tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News November 16, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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throughout, obviously we took to you idaho and that grizzly situation. we will continue to follow that and obviously the biggest news out of washington that officially republicans now control the house of representatives. tomorrow on "special report," leaders of the homeland security and fbi go back to capitol hill to discuss threats to the nation. we will bring you there. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid, "jesse watters primetime" down in florida starts right now. >> jesse: 2008 was a year to remember. people's life savings evapor rate offed, their jobs gone. their homes foreclosed on. it was all thanks to wall street with the help of fan were and freddy and buffoons like barney frank doing oversight. banks loaded one risky mortgage products that blew the economy.
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instead of slapping handcuffs on bad bankers, washington said wall street was too big to fail and executives got their golden parachutes while main street got nothing. >> this is america. how many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills? raise their hand? how about we all. [crowd boos] >> president obama, are you listening? >> jesse: wall street bet on barack obama and that is still paying off. under barack obama wall street and washington fell in love and never looked back. big banks bailed out by democrats and then the big banks donate to democrats. and then democrats leave the big banks alone. washington hires guys from wall street and then wall street hires guys from washington. and they all scratch each other's back. however, a decade later. they are not even trying to hide it. >> i wanted to let you know raise your hand she had been my team member for a couple times now on monday she becomes a bank
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of america team member about which she is very, very excited. i hope you will take good care of her and know the talent she has shown already in our office i'm sure she will do the same at bank of america. >> we will do that and her father already works for us. >> you should have called us. >> jesse: some things will never change. democrats have always baltd out their biggest backers for years. if you donated just enough money to democrats, you could do just about anything. harvey weinstein got away with raping women for years. jeffrey epstein was flying minors to pedophile island, even bill clinton rode on his jets. we are seeing the same thing play out with this crypto mega donor sam bankman-fried who just robbed investors in broad daylight. a million people woke up, their life savings vanished. over $2 billion of ftx's client's money poof. is mini madoff behind bars? no, is he chilling in the bahamas. biden is not even trying to
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extradite him. why would he? he gave joe $10 million in 2020 and spent over 40 million more on democrats in the midterms. this ponzi schemer's dirty money bought democrats dissent. he is their second largest donor just behind soros. this mini madoff crypto king thrown in our face, too. still, right now, trying to raise money. he just lost $32 billion and he is asking for more. and not only that the guy slept with his whole staff. he was in a polymerous relationship with 10 of his top executives in pent house office in bahamas which happens to be notorious -- how come this guy hasn't been me tood. ceos can god are flirting. this guy has sex with his at the office. where is gloria allred?
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where is any of these democrats? how can you have office orgies in corporate america and raid millions of dollars from clients at the same time and not get arrested? $2 billions is gone because of a guy who makes les moonves look like a choir boy and the head of the congressional finance committee democrat maxine waters no, relation, just doesn't seem very interested. >> do you think some lawmakers that got donations from ftfx's founder should give money back. >> well, i don't want to get into that. >> jesse: oh, so the biggest financial fraud case in american history, bigger than madoff, bigger than enron had swayed an election with a side of me too. maxine doesn't want to get into that? i wonder why. because democrats would have to give the money back. and they won't. they are not going to give the senate back, so why would they give back the money? mini madoff not worried one bit. he is telling the "new york times" he has just been hanging out and playing video games this
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week. it's only $2 billion missing. no big deal. mini madoff doesn't care how bad it makes him look as long as it makes the democrats rich. he has always made that clear. >> what about your own legacy, sam? what impact would you want to leave on the world long term? >> i don't give a [bleep] about my legacy. i care about the impact that i have. it's not, like, the thing that i try to remind myself is like, at the end of the day, what matters is the impact i have not whether anyone knows about that impact. >> jesse: okay. mini madoff knows no one is touching him. the democratic party and regulators, they are all on his side. who is the head of the scc? other, gary quincy ler. gary was just having lunch with mini madoff before he stole his cash. gary's old cancer was the father of mini madoff office girlfriend. when he was asked about it he squirmed. >> sam bankman-fried, it appears
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from your calendar on march 29th 2022 came in and actually met with you. did you feel like you were hood winked? >> i think we have been clear in these meetings and you can look at my calendar is public many meetings with folks in this industry. >> jesse: what was the friend of the regulations doing helping a scam artist? trying to game the system together. find loopholes to give mini madoff more wiggle room and it was never a secret. >> optimist over the next year or two we will see steps forward in the global regulatory and u.s. market for crypto currency. it's been a tough struggle back and forth for a while but i think there is a legacy into the tunnel there and straightforward policy proposals that could solve from what regulators want
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while also allowing crypt be toe currency to really grow. >> jesse: mini madoff had a grift over the whole system. regulators in his back pocket and the only thing that got john fetterman of crypto shaking in his boots is when people asked him who exactly was getting all of this money? >> do what's right for the country. >> you think every money you spent in politics should be disclosed publicly are you comfortable with that. >> if there was a norm every dollar donated in politics was toe be disclosed publicly, i would have a lot of sympathy for that i think i might support. >> it sounds like what you are saying is maybe there is some donations that you had make that you wouldn't make if you knew they would be immediately public. >> so i think -- i don't generally think about it that way. >> jesse: why is mini madoff shaking? he is shaking. no one shakes when they get interviewed by chuck todd. chuck todd is not asking tough
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questions. he knows is he a scam artist. he is shaking. as long as you never give up the name, the democratic party and regulators they are going to have your back. we saw it in 2008 with wall street. we saw it with all these mega donors that democrats turned a blind eye to. now we are seeing it with a crypto fraudster, the guy who just robbed a million people. donated to the democratic party and is still walking a free man. fox business senior correspondent charles gasparino is here now. all right, but, charlie, let's just put aside the financial fraud. how is this guy allowed to sleep with his entire office at the office? i mean, this is an actual office in the bahamas. and not get me tood? is that -- i thought that was frowned upon in corporate america? >> i have been so focused on the scam i forgot is he like a swords man, you know? is this what is going on? i have no idea about his love
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life. i do know that he definitely pulled the wool over. he used his secret powers to essentially fool just about everybody i know. ing woke kids and teased out his head more hoodies. combination of that good. you think about it this way, and this is what is kind of interesting about this guy, he amassed a fortune of something like $30 billion if you look at it in about 2 or 3 years. when was the last time that happened. >> jesse: never. >> i guess if you are worth $30 billion in three years, you know, can you have orgies in the office. i think it was a porn movie back in the day. in any event,. >> jesse: charlie, so he basically woke washing. he is saying, you know, i want to stop the next pandemic.
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i want to shower democrats with cash. i want to save the environment. >> right. >> jesse: they are not going to look at him closely when he is throwing office orgies and when he is raiding his client's accounts. >> i have been doing a lot of reporting on this. i actually know who this guy is for a change. he was always in the background. he was never quite came on my radar screen until he started buying companies. distressed crypto companies. over the last three or four months and then tried to start this exchange that he -- like fec approved his stage a meeting with gary gensler. i started asking myself and a question everybody has to ask themselves, why didn't he raise any eyebrows at the sec when he was guying this stuff when everybody was losing money in crypto. what was the secret sauce that allowed him to make so much money when the whole crypto universe is getting toasted or wiped out.
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>> jesse: charlie, because, first of all, these people are are not street smart. remember, they fell for avenatti. if you say the right thing and you present the right way and you send money to the right people, you can say or do anything and people don't care as long as you are pointing in the right direction. >> and the media, i mean, listen, i have friends that you would say are in the mainstream media, they were there left of center. but they kind of god hood winked on this guy. his schtick really sold. and it's -- listen, everybody said he was so brilliant. you know, mit. whatever he went to the same school as gary gensler the fec chair. when it really came to it this is a pretty pro-sake scam. he bet big hedge fund on the side called al meeta. he lost a ton of money. and he started taking money out of a customer account in his crypto exchange and he doubled it. is he a lousy trader. good traders cut their losses
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and go onto the next one. he just kept doubling down on the losses. it's really a pathetic. >> jesse: would you give a guy millions of dollars with a hair cut like that? common sense. >> and the hoodie? give me a break. >> jesse: dresses worst than fetterman. here, here is $30 million, you are dressed worst than fetterman. no. >> and he wears short pants. >> jesse: and he wears short pants. of the whole thing is a joke. he lives in the bahamas. his office is literally based in a tax haven. and no one saw that? no one saw that? >> listen, i didn't look at it. okay? i am kicking myself in the rear end that i didn't do a deep dive earlier. but i'm not gary gengz ler, think about this, gary gensler of the fec i'm not saying he was if to green light his crypto project and there will be hearings on this whole meeting. >> jesse: there better be hearings there better be a lot of hearings that's the only reason to believe they have the
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senate, charlie. >> the house they don't have. >> jesse: this the only reason the democrats have the senate because of $40 million of dirty money that this guy pumped in. >> right. >> jesse: i got to go. >> gary gensler went after kim kardashian. he caught her doing something like that's nothing. he met with this guy and he can't catch him on a huge crypto scam. that has to be investigated. where was the fec on this when you are cracking down on kim kardashian? kind of a joke. >> jesse: they are never anywhere to be found when real money is being lost. all right, charlie gasparino, he knew about this guy. charlie has got a good eye. thank you so much for coming on. chuck schumer just said the quiet part out loud. quiet part out loud. ♪ super emma just about sleeps in her cape.
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but us chuck schumer thinks now is the time for mass amnesty. >> now, more than ever, we are short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. the only way we're going to have a great future in america is if we welcome and embrace immigrants the dreamers and all of them because our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many
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undocumented there are here. [applause] and we will be pursuing that in the next senate. >> jesse: so he wants immigrants to come here and do the jobs that americans won't. apparently that's having more babies. where have we heard this before? oh, that's right. >> there are quite a few countries that are really struggling because young people, because under the burdens of capitalism and under living under society that is increasingly concentrated wealth on the rich we are not having kids or not having kids at the same rate. we actually need immigrant populations to help balance things out. we can't continue to fund fund social security, medicare all of this stuff without immigrants. and it's always been that way. >> jesse: so chuck is falling in line with aoc because he is afraid she is going to try tree place him in the senate. speaking of replacement.
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i thought that whole theory was real. >> the great replacement theory is only one that we found in this poll. >> their use of this racist bait to justify white nationalist radicalism and social unrest is truly the absolute worst. >> jesse: well i guess schumer is a white nationalist now. here's the thing, u.s. birth rate are down since the great recession for a variety of reasons. studies are saying lower marriage rates, abortion and the fact that women are pursuing careers well into their 30's. but chuck knows how to fix it. blow up the border. legalize more than 11 million illegal hispanics and have a glass of wine, light a candle, dim the lights, you know what i mean. now, don't you think that's a little strange how chuck wants to do immigration reform now that republicans took the outside? he had two years to get something done. but now all of a sudden now it's time to go all in? don't you think this is going to make illegals pour over our
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border even faster. october saw another broken record for border crossings. i'm not sure this is going to help. lindsey graham is the south carolina senator who joins "primetime" now. so, chuck is now amnesty chuck. i mean, what do you think about that suspicious timing, senator? >> well, all i can say you are on to something here my friend. you know, obama had 60 senators in the senate h a majority in the house and never even brought immigration up. this is an effort by democrats to try to label us as anti-hispanic, it ain't going to work. here is what should happen. i hope kevin mccarthy is the speaker sooner rather than later. if the house doesn't send the senate a border security bill from hell, we made a mistake. there is not going to be any deal on immigration until we secure the border. it's just a matter of time a bunch of us get killed because the border is broken and terrorism is on the rise. so here is my message to my democratic colleague, there will be no deals on immigration until we secure the border. to my republican colleagues in
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the house, send us a border security bill strong as hell and we will make the democrats vote on it in the senate. >> jesse: why can't chuck schumer just say if we're not having babies in america let's have some more babies. why does he have to blow up the border and invite the entire western hemisphere into the country illegally. >> this is the same group of people taxpayer funded abortion up to the moment of birth talking about we don't have enough people. so it makes no sense. it's all politics. but, let me tell you about what is going on. december the 6th we're going to have an election in georgia. i can't wait for herschel walk tore come to the senate. he will cancel out a lot of this crazy stuff. how about this idea? we are going to disharng over 5,000 soldiers from our military because they won't take the covid vaccine. we have had 4 million people come into this country illegally, unvaccinated. they get a free weekend in las vegas. herschel walker needs to come to the senate, lindsey every penny you give me, not
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half of it, all of it goes to herschel and the georgia g.o.p. look at the policy opportunity we have. we should have event the floor of the senate that would make sure that people do not get discharged who are willing to fight for this country because they refuse the vaccine. we have got a dumb country. we are letting illegal immigrants come here unvaccinated. going to free trips all over america and want to discharge a warrior. we should have a border security bill from hell coming out of the house and we should do energy dominance. we need the seat, folks. listen, we won the house today. december the 6th let herschel win. lindsey the money goes to the georgia g.o.p. it. goes to herschel. one less vote for this crazy crap. if we can win in december we will have the wind to our back. >> jesse: i can see that bumper sticker right now. one less vote for the crazy crap team >> lindsey thank you.
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♪ senat. >> jesse: we all know joe biden likes to get away from the white house. he spent the summer kicking back from delaware and didn't step foot in the swing states this fall. this week was a little different. joe had a work trip planned. he actually had to go somewhere. biden went to indonesia. there was a g-20 summit there. first thing on the agenda biden had a three hour meeting with xi jinping of china never brought up covid and fentanyl and fell asleep before the big dinner, called a lid in the afternoon just like he did during the campaign. when he woke up, the whole world wanted to know if russian missiles had landed in poland j
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from president can you tell us what he know about poland. >> no. >> no. a few hours later, biden's team gave him some note cards. he said thinks the russians weren't responsible. but biden did see some russian guns and he liked what he saw. >> i don't care who he is. he has some real buy accepts. >> oh my gosh. >> jesse: while biden is hitting on russian dudes overseas, joe biden andonald trump announced s running for president again. he laid out specific things if voters put him out there. watch. >> we are going to be asking everyone who gets drugs, sell drugs get the death penalty for their heinous acts.
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we'll abolish every biden covid mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military. i will push for a constitutional easement to impose term limits on members of congress. we want to ban members of congress getting rich trading stocks with insider information. i will immediately demand voter i.d., same day voting and only paper ballots so in 2016 you guys remember trump laid out very specific policy goal that really resonated with the country, border security, taliban, bombing the hell out of isis. it's important to pay attention to the substance of this platform. so swump disat? early. is he trying to clear the field. a lot of energy behind ron desantis. the red wave in florida and ron's record really makes him trump's biggest threat. desantis was asked again today
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about his presidential aspirations. here's what he said. >> we just finished this election. okay. people just need to chill out a little bit on some of this stuff. i mean, seriously. we just ran an election qui have this georgia run off coming which is very important for republicans to win that georgia run off. i know around the country florida was kind of the biggest bright spot. it was not so bright in many other parts of the country. >> jesse: dana perino is my co-host on "the five" and she joins me now. so, dana, do you think trump got in too early and what's the risk of him getting in so early right after the mid snrms. >> well, momentum is sometimes hard to sustain if you get in too early. but that hasn't really been a problem for the president look at the rallies that former president, the rally that's had for some of the candidates. those were big. and the thing is though for the next two years, you got to raise a lot of money. and you have to figure out a way to get attention for all of these things. so i think that the substance of
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what he laid out, some of it is really good. >> jesse: some of it is provocative. >> some won't work. for example, you can't mandate national voter i.d. law because of the constitution. states get to decide that some of the states have done very well. georgia is a great example of that showing how they can actually increase voter turnout by having a better, more controlled system. florida, too. >> jesse: lobbying ban is good and stock trading ban. death penalty for drug dealers might be out there. >> that might be in my wheelhouse something i could agree with. >> jesse: that's one thing you support. >> dana: on the stock trading and congress on doing that. there could be vice president support for something like that. >> absolutely. ron desantis, he responded coily the first time. trump kind of hit him with personal attacks. and then the second time about whether is he going to get in or announce, how do you think he has crafted his posture so far? >> is he almost like a sneaky owe-he has a sneaky way to make a point but he does it well. just had an election, i have got
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to be governor of florida. chill out. and he does it in a way that is kind of an interesting way to listen to him. is he not boring. but then he says we have got to focus on georgia. georgia is important. and that actually is really important for republicans. >> jesse: he is taking his time. he is taking. >> dana: he might not run. >> jesse: do you think is he not going to run? >> i actually don't know. i think it is two years from now. and that's -- there is a long way to go between now and then. and right now, the republicans have a really big issue. they all have to figure out a way to start rowing in the same direction. because, one, there is a georgia run off. but, also, they are going to have a formidable, emboldened joe biden going forward. so they have to figure out what they are going to do. initially, in the next four to five months, to get through that before they can worry about who is going to be president. i don't know who all will get in. maybe harold ford jr. >> jesse: harold ford jr. he has my vote as a democrat. does desantis run the risk of if he doesn't run missing the moment? >> well, i think -- yes, people
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will look back and say that happened, for example to chris christie. he should have run and he should not have waited and that has actually been his down a fall and some say he will never be president again. i think he might get into this race this time around in 2024. i don't know if we can actually take the last two years of politics since donald trump got in everything like throw out the playbook. who knows? i understand what they're saying about ron desantis and maybe it would be too late. i don't know what he is thinking. is he a pretty young man. is he only 42 years old. he might even be younger than somebody else. >> jesse: i'm not really sure. so he has got some time to think about it. we were talking -- had johnny talk to some of the fans out here in florida. they love donald trump. and when you mention ron desantis they want ron desantis. >> they go crazy. >> jesse: they want him to run. it will be interesting these two on a collision course. >> also they might end up being the nominee. i don't know what will happen. have fun watching.
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>> jesse: it's going to be a lot of fun. >> fun to be with you. >> jesse: dana perino, my co-host on "the five," thanks for coming in. >> dana: thank you for having me. >> jesse: the american crime wave continues. >> hey, can you put your -- take your hands out of your pocket for me? hey! [gunfire] trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung function, and helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems.
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>> jesse: being a cop is one of the hardest, most dangerous jobs in the country. ask cops in tennessee investigating a crime scene when a guy walked onto the and just opened fire on them take your hands out of your possibility for me? hey. [gunfire] >> jesse: see how casual that was? if they are not being shot at, they are chasing criminals through day care centers. >> get your hands up! [screams]
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[bleep] [babies crying] >> oh my god. oh my god. >> get the kids, please. get the kids. >> jesse: even security guards are getting in on the action. a robber showed up at a buffalo rehab clinic with an ar-15. when some hero, some security guard just tackled him, my god. law enforcement officials are always putting themselves in danger to protect us like these cops in kansas who pulled a woman out of a burning car after a crash. >> over here. >> stay with us. stay with us. we gotcha. can we lift at all? >> hold on hold on. [sirens] scblift. >> lift, lift, lift. [grunts] >> we gotcha, we gotcha.
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we got her. we got her. pull, pull, pull. pull, pull, pull. >> jesse: wow. they are even in danger when they're training. 25 l.a. county sheriff recruits were on a training run today when a driver, going the wrong way, just mowed them down, dozens were injured and at least five were in critical condition amputations, head trauma, it is a mess we don't even know the name of the driver, we don't know the motive yet. but this feels intentional and it disgusts me. clay travis is the outkick founder and co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. this has to be intentional. you don't go the wrong way, mow down 25 officers. these guys must have been targeted. >> it's awful. and, look, we know what we need to do in this country and i watch your show. you are nailing it. look. we need more police on the streets. and we need to put violent criminals behind bars and keep them there we know what works, jesse, because that's what we did in the 1990s, maybe the
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only thing joe biden has gotten right in his whole political career was the 1994 crime bill. >> jesse: and he apologized for it? >> and he did. being easy going, soft on crime, on violent criminals is a luxury of a low crime environment. we don't live in a low crime environment anymore. the stories you are telling, the way people feel all over these cities and states. every bit of this country knows what that violent predator feeling is, we're in the midst of, unfortunately, what it felt like in the early $1,990 and late 80s. >> jesse: if derek centers aren't safe. >> it's an awful video but god bless those cops. >> playing ring around the rosy and some guy is getting tased. >> it's crazy. >> jesse: this is also crazy. we want to be facial. weave also support law enforcement. when there is a bad apple in the bunch we have to call these guys out. now, we all know who the d.e.a. is.
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♪ >> jesse: now, these are the guys that break down the doors and get the drug dealers off the streets. but, any time you are handling drugs and money you run the risk of corruption. let me introduce to you jose, a former federal agent who is known as the most corrupt agent in d.e.a. history. he used his position to go on a three continent joy ride all on our dime. >> d.e.a. is a game. drug war is a game. it was a very fun game that we were playing. and then once we got there, it was mostly about drinking and girls. and then we sprinkled in a couple work things in there but mostly it was that. >> jesse: he sprinkled in work
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things. he got vine treatment at caribbean strip joints, partying up at amsterdam's red light district. went to fancy restaurants, soccer games. scored diamond rings from tiffanies. and was kicking back on colombian lots loaded up with booze and prostitutes. he will quickly went from d.e.a. agent to scarface. his excuse for all of this? the drug war is unwinnable. if you can't beat them, might as well join them and join them he did. he has been sentenced to 12 years in the slammer but he is not alone as the agency is now questioning two dozen current and former d.e.a. agents and prosecutors. so, clay, drinking and girls, and you sprinkle in a little work. >> i mean, i would watch his television show. i think that would be a heck of a streaming story. what a great line i spent 90% of my money on whinky and girls and the rest i just wasted.
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that is probably this guy's story. >> jesse: sounds like not just this one guy. it sounds like the entire team is just all into drinking and girls. >> how tough would it be to be a totally straight edge. >> jesse: you would be tempted. sitting on all these kilos, piles of cash, no oversight. you should never be. >> i would not be a good d.e.a. agent. >> back in the daily that weapon, rigs and mur attachment take this and put your kids through college the stacks of cash. >> jesse: you know how college is so expensive. >> i have got the three boys. >> jesse: doing it without the free money. >> that's right. so far. >> jesse: we are going to follow this d.e.a. story. i feel like this is just the beginning. >> i think so, too. appreciate it. >> jesse: smoke them if you have got them, even if you are running a marathon. ♪ pappa's got a grand new bag ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: it's wednesday. so we'll do "watters cooler." joey jones is here to cool things off. let's begin. there are a few things people tell you to do when training for a marathon, train, stretch, stay hydrated. you know, the basics. sometimes people like to do things their own way, like this guy. uncle chen. he ran an entire marathon while smoking cigs, finishing in 3.5 hours. not your typical training, but . >> i've seen marines do this, seen them run in combat, smoking cigs. not my brand of how to stay in shape, but i respect it. >> jesse: at least it's not
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cannabis. >> might be slower. >> jesse: probably 5.5 hours when it comes to parenting, we teach our kids to listen. i'm still working on that. you know, to follow the rules. one mom in texas said, screw it, my kids will do whatever they want. there's no rules, no sharing, no shoes. eat whatever you want. she calls it free-range parenting. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> so when traveling, i did go to the airport. i did do it barefoot. so far no issues with it. people stare when i'm walking. that's about it. i went to a fancier airport restaurant, and they had no
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issue with it either. >> jesse: i have a feeling these kids are going to turn out to be liberals. >> this is what's going to happen. i'll have to pay for their college. my kids will have to compete with these eons for jobs. she said when she was 19, she had her first kid, was too mean, didn't have the patience, and decided to parent this way. decided i was a bad parent, so now i won't be one. >> jesse: let them go barefoot in public, eat and drink whatever they want? >> some of this stuff is okay. some of these rules are for safety. i let my 3-year-old eat ice cream, cupcakes, from the rest of their adolescence. >> jesse: the one thing she won't let her kids do? >> what's that? >> jesse: hang with gutfeld. that's where she draws the line.
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>> i'd be spanking them at walmart. >> jesse: you're not allowed to spank them. kids these days don't know what a blockbuster store was. they don't even know what a vhs tape was. >> on the book. what is it? >> it's a book. >> jesse: they thought it was a book. >> i can't even dump on this kid for this. it makes sense to me. the. >> jesse: i feel old. >> because there's two other generations. there are cds and ipods and vhs. real old. real old. >> jesse: you don't look old. you look great. we have a great hair and makeup team. and you smoke cigarettes on your way over here. thanks for staying in shape. >> yeah.
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at least the upper half. >> jesse: upper half looks really good. let's do a window, baby. so i checked into the hotel today. i was famished. doesn't eat a lot on the plane. this guy talked my ear off. i loved him. i ordered some fruit up to the room. i said, johnny, send up a banana. i hear a knock. a woman comes in. very nice-looking plate, napkin, bowl. the glass bowl. about half of a banana sliced up. i said, isn't that nice? could have used a whole banana. you know, it's fine. then i looked at the bill she handed me. the sliced banana was $22. there it is. i hope you pixelated my room number out of there, guys, but that's it. it was a $22 banana. now inflation is -- i'm not going to say it, but it's a problem.
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i made a little bit of a fuss. they sent up to make up for it another banana sliced up, just to say, i didn't need the other banana, but that's fine. this is what life is like on the road. let's do some text messages. bob from union, new jersey. i know where that is. i don't like this sbf kit at all. a mini soros? no good. tim from oklahoma. imagine the look on aoc's face when she finds out what planned parenthood does. i know. we can handle the birth rate that way. think about it. frank in bed bank, new jersey. jesse, how do we know hunter biden hasn't been a dea agent? he's been undercover, and i think we just blew his cover. ane from utah. jesse, have fun in florida. have johnny set up your beach towels early.
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he's going to be down at 6:00 a.m., setting my towels up. just no more bananas. i guess we can afford it, because fox is paying, but listen that's coming out of joey's salary. he needs all the help he can get. that is all for us tonight. dvr the show. "tucker carlson" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the frustrating thing about the news media, how horrible they are, is that you need them. you can't understand the world except through the news media. that's where all of our information comes from. can't really change that at this point, but we can go into it with open eyes. you should know that the thing about reading the news is even when it's no
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