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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 11, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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a moment to honor the bravery o all the incredible men and wome who felt a higher calling to keep this great country the greatest country god gave men safe and secure preserving our freedoms. thanks to all of you that served . lit heart your trout heart be troubled, laura ingraham is next . have a great weekend, we will see you monday. >> this is "the ingraham angle" from los angeles tonight. right now we are monitoring election results into states, arizona and nevada, the decisio desk is pretty predicting the governorship is flipping from democrat to republican. incumbent governor steve to select putting out a conceding that he will fall short of winning and he wished republica sheriff job embargo much success . in arizona, and he moment, we are expecting a new vote count
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from maricopa county. about 80,000 ballots or so but that could change. more than 50 percent of those are ballots that were then dropped off on election day. we will bring you the details a they come in this hour. first, wrong lessons, that is the focus of tonight's angle. it was predictable, the gop establishment which has been losing election since about 200 would declare the republicans disappointing midterm showing the deathknell for populist. the rationale being that becaus certain trumpet backed candidates lost in key races, the entire populist movement lost to. >> under republicans they have to reject the robb expert if they. >> the maga. gig at the favorite liberal masquerading as something more sophisticated did a fever
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finally breaking. performative populism has begun to ebb, and trumps realistic violence that lay at the heart of it all writing in the new york times he struck a similar note, arguing that tuesday's results by striking resemblance to the midterm elections of 199 when setback than lead to renewal. when the party then went on to embrace texas governor george w bush who had run reelection of course in 1998 in texas. word to the wise, if you're actually trying to help rhonda santos in 2024, let's not make comparison to the president who hasn't been invited to speak at any rnc convention since he lef office. but the pro war coalition is very bold, you have to facts. they are marching together led by their fallen star general li cheney who is enjoying the
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moment herself, falsely believing that tuesday's result mean america is hankering for the good old days of falluja an kandahar. >> it was a clear victory for team normal. i do think it was the american people generally sending a message they want to pull as back from the brink. they don't want this nation to go over the edge. we have to make sure that the incentives are there to elect the kind of people who are goin to make sure they are part of the solution. >> is cheney actually saying that she, a republican rejected by her own voters in her own state, who lives inexistent hol derivative of donald trump, tha she is on team normal? she has vowed to fight rhonda santos as well as i recall. so for all intents and purposes she is a pro- war democrats. at war with a 74 million who
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voted for trump in 2020 because they were done with the bush cheney alternatives. for reinventing the gop in setting the party on the path t being a multiracial working-class party. you bet he deserves credit for that and a lot more. think about that shape the gop was back in first of are coming it was a boring party, it was stuck in a 2004 time worked worked without approach and totally not in sync with the concerns of average americans. >> believe the great majority o people coming here illegally have no other option i want to provide for their family. there it should be a path to earn status. >> other than the tea party victories, where was the excitement and growth and the republican party. hasn't had much energy really since about 1996 when pitchfork
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pat buchanan the populace ahead of his time when he won the new hampshire primary. before 2016 they were losing th working-class voters, those reagan democrats where they wer falling away. they were also failing to connect with hispanics back the and let's not forget republicans , they were helping china get richer and more powerful as more americans of course had their jobs shipped overseas. obama beat both of their establishment candidates in 200 and then 2012. mccain and romney were an alum annihilated, florida when democrats impose cycles and in the process he chalked up to supreme court justices would have had three if it weren't fo mcdonald. the establishment gop had embraced globalism in endless war they had overseen the flattening of americans wealth, and presided over the 2008 economic meltdown. all the while plea paying lip
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service to social conservatives. trump came in and turned that all around. fast-forward to today. i'm not going to dwell on trump dustup with other potential 202 nominees, but as far as desanti is concerned, to keep your eye on the establishment types that start throwing money at him for big government coalition representing wall street big defense contractors, big tech, they are already circling pair they are going to try to co-op him and change him and eventually, they will try to swallow him whole. >> his populism, dissing it mor popular does he replace trim an a friendly way or does he replace trump and sort of move back more to the middle paretsk at think the adjusters are goin to be there, i think it's going to be more mainstream. in terms of what wall street wants. >> what wall street wants, what
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corporate america wants for it when you pick a fight with disney today. >> picking a fight with disney? disney was picking a fight with parents, andrew. now populism isn't extreme, it' pragmatic. there was plenty of good news for republicans at the media seek to ignore, the and roads made in new york, the closer than expected races in the pacific northwest, they continued shift of hispanic voters and of course the huge populace expansion in texas and of course in florida. pretty boy beto last by almost 100-point to abbett. and conservative dan patrick wa reelected as lieutenant governo by double digits as well. if the establishment really has all the answers, how is it that lisa murkowski didn't sail to victory in alaska? and how did romney get embarrassed in utah when he
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refused to endorse mike lee who ended up winning handily. if not trump, whoever rises to the pack, would be bombarded by the romney cheney crowd pair they will pull out every step t push him or her toward the old bush policies of endless war, partnering with the ccp and ope borders. here's the thing. it's really tough if you're a republican to avoid getting pushed in that direction. must gop foreign policy type support the bush foreign policy. most trade experts are pro- ccp in pro- wto. must gop policy types have sympathy for generous immigration amnesty. desantis and his team will be with memorandum supporting all of these bad ideas. my guest, and it's just a guess
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right now is that he and any smart serious candidates will consult with everyone and the gop, but avoid the establishmen trap. how can you campaign with a fresh populist message that affirmatively embraces america first policies? that has the best chance of winning, and that is the angled. now all eyes are on georgia, nevada and arizona is the senat majority hangs in the balance i the moment we are expecting a new number out of maricopa county in arizona. joining now is civil rights attorney, chairwoman of the republican national lawyers association. thank you for joining us, i kno you're a little under the weather, but you fight in play through injuries and only, you are down there in arizona, what are you hearing thus far? to get it has been a long day and the war room today, laura. we have had all kinds of
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different reports out of the maricopa county reporter's office. they move the goalpost. earlier in the week they told u they would have 95 percent of the votes counted by today. we have about 450,000 ballots remaining statewide, most of those are in maricopa county. what we are seeing however is that the last batches of good katie hobbs ballots are trickling into a for whatever reason, they haven't gotten to the same day ballots, the ballots that were dropped off o election day. we expect from 2020 and our modeling that those are going t be strongly cutting towards so it's only going to get better from there. outside of maricopa county several other drop show today's strong performance by the republican candidates in yuma county, we have been outperforming significantly that's the heavy latino population county by six points
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compared to 2020. overall, the trend is good. it is eight nailbiter, i was hoping to be at home with my family today and i am here instead, it is a sacrifice for anybody, but we are in good spirits brickey we are hearing moments ago that apparently katie hobbs is up one point for 4 percent edging up slightly from what she was like an hour ago. so they are driving that percentage up a little bit, but your point is that the ballots that are expected to be coming in now are less favorable percentagewise to her and they are to kari lake for eight for people out there watching tonight, they are ready for things giving and christmas, none of any of this make sense pair they don't understand why this is taking so long, they don't get it, and frankly, they are annoyed by it. >> let me give you some perspective. first of all, yes there was a drop from fema county which is
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more liberal a little while ago which was predicted by our modeling so were not concerned about that, it's within lines o the modeling. what happened is something the new governor needs to change which is changes to the electio laws not accompanied by voter integrity measures. on the ballot on the selection is a proposition that strengthens the voter id requirements and arizona that looks like it will pass which will get rid of some of the slo procedures i believe, but we ar looking at the new governor going to convene a session of the legislature, and kari lake will make sure the new laws are going to take care of these inefficiencies. it is ridiculous, 450 ballots are it's not in nevada where yo can continue to accept them for days afterwards fraid so this i not good in america and when yo have a republican legislature and governor, you can change a.
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you have been fantastic through all of this. we will check back in with you but thank you for the latest update. >> thank you. >> they said we are in overtime. that means we've got a runoff. i ought to be up for this. >> georgia is the third state that could differ outside the state of the senate and with that second runoff election in as many years it's the second most expensive race this cycle totaling $262 million thus far. joining me now is the republica herschel walker who is really good in overtime i have to say. georgia senate candidate herschel, great to see you tonight as always. how are you feeling right now after this wild week where we have so many races across the country still undecided and you are heading into this runoff? >> i feel pretty good. the reason why i'm still
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fighting for the people of georgia. that's what i got in. i felt like the people in wash georgia weren't representing as well. georgia needed a champion and i am that champion because i'm going to get into washington an let the boat people's voices be heard and let the people know that they have a chance because senator warnock has not done it since he went to washington. >> mitch mcconnell is turning to governor camp for help and this race, politico is reportin that kemp is loaning his get ou the vote machine to the senate' gop voter turnout fred giving them entrée to a political team increasingly viewed as one of the gop's most formidable state operations and at the same time we understand the democrats hav invested $7 million and get out the vote efforts, which sounds like valid harvesting to me
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which is legal in your state. what is the way to win this rac now with the remaining weeks that you have? >> it is such a short time and the democrats is trying to buy the seats seat. so that's what encouraged everyone to go to team herschel .com. contribute to my campaign, but think governor kemp rate stacey abrams had a good machine out also, but governor kemp has proven that he can beat that machine. you beat that machine by gettin people to out get out and knock on the doors and doing the work. i have been doing the work and letting the voters no eyes to and with you guys, i will i steamer georgia and i will continue to stand with georgia. what right i want to do i want every kid in the u.s. to have that american dream that i've had. if senator warnock gets elected back to the senate, they want t have that chance to have that dream. like i said, not on my watch. i have been blessed and i want
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everyone else to have those blessings as well. >> herschel, i was talking to a friend of mine who used to live in georgia and he said the way to guarantee herschel's win is not about money, it's about unity. republican unity. would it be not ideal for you, and for your runoff chances to have donald trump onstage ron desantis and governor kemp and anyone else who is a problem prominent republican conservative altogether putting all their differences aside and urging the voters to get out to save the senate for republicans. wouldn't that be ideal? >> that would be totally ideal periods and i would love it because this is not ego for herschel walker. this is about the people of georgia. this is about the people of the united states of america. i said i want to bring unity to this country. right now the person i am
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running again, the left wanted to buy. in my right bible i said house divided cannot stand. right now this country is separated, we are separated because our president wants to divide us. senator warnock wants to per th problem with america is racism. we have problems here, but we are still the greatest country and the world. you don't see people trying to cross the border to get into china or into russia. they're trying to get into the united states of america becaus we got the greatest thing right here. >> the big line out of the medi this week has been maga like populist conservatism is extreme . what do you say and reaction to that, that is the mantra of the left, they think it works for them so they are going to. america first is not extreme. >> let me say this year. if you live in america,
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shouldn't you want america to b great again? i will never announce i want china to be great again while i'm living in america. right now the people in washington have put a second pair they wanted, but yet we have come so far. we have come so far and i don't want to take us back. i will say this here, the green agenda, we are prepared for i will be the first one to raise my hand. right now we are not ready. we would put our self with the national security problem because we are not kid. we're giving the energy to our enemy. work creating a national security problems because we're not leaders anywhere in washington. when the united states leads, the whole world does well, but right now we are not the leader and the people of russia seem t be okay with it. i want everybody out there to know this is not the new norm. >> herschel walker, i can't wai to see how this unfolds, but i
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would not bet against you in overtime. one of the biggest success stories of tuesday night is being ignored by the mainstream media. school boards were overhauled b parents who had enough trade we examined that red wave next. to stay there.
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>> laura: breaking moments ago the fox news that mark kelly ha won reelection in arizona bringing the balance of power i the senate tied at 49-49. we will bring you details as we get them tonight. >> for years we've been talking to parents who are ticked off about what force schools are forcing at the kids for markdowns of course to the destruction of girl sports. their success tuesday night is really upsetting that some usua suspects on the left. jessica winter on the new yorke says candidates he railed against teachers unions and critical race theory did disturbingly well. so sorry, sweetie. eric swallow said of plotting
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the fact that parents will get their power back. how could either of these dopes be against parents becoming mor involved in their kids educatio and less they want to separate parents values from their own children. how about stories like this. the spoke with an oklahoma dadd said he confronted the principa there over of book that depicts a child getting. the police were called and now the father is banned from the school. joining me now is chairman of the 1776 project packs, and brian walters, oklahoma's newly elected state superintendent of public instruction. so excited about this. ryan walters. what the heck happened in your state. i am so excited about this result. >> the teachers union in other democratic groups spent a recor amount against me in the
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governor, we have been standing up for parents and the radicalism that has gone on its civil war. joe biden and the far left have declared a civil war on our classrooms. we've seen the critical race theory and what do you know, a parent is upset with pornograph being given to his kids goes to the school board meeting and no is banned from the school board meeting. this is outrageous silencing of parents and trying to separate kids from their parents for it can get the left is insisting that the school issue is really kind of a white christian nationalist trend, but that is total bull, watch. >> the teachers that are here, our beef is not with you. our beef is with you. i have used, you can get what you want quickly. this is from the book. i've met a lot of interesting people through apps. has anybody need a college
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education or a phd to note that this isn't appropriate for kids? get this issue transcends incom levels. the work in blue counties, we one school board districts throughout ohio. conservatives won in kansas, in minnesota, a 23 -year-old one i bergen county, new jersey. there is a real movement for this. if this was just something that you and i made up, we wouldn't have this kind of reaction from people. one of largest groups of people that move to the right were moms . moms and dads. there is a reason for that. >> when you think about helpful young people voted overwhelmingly for the democrat from 18-29 -year-olds. we see the effect of education. they're not really getting the full story about our economy, h
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is responsible and it's like a person possible ignorance being foisted on our young people. the left knows, if you can get them in the primary schools and the secondary schools, eve got them. perhaps for life. >> that is absolutely their plan . the plan is to indoctrinate kid and force them into the democratic party with this radical ideology. turn them against their parents and that values of this country. what we see is the parents waking up. for 1776 project packs was a huge help to shine a light on this unbelievable radicalism. >> here is an msnbc guest tryin to explain white minorities are part of the effort to fight bac against this really insidious indoctrination of schools. can get the whole purpose of it is to scare parents into thinking that by voting democra all of a sudden your child is a danger. it's nothing different than wha
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we saw earlier with critical race theory which was also a bogus claim. the challenge we see in the latino community is that oftentimes it used to so that people stay home. >> clearly come with the latino just being tricked here into actually caring about their kid education. >> if you think they are furiou with it, they come to america and parts of the end you succeed . it gives you the opportunity to succeed. they said no we should demonize people, we should incorporate critical race theory into almos every skill of education. everyone is outraged. if they think that doubling dow on this wet liberal talking
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point is the way to win them back, i would say bring it on. ryan walters, you won in a red state that even in blue states like minnesota commitment minnesota parents alliance whic is another group doing good work , they won 49 seat statewide in schoolboard victories and 15 of their 19 targeted districts. this isn't slowing down anytime soon. a couple of races were lost in san diego unified ice saw in a couple of other races and other states that didn't go the way w wanted. but schools weren't ruined overnight in their not going to be saved overnight. >> that is exactly right for it as had a couple of weeks ago an my race really sanity is on the ballot. are we really going to learn allow far left us in a red stat and push pornography on our kid come until kids in kindergarten they might be girls, tell kids is young as first and second grade that they are racist
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because of the color of their skin or are we going to fight t take our schools back. hope we come so far that we're going to allow teachers unions to bully our schools into pushing ideology. >> it has to be a broad-based coalition. rate work, thank you both. >> thank you. >> laura: when reality doesn't go as planned, liberals turned to fantasy and biden has this international climate crisis with his mouth. friday follies with raymond is next.
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>> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday follies. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. democrats lost some big races this week, but they have now turned to fiction to bind up other wounds.
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>> they've created a few furthe opponents freight if people wan to engage in fantasy, but when unscripted television shows lik the good fight on paramount plu slanders a real person, it is problematic pride case in point ron desantis and the good fight goes really bad. in the show's finale male character charges run desantis with sexual assault where it. >> offered my political service to governor desantis he some in my shorts. he insight. and then, and they are. he drugged me and forced me int oral. >> this was the focus of the entire episode.
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except lurid charges with and a family man who is just going to for the last year. and complete from, it could be romney and 2012, mccain and 28 or, that's why, it was never really about from, that was the convenient excuse. >> the showrunner says the star aligned when desantis did so well. one politician you never have t worry about is stacey abrams. partisans are engaged in a different type of fantasia with abrams. there she lost the georgia governors race at msnbc, she is not a loser she's an old testament.
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>> he led the jewish people to the promised land, but he didn' get there. >> but god took care of most of us. god said i will bury moses, you leave moses alone. stacy will get her due. god will reward her. again she has already been president of the entire earth o star trek, another paramount shelf. >> i didn't see her walking on the atlantic or was that the gulf coast recently. she didn't feel like 5,000 people so she is pretty amazing. >> i thought you meant she had walked on the stage of the atlantic magazine. if you listen closely to her concession speech, she sounded like she was auditioning to be st. paul.
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we are troubled on every side, he had not distressed. we are perplexed, but not in despair. persecuted, but not forsaken. we not have needed to the finis line, but we ran that race. and we know this path. >> it is the path that leads to endorsements endorsement and talk shows and book deals with never having to win anything. >> winning means never having t say you're sorry. >> it's getting hard to know what's real and what's not real. on the election day the president called members of his party who won in this white house video coming he told each of them the exact same thing, even the dog was bored. >> joe biden, congratulations man. can kicking congratulations. all the stuff we did is going t
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only come to parishioner next year because they heard about it , but they hadn't seen. >> is he wearing thermal underwear? what is that outfit he is wearing? >> getting ready for bed time. i love being on the show one thing is always true, even at a major climate change conference the biden climate never changes coming he's always mildly addled . >> we have taken enormous strives to achieve that. but i don't stand here alone, i came to the presidency determined to make the transformational changes that are needed per. >> our significant climate investment will called turbocharge fred. >> thank you. stay with us.
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>> can you believe this show ha been on the air already for fiv years. it seems like it was just yesterday when i did my first angle called what is america to
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me. the answer than is the same as it is now. america is freedom, prosperity, and it's worth fighting for. i told you on october 30th on 2017 i was going to call it lik i saw at night after night so i want to thank you for allowing us into your homes every night at 10:00 p.m. eastern to do jus that for the last five years. you're the reason we are number one, so thank you for watching. let's take a look back at what we've all done together. to get you get this show and you're not on the show it. >> october 30th, trick or treat. >> finally. >> laura ingraham, host of "the ingraham angle" which mirrors o fox news monday. >> she is the host of the new 10:00 p.m. show. >> welcome to the debut of "the ingraham angle."
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>> this is "the ingraham angle" from an extremely busy washington. rejoining live in manassas jeanette hurried. >> in columbus, ohio. here we are in michigan. live from the campus of almost. for gait at the white house, ou newest supreme court justice wa sworn in. >> i'm going to college as i se it as i've done for the past 20 years. in a gas cap late on this rate you made it easy for them. pelosi played hardball and you rolled over. >> let me explain. i'm going to hold the powerful accountable. there is lots of blame. everybody should have been let go long ago. >> thank you for having me.
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>> it's only been 25 years sinc i work for you. we had that small office, a closet for an office. >> elect have those chambers now . >> do you want to further clarify what nationalism means to you? >> it means i'm left the countr and i'm fighting for this country. i'm proud of this country and i felt that nationalism. >> anybody else going to out shadowless with these phenomena booking specs. >> joining us now is ron desantis. >> hello, florida. >> thank you for joining us, we appreciated. >> it is great to have your. >> thanks for having me, laura. >> these are your red state trailblazers fred let's give them a round of applause. >> this is where it all happens me 27th days after the killing
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of george floyd, the autozone right here burned to the ground. no mother should have to deal with that pretty never forgot demetrius, not one day since lester it's a $50,000 reward it's $20,000 now. >> these we're armed to. it a to go up there and rescue them. >> within this three block area how hard would it be. how would it take me to get cracked? >> under a minute. >> same thing. >> what you pray for when you pray for this country? >> piece. really piece. >> i officially hate you, that is disturbing. raymond arroyo.
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>> you through neat down in suc a cruel fashion. i was watching an episode of view where measles came up. >> when did i mention measles? >> i don't know, it was on you. to get what was on the? >> it was on you. >> raymond, i've never had easels. it was an episode of a show, or a. what's it called? you it's called you. >> never done a show on measles. it's a show called you on netflix fred. >> there is a show called ingraham angle on netflix. >> happy mardi gras slam!
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♪ >> raymond, i want to say to other people they didn't realiz you are in beijing, congratulations for the ice dancing. you got the gold medal. gig and don't know what you talked about i don't know which one. >> we've got to go. we have a country to save fred. >> it's time for an american call to action. he get this movement is where freedom matters, where work matters, or personal responsibility matters, we're school matters, or safety matters, and where truth matters . >> everything you laid out ther in the angle is completely correct. >> your monologue was spot on. >> live what you made. >> that may be one of the most brilliant monologues i've heard you give freight i thought it was stunningly accurate. >> that is the angle.
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and that's angle. and that's the angle. and that's the angle. >> we wouldn't have at all this fun over the last five years without the anglers he spent th better part of the five years with a aspirate like tommy, who has been here from day one. he does everything behind the scenes verities just the best senior executive producer anybody could ask for. then there is sam you hear me talking about her a lot, she usually tells me to hurry up. andrew, elisa, just. david, roman, shannon, and i just adore all of you in the first course my assistant kate who makes all the rains run on time. i cannot forget the author who does the cieslak. raymond arroyo and of course ou director, another mike threet makes in our terrific crew.
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thank you, all of you for your hard work. up next, my final thoughts on this veterans day next.
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honor of speaking with kenneth brown, he's one of the few remaining world war ii veterans who fought in the battle of iwo jima. i asked him all those years ago if he was scared. >> we have been so conditioned in our training we weren't allowed to be afraid. we just did what we were supposed to do. >> is there a day that goes by, ken, where you don't think of the men who were left behind? >> it's hard to. i saw a couple of things in the war that i think if people could have been with me and seen it, i don't think we would have any wars. >> what an amazing man.
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98 years old. and he stood for the entire interview. incredible. happy vet raabs day. thank you for everything you've done for america and continue to do by your example. that is it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember, it's america, now and forever. and greg gutfeld and the gang take it all from here. >> greg: that is not true. happy friday, everybody. yes. let's welcome tonight's guests. his wit is as dry as a muslim happy hour, western


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