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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 16, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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6:00 a.m., setting my towels up. just no more bananas. i guess we can afford it, because fox is paying, but listen that's coming out of joey's salary. he needs all the help he can get. that is all for us tonight. dvr the show. "tucker carlson" is up next. always remember, i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the frustrating thing about the news media, how horrible they are, is that you need them. you can't understand the world except through the news media. that's where all of our information comes from. can't really change that at this point, but we can go into it with open eyes. you should know that the thing about reading the news is even when it's not intentionally
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dishonest, and often now it is, no matter what the intent of it, the first draft of the story you read is always wrong. not sometimes wrong. always wrong. occasionally in small ways. sometimes in big and utterly distorting ways. iraq has nukes. russia bombed its own pipeline. stories like this are laughably untrue. they are an inversion of the truth which emerges later. sometimes it's a mistake. they got it wrong. more often on the big stories, the ones that change policy, they are lying on purpose. how do you know whether they're lying on purpose or they just got it wrong by accident? when the story trends on social media, you know. that means that somewhere there's a tech executive who's decided to crank up the propaganda dial in order to manipulate you. it's not so different from what the north korea state agency does. when there's a famine, they talk
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about record rice harvest. you saw the story on your phone yesterday how russia bombed poland. poland is a member of nato. if russia attacked a country of nato, we'd have to attack back. that would be by definition world war iii, hundreds of people dying. this is not a small story. this story came from the associated press, citing an unnamed senior u.s. intel official. according to this unnamed intel official, russia had launched an entirely unprovoked first strike against poland. the russian military lobbed missiles into polish territory, therefore thereby killing two poles at a farm. by definition, it was time for europe and u.s. to invoke article v, the collective defense principle, and begin a
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total war on vladimir putin. president zelensky of ukraine agreed with this. watch his reaction. >> what we warned about a long time ago happened today. we've been saying this. terror is not limited to our national borders. it's already spread to the territory of moldova. today russian missiles hit poland, the territory, a friendly country. to fire missiles at nato territory, this is a russian missile attack on collective security. this is a very significant escalation. we must act. >> tucker: this is a russian missile attack on collective security, on the united states, an attack on the u.s. by russia, and, quote, we must act. this is a man with moral authority, the only head of state in the world to receive a "vogue" photo spread. he was commanding the u.s. to lead the third world war
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immediately. this was not a minor a.p. story. only problem is it was completely and utterly wrong. zelensky, the unnamed intel officer and associated press had been trafficking in dangerous misinformation. there were pictures of the exploded missiles on social media. people started asking questions about this. they looked at a picture of the fragment of the motor from this destroyed missile, and they noticed that the ordnance was an s300 system. the s300 system is only used by the ukrainian military, not the russians. it couldn't have been from russia. some ukraine had bombed poland and killed people. that's true. within a day, the pentagon, nato, all were forced to admit it. that's what happened, ukraine did it. what's relevant to us, ukraine never admitted that. zelensky kept lying on
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television. where the free press is banned, as it is in ukraine, the rest of the world is not required to believe you. you can't throw them all in jail. so he kept telling you what you knew was not true. quote, i have no doubt that this is not our missile, he said today. i believe this was a russian missile based on military reports. again, that's not only untrue, it's a lie that could get millions of americans killed. so you have to ask yourself, is it time to stop backing this guy? could the risk be too high? he's lying on purpose to get us into a war? maybe he's not worth supporting in the first place. maybe he's another corrupt eastern european strong man in a tracksuit getting rich as he can from american handouts. that might be the lesson, but that is not at all the lesson that the biden administration is drawing from what just happened. watch former raytheon board member explain that. even if a missile attack was from ukraine, it's still russia's fault. >> this explosion was most likely the result of a ukrainian
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air defense missile that unfortunately landed in poland. whatever the final conclusions may be, the world knows that russia bears ultimate responsibility for this incident. >> tucker: so this is not what we would refer to as evidence-based reasoning. what you're hearing from the secretary of defense is that ukraine lobbed a missile into poland and killed poles, but you need to continue to send billions to ukraine to fight russia. so now you're starting to see why the unnamed intel official leaked this story to the associated press in the first place. this manufactured story. the point, of course, was to manipulate the united states congress as so often happens. unnamed american intel official leaked something to "the new york times," "washington post," a.p., members of congress read this, and do what the intel
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agencies want them to do. of the we can prove this in this case. because shortly after this fake news of the this fake russian missile attack, the white house demanded more for ukraine. so that raises the question, where does that put us? what's the total that we've sent to ukraine so far? well, in just nine months, the biden administration has committed a total of $91 billion to ukraine at a time when our border is still open, our economy is degrading fast. how much is that? well, as glen greenwald pointed out today, it's twice the annual u.s. annual expenditure during our own war in afghanistan, 33% more than the total annual military budget of the entire country of russia. it's not enough. today we were informed that $91 billion is just the beginning. >> the united states is
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determined to support ukraine with the means to defend themselves for as long it takes. we will continue to support ukraine for as long as it takes. we will continue to support them as long as it takes. until then, we will continue to support all the way for as long as it takes. we will be there for as long as it takes. >> tucker: so there you have the obedient general reading the talking points again, but it still doesn't answer the question why. as long as it takes? okay. some things are worth that, but why this one? what is the point of this exactly? we can't say we're defending democracy in ukraine, which is not a democratic country. we can't explain where our national security interest lies in this conflict between two eastern european countries. why would we bankrupt ourselves to fund it? could it be that this entire effort is a choreographed scam to enrich the democratic party
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and its allies and achieve left wing ideological goals that have nothing to do with the core interest of the united states? could it be this whole thing is blm eastern european edition? it's possible. that's how washington actually works, and a brewing ftx scandal, blowing up in one of the biggest single one-day losses in world history, possibly the biggest ever. what was ftx? it wasn't a conventional business. it was the finance arm of the democratic party, the back-scratching, the snake eating its tail is on full display in this story. democrats invited ftx's ceo to the white house to discuss crypto regulation. so the people are supposed to be keeping this business within the lines were actually colluding with the business, doing nothing to keep it from defrauding its investors. then congress was supposed to be
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overseeing the finance sector, maxine waters who chairs the financial services committee was palling around with the ceo. that picture on your screen was taken after the first-ever hearing on crypto regulations. that's a good deal, you're running a scam, and the regulators are on your side. how do you keep them on your side? you donate nearly $40 billion to democrats in the midterm, which he did. that total puts him number two on the donor list, right below george soros. that's so obviously illegal and wrong and corrupt, that you probably want to make sure nobody wrote about it. that's why he bought off the media. he handed millions to places like vox p pro publica, and others. full where are investors left?
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there are a lot of big retirements funds that invested if this thing, this country and canada? will they get their money back? what about the money that sam bankman-fried gave? do they have to give it back to the people whose money was effectively stolen? maxine waters was asked if she was giving back donations. she made it clear, of course, she's keeping the money. >> do you think some lawmakers that got donations from ftx's founder should get that money back? >> i don't want to get into that. both sides, democrats and republicans, have received donations. thank you. >> tucker: yeah. yeah, everyone did it. actually everyone didn't do it. this was the finance arm of the democratic party. one of the biggest stories of the year, maybe the last 10 years. we'll have a lot more on it southeastertomorrow and weeks t.
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you should know that ftx was also in partnership with the government of ukraine, because all threads return to the same spool. interesting to know, how much money, if any, ukraine funneled back to ftx, which wound up in the hands of democrats running for congress in this last cycle. we don't know the answer. an audit might tell us. there's been no audit. today in the house, marjorie taylor greene has been demanding an audit, but to no avail so far. that means that tens of billions of your tax dollars the biden administration has shoveled to the government of ukraine remain as of tonight completely unaccounted for. we don't know what happened to the money. still the ukrainians are demanding more, trying to get us into a world war, benefiting us in no way. are republicans supporting this? could any republican possibly support this? more money for ukraine with no audit? any republican who does deserves at the very least a lifetime of
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scorn. one who doesn't is thomas massey, who represents the commonwealth of kentucky, and joins us tonight. congressman, thanks for coming on. it seems clear that this story was planted by the u.s. intel agencies, on the a.p. wire, to send another tronch of money to ukraine. that sounds like manipulation by our intel agencies to me. >> yeah. there's a myth about the nato treaty, that article five is short-circuiting congress' responsibility to decide if and when we go to article. article xi says all of the member states have to carry out the other articles in compliance with their own constitutions. our constitution requires not just the senate to confirm a treaty, but for the house and the senate both to agree to commit an act of war or commit our soldiers to war. so that -- you know, if any of my colleagues here in the house,
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or the senate, are listening, please go read the rest of the nato treaty. as far as the money, tucker, they're doing something very despicable here with the last tronchs of money. we had a clear-cut vote , and true conservatives voted against that $40 billion. recently the last tronch, they tieded it to hurricane relief in florida. if you wanted to help hurricane victims in florida with your vote in washington, d.c., you had to increase the chance that we would have victims of nuclear war. it's despicable and wrong. they're going to try to do with that the next tranche of money. they'll tie it to government funding. >> tucker: this is so obviously a scam, an ideological, a jihad, a holy war waged by some on the left, but a money making
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opportunity, including one democrat. i don't understand how they can appropriate another dollar. >> they should refuse to send another single penny there until we get an audit and inspector general, senator rand paul tried to make a stand in the senate. only got 11 of his colleagues there to agree that we need an inspector general. look, in afghanistan, we were spending about $50 billion a year. we're on course to spend twice of that in ukraine. we had an inspector general in afghanistan. we absolutely need one here. we found all sorts of ways, fraud and abuse, from inspector general, and we need one here in the ukraine immediately. we shouldn't be sending any more money. there's one thing we should demand. you know, the guy that you quoted there said we'll do it for as long as it takes. the thing we never had in afghanistan, we don't have in
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ukraine, what is your definition of victory? are you going to retake rye crime mia? what's your definition of victory? the american voters deserve to know. >> tucker: regime change in moscow is the goal. republicans officially as of an hour ago control the house of representatives. republican control of one chamchamber of congress. can you stop this? >> unfortunately the democrats will pass a spending bill in the lame duck, and senators will go along with that, tie our spending hands until september 30th of 2023. there's going to be two types of bills. for your viewers, i want them to know this. there's going to be two types of bills that pass the republican congress. imaginary pretend messaging bills, going nowhere in the senate. the second type is spending bills. on the spending bills we need to demand that we defund these things, all of the executive orders need to be defunded, and
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we certainly shouldn't be sending another penny to ukraine. >> tucker: it's just crazy how many republicans got hoodwinked by this scam. it really is the foreign policy version of blm, and they're still going with it. it blows my mind. i appreciate your clarity. congressman thomas massey of kentucky, thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. the associated press has made a call, projecting the republicans will in fact take control very narrowly of the house of representatives. joe biden has issued this statement. "i congratulate leader mccarthy on republicans winning the house majority. i'm ready to work with house republicans to deliver results for working families," none of which he means. 218 seats controlled by republicans, maybe a few more. in the senate, democrats will retain the majority with 50 seats, giving them control of the chamber, because the vice president casts the tiebreaking vote. there's a runoff in georgia in
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december. donald trump announced last night that he's running for president once again in 2024. but he continues to remain censored on social media. so whatever you think of trump, how can this be happening in a democracy? how can a presidential candidate be prevented from speaking in public? where are the defenders of democracy tonight? more on that in a minute.
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how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou >> tucker: in florida last night, donald trump announced he's running for president again, if you've been following his rallies he's done around the country for the last couple of years, some of it seemed familiar, but there were parts of the speech where he offered solutions to problems that you haven't heard before, and that nobody seems to be talking about, at least in the way he spoke about it last night. the fentanyl crisis, for example. he offered a plan to fix it. he said he would wage war on the drug cartels and institute the death penalty for people who deal fentanyl. >> we will wage wars against the cartels, stop the fentanyl and deadly drugs from killing 200,000 americans per year. i will ask congress for legislation ensuring that drug dealers and human traffickers,
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these are terrible, terrible, horrible people, who are responsible for death, carnage and crime all over our country. every drug dealer during his or her life, on average, will kill 500 people with the drugs they sell, not to mention the destruction of families. but we're going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs, to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts. >> tucker: that's interesting idea. you may like it. you may not like it. you may like trump. you may not like trump. you could be a democrat who lives to despise him. you could be a republican who prefers ron desantis. doesn't matter what you think of trump or his policies on fentanyl or anything else. if you're an american, you have to acknowledge that in order for
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our democracy to function, political candidates have to be allowed to speak in public. if they can't speak in public, this can't be a democracy by definition. here you have twitter banning trump. he's still banned, despite elon musk's takeover, trump is still banned from twitter tonight. parler was pulled off the internet for giving donald trump an account. at the time people were sick of trump many make him shut up. there are attacks on our system, attacks on democracy. they're attacks on the possibility of a free society. so you have to wonder now where are the defenders of democracy? people yelling last week, academocracy is dying. they're not defenders of democracy. they're totallarians. jump trudeau loves china.
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he talks about it all the time. he met with president xi the other day. >> for t trudeau, it happened on camera. he got dressed down. >> even after president xi walked away, his translator was
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still giving trudeau the what for. for context, president xi was angry that an informal conversation between the two-a-day earlier was leaked to the media. the chinese leader lives in a world with very little dissent, about to serve an unprecedented third term, has total control over his military, with no checks and balances. the only way for the prime minister to challenge president xi is to call on his alterego, geronimo, trudeau. tucker? >> tucker: the prime minister likes to dress up, gets dressed down. there's a reason that trace gallagher in his new job, host of fox news at night every week night at midnight is killing in the ratings, not surprisingly at all. congratulations. >> thank you. >> tucker: so there are many
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drug epidemics actually occurring simultaneously across this country, with homeless encampments you see across the country are evidence of one. there's another that's not so obvious, but very destructive. adderall, essentially medical meth, has never been easier to obtain than it is now, and more americans are addicted to it and harmed by it. a medical expert joins us next to assess.
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>> tucker: so there's a drug epidemic in this country that virtually nobody talks about, and it involves children, and it's adderall. adderall is easier to get now than it's ever been. millions of people are addicted to. the damage from long-term adderall use can be profound to the brain. withdrawal can be terrifying. the usage is increasing. in the last year, more than 40 million prescriptions for adderall, similar to methamphetamine, hard to tell in
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a tox screen which is which, 40 million prescriptions were dispensed in this country. social media inundated with advertisements, instructing young people to trach more adderall for attention deficit problems. you want to do good in school, take more adderall. so much adderall is being consumed in this country, there appears to be an adderall shortage. what's happening here? why is no one talking about this? dr. mark segal joins us tonight to assess what's going on. doctor, thanks for joining us. >> tucker, good to be with you. i could talk about the supposed shorn, with the fda talking about a shortage, talk about supply chains coming out of china, and i could talk about the generics, but i want to talk about what you just mentioned, which is what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, who is getting adderall, prescribing this stuff? millions of kids and teens come to doctors' offices like mine, already on the medication. they weren't seen by a neurologist, a psychiatrist,
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well-trained psychologist, they got it from a primary care doctor, or from somewhere else. the reason you just said, maybe they do better on tests as a result, you know, maybe they do better in work as a result, but they stay up all night or have problems with nausea, problems with focusing. their heart rate goes up. there can be heart issues involved. this is speed. this stuff is speed. i'm concerned about the fact that during the pandemic this has gotten worse. we had over, as i said, 41 million prescriptions last year, up from over 30 the year before. this is skyrocketing. social media is involved. copycatting is involved. but i'm concerned that doctors are being pressured to prescribe this stuff for people -- for just what i said -- outcome analysis. in other words, you take it, you do better on a test. does that mean you need it? absolutely not. we don't know the long-term consequences. the last point is this, you know, there's companies out there profiting off of this. one called cerebral, the "wall
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street journal" has targeted and investigated is under federal investigation now because of telehealth, tucker. telehealth made it so much easier. you don't have to see the patient, right? you just dump out a prescription. what happens once doctors wake up and pull back? you know what happens. kids and teens and young adults go for illicit use, and end with a product laced with fentanyl, tucker. >> tucker: the long-term effects of methamphetamine usage is well documented. i can't believe doctors would prescribe this stuff for 15 years to people, but they do. >> tucker, it causes personality changes. it can cause long-term brain changes. it's bad for your heart. that's probably the most important thing, because people out there don't know, they could have underlying heart disease and not know it. the last thing i want to do its jack up somebody's blood pressure and heart rate, but that's what this does. people get addicted to it. we don't call it an addiction, but it's an addiction. >> tucker: of course it is. it's everywhere.
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dr. mark siegel, thank you for the clarity. i appreciate it. you may have noticed this is a meme almost on social media that violent crimes against asian americans are skyrocketing in the united states. that seems to be true. why is it happening is the question. of course it's white supremacy. except the weird thing is a lot of the attackers don't look like white supremacists. they don't fit the profile. what's going on? an author and activist has looked into it, writing a book on her own experience, growing up in oakland. we spoke to her for an episode of "tucker carlson today." here's part of it. >> in oakland, just in the last few months, we've seen some risk killings of asian immigrants as well. they were -- you know, there's an uber driver who was recently killed by two attackers, and then there's a beloved dentist
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who was recently kind of dragged out of a car. she was killed, too. both of those look like robberies gone bad, but they also both look like the victims might have been racially profiled by the perpetrators as targets they were easier to commit crimes against. so we're still seeing a lot of dysfunction. >> tucker: oakland is maybe the most liberal community in the united states. it has the most liberal member of congress, and always been very liberal. i don't know how you measure liberal, but it's a strong hold. >> absolutely, yeah. >> tucker: democrats have run oakland for decades. in the middle of this progressive paradise, you have race killings. a lot of them. what does that tell you? >> it's crazy. and it's a complicated mess. we've seen many instances of asian americans being attacked
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in horrific ways. the perpetrators are not white. these crimes, many of them have happened in america's largest or most dangerous cities. we've seen a lot of noises being made by left wing asian american activists. many have chimed in. certainly in the past couple of years, as a result of covid and as a result of the increase in anti-asian violence, the increased awareness of it, we've seen a lot of these left wing asian american activists chime in and say this is a result of white supremacy. this is a result of this racist superstructure that we have in america, and many of them have blamed former president trump for his covid rhetoric. >> tucker: were you ever attacked by a white supremacist in oakland? >> no, i was not. >> tucker: did you ever know anyone who was? >> i did not know any white
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supremacists in oakland. >> tucker: how big is the whits community in oakland? >> i was not aware of it. >> tucker: watch the full interview tomorrow on fox nation tomorrow morning. so drug addiction, the drug epidemic, really driven by china through mexico, is rearranging the fabric of the country. millions of americans have had their lives destroyed. that's a well-known and depressing story. our next guest is one of those who managed to turn her life around after years and years of horrifying addiction, and she gained insights in the process to tell us what we probably ought to be doing right now to stop this. she joins us next.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. when you have to get wheeled through the airport because you're too heavy to make it and you have extreme pain, you have to make a change. golo enabled me to make that change. golo is real and it changes your life.
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>> tucker: it's been over a week since the midterm elections and there's still a number of u.s. house races whose outcomes we don't know. officials are continuing to, quote, count the votes in those races. in california's third congressional district, for example, only 60% of the ballots have been tallied as of tonight after eight days.
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is there something about vote counting we don't know? isn't it just adding up all the votes? how did simple add addition take this long in a country that has a space program? we've noticed this sort of thing doesn't happen very often in republican districts. maybe you've got a theory as to why. what we can tell you conclusively is who is benefiting from it, because that's measurable. as in many recent elections that we've already told you about, in the overall majority of races this cycle, where there was a reported problem with voting equipment, or a long delay in vote counting, democrats won. the overwhelming majority. that's not a guess. that's not a conspiracy theory. it's math. of the 40 races in this year's midterms that took two days to count at least, 28 went to democrats. that's 70%. so if the chaos at polling places was organic and randomly
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districted, you'd expect each party to benefit at roughly the same rate, 50%. no. 70% went to democratic candidates. are you surprised by that? you're probably not surprised when vote counting was paused in various places on election night 2020, how shocked where you really when joe biden won? when a huge percentage of polling places in arizona reported serious problems on election day, malfunctioning equipment, printers that were somehow out of ink. whwere you really stunned when blake masters and kari lake lost? we don't you were, because you're getting used to how this works. can we call it voter fraud? we can't. we don't have the evidence. we can call it unacceptable, because it is. when equipment malfunctions or takes days to count the votes, americans lose their faith in their democratic system. when they lose that faith, they tend to become radical. over time, they can become dangerous, because democracy is the safety relief valve that keeps things from blowing up.
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whether or not the system is actually rigged, there's no doubt that it certainly looks like it's rigged, and that alone, just the appearance of it, is a disaster for all of us. so you would think both parties would want to fix this for the sake of democracy, the democracy we claim to care so much about. but no. only one party wants to fix it. only one party even notices. the other party is benefiting from it. so in the run-up to last tuesday's election, you heard a lot of people on the left, the water carriers for the democratic party on msnbc, for example, telling you crime was imaginary, you were racist to notice, but it's not imaginary, it's totally real, gotten so bad in some cities criminals are not even waiting until nighttime to commit violent attacks. they're doing it under the sun. on your screen, you're seeing a beautiful assault on a wedding photographer in san francisco, right in the city of san francisco, from earlier this month. the photographer was pistol whipped in front of the
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newlyweds. it's not just there. across the country, in new york city, a 12-year-old girl was dragged down the street by robbers on a motorbike. >> the video is horrifying, two men on a motor scooter approach a 12-year-old girl from behind, grab her necklace, and drag her down the sidewalk. >> kids should be safe. >> police say the two men have struck at least seven times in three weeks. in elmhurst, corona, and jackson heights queens, four robberies happening on the same day. >> tucker: oh, so it's caracas now, and we're not doing anything about it. ask anyone who owns a business in downtown los angeles. in beverly hills even. it's completely out of control. the reason it is is because police aren't punishing people the way they did. in new york city, a man was busted with 20,000 fentanyl pills in chelsea, which was a nice neighborhood in new york,
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released immediately. the so this doesn't work. the question is what does work. one of the smartest people we've in the last year is jeannie burton, 50, a mother of three. for most of her life she was badly addicted to drugs. while addicted, she committed a slew of crimes, car thefts, shot somebody. she racked up 17 separate felony convictions and served three separate terms in prison, and then did something that too many do, she got total control of her life, even graduated college. in the process of that, gained a lot of wisdom. so it's with great pleasure we welcome jenny burton to the show tonight. thank you so much for coming on. you've seen this from both sides as a drug addicted person committing crimes and clear-thinking person assessing what's happening to the country. what should we be doing different, do you think? >> incarcerating with intention, tucker, which this administration is definitely not addressing any of the necessary
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components of what's happening in our society right now. they're using a harm reduction approach, not just to drugs, but also to crime. that's extremely problematic. >> tucker: so you say incarceration with intention. the idea is if you put someone behind bars it's cruel, you're the criminal for wanting to do that, and you're saying, having been in prison three separate times, kit be good, not just for society, but for the person incarcerated. is that what you're saying? >> exactly what i'm saying. when we incarcerate with intention, we're seeing a decline in humanity. the united states is leading the way with that, taking a harm reduction approach everywhere. what's happening is, we're seeing an increase in overdose deaths and a decrease in incarceratation, but when we incarceration with intention, what we would be doing is
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implementing services during incarceration that help people to take control of their own lives. what this would also do, create more of a saf-t-net in the community. people that have been victimized, impacted by those committing crimes, which i want to say that probably i would say of 90% of people in active addiction commit crimes. those committing crimes are also using drugs and alcohol. these underlying causes would be addressed very intentionally so we make sure we're attacking the problems when we have people separated from the destructive path, if that makes sense. >> tucker: addiction means crime, not just because you're breaking a law by using drugs, but you're driven to crime. do you think you would have ever gotten better as a drug addict if you haven't been incarcerated? >> no. i'm extremely grateful that
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incarceration was an option for me. if i was using today, with the policies in place right now, i wouldn't be where i am. we're denying people an opportunity to actually thrive and to get their lives back. what i can tell you about my own appearance is that i didn't have the necessary skills to navigate society. if not for that separation, i wouldn't have been able to accumulate the different kinds of services that i did in order to get me where i am today. we did a lot, a lot of intel over the last number of decades, since the famous 1994 crime bill, which was authored by joe biden, in case people that don't know, that exacerbated incarceration in this nation, and pulled services out of our systems. we have a lot of information at this point of what is needed, but we're denying people that opportunity. we went from one end of the
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pendulum all the way over to this other side. harm reduction is inaction. inaction is actually an action. what it is is sending a message that no lives matter in this nation. >> tucker: harm reduction is an action, inaction sends the message that no lives matter. i hope people are hearing you, that you get a chance to get your voice out there. i think it's necessary. thank you very much. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: more news straight ahead
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>> tucker: thank you for spending the last hour with us. we are going to do our best. we will be tomorrow night. in the meantime, sean hannity takes over now. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." we are live tonight. we are at the site of the 2022 patriot awards and we begin with an extremely important alert. ♪ ♪ it is now official. republicans have not won a majority in the u.s. house of representatives -- now won a majority in the u.s. house of representatives. nancy pelosi's ray has become -- ray has come to an end. president trump kicked of his


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