tv Outnumbered FOX News November 14, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> well hello this is "outnumbered" and this is harris faulkner with my cohost emily compagno and joining us today is dagen mcdowell morgan ortagus and brian brenberg it's gonna be spicy. yes, president biden does how this first face-to-face meeting with china's president since she took office. the tension between the two
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countries here at home is pretty tough. there were other leaders spoke about taiwan, economic competition, and inflation according to a readout of the three hour long meeting the president did not a jumps set now coming from china. and the leaders of course, and the origins of covid was not on the list. he did use their set down to restart dialogue on climate change. and he also said that instead of pushing china to announce violence and warfare, well watch... >> i am not suggesting that this is kumbaya, everyone's going to go lay with agreement but i do not believe that there is a need for concern as one of you raise the religion my question and cold war. and i think that, i will conclude by saying it this way. , i want to be clear and be clear of all the leaders but
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particularly with xi jinping president of china. let me what i say and i say what i mean. so there is no misunderstanding. >> more again, i was safe for the columbia, can bunny at geffen for a moment because we don't know what he meant or what he said but anyway take it away. >> morgan ortagus: ella some of the positives of the negatives. i've been a part of meetings and stuff like this entry and a half hours is a long meeting so there's clearly a lot that they covered in that time. which is incredibly important because it is the first time there were face to face and eyes have been saying i thought that the president would be setting biting the way put in did before he invaded ukraine. so that's been something of the infants concerned about. so the length of the minute was good and i thought it was very good that the chinese and americans had a joint statement that reiterated both of their opposition to the threat or use of threat of nuclear weapons in ukraine. why's that important? because pollutant is not basically beholden to china, agg
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pink and pollutant has been threatening crude nuclear weapons will be back for the parent planet so the fact that he came out and say that those are two positive things that i see. but the negative coming out of it, and he said this earlier with dana it's a huge mistake to make china, to make climate change that number one priority these conversations. they're building more clearance than ever they're not gonna get their words in the beginning when you pointed out why we're not talking about fat now, the chemical freight know that go from china to mexico the number one killer of young people why not talking about the organs of poison 19? i would gonna let them get away with that they've never had an independent investigation. never allowed independent sites to come in, and to tell the world to let the true origins of covid is. we just can't let them get off scot-free? >> harris faulkner: on the covid issue i mean tyler would've been part of this. they would have been other countries who would've joined us so would have just been nice. we may have missed the date on that dull.
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we do not know because apparently we are too weak or whatever the word is to even ask for the opportunity again. it is never too late to do something great, but it might be to get things started. but the whole time he was talking, it was that we were in church and you were nodding. saying amen like the reverend is saying amen. >> brian brenberg: ahmed mays with more again, it's a great way to start it. and you were good with that. and i'm watching this thing and all i see is president g in full throttle domination motive for the stage and i'm watching our president washington that. and he is not in the position of strength. and then to have climate change be the headline issue here? their building corp. hats all over the place. they are not interesting in climate change objectives unless it is to constrain the u.s. economy. >> so let me follow up with that, because when we have seen the president capitulate and
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different energy issues, i guess you can ask sanity mansion. because he couldn't have seen the president saying what he did in recent days that were going to shut out the coal plants. so what is his plan? he's gonna make everything here not sufficient never to be buying coal from china next? just what were buying oil? >> brian brenberg: am also buying batteries from china and they put in a stronger position than we have now. the president of china must look at president biden coming to this meeting and this is somebody he knows he can outmaneuver in every important issue of the day. and there is nothing, the positive points aside, i don't think there's anything president biden did on that stage to change the game for the united states. and this is a game we will not win over the long term if we keep playing it. >> and the body language is very telling, when they came together for the picture which the state of heads always do they try to smile biting dead but using pages that they look stiff as a board.
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>> he's not confused about our relationship. >> that's right he knows that there's a cold war. >> when you go on a date with somebody and somebody looks like they're into the movie and everyone keeps getting up to get popcorn... that is basically it. he knows that we are not friends. and he treats us accordingly. >> he treats us as if we are sucking up to him, and that we are inferior to china. certainly based on joe biden's policies and his language that's how he behaves. it is not so much the eyes of the president of the united states to stand up for the surviving families of the million americans, more than a million americans who died from covid-19. it is not too much for him to say that china, we need to talk about the origins whether it is to later now it is never too late for those surviving families to hear that from the president of the united states. it is not too late for the
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families of the tendons know hundreds of thousands of young people who have died from professional poisonings here in the united states. so by then, cannot stand up for all of those families but he can't stand up in front of the world at the top of that press conference and humble brag about the democratic victory in the wet times. which is exactly what he did so instead of empathy from the sky, we get antipathy for the american people. and while my thing about art reliance on china, so climate change is the issue but climate change and biden's push towards green energy has continued to enrich china. as mike and shellenberger has written about this repeatedly spending 300 dollars and the inflation reduction act subsidizes sows of panels and wind turbines and makes term china were richer and stronger because of it. when solar and batteries require 1000% more steel, concrete grass
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all of that and china's market of material is already twice of opec's share of oil. >> harris faulkner: that's what were talking about with those batteries. i do want to get to this and then emily i will come straight to you, and we do not make light of this is just sort of the signature here's writing. >> i'm heading down first of all, going to cairo for the environmental efforts. that i'm heading over to columbia and then to cambodia. in the western hemisphere. i want to tell -- >> and i knelt harris after that the mainstream media of course said in comparison to trump this was simply a bug bite versus a mountain. so my matter what they know many of the disrespect that illuminated towards our allies were simply overshadowed by the media's obsession with the
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former president. i appreciate that you brought up the body language of biting and the president of china because you guys are seeing the wildlife videos of the cougar stocking or maybe a rabbit or hiker or something, that is what it look like. this bold loving labrador once across the stage of his head out the whole time and as a cougar sitting there because this secretary pompeo as he articulated so beautifully and so committed after we saw's comments live he said, and he talks about competing with the confrontation and competition is a really underweight. the ccp has been inside the gates for the last decade. and there are cider universities, our research systems, military installations, we need to go at it diplomatically politically momentarily militarily, economically and all of these ruins each of them and to see my opinion that for the president to say all -- no -- we've been on the same page are all about climate, there's no confrontation, just such a disservice to the ordinary americans that is by feeling the
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effects of china's domination that has been battling the effects and taxes, and in fees, and in shoddy products, the underlining of their american pride, non-american placement in our priorities. all of that is because of the ccp's have taken over. the prior administration had a great handle and priority on and now this administration does n not. >> harris faulkner: look, i know we have to go here and i would just say this... if you can't be on the world stage now, and you are a humble guy again about the fact they just won the midterm elections that were lost a few receipts and any president a few years because that's one of the things he said president biden. if you can't take that moment, if you can't grab that moment to hold him accountable on things the president of china, if you can't bring up the week is to say you're worried about them would you ever do it? is the answer never? okay after clinching the senate, democrats are not buying the unthinkable. holding the house we will get
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. while democrats have clinched the senate, the balance of power in the house are still undecided. 19 races are still uncalled but the g.o.p. only need to pick up six more seats to reach the crucial number of 218 for house majority. meanwhile he doesn't appear that nancy pelosi who turns 83 in march, will be quitting congress
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anytime soon despite mounting calls from the young democrats for a new generation of elected officials watch this... >> my decision will be rooted in my the wishes of my family. in the wishes of my caucus. but none of it will be very much considered until we see what the outcome of all of this is. >> and they're all kinds of ways to exert influence. it's just the speaker has the power but i will always have the influence. >> i will always have influence. >> harris faulkner: what is that mean? >> brian brenberg: that means that she will leave office, and that was sort of like a "star wars" as kind of statement there at the end of that. >> an ad for term limits. [laughter] >> brian brenberg: and we don't know what's gonna happen here, this is nuts to me what cases? monday we had our election last tuesday and it's only monday how
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can the respective result at this point because it's crazy to me that we don't know this. because it is a huge problem we can do this in this country and states can count the votes. but the other pieces that is all the leadership questions are up in the air right now. and i think on the republican side, they ought to be. because this was a terrible midterm election. and i don't know why you would walk out of that and say everybody who was in charge for that peace should remain in charge for the next piece. >> morgan i'm so grateful you said this because you came in and over 50 candidates this cycle give us your thoughts. >> morgan ortagus: i love you brian i could not disagree you more. but let me say why i went around the country campaigning and this was the election that really started in 2020 will be gained 14 houses. kevin mccarthy is taking up the tough task of if we took off just the chump seats we would take the majority. so we had to be competitive and bidens districts in districts where he won before points or and kevin mccarthy raised
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$500 million for these candidates. kevin mccarthy route excluded the most diverse cast of republican candidates that we've had, we just on the last horror as we are watching your show you how john james on right? black american republican an amazing resume and we think about all the hispanic women who have gotten in and here's reality to have the confidence vote that happens in private you have to get 50% of that he had to get at least 50% to be able to be considered for the speaker. there is no one other than kevin mccarthy they can get 50% in the five ex-shell. the dissemination be in a debate and argument, absolutely everybody should have that but the reality is, he's worked his tail off since 2,009 for the majority and there's a lot of people... >> harris faulkner: in respect of what's around the way. >> they don't get out and campaign then register votes and blood kevin mccarthy does that. >> well, they followed him closely from the political
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report and he tweeted -- it was about 20 hours ago last night between arizona 18 arizona six in california 41, the drains of holding the house majority died tonight. it's a anybody who cares about the fiscal health of this nation, and the health of our economy will praise the day that for the moment that the republicans fully take control of the house and they control the power of the purse. and if you want to stop the spending, you would want a divided house and senate and senator of course and control by the democrats. but just to talk about the financial and economic damage that was done by biden and company controlling that house and senate and the white house, and $5 trillion in new bar what entering what is called potentially a doomed loop where the government is borrowing to pay interest generates more interest and yet more borrowing. our general gross on the
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national debt is over $1 trillion a year already. and in terms of additional spending, there is roughly according to barry $600 billion in all the covert relief that is still unspent. so if you have money that is still fueling inflation while the federal reserve is causing a recession on the other side so you do not want and need more spending out of this. >> harris faulkner: but the president is extended the emergency of covid how house or another but a beast sitting out there for so that the emergency of covid onto the spring? >> you have a lot of infrastructure money that hasn't been spent -- >> harris faulkner: eight but he said that this is an actual emergency for the eight hours ago what that is just here power and you can use executive action based on that edict d as god knows what in the next two years but fear interest control and
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control equals power and power is the reason that these records get into these kind the first place. >> and allocation is better than spend spend a check in. harris, because they are so is an 11:00 a.m. hour, what do you think is going to be gained by the g.o.p. if the biden agenda isn't good deed stalled. blessed the republicans keep the house if it still america of the democratic started to say that they might retain it what would be the benefit of the g.o.p. could they read to vacation as we saw these midterms terms with the different viewpoints of bad the shellac you was and what that actually bode well for us? >> two things for me and you hit the hill on the net because it still important to hear the argument of the polity. to be what i don't think these things need to be in pub publicly by the way. i think you can't talk to the public because congressman elect john james told me last hour. >> harris faulkner: people want to know what you gonna do for them. so the other part, the only way i would ask your question is
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that republicans need to immediately start putting up legislation that they pass and put it up against the president. put it up against the senate and let's see what we can get in terms of moving the nation forward as both parties work together to do that. i do think that kevin mccarthy has the best opportunity to work with the other side if he chooses to insert issues. and i will run into the senate and all eyes will be on georgia. i really think that's important. i think even those house members who put some of their weight behind helping out and getting the word for walker. and that tennessee told us last week that he's part of team harsh on the senate side. herschel walker. it doesn't sound too far-fetched and do a little something like that on the house i. make sure you get the 50/50 adult 50 i suffer a 51-foot in a break in the house and the senate. i see use nodding. >> he will raise following --
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>> you need votes now. >> if that's a 50/50 power-sharing agreement which is not what we wanted >> but it's better than 5149. >> and it's interesting to that that shift in the last two years the input on their in cinema was so great that it cost such a race within their party so for dynamic changes. >> and the president killed his state revenue potential say no broken or shut down cold. you know that's what he got on board with the inflation inflatn reduction at. >> that's right we could tell what this forever. coming up, mexico is using video on homeless and open-air drug users in philadelphia in their new antidrug addict more on that next.
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new antidrug ad released by the mexican government. it features video of the king thinking section of philadelphia. while the spots never identify the city of the neighborhood, this change shows homeless people as well as drug users laid out on the ground. as part of a national ad campaign to scare kids in mexico away from drugs. they gain the irony cannot be overstated. >> dagen mcdowell: fenwick use remains relatively low in mexico but is number one cause of death which were talking about earlier among young americans. but i watch this video, and i think about the epidemic in this country of serious mental illness that we all continue to ignore. every elected official because these people... these are people who are not just addicted to drugs, the vast majority of them are already are seriously mentally held. in the number of hospital beds for the mentally ill since 1965,
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has dropped 97%. and until we ignore this profound epidemic among all americans and do something about treating the seriously mentally ill we always talk talk about hate speech or hate crimes or random acts of violence, and homelessness. but the root of it is mental illness. >> it's of the mayor comes out their candy, and he says so it's hard to see our people portrayed in a limited a negative way. and he said no person should be defined by this crisis but we need more for example an acknowledgment that the reason that there is a search and that his city has over 1200 deaths. because affected all poisonings is because of the totally open southern border. eventually this man is an advocate for open injection sites. so he's not doing anything to quash the absolute epidemic. >> brian brenberg: yeah i read that in the article open injection site and we don't want to limit betrayal of our city.
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this is your city. this is it is not a limited portrayal this is happening there. what are we doing about it? i just want to say that they hear makes the key point on this without inability to get our hands around mental illness. i don't know what kind of political correctness of the proprieties or whatever have got in the way of thinking clearheaded about the root of the problem here. but mayors like this, they also refused to think clearheaded about the source of this at the border and the drugs pouring over, and if they wanted to fight about who his blessing migrates of where wait a second what is actually happening tool allow people and drugs across. >> here is a such a myopic view for the mayor to say that we don't want to betray them negatively, did a great interview with kellyanne conway who reminded the american people again that the prior administration is the only administration to actually under his watch lowered the federal poisonings, lower the overdoses and acknowledge and identify the epidemic and do something about
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it so these democratic mayors that exist on ignoring the poor southern border, and the impact on the effect that china mexico house and their communities in this democratic party it just does the american's to surface and answer the problem. >> harris faulkner: and "snl" in the head, the previous emaciation was listening to these families. all of my time and give it to dagen mcdowell not only do i adore her but when you said that about mental illness. i made a hit is all in the heart. >> dagen mcdowell: people don't know if it's in your family had a treatment of illness but until recently, all of these people, and a lot of the transit crimes here in new york city have been because of people who were been violently mentally ill. but were treating prisons as hospitals. and we need the ability for long-term hospitalization. for people to be put in and treated in a lot of these
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individuals i will be called dual diagnosis there are seriously mentally ill or drug and alcohol addicted and they line up in the street because even legally the families have no recourse. they do not know how -- there's no way for that to get help. and so, instead the left leg solution is all we need open injection sites. rather than creating psychiatric beds. >> i saved you from us because of the 10,000 bird eye view that i would again feel because if you're a heavy campaigning recently all over the country, and you're working with the prior administration what is your top my thoughts on this? >> while i think will really listen to what they can was saying about the letter half but the problem is whether it's a crime in the city of what is the border. democrats make the mistake of claiming that they want to be more humane and that they are policies that we help are still in the last administrations that are inhumane. but i have to say that women getting taken advantage of internet traffic at the barber
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is inhumane. and i think people are shooting up a vet now is to be in the cold without food or proper mental health care or physical health care that is inhumane. so i think these democratic mayors in this administration we look at the border, i think they come from a place of compassion but what happens with the policies is that they end up having to be some of the most inhumane because they're effectively ignoring the problem. and that is why people get traffic at the border and why people end up on the streets. >> the bottom line is mexico is using ads from our american cities and destruction and devastation in iraq and cities for the antidrug campaign. it makes this administration and laughingstock more than he already is. coming up, student loan they live buffed. president biden depth relief plan done a blow and no longer accepting applications more on that. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i do love the song but this is not a rumor this is fact. president biden student loan bailout plan is unlocks life support. the department of education is no longer accepting applications for student depth relief program after toxic junk on thursday night block the program from going forward. the program announced in late august would give $10,000 a relief to borrowers who make under a hundred and $25,000 a year and 25 to relieve borrowers who meet the same salary standards. and also received pell grants for college. which are federal grants old grants awarded to lower income families. the banning administration has appealed the ruling. this is one of the ways that were going to get the youth vote. right? senator bernie sanders had trouble with the youth vote but
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now? >> i think it was because he got to get unattended till after the election. and so he knows his numbers bend anybody, will we were 31 trillion in debt this would be the bidens student loan bailout would be 400 billion and that adds $1200 to every single one of us watching, and every american into what our share of the debt is. and so what is out on that matter? it doesn't even get to the root of the problem with this cost of going to college in general. i had to pay my own way going to college i was student, which is at the applebee's, i work at the make up connor does problem the most fun job actually. i love doing that but when i looked out to save for my daughter and i look at this program's website and to safe monthly is not in a cover the cost of college by the time she goes. so the answer is not to add to inflation into the data into all the spending that we had let's go back and deal at the problem real quick.e cost of college
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and it can't this car came out that friday, and a lot of people didn't know what it was too late already that the cbo had said that it put an unpredictable amount of unpredictability about inflation. into the mix. having the student loan debt situation hanging out there for the president. that it was going to make inflation worse but it was unpredictable to note just by how much was going to be there. >> right, so joe biden and company are continuing to fuel inflation why the federal reserve is trying to find it so you are creating this cascading negative affect... so this has been stated that elimination of stop accepting applications but 20 million students have already submitted their income, and their information for this effort. but what is fueling inflation there still a moratorium in place on making student loan
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payments. it was extended not just in april but in august. joe biden extended this student loan payments when inflation was already an 8.5%. so that is a handout to the rich. and by the way, just as texas ruling, is not the only there's another chink in the armor. there's another additional ruling from another court that is expected in current day. so this might just be dead in the water. >> interesting do you think you admitted to to the broken promise? oh, god no. we'll be right back.
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>> leadership out of doing a lot washington as they hit the nation capital today for the first time since election day. so who was him charge? a lot of updates from there in moments plus texas preparing to set its first buzz of migrants to philadelphia. tom homan reacts and is one top republican claims the party is dead and it is time to build something new there was a general flow to stereo what really happened on election day. charlie hurt is here, come join john roberts and may lie the of the hour.
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>> a white sign language interpreter is suing the lion king on broadway. he claims that he was fired because of his skin color. kiké warren says that he was one of at least two people forced out by the theatre development fund which stabs broadway shows with sign language interpreters. the group decided that it is inappropriate to have white interpreters represent black characters. an email obtained by "the new york post" reads "the majority of the characters of the lion king are black actors in the context takes place in africa. keith won't do doing amazing asl performer is not a black person and therefore should not be representing the king" heat keith long has been working in new york for over than a decade and this is what he told fox news. >> it is wrong. i think the decision that they send in the the email, was wrong and if you entered a different color, in a different race, it is wrong. you are not allowed to fire somebody because of that reason. >> emily this is heartbreaking we're never gonna come together racially and culturally in this
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country if we decide that only black people can speak for black people. and that is insane. >> it's also discriminatory on its face, illegal, unconstitutional, shameful and this is the joe for me additional to everything that it just said. the director of the accessibility program put this in writing and said with great embarrassment and apologies i'm asking you both to please back out and i don't see in a way out of this it seems that the best solution. and inside of the social cloud social climate this is at the side of the directive. why it that in this wool client that people in hypo confocal profiles that broadway think they can just delegate to some regular employee to deliver this news. where is hr? where is the attorney? if they say that we want to make sure that we are compliant with the conversion and completion programs there with the constitution and the state of new york to show how that should phrase this? please advise is like all these people are going to broker
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listening to twitter i guess we have to fire everyone. the whole thing is so laughable i'm glad that he didn't respond because his attorney and final point, you know it as he's done in terms of interpreting for many different characters on broadway? he's also in jeopardy for donkey instruction on putting it out there, what kind of interpreter do you need to have to make sure that is equitable for an animal? >> harris faulkner: look at you she is gifted with the closing argument. cannot have one on rebuttal rebuttal? i do have a question though and it has to do on what recourse this employee has at this point. >> getting his job back and also interned laws he can get additional quantities in that company could be fined heavily for being infractions with the constitutional law here in the ststate of new york and also federally. so they are facing a whole host of fine and penalties in an addition for him being whole again and being reinstated with a couple extra bucks. >> so brian is a person of color obviously, when my
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biracial children speak for mom? when my white husband does him good with it. is that the same or different that what we're looking at here? >> brian brenberg: i have no idea what were looking at here because i'm reading the story and i'm talking about the story with my wife and i say here's was going on in broadway and i'm telling her this in my center sitting in the room and he kind of pops up and says but they're all animals the characters are animals. >> where is that part. >> i mean we love going to handle it that hamilton was on top of awesome show and i'm thinking how this a principal that they are playing here apply to hamilton? >> i didn't even think of that. >> i don't think anything should change with them a ten. it's a great show like george washington was a white guy. >> cast by diverse actors, to your point there was a color blindness during that. >> what about budgeting? >> but here's the thing, but hamilton is a great show and the people who play the characters are great, this guy who did the same language for this group
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show was great and everyone acknowledged it why in the world does he have to be fired because of the color of her skin doesn't match somebody's in conceived notion of what has to be for the show it's crazy. >> when we go to south africa and south africa is beautiful by the way to go there beaches of cape town it's amazing. yes alexa mission point people of all races are there, this is a country that was torn apart by apartheid and had a horrible history of that. but african americans are white and black. and when they come from africa. i don't know just the point oregon? >> morgan ortagus: when i look at this berkeley case i think that there is no no doubt that on broadway and into nativity in broadway that black and brown people were excluded from leading roles in starring roles. there is a time that being a woman on television was breaking through the glass. so my question is that there is no doubt that there are things that we are wrong in our history
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but this action correct those past wrongs? i think that is what we try to get to because there is no doubt that many black people were brought here to this country because of slavery. and they were brought here are their own choice, so the big question that we had to get there as a society is how do we correct past wrongs and by punishing this position for not being the correct race esteem by the director is that correct to pass wrong i don't think so. >> . >> highly great past wrongs without creating new ones? >> i wasn't ignoring was looking up something. >> the theater league has always been and had light on misplaced concern. and they've always focus on small things. there is a role in the tradition going back for more than half a century on broadway that was given to the ensemble members with the most broadway credits. used to be called the just he wrote. and then the edith came down from on high that you need to re-meme because that is
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insulting. to call it the gypsy road. so now is called the legacy road. but i wanted to point out that to this gentleman i know a little bit of sign language. and i think of as a focus on actually in the hearing impaired this is what they're worried about but he was making potentially a thousand dollars for one performance. so i know a little bit of sign, maybe this new career for me. i thousand dollars a performance. >> harris faulkner: just ahead, the story behind this viral picture of this coal miner and his son and how i got them a special invite from the university of kentucky. ♪ ♪
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>> last but not least, you might remember this image. viral photo of a coal miner covered in dust with his young son at a university of kentucky basketball scrimmage last month. the head coach tweeted to his over 1 million followers my family's american dream started in a west virginia coal mine, this picture hit home. after his shift he raced to be with his son and watch our team. don't know who this is, but i have tickets for him and his family to be treated as vips and that family in good old internet fashion was located and honored at friday night's came, and a shout out to the person who shared the photo as well. such a great moment and the dad was honored in the middle of the court the y, so he got all the love, all the feels, as the coach said, for him being a dad who shows up and he's there.
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>> i think that's really sweet. i love thshgs such a beautiful father -- it was a son, right, and also shout out to all the moms who never get recognized done this stuff every day. >> i look at this man and devotion to family and think joe biden and hillary clinton want to put them out of work. >> beautiful to see a moment like this celebrated and reminder that these are the moments that americans love that we love, we do love normal dads that show up without recognition. >> connective tissue for everyone, including the university president said, our connective tissue is making things run, built things in america, served the country in the military and no administration, how much they try, perhaps, can tear us apart.
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>> the coach, a beloved figure for him to seek out as well, obviously a nod to his personal experience with it, but that's partly why the programs are so beloved and communities rally around them and so important to them. >> i love this. being a dad is one of life's great callings and i'm happy every time somebody gets a shout out for being a great dad. >> all right. a big congratulations to our very own harris falkner, whose book "faith still moves mountains" goes on sale tomorrow. you can still preorder a copy at fox. >> emily and i was out on friday getting ready for the primetime special "faith moves mountains" and you pumped the special and said such loving words about all of everything with the book and i want to say how grateful i am and part of my own testimony now through writing this book is the love and support of all the people i meet, the people i work with, who said to me, harris, we
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need a positive message, deliver. and i think i have. people are excited about it. i'm so excited about tomorrow, but last night was special, too, and that's up on fox nation, it's a special all about the book and tomorrow we'll be together and i'm so grateful to have you in my life and you in my life, so thank you. >> we cannot wait to read the book, see the special and the fellowship is real, harris. thank you to everyone, now here is "america reports." >> john: emily, thank you so much. fox news alert, newly elected members of congress arriving on capitol hill the first time since winning their races in the midterms. >> sandra: still unclear which party will actually have the majority when several races are still up for grabs. how is it going to play out? our all-star line-up will break it down for you. >> university police encountered several victims of gunshot wounds.
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