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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  November 18, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> greg: what a great show! thanks to john rich, brian kilmeade, dave rubin, our florida audience, the "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is next, i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america! >> trace: good evening everyone and welcome to america's late news, "fox news @ night" i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight one day after republicans laid out their plans to investigate hunter biden, the justice department appoints a special counsel to investigate donald trump. some political analysts think the former president might use the announcement to his advantage.
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put to specter davis hanson think? the fbi's profiling unit is now helping to investigate the brutal murders of four university of idaho students and we have brand-new information about the roommates who were in the house when the killings happened and why they were not harmed. breaking tonight, ticketmaster apologizes to taylor swift and all of her fans. we'll have the very latest and talk to a former music company executive about the future of big-time ticket sales. we begin with the latest legal challenge facing former president trump just days after announcing his third presidential run. the white house correspondent kevin corke is life force in the nation's capital with more on this. >> over 30 senate republicans have been pressing attorney general merrick garland since september to give the federal prosecutor who has been investigating hunter biden over the past several years special counsel authorities, we learned today that the ag has in fact
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appointed a special counsel, but not to investigate the president's son but the former president donald trump. >> such an appointment underscores the department's commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters. >> times have changed in d.c. those sensitive matters, newly appointed special counsel jack smith will now look into the entire investigation of classified documents that fbi agents say they seized from president trump's mar-a-lago home back in august as well as "any person or entity who violated the law in connection with efforts to interfere with the lawful transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election, or the certification of the electoral college vote. you see how this is going? interesting stuff in washington. as you can well imagine the former president isn't having any of its and no he won't
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partake in the investigation. >> they want to do bad things to the greatest movement in the history of our country, but in particular, bad things to me -- but i've gotten used to it. >> some of the experts we've had a chance to speak with frankly think this could work in president trump's favor giving him another way to stir up his base. we will learn a lot more if that turns out in the weeks ahead then we will also probably learn how the former president might try to leverage this for his own political gain. >> trace: back to you in moments. the former president is getting another special counsel in the current president is getting more questions that he won't answer -- let's bring in hoover institution senior fellow victor davis hanson. it's always great to see you i wanted to get your take on this tonight because it is good by robert mueller hello jack smith. i wanted to play this sound bite
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from the attorney general about the special counsel. >> based on recent developments including the former president's announcement that he is candidate for president in the next election and the sitting president stated attention to be a candidate as well, i have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel. >> there is a theme out there that he believes this gives them political cover, do you find that to be a fair assessment? >> i think it's going to boomerang. the timing is one of these post-midterm announcements, he knew he was going to do this and he waited deliberately until after the midterm for political reasons just like the sam brinkman ponzi scheme that was exposed after the midterms it was politicized by the timing. the fbi has been leaking to exonerate themselves there is no nuclear secrets they found at the mar-a-lago estate and that
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is going to fizzle out. as far as the january 6th committee look at everything trump could possibly have done they haven't issued an incriminating indictment, mike pence have said some things that are very disturbing but other than that i don't think they are going to find much and then it's the asymmetry -- you've got hillary clinton, who got illegally a foreign national to work in election and destroy a transition -- i think what they are counting on is the antithesis to the durham investigation, he was sober, he didn't leak and they had to deal with a northern virginia washington left-wing jury and they think we are going to leak, we are going to get "washington post" in "the new york times" in on it and we have left-wing juries that do not like republicans in general and donald trump in particular. >> trace: does it lead to hunter biden special counsel?
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>> absolutely, there's a lot of ironies here because ron desantis is ascendant, apparently people believe in the republican party and a lot of republicans will think if you're going to do this to donald trump 1 of 2 things will happen, it will help ron desantis or will gain 74 trump. the other irony is this going to come a day when republicans controlled the senate, the house, and the presidency and they are going to have to decide can this republic continue when the democrats impeach a first-term president twice, they impeach him as a private citizen, they raid next president's home, they investigate a presidential candidate with a special counsel, they determine which people can serve on committees they tear up the state of the union on national tv, do they want to keep doing this? you are going to see a glimpse of it when the republicans take the house -- but someday they will suffer in kind with these
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presidents they've established. >> trace: i want to move on if i can, president biden was talking about his great economy again, watch this and we will talk after. >> we are talking about real money people are saving, it's going to start kicking in now. by taking action we are making real progress in strengthening and stabilizing our economy, giving americans across the country some breathing room. >> trace: he's apparently not reading the financial times because amazon, facebook, netflix, peloton, target, wells fargo, they are all coming out with either layoffs or bad numbers. the economy when i see credit card debt going way up and it is way up, it is a bad sign. this economy is not going in a good direction like the president keeps saying it is. >> annual inflation last year of 5% of the end of the year, this year it will be eight. we are getting very high interest rates, the housing market is stagnant, as you say
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unemployment is climbing up we don't have a border, we are not energy sufficient, we pay here in california over $6 a gallon for gasoline, after the afghanistan debacle we lost deterrence overseas and there is no border, it's ceased to exist, he's living in a fantasy land i think everybody knows that. >> victor davis hanson always great to have you on, great insight -- thank you. breaking tonight the fbi's profiling unit is helping to investigate the murders of four university of idaho students and new details about the two young women who were inside the house when the killings happened, matt finn's life with us here in los angeles, good evening. >> this evening, police announced the two roommates who lived with the four murder to students have been ruled out as suspects. a bystander seated at a food truck surveillance video
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hours before their murder, police are stepping up the plea for more information by releasing a map highlighting some of the latest movements of the four murdered students before they were found dead sunday. one friend this is the four students all under 21 will social butterflies a lot of people came in and out of their shared house because how welcoming they were but that friend says one door had a keyless code entry and it was not always locked. >> there were two points of entry to the house most frequently people use the door that was located in the basement and you took a set of stairs to get to the main floor. when i went to go there the code wouldn't be activated so we could just open the door and get in. >> police say the four students were stabbed to death with an edged weapon, the corners as a large knife adding this was not a murder suicide.
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victims were stabbed multiple times, most or all of them found dead in their beds. please have not announced a suspect, motive, or the recovery of a murder weapon. >> the hard part of the investigation as many of the people who want to talk to have gone home because they are students. the timeline of this investigation has expanded because we have to travel. having those interviews takes a little bit more time. >> a father of one of the victims said his daughter has want defensive wounds on her body. >> if you would stand by i want to bring in the murder mystery, much of the country clearly shocked and baffled. los angeles county dis deputy district attorney, you look at this and it's kind of stunning. you have these four students, we know this was an awful crime there was blood coming out of the house. you attack four students with a
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knife and there has got to be a lot of dna evidence from whoever the suspect might be. >> my prayers go out to the families of these individuals who were killed -- it's horrendous going to college, sending your daughters and your sons to college and all of a sudden something like this happens. i have trust in the police department they are going to investigate this and they are going to do everything they can to find who the suspect is and hopefully hold that individual accountable for these crimes. >> the two college students both young women, correct? they have now been cleared, do we know if they are not witnesses, not suspects do we know if they have been cleared and they are not witnesses in any capacity? >> police say they don't believe they are involved but what we do know is there were six adults in this house and you do have to wonder how a killer got into this home so discreetly and slipped out so discreetly,
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killed four people. those two survivors you wonder what they heard or saw. >> trace: what do you make of that, they had to hear something unless they were inebriated and passed out which is a potential thing here but you would think that somebody heard something and that is the baffling thing. >> i think the police are going to have to keep working and try to find out exactly what happened in this case. usually with staffing that is a crime of passion, they should be able to narrow it down and try to find out who this person was and do everything they can to hold this person accountable. >> i want to put the timeline on the screen up if i can we're talking talking about saturday november 12th, the victim posts a picture on line up herself and the three friends. at 1:31 of the morning, two of the victims seen on surveillance video near a food truck. 3:00 a.m. police say four victims stabbed to death inside the house. at 11:48 in the morning police received a 911 call or an
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unconscious individual inside the home. we know it was a gruesome crime, we don't know who called 911. we don't know if it was the two women inside the house, but who would call in an unconscious victim when you've got blood everywhere? >> it doesn't add up at all. i think right now we have to hope and pray the police department is able to uncover exactly what happened in this case. >> trace: when you talk about did this person call 911? there is no evidence, no call released, nothing on that. >> the corners that is not clear if all the victims were found at separate parts in the home, where they were found in the house, i feel like there are surveillance cameras everywhere nowadays people have cameras at the front of their doors at surprising to me a week later we still have not seen a single suspect anywhere on video. >> trace: i want to move on if i can, this is in your neck of the woods. talking about the guy who
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allegedly mowed down 25 of the sheriffs deputies recruits, the quoting here his name is nicholas joseph gutierrez, the quote comes from the sheriff saying the 22-year-old man accused of mowing down 25 los angeles recruits with his suv was provisionally freed on $2 million bond thursday night because investigators need more time to comb through the mountain of evidence against h him. this isn't part of just kicking these people out because they didn't commit a bad enough crime, there's something else at play here but it's still baffling to a lot of people in los angeles that all of a sudden this guy who ran down all these people is walking the streets. >> i do want to say my prayers also go out to these family members and these cadets and i hope there is a speedy recovery for them. here is a problem in los angeles, no one has any trust in the district attorney. no one has any confidence in the district attorney and when he gets these really important cases, no one believes he's going to do the right thing. this is an individual who has never tried one case never filed
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one case, never walked into court at one time and there's a 37 cities who voted no confidence in this individual. right now we have a district attorney who has no idea what he's doing, no one has any trust in him and so you have a community that is unclear what's going on in this type of case where you have 25 cadets mowed down, you have video of this incident, five of these cadets were seriously injured and people have so many questions about what's going on with the investigation. >> we switched to the idaho murders from this case and we don't know if he was speeding up going towards these deputies, if he put on the brakes it doesn't appear like he put on the brakes. >> i don't know but the video certainly looks like it, he would've been able to see that large group of cadets. >> trace: he swayed over and we don't know what the cause of that, he said he was asleep he had marijuana in the car, no alcohol in his system but something is amiss here. >> you can't jog or run in los angeles without being afraid you're going to be run down and
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killed, especially if you are police officer nowadays it seems like everywhere you go people are trying to attack you or hurt you. it's shameful and disgraceful and we have a d.a. who doesn't seem to know exactly what he's doing it doesn't understand what his job is which is to protect the public which he has failed to do. >> trace: our best to those sheriff's recruits, thank you both. in the meantime taylor swift is finally speaking out and she is not happy that her fans are having major issues trying to get tickets to see her upcoming tour. ticketmaster is blaming the delays on error, messages, bots, tailor herself for stoking unprecedented demand after not touring for four years. ashley strohmier life for us to new york with the latest on this, good evening. >> not only is taylor swift breaking her silence on the fiasco but so is ticketmaster, they said we want to apologize to her and all of her fans especially those who had a terrible experience trying to purchase tickets. while it's impossible for everyone to get tickets to these
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shows we know we can do more to improve the experience and that's what we are focused on. initially fans were not happy she kept her silence on the matter but now she's saying she's having a hard time wrapping her head around what happened. she claims they were assured multiple times that ticketmaster could handle the demands, she said it's truly amazing that 2.4 million people got tickets but i'm paraphrasing -- it ticks me off a lot of them feel like they went through several bear attacks to get them. the ceo of liberty media says it was a function of taylor swift, the site was opened up for 1.5 million verified taylor swift fans, we had 14 million hits the site including bots which are not supposed to be here. the doj is also opening up an antitrust investigation into ticketmaster's parent company live nation. during a white house press briefing karine jean-pierre was asked about the white house's stance on the debacle, listen to
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this. >> i would refer you to the department of justice on any investigation come i'm not going to comment on any potential investigation from here. we respect their independence. >> congresswoman amy klobuchar said they will be holding hearings, it's not just taylor swift. >> this is not just about taylor swift, its prices, hidden fees that are way too high, site disruptions and kind of things of course you could anticipate it but where else are you going to go to sell your tickets when there's only one game in town? speak of the investigation will focus on whether or not live nation is abusing its market dominance in the ticket ind industry. >> trace: you wonder if taylor swift might be called to testify that investigation. ashley strohmier, back to a little bit later. now that you have the latest news concerning ticketmaster, up
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next we will be joined by a former sony music executive about the future of concert ticket sales and why exactly taylor swift was trying to do the right thing. plus get the tissues ready, a chimpanzee reunited with her newborn might just bring you to tears and a christmas tree that makes beautiful music two the holidays are coming and the days best viral videos are next. this is financial security. and lincoln financial solutions will help you get there. as you plan, protect and retire. ♪ do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief.
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>> trace: taylor swift is already change the world of music and now she might change the future of live music including how you get your tickets and how much you pay. we are joined by former sony music executive jeff seckinger, i know you've been following this the past few days.
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du buy ticketmaster's excuse saying we just are not ready for this type of demand? >> it's hard to buy it at face value, so no. what really happened here is a technology failure, this all about boring scalable infrastructure community to have technology that can handle massive traffic. this was objectively unprecedented the demand that came in for this for a bunch of good reasons. the site couldn't handle it. that part is the truth of what happened it was a failure. >> they said they couldn't handle demand but taylor swift saying there are multiple reasons taylor swift that hard time getting tickets i'm trying to figure out how this situation could be improved moving forward and knocking to make excuses for anyone because we asked them multiple times if they could handle this type of demand and we were assured they could.
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>> mention to you before we got on there's lots of other artists who have had this problem, harry styles had it -- this is not particularly new stuff and this is a platform that has been out there for quite some time. putting aside what happened yesterday which was i think unprecedented and probably pretty extraordinary, it's a pretty reliable platform if you're going to book a stadium tour is, this is probably the one they are going to go into rather than some new start-up or smaller platform to sell tic tickets. >> trace: i was interested to see some publications were going after taylor swift among them slate in an op-ed said taylor swift is a capitalist. goes on to say i understand she should earn money in exchange for her work but nonetheless it sucks to be turning over the poetry while capitalist taylor is taking the opportunity to try to sell me a credit card and yet another shirt, kind of a rough
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take. >> for sure but she's doing a lot of great things creatively and on the business front. here, she and live nation were trying to do the right thing they wanted to put tickets in the hands of her fans first. they also wanted to be smart about pricing strategy to push back on scalpers on the secondary market. you see this a lot, springsteen had a lot of flak as well around prices. this is what it is, there are bots that are out there it's not a perfect situation, she is a capitalist for sure. these guys have been through pandemic they lost touring for two or three years you can expect to see it and look at the demand i think someone said she would have to do 900 shows to meet all that demand. >> trace: she is a lot of people lying on her what you make of these congressional calls to break up live nation ticketmaster. >> not very much right now i think there are some pretty funky stuff in terms of the way this business is structured and
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it's totally fair to look at that. there's been a lot of attention when that merger was put together with doj approving it 12 years ago. i think you have to look at exclusivity between venues and ticketing services. that's probably where i would look to free things up rather than surgically pulling the whole thing apart that doesn't sound too realistic to me. >> trace: i want to put this up on the screen this is ticketmaster statement when i finally apologize we want to apologize to taylor and all of her fans especially those who had a terrible experience trying to purchase tickets while it's impossible for everyone to get tickets to these shows we know we can do more to improve the experience and that's what we are focused on. all of a sudden they realize we are in the hot seat and we need to come out with a better explanation than "it's taylor's fault." >> someone needs to figure out a way to manage more traffic because this could happen again. on a commercial level she's got ten out of the top ten tracks on billboard and she hasn't been on
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the road in four years. probably could've anticipated this for sure. >> trace: something has to change -- it's great to have you on. into nice viral videos a chimpanzee was reunited with her newborn after the two were separated for two days following an emergency c-section. it didn't take long for the mom to notice her baby was wrapped up in blankets and she swiftly came up and held him tightly. staff at the zoo's at the moment brought tears to their eyes. canadian actor dan payne made this video when he thought someone was trying to break it -- break into his home, turned out it was a bear who rummaged around the garage of his vancouver home. he wrote on instagram "had a fella trying to break into my garage at 2:00 a.m. last night,
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we agreed to disagree and left on amicable terms." chinese state media shared a video of a flock of sheep that walked in circles for 12 days straight. the media outlets did not offer an explanation as to why the woolly walkers did what they did. on twitter they called it the great sheet mystery, on "fox news @ night" we call it mutton gone mad -- we are walking in circles. have you ever seen a christmas tree make beautiful music? follow along because time for the arrival of the capitol christmas tree. it's a red spruce called ruby that comes from western north carolina's appalachian mountains. after the holidays ruby goes back to north carolina where instead of being tossed in a pile, it will be turned into guitars and banjos and donated. that is a christmas tree to beat the band. new york city prepping for holiday festivities with the big reveal of macy's much-anticipated holiday window
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display two it features tiptoe the reindeer and all of her friends. this year's window theme is give love. while western new york was slammed with snow overnight, this new yorker decided to make the best of it. he went for a dive. his wife took videos jumped from the hot tub into what looks like multiple feet of the white stuff. took him a few seconds to get back on his feet, he acts like he's having fun. he froze -- you've done that? not fun. if you have viral video to share hit me up at trace gallagher or at "fox news @ night" on social media. going viral tonight to this tweet from the nfl's buffalo bills showing what used to be their home football field high marcus stadium. now the high mark stands for snow, more than 3 feet but it won't affect the bills game on sunday because they are shuffling off to detroit. fox weathers katie byrne has more on the snowstorm.
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>> you'll see the worst of the snow in places south of buffalo where sadly the storm has turned deadly. erie county officials have confirmed two people have died while trying to shovel their yards, now of initials are urging people to hold off from shoveling this heavy wet snow that led to a partial building collapse. >> we are reminding everybody you have to shovel smart because cardiac events, heart attacks are always occurring in these situations and unfortunately we appear to have lost our first two county residents as a result of that. >> travel ban remains in place for roughly half of erie county and major highways are shut down. despite road closures officials have rescued dozens of stranded drivers. >> we got stuck, an officer was nice enough to help us out and he escorted us to a hotel. we have been here ever since. >> the snow is expected to
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continue through sunday around here hotels are selling out with many of the people staying in them lineman at staging to potentially respond to outages. >> trace: here we go again with mask wearing. why the biggest county in the country is strongly recommended you wear them in all public indoor settings. what happened to the nearly $200 billion in covert aid to america's schools? it didn't go to the kids at least not yet. president emeritus of the compton school board joins us live on sat next. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: los angeles county and its health director who is not a doctor is once again strongly recommended people wear masks indoors. the county citing a 70% jump in newly reported covert cases from last month which is still nowhere near the highs for the pandemic. so far it's not a mandate at
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l.a. county loves mandates so stay tuned. the first ones who normally find themselves back wearing masks our public schoolchildren which reminds us to ask what happened to that $190 billion pandemic windfall for public schools -- let's bring in president emeritus from the compton school board, that's great to see you i want to read this from the national review and get your take on it. coating here, the county is once again strongly recommending resumed masking although it is not requiring it at most indoor venues. last january los angeles forced students to wear high-grade noncloth masks indoors and outdoors in k-12 public schools and be tested as a condition of returning to class. everybody knows it's only a matter of time in the first ones who get masks put on are the kids. >> los angeles county did in fact strike balance here.
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its recommendation and not an edict, i've got to say this. what was the theme? one could argue governor ron desantis received such praise, overwhelmingly reelected such a very large percentage because of preservation of rights as well as choice the same argument for democrats who in fact won women over by preserving a woman's right on the abortion issue. the common theme here is choice, you have to give parents the family's choice to make decisions with respect to what is best for them. health as well as education. >> the entire pandemic these kids had to wear the mask -- test scores are all-time low, it's detrimental an airplane that on the mask and the whole concept of that. >> absolutely in one will not refute that.
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we've seen children struggling with developmental challenges, speech challenges -- again, the mask did not do what all said it would. however this is a recommendation from parents must be in a strong position to make a choice that's best for their child. >> trace: recommendation for now but i know l.a. county they don't like to stay with recommendations. american schools got $190 billion in covert money "the new york times" writes debates over masks vaccines gender pronouns and racism have grown hostile and the culture at large combine that with a competitive labor market, inflation and historically low teaching salaries not hard to understand why over half of the national education association's members plan to leave or retire from teaching earlier than expected. that's what they hundred $90 billion windfall for the teachers, they don't have enough people to extract that money because you go through all this
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red tape. we need more people we need more teachers we need more executives and then we can talk about kids. >> i will say this. school district did not benefit from a defense production act. even though it appears to be a tremendous amount of money i would not categorize it as a windfall. school district as well as charter school management organizations are in a precarious position to have to utilize procurement mechanisms which slow down the process with respect to hvac systems which we have to upgrade and change filters in addition, i wouldn't categorize it as a windfall because how do you put a price on children suffering? i believe is not enough money. i further believe with your help perhaps we can lean on these guys these new republicans who just took over the house to fund the individual disabilities education act, fully funded for special ed that. these things must occur and we have to do it swiftly. >> trace: i want to get your take on what happened in the midterms.
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you have all of these people, these parents outraged at these lock downs and mandates and yet school boards across the country for the most part stayed the same way. parents didn't throw these school board members out left and right which was surprising, what do you make of this? >> i believe school board members did in fact lose seats, many incumbents in and around this country. i know for a fact folks who lost their seats but i can tell you this, many parents also understood that the local school board persons, local school board member was under direct guidance by the county as well as the state. we also had to adhere to the guidelines as prescribed by the counties as well as the state. >> trace: fascinating stuff. stick around with us for the night cap? we would love to have you around, appreciate that. ♪ ♪ first up at the met's crime
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crisis round up a shooting in the bronx this week left a 21-year-old man dead another wounded prick of the gunman fired the shots while riding on the bike unknown days away from his 22nd birthday was the intended target. so far, no arrests, no surprise. >> i promised myself i wouldn't be a burden on my wife. >> trace: a 72-year-old northern california man who suffers neuropathy calls his motorized scooter a lifeline, now he has to go out because it was stolen while he was getting coffee -- welcome to california. police have identified the suspect made his getaway on the scooter. so far no arrests. no surprise. philadelphia police looking for the man who broke into the crab restaurant on north broad street and took about $300 out of the cash register. he broke through the front
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window and fled in an unknown direction. also in philly a man pulled up to a mcdonald's drive-through pointed a handgun at an employee and shouted give me the money instead of taking cash out of the register he took the entire register. unknown amount of money and so far say it with me, no arrests. finally a security guard at the methadone clinic in buffalo is being called a hero after he overpowered a gunman with an ar-15. the suspect did fire a shot at the wall before the guard sprang into action as you saw, nobody was injured and guess what? the suspect was arrested. what would friday night be without a nightcap? grab a scotch, whatever -- join the crew we'll talk about snacks and beer and what you can and cannot talk about at thanksgiving. we are just trying to help you avoid the next family feud. the night cap coming up.
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>> trace: he loves to stir it up, elon musk dropped another hammer on those freaked out by his takeover of twitter posting a poll if he should reinstate former president trump. as those results role in molly line takes a look at the latest tweet storm.
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>> billionaire elon musk is proving he has not only big money but a big sense of humor slamming back at the naysayers that have criticized his twitter takeover on that very platform. when a leaked email to employees called for an extremely hard core work ethic and he swiftly asked people to stay or leave with severance high-profile critics like new york democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez chimed in "shout out to all the workers at twitter you built a vital place for connection and deserve so much better. millions of people appreciate the space you built and the hard work that went into it. thank you. most clapback "you're welcome." despite the credits he was growing tweeting and we just hit another all-time high on twitter usage. the day, twitter's shutdown is trending but the mosque seems unfazed dropping foreshadowing with the tweeted spoiler alert
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teasing freedom fridays announcing new twitter policy is freedom of speech but not freedom of reach. negative hate tweets will be deboosted nd monetized so no ads or other revenue to twitter. you won't find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out which is no different from the rest of the internet. mosque announced the reinstatement of kathy griffin who had been suspended earlier this month for impersonating mosque and other users like conservative satirical site of the babylon be. as for former president donald trump he noted the decision has not yet been made. >> trace: just two days before the start of the world cup, qatar is banning beer sales at stadiums. they signed a deal with budweiser -- the small conservative muslim country does not allow alcohol consumption in public except the will was lifted at the world cup but not
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anymore. speaking of beer or the lack there of the nightcap goes back with ashley strohmier, kevin corke, and mckay olley that best snacks to go along with your beer, wine or choice of drink. what do you drink with that 35 ? >> i'm going to say wings are great don't get me wrong i love wings but i'm a nachos guy. i know a friend of ours you and i can talk about that begins with the letter c is a nachos guy, i'm a major nachos fan. for me there and nachos. >> trace: the newest man to the nightcap i know he's not drinking beer and snacks. >> i'm not drinking beer i prefer tequila. i like garlic pepper wings. >> trace: and a cigar. >> perhaps. >> trace: ashley strohmier i don't want to get you in trouble
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but what's the drink and what's the snack? >> i was on a beer kick when we were talking about this i'm a budweiser girl and if i'm going to drink a beer which is very rare, i have to have a big burger with it. a cheeseburger. >> trace: you have won the hearts of many americans. we have matt finn but he's not old enough to drink we have to let him out -- what's your favorite? >> i'm with you with the budweiser and the burger but i want to say a cold beer and a hot pizza. >> trace: what can you not talk about on thanksgiving with your family? >> my family, anything goes. we are one of the people you can say whatever and i have every right to kick you out if i don't like it. >> talk about every single thing, and we talk about each other. >> talk about what you want just don't push each other's buttons. >> can you talk about anything? >> i think i might be the button
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pusher in my family. i'm not the right one to ask that. >> in our house there are certain subjects that are off limits, thank you, have a great weekend. thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in los angeles we'll see right back here on did smell like dave was in his happy place, the massage chair at the mall, but he wasn't game at the mall, but he wasn't game plays, methoxy boosting fairbreezehow ca. fairbreezehow ca. i need new glasses. vi vision works. how can you sesee the mee swea i can't. i'm just telling everyone, hey,c ush e your vision benefits befpr they expire. >> vision works. . ut i n
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