when when i asked w last night whaast was going on a i was told the official line from the nypd was that there are delays with the medicamel te examiner. i mean, the firsset of these young men that we know aboutn in who was preyed upon in hell's ad kitchen at a club was drugged d and robbed and left to dieie. bc that was back in the and then there was the seconduna young man, a visitor from washington, d.c., john amberger, whosem bu mother i spoke to that was back in
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may. so, you know, the toxicologyve c reportome s have come back . they know that both those young men basically were murdered by this gang. that is also has the same m.o. in the same clubs within halfs a mile of each other in hell's kitchen. and no warning has been given to to new yorkers about this menace that has been going on for at least.n >> i mean, do you think miranda ,do you think this is a i mean, how how can it be ? >> no i mean, that smacks ofan, well, the politicization of crime reporting. i mean, reporting. that's a big con that's a big constituency forde the democrats. that's bizarre. s.absolutely. kat just on saturday, yohyu hadin kathy hochul was having a sort d of a rally with andy cohen. to get out the lgbtq vote . no mention of the fact that this men are stalking the nace
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community right in new york . the bars don't seem to wantm to to publicize that. you know, just a warning to men to stay with a friend, doo not go alone because peo the chances are that these people, three men will prey a on you could endnd up dead. >> now, miranda, thank you for doing this reporting. and shame on kathy for treatinga this crime issue. has she e as she has. thank you so much, brenda leighl sales. >> she makesdin, s emotions like kathy hochul gets a fairer, more go to the nearest subway club and hands out billy clubs and baseball bats. so everybody gets on the subway then. yeah, well, he no, i don't even know what to say to that.
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in the roughly 48 hours since slick willie's comedy routine, there, at least six peoplee wen brutally attacked on the subway. it's not a joke, includingote. one man stabbed while trying to defend a woman who herself was being harassed . k got with that knowledge in hand . governor kathy hochul blamedor h her opponent, lee zeldin, for noticing this. he has been hyperventilating, trying to scare people for months. and new yorkers are on to it all. m legitimate media organizations have called him out for what hed is doing, fear mongeringoi. >> joining me now is new york gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin. congressma yon, cnbc reported today that huckles donors are now sounding the alarm overe an your surge and begging her, ng h begging her in these waning hours to pivot to crime. >> but i guess that advice wasn't taken all that seriously. >>yeah, and the polls are going to close in just under pivot
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24 hours. anw, the time fo tr a pivot to being a crime fighter hasnot obviously come and gonone. o acu noalt only has she missed out on an opportunity to actually connect with voters on an issue that is most important, so many of thethm, she's ridiculed thems when she says that shehe has to understand why it's sop important to me that we need to lock up criminalsinals, t. that's a message that is sentou to all new yorkers. shat do you do when you dig a hole? she kept digging. she went on msnbe oc. a co then she said that this is a conspiracy. and then she says there were data deniers.t on so she kept digging. she went on cnn, which she didn't realize is that there was a side by side. we're next to her whilee' she's continuing this narrative that you're talking about, they're showing all l theifferent major crim categories that are going up. wa so what does she do? she went on msnbc. e see you again. bu ht the hoster actually cut hr trmacnd said, listen, i'm no safe when i go to the pharmacy,e everything's locked up and i'm not riding the subway. sub
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new yorkers ofwa all walks of life forget about just republika . we're talkinnsg aboutts as independents and democrats as well have decidedll hav that' she's not up for the u she's not going to be offering up bold solutions. she's not going to hold alvin bragg accountable for his refusar l to enforce the law. she won't roll back proinal criminal laws like castle bella . she's not going to unapologetically back our men and women in alcoh blue toiu give them the tools and resources they need to do their job. e so ry need t as the results cor tomorrow, i believe thatow she's going to get firedbeliev e voters of new york who want to take their streets back . >> well, on nbc nightly news, you'll be shocked to know that lester holt delivered a completely impartial report. >> a green issue finding traction for minicam t pains is voter worries abouthe crime. but as w ime foune ind the state of crime in america is not alwayst what it appears to be. >> tonight.t. fear is on the ballot vote like your life depends on it. because it does fueled, som some argue, not by reality, but
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by videos of rampant lawlessness and some unsettling. headlines. >> well, congressman , the media clearly see how potent an issuer crime is ., and they are essentially, as i b said earlier, picking uplook the baton from hochul and co. just say, look, this i'm not a saying there's no crime, but m it's not reallaky as bad as people like you mako e it out to be. i mean, lester holt is playing this video of me on my fronte an lawn with my wife and kids were right there just a few weekends to go. there was a ganghe drive-by shooting my twowork 16 year olds at home at the kitchen table, doing homework on a quiet sunday afternoon, there30 was a bullet found about 30 feet away. two people shosh ot layingis isl on the ground about 10 feet away. this is real life. were t conv was the nineteen eighties when elected officials were trying to convince the publi itc that it was just a perception't that there was rising crime and it wasn't until the early
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90s that new yorkers of all walks of life, of republican ,u democrat, independent, decided enough. don't try to telghl metelle th is just perception. see there's nothingaway to see here. look awa.y. we want people in governmentk to actually do what needsou to get done to take back ourb streets and subways. e well, fast forward to twenty, nw twenty two here. yorkewe are again. and new yorkers who are hitting their breaking point in this state, new york leadings the entire nation outmigration. one of the key aspects of that is the affordability of life of new york attack on freedom, a tax on the quality ofey'v our education, but also safety u .r and they've decided, you knowb. what, kathy hochul is not up for the job. we're seeing strong support,gy o great energy, good momentum. we just have to make everyonee shows up and votes tomorrow. vote like your life dependsve i >> it, because i believe that it does. to mell, it's time l: it for new york to make a decision. do you want to save yourselves or not? if you don't wannot to save yourself, just keep doing whatog you're doing. but, congressman, thank you. and good luck. d tomorrow. can't wait to watch. all right. how desperate are democratss
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three two one eight hundred six four one three, two, three , two. >> call now. hello colonial penn. >> it's time for our seen thd unseen segment where we explore the cultural side of the midterm campaign for thae we turn to the author of the wise men who found christmas, fox news contributor benaroya. all right. right now, the democrats, they're going into the midterms, leaning into one bio one big issue. re what is it? >>ll, it'sas abortion for sara haines. and look, even: still? the supremeth court return the issue to themot states . democrats have been tryings ee a to turn this into a national concern, though, when john fetterman sounds off on abortion law, i think he might be trying to have it both ways. >> i run on roe v. wade celebrates the demise ofe roe v. wade. >> why are we doing. i i'd like to spin the wheel pat . what what what did he say? why are we saying why is he
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doing this?y >> well, look,laura. they they' doing it because they thinkt is this is an important wedge issue and they can win votesporo and to underscore just how important democrats, considerablejust fourchan viceea president kamala harris returned to howard universitmahy for a bet special with black voters tonight. one does not need to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the governmentt should not be telling her whattr to do with her body. when people start coming for ate someone and to take awaye al their rights, we're all vulnerable. it'll just be a minute before o they come for some of your rights. so let's not let this train leave the station. >> lau laura , it was all abortions is from beginning to end. this b is the thing she has to offer the african-american communitamericany.
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however, when you look at the pew research, 81% of black e americans consider violent crime the number one issuefocuse they're focused on . 76% in agrio poll found that their top concern was inflatione . hour is no st even in the top five , but he or she was prime time, one hour devotedd to abortion and snl apparently also got the memo. abandon they abandoned laughs thiseken weekend to push this abortion psa. >> gaspsa. prices are upy hurt and families are really hurting. but that's not goingt to magically not disappear noo matter who you vote for. but what will keep disappearingi safe access to abortion? >>ng i hope to everyone but remember, we all know someoneio. has had an abortion. >> oh, my god, it's so unfunny.a it's aggressively unfunny.un ifi'm sorry they didn't do a funny covidtime get , though. >> that was funny.skit well, she's talking aboutwhat's things disappearing.
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what's going to disappear is the audience because they're nodisappeause theyt telling jok i mean, this is about as entertaining as that macabre npr audio abortion they playednh the other day. laura eyplayed t, i don't know e the democratic party has decided thisci is going to be their deliverance. bu this is their wedge issue. it doesn't fav. se but my favorite tactic fromns i some of these politicians is when confronted with real questions, they just revert to theo th what? do you >> oh, huh.y -- what do you hear? i don't. >> or i can't. can you hear something?n't. i don't see?ndling you're handling ofitic the pandemic. we all knooverw the critics over the past few years. do. you have any regrets? >> [ble is this sorry, i . go ahead, governor , can you hear me okay? thing you got me, governor . did i do that? >> when i touched it, everything started fall out. oh fall , it's okay.r yo >> i can't hear you.r water running remember that oldn conveniently where it was? s
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>> the audio got locked down. so it was falling out like, puts is it soin, sweetheart.we she you the exact figure that out? yeah, she shd e had enough to curse on air, but couldn'tutr couldn't respond to the question about her lockdown. now, this is likise the whites r house press secretary trying to spin biden's vow to closew to all coal plants. laura , a great closing argument in pennsylvania. by the way. >> here's how the press secretary explained thingse pre it was it was loud and hard to hear, i think, or maybe not y thactly what what what was being the president wordesidens we be. a re twisted, his words twisted . that argumend t is whaoft twistd a third of our coal plants goi already closed. >> i mean,ng how are we going to power our electrical grid? we talk about building these stations. we talked about in the angle. ku they want to get rid of get r drilling coal, okay? they hatidofe they i mean, they hate fracking. so that leaves us with the gas
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bags in washington poweringuntr the whole country. that, that's it. just so you know what? thm going to leave you with this. the president is closing this entire midterm season by displaying the kind of leadership tonight that you'dd expect confident steady to ten ,twelve, fifteen. well, stepping on a bus, black . anyway, we're going to codify roe v. wade in january and make it a rule land deal is alwaysing there, pointing the way,m to laura , they never send him to an event without a minder. obamminda, jill. >> but i love the moment where he lama hasan. >> now, there's that argument that worked well. again, elac, it's it's coming any day now. >> great. great. to see all right. my ear pieces are in moments. we take you the two sur soates where we might see some big surprises tomorrow. >> so stay s with us. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee.
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>> fox news nationalal correspondent gary cheny is live in grand rapids,th michigan, with the latest there. >> garrett, what can you there l us ? yeah, this. race is going to be a reallygo interesting one tolat watch. a lot haths changed in the last month from two to dixon trailing gretchen whitmer by as much as 18 points in the polls to now being behind by just four points in the realn re pnheolitics average i democrats are now soundingalarm the alarm as well about who large numbers of black voters e in deep blue detroit who arexpec expectedtestay hom to stay homes election. the city clerk says base dumbers on early voting numbers so far , she expects aroundto thirty nine thousand fewer voters in motor city will cast ballots compared to twenty eighteen2018, which would obvioe be a huge blow to whitman's reelection hopes. and at a that a rally in detroit thisask weekend, she was askedho how she's tryingtr to overcome that, having people like president obama coming in and carry washington. what we have seen is a lotof of energy. we've made it easier for peoplen
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to participate in this democracy. bu really t i think it's really important that we continue to educate peoplo e. col >>um that answer wasn't d convincing to a columnist for the detroinet news, bankole thompson, who is black and who wrote this of. democratic candidates. they seem to believe the republican candidates ree officese notewidtheyieve the have no chance of getting elected because they were endorsed by former president donald trump. the problem with that kind odoru foolish thinkingmp is that if i enough black people don'tck get out to make up demodifference, democratple dond be in trouble. the other thing we're goinge ote to be keeping a close eyer okin on tomorrow night is what results look like in the suburbs. that's where democrats won the state in twenty , in t 2020. ablethat is where republik need to perform well tomorrow. if they are going to be able to pull off this upset. onight. >> laura guarente, thank you. yearsgreat to see you tonight.n and 40 years, that's how long it's been since oregon electedll a republican governor . but that could all change tomorrow night. >>ndand it's got even good morng america worried that race
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is still uncomfortably close, that the democrats had to brinor bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, president biden to stump forenb the democratic candidate, tina kotek. now, this is a i states thatn president bidebyn won by 16 points, but soaring inflation, e crime, homelessness havele becoe these red meat issues to whicha. the democrats simply don't have an easy answer. that see that, which would is why in a state that democrats thought they would easily sweep,s trai republican christine drazen is trailing democrat tinlidemock by just four points. >> christine drazen joins me now christine.cros now, i came across this statistic and it shocked me and i thought i had seen itr all. but last year, mexic o city hadte a lower homicide rate peran capita than portland, oregon. >> so how do voters keep validate that type of well, leadership in this climate? >>ere' well, here's the thing. it's not uncomfortably close for oregonians. oregonians are reaching for
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change because it's not good enough. there is no universeus ie itn w. the murder rate in portland should be close to the murde r rate in mexico city. me xiand oregonians are done.e, they are done with it.done they're done wit with the excuss they're donehi with the poor pay leadership. they're done with single party control. e is no there is no amount of st can cover up what it's like right now. in our urban centers and across our state. oregonians deserve better l and they're demanding better. >> i mean, every time i look sort of the news cycle forthing oregon nowto, it has something to do with some horrific crimes that are taking place likeh. this morning.i gues it was a guys he with wielding some type of weapon. i guess he had rifles tryingmerced to set fire to mercedes's. the d to shoot atbecaus him to try to stop this because they were worried about explosions . this>> is at eight fifty two in the mornind g and elizabeth warren out there making a pitch to voters for your opponent.>> e >>ve watch this. everything is on the line.
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are reproductive rights,e our health care, the needs oneef working families and our democracy itself. self.and that iand that is why o important to elect tina kotek. b pleaseal get that ballot in and vote for tina kotek for oregon. orgovernor . and >> let's get this done. abortion and democracy. no wonder eastern oregon wants to secede to idaho with that. >> its tone deaf. t it is tone deaf. com yoplu have to be completelyous o obliviou ws to what life is like in oregon to come here and make a national dc elite pitchtely to oregon voters right now is completely tone deaf. oregonians across our state arei talking about kitchen table issues. e the things that actually affet real people, inflation, rising costinsts,s, rising crime, lowes quality of life across cer our state. and certainly educationunder standards that have plummeted under democratdeadership leader my opponent, tina kotek, hass li been in charge. she has linked arms with gov.las
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kate brown in these lastix dri six years and has drivenve our beautiful state, our great state of oregon into the ditch.h and oregonian's themselves are demanding better the fact that good morning america would view it as dangerously close is laughable. >> uncolored deserve better. n t >> our chance to turn thisorrow. around is tomorrow. yeah, uncomfortably close. laurr pus or no? of that ballot measure pushingsh for strict gun control passed yes or no. >> contr i say no. that's the only one ofvery o its kind iddn the country. and a very odd response to the crime rate going up in your state. christine, we are very proud otm this campaign. goinran and we're going to beset watching this race very closely tomorrow night. pollbest of luck to you. thank you. now, just hours away from the polls opening, final ♪houghts on this wild last year when we return,
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it is hispanics, entrepreneurs, working class people, we can't live this way any longer." there was no reason to live this crime, higich inflation, high prices. we know how to do with the right way and we will show the rest of i the country how we do it. i can't wait to see what unfolds tomorrow. i will be on tomorrow night wit special coverage. greg gutfeld in the gang takes it from here, take it away, greg. ♪ ♪ >> t>> we can change it all ande better days ahead. he was running for that besides me? >> i think we are one day away from taking this country back, what do you think? a breaking point this game and a desire to save this date. head to the polls to be able to change the course of new york. >> washington we are presenting your values and flaking lawlessness and the nation. >> but
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