tv Gutfeld FOX News November 12, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PST
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what an amazing man. ninety eight years old and he stood for the entire interview. incredible. happy veterans day. thank you for everything you've done for america and continue to do by your example. that is it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember, it is america now and forever. and greg gutfeld and the gang take it all from here. >> that is not true of right. happy friday, everybody. yeah, let's welcome tonight's guests. is wit is as dry as a muslim happy hour. western razor .com owner and comedian david angello.
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her glasses say librarian by day and librarian by night. the kennedy at fox business. kennedy and she eats like a bird, meaning mostly worms and insects. fox news contributor tim. and for thanksgiving, he's eating turkey the country. my massive sidekick in the nwa world television, joe biden eiris. so great news, everyone. my goldfish is alive and well, but it's been another great week of shows. we had some fun stories, great jokes, but as usual, we've got some extras, which means it's time for greg's leftovers. yeah, it's time once again for leftovers.
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swear i read the jokes we didn't use this week. and as always, it's my first time reading these, and i'm scared that i am. >> i'm not going to i'm not going to lie to you. this is the most uncomfortable moment by week. well, second, here we go . >> experts are now saying that permanent daylight savings time will actually hurt our overall health president by an greed and in solidarity. >> he says from now on , he'll fall forward. yeah, yeah. you people are sick. they're all sick during a speech prior to the election, democrat john fetterman mistakenly said he would celebrate the demise of roe v. wade. but later denied his error, saying, please don't put words in my mouth. it's where they go to die. >> i guess a mid-term exit poll revealed that about one in three americans want joe biden
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to run for president again. the other two say they've already paid back their student loans. >> that's that's true. stacey abrams and beto o'rourke are among numerous democrats who once again lost an election . >> but i think it's good for you. but i think maybe we should withhold judgment until the final vote tallies are recorded next summer. so that one coming by new york city marathon took place this weekend and have the fifty thousand runners who participated. >> more than half are still missing. see, that's funny because it's true. >> the first trailer of the whale was released this week, which stars brendan fraser as a 600 pound man who tries to reconnect with his estranged. fraser was so committed to the role he even did his own chafing the critics who saw
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preview screenings of the film are giving it rave reviews, including lizzo, who gave two forks up collabo. >> yes, the founder of the oculus vr, which stands for virtual reality at oculus vr headset, claims to have built a version of the product that will kill a person in real life if they die in the video game. the game's title, andrew cuomo nursing home. take a sip. >> yeah, thank you. during the houston astros world series parade on monday, senator ted cruz was hit by a can of beer. but after failing to catch it, he was immediately offered a contract with the mets. oh, i don't even get that joke.
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>> you will if you're a mets fan. i know, but it's so it's so exclusionary. sports humor. >> don't you agree, david ? no, david , i follow bad backgammon and nothing else. a man flying jetblue from new york to detroit was arrested monday after allegedly on the two hour flight. his attorney later defended his behavior, saying some people enjoy plotting after a smooth landing. my client does this instead. one hundred and seventy eight people named herock kazue tanaka broke the guinness world record for the largest gathering of people with the same name. the weirdest part was that everyone at the party was wearing a name tag . germans are fighting rising heating costs with a new class called dance yourself. warm instructor says it combines traditional moves like
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waltzing and invading poland. >> finally and finally, two words that i was really looking forward to . >> united airlines is eliminating middle seats to fit the growing number of plus sized passengers. overweight fliers can also choose between replacing seat belts with suspenders or filling their oxygen masks. with gravy. and now to some actual news. >> we need music here. ,,,,. bump or something like that next week. >> so the midterms are several days old, but the mystery of who controls congress could last until next week. and as frustration builds with several races still called, it's clear that the current system, much like david angelos antiperspirant, isn't working. as the "wall street journal" noted, these delays are a result of mass mail voting, and they're no good for public
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confidence. well, thanks for that, "wall street journal". so tonight's panel isn't really qualified to solve any of this, but since when did that ever stop red bear? >> oh, look, i have mara liasson and susan page. oh, we're in d.c., the nation's capital . >> we take amtrak and route for the nationals. you make me sick. thank you. yeah, that was uncalled for. >> yo, david , do you you run a razor company where you and i imagine you can count your inventory faster than what we're seeing here with these midterm votes. >> what do you make of this situation? it's true, greg, and i appreciate the mention, which, by the way, the razor covid. >> this is it's not a joke. >> like it's a real company, like people i get emails. it's like, is that a joke? now, you actually do run a razor sharp. yeah. but anyway, i made in america. you're right. you're right. i also appreciate the comment on exclusionary humor with sports into your bret bear . >> amtrak.
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but but yeah, these things, the vote, i mean, it's okay that i say i don't care about democracy look like, well, you know what? >> that's a luxury here. that's a luxury you have now. because the founding fathers made it so people like you wouldn't have to care. so maybe you owe a debt of gratitude to those just like a smelly little weirdos. on the one hand , it's like, okay, i live in new york city, so i know that there is a communist elected one way or another. >> it doesn't matter what it is . yeah, i don't care, you know, and it's like democracy. >> you walk around, it's like you see other people. yeah. the idea that they have say over my life, i just want to be done. i want dictatorship. i see what you mean. i kind of see what you mean in the sense that 80% of the manhattanites voted for hochul and they have no right to complain about crime anymore. right. >> they get mugged. that's yeah. i was going to say something
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awful, but i decided not to . kennedy oh, good for you. yes. i'll bet a button is working. i what made you happy this week and what made you sad? what made me happy this week? what made me really happy was you even as a libertarian, i like seeing people like ron desantis win by large margins because it makes so much of the country. it makes it makes so many people who annoy me upset. right. and so when when people who want government have more control over your life and want your parents to be disconnected from classrooms when they're crying, i'm smiling. so, so that alone, i thought was pretty great. the death of beto o'rourke's career, i thought was also a phenomenal development. do you think that's premature? oh, absolutely. he doesn't remember losing to him is winning because he didn't really so. yeah, and what a cottage industry that is . so even if he's got a little bit of a grift where he's taking five percent off
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the top of whatever gets poured into his losing elections, it's got to be at this point, i'm like, i'm not even getting like a half a billion dollars. so if he's gotten twenty five million off of that, then then good. why would you stop? i mean, i think that that is that's quite a little cottage industry. jesse jackson ran for president like every four years for since the seventeen hundreds. >> that's absolutely right. yes. you can google that and you'll find nothing there. cat, you're used to waiting for results. >> the what is why would you say that you could say anything . i'm honestly just curious to wait for a few results in my days and i what what what, what's your take home of this week? we've talked about we've had this our third show since
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the election. have you any take home any some summarization summary of your thoughts? >> you didn't answer my question, but but okay, florida, obviously, it was really fast because it was a total blowout. but i called it on a show weeks ago. really? yeah. what the captain's decision does not get enough credit. yeah. yeah. that he was going to win. i mean, i the thing that about how long it takes for me is just that, like it takes all the fun out of election night for people like me who don't enjoy sports like that is the thing that i like to enjoy watching. and now it's like by the time they announce it, like people just even forget it's happening . yeah, it's good. it takes it really does deflate the excitement. it's like you're sitting there and you know, what's great is when you're when you're watching even fox and they have the results that have not changed still up there they go . let's go . and it's like like i'm looking at arizona and they still have the same number that was there two days ago. >> and i'm going, why don't you just take down? >> because i keep looking at it.
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i keep looking at it going. has it changed? it hasn't. it's the same thing with arizona. i don't know if if that's even changed, but it's like it's very sad. it's saddening. i don't even know if that's a word. >> i you know, i don't know if you have a question. i would love to be the result guy right now because i could do it from home. yeah. like, let's go to tara's live. nothing yet. back to you. yeah. go for how you do that for like six months. remarkable to see all the people on the news on election night are somehow able to talk for hours upon hours where it's like, well, we don't know. but this having not, it could also be this back to you in the battle thing real quick is i got to be honest, i'm envious because think about it. you run, you get all kinds of money and then you don't have to go to work. yeah, i think if he won, he would be irate. yeah, he would come out like, what are we doing? yeah. did you not hear anything? i said i skateboarded to the dentist. you voted for me.
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he just demands of you america. i'm not going. yeah, i'm running in toledo in six weeks. for people from texas. i was going to take the gun. yeah, that was the word i'm taking in this job. >> yes. no, all right. we got to move on . oh, we got some great stuff ahead. up next, probably my favorite story of all time, a school board puts its trust in the teacher with the massive bust. >> right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title after there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take
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their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes. to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, well, there's a whole huge process, but the truth is it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. >> the county clerk, when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it. we cannot give it back to them and say we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real. bottom line is , yes, it happens and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to stay new and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. >> home title, lock monitor or title nonstop alerting you to suspicious activity. you may get a warning. notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest.
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>> meet terry. he signed up for home title lock and was immediately alerted to suspicious activity. so i received the report and saw, hey, i have a lien against my property i didn't know about. we got it fixed right away. and if you call the next 15 minutes and mention promo code, lock it. you'll receive your first thirty days. absolutely free. what would it do to your wife if you lost your property? i mean, there's no price you can put on that. >> go online or call now 1-800- nine three eight four four one five. >> my name is ashley cortez and i'm the founder of the beautiful foundation. when i started in 2016, i would go to the post office and literally fill out each person's name on a label and now it ship station. we are shipping five hundred beauty boxes a month. it takes less than five minutes for me to get all of my labels and get beauty in the hands of women who are battling cancer so much quicker.
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turn their back, we got an update on the giant rack, which means it's time for if it happens up there, we report down here you're watching a zumba game in canada. twenty , twenty three week, eight . yes, the extra chesty transgender canadian high school teacher now infamous for her huge fake cans, which more like kegs filled with frosty moosehead lager. there's news, but here's what you missed. according to the toronto sun , she was once a he began identifying his female last year and started wearing massive prosthetic to class. is it all along trol or was it just a mistake converting size from inches to metric? the school's game plan is to hope this scandal simply deflates. and soon we'll all move on to something else. but i'm not as a child. that was bottle fed, so
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i'm extra intrigued about this. as you know, we're the only show that keeps diligent tabs on the ontario transgender teacher with the oversize prosthetic. i'm not sure what that says about us . but we're just trying to keep you abreast. >> terrible. but the crack investigative team here at gatefold has been all over this story like water at a wet t-shirt contest and this week we do have an update. the hulton district school board, where she teaches, has come out in support of the teachers, literally in your face fetish, releasing a statement saying, quote, it is important to recognize the impact that dress code policies can have on members of the transgender community. right. because a transgender community all have to wear the size of the moons of neptune. they , quote, say it is important for employers to make allowances to ensure that these employees are able to express themselves in accordance with their lived gender . sure thing, pal. but how about a little common sense?
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>> women don't even look like that in my dreams, so basically, if you say you're trans, you can game the system or dress like anything you want. so why not go to work in just a g-string? that's how i express myself within my live gender . i mean, you do know that g stands for greg, right? >> it's true. and what about the rights of kids exposed to such a sexualized caricature of a woman, a biological female dressed like that would get fired, although they would likely be brought back after a petition signed by every male student, kennedy, where are you on this now? do we still think it's a big troll? to you? i'm i'm still on board. this is the hill. i'm going to die. i now this this is an attention seeking person who loves the publicity that you are single handedly giving her. >> yeah, but i've done
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a little thinking about this. so at some point, greg, i have to retire. that means i have to fund my retirement. so what i'm going to do you're not going to see me next week because i am moving to ontario, canada, where i'm going to teach in spandex with a giant horse. yeah, as a man. and i'm going to teach kids i'm going to do this in class because that's what that's what makes me feel good and empowered as a man, as a guy. i'm new to the game, but i think i'm going to win it. and then if they tell me that i cannot wear like pink spandex with my horse horsewomen, i'm going to sue for probably as much money is gone into battle. words fail campaigns. yeah, i'm going to say you're not going to win and i'm going to buy a giant both where i'm going to wiggle my horse parts said all of my horse parts. you should name your boat horse
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. yes. well, consider it done cat. okay, i got to return to the obvious point. there's no way you can drive safely wearing those. we've never seen this person dressed like that anywhere else, so it's deliberately done for the school. must be put on in the parking lot i would assume. doesn't take public transit like that or we see pictures. so this is deliberately for the school. >> would you agree with me? i want to take back what i said about i don't know how people talk, but without knowing anything about elections, because i realize we've been having to do this with this for how many months now? two months i have i don't know what else to say except for basically what that statement said is that no woman has to wear a to work. you teach at the school anymore. because no one has to tell. yeah, i . what if i didn't if i didn't wear my to work, everyone would be like, when did you
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get top surgery? so are they say, hello young man. yeah, exactly. no, tirhas. yeah. like i said, i'm so i'm going to follow this story to the very end. >> are you with me on this? okay, listen, i just just to get this over with , okay? >> i'm willing to volunteer tyrus and tim to fly out and follow him for a day. we will find out. why don't we do some over? >> and when he put you out, we will just because it regardless is this is how this individual wants to live their life in the privacy of their own home. great. but you chose a job where you're going to be an educator for children. >> so there's a certain decorum there. and to candy's point about her coarseness, that's right. if she was to do that,
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i decided to start coming to work in gym. yeah. coach shorts from back to the elastic ones from back in the day. yeah. nobody wants to see that, you know. so and if they do, i don't want to see them. but the point is , is that that's not your time to be exact. you're a teacher and just no one should be dressing like that. no, one should have to see pancake size, silver dollar. >> yes. sundials. what if the arielle. thank you. no one should have to see that unless they one go to establishment to pay for it or they go to somebody's house. but it has no place in the classroom. shame on the school board for being that week. they are either playing this long troll out and trying to out troll him, but i don't think they're that smart or they're just petrified of going going to prison because in canada, i mean, people you can get charged for the weirdest stuff. i think that's true, david . or maybe i dreamt it, but like,
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you can't if you like, miss gender or you say something or discrimination, you go to jail, but you can get fined and maybe people just don't want to get into trouble. but this is a fad, obviously. they've now made fetishism a lived kind, but lived gender . >> right. so you should be relieved. that's true. i was born male, but i'm hoping to one day become a man. you've got you've identified as a pre-teen. yeah, and you've been holding fast, constantly shaving. now, what? >> you run a shaving company, you shave everywhere, don't you? you should see my legs, the beautiful. >> but here's my problem. this this person. >> hmm. it's cheating. >> it is cheating. there's look, in real terms, that's at least sixty pounds of . >> yes. so you've got to . right. that's that thing is not sixty pounds. no. it's inflated. so it's like. yeah. hunched over. yes. yeah. you got to go to full weight if
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you're going to do it you that's you're not doing you know you're right because okay, if this person was sincere about this they would want it to be as real as possible. >> and if it were as real as possible, how could that person walk around with size eighty or sixty or whatever that is ? yeah, although there's that backpack, maybe that's a counterweight. let's point out in that picture. in that picture, the teacher is also wearing a mask once again below the nose. so i believe this is somebody that is definitely trolling. all right. we've got to move on . that was my favorite story and it will continue to be my favorite story. and you're going to reap the benefits of that of next to twenty, twenty four republican prediction. get smeared by fiction. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep. you're tossing and turning all
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the receiver did not maintain possession and a score by the packers are moving on , fueled by passion by a rival reborn cowboys packers sunday on fox. >> for over twenty years, super beda has been the name men trust for reducing their urges to . and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists. only this advanced formula has crossed often three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking three supplements in one . that's why it's a best selling formula at wal-mart. reduce your urges to with the brand. urologist recommend most legal drama accuses dissenters of . but it's okay because the accusations are fake. it's an anti desanto smear that once again shows hollywoods
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bias is clear for the season finale of the legal drama the good fight, a show popular among female purchasers of single serving meals. apparently, the good fight is a legal drama and not footage of hunter brawling with a. the plot and the plot featured a character claiming to be sexually assaulted by florida governor ron desantis, only to confess he was lying. later in the show, which raises the question why make the santurce commit a fictional assault when you already have democrats committing real ones? >> you ever hear anybody ever hear of ed buck? >> look them up. and if you want to portray a real life pest, governor andrew cuomo for a cameo, he's available. >> i feel we should roll a clip. barbara, i offered my political services to governor desanto
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as he saw me in my bicycle shorts, worn purely for medical reasons. ron invited me to cpac so i could work on his speech and then and there he drugged me and forced me into oral . >> uh, in your dreams, why am i talking to a fictional character? i don't know. i don't know either. the guy goes on to claim is dna proof of the assault, but he's apparently a reoccurring character who's often causing trouble. i think brian kilmeade. >> but interesting, eventually they busted for lying. >> where did governor santurce assault you? >> what hotel? the sheraton. unfortunately, the governor changed hotels at the last minute. he was staying at the hyatt. yeah, that one . >> okay, thanks for your help, mr. stevens. wait, what's wrong? you just tell me what hotel you want it to be. >> ron desantis is going to win
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unless you use this lie. yes, eli, what does it matter? you want this because you hate to santos? >> i want this because it puts trump ahead in the polling. so donald trump's fault that he didn't see that coming. oh, but of course, of people defending this episode say it's harmless because the bad guy gets caught and that the show's not accusing dissenters of anything, but it is breaking new ground in republican bashing to make it a popular figure, a fictional, and creating a fictional sex crime using real people as suspects. this should bother everyone, regardless of political stripe, but i guess it's to distract us from what hollywood does best, which is giving standing ovations to actual. >> roman polanski, europeanists
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,tyrus. one thing to like write a character that's based on someone, but they're using his real name. >> it's not just that. it's beyond that. first of all, this seems to be a constant thread with the left where they like to go after, quote, alpha males and their wives. you know, ron desantis is a happily married heterosexual man. >> so, of course, he's secretly . and he's not just any . he's evil . he drugs and makes men force. and even though you don't prove it, it puts the thought in everyone's mind, you know, because that's to go to you know, you see that all the time. whenever men are being attacked, that's always the thing on top of that, you then back it up. i say it's a lie because it's by president trump. right. all of that was just to try to get people to talk, because when people hear things like that, they're not concerned that it's a fictitious episode. by the time that goes from
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one person to another, it's a report. it's a this. it's that. and that's what the message was to try to get it out there. i remember dissenters didn't answer it. they were going after him and saying he was doing something behind it. he was in the hospital with his wife during her cancer treatments, but they were trying to make it something so they will try anything to just get the idea out. right. it's a subliminal message to get someone somewhere because it's not like false accusations aren't profitable. thank god for investigations. right. but what happens is , is just to get someone to come forward to say it right. and say you can't denounce them just because obviously there's some truth to it because this tv series wouldn't pick it up. so it was a blatant attack on him, on president trump, on the republican party. and more importantly, once again, marriage and being a straight white male in this country. is open game because if he was and they ran that that he was drugging women, this would be a huge issue. yeah. and this show would
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be canceled. >> what do you make out of these the character that was the most stereotypical flamboyant treat? it's like reminding me of watching barney miller in the 70s when they used to have characters come out. they you do is because they were scarf put him in a scarf. that was how they did it. yeah, that's the only like a couple of seconds that show that i've ever seen. i've never even heard of it used to be called the good wife. never heard of that. and then she left and now it's the good fight. are you kidding me? no, i'm serious. wasn't it the good fight that caused the wife to leave? i think so. and you know who caused who was a good wife? who caused the fight, chris ? not what happened to him. palatine he does not know peloton. that was in the city. what's going on here? i've also never seen in the city. >> oh, it's fantastic. okay, what movies? all right, great. i notice, too, that like desantis didn't say anything
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about this yet, and i hope he does it because it's great that he just doesn't say he's just like, whatever . i'm busy. like, he's too busy. okay, that's fine. and yeah, people are i love people were getting mad tweeting about it like, okay, this is so horrible. to say about desantis and then you keep watching and it's actually against trump. yeah. i guess this was the series finale of the show. so the show's done. yeah. it's over. >> so i was their last hurrah. they got me to know what it is right there at the last second, except maybe go back and stream it now. >> no, david , what do you make of this? was just some kind of just some kind of stunt? does it make you sick to your stomach? or are you used to being sick to your stomach so you couldn't even tell it had the oysters in the subway sandwich yesterday? >> the they're they're rolling out a new program. yeah. it didn't sit quite well, but again, my problem is it's like the good wife, the good fight.
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we got the good doctor , we got the good place. come up with a new title, hollywood. i can't keep track of these shows. i don't know what the show is , but it is an issue in hollywood where writers love they're all democrats. yeah. so they all have to like, do these things. and sometimes it's just a little like much. yeah. you know, and it's like thomas the tank engine. he'll come in like, you know, guys, my , my parents are the the government funded public transit. and you sit at home, you're like, all right, we get it. we get it. . and i just watched thomas kennedy. >> i mean, is this any different than what i do on this show with people like kilmeade? >> he just occurred to me. it just occurred to me that i ever mickey and his water, when i take him to the bathroom
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and then when i come to him and things that he didn't do. what do you do that the most to kilmeade? i don't know. i feel like i . who didn't kill just every day for eight years or however long i'm like i didn't know anything about the show. but you know that having to watch an entire episode of it is torture worse than waterboarding? yeah. and they might actually use that at cia interrogation camps. like, that's that's how painful it is , even even to watch just a little bit of it. but that's all they need. like all they want to go viral is that tiny little clip of the show where hedwig tells christine baranski that, you know, ron desantis made to do things with his mouth. yeah. summercamp baranski in that. i got to check out that coming up. elon draws the line, come into the office or resign. >> attention, marines and family members who spend time at camp lejeune. if you spent time on base, camp
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lejeune prior to nineteen eighty eight and developed any of these cancers or suffered any of these injuries, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation. call camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spend time at camp lejeune before 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing. collingdale at three one zero forty two hundred, that's eight hundred three one zero forty two hundred and these bills are crazy. >> she has no idea
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. get off your and work on location. musk sent a company wide email on wednesday. i love those demanding employees work at the office 40 hours per week starting the very next day. if the employees want to be baby , they'll have to wear a diaper on their own time. >> and what i do, according to the bloomberg news, musk also eliminated twitter's days of rest , which was a monthly day off for everyone at the company. >> yeah, he wants people to work eight hours a day, five days a week for multiple weeks in a row. >> who would ask people to do such a thing? other than, you know, most companies? >> right. my staff work seven days a week and only gets time off for funerals. >> their own must also stress the importance of getting more people to subscribe to twitter, blue verified. but maybe twitter should look into other ways to raise cash,
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like charging eoc by the word or five bucks for every time kathy griffin freaks out, elon says without significant subscription revenue, there is a good chance twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn. his email stated, adding the road ahead is arduous and will require intense work to succeed, which is exactly what had told her husband in her wedding vows. >> no, that's true. it is true. very true. >> do you think he regrets buying twitter? >> i think he might just regret it, but also might not think that he didn't necessarily have a choice because it was years of people saying that the algorithm on twitter was politically motivated. people were saying that for years. and then people on twitter were just basically like, no, you're crazy. and all of us who work here, we all know that that was proven correct. as soon as he took over, all of us got exponentially
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more followers than we ever did before without doing anything differently. so all these people are completely but they're only complaining because now something's affecting them. they weren't complaining about something that was actually not fair. is something that is not fair, does not include having to work five . yes, yeah. their complaints are a bit the way they're reacting. >> you think it was something completely different? yeah. you know, david , he's basically saying if you don't want to come in, maybe you don't have to come in. maybe you don't need to come in. don't come in. you work home. >> i used to be in new york city. i to stop because the burglars would come and i didn't want to be there to be there. you know, i figure let them do everything. i'll get my it doesn't work, you know, yeah you're that pep talk you had with the audience earlier. it really paid off the crowd tonight.
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kennedy i like that he's doing. i think that basically he's a lot smarter than people give him credit for that. >> this is just the bump, the bumps in the beginning. yeah. if your boss wants you to work in an office, you work in an office. and that's how things used to work until we got sick and ourselves with this notion that we have to make everybody comfortable, that everyone gets to win and everyone gets to be comfortable. and that's how a lot of parents are raising their children and it is going to destroy society for some companies. yes, if you need to work from home, find a company that has found that it's better for them and cheaper for and go work there. but he happens to be a person who feels like collaboration is very, very important and you can only collaborate properly when you're in the same space with other people who are doing the same job. and that's fair. and if they don't like it, there are there's still plenty of job openings where it's
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true, it's a man you get the ideas you get from people at home are never as good. >> the ideas you get when you're talking to somebody in an office. well, but that's that's the thing. and this is where i would disagree with kennedy. just to skoch, they weren't having ideas pat cipollone they were sitting around deciding who was allowed to do what that little core group was. and if you have a job where you're allowed rest days and extra days and things like lying, drinking, meetings, you don't really have a job. >> yeah, okay, that's number one . number two what elon came in and did was he's exposed a lot of things like i have recently discovered that i do in fact have black fans. i didn't know that before with because they wouldn't allow me to communicate. so now i'm getting brown and black. hey, brother, how are you doing? a good job. and i was i felt like i just broke out of, like, there's more than just me. >> you. but we laugh about it. but how racist and disgusting
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is that? we don't know because i'm so controversial right? >> no, i'm always just me and my conspiracy theories. if you read my tweets and instagram, you'd be like workout kids. workout kids. gutfeld show. yes. wow. but they were doing that and they sat a little groups and be like, oh, we don't like him. >> so he can't talk this week and then now they can't do that anymore. so i'm really glad that that happened. >> all right. up next, she once had an iconic sound, but now she drinks like a hound. you deserve that feeling here. relief you put in the work, whether you're training for a marathon or just living one . the power to move from sharper image. it's time to power your potential. >> the power boost move from sharper image. hi. this is mike huckabee. >> isn't it amazing how so much that president trump said still rings true, but schools in the media don't want our kids to hear anything positive. and that's why my team created a kid's guide to president
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make sure you're prepared for your financial future at asu retirement, dawg. >> a story in five words, a story in five words is madon losing her mind? kennedy. look at this. she posted a video of herself licking water out of a dog bowl. now, is this the best work of her late career? >> what say you? oh, it makes me really sad. yeah. you know, she doesn't have to do it. she's a beautiful woman. she does not have to disfigure herself and she's always she's always pushed the boundary. but now she's collapsed inside her own boundary. and it's sad to see because i have been a huge madonna fan for a long time. and even when people got really, really mad at her for a number of things over the decades, i was still like,
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oh, there's something very artistic. and forward-looking about this, but not this. this is just it's sad desperation, body dysmorphia, and i wish her well. you know, david , i see the silver lining for you. this may be the time for you to be able to date madonna. you normally wouldn't have a shot when she was, like, normal. but i think at this point you could actually date her because her options are limited and you could still die saying you dated madonna and she's rich and she's rich. i could get into that. that'd be fun. donna. yeah, and the material girl. yeah, there you go . you get the residuals. love that. i mean, i think she's doing her thing. >> the thing is the thing is , she's always been doing this, like, hurt. this was her job. yeah. her job is doing crazy, madonna stuff. yeah. and if you're an accountant and you're twenty years old as an accountant, you can be an
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accountant at 60 . but if you're madonna, you know what i mean. >> keep going, madonna. go ahead. i see the point. i see your point. >> you just want to daynard. i mean, you know, not kid. i think she's actually teaching home ec in british columbia now. >> tirhas. >> does she need, like, a good close friend? >> i think she should have let papa preach a little more, try to help her out. and that's all i have to say about that. and that's all i have to say, that. yeah, i know. i love it. good for her. yes. yeah. because she's doing all the stuff and now we're talking about her all the time on the show, like what other nineties pop icons are we talking about, like celine and we're not talking about her because she's not licking water out of a dog bowl and shame on her for name on userra on you for not licking water out of a dog bowl. what, you got something against dogs? i mean, you don't like that
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video. >> couldn't have taken it very long to film. no, it should. i , i don't know. call me madonna. yeah, all right. >> we got to move on . don't go away. we'll be right back . i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about a life insurance through the colonial pen program. if you're age 50 to eighty five and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's ? the three what? the three p's. >> what are the three p's? the three ps of life insurance on fixed budget are price, price and price a price you can afford a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. >> i'm fifty four and was a smoker but quit. >> what's my price? >> you can get coverage for nine dollars and 95 cents a month. i'm 65, retired and take medications. what's my price. >> also nine ninety five a month. i just turned 80 and i'm on a fixed income. what's my price.
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three two two zero four zero four eight under three two two zero four zero four call eight under three two two zero four zero four eight under three two two zero four zero four. >> if you lived or worked at camp lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and have experienced any of these serious health issues, including cancers, neurological diseases, birth defects, reproductive issues or any other health concerns called the marine justice lawyers now or go to marine justice .com, the toxic water on the base may be to blame for your health issues and you and your family may be entitled to compensation for what you've been through. congress has passed the completion justice act, which makes billions of dollars available to victims of the tainted water. if you or your family were exposed to this toxic water, a marine justice lawyers may be able to help you recover a significant settlement with the right lawyer to help you through the process. getting this money may be a lot easier than you think. even if you're nonmilitary, get the justice you deserve.
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>> contact the marine justice lawyers right now call 1-800- three four six twenty eight hundred. that's 1-800- three four six twenty eight hundred. or go to marine justice .com. >> we are out of time. thank you, candy. david enduro kairis, unlovely studio audience, green crashdown. hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with harold ford junior, will cain, dana perino and greg gutfeld . it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the five let the blame game begin. president biden is still holding out hope for control of the house as democrats ramp up the intraparty fighting over why they lost key seats to the republicans. the grand old part
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