tv Hannity FOX News November 16, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: thank you for spending the last hour with us. we are going to do our best. we will be tomorrow night. in the meantime, sean hannity takes over now. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." we are live tonight. we are at the site of the 2022 patriot awards and we begin with an extremely important alert. ♪ ♪ it is now official. republicans have not won a majority in the u.s. house of representatives -- now won a majority in the u.s. house of representatives. nancy pelosi's ray has become -- ray has come to an end. president trump kicked of his
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presidential bid in mar-a-lago with a speech filled with policy and while we can't predict exactly what is going to happen in 2024, we can take a look back. just two years ago, americans were recovering from the pandemic and a big way. gas prices were low. interest rates were low. inflation was almost nonexistent. the stock market was surging. and the southern border was secure. but in two short years, under joe biden, that trajectory, now has changed and it has changed dramatically. our country is now in a precipitous decline. americans are sadly suffering from violent crime and backbreaking inflation and record high gas prices get layoffs at major corporations are now underway and it is happening. it is widespread. abroad europe is not to drink on the brink of yet another world war. now these are major life altering problems and yet democrats are not offering any solutions at all.
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they are lying. the ehresmann. they are fearmongering. and like this is some kind of game. this is all before the election. they lied about republicans are going to take away your social security. they lied about democracy is on the ballot but they ignored the southern border of the united states and they allowed unfettered access to anybody. that u.s. set a brand-new record for illegal crossings as we have up there on the screen 2.76 million illegal immigrants. those are the ones that we know about that were apprehended in 2022. and that is up from last year's record of one point seventh 2 million. in 2009, border crossings were 556,000. let's take a quick look in time. chuck schumer had this to say. times have changed. >> illegal immigration is wrong. until the american people are convinced that we will stop future it flows of illegal immigration, we will make no
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progress. on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now and on -- our system of legal immigration. people who enter the united states without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the u.s. legally. the american people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe that their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration. >> sean: where did that guy go? that is when the democrats cared about truth and reality and about the rule of law. we have laws about integrating into this country and yesterday and it wouldn't attempt to pander to his medical base, chuck schumer sounded very different granting amnesty to all illegal immigrants. does this sound like the same guide that you heard from? you decide.
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>> senator schumer: our goal is to help the dreamers, a path to citizenship. however many under committed there are and we will be pursuing that in the next senate. it is the right thing to do. it is the moral thing to do. it is the humane thing to do and i want to assure everyone here, we will not stop fighting until we get a fix for d daca. >> sean: why was not chuck telling you that before the election? legal immigration is wrong, plain and simple until the emergent people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration. we will make no progress on dealing with millions of illegal immigrants who are now here. so is everyone does anyone convinced democrats will stop future flows of illegal immigration? is there any evidence of that at all? have they proposed any kind of solution? what they inherited was a secure border.
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how is kamala harris doing? what about helmet security secretary mayorkas? what is he doing to help? what on earth is he up to because he is not securing the homeland at our southern border, our country is at risk because of what is a clear election of did he. let me explain what happened. we have wide open borders. they process, they release them into the country. they give them preferential treatment because they don't have a vaccine mandate. they don't even have a covid test. there's no background check where people come from whether they have medical associations were not. and then to get their free biden phone entity -- and to get transferred to some obscure airport and from there, it will, you take care of their housing and their food and their healthcare and their education and their kids, et cetera. and look at the number of americans now that are dying. record numbers from fentanyl pouring in from mexico. 90% of here when from that
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southern border. cartels are important. knelt making more money then ever. human trafficking, sex trafficking are rampant. criminals apprehended trying to cross and we have no idea how many were not apprehended. that would mean timber cells when trying to get into this country to bring our country harm, to bring families arm. this administration, mayorkas, biden, i'm not sure exactly how they sleep at night knowing that this is the pushy or incompetent tech it is now led to the death and disruption all across this country especially with fentanyl on a massive scale. we know that the big guy, joe biden, sleep just fine. plenty of naps and early bed bedtime. joe is not a serious president. he is not up to to drop pretty is feeble. he is cognitively impaired and democrats just taught him out with a note card in his head. he tells the party line, who is actually making the real policy,
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no one seems to know. devoyd of strong coveted relation -- leadership. it is also the inflation crisis. if you it every time you go to every store you shop at. the supply chain crisis. the violence all across the country. in small towns, big cities. but not yet we do have good news. the majority of republicans now in the house, they can at least stop the biden administration from actively making these crisis even worse. and now what, trillion dollar new green new deal, they can be estopped. no more dilute state bailouts. that can be stopped. no more tax hikes. they can stop that. and by the way, that all get -- gets passed on to you. they pass it all onto you. republicans have the power of subpoena. they have the power to investigate the biden administration and issue those subpoenas and hold all of them accountable. make no mistake. taking control of the house
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tonight is a really big deal. and our two-year nightmare with radical democrats in control of your government is mercifully coming to an end. with market maybe soon to be speaker of the house house minority leader kevin mcca mccarthy. that maybe that last time i introduce you as that. congratulations on what is a huge victory for the american people because this is the only avenue government now where we can put a check and a balance on the biden immigration and these new green new deal them because. let's first talk about you won that nomination inside your party caucus. you have to have 218 votes to be the speaker of the house. a small margin. will republicans put their egos aside? will they work together? will they follow up on the commitments to america? will that use the power of subpoena and the power of the
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purse? >> congressman mccarthy: i believe so, sean and we need to work together because you are right. we are the only -- that can stop this disastrous biden agenda. think for one moment. it is official. one party democrat rule in washington is finished. we have fired nancy pelosi. we have worked hard to earn this agenda. you were right. we worked very hard on getting the majority. we put the commitment to make out there. we told the american for executive what we would do and think about impact 218th see that was called senate was congressman mike garcia. the former naval academy f-18 pilot. this is los angeles clipper this is a seat that joe biden carried by 13 points. and we won it. and we still got more good news tonight. madera just came back and we count for the california 13th and john duarte had just gone up
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by 900 votes. we got about four more seats out there possibly that we can win. but the one thing i know in washington, we don't handicap us out in small, medium, and large-size. it is one size gravel. the ability to the subpoena and hold this government accountable, secure this border, fight to make energy independent could get the parents a say in their kids' education and actually looked with the doj is doing and that dhs is doing and others and that is exactly what we are going to dudes on day one in this house. we will repeal 87,000 new irs. >> sean: you would have to power to do that because you have the power of the purse? >> congressman mccarthy: that is exactly right and we will use the power of the purse. size of our debt has got to stop. we have got to actually focus in what we did listening to the emergent public. you have to make an economy that is strong.
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they are hurting because of inflation. we got to click on this wasteful washington spending. we got to make ourselves energy independent. not just energy independent las. let's make china dependent on our natural gas. let's secure our borders so our children arnold are being killed by fentanyl every single day. let's make sure we stop defunding the police and start funding them. let's make sure parents have the parents bill of rights a say in their kids' education let's make sure government is held accountable. you have to congressman who are going to lead the charge for making sure government is held accountable. >> sean: on know we have carbs been calmer coming up and he is on the house oversight committee. he says he is ready to subpoena hunter biden. jim jordan is now going to be looking into it was not the fbi has been politicized. that is an infestation. we also have infestations into the nih and possible funding to
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the eco-alliance of the wuhan virology lab. did american taxpayers help pay for covid-19? will that be part of the investigation? >> congressman mccarthy: we want to know the origins of where covid began so we never have that happen again. how did it get there? we want to know what happened in the last 60 days of afghanistan. why didn't the president listen to the military? creating 13 new gold star families that never should have taken place. we have got a number of ways. whether the doj there after parents and call them terr terrorists? how can we have a secretary of homeland calling that at this border is secure when you have more than 2.7 individuals illegally coming across? are the number of people on the terrorist watch list coming into america? what do they have planned? who are they talking to? and why are they here? that is just the start.
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>> sean: let me ask you this question and it has to do -- and we saw the parrot that nancy pelosi had with the similar majority. >> congressman mccarthy: same size majority. >> sean: okay. my question to you is this. and i know everybody has their own agenda. but there are a lot of 80, 20 issues, 90 issues and look, i don't know what is going to happen within the caucus. but any congressman who because an awful lot of trouble, if you are the speaker of the house, the only admonition i have because of the republicans if they don't work as a unit they are not going to succeed. they will live and die together. and i think if you stay on those issues, are you confident that the caucus will hold strong together and rally around the issues that the american people entrusted you with when you've made your commitments to america?
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>> congressman mccarthy: we work together in this commitment to america. for the last year and a half. we watched it. to make an economy that is strong. that nation that is safe. the future that is built on freedom and a government is held a cannibal. we just had an issue with a primary with more than 84% of the conference i was able -- we had that debate. with now is the time to move forward to save this nation. if it works for the american people. we have to work as a team work we will lose as individuals and i believe this conference will rally together. because we will have a tough time. but if we listen and or harder together, we can't make the next century the american century. we were the only ones holding against this disastrous agenda by joe biden. i think for one moment. four is, i was elected. we had just lost the majority. less than 200 seats. for the last two election cycles, we had that nothing but win exceeds. the republicans in the senate lost. the republicans and the
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government less but it is a leap in the house. we are the last line of defense so we can't take this personal. we can't go out and make our own individual ideas. we need to work as a team for the sake of this nation and i asked anybody that join with us. you look at this new freshmen class. look at this republican party. we will listen to the american public. we will lead for the mac in public as well. join with us. we will work with and with that want to make america better. >> sean: kevin mccarthy, progress meant, thank you for being with us. joining us with mark, ranking member of the house committee, congressman james comer is with us. i'm going to start with you. your powerful voice in the conservative caucus, the freedom caucus. inside of congress. are you confident that various
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factions within the republican party will work together and stand as one unit against the radicalism of the democratic party because i think americans need to know that in fact there's going to be a lot that you can get done. >> we have to stop the medical agenda of joe biden. giving us the border that is no longer a border and giving us record inflation. giving us record crime and given us five tyler cass. not to mention what they have done our liberties, our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights. we have to stick together to fight those crazy policies and what they are doing to our constitution about the president said that last night. defending the things that make america special. so it is important that we do stick together and fight all the craziness we are seeing from today's left. >> sean: you will be in charge of the investigation into whether or not fbi has been politicized and whether not fbi has been -- are doj has been
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weaponize. that is a big investigation. between you, senator chuck grassley, senator ron johnson. we are told as many as 20 to 30 fbi informant have come forward and they are telling stories of how the fbi is so politicized they felt compelled to do so. what are the american people going to learn based on what you don't know, with these whistleblowers will be saying? >> first on, it is not the question, if it is process, it is. we have had agents come talk to us. several agents from our office who have said that it is one agent said it is routed to the court at the top level. not to -- but the top levels at the washington field office. let's just use one name to show you how serious this problem is. timothy table, a whistleblower with senator grassley's office who said it was mr. table who is the special agent in charge of that washington field office here in dc. he is the guy who suppressed information about the hunter biden story just days before weeks before the most important
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election we have, the potential election. we had a difficult recent both -- and safe by the way, that same guy, timothy table is -- to for this narrative of joe biden than half the country is extreme is. that is one at the critical office the washington field office who is involved in all this politics. so again, i, i come back to this fundamental point. america is the greatest nation ever. but it is not america if you have a justice department that is political that is not treating people equally another law. that is exactly what we have. we are committed to getting the truth out there because only when you get the truth out there you have a chance. of actually hold people accountable and change the behavior that is now happening, the highest levels of our justice department. >> sean: congressman comer you will be investigating the issue of hunter biden and laptop from hell. we have learned joe biden
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leveraging taxpayer dollars but also monies from kazakhstan. three and a half million dollars from the former first lady of moscow and $100 million investment into hunter biden's business to buy real estate from that same former first lady of moscow. then of course we have a chinese national taking biden family on a shopping spree. $1.5 billion deal with china. a 5 million-dollar no interest for -- forgivable loan. that sounds like a gift to me. and we also have within that laptop multiple implications that joe biden in fact lied to the country when he repeatedly said he never once talked to his son hunter about his foreign business dealings. we have pictures. we have chronicled meetings with hunter foreign business partners, and joe biden. do you believe that this is going to the lead to a massive scandal that will expose the
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biden family as a syndicate that made a fortune on caching off of their dad's position? >> congressman comer: into sure it looks like it and the first thing we will be able to prove is that joe biden lied to the american people when he said that he had notes knowledge of hunter biden's business dealings. we also have evidence that shows he was a large part of hunter's business dealings, that he was an equity partner, that hunter requested keys from the chinese partners to have an extra key for joe biden and joe biden's brother so that they could have office space so that joe biden could work with his son, that where the chinese to get their foot in the dorks on the american energy industry. thing about this, a time when the mickens are suffering from high energy prices because of joe biden's disastrous energy policy and when he has to go to saudi arabia to beg for more oil production, we not learned and we have a powerpoint presentation that we are going to present tomorrow in chinese
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that hundred was using to present to his backers in china a plan for china to get ownership and to purchase liquefied natural gas from producers all of the united states and then even worse, to be worse, to be able to get ownership in the infrastructure of the natural gas industry by purchasing an interest in the drillers. when joe biden says he is going to get tough on china, i mean, joe biden was a partner with his son and try to help china get an interest in natural gas ind industry. >> sean: is joe biden compromised, likely concrete -- compromised by china, by russia, but ukraine by kazakhstan? is this an influence peddling scandal we are talking about? >> congressman comer: i think we have proven that hunter biden's sheedy influence and sheedy business have compromised our national security. we are going to investigating joe biden to see if in fact this
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white house is come from us. and when people see the amount of money that hunter biden has received from our adversaries in russia, ukraine, china, and the middle east, i think they're going to be concerned because right now, the average person does not realize all the wrongdoing that hunter has done. we will have a press conference tomorrow, jim and i and we are once to connect the dots on everything that you mentioned in your opening. about all the ongoing with the biden family because this is an influence peddling scheme from this family that we are going to make it very clear that this is now an investigating of president biden. >> sean: it is interesting. it is a little bit of overlap here. and that then it raises the question of whether or not the fbi knew the entire time. did they cover it up? they had this laptop for a long, long time now and never did anything with it. >> congressman comer: and that is something that as chairman of the judiciary committee will look at.
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>> left work at jim jordan. >> congressman jordan: what prompted the fbi to tilt facebook, -- led to facebook suppressing a story that the people should have had one that make the decision about who is going to be their commander-in-chief. ♪ ♪ >> sean: it is going to be a different america in just a couple of short ones. it is amazing how one election can change things dramatically. when we come back to the m markt the media, desperately trying to push of course their fake narrative of a gop civil war. i doubt we're good to see when. wait until you seek help governor ron desantis' body to that. we look at last night for speech with president trump and much more with joe concha, tammy bruce straight ahead. we continue from florida. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: earlier today in the state of florida, governor ron desantis was asked about whether he is concerned about a coming gop civil war. this is a narrative that that medium bob loves to have unfold. here is how he responded. >> governor desantis: we just finished this election. people need to chill out a little bit on some of the stuff. seriously. we just ran an election. [applause] we have this georgia runoff coming which is a very important for republicans to win that georgia enough. i know about the country, florida was kind of the biggest bright spot. it was not so bright in many other parts of the country. it was a substandard performance given the dynamics that are in play. >> sean: we need some perspective. we got two years to go. we have not finished counting votes from this past election. we have him enough in georgia.
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and my opinion, it is time for newly like to republicans to get to work and covered and look up for the forgotten men and women, 2024 will be here soon enough and subways, that campaign started last night. here is the 44th president of the united states during his widely viewed announcement. take a look. >> president trump: the decline of america is being forced upon us by biden and the radical left lunatics running our government into the ground. is decline is not a fake -- fate we must accept a. when given the choice, i believe the american people will overwhelmingly reject the left's platform of national ruin. they will embrace our platform of national greatness and glory into america. this will not be my campaign. this will be our campaign. we are altogether. [cheers and applause]
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because the only force strong enough to defeat the massive corruption we are up against is you, the american people. it is true. the american people, the greatest people on earth. we love them all. and we love both sides. we are going to bring people together. we are going to unify people. >> sean: the house in january and anybody that is running for president, they are running on a platform. a platform humbly to fix the problems of a country that is in decline. democrats, they want republicans to only kill each other yet they have treated all these problems. but they will be killing themselves because most of them don't want biden and most of them don't have the courage to admit it. a lot of big issues. looking at for the emerging, the working men and women, the people that really make america great will be a top priority for republicans. don't kid yourself. republicans running for higher
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office, by democrats, whoever it is, they will be smeared. they will be slandered. they will be besmirched. they will be demonized. and republicans have plenty of people that are out there. the democrats are deciding between a man and a cognitive decline or enough job out of california that once california to be a model for the rest of the country which would be an unmitigated disaster. fox news contributor's joe concha and tammy bruce are with us. i want to go over some of the things that president trump said last night. we are a nation in decline. tammy, pain, hardship. anxiety. despair. you know? democrats inherited an economy inflation was nonexistent. our borders were secure. peace through strength work to. we were energy independent. you know? america now is going to make very, very critical decisions. i would like to see the republicans on the same page with that same agenda as they do
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it in the house, which is where this will start as of january. but that will carry, i think, through 2024 and the elections ahead. because the agenda is conservatives -- >> tammy: and we don't have to look to a history book to know that. we all expensed it recently and that is very, very helpful and the american people relies leadership matters. we you could not have a more stark difference from president trump's delivery and the accompaniments not just rhetoric not just pointing to the democrats and whining, he did things and that is why he was elected. this is very similar. i have to say to 2015 and 2016 when it came to the nature of what americans were watching and thinking, we were being told by obama, it was the new normal. that this is what we could expect. this is the natural trajectory. and donald trump said, no, it is not. now, in this case, of course, you have got a talent bench which is great for the republicans. ron desantis is wonderful.
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he exists because of donald trump. so other talent that won in this midterm exists because of us realizing through prompt that fresh faces, new ideas, people who want to make america great again, matter and can make the difference regardless of whether they have had a stent in plea, office or not before. that is keeping and for the democrats, went of course they want to you mentioned of course, the civil war. nothing could be further from the truth. there are very few people who want to maintain the division. if you saff donald trump's performance, it was steady. it was good. and it was focus. and i like what ron desantis set about really effectively cool your jets. because this is not going to happen, there is room, thank god we got so much talent. there's room for everyone to work together to move forward and for those in both parties that do not want the republicans to work together and not that i will mention any names, liz
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cheney, but that there are people who would prefer that democrats to win and the harm in that they are using their revenge to hurt every single average american in this country. shame on them. we are not going to let them do it. i think president trump and ron desantis are the future of this country, president trump, of course, it leads that way. and i'm excited for the future. >> sean: you know, joe concha, it was funny last night. we have a president that falls asleep at world conferences, a president that thanks -- says thank you to the wrong country, that does not no his own cabinet members by name. does not even know that name of world leaders. it was just so embarrassing on the world stage. more importantly, every economist i talked to says they expect things are going to get dramatically worse. inflation is going to get worse. gas prices are going to go higher. there are predictions that heating your home will go. a whopping 30% this winter. maybe higher.
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and that new england event risks an entire blackout. they are all on the same grid in new england. and i think okay, we can solve the energy problem. we have the resources. we can solve the border problem. we can solve our education problem by going back to basics. we can't hire police and we can train them and we can be safe and more secure in our cities and towns. there, seems all of this and if i have any advice, not that anyone is going to listen to me but it would be that everybody stay on the same page and realized to put up is to serve the american people. they want to be public servants. it is an honor to be able to serve them. and the agenda it will work if it is in fact implement a. >> joe: and you are not fearmongering, sean take a look at. >> it analyst who say we are headed for a treat recession in 2023 and imagine that. image and home heating cost. yo caught between the choice between eating and heating a lot of middle-class families. poor family may be faced with a
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choice. while not feeling safe in their own communities by the way. so i just find it amazing that this is what is on the future and you have more than a few immediate talking about a civil war within the republican party. it is funny how that will wreck remember, democrats don't flip-flop on issues. they evolve on issues. templates are never in a civil war. it is simply ended, exchange of ideas under a big difference 10. almost nobody in the press by the late civil work went 29 democrats meant for their party's nomination just two years ago. so many people running that they had to have the primary debates happen over two nights because they could not fit everyone on stage. but there's no talk of the civil war that aunt tammy is right. the wake governor desantis handled this was perfect but he is sa thing that to the press, m not taking your bait. no active leader pushes better back on the press than the florida governor of thes should follow suit. there was a sump finger-
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finger-pointing. particularly in the senate. that is natural and vigorous debate on -- and that is the best track for success for any party. it is a good thing. if everyone agreed and they were complete lockstep, that is like the democratic party always appears to be and that is unhealthy. it is myopic. it is undemocratic. sean? >> tammy: can i add one thing that there is this app tend to blame donald trump for the lackluster performance. he had over 200 of his candidates that he endorsed when. i would argue if donald trump had not been involved this passive fearful base in that -- the republican party leadership, my saying the results would have been worse at this is something they don't want you to think about. they want it to be someone else's fault so that you don't look at them. the fact is, it was his candidates that came to. some very high-profile ones. it was the passion moving forward that i think appealed to the american people. >> sean: any leader that is a
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republican is going to get slandered that they are going to get smeared. they are going to get attack. viciously by the left. it goes with the territory and it just is never been on the level it was with president trump. you can see it not with governor desantis. you can see it with any rising republican. anybody that is conservative. it will happen to all of them because that is how they win power. by smearing, slandering catbus merchant, and even outright lying. republicans are going to take away. social security, medicare. tammy, thank you and joe, i was good to see you. would become back that new disturbing details about the brutal murder of four college students in iowa. we have a live report. that is coming up. and nato is on high alert tonight after a missile struck poland. lieutenant colonel all delivered -- oliver north will share his thoughts straight ahead. [ music ]
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♪ ♪ >> sean: tonight, more gruesome details out in idaho after that shocking staffing and murders of four university of idaho students. here with the latest from our west coast newsroom is ever owned matt finn. what is the latest? >> reporter: police say a killer or killers are on the news after the four university of idaho students believed to be a group of friends were a step to the death senate money. police say they have not recovered a weapon. connecticut students are linked as police are unable to assure that the area is totally secure. and if the if there's a new vido showing two of the four murder victims at a food truck about 1:30 in that moment just hours before police believe the four friends were killed at their
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home. medicine mocha and kelly gonzales both were wearing long sleeves and jeans talking to friends and ordering pasta. the daily mail. they were joined by underfunded young man. -- unidentified young match authorities have described a violent and bloodied murder scene. two minutes called police around noon on sunday that is when officers discovered the four murdered students. no signs of forced entry. police say the two other students that were killed were at a party on saturday night. police in the school have insisted that this was an isolated crime of passion. sean? >> sean: our prayers are with the family. we are learning tonight new details that missile that crashed in poland this week was likely fired by ukraine's air defenses and not the russian a to back that eases some concerns of some people of a major
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escalation in the war against ukraine. yesterday, joe biden sparked a lot of confusion after he refused to answer straightforward questions about the nature of this strike. take a look. >> reporter: mr. president, can you tell us what you know so far of the explosion? >> president biden: no. [overlapping speakers] >> sean: meanwhile, biden is asking congress for another $37 billion isn't emergency aid for ukraine. that is in addition to estimated 20 billion. that we have already been sending over to ukraine since this war began. anyway, here with reaction is our friend retired lieutenant colonel and all of love in earth -- oliver north. was it a russian missile or was it not a russian missile? i would assume that we will be
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able to determine that fairly >> lieutenant colonel north: yes you want to make sure that the right people have gone that kind of conclusion and that is the experts who were on the way literally within minutes of this happening. someone come in from germany and apparently some from the united states. mosa primitive it turns out all of the information you and i have seen is correct. that it was indeed a weapon that was fired in ukraine against an incoming horde of missiles coming out of the soviet union. excuse me, out of russia. ultimately, the president is given an enormous opportunity. he had been briefed on but he did not remember what he had been briefed on. his answer was no even though he had already been briefed by their respective national security people. the so-called group of 20. already been briefed on it. and they wanted to discuss the revocations for it. the frightening thing is he
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missed an opportunity to save this is not the fault of ukraine. this is the fault of russia. russia has started this. they bear responsibly for what has happened because that is a direct result of the ongoing war that russia started. ukraine has every right to shakedown those missiles. and the idea that ukraine was going to the russians are going to intentionally engage with one missile against a nato member obviously -- >> let me ask you this. >> lieutenant colonel north: i'm sorry, go ahead. >> sean: nato has an agreement. a pack -- attack against one is an attack against all. do you believe fact poland is attack or any other nato ally country that the appropriate military response will follow? because i'm not so sure that will happen. >> lieutenant colonel north: yys i am. i am certain. article five of the convention is actually an enormous treaty.
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article five is very direct and it has only been -- once. article five was employed after 9/11. nato joined us. we better be with nato the next time any time a nato country is a to back. >> sean: i think that message is one that needs to be sent. the president would have to remember the briefing he had hours earlier. we appreciate it, colonel. coming up, new details from the paul pelosi attack along with another wrinkle from mpcs bizarre strange contradictory coverage of this case. is getting more estranged by the day. we will have that coming up straight ahead. ♪ ♪ this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: tonight, another twist and turn in the case of paul pelosi's alleged attacker as local media in san francisco's reporting, nbc, as a matter of fact, that it was paul pelosi could not police who opened the door the night that that hammer attack and paul pelosi did not appear to be in any immediate danger with the police first arrived. that directly conflicts with filings from the department of justice that matches up with statements from the san francisco d.a.'s office. nbc's today show ran a similar story just weeks ago that mr. sleet they scrubbed it with little to know explanation that it does not meet our standards. here with reaction kellyanne conway. if you could figure this out, you are smarter than i am because you have nbc, the today show, they have their reporter report the story. and then nbc out in san francisco is the story and i
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think they are not tracking that one. can you explain that? >> kellyanne: if i make a why is this important? why are we talking about paul pelosi at the attacks? it is important because he is married to the number three in line to the presidency. the third most important person in our nation's government. i'm very sorry for what happened in paul pelosi. i'm not sorry she is no longer going to be speaker of the house. it is important because to not have her home in san francisco, secured in that way to have her spouse not concerned is -- and number two the doj and that san francisco d.a.s have a complete conflicting report according to reporter in san francisco whose beach is san francisco -- beat is san francisco. the department of justice says two officers opened the thorpe. the d.a. says paul pelosi opened the door with his left hand. when you and the something, a home like that, when you have been called that you enter a home. you want to see with the
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physical state is. the mental state and relationship house? does anybody have a weapon? so that is what is usually seen. it sounds like from this one report, the early nbc report redacted, that paul pelosi opened the door. this is relevant and i'm glad the police officers were there when he started the attack with the hammer. i was just justice staffer and had 24/7 secret service because there are a lot of crazy people out there making tons of threats to staffers let alone maybe to the nancy pelosi. people say just move on. we can't move on. we just need to know the truth. 84% of americans say that they don't have faith in the media anymore. that is important. mist. >> sean: i'm glad he is going to be okay. the speaker needs secret service protection. if you are about to be attacked, why wouldn't you run out the door? that question needs to be answered. >> kellyanne: we need to know.
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7:00 pm
♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately, that is all the time we have left. as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for that making the jokes possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity.", and in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. "the ingraham angle" is going to be -- by the way, they will be right here on the same exact s set. with more ingraham. you will be right next to me. >> laura: this is going to be like -- [overlapping speakers] >> laura: , my come on? we have not done that in a wh while. tran17 of course. -- >> sean: of course. >> laura: is it tucker? it is tucker and then you and then we are all together in the same p
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