tv Hannity FOX News November 18, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> that's it for us tonight and of course tune in every night, 8 p.m. the sworn enemy of smugness and group think have the best night with the ones you love. we'll see you in a minute. >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the special yation of hanty. tonight we begin at the white house where president bideson recovering from a long trip abroad noticeably missing from joe's world tour, his son, hunter. once a fixture on his father's official visits the biden family's bag man is now laying low. republicans are poised to take control of the house, and the administration is in manic mode. tonight, the evidence is
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overwhelming. for years the biden family enrich themselves by selling access to the federal government. to sketchy foreign nationals all over the world. not only did joe biden reportedly participate in these elicit deals, but he also lied about it over and over again. now, in an effort to muddy the upcoming house pro biden's allies are planning a multimillion dollar smear cam fine personally attack anyone participating in the house investigation. here now with the very latest fox new legal analyst greg jarrett and fox news contributor joe con cha. joe, i want to know to you first, because my former colleague he liked to say the way the media treats this they never saw a republican investigation they ever thought was justified and they never saw a democratic investigation they ever thought should end. it's almost predictable on how they're going to treat any investigation into hunter biden
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and joe biden for that matter? >> oh, my. i mean, jason, for everyone who did an end zone dance around democrats only losing the house by a touchdown instead of three touchdowns, a win is a win in the end. when the new congress is sworn in in two months we're going to so what a win looks like for the republican part y regardless of the margin. many in the media can downdown play i this all they like just like they did the minuter biden laptop story in 2020 in calling it russian disinformation. boy, that looks foolish in, doesn't it? the minuter biden story is a huge story, potentially the biggest story of the biden presidency. that's not hyperbole because if, and this needs to be proven beyond the should so of the doubt, if the sitting president of the united states profited on the shady deals his son conducted particularly in china -- by the way, hunter biden's business partner has alleged such. we may have a president who is currently compromised by our
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biggest adversary, yet many in media are not only missing the courtesy gene that so men journalists should have in any story with this much evidence, courtesy of that laptop from hell. those e-mails are real. everybody's verified it. they seek to dismiss this and suppress it just like they dinned oct of 2020. and look, the facts are the facts and we're going to get to the facts now that we have a congress that actually interested in getting to the facts. jean, greg. things are going to change because noon sted of being congressman jim yor means. going to be chairman jordan and james comber will have the same privileges and honors that i had when i was the chairman of the oversight committee. i gotta tell you what i think it big challenge out there will they with the same voracity pursue these supines that are going to be issues by these two
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chairmen and will they prosecute people who don't show up or where there is endive don criminal mischief. >> no, i don't think they will. i think the record is well-established that merrick garland has been running a protection racket for joe and hunter biden. how else do you explain a four and a half yester year investigation that appears to have gone nowhere in terms of any charge filed. and as you know as a former member of congress, any subpoena issued by the jobe sight committee is a meaningless scrap of paper. they cannot enforce it themselves. it has to be done by the department of justice over with which merrick garland presides. you know, so, no mistake about it, this is a 31-energyem report by republicans on the oversight committee it is chalk full of evidence of fraud, bribery, influence pedaling, violations of the foreign corrupt practices
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act, self-enrichment. and yet, there have been no charges. i think what's going to happen is that merrick garland well not enforce these supines and he'll say i can't do it because you know our investigation into joe and hunter biden is still an going. but this report makes it abundantly clear that foreign governments and entities were paying tens of millions of dollars to the biden family and hunter biden's businesses remake in romania, kazakhstan, ukraine, russia, china in particular, more than a hundred million dollars flowing in to the biden coughers. you know, it's going to be very very difficult for the oversight committee to get to the bottom of the lis unless they can get subpoena power that is enforceddable. >> yeah, and along with that, nut only department of justice we'll see how they react because
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how they treated the democrats should be the precedent, but i just, i can't imannal an that they're going going to have the same sort of speed and drive tat they did when nancy pelosi had the gavel. joe, one of the things that's also knowing to change and the democrats have telegraphed this, they're starting thisaway room. they are literally going to poor millions of dollars to go in and attack and go after members of congress trying to do their so-called fact-checking in real-time. when i was chairman of the oversight committee i didn't face that. i faced a lot of things but not this pre-announced war room where they're going to go after members of congress. that's unprecedented in my book. >> it is completely. and social media helps drive that. you create this illusion that the american people are absolutely against any investigation into the president's son, but more importantly into his brother. the real test now, jason, is will abcishn bc, cns, msnbc, pbs
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ask basically every broadcast news station in this country, well the cover the hunter biden hearings with the same vigor, the same passion that we saw with the january 6th hearings where, every remember, all broadcasting was preempted as a result of those hearings that were produced by former president of abc news. so, look, the same hearings by the way january 6th did not lou for any cross-exam nation in those particular hearings and it was patently partisan. we all saw that in broad daylight. so look, these hearings around hunter biden will be dismissed, macked ridiculed by the very people who said you should take the january 6th hearings as seriously as a heart attack. y. bius in broad daylight. i think the american people given the evidence, given all those things that are on paper, all those wire transfers, bank franzs, after a while when they start to hear this in other places besides traditional media they'll be demanding answers because this could be a sitting president that is compromise by the likes of china a, ukraine,
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and all the other countries that greg just listed. >> greg, president trump spoke less than an hour ago and he was asking the question, how come there's, if they're going do a special prosecutor on donald trump, how come they're not going to be doing a special prosecutor with the conflicts of interest that the attorney general has. listen and watch here to what president trump just said a few minutes ago. >> the corrupt and highly political justice department just appointed a super radical left special counsel, bettor referred to as special prosecutor to start the process all over again. we that it was just about dead. joe biden is a corrupt and incompetent political hack. you take a look at all of the money that he's taken from for foreign countries and much of it through his son, hunter who is a corrupt drug addict and implementer for his father, where's their special prosecutor, by the way?
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>> yeah. greg, your reaction to what the president said? >> well, he's a hundred percent correct. es. ludicrous to the point of being laughable for merrick garland to stand there and sight a conflict of interest that merits the appointment of a special council to investigation trump. while at the same time there is a far greater conflict of interest that demands and it's mandatory under the special council statute for garland to appoint a special council to investigate hunter and joe biden. would -- what also concerns me is that a special council under the regulations is supposed to be impartial, and outside the department of justice. this named special council is far from impartial and neutral. he served in the doj during two democrat administrations. he's clearly bias politically. and he's barely out of the
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department of justice where he spent most of his career. i am worried that this is shaping p to be just like the andrew weisman bob muller special council partisan team of prosecutors that are knowing to go after donald trump with a vengeance and not be fair as the special council statute demands. >> what a coincidence, they named a special prosecutor days after donald trump suggested he declares he's going to run if president and just after the republicans gain control of the house. what a coincidence. it's just, it's almost embare esing that -- >> -- >> yeah, and you look at this background i think you're going to hear lot more about this so-called independence of the special caught prosecutor. look at his run-ins in his proximity to lois learner in that investigation that the house is involved with.
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greg jarrett, joe conwhich, thank you very much for joan us tonight. before we go any further let's wish president biden a very happy 80th birthday. it's on sunday. the oldest president in american history will get even older and during his trip overseas the struggle was real. have a look. >> will help turbo charge the excuse me, turbo charge the emerging global clean energy economy. i was reading the quote, sorry. >> we are back together here in cambodia. i look forward to building even stronger progress than we've already made. i want to thank the prime minister for columbia's leadership. >> um, i'm having trouble
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reading this. reuters. >> mr. president, quick question on north korea -- >> look at this. there's a man. i hope we're the same size. >> he's russian. >> i don't care who he is. he's got some real biceps. >> mr. president, can you tell us what you know so far? >> war in europe, threats from china, a long new long range ballistic missile out of north korea, america is desperate for strong leadership but joe biden is just doing his best to get by. mean while, in the hoes, 82 year old nancy pelosi just announced that she will step down from her leadership role in a few short weeks. the house of representatives will look a lot different. joining us now with a full report from capitol hill, chad. chad. >> jason, it's about the math. kevin mccarthy is 30 votes shy
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of the speakership right now. that number will shrink. some republicans oppose mccarthy as a protest but there are a few republicans he may never get like freedom caucus favorite andy bigs. >> i'm not sure kevin's going to get the 218, that's where he and i disagree. there are reasons that the american public say we need a change en leadership. it's because we've watched what has happened when we don't actively fight and use every tool we have to slow down the biden administration. that what people want and that's what new leadership would be expected to do. >> mccarthy withdrew from the speakers race in 2015 before the was a fight. it's possible the gop may have delayed that brawl for seven years. mccathy mes an outright majority of the house to become speaker. when the house straggled to elect a speaker in 1849 and 1856, it eventually adopted a resolution to tap a speaker with a simple majority. the house voted for two months straight
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before settling on a speaker in 1856. for the democrats, jeffries is the only candidate for minority leader. republicans are trying to define jeffries. >> he's even further to the left than nancy pelosi and that the problem with the democrat party. >> some liberals blast jeffries as too close to wall street. he's also had differences with the squad. house speaker nancy pelosi formallerly blessed jeffries as her successor. pelosi is staying on board as a rank and feel member. one democrat expressed concern that if she's not careful, some could perceive pelosi as a congressional helicopter parent. jason? >> chad, thanker you. the front runner to be the this next house democratic minority leader is hakeem jeffries as chad is said. he's also an election denier and conspiracy theorist. he called the 2016 results
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illegitimate and floated the idea that trump was a fake president. i want to start with you because there's obviously changes like nancy pelosi's been in charge the democrats en the house for nearly 20 years. huh cook is a jeffries i knew him, i served with him, i did some builds with him. i gotta tell you, he and nancy pelosi they've got some differences too. it's not as if he's more moderate than nancy pelosi, that for sure. >> you know, jason, the democrats number one on your election denialism point, they've done a great job of trying to accuse republicans of all the things they're totally guilty of whether it being saying trump was not legitimate in 2016, whether it's stacey abrams or trying to remove a
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dually elected congresswoman from iowa as they did telling us that republicans are going to get rid of social security when it's their policies that are threatening social security. you're right, leadership now is going to force the real hakeem jeffries to stand up. because he's been hiding behind anti-trump rhetoric like all the other democrats and trying to play both sides of the fence. on one hand, huh cook jeffries is part of this progressive caucus but on the other henned hand, he teamed up with congressman godheimer on this, on a pact called team blue, and the purpose of the pac was to fight off wild progressive democrats from attacking conserve of it democrats. he said things like he's never going to bend a knee for liberal socialists and he's made all kinds of comments. so huh cook jeffries has got a problem because on one hand the progressives don't trust him, and on the other hand, the snipe
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democrats don't know what he really thinks. and he is going to have a real balancing act and a real, real hakeem jeffries is going to be forceed to come out when you come into these leadership positions and it's going to be fascinating to watch. >> now, senator, f, long gone are these so-called blue dawg democrats, people that actually care about debts and deficits and things like that. i just don't see the moderates surviving on the tejeda seed of the aisle. they have lean so far to the left. i don't know ho they do this and create a pat palatable experience for democrats moving intoo 2024 election. >> yeah, listen, y. like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. floor faces but the same old failed policies obviously inflation, the border, crime, you can go on and on as to the problems. it is just trying to put a different spin on it, different faces but make no mistake we have a real challengeem.
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by. what people are looking for right now is not what happened in the past, they're looking to what's going to be happening in the futurer. how can we deal with inflation and the pocket book walld issues affecting every day americans. line suggestion is startworking on permanent reforms, start working on energy independence. our best way to tackle inflation is to actually drive down obviously prices through energy independencen and getting out from under the foot from the saudis and anyone else who joe biden's going to beg for oil. if we can become energy i don't understand would put bills on chuck schumers desk and then let our candidate run on issue issues that matter to people right now. >> what the senator's sigh saying there i think is absolutely right. we also have a president -- we
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showed those clips leading up to the introduction of you two. the president just looks so week weak, sos feeble, it's just embarrassing. that weakness, it really does invite hostilities. it's a real concern on the world's stage. compared to what donald trump did, which i think calmed the international markets and the international bad actors to the point where they were afraid. joe biden it just looks weak and feeble and currently more dangerous. >> weakness at home creates weakness abroad. that's wasn't something we had with president trump. we never had that problem. if anything a little bit of the opposite. the reality is that what esaw in the midterm which was kind of fascinating was that while the american people growed that joe biden was doing a terrible job they agreed that we were on the wrong track by 80%, all the political fighting going back and forth didn't translate to
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people blaming their incumbent governor when it be republican democrat or incumbent senator en the mid-terms. no when you focus on 2024, joe biden's going to be participant and center. those clips tat you're showing, starting today, those clips that you're showing are going to be the issue for the american people. before today, before or after the mid-term, that was okay. we're going to deal with that en 2024, and we're dealing with the mid-terms. right now the focusson is on joe joe bide all of the things going wrong in this country are going to come to roost. it's up to the republicans who are going to do great job of focusing every day on the issues because i think the american people are ready to talk about real issues and real solutions, and the ruckens have an tonight to lead now. >> last word to senator brown also ambassador brown real quick i've got about 15 seconds. >> joe bideson not running for president again.
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the democrats have a very weak bench. we need foo too focus on the issues, we need to have a plan looking forward and not complaining about what happened before. while hunter biden's an important issue, we need to move forward to the things that matter. it's going to be a very cold winter and people are hurting and we gotta get back to some normalcy here. >> great points. a bays dar brown, thank you so much for join on hannity. coming up, you won't believe what secretary mallorca said as biden's crisis at the southern border continues to worsen. attorney general mark and brandon jud weigh in as this special edition of hannity continues. all under control. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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>> secretary mallorca was grilled in washington this week on biden's never ending border catastrophe. he's mallorca telling congressman dan bishop that the border is in pack secure, despite a record number of illegal migrant apprehensions. watch this. >> secretary may york ad the border is wide open, director ray testified about an elevated threat of guns and main, and drugs across the poredder. mr. guest, laid out a lot of the details about the recordbreaking numbers and he ended up having tupac talk more than get an answer. i just want to ask you -- i've heard you in the judiciary committee recently in the summer testify that the border is secure. secretary mallorca do you continue to maintain that the border is secure? >> yes.
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we are working day in and day out to enhance its security. >> thank you, sir. >> we have -- >> just days later secretary mallorca was asked the same question by senator rob portman and blamed the border chaos on migration across the entire hemisphere. have a look the first question is the southern border in crisis. >> we are seeing unprecedented movement of people from country to country. it is not restricted to the southern border. we are seeing an unprecedented movement of people throughout the western hemisphere. >> sadly, the biden team continues to deny reality. this is now a full-fledged humanitarian catastrophe caused by joe bide comma law harris. look at your screen, few thermal drone footage from the fox team in eagle pass texas shows migrants crossing illegally on private property yesterday mourn morning. as chaos continues to plague
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communities cross south texas, arizona, and beyond. he for reaction, the president of the national boarder patrol council, brandon jud, and arizona attorney general mark bronovich, i can't even count the number of teams i've seen you both on fox news talking about the border. one's the attorney general, one's in the border patrol, you live it you breathe it. testifies to congress that the border is scar. brandon jud, is it secure? >> i absolutely not. let me give you evidence. notice that secretary mallorca won't gibb you evidence. we've had more than million people cross our border illegally and have been able to able to evade apprehension. that not not a secure border. we have had more fentanyl across our borders to make it into or streets and kill our children than ever. the cartels are generating a record profit. that's is not secure border.
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every sengal in that we're seeing on our border clearly points to that there is absolute chaos, that there is a crisis. if this administration is nut welling to define what is currently going on, they're never going to try to look for solutions. that is the problem that we fist. this is a b bad governance that we're seeing by this administration. >> mr. attorney general, the secretary of homeland security, despite all those numbers that brandon just brought up, says the boarder is secure. what's yor this presentation of sec replay is presented by dr. pepper, the one fans deserve. -- what yor reaction and perspective from the state of arizona? shanghaisen, everyone is entitled toothier own opinion, and not their own facts. we know the cartels have seized operational control. i think what sometimes is more dangerous is this progressive left that seized control of the biden white house that is literally lying to americans and people are dying as a result. just to put into perspective, since joe biden became president, enough people
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illegally crossed our southern border to fell the state like alabama or luise an a. enough fenton al is being seized to kill every single person in the united states, and that's why we're seeing a record amount of people dying, more than 100 thousand people last year alone in the united states. border security is national security. america is less safe, or cities are more dangerous as a result of the it's taken way too long for congress to finally do something and i'm hoping now that had republicans control congress, they will make sure the secretary mallorca and joe biden are held to account. if a that means impeaching him, so be it. >> impeepment may be the very answer, the only answer that left at the table here. you look at that thermal imaging video that fox shot, how is that not an invasion of our southern border? that not a secure border. that is an invasion that i'm looking at right there from my
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perspective. brandon, the secretary's trying to blame this on migration throughout the entire western hemisphere. i can't name a single country other than the united states that these people are trying to flock to. >> of course he's going to athat. he's going to deflect from his failures. hey has done such a poor job in his office. you talk about an invasion and i am grateful to attorney general bronovich because he's talked about the invasion before. this is organized. this is by cartels these are criminal organizations, that are very organized and they're send laggerring all these people they're sending the fenton al. that is in fact an invasion. i believe that's what texas just did i think it was the right move even thought growing to get challenged i believe that the supreme court will in fact hold up their determination that an invasion is taking place because it is being driven by organized crime. >> mr. attorney general, we have a short amount of time.
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is it an invasion? >> yeah, we actually issued a formal legal opinion saying what is going on on our southern border does constitute invasion people can go read that opinion. it's very well-researched and where do agree with brand than supreme court should uphold this because the federal government is supposed to be doing this. if hare failing to do their joba the states have the right to defend themselves. that what governor abbot's trying to do. >> brannon jud, attorney general bronovich, thank you so much for laying out the perspective. unfortunately i believe we'll have you on again to talk about the same problem. it is out there and everybody feeds to be educated on it. thank you again for joan s on monitory. straight ahead -- hannity. the late s on the gruesome murder of four university of idaho students plus mark furman and michael bawden react to the cor enoughs inter's report. you're going to want to see
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>> welcome back to this special edition of hannity. we turn our attention to idaho, where police are still suching for a suspect en the brutal murder of four university of idaho students as frustration in the local community continues. our own matt finn joins us with the late s. matt. shanghaisen, tonight, a killer or killers are at large and moscow idaho police have release ad new map pinpointing the phage movements of the four idaho students last saturday before they were murdered early sunday morning. please are asking you to contact them if you have information, video, or saw suspicious behavior. the map can be viewed in better detail on fox news dot com. police say the four university of idaho students all 21 and
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under were stabbed to death with an edged weapon, lakely a knife, between three and four a.m. last sunday. the four are believed to be friends and lived in the same house off campus. police have revealed that two female room mates were home at the time of there morning murders but please were not called until around 12 p.m. noon on sunday thrown two young whomson not been ruled out as suspects. video shows kaley -- and madison at a food truck around 140 a.m. just a short while before their murders. mean while, ethan and zana boyfriend and girlfriend were at a sigma kai house before returning hope for the night. blood apiers to be seen on the outside of their home. the cor intersays some or all of these students were found en bed with multiple stab wounds. the father of one girl says his dater had defensive wounds. jason. >> tough story, matt. thank you so much. tonight we're learning additional details after the
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county coroner released her report. confirming that all four bodies were found in beds inside the house. and given the time of death, it's possible all victims were asleep during the attack. join with reaction, fox nation host mark furman and forensic pathologist dr. meekal boden. i want to start with yo, dr. bowdoin, i want to start with you. the autopsy's out. , what are the outstanding questions you have having poured thorough this material? >> the most important is what did the two other women in the house have to say? what they heard, what they didn't hear and they're not releasing any information as to what the two living people said. that's critical. i thing from the nature of the
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blood dripping out to the wal. there was a lot of blood on the floor, a lot from the stab wounds, and the blood itself can tell how many people were stepping en it. there was a lot of blood, the perpetrators step in the blood and one could tell that there were sneakers, boots, shoes, and different sizes in different shapes. so one of the issues is how many perpetrators were there, the information at the scene, uh, gives them a lot of information about whether it was a single person or not. the, uh, what hasn't been released is the placement of the different stab wounds on the four bodies, front, back, and each one and that will tell us a lot about the different positions. of the deceased when they were stabbed. >> marc, uh, average number of
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murders in moscow, idaho, is zero. you have a young law enforcement without a lot of experience in this. as you look at this crime scene and the statements that the police have made, if i find it fascinating they made some definitive statements out there. what's your professional, uh, opinion and reaction to what has been said. >> well, it's interesting, i don't think there's anything malicious. i don't think there's anything intentional. i think. the approach to this and they made a statement on monday this week, so really the first press conference that based on the evidence gathered during the preliminary investigation, they did not consider that there's a threat to the community and this was right after they also said this is a targeted event so dr. bawden just covered basically the autopsy. you have one weapon committing the wounds on all the victims that would tend to make you
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believe there's one suspect. he also talked about shoe prints. what else would be in that room that would be so definitive that you could say this is a targeted attack, and nobody else in the community is at danger. so maybe i'm going out on a limb here a little bit, but was there some kind of communication left by the suspecter was there something that was written, something definitive that they knew that one of the victim or the group en the house was the suspect or there was knowledge of the suspect that he knew exactly who he was killing and he knew exactly why? i'm going to ask dr. bodon because he's betweening this a lot longer than i have. why is the behavioral science yount the profiling unit in moscow on one homicide with no
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evidence of any suspect, no suspect race, no age, no height, no weight, no shoe print, what arety going to actually work on? >> well, mark what i think the wavieral science is trying to do is this a stranger murder or is it a murder by somebody who knew the four people. and part of what they're going into is what are the relationship of the four that seems all we've seen very close relationship. what what of the relationship with the four with the two women who are in the same house and apparently didn't call police whether or not they heard something they certainly nobody appreciated going on for a good eight hours after the event.
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so, i think the behavioral science unit is trying to figure out the profile of the murder or murders. by, um, various psychological mental social means as opposed to, uh, cause of death. the cause of death that would be done by, f, the forensic pathologist involved and. it sounds like stab wounds, that's clear, perhaps. but how the stab wounds, the front, back, are they defense wounds, was there a struggle. if there was a struggle there would be a lot of yelling and screaming and be hard to know why the two women didn't, weren't warned enough to contact the police. >> mark, i just don't understand how the police could -- go
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ahead. >> i agree. the part that looms with me is a targeted attack. i expect if it was a targeted attack on one of the victims. an incredible number of wounds versus the other wounds and the other victims which would be collateral. if all three women were the target how would they determine that when they've all been murder in the same way with the same weapon with the same amount of stab wounds there. there's something there that just doesn't seem really right for making a statement from the scene. remember, they made this statement on monday. the first time they were actually in the scene and before the autopsy so they made this statement that they were targeted so it has nothing to do with the autopsies.
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it has nothing to do with the murder weapon. i'm not being critical, i'm just saying that maybe there's a piece of that that they should release to get the public involved in who they think the target real was so people out there can possibly remember a comment somebody made or a person maybe it would be something now. >> sad situation and scary situation. it's sad for these. mark, dr. bodon, thanking you so much for joining us tonight on hannity. coming up, cream continues to spiral out of control in america's dem-run cities. we'll show you the week's craziest videos as leo turrell and tray penny react when we return.
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>> welcome back to this special edition of hannity as america's crime crisis continues to spiral out of control. police departments and even corporations are sounding the alarm. target reported this week that it had las 400 million dollars to shoplifting so far this year alone. mean while, police en philadelphia released this video of a suspect climbing through a drive thru window and stealing the cash register out of mcdonald's. philadelphia police are also looking for the suspect you see in this video stopping on a person after tackling them to the ground. and in new york, video released this week shows two men on a moped grabbing a girl's necklace and attempting to drive off with it, dragging her along in the process. hear now with reaction are fox news contributor leo terrell and
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trey penny, president of the national fallen officer foundation. i think the goal on this, in this world should be to put you out of a job. so there are no more fallen officers out there. if you see this crime crisis, what comes to mind, what needs to be done? ing. >> look, for two consecutive years we've seen a record number of violent crime and attacks on law enforcement across this country. in fact we saw a 58% increase of officers killed by gun fire this year. it breaks my heart that we have failed to do anything about it. but fortunately we've had the american people have spoken and now republicans have control of the house. now we have an opportunity to really get, put forensic pathologistward some police first policy then put forward something tat can really put some things in place to get violent defenders off the streets as well as being able to protect our law enforcement officers they're traying to do a
great job to keep our citizens safe. >> leo, we have a new mayor of los angeles, karen bass is going to be the new mayor of los angeles. if you were advising her and you were telling her all right, mayor, this is what we need to do in:ment, what would i tell her we need to do? >> well, fi of all she's not going to listen to me because she is a progressive. >> that true. >> she supports black lives matter, she supports defunding the police. it was a good week for criminals this week because democrats maintained control of these cities. as you know, as well as i do, thee criminals are running amok in democratic cities. what she has to do is call out george -- but she's a friend of george. so she's not going to do this. it is simply going to be the status quo for the next two years. lee zelden had it right. he took the issue of crime to democratic city and to the new
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these individuals, charge them with federal rico offenses and put people away. we have to do what we can do to protect the american peopleem. target can't continue on that same, really none of these businesses can continue on their same road and tackets kind of losses. they have to try to get these people out of here. >> the number one contributor to democratic causes is george soros. he want to tear down our criminal justice system and you can't get federal intervention unless you get cooperages from these democrat -edemocrats. they're not cooperating. karen baz is not going to be a friend to law enforcement. >> leo. trey. thank you so much. i've got a hard out. i gotta go. democrats, they never talk about the victims. stay with us. more of this hannity special right after the break. , neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators
6:57 pm
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7:00 pm
tonight. i really appreciate sean han tar for allowing me to set in his seat. i hope you're able to check out my podcast, type jason in the house, jason in the house anywhere you listen to podcasts. sean will be back on monday, the ingraham angle is coming up next. and i hope you have a great and bund wonderful blessed holiday weekend. stay with us. >> hey, everyone, i'm laura eng really this is ingraham angle from washington, thank you for joining us on a friday night. we're going to have full coverage of the doj's continued political targeting of president trump en moments. first, we're going to kickoff this friday a little bit differently with the return of the worst in media f. so what's that? it's easy to become numb to media bias these days so we're going to keep track of the very worst offenders every chance we get. blain now is forest cooper,
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