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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 17, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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fox nation. >> we are out of time. unfortunately, you can stream we the patriot awards right nowe pr on fox o they are going on and worth watching. we'll be back 8:00 p.m. every night that evening at yershon. . hi, welcome to "hannity". tonight, we're broadcasting. - hello, live at the twenty twenty two patriot awards in awd beautiful hollywood, the free state of florida. is thid.s free state here. just checking. and by the way, we're joined by many special guests tonight, lj, lawrence jones, ainsley ehrhart and the one and only laura ingram . will be right here with us
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on the show. also tonight, we'll check in with herschel walker. but first, we have big news from capitol hill. i know this is going to make you very sad, a very tearful nancy pelosi announced she will no longer be seeking a leadership role in the next congress. >> because she fired her time at the top is over and it ended with a big loss. now, republicans now have control of the house and soon, for the first time in two years, this administration will finally get their feet held to the fire . that includes the big guy himself, joe biden, who has long been accused of public corruption. but not just any public corruption. according to bank records, government documents, hunter biden biden's laptop from . biden sold access to the highest levels of our federal government to america's foreignw adversaries.e countries that hate us dhave aoe have a president of the united states that's compromised? and of course, he ended up
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huntg his crack addicted son as era bag man. hunter biden, with no experience, collected millions fromer first the former first lf moscow and then a hundred cours million dollar investment frommo her as relates to real estate. and ofney fr course, they got my from ukraine. and hunter went on good and morg america. any experience in oil, gas, gwh energy or ukraine? h nope. why do you think you madeof millions of dollars? i don't know. maybe because of your father. then, of course, china. one hundred thousand dollar shopping spree for hunter and his family. one point five dollars billion deal with the bank of china. and tonight we're learning this is just the tip of the iceberg. us banks, we now know more than one hundred and fifty suspicious activity reports with the federal government over foreign transactions from hunter and joe biden's brother, jim hunter alone had lucrative financial relationships with numerous shady foreign nationals and more than a dozene countries. and according to hunter
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himself, well, a cut of thoslwae proceeds was always set aside for the big guy and tax found on his laptop. he complained bitterly abouter'a having to gived half of his income to pops. he even paidop for upkeepme on joe's mansion in delawarent.e joe biden. r heev denied any knowledge of hii son's business deals or ever even talking to his son about his foreign business dealings. take a look. >> mr. vice president , how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? i've never spoken my overseas. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else in me having to doness with their business period. and what i will dothat's is the same thing we did in our administration will be an absolute schwalbe betweenbsolut personal and private. and the government. not do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your sons s overseas business?ay >> i stand by that statement.emn alt.l joe biden lied to theto
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entire country and photograph after photographtire after photograph, he was pictured with his son's foreign businesse partners. in fact, there's evidenct e thai joe met with at least 14 of these individuals, just between 2010 and twenty eighteen alone.. and now the republican congress, they will be demanding answers, take in 2019. shortly after announcing his campaign for president ,o with joe biden told the american neg to dveousineshin with and never had conversations with his family about their business dealings. that was a lie.the bi the biden's flourished. o th he became millionaires by simply offering access to the familamong y. e were among the dozens of shell companies, the biden set up, lis there were millions of dollars of wire transfers, flights of sire 2 to force two to condut personal business and meetings with heads of state, all while joe biden was aware of what was happening. this is an investigation of joe biden, the president of the united states , and why he lied to the american people h
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about his knowledge and participation in his family's internationaled about h schemes. >>em. now, the white house, they're calling this a long debunking spirit theory, but wen know better. the pictures are real. fr from is real.of tho hunter's business associatesse are real. and one of those business associates, tony bobbo, linskey ,will join us on this important day. he's right here on set with us . and as congressman jordan described, this is anything but a debunked conspiracy theory. let's take a look. >> never forget how this story has changed. i mean, think about this. when it started off, it was no, it's not his laptop. it's not his laptop.russia then it was well, it's his did laptop. but remember, it's russian disinformation and no one did anything wrong. then it was, well, maybe maybet he did something wrong. but president biden didn't know about. d wa and now it's well, maybes in president biden knew about and was involved, but it didn't. influence his decisions.
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but obviously, it's important that biden is fully investigated. did he offer favors in exchange for cash? did the family avoid paying taxes or launder foreign money? how much of that money went up u in smoke? literally, foreign investors, politicians, you don'tf give millions of dollars to ado crackhead for nollar reason. wh but this investigation goehos it beyond the bidens and the white hous e. o trie this isn't just about publicit . corruption, but also the individualtakes who tried to cover it up. >> take a look. weag just did a report two weeks a report that talked about the political influence and the political shenanigans going on in our justice departe depart based on fourteen fbi agentse bw have come talk to ouerr officeid as whistleblowers. one of those agents said , and this is a term t he is , you said, at the highest levels of the fbi, specificallofy the washington field office. he said it's rotted to the core. what is the fbe fbi goini go qut interfering with elections? 2016.campai they spied on president trump'sn campaign. 2018.
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it wasst the muellerig investigation. 2020. they suppresseationformatiut tht about the biden story.heom 2020 twoe., they raided the president's home ninety one days before the election.e it'd.3 4 f1 just stayed out of it. let the people decide who we think should represent us there. >> you have deep seated bias, a two tiered system of justice,o big tech censorship. democrats are in charge of congress. for years, they never darede investigatane any of why is that?up and because this corruption goes one up. yourenefits all of them.e and now it's finally time to hold your government accountable before it's too late. you with the very latest kentucky congressman james palmer. congressman, you laid oun jamet of details today.o go t i want to go through some of itt with you. you said that joe biden personally participated in meetings and phone calls and you have documents that show he wa s a partner with access to an office and that, joe , is , in fact,atn clearly the big guy. e fami what elslye can you tell us abot this and how much money are we talking about? the family mak
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e what we'reen talking about, millions of dollars that went to hunte asr. lained and as you a showed with the tet message, hunter complained about having to keep his family up. hunter complained that beau was the golden child and that no one appreciated the fact that he paid his dad's livingd no one expenses. d so there's evidence from huntera biden himself to suggest thatf l joe biden was directlyar benefiting from the millions of dollars hunter was getting from these shady business deals. todaeven worse, we showed emailsy today where hunter bidn ofailed the landlord of an officefi for a business. he was starting with his dad. he said his dad was going to get a 10% equity stake in a business that was to help china get their foot in the door on the american natural gae amazins industry. so the amazing thing is joe biden was working with hunter biden to help china get a leg is up on our american energy industry. wand he was a part of that. this is something that he's lied about his involvement. he's lied about his knowledge. and we need to investigate that because this is an issue of
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national security. you know, let me ask you this, because you also saye and i've raised this question now for quite a period of time, and that is if you're taking money and doing business deals for that amount of moneyia with russia, you know, fornd example, one hundred million dollars, former first lady of moscow invested in real estater hunters by hunter biden. involved in it is no experience that we found at all in realize. estate. gav you add that to the fact that she also gave three and a half million. then you loonak at china and you've at one point let five dollars billion deal with the bank of china.e let me see if my choice in investments is goldman sachs, deutsche bank or hunter. by you, you mean the chinese are going to go with unabiding firm? i tend to doubt alr n l of that. and now the question reallyn is is this. is this president compromised by some of the most hostile r regimes on the face of the earth? that's the purpose of our investigation.
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and that's what i tried to layie out to the mainstream media today. layi you've been calling this the biden investigation. we've proven enough. atio hunter biden.n and this now becomes the joe bidentr investigation. vestigatand the reason we're investigating joe biden is to determine whether or not this administration is compromised. we know administration inof the histor hasy of america has many conflicts of interest. the bidefan family has benefite for over a decade fromna joe biden's name, from their influence peddling. that's their business and influenc be peddling. s suff and the facter that we haveday r americans suffering every daomy from high energy prices becausee of joe biden's bad energy policies. now we find out that he was working with china to try to gety amer our foot in the dor and not only buy american natural gas, but also to start buying an interest in chi the drillers. sona g he wanted to help chinauf get a foot in the door to own the infested for the natural gas you know, peoplein are goingd ie crazy over china, buyingted stat farmland in the dakotas.
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the united states himself, along with his shady son ,a was trying to help china get the foot in the door on our energy industry. so this administration needsandn to be investigated. i know the democrats are outraged and they can't imagine a committee in congreshe unites investigating a sitting of the united states .e wh but there's more than enoughan evidence i to prove why this should be an investigation of the utmost importance. congressman coleman, we're going to have you on often all throughout this trip, these proceedings. i predict this may end up being one of the biggest influence unitedng scandals in american history. thank you fower your hard work and your willingness to take on a hard topic. appreciate you being with us. anyway, one of the one of hunter's american business associates, tarsng aa, facilitag a deal in china. tony belinski is now sounding alarm. he sais nod the dealt with chis not about hunter, biden or jim biden. about the biden family owned and operated by joe com biden. he nowpred believe ands that jod the entire family are compromise nh more.
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and joining us now with more, former biden family businessbobs associate. you guys know tony bobbo like likably again. so d we're investigatingcountr . joe biden lied to the country when he said, you know, for a fact you were there when he said that he had no knowledge of. well, sean, if you'll humor me,e it's an honor to be here at the patriot awards. i'm a i'm a united states. offie i was a navar l officer. my entire male family served this country. n and what an amazing night that ofx news puts on to recognize all the prior vets. future vets, please, officers m and first responders. so i'm just from myself, ople ta my family. i'd like to extend a holiday. thank you. t have ft anto all those peoplea fought and defended this country. >> thank you for saying that. thank you foor sayinr service al you know what? wewe hav he some reaavl heroes r by the way.tu we're honored.veory they give us this camera everyth
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night. wee e media have an opportunitye a story. the rest of the media won' and that's part ofwi your story. you met with joe biden. you met with hunter biden.n lied and joe biden lied when he saidn he knew nothing about hunter's business. sas a farm business association. so this is tough. obviously, we have four minutes and this is a little more .e moe yeah, a little more. you know, out of respect fornd congressmen jordan and congressmen who are working really hard and their teamrd ane working really hard. just walking around the patriote awards tonight, i've had a hundred people probably ask me, hey, is justice going to happeen and on? what's going on with this? and my message to them is just be patient. i think congressman comey is very focused and congressmann jordan are ver iy focused t and obviously i provided extensive amount of factwo ys to years ago. i came outh publicly before the twenty twenty election with the hope that all the american people would be given those facts big and unfortunately, through the collusion of big tech, t
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the fbi and the mainstream media, half the country neverrth heard about those facts. and i think that's quickly going to change. starting this morning with thene press conference that congressman coleman, e congressman jordan had as well as to because i do want to show you respect to senator johnson and senator grassley, who've worked tirelessly on this for years. they both won their reelection . and , yo thanku know, i'm thankn to the american people and they have some great stuff. the facts, the facts matter. s weea don't have to sensationalie this, you know, fact matter. yoyou knowu were, for a fact, be you were talking about farmreig businessbu, not nothing illegalg but you were talking about with joe and hunter and you were in the room. and , you know, for a fact that went on hunter's laptop where the references to the big guy, it was hunter biden. i mean, it was joe biden. i mean, it's crazy that we'relkg actually still talking about0% e
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two years after i've come public 1000% joe biden is the big guy. congressman colmar, just this morning there is a trove of facts and the good news for e is notican peopl only have i come forward, but in the last variety of months, multiple whistleblowers have comean forward with a whole trog of facts that corroborate everything i've said ind as welt as add incremental information to it. and i thiniok the american peope are going to see those facts.ful i think they're going to be shocked by those facts. s erved.and hopefully justiceresto is served. you've met youf knew hunter, y knew the rest of the family. did any of them have anycoun experiencetr they could offerre these countries in exchange for the massive amounts of moneye we're talking about? but the good news once againpeo is the american people don't have to take my word for it. hunter biden, in his own words, says he is putting his entire family, family legacy on the line to do business with the chinese communist party. cft part cfcc. he says that in his own words, in numerous text messages and ,
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you know, other things that provided both to the fbi and other whistleblowers. so don't take my word for it. the good news is congressman colmar and congressman jordan have troves of documents that. will corroborate all this.e bide but 1000%, joe biden, can i ask if you've me t with all these --vestigators? i'm sorry, have you met with these investigators? both congressman? jordan and congressman comey? no, i'm more than willingng to cooperate. nson and as our senator johnson, and senator grassley. so i'll make myself available to them around the clock. so the only thine bideg the bidens were offering is what their namether and these other countries. i mean, you're sitting in the meetings, you know, you'reno talking business. you know, he has nience.o expere . what why would anybody be offering the type of moneyset we're talking about of china, for example, one point bil five billion dollalion wr deal n the bank of china.a. you're going to choose goldma sachs, deutsche bank, or hunter biden for one hundred million dollars from oligarc andh formeu
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first lady of why why were they doing business with the bidens? and at the end of the day, is it woefully being involved in all of this, that, in fact, our nationalr securitys is compromised with joe biden as president? this will be the las >>t, bee hopefully, last question, because i do want to get me. to herschel walker, who's an inspiration to me on ourco national security, was mpro famcompromised by the bidee family. i believe congressman colmar will prove that as well. congressman jordan, the biden sorry, the biden i'm giving cla some water, by the wayfo. everyone clapped for him. they said, yeah, i know live. but, you know, the biden familyg was doing business with the chinese communist party. and you once again, don't haveat to take my word for it. hunter bideners says that in awa the first person, joe biden wase well aware of that in that
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audio recording where he calls hunter to acknowledge that the new times was going to release an article that talks all about it thi and the i had this laptop now forever, and they didn't do a thing. h, s blasting herschel walker inspired you.k and yeah, soyour au i thinkmind i your audience knows this, butn w the most important thing going wa in my mind in this country right now is the next 20 days. herschel walker, who's a personal friend and has been an inspiration to me since y i was in my youndeg teens as an athlete, enabled me to developpp the disciplinelied that i applig in athletics, the military whllege and business. soat it's not political to me. it's personal, but what an inspiration he was to me and he's an inspiration as a man. ngand anybody watching this tea, herschel .com, he needs help. s he's on tonight. he needsea help.onight. marshall .com, i'm going to georgia. voting starts on november twenty eight through december six . and people need to come out support h and and support him.
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he's a great man and our country needs him and georgia needs tony. thanks for stopping by , tonys o barber. let's get everybody. all right. we have new details about the brutal murders of four college students. also, senator ron johnson reacst to his exchange with the fbi director , ray, about huntersens laptop and who's going to replace nancy pelospi in pos leadership. i vote for aoc. l i'll explain straight ahead.eade rshii votewhen i read what it tr yellowstone to be here, i realized that this was a story that i suddenly wanted to share down the page. yellowstone looked the same today. as they described in these journals. one hundred and fifty years ago, no way. i'm walking in the shadow of the pioneers following the trail. they always be perfect, just
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perfect. oh, come on . wind that one up around the bear. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what changed. okay, here we go again. and i'm going down the map and my feet, man. hello. >> i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. unless you use relaxium sleep. relaxium sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it, it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body
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. >> no, i asked for a lot last year, but this year is different. all i want is the u.s. to win the world cup. this is the team that's going to make a run. we have to do is believe that's like your whole thing since there's more like voodoo kicking off twenty , twenty four . following trump's bid for presidencyweek trial plus postaa
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digital scale. go to, try and get started today. >> right this is a fox news thee alert as we go now to idah ao tonight, where police there are reportedly searching for a rambo style knife in the ongoing investigation into the tragic murders of four ongog university of idaho students. latest frome very our west coast newsroom, our road map and map. idt on the fbies now? tell us , fox news, any lead to behave analysis unit has joined a local idaho law enforcement in this quadruplemei murder investigation. th in. es are now complete the coroner says the manner of death for all was stabbing and a cause of death was murderh and that this was not a murder suicide. elthe four students were likelyl stabbed with the same weapon. tonight, polic murdy they still do not have a suspect or that
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murder weapon four days.t no police initially said this waswe an isolated incident, but now most students have fleds the campus as police can'tpoli yosure there is not a threat. the four students, allun twenty one or younger, were believed to be friends. new surveillance video shows the tw mur fooo of the murder victit a food truck about two hours the before police think these two young women were killed on sunday. police were called to the student's home about anbodies unresponsive person and the bodies were discoveredscovered.e police now say there were two other roommates in the house during these violent murders. video appears to show blood on the outsid de the home now justi days before thanksgiving, these families are mourninitg and thin community is on edge as a killer or killers are on the loose. >> john . all right, mesfin, thank you. earlier today on capitol hillt i by thenn way, failing fbi director chris wray, he was grilled on his unwillingness to weed out deep political bias inside the fbi.
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senator ron johnson asked a simple question about whether finding out about 100 biden's laptop were russian disinformation. here's how the fbi director responded. >> take a listen. have you read senator grassleyar in my report on hunter biden20 d corruption issued in september20 of 2020 in november of twenty . >> have you read those reports? i have had a chance to look at o . do you see any sign of russian disinformation? >> those reports? d question >> that would be a hardit's ver question for me to answer. >> no, it's very easy. it's very easy.. bt i would say it's a very easy answer. russian there is no russianon disinformation that that repor. te of inflompletely clean of any interference or foreign influence, although we have been falsely accused , including by the chairman ofg rs this committee, of spreadingia. russian disinformation . ask yourself, why is chris rayo so unwilling to be honest about
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what is so obvious to everybody else? the huthat, in fact, the huntern laptop had zero to do is lo with russian disinformation? it is long pasngt due operatefo to be held accountable forthhe the rot inside the fbide leadershiprship. here. recently reelected senator from the great state of wisconsin, ron johnson. senator , first, let m let mewee congratulate you. yoccurate u are very accurate ws audience. you had a tough race. you had, what, about one hundred million dollars in negative ads dumped on your cri head? your work is critically important. let me askllyportant. this. you're going to be as many as 20 plus fbi they're going to talk about how the fbi has been politicized. we now know in october, 2016, they offered christopher steele $1 million if he could $ corroborate the dossier thatbulk the then fbi director used as the bulk of information to get a fisa warrant. bunt the guy couldn't sai corroborate it. thatthey said that, in fact,
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they had affirmed as to be true ,that they verified it. what is going on inside the fbi ? how deep is this political bias within the fbi? we know sean directory became dc director in 2017 under histo watch, the fbi briefed the senate intel committee in march of 2018 that said that selldown had integrity, even though they knew knew it was tainted. russia taintn disinformation. under his watch, the fbi obtained by biden' s laptop inn' december 2013 and did nothing with it under his watch. according to whistleblowers,f 2t they developed the scheme in august of 2020 to downplay the drug information to deepion. sixed the investigation under his watch in that same month, they provided an unsolicited briefing g to to senator grassley and myself. it was a nothing briefing iefing i knew was a setup, and it was a setup because nine months to thehey leaked it washington post to smear me
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and therefore interfered in the twenty twenty two wisconsin us senate election. they interfered in the twenty twenty election. they interfere in the twenty sixteen election. y job is as the new director is to clean up and restore integrity and credibility. inibility miserably. >> i don't believe a word he says, and that's unfortunate. miserabdo you believe when youe you talk about the fbi, we know, for example, if they use an unverifieund, viable dossier that hillary clinton paid for and they say that it's verified and they say that to a report that's lying before a judge, i don't think anyone would survive that. do you believe that the fbi is politicized on the issue of unabiding laptop? you believe that this issue of going after parentp s, speaking out at school boardd meetingsdoc and investigating them as domestic terrorists, as all of this now muchf biggethr than the american people thought? s arehear fy whistleblower
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we likely to hearor from? i hope a whole lot more . and so please go to whistleblower ron johnson got sent a dot gov go to congressman jordan. senator grassley, we need to find out exactly. i'lld to fin politicized and pa. the fbi is you know, this is out ou not only do we have secur the corruption, the biden family compromisinit wg national security, but we have partisanship. we have the politicization ofcet weaponization of our federal law enforcement agencies, togetheres togethe with our heae agencies. we need whistleblowers. the american people deserv desee the truth. so, again, whistleblowers at ron johnson got said that if you want to restore integritebyf to your federal agency, come forwarord and tell us the truth. senator , you're big was very important for the republicans. congratulations and thanks for keeping us updated about all the money that came from outside wisconsin. your case to smear you. now, earlier today, ousted
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speaker of the house nancy pelosi announced that she would be steppin g down from democratic leadership after republicans regained control of the house of representatives. far left progressive hakeem jeffries now is believed to be the front runner in firstcing place. pelosi in leadership. now, jeffries is a five term new york democrat from new york city, has embraced some of the democrats most radical positions on everything from crime to wide open borders to new green deal socialism. deal with moore. former congressman fox news contributor jason chaffetz. dec yorau know, the one thing thatys has changed, jason , with the democratic party is they used to hide their real agend higa. o they would they would pretend to be more moderate when in fact, they always held these these radical views. now, i they're just transparent about it. if, in fact, he becomes the next speaker, how do you interpret that? erwell, look, it's a great day that nancy pelosi won't have l. ave
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she was tenacious.e ru nobody canle doubt how she ruled the house and the democrats for so long. but hakim jefferys, i know him. i've worked with them. i served on committees with them. he's a very nice person. but you know what? they don't hide the radicalism. they this is iis is far left radical progressive as you canfo possibly have. therthe is no room for the old. so-called blue dog democrats who yo caredu could work with te cared about fiscal discipline or crime or some of these othera issues, not today's democratic party. there is n o room for a moderate serge in their group and certainlyly seems like that now. md it bie republicans have's the majority ig n two big weaponizes they have. one is the power to subpoenatal we talked a lot about thater or tonight. there will be investigations intonot th whether or not the fi is abusing power. the doj has been weaponizes will also have an investigationt into unabidingion joe biden and his relationship on these
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deals. of torigins of covid-19. and then the otherhe one isew the power of the purse. how would you advise the republicans with their new majority to deal with balancing both things they want to do for america to make it better? and those things that need to be investigated? ust li yeah, i sekee. just like you do, sean. don't there are really three keyrepu issues. the power of the purse. blicanhave theati don't know tht the republicans have the discipline to do that. they haven't been able to do it. soar that willr far . and that will be their biggest m challenge, particularly with sucn but i wah a small mary but i want to see a department of justice that equally goes after the democrats. when you issue a subpoena. my former colleague trey gowdy, like to say your subpoena, which i could just sign unila unilaterally, that james comey should be able to signte. jim jordan will be able to signe what how tenacious will the depr department of justice be in enforcing that? because we knotmofw when the democrats do it, that thin g gets taken care of in a matter of at'li would issue subpoenas
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and referred criminal referralse to the department of justiced ho thosthey would do nothing. so how does the department ofd i justice enforce those subpoenas? lland then will they go out and prosecute somebody? and i have seen zero evidence that it is an equal and balanced playing field. again, as trey gowdy likeli to say, they never sawke an investigation. they thought that a republican initiated to be justifieified an dion th and they never thought thatey there was a democrat investigation they thought th ever end. that's how the national medias n treats these things. but that's's what has to happeny they've got to do it equallyo mi now. ke leeso mike lee had a big winn his reelection campaign out there. 48 out of his forty nine republican colleagues supported him. r did only one republican senator did not. he's from your home state ofelei utah. i believe he's up forontwo reelection iyears n two years, t
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mistaken. will you , jason chaffetz,, ja consider a primary against mitt romney ? here >> well, look look at the time o here. f latesean. i know we're getting kind of late on the on the show here, athlt't i look, it's not somethg i'm actively or tenaciouets looking at. i call myself a definite maybe ,maybe, but i'm focusedught on and i thought you werewere m. my friend. friefriends don't let friends rn for congress, so i don't know. well, we'll see. i there's some truth to it you' not be the last time i ask the question. by tn promise you you'reoing gon to end painting me by the time that i believe you, that i doi g believe. yes,ree wi i agree with that. right. thank you, sir. we appreciate jason chaffetz. thank you.f in t stat are just three weeks away from the all critical runoff ina the great state of georgia. raphael warnock can barelyd attract a crowand. k at your screen. his rally today got a whopping 15 people. now, of course, democrats are still up to the same dirtyl up
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tricks. one infamous clinton lawyer, mark alliance, now wants courtsn to rewrite georgia's electionnof laws just before the runoff, asking a georgia judge now vot to overrule current state lainwd to allow early votinaygvious the saturday after thanksgiving. over an obvious effort to trefoy and use an activist judge to overrule the current law to help warnock, who is . vulnerable as ever here action in georgia, senate candidate herschel walker? ersches carolina senator lindsey graham. good to see you both. well, i would say that sounds a little bit herschel, like they might be a little nervous about you. and my understanding is you never lost an overtime game in your life, have you? never lost overtime game in t my life. and i'm not going to lose thisho one . they want to think that georgia is for sale, but i wantfor sa everyonele to help me to let thm know georgia is not for sale. so go to team herceg and let's win this great senate seat back
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for the great people of georgia. t senate because as i look at the constitution, it talks about we, the people that we,wants the government and it's the united and one not want to think of the governmentto. well, i don't. for so we're going to go out and win the senate seat for the great people of georgia. e o and by the rehearsal, you gotour to tell lindsey that you were pretty impressed when we didth pushups in my radio n one day together. can i think you got to work on lindsay. i'm not sure fauci can do 10 or 20 at this point. we've got to work on them. as many as you, but tha i don't. if you will give the teamu will marshall .co gm right now, tonight, i will do push upsve nw on your show. bu.t you got to give now and is. arll make sure he's doing the i want to know, are there e going? to be fifty consecutive push ups or are you going to take a break? but will be , yeah. said'll be done inle the same dy as start. t but let meod telayl you what warnock said today. he said to go to the senate
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room. well, hey, listen, you doid listen to the answer, right? you so here's what warnock said today. he said, i f you go to the senate, you actually have to know stuf warf. this is the man, warnock, who knows this. he supports abortion on demand, taxpayer funded up to the momees moment of birth. herschel knows that's wrong. warnock is doing nothing. goingo five thousand american soldiersc are going to be discharged ine the next couple of weeks thcause they refuse a covid vaccine. they're willing to get shot fora the countr sy. e acro i just don't want to take a shot. four million illegal immigrants have come across the border unvaccinated. trip all overee trip america. hershel knows that it's wrong. hershl is stupid to beg people to produce all overseasat hat who hate your guts is stupid not to find it here.esdat hom home. so if you believe that herscheld walker representos your way of thinking, you better do something about it right now. comeo pursell .com.
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warnecke can't get fifteent people to cometh for a rally, bt they hired the democrats. nine hundred people todayn sink to come into georgia, knock on doors. they're throwing everything but the kitchen sink. he lost the first time. he should lose the second time. but the money amount beingd i' spent debate this good man and i'm so proud. closhel is pretty massive so help close the gap and ie go to team hershel .com so we can vo get out the vote. it's all about gettingte oute fs the vote. if you're ant incumbent shonen and you don't win the first time around, and you find yourself in a runoff, you're in trouble., let's close the deal. team partial .com.o if you can't give online, go to the mailbox. we have a p.o. box, send a check. but i keep sayin g this for a reason. if he hae s the resources, he co prove to the peoplple of georgit that warnock's of fraud, he's one of the most liberal n the united states senate. he does not representm from the values of georgi south ca. i'm from south carolina. warnock cancels out my vote. a i want to conserve a gift for conservatism this year for
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christmas, this rehearsal to win on . we appreciate it. lindsey graham. thank you, herschel. i we're going to see you for a town hall. we h haven'tl made'l the announcement yet, but we'll tell everybody inthank the coming days. thank you bothyo for beinght with us. and straight ahead tonightmbarry by part embarrassing himself on the world stage yet again. eted ti'm going to show you what happened this time. we will check in with lj, lawrence jones, carly shimkus, ainsley erhart as they weigh. we all live from the patriotnsle awards. how y'all doing? righyt. hart anyway, that as we continue, the world doesn't come together like this very. but when he does, the results can be extraordinary. catarrh is committed to that idea, growing its potential
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that's 800 five seven six thirty two hundred. i can't hear any. all right. now, at the g20 this week, fighting once again neededto cit some help from his team,wh telling him where to siter, stad the posed for photos outs an the sheet game. like you biden very specific t instructions right there, like yo center.u will sit at the cenu will deliver opening remarks five minutes. you will close the event yoe your co host.d joey, why do you need instructions telling you where an to sit anyway? here with reaction. w all of thiitss, our friend,
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our colleague, lj lawrence, welcome to lawrence azriel. hardest for us . the the fox, by the way, i'm so glad you were born five weeks in row. number one , the number one new york times best seller, carly, is also on fox and friends. good to see all. can i just say we got to get ups on fox and friends in the morning. your show is the only show juslt like we have to do this. like if it was anybody else, . you're still in my life because you're the only guy you get mery to work on saturday. i'm on your show tomorrow. that oh, yeah, that's true. on your show tonight, terry. >> don , i said, yeah, they said, what time can you do? i said, as late as possible. so what time.8:30? eight thirty. 0. i think when they asked me to do this, which is always an honor to be on "hannity", can hi you believe it? i was like, hety does go on fox
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all science, larry.. nice.>> but i you lj know, one thingha i will say, i don't know. we have a topic embarrassing of w we have a president that doesn't know what country is ios ,doesn't know the name of the wr if youleaders you use the word embarrassment. i use the word predictable. r,if you remember during nig the presidential campaign, how many nice things you saidjo made it to delaware, to the basement joe biden when you come out to answer any questions. soestions?, i mean, there wasl a concealment during campn. k amntial campaig we know what we were getting.dir i think the american peoplenepuc will choose differently. 75% of the american public says that we're we heading down the wrong direction. i think there's a lot of buyer's remorse from the american public. so i asked some of the folks, the fine folks back here, what they thought. i said we're going to bend shalc on talkingus about this issue. and here's my little focus group. oh, i'm a doctor . n and i would say he has serious
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issues. it's not to he doesn't need a step by step instruction as to what to do, makes our country look verye weak on the national stage. not capable of doing his duties, embarrassing. well, i'm sure that is embarrassing. and i would just say, if that'so not acceptable for the ceo, of a a company, it's not acceptable for the ceo of our country to behave like that. and i understand the no, s because, you know, you're at these big affair. you do need some sort ofn stand, instruction. but you say and you speak right ? i mean, come. on .- i unde well, yorsu know, i'm sorry, bu. it doesn't i understand what you're saying because it saysve you're going to have opening remarks. eve thmean, we'vnte done a million public events where it says this is we're openinisg remarksa happened. but when he has to look down a t his paper like this to say wein stand together with ukraine and the ukrainian people, come . on . yeah, you know, john , it just
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makes me go to the american public. all agree pretty much that wrong we're heading down to the election. my only advice to the republicans is you note only have to craft a message, ga but you've got to have the ground game. durin partg of the reason why donaldi trump was successful doing his first campaign is because hewite had the boots on the ground connecting with the american people. there has to be a time when wend stop endorsing bad candidate iny the sense of not from a policy >>andpoint, but if you're not willing to do the work that weri can't support. you know what hiding inthe ba the basement work for bidesen, e hiding in the basement, work for betterment. the media is complicitg with it. they go along with it. some of them weren't willing to have debate. ake'kerry lexicon has made it h. and she's right. yeah. and biden's 80th birthday is in three days. i believe it'sl be on sunday nig going to bhte a very small celebration. they're not going to want to highlight itht. so these notes keep on comingt e up. we've seen ifot beforere the ea.
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bunny moment. you also have to go back to . rp so thieas is likt e repeat behar on the president's front and something that's is one ofit the reasons why a majority of democrats don't want him to run for office. again, s thankean: t you guys for staying up late. are you on fox and friends too similar to this? we're all going to be back together. all the reason why i'm here. e tonighall right. i'm going to snap that. exact we're allyl together tomorrow. exactly. anyway, what we're doing hereawa at the patriotnda, we're honorig if y heroes in this country and what an amazing event. and if you get a chance, please. watch it on fox station bes dot angry cable television. sean hannity. u go let's give it up for these guys. they got back, when we come baca the one and only laura ingraham will joim jon us right here for a real live handoff tonight. from the patriot award. patri
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because of the actions that happened on 9/11. i went back and it was important for me to try and get overseas as quick as possible. the day i was injured. it was just 17 , 13 , 18 knots . when you jump out of propeller chinook, black hawk or huey blast, it's 1500 at 250 feet. i hit one pocket and then i was pulling everything, trying to straighten it out. and then everything is wrapping around my neck at that time. and i looked down at like 50 feet high. i did a box jump and when i hit the tarmac, it rotated my right leg out 32 degrees, my head about 10 degrees, crushing my for an hour five , hit my c to the c seven . and then putting a dent in my kapone, which gave me rhod damage. >> may this won't be a place of peace and service and gratitude . this home has made me feel a different kind of humble and i can live an honorable, independent life. thank you all for sharing this beautiful day with us.
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it really does warm my soul having you guys all here with us means everything. thank you. this is going to be easier for helping me take care of my son. just doing a shower every day and being able to roll on the back yard and be able to hang out. we weren't able to do that before. if i wouldn't have struggled so hard, i wouldn't feel so good right now. i still i've been through it and this has happened to me. hi, i'm u.s. army specialist jason wheeler. the tunnel to towers foundation build me a smart home which helps me gain my independence. jumping out of a black helicopter. my parachute malfunctioned and i hit the ground full force. the brutal impact of the fall left me with a brain injury, legally blind and loss of both legs. i'm asking you to donate eleven dollars a month to t to so they can help others who are catastrophically injured.
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when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. ean: j all right.oi joining us now is the host of the angry mango. ladies and gentlemen, lalaura i can't heari livethca give .wow, wow. great t great to see you. how are you? oh, you really want to try this ? no, i can do a hundred pound dumbbells. all right. this200-pounu want to see krav ? yeah, i actually give me a hand to think two fingers. oh, okay i'm going to get arrested for that. gives me hrr. toccata gashi responsible. i love our hand. time people ask me about it allyou the time and they say you're
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like brother and sister fighting for only twenty three years. i think close to thirty. itthink you're underestimating . it's so good. go you justod to celebratesed youh anniversary. , yoyou know, we're so happy, so proud of you. you've been so successful. i mean, it's just great. i got to say, having the chanceh to work with you for all theseea years, like years. handy's like you gots to joinyo fox, you got to join fox. don you did say that. and i said, well i don't know sa i want to . and you aride always the one who said it's the best place ple to work, the best place to be. a a n:u know, i really feel we're at a point if itpo wasn't for this channel, no other network. look at these people.ork, i i hope everybody at home go to fox nation and watch this. patrin ya, amazing firing at no other channel would do that. never. and i am proud to be a part of that. absolutely. >>: abso tonightun to be with people, but also recognize people who are unsung
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heroes in our society.sung so h manery people get awards or courage in hollywood. not bad people, but real courage and real generosity of spirit. courage and real generosit we're we're front and center tonight. it was awesome. i loi hope we get a lot of in t business, i would argue undeserved praise people. but all of people here. yeah, the people, they get up every day, work hard, pay their taxes, raise their kids, grown adults, etc. you the show's already over. i know that part. let not your heart trouble. that's how well i guess this is my show now your show. but i know that what we're doing i love doing handoff so i never got to see each other now. we never see each other. we got to remedy that do we. do. oh, i'm so proud of success and thanks for being the great patriot you are now. hannity. i couldn't have done it without you. so. all right. and my brother laura ingraham, sister


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