tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 11, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PST
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♪ ♪ balance of power are undetermined and may stay that way in the senate until runoff election. >> this is a choice. speak with this press conference tells me he's losing in a nightmare for an incumbent. >> house democrats sean patrick maloney is bashing new york democrat. >> open seats, the governor's lose them by double digits and that's a problem. >> did not zero one minute helping thousand majority. >> tuesday was a good day. >> democrats failing to work
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across the aisle. >> i'm always willing to put inn good ideas. >> i would like to believe he will work with us but i hope things will change. >> if you can physically make it to an office and you don't show up. resignation accepted. >> arranged marriage between big government and big business. >> you started pushing free speech. >> we are celebrating veterans day. >> started out a way to pay for college and then lifelong college domain calling to serve the country. >> at the sacrifice for our nation. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> good morning and happy veterans day. welcome to "fox & friends" as you are watching the army band from the division performed "the star-spangled banner." right there on the fox square. your cell behind the band a beautiful display of american flags. we want to thank tunnel of towers for providing those
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flags. good morning. >> ainsley: good morning, we are happy to have you here. and fox's supporting supporting the cause. we have several demonstrations of products. if you go to their website u.s. forward and you see at the bottom of the screen. >> will: hats, mugs, thais. >> brian: i have never gotten more compliments for wearing this. you can have this and give money to a great cause. speak to that is right they combat homelessness and so many will come back home and they can't find jobs and are homeless. >> i will say this, past wars from world war ii and understand even world war i was captured on film but i would take this generation of war fighters and put them up with any. if you are thinking justice of the battlefield with modern warfare and the way they train other armies around the world
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and what they have done in iraq and afghanistan and the people that screwed up there where the leaders. it wasn't the military. >> ainsley: you know, my daughter was asking me what was happening in ukraine and russia. she said, could that happen here, momma? are you kidding? we have the best military in the world. that would never happen here, which gave me great confidence. we live in the best country. thank you to all the veterans, active-duty as well. we can't thank you enough what you have sacrificed and we could tell her children that we can remain safe. >> will: the first gulf war as you mentioned the modern-day warrior's as well. >> ainsley: grandfathers, did they fight in world war ii? >> will: i don't know they served, one was a chaplain in the military and one was in the dash i don't know if you can because they are forced back then because it was only officially air force after world war ii. speak to my grandfather was both navy and my grandfather was in
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the ship in the middle of the pacific and a kamikaze plane was coming toward his ship. they all panicked, of course and said their prayers and the kamikaze eyelid looked at everyone on the top deck and did a peace sign and went the other direction and flew his plane over the ocean. >> brian: meanwhile, i'm just getting word, sylvester's alone will be here 28 minutes. so a new hit series. >> ainsley: your hero is coming in. >> brian: we will find out. he will absolutely tease you. >> will: tease him with arnold schwarzenegger. >> ainsley: he can do a one hit a push appearance but when i know, that would be embarrassing at his age. meanwhile, republicans closing in on the house majority. claiming already 211 of 28 teen seats needed to flip the chamber. >> ainsley: senate control hanging in the balance arizona,
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nevada with runoff election in georgia. >> will: kevin corke has all the details this morning, kevin. >> good morning to all of you. some states can figure it out. they count millions of votes in a single night all other smaller states to take days to sort it all out finding patches of votes here and tranches of votes there but yet slowly but surely we get a clear picture of the coming congress. let's take a look at the balance of power as it stands right now, 211 to 192 to get to the majority and the republicans need seven more to get to 218, chances are pretty good that will happen. how about the senate? well, a much tougher circumstance because while 49-48, the g.o.p. needs to get to 51 because remember if it is 50-50 the vice president kamala harris can break the tie for the democrats. we will have to see how it plays out. right now, they are feeling pretty good about nevada. there senate race, why?
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paul laxalt is upfront, 9,000 and it was 22,000 earlier but they feel good because the number of votes still out there from g.o.p. strong holds. how about the governor torres? similar story nevada is leaning right up your good see if it holds up here and in the meantime, in the state of arizona, the senate race, we have been watching this one right now and kelly feeling strong about his chances although blake masters, listen, let a vote still out there. they like the fact that he has a chance. don't give up hope, they say. how about the governor's race in that state? your leg still trailing but again similar story. loving the idea of where the boats that are outstanding coming from. so, she is convinced when all the votes are counted, she will emerge victorious. >> i am 100% going to win. i have 100% confidence i will be the next governor of arizona. and i think the republican party should continue along with
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america first policies like we are. >> and georgia committed turnoff time in a few weeks as herschel walker and raphael warnock raphael warnock go head-to-head for round 2 to determine that senate seat. >> we have seen that herschel walker has a disturbing history. a pattern of violence against women, against his own family. is that who we want? >> he is not telling you the truth and he will continue to be the hypocrite a wolf in sheep clothing. you have to get out and vote and tell your friends get out and vote. this is the most important election. >> important, indeed. don't forget to check social media on occasion. you will get a gym like this one on true social. i said jim because sometimes they break news and sometimes there's a tweet out there that sort of makes you raise your eyebrows like the former president called a florida governor ron sanctimonious and
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said basically if they are asking you about whether or not you are going to run if the former president runs, i'm onlyg into the future come he said, look, in terms of loyalty and class, it is not really the right answer. obviously, the president feeling like he was very helpful for ron desantis and he feels like he should have said something else. a little infighting by the g.o.p. later today, we expect total updates in nevada and arizona and we can know more about the house races, which inexplicably so many have yet to be cold. it will be here to check them all out but for now back to you. >> will: thanks, kevin. >> brian: meanwhile, errico polk county you don't do mike thought to be republican leans towards republicans but they say, we will get everything counted by friday. now they say we have so many drop-offs on election day that it looks like later than that. but that is why the republicans feel competence and masters has
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hope because most people believe conventional wisdom confirms on election day and if they dropped it on election day. >> ainsley: 290,000 ballots but they say as of last night, they had 619,000 that still needed to be counted in maricopa county. this is in arizona. >> will: shameful that nevada and arizona can't happen election day but instead election week and potentially election a month. those states need to get their act together at the same way florida did so we can all have belief in our democracy. under president trump, that was an excerpt what amounted to a three-page attack on ron desantis. president trump called him an average republican governor. and clearly ron desantis is the biggest threat 2024 republican primary. you know, i sit here today and think, i'm so grateful for the ways president trump led the republican party over the last four or five or six years.
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i think it needed to reposition them focuses not just on the middle class but the working class. i think he needed to properly account for populism, the voice of the people. i appreciate the reposition of the republican party and i also appreciate the way president trump fought back against the media and the democrats. but i don't think this is a fight the republicans need or are looking forward to at this time. to see the attack where the fight now be taken to -- really, honestly the biggest fruit of president trump's accomplishments, which is every positioning is manifested in the governor of florida ron desantis. >> ainsley: a lot will have a massive red wave across the country, there was not but down in florida so in many areas of new york like rhode island and the hudson valley area. we had several of the winners on our show yesterday, including mike lawler, who actually took the seat from sean patrick maloney, who is a democratic
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congressional campaign chairman. he has been on the show's saying, "oh, my gosh, what happened in new york? "he's blaming leadership, the current leaders for being soft on crime basically. he said, "the competitive gubernatorial race gave the republicans a reason to turn out. that might not normally be the case when the outcome is a foregone conclusion. i can also tell you the governor really struggled in the suburbs, and it clearly had an effect on her races as well. i want to be clear, not blaming the governor. it is just a fact she was able to make up the difference in the city, but that doesn't help in the suburban districts." that is what we saw in your area, brian long island, big red wave out there. you said years ago you only had one republican -- >> brian: and that is flipped, here is what governor hochul did nothing on crime coming ignored and never left the mansion but just raise money and the people are like lee zeldin and he proved to be ready for the job.
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lee zeldin and i think it is hard to argue with this, single-handedly deliver the house because without new york flipping those five seats, that means flip and you lose. you flip them and you gain them, he deliver the house and they got 47% purity got an extra 800,000 votes than the previous republican nominee in 2018. with a 47%, a lot of people to the polls in new york, it doesn't matter. i'm going to the polls, lee zeldin has a shot. and he delivered it. so lee zeldin, i think everyone agrees. you might have lost this but won the respect and the position of the republican party temporarily to decide what he wants to do next. >> will: sean patrick maloney said this on aoc, she had nothing to do with what turned out to be historic defense for majority. didn't pay a dollar of dues or didn't do anything for frontline candidates except give them money when they didn't want it from her. there are other vern don't make
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choices to be heard and suburban voters who rejected the ideas and mostly defining the police on down. >> ainsley: and aoc said this on twitter, "let's make something crystal-clear, sean patrick maloney mike malone accorded me for swing vote in over a quarter million for dems the cycle dccc facilitated some and he denies it. if he is unaware of my visit to california and the efforts we put an end, that is on him." this is just infighting within the democratic party in new york. >> brian: california also can't count votes, by the way. the mayor in a city, how do you not be able to count votes in one city? unbelievable the mayor of los angeles i'm talking about. >> will: okay lifestyle company origin usa committed to american manufacturing despite high costs brought on by inflation. >> ainsley: partners pete roberts and navy seals are
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boosting veterans inside the company. >> brian: and that is not what it's all about, because business network from origin usa in farmington maine. >> good morning, everybody. what a incredible way to spend veterans day and i will bring in the cofounder origin and we spoke to around this time last year and aunt that time coming you guys expanded to two states there. what is driving this insane growth in your business? >> [broken up audio] speed when we are taking technical difficulties on the report. >> ainsley: let's try to fix that but in the meantime let's handed over to carley. speak >> carley: a fox weather alert tro tropical storm nicole
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leaving five people dead in florida and you can see the damage left of the storm along the state's eastern coast and right now more than 40,000 floridians dance all mcdermott without power. the end utility crews work around the clock. the 300 bus carrying migrants heading to chicago and texas governor greg abbott said it won't be the last is the lone star state struggles to keep up with the influx at the border. but meanwhile heaps of trash, piles of clothes scale scattered along the rio grande leaving areas of el paso filthy and 900 been hundred venezuelan migrants to stay on the mexican side of the border even as temperatures drop. doctors pushing for kids to mask up in school again. one medical expert at the university of texas insisting, "face mask for two years and older can definitely be
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considered during this time where viruses such as the flu are predominant." despite multiple studies suggest that mask have stunted childhood development. two more oregon counties put up with the policies and approving a plan to become part of idaho. voters in morrow and wheeler county passing a pilot to join greater idaho movement and they join nine other counties in eastern oregon that want to see a founder of the movement that says it's all about values and they do not see eye to eye with folks in deep blue cities like portland. those are your headlines. and yet masking up for flu season. they need to have an immune system and get sick a little bit, right? >> ainsley: that is a good point. >> carley: can you believe this, masking for flu now? >> will: i don't care. stay out of my family's business and i will handle my children's masts. >> ainsley: that was texas but what about all of us raising
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kids in new york? >> will: i suggest you take the same attitude. they don't get to lord over your life not with the recommendations and ridiculous law. they don't get that power. >> brian: please, take a stand. >> ainsley: they do if your school says you have to mask up or you can't cope. coming up it is veterans day and tunnel to towers giving tree houses to golden star families. we love this organization. frank siller joins us next. >> brian: i can't wait to talk to him in the green room, the underdog and the greatest sports movie ever made. ♪ ♪ >> will: i wonder if we will play a clip of "over-the-top." >> brian: silver stallone on his brand-new project but still, the army band playing the rocky theme song. did you know this was going to fly now? >> brian: yes.
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they sang it at the end of the movie. ♪ ♪ veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: this veterans day we are honoring those to protect her country. tunnels of towers gifting 21 gold star families with mortgage free homes and tunnel tower ceo frank siller joins us now. frank i'm always a honor to see you and tell us what you are doing veterans day. >> listen, we have to take care of the families left behind that pay the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms here. so, we are proud to announce what we call old star families now living in a mortgage free
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home. plus, you know, yes, today in richmond, virginia, with a great hero captain james howard and captain howard is incredible. we gave him a mortgage free smart home, beautiful wife, amanda, son, luke, but james howard has a memorial that goes all around the united states. it's got the names of 7,000 assistants who died in the global war on terror. a great way to honor his heroes himself. >> brian: i think we might have some footage shown while talking here of james howard. tell me of a little bit more about him, his service, his sacrifice and what he is now, what he's received from tunnel towers. >> listen james is a quadriplegic and you wouldn't know it the way he tries to get around. a beautiful house on the right side of richmond, virginia. he wants to make sure he doesn't
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forget all of those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms. so, he has dedicated his life, which means his wife has dedicated her life going around the united states and honoring these great heroes. on veterans day, james' house, i'm so happy i'm able to be here today talking about him. he has inspired so many people, but he has inspired our foundation and inspired me personally. i see his injuries, but he's giving back so much to our country. continues to serve our country and dedicated to make sure we never forget the sacrifice that was made and that is what our patient is all about. is making sure to never forget. >> will: that is quite a testament coming from you. this man uniquely inspired you because you are surrounded by people who give sacrifices that have served the country. as we mentioned at the top on veterans day, 21 mortgage free homes, 17 mortgage payoffs and i was talking to frank before we came on.
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you know, frank, the demand has got to be -- you've got to be in with applications. how quickly can you build homes question what you said something to me that i think it's fascinating, yeah, there is a little bit of a wait, but... >> you don't want to qualify, that is for sure. but the day you do, we take over your mortgage immediately and we will make your mortgage payment until we raise enough money to pay it off. the 500 people contacted us after today that they know we will take care of gold star families were if catastrophically injured, you get on the list. we hope you immediately to relieve that burden. they pay a big price for our country. i think, i know everyone helps us so go and pay $11 a month and if it wasn't for "fox & friends" we couldn't do the work we do, that is for sure. it is a promise as americans. you see -- fox's unbelievable
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and we are honoring our veterans but we have to make a promise to take care of our veterans. if they don't come home or they come home and they give their bodies to our country. >> will: as you said, they paid the big price but you begin to pay it back immediately. if they unfortunately qualify. what a wonderful organization as always. it is great that you help support this organization. frank, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> will: you can donate at t to is it too little, too late? a potential shift of power in congress, congressman brian mast here to react. plus, one of the most inspirational scenes, that is a staple in philadelphia. ♪ ♪ here, frank is saying he is incredible. sylvester stallone, everybody likes sylvester stallone, and
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. being a veteran, the transition from the military into civilian life causes a lot of stress. i ate a lot for stress. golo and release has helped me with managing that stress and allowing me to focus on losing weight. for anyone struggling with weight and stress-related weight gain, i recommend golo to you. this is a real thing. this is not a hoax. you follow the plan, you'll lose weight.
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>> 75% of the voters say the country is heading so wrong direction. despite the results last night, what do you intend to do differently to change people's opinions the direction of the country? >> nothing. >> i am willing to put in good ideas. to move the country forward but i've also made it clear that republicans try to repeal the power, we just gave medicare reduced prescription drug co cost, -- >> ainsley: president biden will work across the aisle with g.o.p. counterparts, yet refusing to change the course of his agenda. how can republican house majority take on the washington gridlock? joining us with an inside look veteran and congressman brian mast, good morning to you. congratulations on being reelected. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. it is veterans day and i know you have a message for the veterans but i want to get a reaction to what the president is saying. >> look at the president biden saying he will work across the aisle may be but he's not going
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to do this. here is the fact, we will get done might give him a very simple solutions of the majority of the house to fix problems that in large part he created. whether it be on the southern border or with emigration or whether it be with american energy policy or supply chain. the list will go on. we will present them with simple solutions and america will get to see if he will adjust course that puts americans first. >> ainsley: today is americans day and you lost both both of your legs. we can't thank you for keeping us safe. we are living in the best country ever. what is your message for veterans, active-duty? >> you know, i, one, absolutely no regrets. i love serving in the military my whole entire life. my message to brothers and sisters in arms, veterans are awesome. they were ohmic they are bad mothers. we think about that tradition we carry forward from those who came before us, world war ii,
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korea, vietnam, gulf war, stacking up our enemies, jumping out of helicopters. we think what the veterans do come home to help fellow veteran starting on profits like tunnels to towers spoken about and others. incredible work done by the veterans that they don't just talk a big game but they do it and they show what americans what patriotism is all about. i love him he would >> ainsley: that is a beautiful message. what does the flag mean to you? >> to me when i see 50 stars ad 13 red and white stripes, i say no matter what happened yesterday, i get to wake up and decide today is better than yesterday. it doesn't matter, yesterday a loss two legs and a finger but i get to wake up tomorrow and decide it is a better day. that is what america is all about. not everybody else with the flag get to wake up and say that. >> ainsley: you said you would do it all over again. god bless you, congressman.
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disabled service members. let's bring in the ceo and the organization founder, daniel day and chad boyer his daughter casey was a two-time honorary scholarship recipient. welcome to the both of you. thank you so much for your service. first up lieutenant colonel rooney, tell me about this story that brought you here today. >> you know, for me, i've heard a lot of salutes to the veterans today. so thank you, but it goes back to the bible john 15: 13 no greater sacrifice to lay down your life or your friends." i have a thousand hours and j jets, and direct the scariest thing i have ever done is kiss my girls goodbye. my wife goodbye and i wrote my wife a live or three times. people asked me, what is it like to serve? and our greatest fear and i speak for all of us who serve the country, something happens to us, what will happen to our
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families? i know that is how god put "folds of honor" in my heart and you mention 44,000 scholarships and thousands of kids come exactly that has happen appear they've had some killed or disabled. nobody goes to combat and comes back the same. that is why we are so blessed to send over 9,000 families to school this fall. $45 million out the door and we have chad moyer is one of the heroes to share his story. >> brian: chad, tell me about your story and what "folds of honor" has done for your story and casey? >> they have been a blessing. i went into the military at the age of 32 years old and fortunate to be able to go to iraq and afghanistan but i made it home like several of us and some didn't. but folds of honor has been a blessing to us. they were putting me in a veteran home like my father and
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told me to love my country and my family first and love other people in this organization is amazing. it is just a big family. they definitely love our country and they love our veterans and they serve us well. >> brian: casey, received some help as well, right? >> she did, we can't change what happens in combat but we all as a country can change how we respond to these families. casey is an oklahoma state university where she said my dad is a professor growing up. really special to me. we are blessed to take care of these families. chad is a humble warrior, tdi blown up on the roadside. so like so many guys over there comes back and he is also a policeman for tulsa here it doesn't get more service-oriented than that. >> brian: right, absolutely. and i will actually see you guys in tolls on sunday bureau that will be great. and thank you so much for telling your story this veterans day. if you want to be with a quality
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organization, you know the money is doing great work, "fold of honor".org. thank you so much. >> hey brian, as we close i will leave you with this month of man never put on a uniform and donating to folds, gavin, ainsley "fold of honor".org and we will send you a teacher and the best way to send to your families. >> brian: we are happy to do our part and thank you for doing the hard work. think it's much from appreciated. dan, see you in a few days. let's check in with janice dean for the fox weather forecast. >> janice: let's take a look at it, a hurricane or what was a hurricane nicole bringing a lot of rain and wind to the southeast to the mid-atlantic and the northeast. then behind that front, that brought a blizzard across the northern plains, very cold air appear those two stories what we
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will be talking about at look at the snow totals, the blizzard that happened yesterday. we could see a ground blizzard today. the blowing snow will make travel next to impossible. and we are watching this storm system to bring severe tornadoes so be aware, brian, we have a big guest coming up and we saw him in the green room. one of the nicest celebrities i have ever met, sylvester stallone. >> brian: absolutely. he will join us in a matter of moments, the brand-new series that drops on sunday. his latest role, you will love it. but i want to check in to see what dan perino has on her show, dana. >> kind of you to ask, bryant and an amazing show as always. election day turned into election we commend we have the very latest numbers on the midterms. it is very tight. we could know more this morning. 60% of americans behind on car payments and inflation numbers signal better economic times ahead. are we still in for a rough ride? friday and the mente team is here. should the united states ban tiktok? what the biden administration is
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saying but is it too late to ask ask? we will as that fec commissioner brandon carr. we will see at 9:00. when people needed it most. but there's still work to be done. thank you, claire. this year, we'd like to invite you back to jersey mike's for another special weekend. come in november 19th and 20th, where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. together, we always make a difference.
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it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. ♪ ♪ >> will: the source of excitement all morning long because he's one of the biggest doors of the big screen.
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♪ ♪ >> look, johnny, let me come in and get you the hell out of there! >> get back! dog! ron! run! >> i should have stopped! >> the champion of the world, rocky balboa! [cheers and applause] >> ainsley: now sylvester stallone is taking on the tv screen starring in the new paramount+ series called "tulsa king." >> brian: he joins us right now, sylvester stallone, welcome to the couch. >> it's been a long time. >> ainsley: thank you for being on with us. >> my pleasure, really, every morning i watch you without fail. >> brian: that is great. last night around 8:15th i put everything on hold and i told everyone that was asleep and i
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watch two episodes, 47 minutes long of "tulsa king." it is unbelievable. people are going to love it. what made you jump into this project and how would you describe it? >> for some reason, this aura like a cowboy or this or a superhero. i don't know. but i have been left out every time. i remember going into audition for "the godfather" 250 people for the wedding. and they say i don't look italian enough and i was like, really? [laughter] >> brian: from "the godfather? ">> i would show my foot, nothing but anyway 35 years later, i hired that person and remind them every day how italian i am. >> will: all these years you never had a gig? my family bigs sylvester stallone fans and i've been waiting for the cobra highlights to come out. but wait, let me just throw off at the train come over you not a
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gangster? >> you mean stop for my mom will shoot? >> will: stop or my mom will shoot. >> schwarzenegger, one of those things i go, "why am i in this? >> brian: what do you mean he duped you question what >> he said. he is a prankster and they made it like he wants to do this desperately. i can't wait to do this while meeting him. and i go, "well, i will not let that happen." i snatched it and i want this phone desperately. once i got it, i'm such a tu turkey. happy thanksgiving, folks. absolutely with that first one, but again, weren't you pregnant in the film? we are kind of even, powell. >> ainsley: how do you feel about influencing so many people's lives. that monologue rocky five motivational speech with your son on the street. i know some have sent that to my kids and my brother loves you and "rambo" and he was four
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years old. i watched it all the time. you clearly had an influence on lives. >> i obviously did. i find a lot of excellent guys, the one element that is missing his heart because all of these heroes, there is still a fragile part. and if you can tap into that, the audience will go, "there is still a little child there that needs nurturing." a pen out of this one and you will see certain components, even in "tulsa king," this gangster is not as tough as you think he is. >> brian: that is the key. one of the things you talk about in "first blood," they want to have your dead. you talk to veterans and to find out how they felt about vietnam and treated when they came back. that is where that one along came from. >> that is what it came from. i started going, at that time, let a veterans were committing suicide coming home and so ashamed. i said, this can't be the final
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result. in the book, "rambo," he killed everyone and so he almost deserve to be taken out. but i said, that is not the movie i want to go out with. i need a choice. and so, nobody wanted to plead this part at all. i said, "if you just change a little bit of the guy who wants to come home and trying to desperately come to america but he's being rejected, everybody can relate to rejection." in the end, you can't kill him. you have to give these veterans help. >> brian: on veterans day, that is what we are doing and they have great respect for you. will come if we can let's look at "tulsa king" come a little bit of the texture of the movie. they made you a gangster, finally. >> finally. >> brian: oklahoma with some of our viewers, watch. >> i need to see your books. >> my books? >> your books, ledgers, files,
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whatever you got. >> you mean, from the government? >> i just knock your guard out cold. do you think i am a cpa? >> so, you are not with the government? let's take a walk. [laughter] >> will: so you are -- is it a new york city mobster located to tulsa? >> it was not in the original script but eventually we put in aspect where he goes to prison because he keeps his mouth shut for a crime we will find out he didn't even do. he has expecting some reward for being so loyal. and his reward is exile to tulsa, which is like hey, guys we will send you to this island with beautiful sunsets and there was nothing there. i get there and this is where the audience, wow, there is nothing worse than being thrown out alone to be completely abandoned at 76 years old. do i go here and die or do i fight back? he starts to build a family, but
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all misfits, cowboys, indians, nerds, but that becomes his new family. that is so interesting. >> ainsley: it is the same writer cut same writer as "yellowstone." >> came up with the concept of eerie winter, a show runner. i didn't realize, it is quite different than movies, it really is. it's been when you've never done tv before? >> no, no, no, i did them up its first. >> ainsley: did you like it? did you like it? >> it is much harder, it is a real grind. you enjoy doing it but for example, the amount of time it took to did this series come i could have done five rocky sequels back-to-back. in other words -- >> brian: really. >> sure, you are doing ten shows, let see an hour each, and equivalent to 45 movies. no break and you are in tulsa in
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the heat and you are alone, kids, it's too hard. the dog said, we are not coming either. >> will: multiple seasons we are talking here. >> my god. >> brian: are you going to do a second one? >> i don't want to do a second one. but you never know, the sequel, of course, yeah, i would love to. >> ainsley: brian loves you and all of these guys, we all do. they grew up like you are their hero. brian said you have to read this one article written about him so i did. it says you are one of the few actors to star in movies that top the weekend box office across six conservative weekends. this will be the seventh. how do you think you will do? >> i think it will be really, really good. >> ainsley: based on your history. >> it is all coming together. the thing is, it is the only art form where you have to depend on 400 people to make it all works. it isn't like you have a piece of campus and make your own
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vision here at a lot of elements. >> brian: is it hard not being in charge and when you are, the whole production. >> i'm always in charge. [laughter] >> brian: you are the lead so you don't have to be the show runner he wo. >> you try your personality and like for example when she is who the dialogue once, twice, three times, it becomes monotonous. now it is time to ad lib. and throw a word in their act completely converted to. >> brian: we have to stick straight to the script. >> will: we don't ad lib. at all. imagine, people asked you what is your favorite movie that you have produced and what you have made? that is like asking you what is your favorite child so i will ask you differently. wish movie do you wish people had paid more attention to that you loved that didn't quite make it but you thought it would go? it was really good.
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>> actually i liked "oscar" it was a type of cinema that they don't do and it's not meant to give you -- it is incredibly fast the amount of dialogue thrown. so what is a different art form here that would have been nice, but sometimes politics gets involved. for example, the last "rambo," why is he being so hard on the cartel? excuse me? >> will: i know. >> what? why are you being so mean to them? >> brian: the rockies, also so the russians and the soviets, right? and rambles in afghanistan. talk about that. >> what happened was that was really one of the best action films, but we got caught up in the fact as we were about to come out because i said, let's show russia vietnam. we have seen america's vietnam, afghanistan. they left and got beaten. so we decided to show that appeared literally, two weeks
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before we are ready to come out, gorbachev comes over and kisses nancy reagan on the cheek and everything is wonderful, everyone loves -- and i'm the troublemaker. >> brian: oh, no. >> yell kimono, the press conference i got booed. >> brian: really. >> oh, yeah, why are you stirring up? >> will: want to give rick and his credit, but if you can change i can change, we can change. >> ainsley: five operations, three neck fusions, shoulders, knees, ankles, how do you keep going? are you in pain? >> i wake up like the ten man in the morning. >> brian: right, and your wife is laughing over there. >> i know, she's like so athletic. you know what it is, i just feel really competitive. i wish i could go -- people say we have nothing left to prove, but we do. >> will: you have proven once again "tulsa king" premiere sunday on paramount+ pure to go
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get your prescription and check out another hit by sylvester stallone. we are hoping "over the top 2" comes out. >> my elbow hurts essentially. >> brian: what about the extra that got cut out of "the godfather? "the six rounds. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: god bless you, thank you. >> any time from any time. >> ainsley: have a great >> bill: good morning, everybody. we don't know, a question mark. it is day four as we say good morning i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: bill hemmer the legend, the american legend at the billboard. you are. you did a great job. >> bill: i appreciate that, thank you >> dana: really great, 100%. you want more praise? you get all the praise. we're still awaiting the results
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