tv Fox News Live FOX News November 12, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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arthel: all eyes on nevadademocy defeats republican in arizona. that brings the democrats within one seat of keeping their narrow majority in the chamber. hello everyone i am arthel neville, welcome to "fox news live". before hello everyone i am eric and shawna. race going to the december 6 the runoff, nevada at now the center of the political universe and our country as the vote counting theirs continues republican challenger tweeted this morning that his lead over incumbent
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democrat senator catherine cortez at masco he says is down to just under 900 votes. that way the results of the u.s. power in the senate is deadlocked at 49 seats for each party byron york is standing by. first thing a fox news team coverage, alexander hoff on the balance of how power in the house with nearly two dozen raised still undecided. rose watson, alicia in arizona on those races but first jonathan hunt on the battleground right now in nevada part he is in las vegas. anyone taking bets on what's going to happen jonathan? >> nobody's taking bets right now i think nobody in particular is willing to put it all on red certainly. the republicans increasingly pessimistic about their chances of their candidate running this race.
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that is because as we have been counting over the last few days to his lead has gone lower and lower. now as you mention, just below 900 votes a razor slim lead he is clinging onto a guest democratic senator catherine cortez amassed out. he hopes he can hold onto it. but really as accounting continues here in clark county where the majority of the outstanding votes will come from an up and nevada second most populous county he is acknowledging it is a narrower and narrower path to victory for him. laxalt tweeting today impart quote, if they are gop precincts referring to the outstanding votes to be counted or slightly dem leaning then we can still win if they continue to trend heavy dam than she, meaning catherine cortez amassed it will overtake us. thanks for all the prayers for
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millions of nevadans who hope we can still take back the senate and start taking back our country. there was good news for republicans in the governor's race here there can sheriff joe defeating democratic incumbent steve assess a lack quite handily. for getting back to that senate race is very interesting reading the language of adam laxalt to eat it is going to be difficult. making no mention of any allegations of fraud. you remember laxalt was a leading republican voice in alleging widespread fraud on behalf of president trump here in 2020. it does not appear he's preparing to make this kind of allegations again. that might be because if he did he would effectively be calling into question governor elect lombardo's victory too. that's a difficult path for any republican to follow.
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>> election officials across the country are rejecting this allegations of crop fraud similar election niacin and tranquilize and not true, jonathan could see you. arthel: eric and jonathan meanwhile in arizona democrat mark kelly just addressed supporters after fox new projects kelly keeping his senate seat defeating blake masters. election staffers in the states to most populous counties are still working to the weekend. we expect in l update very soon to keep it right here on fox news racing as they count the votes in that tight governors race republican kari lake and democrat katie hobbs. senior correspondent is live in phoenix with the very latest. ask hi arthel you mentioned the victory celebration will democratic senator mark kelly thanked supporters. he also acknowledged the legacy of the seat he occupies on capitol hill. >> not a day has gone by for i
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have not remembered that i am sitting in the senate seat of senator john mccain. the time in our state and country remain divided, his legacy, his legacy building bridges and focusing on arizona is an example of what we all should do. >> 's opponent republican blake masters tweeted a statement saying impart that if the final count shows kelly one he will congratulate him. also saying quote for my people who knocked on doors in 115 degrees heat and for the billion plus arizonans who put their faith in me we are going to make sure every illegal vote is counted. now we are awaiting results from 370,000 belts across the state in more than 274,000. eyes are now on the arizona governor's race with republican kari lake trailing democrat katie hobbs by more than 31000 votes. it's home to 60% of the states electric.
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in her mind are here it is the second biggest voting jurisdiction in the country. election officials are defending the pace of their account explaining it as a function of state law and also a record number of people who turned in their mail in ballots on election day. in a news conference they also addressed election workers now being the targets of death threats. >> the crew here is focus on getting through this count. no one is getting distracted by it. and unfortunately it sort of a way of life for people in elections and elections officials. >> and arthel, she mentioned these folks are working long hours through the weekend for their work on the holiday on friday the count will continue until the beginning of next week. right now they're working 14 -- 18 hour days. they want to get this done just like everybody else, arthel her. >> absolutely is a patriotic duty they are, those poll watchers and vote counters doing the job. alicia acuna live in phoenix, thank you.
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arthel: by the white nevada senate race will determine the importance of next month's runoff in georgia between a comet democrat raffaella warnock and republican challenger herschel walker. for now both parties are pouring money and resources into the peach state. charles watson is live there in atlanta at with more on how both sides are working to get out and vote for december 6, charles. >> a lot of money a lot of resources, arthel clearly no love lost between incumbent democratic senator raphael warnock and his republican challenger herschel walker as the two candidates get back out on the campaign trail and traded shots against the senate runoff that could really decide the balance of power in the senate. both sides are really working overtime on this as terms of republicans for the tapping georgia governor brian kemp to help with their efforts. we are learning camp is loaning his get out the vote machine giving addresses, voter data targeting programs, phone
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banking all of which minority leader mitch mcconnell super pack will reportedly spend $2 million to fund. in addition to that walker is testing w attack on warnock essentially framing him is more of a hollywood elite who divides people. a message that is similar to what worked for the governor and his success for reelection bid against stacey abrams, take a listen. >> are separated because you didn't even see our present he wanted to divide it's easy senator warnock wanting to divide us by saying you americans need to apologize for your whiteness for the prom with america's racism. well, we have problems here. we are still the greatest country in the world. >> yes, meantime the warnock campaign is expressing confidence in the same operational infrastructure that led warnock to victory against then incumbent republican senator kelly loeffler two years ago per the plan to ramp up voter mobilization after its particularly in urban areas where warnock was able to outperform president biden in
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2022. warnock is making his message really simple for voters saying this race comes down to right and wrong. warnock says walker is just the wrong choice. >> herschel walker has no vision for our state or for our cou country. think about it, we have been running now for a little while. and he has yet to tell us what he actually wants to do. >> arthel, 24 days until this senate runoff before folks can go out and start voting for they are going to have to be prepared influx of commercials going to be hitting the airwaves here in georgia, experts say $100 million of additional spending could be spent here in georgia when everything is all said and done, arthel. arthel: 24 intense inexpensive days, charles watson thank you. eric: for more on this let's
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bring in byron york particle correspondent for the washington examiner and fox news contributor. man oh man, byron we are sitting here this weekend it is like this 50/50 more or less. how do you think this starts to play out? >> if you are a republican, things are not looking very good for you right now. first of all you underperformed all of these expectations of the red wave or some big, big victory just did not happen. republicans hope of winning arizona has gone away in the senate. and now in nevada if you have been watching the counting of their race between laxalt and cortez at. >> so it's been moving steadily towards the democrat senator cortez max oak budget steadily every time. i checked and made it's 862 votes is laxalt's lead but if that trend continues democrats are going to win nevada. and if that is the case they
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will have the 50 seats in the senate that they have right now. meeting they could keep control. and as far as the status of the senate is concerned, the georgia runoff is meaningless. i would say if you are charles schumer the majority leader 51 is a whole lot better than 50. if they could actually win in georgia they would not have to have the vice president break the tie all the time. they would not have to depend on the center manchin being with them every single time, 51 is way, way better than 50. >> then again it's just that one. what is this do for washington? what potential mess can be even at the republicans take the house. they say kevin mccarthy's going to have a heckuva time trying to wrangle those cats. >> he will. the trends have not been going well for republicans there. right now we have estimates that republicans have won 211 seats. democrats 201. there are still several left to
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go for the republicans have a seven left to go in the democrats and 17 to win if they were to win a majority. but the trend has been moving against republicans there as well. but even if they do let's say they get 219 or 220 seats that is literally one or two seats above the majority line. very, very hard to get anything done. but for republicans i think the bright spot would be that they could use even the barest of majorities in the house to stop anything big that president biden wants to do legislatively. they could put an end to the biden's legislative agenda. be on the fact that they actually do anything? probably not. eric: when you predict will see in washington at the shock is wearing off or some of politicians. what do they do customer and how do they turn? do they pivot what to they do in the next year legislatively? >> i think it's pretty much
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gridlock on steroids. i think nothing big happens. the good news would be as if they could get together to the very basic things that congress has to do like fund the government, raise the debt ceiling. the kind of stuff that has to be done were going to fights about that for even this term is over. but beyond the basics of appropriating money for the government to keep a running it is hard to see a lot happening. it is easy to see the 2024 election just starting up zero -- 60 immediately when congress comes back in january. eric: you mention 2024. what potentially do you see? talk about ron desantis and former president trump or it houses all play out? does biden run again? >> was incredible and certainly on both sides. i'll think there's ever been a race and anybody's in memory in which there is so much instant uncertainty on both sides. you have the trump factor in the
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republican party put a lot of republicans are down on donald trump right now. but they've been down on him at times in the past and he has come back. we do not know what's going to happen there. ron desantis in a very strong position. but we know majorities of democrats would like to see somebody else other than joe biden run for president in 2024. many people just think he is too old. if he did would in 2024 and served four years he would be 86 years old. we've never had anything like that. there is a real possibility you could have another candidate and another nominee on the democratic side, very, very uncertain situation. eric: meanwhile was got to get through nevada's account is votes there. great to see you as always thank you for. >> thank you eric. and then byron just said the balance of power in the house still remains unresolved. republicans though seem to be inching a bit closer to that magic number of 218. but you know we are still waiting for results in more than 20 states including several at
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wesley give the democrats a very slim chance we are told of keeping control of the house. alexandria hoff has more in the mathematics behind this. alexandria. >> republicans are seven seats away from reaching that 218 majority. but they are still about two dozen outs and congressional races across the country. more than half of them in california were millions of ballots are still uncounted. it could go either way the state's 47th district or progressive rep katy porter is locked in a dead heat with republican challenger scott. this district and orange counties equal share of republicans and democrats. in the state's 41st district republican congressman cannon has position for 30 years. he went into today with just a one-point advantage of democrats will. about 60% of the vote has been tallied there. and a bit north in california 22nd district republican congressman david holds a five-point advantage over democrat rudy. that lead has been chipped away
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at down from an earlier eight-point advantage. and then in colorado's third district there is a big name with potential a big problem right now. republican congresswoman lauren is locked in a razor thin race with adam over initially trailed but then got a small boost is the counting continues on. this race could head into a recount is thousands of books have yet to be counted. republicans are poised to achieve at least the seven seats for the majority it will not be by the margins that they had hoped for. eric: thank you, arthel parts revival eric thank you. president biden oversees talking climate change in north korea head of his meeting with chinese president shooting pain. asia expert gordon chang break that down for us next. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health.
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>> president biden is in cambodia. that the head of his first in-person meeting with china's president shooting paying, that on monday. it will occur at the g20 summit. today the president is promising what he called a comprehensive strategic partnership with southeast asian leaders. at the summit pretty second stop in a three country tour that took the president to a un climate conference in egypt yesterday.
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peter doocy is traveling along on this long trip. he is in cambodia live, hate peter. >> and eric there is no chinese delegation at this summit in cambodia. president biden is helping instead to rally the south east asian leaders that are here around him. he went southeast asia to do business with the u.s. and not with china. he is already subtly taking some pretty serious shot at the chinese. >> together we will tackle the biggest issues of the time from climate, to help security against these significant threats to world order and threats of the rule of law. and to build an indo pacific that is free and open, stable and prosperous, resilient and secure.
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>> electric vehicle production was not much of a consideration for voters in this week's elections, gas prices seem to actually move the needle more in many places. but here in asia, president biden is making a visa a centerpiece of his presentation urging asian countries to look to the u.s. as a good example for an electric vehicle future. >> through our new vehicle infrastructure initiative are going to work together to develop an integrated vehicle echo system. in southeast asia. and to pursue clean energy and economic development. an ambitious emissions reduction targets. >> so far no major bumps in the road for president biden this trip. just two minor mixups about where this summit is happening. >> i want to thank the prime minister for columbia's
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leadership and for hosting all of us. >> head over too columbia and then cambodia. in the western hemisphere. >> it is cambodia and it happens. a string of late nights for the president continues. he was at a gala this evening until after 11:00 p.m. local time. he was making congratulatory phone calls to democrats back home until nearly midnight local time. all i had of a big face-to-face with china's president xi in bali monday. >> peter is working what to 23:00 a.m. in the morning? that is 12 hours per. >> yes it is 2:23 a.m. so peter is a burning the midnight oil. but i guess you are on u.s. t time. get some sleep when you can pray. >> happy sunday here. eric: it sunday already?
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>> oh yes. we have already had dinner, eric. we are way ahead of you guys. so far i know peter doocy is always a way ahead of us, peter good to see you. talk to you soon thank you. >> he is going to tell president xi his perspective. which is north korea it represents a threat not just to the united states. not just two but your peace and stability across the entire region. if north korea keeps going down this road it will simply mean further enhanced american military and security presence in the region with prc has an interest in playing a constructive role in restraining north korea source tendencies bed. while they choose to do so not as up to them. >> white house national security adviser jake sullivan ahead of president biden's face to face with china's president at the g20 in bali next week. as peter doocy just reported the president took some veiled swipes that china during the
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asean summit spady senior fellow at the gate stone institute and author of many books on these subjects like the great u.s./china attack or a nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. so gordon, how treacly is this dance with president xi? and how could president biden get tripped up? >> is actually going to be pretty easy. because nobody is expecting deliverables from the sit down with shooting paying. president biden as wednesday's press conference made it very clear he is just going to try to find out what china's red lines are. and not make any fundamental concessions. so he has lowered the bar. i think he is right to lower the bar because i do not see very much coming out of this at all. eric: when they are still dancing and whispering in the air how the conversation about north korea ago? >> united states will try to do it has done for decades which is to entice the chinese into
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cooperation. presidents of bush and obama did this. trump did not do it because he tried to entice the north koreans. that neither has worked. i think it's time for the united states to understand that we are not going to separate china and north korea unless we impose an enormous cost on the chinese. we had an approach that consistently has failed. we are the strongest nation in history. north korea is perhaps the most destitute. over the course of decades they have succeeded in their foreign policy we have not's. we have got to try something new and clearly what we have been doing has not been working. three 5a couple of questions and what that new effort be? and how much could china really lead north korea in their dance together? >> china always says that very little influence. but we know that's not true. when china really want something
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the north koreans do it. we got a very visible demonstration of this during the trump administration when china summons their leader kim pointed china for straight time before shooting paying actually return the visit she wanted to have better relations but china absolutely forbid how can the united states change or policy? that is i think we have to impose costs on china for busting sanctions both un sanctions and u.s. sanctions. and also violating u.s. law. because chinese band banks have meant laundering money for the north koreans through new york, through the new york banking system. we can stop that. if we do i think china could be pushed back. if we don't impose those costs we can get the same horrible results. >> meanwhile gordon, how strong of a dance with taiwan?
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the indications are the president is having thursday when jake sullivan publicly talked about briefing saying taiwan will feel safe and secure from the results of the summit. this was unusual, arthel because although we briefed taiwan in advance we do not say that in public. so i think with the administration is doing and they get kudos for this. the administration is pushing the chinese backed think we are not going to be intimidated by you, but what you feel about taiwan. we are going to do what we think his rights. that is a very welcome change in american policy. >> very interesting. the lead here is that you are saying gordon we are not expecting much out of this meeting, this initial meeting between president biden and president xi at the moment. we'll definitely keep a close eye on it but "that's what he said" yes or no, gordon don't
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have it right? >> absolute as what i've said. arthel: gordon chang always a pleasure expect appreciate your expertise as always. eric: a big victory for ukraine taking back one of its major cities from the russians. will have a live report from the country on what is next and comes next in ukraine. es your ce so you only pay for what you need! (limu squawks) he's a natural. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here,
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kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, remember, k is for kidneys, and if you need help slowing kidney damage, ask your doctor about kerendia. eric: balance of power in the u.s. senate could be up to this race in nevada. has been head of center catherine cortez maxa only by 862 votes, let's listen. >> we can identify those that are in fact eligible to be registered and their ballot will be counted. with that i will open it up for a few questions. >> president trump posted clark county is trying to do what they
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can. [inaudible] >> we are taking the ballots in we are required to take and according to the law. there is no way we can find a ballots they are brought here by the u.s. postal service renaissance it is post- markley processes belt and put them in the account. >> to wait for the post office question or. >> absolutely. we do not want anyone to be disenfranchised but we've already made her pick up today. we went to the main set set station we did due diligence by going ahead and going to our local office down here in mlk. we will be waiting to talk to our regional contact one more time this afternoon. she should have her staff sweeping all of the stations to make sure we have identified all of those ballots. will make one more trip is on the semi- building by 5:00 p.m. we will processes ballots. 5555. [inaudible] how long will it take you. [inaudible] >> it takes longer to go through
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to the part we are doing now which is making sure they are in fact eligible to be registered. once we have that make it the secretary of state's list, but we are doing then is going through to make sure they have not voted here in say in another county from carson of course that's not me. we aren't making sure they have not voted somewhere else. the process of actually getting them into the system is an automated crop process it doesn't take long we should have this ready by wednesday evening. >> that's clark county registrar voter joe gloria describing the process of mail in ballots for today is a deadline 5:00 p.m. local time of course for the last ballots the next is not a ballots on the bag on the floor or on a shelf somewhere they want to count all of the mail and ballots for doing that, the senate race between laxalt and cortez master. every vote counts pretty hard at
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the top, the first quested president trump's claim of wrongdoing. across the country are saying there is no illegality, there is no wrongdoing or election fraud evidence of that in this election. they are doing what is required they are doing the job they're supposed to do pushing back on those false claims. >> c5 thank you jubilant residents creating ukrainian fighters and giving them flowers as they enter kherson. giving vladimir putin a major setback in his war. now the people of kherson are trying to bring life back to some sense of normalcy. greg appel caught his life in ukrainian capitol with more. >> arthel, amazing staffer.
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his utter joy there are some tough times ahead. after eight months of russian occupation russians have the first full day without moscow in charge. locals were out waving flags, hugging newly arrived ukrainian troops. singing patriotic songs. kyiv trying to stabilize things police arrived with a shortage of power, water, food, medicine and the communications. russian troops left yesterday. they used a makeshift bridge across a nearby river for the other bridges were blown up or deport say some russian soldiers remained in the area clashing with ukrainian forces. others trying to blend in. others leaving behind mines and booby traps. yes this is seen by many as a blow to russian president putin and his russian invasion. a boost to ukrainian president zelenskyy and his battered people, national certain security adviser jake sullivan called to stay in extraordinaire victory. here's some reaction we got overnight. >> the liberation and kherson
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felt across the country including right here in kyiv for the folks have come out and they are very happy. ♪ >> how do you feel. >> amazing. >> kherson? >> you are great. we feel great. because kherson is free. >> because kherson is free. in a tv address of a president zelenskyy weighed in as well pretty he said we all feel the elation together. but if some are hoping this again might lead to some talks between kyiv and a mosque out this another thing coming. zelensky ended with everyone who quote fights and works for ukrainian victory. back to you. >> survived thank you very much live in kyiv ukraine. before it no end in sight for the flood of migrants of the southern border by debbie home
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unsecured secretary he was reportedly ordered the head of customs and border patrol protection to resign. his life or as an equal passive more on the border, hey mike. >> hey eric. there may be shakeups in government bump at the migrants are unaware and they just keep coming. 2050 migrants showing up here in eagle pass, texas. you came from venezuela, cuba, nicaragua to hear where they are nabbing process for the inability to control the border impact of the midterms and now it's causing a shakeup in government. customs and border protection commissioner has been told to resign or be fired. magnus is defiance what his statement reads in parts i want to make this clear i have no plans to reside in a cbp commission approach did not take this job as a resume builder. as he is look at the prospect of being fired, the flow of migrants is uninterrupted. dramatic video as a group the current across the rio grande for congressman cuellar, democrats of the cast of the border should result in more
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than magnus being fired. >> i would like to say there are some people inside the white house staffers that again have this belief in open borders. and i think those folks need to also be reevaluated also. >> claire spoke with cavuto earlier today. he pointed out is not one of these congressmen who comes to visit the border, he lives here. so far it might think some of the southern border in texas. arthel: we honored our troops on veterans day print next, one of the brave men who served our country is honoring man's best friend for helping him overcome ptsd after returning home from my rock that story is up next.
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at ptsd as an addiction. wait until that moment it can grab you and suck you in and find a way to keep you down for this is the day we get to meet our dogs. that is probably the first time in a long time i had a really good cleanse in. and just to let my emotions show through. >> owes david crenshaw and iraq war veteran on how his service dog helped him cope with his anxiety. david was still suffering from severe ptsd 11 years after he returned from deployment. so he turned to canines for warriors and organization that provide service dogs to veterans. david crenshaw is also an army national guard and retired master sgt. mixed canine companion. first of all, he is super cute too. i'm just going to say he might be cuter than you purchased saying, i love dogs. [laughter] tell us about your pal doc. i know he is four years old.
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tell us what is he like? >> good afternoon arthel. he is great. just the way he d escalates and brings us back to earth and stay grounded so to speak. as you can see right here he is looking all over me. most people obviously right now yours ago you could never catch me on tv let alone doing an interview about my vulnerabilities for this is just a testament to these dogs for they allow us to really be ourselves. arthel: how did they introduce the two of you? was that meeting like? >> they do an amazing pairing. they start out by an application filed by telephone calls. an in person interview. they really do match the personalities between the dogs and ourselves. arthel: when did you start to realize just how much docket gets you? how he understands you? >> immediately. that very first night we meet the dogs, they sleep in our
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rooms and just acclimate to us. and immediately the first thing they want to do is jump up in the bed and love on us. you just feel that sense of security because they are there. you're not worried about what is coming through the door. i certainly wasn't worried about a nightmare is going have that night. arthel: that is wonderful. when the stock most helpful? i noticed you mentioned the nightmare he rewards that off sometimes. but when are other times he is most helpful to you? >> you know, just everyday life. being able to go and engage in life, grocery shop in to be out there with my kids doing things. it is just that little bit of a normal thing we take for granted everyday with someone who does not experience any type of mental health illness or anxieties. arthel: yes, yes i see it loving on him he's always loving on you. how else do you reciprocate doc's love for you? how do you let him know just how special he is to you?
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>> you know they get to go out and do a lot of things together. we sit here and advocate for canine for warriors. this is something i could truly tell he loves. just being able to go out and do things and interact with a lot of different people. it's not just be loving on him it's everyone loving on him. it's a reciprocation that constantly happens. this is a wonderful evolution with the dogs. we are done here be able to go out and do a run and enjoy himself and just be a dog. and then at times like right now he is loving on me sitting on me he is getting a lot of love and attention, more than normal. arthel: how heavy is he? >> is about 70 pounds right now but if you could feel him he is hot and he is having. and i'm just as you can see them started to sweat because he is putting all of his body weight and heat on me and loving me. it is just amazing. arthel: i love it. it's a great feeling i am getting through the camera this
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is an inanimate object. next to really put it out there for you, this is how big he is. >> he is just amazing. he really is. i can tell how calm and he is for you for the calling effect he has on you. i love it. >> absolutely. so if i'm happy for you and your family that doc has brought so much, a wealth of warmth and really good relaxation to you and to your family. i do hope it continues. you are awesome, i loved meeting you. >> thank you so much man. arthel: do you give him treats, and the special treat for doc? >> no, no just love it. love is all he really needs. arthel: love is all we all need. yes we do, david crenshaw and doc. thank you very much. thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. as fox news we have partnered
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with u.s. vets ferment camo your cause but you can buy some really cool camo gear and do good. i need let us have simon to go get something for myself. fox will donate 20% of the proceeds to help homeless veterans get back on their feet. but you could log onto the website it's on your screen u.s. or scan the qr code on your screen as well. we will be right back name is j, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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before veterans day was yesterday but events are taking cross place this week and to honor those who served our nation including at middle tennessee state university pre-"fox weather" is celebrating veterans past and present at the longest running event of its kind fox weathers will not late as they are all of the sites in the sounds in murfreesboro, tennessee. what's going on? >> good afternoon print had a good time showcasing veterans across the country we came across this one at middle tennessee state university. let me show you video how this all goes down it's the 40th year. the very unique across college campuses across the united states. this is the oldest such events read all the veterans and their
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families the veterans from the university themselves and from across middle tennessee are invited to walk across the halftime here at the stadium and be honored there introduced by the branch, the crowd is able to stand up and sure and recognize them. something very special is going to take place though on this field today. that is the first time ever the space force and that will be played because the composer of the space force anthem is here is a professor. was there adding this new branch into the mix them on the reason it's going to be a special moment here. we'll be talking to some the veterans will be honored here in an hour or so. instantly discussing and remembering the past service but talking about their community service as well and how they continue to develop into community leaders it's part of what's being audited here. were going to get video of that anthem being played here in about an hour or hour and a half or so ensure that with you here this afternoon. will be very unique moment as we celebrate with honor our veterans this weekend. back to you. before historic one were looking
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forward to it "fox weather" will nunley thank you. we thank and honor all of those have served, thanks will. arthel: yes we do. it was all systems go from cape canaveral earlier today. >> three, two, one and lift off and there it is space spacex launching once reusable falcon nine rocket boosters the launch was delayed from tuesday by hurricane nicole. the mission will latch to communication satellites. eric: arthel what he think the spacex anthem is like? we fight i don't know i'm sure it's going to be wonderful. it can't wait myself. the park at the jetsons playing in m my head right now so we wil see. survival back in one hour ensure with twenty-five vitamins and minerals,
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