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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 9, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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investigate his joint acquisition of twitter with foreign governments which include the saudis? >> i think that elon musk's cooperation and/or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being look at. whether or not he is doing anything inappropriate, i'm not suggesting that. i'm suggesting that it's worth being looked at. that's all i'll say. >> how? >> a lot of ways.
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>> christian whelker. >> thanks, mr. president. i appreciate it. i want to follow up with you on working with republicans. leader mccarthy again suggested that he is not prepared to write what he has called a blank check to ukraine. you expressed optimism. why should the people of ukraine and this country have confidence in that given the comments by leader mccarthy? just to follow up on your comments to zeke. you said you don't need to do anything differently. if republicans control the house, don't you need to recalibrate to some extent to work across the aisle? >> what i meant, i don't have to change any of the policies i already passed. that's what they said they want to go after. so what i have is a simple proposition.
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i have a pen that can veto. don't have to worry if we're going to continue to fund the environment or infrastructure bill. i hope -- i think there's a growing pressure on the part of the american people expecting both parties and all elements of both parties to work out their differences and just that i'm not going to do that because that benefits the party. just may make it personal. and you know, it remains to be seen what the makeup of the house will be. but i'm hopeful that kevin and i
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can work out how we'll proceed >> that's my expectation. by the way, we've not given you create a blank check. there are a lot of things ukraine wants we didn't do. for example i was asked very much whether we provide american aircraft guaranteeing the skies over ukraine. i said no were not going to do that were not going to get into on aircraft engaged. the rational ability to defend themselves. yes, there are two kinds in the average person's parlance rockets you can drop on. once 600 miles once a hundred and 60 miles. we didn't go for the ones for
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600 miles. and take on what is purely the ugliest aggression that is occurred since world war ii had a massive scale on the part of britain within ukraine. for so much at stake. i would be surprised if leader mccarthy even has a majority of his republican colleagues who say they're not going to fund the legitimate defense of ukraine. >> quick question. obviously a lot of attention on 2024 now that the votes have been cast in the midterms. two-thirds of americans in exit polls say they don't think you should run for reelection. what's your message to them and how does that factor into your final decision about whether to run or not. >> it doesn't. watch me.
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>> very quickly. ron desantis had a resounding victory in florida last night. we think would be the toughest competitor, ron desantis or former president trump and how that factoring? >> we'll be fun to take either one of them on. >> thank you mr. president also question for you but first i wanted to follow-up on on something you said earlier. you said it remains to be seen whether they ukraine government is prepared to compromise with russia. previously you've told us the only thing for the russians to do is get completely out of ukraine, go back to the lines that existed prior to february 24. are you suggesting that the word compromise meaning there is room territorial compromise now.
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>> no i'm not. that's up to the ukrainians. there's no ukraine without ukraine. i didn't have anything in mind. you asked the question whether or not what would happen if, in fact,... i think the context is whether or not they're pulling back from fallujah... mean from the city of tucson, the coming back to the east side of the river, the russian forces. i said what can happen is the garlic there wounds and decide what the good in a do-over the winter and decide whether or not they're going to. that's what's can happen. whether or not. i don't know what they're gonna do. but i know what the bike one thing when i gonna tell them they have to do. >> at this point the chinese government by the estimate of the pentagon is getting ready to
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bring their force of new domestic nuclear weapons up to a thousand weapons, a significant increase over what they've had for many decades. you've seen the threats from president putin about the... >> president biden: you member how you guys went after me when i said it was real? no, i'm just saying i find it interesting. biden is being an extremist. turns out you all are writing about it now. it's kind of fascinating. >> do you believe you need to be speaking with president xi about some level of arms control, similar to the agreement
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united states and russia have >> president biden: no. i don't think there's a lot of respect that china has for russia or put in. i don't think they're looking at that as a particular alliance. matter fact, they been keeping their distance a little bit. i do think it remains to be seen whether xi jinping has backed off his initial judgment, excuse me, that he wanted china to have the most powerful military in the world as well as the largest economy. but he's a long way from both. but i think, talk about nuclear weapons in the location of a number of them and access, that's important to discuss. thank you all so very, very m much. >> i think the president is done. he has set the microphone down even though he might be taking
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another question so let me hang on here. he's in the east wing of the white house. on the day after the midterm. >> president biden: thank you so much. >> i think is done. traditionally a president does a press conference after a midterm and that's what president biden did today. he had a pretty conciliatory tone i think. he feels like they escaped some of the races they could've lost. but make no mistake, the president is facing a very changed washington with a house likely to be in republican hands. we have a final count on that yet, but it's looking very likely. the sound is to close to call still but the republicans have a path to get to a majority. washington will be changed. but the president didn't suggest he'd be willing to change any policies and that he couldn't change those ciardi passed anyway. you're the only person at this table whose run for office.
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you know what it's like to win and not win. what's your take today? >> last time iran was in new york for attorney general, iran against andrew cuomo anyone. it was a relatively close race. but you lose and you move on. but what's interesting about lee zeldin's laws is that he ran so strong that there are all these congressional seats he took. i believe new york gained ten congressional seats. the hudson valley one i was so interested in, emblazoned in my mind, and... truth is, we had a turbulent economy, an unpopular president, and yet it wasn't the red wave they said it was good to be. but we shouldn't be down.
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take the arsenic off the table. but at the same time, we have the house. it certainly a clear path to the senate, as you say. i think it's really disturbing though is the fact that most of the country thinks were headed in the wrong direction. >> 75%. >> some said 80%. and yet so many people voted on issues that were the issues we thought they were voting on. we thought it was about the economy and inflation crime, but it's just a car i'm sure we'll say, a lot about abortion. it was a lot about the threat to democracy. and even in spite of that, i think republicans did very well. and i think kevin mccarthy is to be saluted for a mission that he's been on for many years. and finally want to say one more thing. with voters saying 47% of them saying the situation is worse than it was two years ago, they didn't make the dramatic changes
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that they thought they would. in my final concern is new york. the fact that hogle 19 lee zeldin lost means to me that new york city is only going to get worse. we need to change the laws to protect new yorkers. that's what i'm depressed about today. i'm happy about the house i'm confident about the senate, but at the same time i'm worried about this city. >> one of things just get that was really shocking to me last night but it makes a lot of sense, for example in michigan there was a ballot on abortion, and wisconsin kept a close and ron johnson pulled up it was close. part of that is the youth vote. we say the youth is an reliable group but they turned up with gusto. and if they're voting now they may be voting like that for the rest of the lives or at least until they start paying taxes.
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>> 360% in wisconsin, up 207% in michigan for the youth vote at kentucky to that list. the referendum alongside ran paul, to make sure abortion could remain legal, there wouldn't be a constitutional amendment, they were deep red states where people came out and said were not interested in having this right completely stripped away. abortion was certainly a huge plot line last night, the number one issue for democrats, the number two issue can stomach nationally. i think a lot about 2016, it's haunting me on the number of levels, and the quiet trump voter, people who didn't respond to polls but just went and did their business. there was an expectation it would happen again this election. and it seems like there were a
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lot of quiet abortion voters. everybody's going around having conversation about the economy, as they should, because it's not normal to sit down with your pal and save for the millionth time, i can't believe they rolled back roe v. wade. or my gases too much. republicans i think are really misunderstanding how important this issue is to people. there was so much talk about the issue of abortion as if it's something that people use as a birth control method, that it's just wild women going out and saying i want to use a i'll just go get an abortion it's no big deal. but abortion is so much a part of health care and family planning. there's so many people who are forced to have abortions from unwanted pregnancies... >> are you campaigning for planned parenthood or what? >> greg: people who are pro-life actually take the
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issues more seriously than you think, red? you want to talk about quiet majority? talk about the unborn. they don't have a voice in the subtle. >> i do think about the unborn... speed to people who are pro-life don't take it as seriously as you are, that's what you're saying. >> that's not what i'm saying. i know a lot of pro-life people... >> greg: that's not what i meant. but that's okay. >> the second that you... speed to what i'm talking about is that i wouldn't say that's a nuanced argument. you are saying we just think people using it for birth control. that's not true. >> i don't think that. i think there's nuanced to your argument. i think there are a majority of americans want to talk about a
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reasonable viability level in 15 weeks was too short for that but i think if it was 20 or 24 weeks there a lot of democratics stomach democrats and independent-minded people who think we should be discussing that. but when you have women in louisiana who are waiting for health care, greg, i'm not saying... >> greg: again, what i'm trying to do is say i believe it had a role. but there were other things at play. but when you bring up two exceptions... >> i'm not saying that. >> or my reasons for bringing out jesse, because on the referendum side of things it did bring up voters and it had effect. jim messina, democrat from the obama ear and said to us that we can expect to have that in 2024 in other states. my only point is that the turnout was interesting. he had the number one if my
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issue in the country was inflation. some change but there does look like they're going to be any policy changes from the white house >> i'm just glad my red wave prediction was acc accurate. >> greg: how much money do you... 100, a thousand will go to charity, done it many people me as a charity case, so we'll see. to the waters foundation. no, i'll pay up. >> give us your take over all. >> the house is now in mccarthy's hands, pelosi will probably go to rome to be ambassador and that's fine and there will be investigations and that's good. i was disappointed in the senate outcome because of the polls showed it was good to be 52-53. if you look what happened in pennsylvania, i cannot believe john fetterman one!
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i cannot believe it! i honestly cannot believe they voted for this guy! abortion was critical in pennsylvania. i didn't see it was good be that critical. ours was not a great candidate. he had a brutal primary, he took the summer off and campaigned hard at the end. but people didn't trust them. they didn't trust the guy. he was in for pennsylvania. and it was fraud he lent the way federman hid his condition and skipped this debate. by that time they banked so many early votes. so republicans really have to get a hold of this early vote thing. there's no republican republican early vote strategy. can anybody tell me what that is? republicans vote on elect election day. democrats vote for five weeks. so there's this mass mobilization campaign that's underway in these early voting states and republicans are sitting about. they get souls in the polls in philly as they say, they're knocking on doors, this paper
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everywhere, what's the republican plan chris mark i don't know so they need to plan for that. george i'm nervous about. looks like lasso is going to hold on nevada, masters is cooked in arizona. so it's georgia runoff again. so this is about herschel walker. and... speed to because it's about abortions... >> they crushed him on these abortion attacks. this will be another nail-biter and it makes me very nervous. you also have good races run by ron johnson, he's in there and he's going to investigate the hell out of the biden crime family and that's good. but a new venture stomach new hampshire that guy got railroaded. you put up a guy who's running for governor in pennsylvania who just got slaughtered. these things have down ballot
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consequences, it hurts oz, republican house candidate. cello dome excelled into great considering it's a blue state, local head help from every crooked democratic came in to save her and she barely held on but selden had cooked hills and got a bunch of house republicans in there. looks like a bunch more house republicans are going to come into the west coast. you think this is gonna be a nail-biter? there can have the house and is not going to be the biggest margin of all time but it's gonna be bigger than they say it is right now. this is the red wave if you're looking at florida, stacy's no longer with us she's gonna go back to writing erotic novels. bye-bye, find another office. there's just not the hatred for joe biden the way there is for obama and the clintons. when you go, there's tromp on the ballot, there is a hate chomp passion.
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people feel the same passion with these others. single women are voting for democrats by 30 points. >> 37 points. >> 37 points. and in urban america there cleaning our clocks in the cities. they are cleaning our clocks in the cities. were giving it away. the fact that these youth floaters are coming in so strong in an off is very concerning. it looks like they've been brainwashed. this new generation is brainwashed. all of the single women vote 37 spreads for democrats or teaching. the younger generation are in the schools and their polluting minds. they grow up in their in their 20s and they vote for leftists. [laughs] >> greg: i can't get wrapped up in this. i don't see with the problem is. i didn't need a red wave. i implored people to be realistic. what you're seeing right here is that democrats are thrilled
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because their expectations were disastrous. and republicans are a bit bummed because their expectations were too high. right chris markwood that's what you're seeing. everybody got a little pleased, everybody got a little disappointed. i'm happy republicans flipped some seats, i'm happy about desantis, abbott, i'm bummed about a local, i'm selden put creme fraiche stomach front and center, that pushed new york to the right. the fact is... >> the only thing that matters, that's the point, is the house. a win is a win. doesn't have to be a red wave but if you want the investigations, if you want your hands on the purse strings, if you want national got filled day, the senate is less important. it would've been cool. but this is what it is. it's not the end of democracy.
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that's a funny thing about this. people were whipped up into a frenzy that democracy was coming. what it is is, people get disappointed, they got please. it's not so bad. now i got a balance of power. you got biden in the white house, the republicans on the purse strings, that's good. >> dana: the democrat spent a lot of time and money saying republicans wouldn't accept the results if they lost but that hasn't happened. >> greg: people care less about the actual functioning of a candidate than whether they can win. as nancy pelosi once said, the glass of water, you remember that about aoc. she said you can run a glass of water and it would win. >> they want me to play the sound or there in a fire me. it's from president biden at the white house.
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this is what he said about 2024, which is our next election. >> president biden: the democratic party outperformed beyond what anyone expected. it gives everyone a sigh of relief that the mega mega republicans are not taking over the government again, et cetera. so my judgment of running when i announce, if my announce, my intention is that around again, but i'm a great respecter of fate. this is ultimately a family decision. >> dana: okay, what does it mean judge? >> presidents who have suffered more crushing midterms have gone on to win a second term. joe biden today is lucid, he's upbeat, happy. he's ready to roll again. that's what came out of the
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midterms. the red wave, the red tide, doesn't matter at this point. joe biden is running again. and have to say one more thing. the thing that disappoints me is that you've got federman come up where people are voting september 19, they don't even see if he is capable or not. katie hubbs will not debate carrie lake. she can barely put a sentence together. and she is close to carrie lake now but who knows who's counting in arizona. i'm not going to say whether people who can't read or counting or not. but joe biden it stomach biden was in the basement, he didn't come out. the more you debate the more you delay, the more you're going to win. >> dana: you want to talk about biden 2024 for a moment. >> greg: it looks like he's gonna run him after talks about it with jill. looks like trump is going on because stomach run because it's
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a rematch. it looks tough for trump if you look at what happened last night. some of his candidates didn't do well. >> a lot of people are thinking you put together this massive work chest and didn't spend the kind of money they hope to spend. and you know it's gonna bring out the crazies on the left. i love trump. i want to run again. i loved him as president. he brings out some insanity on the left and no walkover hot coals to beat him. but biden doesn't inspire the passion from the right that you would expect. i can't stand the guy. i think he's describing the come stomach country on the border, the dollar... >> but democrats came out to vote. speak out that some abortion, the economy.
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>> one of things that would be different if joe biden runs this time is that covid will be back i hope and he would have to be back out on the campaign trail. >> greg: no. there'd be another strain of covid. it would be covid 2023. he'll be hermetically sealed, biden, probably in an esophagus. i don't buy any of this. two years. that's a long time. we've watched him degrade over periods of months in the needs coming back needs lucid or whatever. two years is long time for republicans as well. trump, i give them 80% that is going to run. i also think desantis is right now the guy, he's a different arrival than the others because he's a strong governor who just whipped charlie crist. >> but he could get brutalized
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or annihilated against trump. the voters in these primary states, in the south, critical battle ground states, though vote for trump over desantis. >> dana: what about democrats are they comfortable with biden running in 24 chris burke >> i would see us overall based on last night's results. but it's what what's exciting to me is the question of where is the bench? gretchen whitmer emma regan at talk about what happened in florida, she... >> greg: she did win, but... >> dana: sorry. okay. i take it back. sorry. [laughs] >> greg: sorry it doesn't work that way. >> josh shapiro, who is an incredible candidate, and
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tim ryan, who lost but really showed people the path of how you can campaign in the state like ohio. these people are going to be around. the there appealing. >> there was an impression on a impressive bunch of republicans who have one as well. you haven't heard their names yet but you get to know them. we had some good diversity. the exam stomach example is the number of women who run, is a latina candidate kevin mccarthy recruited. so this diversity and that's not a bad thing. >> dana: were to take a quick break and were going to have more on ron desantis and his big night and marco rubio.
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>> dana: republicans changing the political landscape in what was once a swing state. desantis and rubio destroying their democratics of opponents and it wasn't even close. desantis taking a victory lap after crushing crist by more than 20 points. and rubio by 11 points. >> we saw freedom and our very way of life in so many other jurisdictions in this country with her on the vine. florida held the line. we chose fax over fear, education over indoctrination, law and order overriding a disorder. will never surrender to the woke
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mob. florida is where woke goes to die. people have come here because our policies work. leadership matters. >> all right. that w was a rousing speech jes. >> noise winning by 20, that's a blowout. >> greg: name the guide that he beat. speak out naked on the ground with drugs all over. >> greg: what's wrong with that? another saturday night... >> i don't give ever seen a republican blowout that big in the state of florida because he came and everybody said he was killing people and he kept the schools on the businesses open, handed up being right. he sent migrants to martha's vineyard, put democrats on the defense there. he's winning cubans and
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puerto ricans and even rich liberal democrats who winter in palm beach, in palm beach county. it's astounding. and you don't hear about the hurricane anymore? do you? he's got that state to recover so well. he won by bigger margin stomach margin then gavin newsom in california. his political future is bright. i don't think is gonna get in this primary with trump, i think it will be to bloody. but if he waits, the show is h his. >> this lot to be said about the miami-dade. it looks like a new coalition. the cubans, the hispanics, but you've got no, the bigger issue is people are voting on what their needs are and not their ethnicity. >> the last republican to win
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with jeb bush in 2002. he spent much of his time in his life there. it was his homebase and he knew a lot of the people. it's remarkable what desantis is done because no other repulsion has been able to do it until this moment. he has a 64% approval rating across the state. you can't get 64% of people in any state to agree on a mother's day resolution right now. he exudes competence and confidence. but the realignment as we live through it is that there are people living there who say, i don't want to vote based on where i came from but rather about my kids and whether they have opportunity and education. and they think about freedom. i do wonder whether enough
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new yorkers left and went to florida and hurt lee zeldin in the end. >> i thought that too. maybe they're down there and that's why they're losing appear. but what about jen psaki saying that part of the reason for the win is that it was due to spanish-language disinformation in florida? what you talking about? >> i don't know. florida is over for democrats. that's just the reality of it. we'll pick a couple seats, we have the youngest person elected to congress at age 25 and that's exciting. but there are other places for us to invest our energy like arizona and georgia. i think we have to in general look for new opportunities. it should be said that marco
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rubio gave a great performance. val demings is a star. she was a top my list of ep candidates for joe biden. he would've one with her. i think she's a treasure. she says all the best things about the democratic party, former police chief, tough on crime but kind to people, wanting reforms but doesn't have the usual the usual namby-pamby weakness. >> just gave up her seat so she is, her now. >> shall be summer eventually. she'll figure it out, val demings. but that was a real democratic loss last night based on the quality of the person in the candidate in that campaign, it was a wonderful campaign. >> not to deny rubio on the incredible when he had, but what about desantis says speech? when you listen to that speech, i listen to the whole thing.
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he's not just talking to floridians. >> greg: he stuck no human beings. i want to talk about charlie crist. does this mean he is finally going to retire to that strip mall tanning booth? return to the coppertone lab where they created them? he needs to get the message that he's about as popular as a gender studies major in preschool. he ran as a republican, is an independent, and it's a democrat. there's nothing left. his pronoun officially as of. they must go away. i hate these people who just keep running and running and running just because they lose. that actually elevates me. if i run for president, more people to know me. i love that he got clobbered. i wish it was more.
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>> he came in with such arrogant lines. >> did you have any for the admin, crist? >> no. he was a sacrificial lamb. and he was happy to do it. >> dana: up next, let the investigations begin. >> republicans ready to go after the white house said about hundred biden. ♪ ♪ customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! (limu squawks) he's a natural. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ i just always thought, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: president biden is reportedly worried that he'll have a brutal next year and start investigating his son hunter's foreign business dealings. he's also fearful they could start investigating his botched afghanistan withdrawal and disastrous handling of the border.
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>> president biden: lots of luck in your senior year is my coach used to say. the american public wants to move on and get things done for them. it was reported, with its accurate and the sure, but it was reported that republicans are saying, the former president has said, when he gonna start impeachment proceedings against biden? i think the american people look at all of that for what it is. it's almost like comedy. >> greg: so, judge, how many hearings on january 6, they did two impeachments... republicans aren't theatrical, were not political actors. but why not learn from them? why not take what we learn from the democrats and just on load. >> judge jeanine pirro: i'm trying to write those but i can't write. we've been through this before.
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i can't read what i said. when he said move on, really? i'll tell you what we need to do. we need to do hunter biden over and over and over and tee it up for 2024. and i want us to hire the same production company they did. i want us to hire the same lighting, the sets, the sound... >> greg: we should hire hunter to film it. he's got the experience. >> judge jeanine pirro: truth is, at the end, the gonna bring all this out. what happened in afghanistan, what hunter did, what joe god. do they have the power to indict? no. do they have the power to send someone to jail? no. so depends on whether or not people think that's important.
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>> greg: i think, dana, the most important reason to do a hunter biden investigation is to see how the media handles it and what they will do. aside from hunter biden's actions, watching the colluding aspects of the media with regard to the laptop. >> dana: you could have big tech on the rope for a lot of things, for example covid, the disinformation. there might even be some bipartisan agreement to bring big tech and to answer some questions for different reasons. but the hunter biden laptop would certainly be one. but the hearing i want to see is the 51 national security experts. that's what i want to watch. speak to you just gave me my malik for tomorrow. covid origins, jessica. kent both sides agree that we
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wanted to know who created this? >> jessica: i've never been afraid of these things and i've said it consistently. if you are in power it's your right to do it, go ahead. but it's certainly not taking a message from what happen last night of the election. people didn't go to the polls thinking, i'm really concerned about hunter biden. >> greg: but were they thinking about january 6? that's the correlation. >> jessica: january 6, we saw people storming into the capital, and... >> judge jeanine pirro: it's democracy they're talking about. >> jessica: hunter biden in january 6 are not equivalent threats to america and demo
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democracy. >> greg: why was the story buried? if it was not a problem, why did you have security experts? >> jessica: i have no fear and i would never vote for hunter biden for elected office. the benghazi hearings were a theater did what they were supposed to do because they got hillary clinton down in her ratings. >> judge jeanine pirro: they had a production company in cahoots for january 6. >> greg: i've got to get jesse in here. >> jesse: this won't be a hunter biden investigation, it will be a joe biden investigation with bank records and testimony. if you follow the money, you can see something that might be a threat to democracy with regard
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to illicit activity with foreign powers. it's a question of whether the media puts it on the air or not. the media tech stomach takes senate testimony more seriously than house testimony. i would like to see me arcus edmund ph. of the conspiracy with the big tech companies and the cia is something the american people should know about. >> greg: we should come up with a list of investigations just for stuff that really bugs us. food sizes that are getting smaller but you're paying more. if you that? and what about the statue in allentown? i know it's going on. they're building a statue of me in allentown apparently. a very small one. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: all right. time for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: tonight, what a great show. it's not live i was going to say that emily compagno. jimmy failla, kat timpf, tyrus. do this quickly greg's uber news. are come into the ocean pick up a fish on the spot. check out this boat going along. this is uber. >> whoa. >> greg: he got a ride. >> dana: is that a shark. >> judge jeanine: that is a shark. >> greg: that's in new zealand which is a country. that's where they made the lords and the rings. >> dana: they are upside down. >> greg: where the hobbits come from. air supply comes out of there when they made that great song
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satisfaction. [laughter] >> dana: i want to show you. >> judge jeanine: dana. >> dana: thanks, i got it. so there is this little kid named nash and he is in kentucky 8 years old and really wanted a job. >> why did you apply for a job here besides you love drink. >> so i can get enough money to buy xbox. >> wow. [applause] >> dana: this little kid gets $5 a week for allowance and wasn't going to get xbox. he told his mom he wanted to work at drake's and they applied. come back when you are older but got him the xbox. >> greg: what a terrible lesson you don't have to work for an xbox. >> dana: biden's america. >> judge jeanine: little girl and 911 prank call. parent got creative in disciplining 2-year-old daughter for not sharing their toys. they used a scripted 911 call intended for misbehaved kids to scare this 2-year-old straight. take a listener. >> how about right now you apologize for misbehaving.
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will you do that? >> yeah. >> who is that? >> who that? >> all right. good job. >> that's a good choice. >> okay. >> i will go ahead and tell the police right now. >> okay. >> you decided to start behaving. >> okay. >> dana: i don't know. >> judge jeanine: hopefully that was enough to scare her straight and she learned her lesson. >> dana: all right, gelsy, go, go, go. >> jesse: great parenting. you have heard the shaw thank you redemption how about the claw redemption. crab second away from becoming a crab cake and never gave up and clawed his way out of restrains. put up such a fight the hungry guy ready to eat him let him go home. >> dana: tonight not going to let lindsey graham go. what the hell happened to the senate. >> dana: find out on "primetime." >> jessica: scholarships at the new york jets annual salute to service event on sunday. the four military recruits received u.s. army minimum scholarship which covers television and fees at school of
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their choosing and monthly 1250eu7en all citizen service members who worked in their community as well either the army national guard and army reserve and all guaranteed placement in the army reserves after graduation. the minute man campaign has provided 5800 cadets with 500 in scholarship. >> dana: we knew you could get that one more thing under time. that's it for us. "special report" is up next. >> bret: i miss you guys. lonely in washington. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, the nation's capitol and much of the rest of the country still waiting to find out who will be running things here for the next two years. many key races in both the senate and the house remain uncalled tonight, too close to call, too early to call following a midterm election that failed to reduce sweeping gains for the republicans and, once again, signaled how deeply divided this nation remains. we had reporters in all the hot spots tonight.


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