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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 15, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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it's because that guy's president. >> jesse: even if this was a mistake by the russians which probably was. we don't know. he has to come on say we are gathering the intelligence, addressing the intelligence we will report back as soon as we get more information. thank you very much. he couldn't do that. he couldn't execute the duties of the commander in chief. kellyanne, we've got to run. tucker carlson is next. ♪ ♪ >> good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." i am will cain in for tucker. tonight unfortunately the world continues to flirt with world war iii. this morning according to the associated press sighting of senior u.s. intelligence official it is said that russian missiles "crossed into nato member poland, killing two
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people." >> the pentagon says they are tracking these reports, though not confirming anything right out of the gates. being very clear and saying that the united states stands by article five which is an attack on one nato country is an attack on all and that's the concern here. if these were russian missiles, all we know right now as the years were missiles or rockets that landed in this farm that is along the border of poland and ukraine and polish, killing two. if those were russians, then that is the concern here, that the ukraine war could extrapolate and become something bigger. >> will: extrapolated to something bigger. that wouldn't be the first time that a butterfly flapped its wings in eastern europe. i give you the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand for world war i bus and then the global war blew through america so that's not extrapolate into a nuclear conflict this time without asking hard questions
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and asking for sober leadership. you heard in that report the mention of article five. that's a self-defense provision in the nato charter. if invoked, it means world war against russia. there is no doubt about it. within minutes of that apparent strike in poland, the government of estonia, a nato ally, made it clear that world war might result. "estonia is ready to defend every inch of nato territory. "is america? there are reports an incident of article five, poland will look to invoke article four and that would give them the power to ask nato to come together for more support for ukraine. more money perhaps, air and antiair power over ukraine. in fact the white house today asked congress for another $37 million and of course they'll get that for ukraine. in other words, whoever was responsible for the missile strike in poland, they're about to get even richer.
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defense contractors. look, we don't know what happened yet in poland. we don't know where those missiles came from. we don't know what was the intended target. we don't know if it was a mistake. russia denies launching the attack. the pentagon hasn't confirmed it even happened. ukraine's president zelenskyy of course has blamed russia. but we should know the answers to these questions before we zombie walk into war. these questions can't just be brushed away with putin apologists or conspiracy theorists, the same way that was done with covid origins, vaccine efficacy, lockdown efficacy, mask efficacy, or asking for details and facts around the attack of pablo c. more on that in a moment. sadly it's clear that our leadership in washington is in no shape to handle any of this. joe biden had to skip dinner with the world leaders at the
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g20 summit last night in bali, retreating back to his hotel room for undisclosed reasons. he was just on television before we broadcast looking confused in front of television cameras tonight. it's probably all better because if you are awake or lucid, he might verbally stumble us into hiroshima. words are power. speaking of the power of words, like famous basketball dad lavar ball speaking it into existence. fentanyl flows across and kills thousands of americans. >> i have heard you and the judiciary committee recently in the summer and testify that the border is secure. secretary mal mayorkas, do you maintain that the border is secure? >> yes, and we are working day in and day out.
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>> undefeated, never lost. more than 230,000 people cross the border last month compared to 60,000 in october 2019. this is what's actually happening at the border courtesy of fox's bill melugin. >> this video from earlier. this is drone video, showing a single massive group of several hundred migrants crossing illegally into normandy texas, a tiny town on the northern outskirts of eagle pass and as you look at this you'll see just a single file line of migrants wading across the rio grande rio grande and entering texas. there's no resistance on either side of the border whatsoever and once these migrants get to the u.s. side, they simply crawl under a fence that was put up by the state of texas, and they walk into an area where they wait to be processed by border patrol and they are just -- a couple hours after that formal video we had another group of migrants crossing into the
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eagle pass area at a private pecan orchard. border patrol source telling fox news here in this del rio sector, just since october 1, there've already been nearly 50,000 illegal crossings. >> will: totally unimpeded. house republicans -- how should republicans respond when the federal government led by joe biden refuses to act? today it appears one republican actually did something about it. or did he? texas governor greg abbott seemed to declare an invasion is in progress at the southern border. under the constitution of the united states and the constitution of texas, that move would authorize texas to independently crush the surge of illegal immigrants without needing any approval from the federal government. specifically greg abbott's decision to invoke the invasion class would allow texas to deploy the national guard and texas dps to remove illegal immigrants.
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but in his press release today texas governor greg abbott said he would remove illegal immigrants to the border. wait. to the border. ken cuccinelli, former attorney general of virginia at a big leader in the push for states to declare innovation points out to the border is not deportation. it wouldn't stem the tide of illegal immigrants. and it doesn't invoke the full constitutional power of declaring an invasion. so is not just a press release? another example of words? or is this potentially leadership? republicans now have the house. at any moment tonight it could be called the republicans now have a majority in the house and then the question becomes might they be able to lead in actually solving the border crisis or may be returning our elections to pre-pandemic election laws or maybe even being the sorely lacking sober leadership we need
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before we extrapolate ourselves into world war iii. for too long now, we've been gaslight, shouted down, censored, our questions have been called conspiracies. while the english language is tortured to the point where you can no longer explain what is a woman or her why we are going to war. we need leaders, honest leaders of any party at any level of government to answer, to act, and to remember that they work for us. candace owens is the host of the candace owens broadcast and she joins us. great to have you on the program. as i mentioned, the house could be called for republicans. what do you think is a realistic expectation of anyone watching for potentially republican leadership in the house? >> you know, i think i probably feel like a lot of the american people do right now i've become quite cynical in terms of leadership, left and right. seems nobody wants anything to change.
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people are looking for moments to pretend they want something to change and then they're not doing anything to invoke those words. it makes you wonder why. why are we being told that the very same moment that we do have in fact a border, an invasion happening at our border in the south we should instead care about what's having on ukrainian borders and then as you correctly mentioned being gaslight and told how jerry even asked the question, what's wrong with you, why don't you care about ukrainians before you care about americans? here's the truth, i am in the belief we should be an america first nation. we should be concerned about america first. there's no reason to make people think they are conspiracy theorists. international libe liberalism. we got deluded into believing that what matters most is the care about our influence. that we don't care at all about the many issues that are happening, chief among them being the fentanyl crisis which you mention.
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it's hard to imagine that even our politicians care about the fentanyl crisis when they are giving so much money and funding to the fda, cdc, all of these people working in cahoots with politicians to lock down american lives and supply the market with more drugs whether that be vaccines, opioid crisis, nobody's ever held accountable. i hate to say this but i am feeling quite cynical and thinking there's ever going to be any change. we don't have political leaders willing to tell the truth for fear of being called, i don't know, an election denier, anti-vaxxer. all of these words used to smear us in libelous when we are for truth. >> will: why is that? why do we not even have a politician, will democrats or even republicans when it comes to potential war, make the case for us for how this does serve america first. >> i think the reason is they
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are fearful, as i mentioned, like they are being called na names. i don't want to be called an election denier. or the second answer is they are bought and paid for. people accepting money from lobbyists and they say i will go along with this narrative. it brings you to the question of whether or not lobbying should be even legal here. it's not legal in the united kingdom. i have that discussion and i think the american people feel that when they talk about rhinos, republican in name only but obviously have allegiances to many other things, not being the america first and they gaslight their own people and talk trash when we say we don't want to be involved in the ukrainian war. you just told us we were getting out of afghanistan which by the way people should be held accountable. talk about what the house can do, bring impeachment hearings. if donald trump had gotten out of afghanistan the way joe biden did you would bet he would be facing an impeachment for probably the third time. >> will: no doubt about it. you point out we will do this, if the republicans take control
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of the house, a long list priorities. see if they do find accountability when it comes to afghanistan or hunter biden's laptop scandal could indict corruption of the highest levels of the american government or as we will talk about later, the scandal with ftx. what do you want to see as a priority from the house of representatives? >> any of them. anybody held accountable. not just paper pushing, not congressional hearings, not people saying look, we are asking tough questions. we don't want tough questions. we want tough answers. >> will: candace owens, always great. first time we've spoken together but great to hear from you and glad you're on the show tonight. >> thank you so much. >> will: ftx, more in a moment. earlier in the show i mention paul pelosi. tonight there's more confusion about what happened inside nancy pelosi's house on october 28. if you remember that's when a
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nudist named david depape attacked paul pelosi with a hammer. according to an indictment, police officers opened the door to nancy pelosi's home. this is fascinating because it's in direct contradiction to the filings by san francisco district attorney and local law enforcement to say that no, in fact paul pelosi opened the door. an nbc news affiliate in the bay area just reported that according to law enforcement sources who saw body cam footage, the d.a. is right. the doj is wrong. paul pelosi opened the door. why is this important? asking for details or facts on the comes of this story have been dismissed as is a conspiracy, as an entire narrative that david depape was insurrectionist and a maga republican was built. no questions that could get in the way that narrative. for example, this isn't the
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first time that nbc news contradicted the doj's narrative. earlier this month nbc ran this report which stated that paul pelosi didn't think he was in danger when david depape was in his home. >> sources familiar with what unfolded in the pelosi residence and revealing what officers responded to the high-priority call, they were seemingly unaware they've been called to the home of the speaker of the house. after a knock, the front door was opened by mr. pelosi. the 82-year-old did not immediately declare an emergency or try to leave his home but instead began walking several feet back into the foyer toward the assailant and away from police. why pelosi didn't try to flee or tell responding officers he was in distress is unclear. >> we still don't know exactly what unfolded between mr. pelosi and the suspect for the 30 minutes they were alone inside the house before police arrived. >> will: that report by
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nbc news, that seems to at least be in part supported by the new investigative report from an nbc affiliate in the bay area was totally scrubbed from his website. they also suspended that reporter, miguel almaguer. he has not been heard from. no tweets, no appearances on television, for almost two weeks. nbc claims that miguel almaguer violated their standards. what standards were those? no nbc reporters were ever suspended for the lies that they told in helping the democratic party. watch. >> right-wing media has been focused on hunter biden, the laptop, that intelligence officials have warned is likely russian disinformation. >> the story is preposterous. we are supposed to believe that hunter biden in a drunken stupor dropped off his laptop i guess apparently qanon repair offices. it is so obvious a russian operation.
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>> it looks like russian intelligence. it walks like russian intelligence. talks like russian intelligence. this effort by rudy giuliani of "the new york post" and steve bannon to cook up supposed to dirt on joe biden looks like a classic russian playbook disinformation campaign. >> will: all of those lies, all of that misinformation was apparently up to nbc standards. this report that we now know, or suggest is true, below nbc standards. buck sexton, host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. also a former cia officer. let me make sense of this. >> i think it's pretty straightforward. this is yet again the american people being shown what the rules of so-called journalism. liars get pulitzers and truth tellers get fired or in this case suspended, because it's all about activism. it's all about support of the partisan narrative in the moment. as a former intelligence officer, watching those clips of
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people saying that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation, there's not much left in the intel community these days in terms of reputation to protect they were certainly trying to destroy and they did a good job of it. we see this time and time again where even if eventually the truth comes out, there's no punishment. we didn't even get into russia collusion for example where the entire democrat aligned corporate media spent four years, they still say it's kind of true in some ways. you asked them how they don't really ever explain it. but they understand these are actually the rules. this is what we are dealing with. this is not a bug. this is a feature. this is the desire of the democrats to use the biggest media outlets they possibly can to tell the most important lies, the biggest lies, or even just suppress the truth in moments of peril for their power. we saw it with the hunter biden laptop and with the nancy pelosi story, i would point out, the paul pelosi story. the security situation alone is worthy of a serious
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investigation. how was this guy able to attack nancy pelosi's husband? the police response. this should be something journalists want to know right away but they are trying to slow walk it because they know there was a story to tell of the time to help democrats in the election and that's all that mattered. >> will: there was a story to tell. are you referencing the entire narrative, this ornate narrative built upon a foundation and david depape was a maga republican so therefore this is connected to january 6. that was the narrative filled with very few facts to support it on anything that we understand that if you ask for facts, facts that are coming forward, to try to clarify what is the story, you are guilty of conspiracy. no need to make an affirmative case, right. typically questioning the facts makes you guilty of a conspiracy. >> what you have seen here is they will actually weaponize the most basic principles of fact-finding and what is supposedly journalism against
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people. you asked the question. we just saw the horrific tragedy of uvalde, texas. police were lying. the reports were entirely false, and there was a reason for it. people trying to cover-up for for their entirely inadequate and honestly awful response. so you want to say why can't we know the truth? if it is so straightforward, such an obvious story, why are there to law enforcement agencies that have different facts? that's just a reality. they can say it's qanon or conspiracy or lunacy but how about just the truth? we all know they didn't want that before the election and they're not going to wanted on this issue for a long time. >> will: somebody's going to need to get the body cam finish. getting them on the same page because there facts are getting in the way of the previously constructed narrative. thanks for being with me. we told you joe biden is currently at the summit of world leaders, the g20.
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there are other powerful individuals there too. people like bill gates and call schwab
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♪ ♪ >> will: the g20 is, that is supposedly a gathering of world leaders but there are a lot of people who aren't world leaders
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in the attendance. that would include self-appointed leaders like microsoft founder bill gates. also klaus schwab. the founder and an of the world economic forum and during covid schwab saw a big opportunity. he wrote "there is a brief opportunity for global leaders to cooperate to achieve a great reset." to a more resilient cohesive equitable and prosperous world. klaus schwab, i didn't really do the accent but klaus schwab still has not given up on that goal. yesterday of the g20 in bali, schwab again called for a new world order. >> what we have to confront is a deep, systemic, and structural restructuring of our world. this take some time.
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the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process. politically, driving forces, political transformation, of course is the transition into multicultural world which has a tendency to make our world much more fragmented. >> will: it's been said but i can't get it out of my mind and neither can you. that is the embodiment of a bond villain. nobody voted for this guy so why is he lecturing world leaders about his plan to transform the world? to have a solid lead bugs, leaving many, many houses, oh or nothing and be happy. why was his organization promoting ftx, the cryptocurrency exchange?
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completely today engulfed in controversy. we like to answer those questions. would like the answers to those questions but of course we will never get them. "new york times" had a softball article on ftx, "the new york times" failed to mention fraud of any kind. instead they describe the ftx founder as a selfless individual who made a few mistakes. the article doesn't mentioned spf as he is known, massive donations to the democratic party either but some reporters looking into this whole thing and one of them joins us now. charlie gasparino who has new information on sec chairman's meeting with spf. charlie is a senior correspondent with fox business. he's with us tonight. charlie, what is your new reporting on this reporting with
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sbf. >> the blanket approval of the sec. it would've been a big business venture. he's going to do it with another trader on wall street. i don't want to say that the sec was poised to approve it but they got pretty far. they were going pretty fast, hard on this thing. they were having multiple meetings with the sec even after the initial meeting in march. so i think one of the interesting things here and i guess the book on this guy, how did he hoodwink so many people? i'm talking to him all the time. he blew a blue streak of you know what constantly. he virtue signaled better than anybody else. giving to charity. giving to the democratic party. he hoodwink journalists that he was great investor when it was so odd that he was still, still
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giving money, expanding his empire even as crypto started to correct or massively corrected. i kick myself in the rear and not looking at that because that was a towel. how does he give money to all these outfits with the whole crypto industry is getting crushed. mercy getting the money from. did he take it from investors? did he take down money and miss appropriate in ventures? he could be the next bernie madoff. he could just be a dumb kid. he's 30 years old. one thing that i'm sure he is, he's not what he said he was. we did not question this enough. think about the contributions. he gave to democrats. often give to democrats around committees that had sort of regulatory oversight on crypto. it wasn't sort of altruistic, so to speak.
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he opened a lot of doors with those donations. i can't imagine that his phone call to gary gensler, head of the sec, i can't imagine that wasn't the back of gary gensler's mind, knowing he gave so much money. even his boss, joe biden. >> will: i don't know if it's criminal. it certainly seems criminal to take money from people's crypto wallets and appro appropriated r own ins. one thing it was, as he lives in a brothel in the bahamas i believe essentially having fun with his friends while running this crypto exchange, it shows the power of the fraud of virtue signaling. he duped a lot of people who are probably willing to be duped. not talking about the consumer end. those people are the victims. these politicians and venture capitalists were either willing or absolute rooms and getting duped. >> it's amazing. in their defense apparently he
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did show the books to people. he did show the books. it was what was in those books that's going to be questionable. we will know little bit more in the weeks or days to come. it's unfolding rapidly. >> will: yeah. it promises to possibly domino across the economy so i need to pay attention. charlie gasparino, thank you. a mom of unhinged trans activists descended on an event for women to speak about gender ideology. the biological women are threatened and harassed. one of them joins us next to explain exactly what happened. also where monitoring the former presidents event underway at mar-a-lago later this hour. we'll bring you any news on that event as we get it
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hi, i'm darlene and i lost 40 pounds with golo in just eight months. golo has really taught me how to eat better and feel better. as long as you eat the right food groups in the right amounts, that's all it is. it's so simple and it works. golo was the smartest thing i ever did. >> will:
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alexandria ocasio-cortez continues to tackle the issues that matter most her constituents. drama involving aoc, ticketmaster, taylor swift. we are going to turn to trace gallagher. trace, what's going on? >> long before taylor swift tickets went on sale today a growing list of democrats have been calling live nation-ticketmaster monopoly that is to be broken up. the irony is that the merger was approved by the obama doj in 2010 and it was applauded by some of music's biggest stars like eddie van halen and the members of the band journey. since then the stories attacking the merger have mostly been relegated to rolling stone, hollywood reporter, technology websites until a few hours ago when taylor swift tickets went on sale and every media and social media outlet quickly realized the ticketmaster system could not handle demand. proceeded to have an epic fail. the fans were outraged and as you mention, so was
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representative of alexandria ocasio-cortez who tweeted "daily reminder that ticketmaster is a monopoly. it's merger with live nation should never have been approved and they need to be reined in. break them up" with other democrats jumped on board and so far we really can't find anyone defending or disputing today's ticket fiasco. we haven't seen gridlock and confusion like this since arizona, nevada, california started counting ballots. the bottom line, live nation-ticketmaster is the element of every arena. live nation owns several hundred venues and manages music star so it has to power to demand that venues that want to host concerts use ticketmaster exclusively. those who were hoping to buy tickets, we are told you can dragon tomorrow as long as you have a credit card, mother's maiden name, and can prove you're not a robot. we'll have more on this on "fox news @ night." >> will: let's see if aoc can
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fix live nation before our election system can return results. which comes first? find out tonight trace gallagher every weekday at midnight eastern hosting "fox news @ night." thank you, trace. the new tour called let women speak is intended to give women an opportunity to speak about gender ideology. yesterday the event arrived in new york city near city hall in manhattan. quickly trans activists descended on the event and began threatening the attendees. >> [bleep] [bleep] i will. do not discriminate. i will [bleep] you up. more real than you will ever be. no man wants to. no man wants you. >> will: i love to ask the
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producers of the show why one individual's chest was blurred and the others was not that i can't figure out the distinction factor. the police in this incident say nine people were arrested at the event. a pro-female activist among the attendees who was threatened in the video that you saw. she was on the other side of the threats and she joins us. thank you for being with us. what to do it for like in the moment? what was the energy around that event? >> >> danger. that was the energy around the event. it was very high energy. it was not good. i don't think i expected it to be that bad. obviously we were. women were assaulted. police were assaulted. i can't believe how much abuse they put up with. it's upsetting to see the spin of the newspaper that it was
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either an equal fight or that the police were being brutal against people because that was not the case at all. >> will: tell me what your organization is, i assume on the other side of this incident, peacefully protesting. what were you hoping to highlight? >> i came out to join the let women speak tour the last couple weeks because i wanted to exercise my right to free speech with other women. we came out to be peaceful and talk about the harms of trans ideology. we are all across the board politically. all ages, all abilities, education, everything, and we are joining together because we know what is happening and we want people to know, we want to go to the streets and talk to anybody who is passing by and who will listen. >> will: it's almost as though the individuals in the video were intent on proving your point. your event is let women speak and now you have these men
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dressed up as women attempting to shout you down. >> absolutely. this is a record of our dissent and they are doing the work for us. they always come out. they show themselves to be everything that we say is the reason why we do not want these people, these men, these violent men for the most part come in our space is intended for women and girls. >> will: as you travel the country, i am curious what has been years since of safety? was this a particular bad incident? have you been met with this type of reaction all across america. >> all across america. san francisco, portland, seattle was canceled due to threats of violence, credible threats of violence. we were attacked in tacoma and obviously yesterday in new york city, there were security guards hired for austin, chicago, d.c. law arrests made in tacoma, washington, d.c. and new york city.
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>> will: what a wild situation today. that this right here is controversial, you standing up for women. what used to be the embodiment of humanism today is now called bigotry. what a fascinating and sad moment in american history. thank you for sharing your st story. >> thank you for having me on. >> will: there is a wild phenomenon happening across america nobody's covering it. livestock are dying in inexplicable numbers, with inexplicable deaths. we will talk to one of the leading individuals who's been investigating it, next. donald trump is apparently just file the paperwork to run for president in 2024. just moments before his mar-a-lago event is set to begin. we are monitoring that event here for you.
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>> will: this is a fox news alert. donald trump has apparently just filed federal election commission paperwork to seek the presidency in 2024. that's according to the latest
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reports. he's expected to make this announcement moments from now at his mar-a-lago home in palm beach, florida. you be able to watch it right here in moments. we will monitor the event for you. all right, joe biden flew all the way to asia to meet with world leaders. it hasn't gone very well. tonight joe biden held a roundtable with g20 leaders. he looked d dazed and confused. refused to answer questions about the rocket attack in poland. then the video feed went down. last night joe biden bailed on the dinner. he went back to his hotel. we don't know why exactly he did that. according to the white house "the president spent a full day of meetings and needed to attend to a few items tonight. i wonder what items needed attending to. they didn't say. where in the heck is joe biden and what is wrong with him? there's a lot going on in the world tonight. we'd like to know. we will stay on that story and
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let you know when we find out. you may remember chris o'brien from our documentary on cattle mutilations part of the new documentary tucker carlson originals. what he had to say was so fascinating, we had to invite him back for another hour for an episode of tucker carlson today. >> people who say it's aliens to gather genetic material. it's a misconception. the first thing i say is why don't they go into a arbor slaughterhouse. why are they sneaking around. it doesn't make sense. there's something going on that i think is environmentally oriented. i think it's worthy cattle are grazing in the environment that is the thing is being tested.
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animals have had impossible physical abnormal conditions of the animal. that was about 60 of the 200 cases. 40 to be on the safe side and then out of that, i had eight or nine that we just cannot explain with forensic science. spinal cords excised. unborn calves mutilated in the womb. brains taken out with no disturbing of the dura. that's impossible. unless you liquefy it and suck it out or something. i don't know. 160 equivocal. probably some of them -- for ranchers, there is mutilations being reported possibly in the region. he might look at a dead cow little differently. there's usually no tracks. there is no physical evidence, crime scene evidence.
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the original case we talked about was found 100 feet from the tracks and all the flesh was taken from the shoulders, the bones were all bleached white, like they had been in the sun for 30 years. there were strange marks. there was a chicken gizzard type thing on a branch near the body and the owner of the horse kind of poked it with a twig and then all of a sudden they developed like a battery acid burn on it. >> how would the horse thief found a distance from its own tracks? >> it was obviously lifted up and dropped. >> will: the value of curiosity and journalism. you can watch that episode tomorrow on fox nation. meanwhile we are still monitoring former president trump this hour. he is at mar-a-lago. you can see that crowd gathering for a big announcement. that's coming up next.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> will: a fox news alert. fox news confirmed that donald trump filed paper work to run for president in 2024. that happened moments ago before joe biden took the podium to answer questions about the missile strikes that hit poland. joe biden said the united states will continue to investigate that it attack. joe biden said that fetterman's wife is taking over the
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spotlight. half of john fetterman's face is cropped out. today she uploaded this picture outside of john fetterman's senate office and this time half of his body was cropped out. at least he is wearing a suit and not a hoodie and basketball shorts but giselle takes center stage. that was the plan here all along. tonight i want to ask you to check out the will cain podcast. we break down the ftx cryptoscandal. what it's all about and what it means. for not just crypto, but for politics. donations to democrats and potential and the need for investigation into money laundering through ukraine and how it can affect the economy at
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large. get it wherever you get your podcasts. that's it for us at "tucker carlson tonight." you can check out the show each night, the sworn enemy of of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. tucker carlson will be back tomorrow. coming up now the great sean hannity with a big announcement set to hear. >> sean: i don't have an announcement. i am running for president. no, i am not. just kidding. will, great job. welcome to "hannity." we begin with the fox news alert. a busy news night. republicans now are officially projected to win the majority in the u.s. house of representatives. gop leader kevin mccarthy is expected to be the next speaker of the house. nancy pelosi will hand over the gavel in january. for the next 2 years the biden administration will be held in check. we are


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