tv The Five FOX News November 19, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST
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three trusts. you got to relaxium say yes. >> what a great show. thank you, john rich. brian , tell me rubin, our florida audience, fox news tonight, "nightline" dreamy trace gallagher is next on greg gutfeld . that i love you married. oh, hello. everyone. i'm jessica pearla, alongryone. with judge jeanine pirro, cathy waters, harris faulkner, and will cain. it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the five . >> the story, new details, esom a gruesome quadruple murder inqu idaho that's left an entire community shakenadru to its cor. and a lead fbi unit, along with local police are huntinge for a killer after fourabbe aspiring college students were deat and foundhtered
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stabbed to death in their off campus apartment. so far , police have noone of suspects t in custody. warning and one of the victim's sisters is issuing a dire warning polingsafe til that no one on cs is safe until an arrest survivi is made. policeng, two surviving roommatg could be the key to solvingen the horrific killings. cooperat they have not been ruled in or out as suspects and areti cooperatinm'g with investigator. one of the victim's friends says it was easy to get inere tw and out of the house. >> there were two points of entry to the house. most frequently people usedbasee the door that wants locatedr. on the basement, and then yout r took a set of stairs to get to the main floor. and was it your experience thatn you would that youew knew a code or that people knew the code? or was it did you have to use the code to enter the house? when i would go there, the code wouldn't be activated so we could just open the door and get in. >> autopsy's revealing that all four victims were stabbed multiple times to death while in bedes, likely with the same knife. an autopsy expert thinks it'spet
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possible the dna of the murder could have been left behind ateh the scene. integs that' one of the things f interest is when this many stabd wounds and there's a lot of blood but is very slippery. >> and sometimes the perpetrator is cut off by the slippage of the knifethen and some of the blood at the scene can belong to the perpetrator. and dna, dna will be able to evaluate that. so it feels like this just getsl worse and worse. but at least we're gettingthis some more details, it seems. where are we right now in this case? >> well, we're certainlye further along than wwere whee we on sunday when the police saidy everything was okay. that iand that it looked like is a i think the mayor said it looked like it was a crime of passion. food, what we know wer is that r people were killed. we see them on a video at
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the food truck in the middle ofe the night. we know that there are sam twotw and two on the same floor.ur the bedrooms are and the other two that we just hear aboutiffeo four days later after the murders are on a differenta floor. apparently, according to what we hear now,didn't h didn't hear anything. what's most interesting to me is what michael baden, that the the medical examiner, what he said was, look, that there was not only a lot of blood ,bu but that there if there arero defensive wounds, that there is blood from the attacker, that would be mixed with the victim's blood , which i've often seen in homicide scenes. now understand it wasd my the girl's father who said my daughter fought to the end and so that means she had defensive wounds. and means she had wounds in her hands or wherever, lot and possibly he got cut as well. f blif there's a lot of blood ,d there are there's dried two blood in his footprints or herfn footprints are two people's footprints. thewould be dried in the blood. so we'll know whether the shoedn was a male or a female
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>> and in addition to that, sept we already know is that if this person is the same person from september who had a knifeti because there was someones wi who was threatening to attacku w kids at the campus with , a knife, then they've got a realle problem there. bur t bueveryot but i think thel problem for everyone is thet do fact that they didn't shut downt the school. departme they didn't do anything about se this other than say it's okay, but thismicide is department, tt hasn't seen a homicide inlice o six years. they havffs so youe something l twenty five police officers. so you bring ien the fbi, you bring in state police and you qe try to work through this. pke an but it's quite possible it'll take a long time for them and to solve this. >> but we'll see. well, the fbi is involved now and the head of the schoolhould is saying to students now, you should go do whatever you feelts is right. but he hading to a said that th. no further risk to any of the students, which is obviously not the case. t >> police say that the police did it, which is hard to take to the bank when in all
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deference to you judge on this. and i mean that in deference to what you know inu, your experience in these realms, i'm surprise i'md that there were not further along's a a week into this crime. you know pool , it's a small pon that it's a town of th to aty five thousand people. you had these two groups ofe gr kids that went to two different locations. one group of two went to a party, one group of two went. i believe, out to a set of bars in town . >> now you have a pool of people. they interacted with in that t night. evu wouldn't think it would and take that long to start tracineg and talking to everyone they came into contact with . i am surprised that the roommates heard nothing. i am surprised that that took te eight to nine hours. they think the attack happenedln at 3:00 or 4:00 am. >> the cops weren't called till noon. , 91 there's a lot of questions inll the nine one one call wasn't placed by thwe knoe roommates,h apparently. >> i don't know. we know yet who placed that nine one . they haven't revealed it. yeah, yeah. yet.ed >> so you add all this up and it's surprising the number of unknowns that we have when it doesn't feel like the pool of potential outcomes>> the is infinite. >> and there's there'snother p s
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piece. if i could just have for a second. how do you take down four kidseh ? i mean, yo havu know, maybe they were party, maybe they hadk a good time, butee one person, they keep saying there's one person we don't know ifdid there's one personthey. did they did they put tape on their mouths? did they find them somehow one incapacitate them? how does one guy take down fouri healthy kids? >> well, also to that point,peng harris, when that's happening to you, odds are you're goingf o to make a noise. right? so and if you had if he went to the couple's room first or to the other girl's room first,n you would think if they're somei on the same floor that someone would heare other ro something n the other room. i never makes any assumptions. t nohink, but but i do think it's it's safe to assume that they have hit some kind of a wall in this when secon they released the timeline. >> and i don't know,d. let's jug look at it for a second.lace and so by one forty five inat 9 the morning, everybody was i0 nd place. >> and you're going to tel tl mn at 90 minutes later, whoever theyed to do this just happened to that. everybody was in place whe hnavo
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they'd been at a food truck. they'd been atly a partyin. i mean, they'd have to bey were a bird flying around from thirty seven thousand feet to know where everybody was going unless they were potentially a known person and they potown pers would havee their steps were going to be. but at one forty five ,olice sa according to the timeline.e time and police say, well, look, we're releasing the timeline to the community, investigators said, because we really need tim to know if there are any people out there who can help us . they're hoping for tips from everybody. so i don't think they're fakinsg out. i think this is really valuableo and chunky information when you drill down on where everybody was at what time and how i mean ,just coincidental that 90 minutes, according to therep coroner's report, somebodyso started dying because by 4:00e a.m., that's wherer the coroner's reportre stops,. that they died between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. so i'm really curious to know not just about what those people who were in the house might have known, bute who else knew the whereabouts of all of these four people.
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like you said, it's a lot to take down for people. so you take them potentially down to at a time, but then you'd have to know who wase ho who was coming home atereafter one forty five who was going to be home shortly thereafter. o how over time this it soundswn like this is somebody who andoud from all the cases that that who the judge has has covered , shee would know betterse who potentially knew these victims. >> s o that's assuming that it's premeditated. e >> that's assuming that someone had it out for them. and i don't know what the answer it could be . they said crime of passion from the get go again.that's >> there's people. wha well, what i'm saying is that. that's what the police said. they said crime of passion.>> wa t that you're in. watchin know you'rg e saying is , you know, they would have to have been watching all of them to know that they were all in the house. that would mean it was clearly a premeditated. so we don't know. was itt th someone at the food truck? was it someone who followed them? we have no ideo ana where they going for two and then the other two hurt it. >> we don't know. alsoil t, i thought it was a re
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important detail that even though there was the keypad to get in and out, that it was very easy to say whether that means that the code was zeroater zero, whatever . >> thereor was a sliding door that everybody use. >> what do you think? i think the guy who did it probably has flown the coop, because if you look at the town the way it's situated, they're surrounded by about five nationa foresl forests'r and multiple mountain ranges and about ont three rivers. and you're right on the washington border. and this is such a small town college town with no nos, not like new york city. get in, buteasily not like we're wired up here. you can easily get in and adjacent to a golf course and a road which goes directly south. and i meant , at3:00 a three a.u could just split and no one would ever know that. so there's not a lot of visual a evidence that you're going norm to pull like youy mean would at a normal place. now, if you go in with a knife that usually means it's personal. that weapon means it'se that personal. so i believe tha thet they knew
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them and i believe that they were targeted.only now, the police are probably ina ting t not only interrogating theseus o people, i don't think they're involved. i'm not suspicious of them. i don't know why. my gut doesn't say that. i feel like they would have leaned on them hard enoughthey r during the interrogation but rack thi juss. yeah, they probably just passedo out drunk, but if you're noted t going to look at the phones, aren't they allowed to crack into these phones and into the laptops to see if there was a clue or communication with someone else like that?>> t >> so that'shat' really going te the for me. and then also, they don't haveta any seasoned detectives in that town . >> no, they so they're wete no behind the ears. and you got t to bring in the fi because the fbi is not great with political stuff. we've seen the mongul, but a the fbi is good this. and we have and i think i think that hopefully the fbi can gather enough evidence to conduct this case because one more thing, imagine being a student, harris, and you have some slasher who's
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on the loose. and this guy might have been such a sociopath that he mightav have been an undergrad and he might have just slashed these fourashed th to death and then t to history. h and he's sitting rightistory. >> fascinating about the woods because the knife that was used would be the night that someone who , like, was someone who was the hiker, someone who wanted to do so with a quick question, allow me. it jusmeone got hains to do wity they waited so long to evacuate that campus, because the sistery of one of the victims is saying, who's safe right now? you geey getmp off the campus? >> police would be wrong for you. go a big issue, too. and that would be wouldn'tt hous the whole place be technically a crime scene around that that house off campus?>> jus but t anybody who was just the house, just the house. begn >>ni yeah, but we don't you knod what about the police?. the saturday, the beginning, n r they said, you know, we're not worried about it. we think it's a crime of passion. at!nobody's in trouble, but a lt of unanswered, it's safe to say. and a huge programing note.
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join us at five pm on mondayy ev for a holiday extravaganza you won't forget. wear will bee hosting the all american tree lighting from and e with tons of fun and surprises. make sure that you don't miss it. and comingeaking oor the up nex, taylor swift speaking out forhae the first time on the ticketmaster fiasco. that has her fans fuming. ual ct >> research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. with nostalgia. so to help you remember thatw! liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that will really take. nsurn wow.ce insurance from liberty mutual? what doeyos it do by the customizes? so you only believe what we need and what did you get like a gold bike? th >> only pay foe r what you need.
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now she's broken her silence. the ticketing mess that has hert fans not shaking it of of. >> the swifties are furious at ticketmaster after high demandrt caused the website to crash oro freeze while they were tryingci to get a seat for taylor'sto mae highly anticipated tour ticket. master suddenly has pulled the plug on the whole thing and canceled the general public sale of the tickets. now it's more than. twenty thousand dollars to buyoc a single ticket office. scalper swift says the situation is excruciating. and here's a statement to her fans. she added this. there are a multitude of reasons why people had such a hard time tryinge ha to get ot tickets. and i'm trying to figure outsito how the situation canto be improved going forward. i'm not going to make excusese e for anybody because we ask themi multiple times if they couldf handle this kind of demand. coud and they were we were assured that they could. but the bad blood now remember all of this. you've got to know her lyrics. doesn't in their lawmakers liker the breakup of ticket master aoc calling for the breakup of
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ticketmaster over the fiasco. the biden doj seems to agree ma' and they are said to be investigating ticketmaster parent company live nation the and whether they have abused their power and the live music industry. that group's ceos th lays the be on taylor swift reality is , it's a function of the massive demand that taylor swift has. the site was supposed to beaylo opened up for one point five million verified taylor swift fans. we had fourteen million peopleto hit the site, including bots. another story which are not supposed to be there. >> all right., your what are your top line thoughts on this one ? well, i don't know. >> he's laying blame.w if that's greg morfe, the ceo of be live nation. >> i know he's laying blame at a taylor swift. he's complimenting taylor swift . >> fourteen million people tried to buy tickets. he said i could have sold oud nine hundred stadiums. and the time we opened us p thii ticket buying process forthere' taylor swift, there's a lot ofs swifties, but i will say i can't help but notice thised b
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and i'm only noticing this.y so live nation is owned by liberty media. libeo is johnnce malone. john malone has gone about the process of filing most of his company's batgirl out. most of this has been made saying once again, under the umbrella of liberty media, once you let go of somethingthrt that the democratic party had control of, you suddenly start getting threats of ftc letters. ask elon musk all of a sudden. y now, if you lose control of something, the government wants to take a look. and when i see that amyy klobuchar and a few of the senators want to look into, ticketmaster, reminds me who whatse does liberty own? oh, they just bought cnnthrough and cnn's going through, a process of dwarka vacation as well. >> and now there's threats of, . i don't know, any trust lookinge under the observation, but does seem to be a correlation. there is ado rhymen'. >> i don't know if it repeats, but there is a rhythm here. yeah. the justice department announced earlier today that ant they they want to look at antitrust. what do yo.u with that predatese
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what's happening here? i mean, that that's not because of this. i don't think i understand. i would be at the ont soe at the table to not think that there are some political conspiracy theory going on here. i think but i think that taylor swift fans crashed the system fan and they just call that a conspiracy theory. >> if you did, iet means i'm probably right. >> who knows what happened to jfk? so the antitrust was there, but the announcement today putse: this as part of what they're looking at is biggest piece of what they're looking at. >> and it's looking at this piece of evidence of this. i don't know in reading what exactly? well, first all that they have a monopoly on this. the ticket master now iny goe partnership with live nation, which goes back to twenty ten , which surprised me.they'r i didn't know that that wasis ad the case. r are in complete control ofston this. and taylor swift has a lonhogug history, even though she's aiest young lady of going after big companies that don't treaty artists fairly and they don't treat fans fairly. she took spotifysic on peopl one
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music on , and the people that benefited the fans and alsoyo solo artists who had been struggling to get their music heard to get, ampl amplificatior what they're creating. >> so what about the ceo'ss am argument, though, and others have talked about the botsth among those fourteen million and that she would have been the person to vet all of that? she and her team should have been the person, the peopleeanie to at that.: e' >>s yousome know, there are soo think that by her designating these certain verifiede fa taylor swift fans that thoseai fans assumed that they had early access because they paid o extra to be a verified fan. so when they tried to get on the early access, apparently bots were doing the same thing. >> sta and that's when it startedl to crash. it really may be as simple as this is a concert of a level0 this the beatles had 30 , 40 years ago. i mean, this was huge. and , you know, to be to be g fair, i mean, the truth is thats she's got so many fans, as she
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says, she said we could have filled nine hundred stadiums so the issue is , is almost not you can't blame one or blamey is the other. and if we break up, if we say it's a monopoly, we breaku know ticketmaster, somebody else is going to come in and they're going to say, you know, we'll charge less and then the scalpers come in and they then buy thosey those ti e ticko so the effort to sell ticketsvec cheaper ends up more expensive. ausebecause the scalpers get inn the way. what are we paying for ? a because those fees arere really high, but like pro scalpers.'r >>e sdoino i think they're doig great and i just want to give them a hand right here.g simi i understand what taylor ilasf o going for because i went through something similar. i don't know if you know this,a harris, but i wrote a bestbook selling book called how i save the world when it launched justs your world or everybody else's. trsty to follow along. >> and it's such a powerful launch that we sold tens of thousandse of copies within the first two weeks.o >> my publisheweeks. r didn't expectt that jesse watters would sellss that many books.
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now, i knew i was going to go big, but they didn't think i was going to go as big. as i did. so we had to run more prints and temporarily we were out of w copies and i was livid.r and now i knowfe taylor feels, because when your fans can't not get what you're tryingt' to deliver, and it's not your fault, it's the big man's fall, then they need to dompanyi something about that., >> so when you work with ag pret company like you're havingferent some pretty high fees, which is different than if i go and buy your book online or go to a bookstore, i'm not going through ticketmaster to get them. harri so my question is give you what you want. i well, thank you. it is yours your w. so my question is , well,ing fo? what am i paying ticke what are you paying for ?th what am i paying ticketmaster. and some of the others?le they're not the only onesd who do the vivid seats. many of these peoplecharge go ad and charge these shoes. what a.m i are they not vetting who the bots are? >> like, who's doing kno their ? yeah, i don't know how much of the impact was bots versusesse the big, big fans that point moylor and jessi both share. i would just say to your point really quickly on monopolies, this was for actually ticketmasr
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doing a solid for br their competitor. their competitor was the one that had thi o ticks business and they deferred it out to ticketmaster because their service wasy better . apparently, their competitor thought their service was better. no aently. one was good enough f r taylor swift, apparently, or jesse is the best. >> didey pri they did eventuall. >> but it's a sore so it's it's important. >> if your fans think it's red , you got to get what they want. all right. mow downs twenty five copst of and get out of jail. criminals, they are teflon liber right now with soft on crime. liberal divas in america know shameless is just the firstartig to ever all electric chevy pri equinox tv up to three hundred miles of range on a full charge, a starting price, ized n around thirty thousand dollars dvs for ever ameripry one every no
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the same today as they described in these journals. a hundred and fifty years ago. no way. i'm walking in the shadow of the pioneers following the trail they blazed the perfect, just perfect. come on . the right wing that got up around the bend. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what changed up. i've had enough of this for a limited time. get a box subscription for just a dollar fifty a month for the full year. sign up today inside. oh yeah. see yet another sad example of e soft on crimxae, insanity and liberal cities. >> of course, once again, ou p west, the lowlife who plowedf 75
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his car into a group of seventy five los angeles police recruits. he's now free as a bird despite the fact that police calle d injuring twenty five cadets a quote, deliberate the twenty two year old driver,h nicholas gutierrezarge, arrestet on charges of attempted murder of a police officer.o be but deputiese let him go because investigators said they need t attornmore time to present the to the district attorney who must file charges within 48 hours. arrafter an arrest or release.h >> the suspect, jesse , want to go to you first. >> what do you think? well, i think cnn is saying that the suv mowed down the cadets, not the man. >> i don't understand why he's . you would knowy better thanwoul i would judge, but why wouldn't they charge him on a no bail count or at least seek no bailrl ? losin because now he's out and these cadets are allg li losing limbss and now in critical condition. it sends the wrong message. was and he wasn'n't drunk. so why was he purposely
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targeting his car ? against police? i mean, this sounds like a war on cops right here. and it doesn't surprise me. j thises is happening in los angeles county tonight. on just what a fun time. we're going to have the sherifft from los angeles county. to explain what the is g happening here, because thisoowa isn't good and i'm just waitiniw for democrats to say something, because during the election, wee heard about how much they lovedn law enforcement. that's all you heard.ut ondsand the minute the electionn someone tries to killas twenty five law enforcement i officials and no one even makes a statement about this. >> this is a pretty big story,. judge. calling iare tth a deliberate attack. do you think they're havintting g trouble getting into his mind>>s to show it was intentional? >> i spoke to the d.a. today and they could have charged him with a crime. that crime woulden have been available offense. what they're doing is they're putting together the evidence to see how far they can go . these guys are very ethical.ther gou'ree ve not finding people
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who are d.a. is out there saying, yeah, we're goinginm. to get them.e di look at whatd. they did know.ann i lovee listening to the they're analyzing the i love the sheriff. i think the sheriff's a great guy.reat s the statutestatu are very clearn term've got to know what they're dealing with in terms of the driver before they can u >> so the charge like menlikel , take to take this stance, you know it. >> right? bumut itwhat is it attempted mu >> what is it depends on whether or not they can attribute that to his intent. inat wasn't his intent, what was his condition. we're notes conditt saying becag don't yet know. >> got it.o. le>>t it repor go . he wa can i ask a question? d murder because the reports were thatr n he was charged with attempted murder of a police officer t and then released later that:49. night at nine forty nine pm. hi >> there's no charge right nowsi right. so they dropped the charge. they didn't have they didn't. ac does that affect the case longrm term that you droppedou the charges? >> no, no, no. because look what the police do is the police can make an arrest. the d.a. is the one who says
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yay or nay to the charge. so please don't come in until the cows come home with an attempt to murder. and the d.a. can say youyo don'i have we don't have the evidence. you finish the investigation will go for there's no charge now. >> so so just let me turn this to you then. and judge, you may be ableand if to jump on this as well. it would seem to me, though, inl looking at los angeles, if you're a law enforcement agency, you feel like. your burden is much higher than it was in the if you send something on to george gascon and his office, if you don't have those t'sed, ' crossed and i's dotted, don't expectt a vigorous prosecutiono >> oh, i first want to say thata i'm very glad you went to the judge before me, which i rarely say, because you usually completely say, but it was goodt backup for this. bu at this was a central issue n the l.a. mayor's race, which just got called. rick caruso, who was running this time around as a democrat,a put crime front and center in his campaign. and karen bass ended up winning. bue shmessage on ct she had even message on crime to being much it after shethatt had a break in herself. so thi is is something that
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i believe mayor elect bass will be taking incredibly seriously, and especiallr y than it was going after lawgh i enforcement itself. i think things are going knoen a ofe, even though i know that there's been a lot of disappointment, more on the right than on the leftt po, even some democrats about post-election messaging, that there's beene no a lot of, oh, we're not going to do anything differently. i can tell you herede in, clea new york , where i voted, people heard loud and clear what happened. we lost four congressional seatcause ofs because of the law and order messaging. lee zeldin performed waye ze abe anywhere that we would expect because he put crime front and center. so i do think there will be changes. i'm glad that you us glad e thed shift because that's whatit happened. yeah, they started talking about it. democratr campaigns very late if their campaigns because jen psaki, the former white house secretary, put outorus the all call on , hey, they're talking about crime and allto t the ads and it's killing us . you goalt to talk about. yeah, i mean, you know, the pundits on their side of the aisle were saying, look, the house is on fire . thmebody go get a hose. yeah, they started talkinge sun about it, butit they didn't talh about it in the waowy that was substantive in terms of how done
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you deal with nottt letting people go on crimes that, you know, that you can, you know,a six months ago would have been a felony and now they're a misdemeanor. look misdemea, josh shapiro. right, who's the new governor of pennsylvania, we're talking about crime from day one . it was a centerpiece of his campaign. he went after de krasner fornt r instance. gretchen whitmer did the same thing. it's not all democrat. it's >> it's two people who wereablet able to win governorships. josh barrow got overd it's three million votes. >> it's historic. let's leave this here fohistorit now. but we'rese going to going to leave the audience alone because we have to wait. is 90 minutes for jesse watters, pronto, and the chair. >> that's all right. n upext, the los next to the leftg their mind again over elon musk and twitter. >> what the billionaire just did that set them off? you know, i need your love. you got a load of his. got your love. you know that. don't. my cholesterol is borderline. i figure i can worry about or
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the drama just>> never and elon musk, twitter liberalan journalists melting down and declaring the social media websit e to be dead after hundreds of twitter employeeseml resignedoyee instead of followi must hard core ultimatumre to work hard or get the out. the company reportedly telling employees that it would temporarily close its offices and cut bad access until they're monday. and the democrats sound like they're ready to investigater he the tech titan if he could dol whatever he wants inside of those companies. boeing is dealing with the federal governmentn term federaf federal laws. he's not free to do. yos u cannot ignore what the federal government is requiring of your company. they will pay a price ife at they don't put safeguard in place at twitter.e >> i think that should be a major focus for congress next year. he is seem ss to behe gro one unexplainably doing
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everything to run this company intoun the ground. >> that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to no rules in place.: het even started yet, will, and he hasn't even started yet. convince t well, and they are convinced eve that he's going to runn the company into the grountad. we haven't even talked about any possible ftc violations. vw why are the democrats i mean,vet why all ofigat a sudden they voa investigations for allbo the hyperventilating about fascism? >> it's righn front of yt in frf your eyes. that is yoslate u could translate that t a godfather movie and it wouldn't take much creativit y. o nice little business you got mark there. i'd hate for something, het to happen to it. markoni literally went on to say something about tesla. so in other words, all of your businesses, we can look at all of your business if youy wa don't get this one in ordent irw and let's be clear about what they want in order. they wan what more censorship. ' i'll tie this back into whatt i said earlier. they want their controrl. >> and if they don't get their:l control, i'd hate to break s. ew window all right, harris, the truth is that, look, musad and the
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estimates are 75% of the thirty seven hundred people are probably going to quit.y the an, they'rane either going to not show up on monday or and get the three month severance, but they have to commit to working long hours. and he's got higrds, yeah standi it's really sad, isn't it's?a pi come dowtin to that. are they in a positionon't w financially?an and all these people, thousandso to say , i don't want to work? >> well, look, he was feeding a them at thirteen millionse dollars a year. yeah, right.e i would have closed the placeg down to because i would imagineh some of them were sneaking back in with their cards, a getting that lunch and going out the back and going to work from home. ng troor whatever they've been . and , you know, the companypeope actually is still running. >> and elon says, look w, we hae more people who aree on the platform than other. and he's, you know, trying thiset all the bots out and do all the things that that neededa to be done. but democrats are upset about this because they don't have a social platform anymore. they've lostn mehe a structure in
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the media that they thought that they could counweret m on the people that were complicit along with the messaging. the democratess had. now suddenly they're jumping. oh, i'm going to you know, it's like when when people say i'm going to move to canada, the candidate i wanted didn't win. i'm waitinl the peopleg for alle people who who've come to where? are they going? where are they going to go? hohow are they going to reach al those millions of people that they wanted to smother, with their messaging? >> you know, they're saying,e, i jesse , that thaningt musk is undermining the integrity and the safety o >>the platform. >> how's he doing that? has he done anything?t anythingf it i haven't noticed anythinferg different. y >> everything looks fineand tor amy. ed markey are so concerned with corporate governance, all of a sudden. have they said anything about mini madoff fleecing people for o billion dollarshe off and sleeping with everybody in the office? they haven't said a wordic ey haven't. what did this guy do? he just said, work harder, get out and actually pay you mii to leave. also, biden fired million of americans for not getting a vaccine. em
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there's like a couple people dem getting laid off from twitter. biden fired millionsoc of them. these democrats didn't care.. they said good riddance. he laid how many keystonene workers bubby biden wants to put exxon mobil outf ofe do business. how many people do they employ? bu thet a couple lives that wens to grad school with purple haicr can't get like, you know, fifty dollar salmon filets anymore at lunch. and they're like, oh, my god, we got to investigate this guyht literally. yeah. he's just trying to turn a profit and create a culture of winning. >> imagine capital . imagine that. all right, jessica, wrap it up. so i think jesse hasn't met anyone who works at twittert twt based on that description.tet de yeah, it was thousands of people who lost their jobs. l thousands of people arose going to quit over this hard core thing. and ng ovehard core work ethic r whatever . >> the thing that work orwhatever whatever . but you want to be a hard worker. >> all right.. thank you. you're welcome . : you'reapparently, it wasn't gg
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on , is there? x they've beenem offered the sameh deal is spacex employeesat without understanding whata the stock is going to be worth,o which is a labor law violation.o so that's that is what they're going to sue them or didalread they already them? y?>> they i don't think they aly have, but that is in questiona f and kind of mocking the idea of labor seem strange to me. >> it's a real thing that over the three months severance you get , one wants them. anyway, we were interviewing. i am. i'm trying desperately hard. so thereover is an investigatio it's coming out of the house at first. it's actually one of the onloutt bipartisan investigations in waters, no relatioinn, blow them kisses, taking his money. >> what you're going to trust>>i or i'm going, s:well, i'm going to trust you. w ie have freedom fries youf didn't bring in because others i've talked with on your sidsain the aisle have said, well, whadt about the republicans? there were five or six republicans and they all r voted to impeach former president trump. republicant makes them notea right now. i'm just saying it's
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homicide got a crack in nearbylo . fi welcome back to the fastest first. >> what the heck's going on here? dozens of sheep have been eerily walkingn t around in a perfect circle for twelvet in days straight. where in china now? y been is it aliens? th don't know. have they been brainwashed by the liberal media?ms t we don't know. why they' nobody seems to know while they're working in circles. >> so, will cain, what is this ,the next pandemic? >> i mean, this is china first.e >> it's apocalypse now. away. >> it's get backwaters, get away from whatever's happenin watg on that screen rit now. tripg to cancelen my trip to beijing. yeah. what harri can we catch it?e catc i mean, just and if you have lamb chops, why do you have to , like, eat it?you have and the bacteria orthen w whatever the process can you is it you know, because would we get it and would we start circle. >> i mean i had lamb last night
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and i was circling around the drain to it. >> yeah, that's right.ound the i was asked to do the same thing. the other sheep werestanding sta on the sidelines watching them saying, hey, these guys are crazy. >>re. here's the thing. two >> all you do is you marryhat ss one sheep to sheep in the united states . it's all over. yeah, china.all. that says it seems to me that you interpret what you said.? yeah. no jeani, give your opinion. >> i think she was talkingnimal about it somehow. trthere is an animal transfer. yeah. they're we would be infected: by a wombat. oh.ou itld was ould b all right.y no it was a penguin. it wasn't bad but it was a lab clear or right. >> >> every week the average worker battles eighteen tech issues bat at the office and lom more than one hundred minutes of productivity. i meantivity., about eighteen th issues a day, judge. >> so dowith whyou. b and what without julia , i'd do
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the same with me.. would be .esse: i told johnny i wanted him to print something out and thenk scan it and then email it back to me. he said, jesse , you couldaid, o do a pdf. i never knew jessica. i knew that for sure. but johnny's amazing and joleen's everyone who works on the five is fantastic. i don't have as many technicians, but i think it's because i work from home lot and just on my laptop, the people that a lot of action. yeah, but it resonates. do you have technicians allim the time. all the time. and susanna just laughs at me. i'm like i can't even likeby thc therend like i'm doing a dance move. like i fell downe's no way by te computer. there's no way to save it.n and it's basic stuff. i just forget basic stuff you and then the computer does whatn i want. >> how about you jus yt takeou m your life? >> can you help me? don't i do. that's what i do. i don't have a johnny. arris: i don't have . oh, man of the people. >> i promise not to but i'm like jessica, i reallyd
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have my phone and i thinknk we all lost in password. >> , i don't know how to keepo up with someone. you don't write them down.wr d yeah.ow yeah.nap er.sedo write them down.eanine no: , on definitely here on paper. you're going to remember them.r. you just do you don't wantne: th th have them anywherene and then then somebody jumps in tak your bank account and they taket the money, they steal the money ,then the bank.e me i'm going to say iy backt next u if you don't give me my money back , doesn't give you your money. like kind of like you didn't come here to fight for next week. the juyou see how the judge ress her banking issues. >> one more thing is up next. is we we win no matter what. i got money in my mind. i can never get enough dying every time i step inrty mu every time i step inrty mu the building, everybody uptueed! and they say it's nice and they say it's nice to unwind after a long we could tell people how liberty mutual customized your car insurance. you need is natural only pay for what you need. it is a bit easier than
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please don't miss it. it's time now for "one more thing." judge, you are first. >> judge jeanine: okay, i don't know if you are familiar with this website called and release analyst of top names report this week. and guess what pet name made the list. >> jeanine? where's tell ha show them a picture of stella. come on. [sighs] stella is pink. she is very popular. >> will: top 10 for girl dogs. for boys leo number 10 that's enough. jessica? >> jessica: thank you, it's my turn now. so an ohio state university professor built replica of american stadium help build money for cancer research. ohio state college of medicine spent over four years perfecting the 200-pound model using about 700,000 lego bricks.
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his work was put on display at the university this year to celebrate the 100th birthday of ohio stadium. now donors are buying seats in the miniature stadium where he will install a lego figurine. raised $85,000 for heart research since the beginning of 2017. >> jesse: the ohio state. >> jessica: whoever wrote this messed this up. >> jesse: doing well blame the producers. >> judge jeanine: why don't you name them while you are at it. [laughter] >> jessica: i'm just a woman of the people, too. harris? >> harris: i formed a prayer circle at a book signing yesterday and it was so humbling that people are reading "faith still most mountains." we prayed and lifted each other up and it's just amazing. i want to thank america for caring enough about each other, enough about the lord to lean in and it's been so amazing to be part of this journey. that's a picture from the awards
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last night. that's joey jones, obviously. and few hours after the book signing and everybody was amazed that i was still standing because i have been in cowboy boots for like 22 hours. and that was -- you know, we recognized benjamin hall one of our journalists here who was injured in ukraine. so it was a long, wonderful day. and it included a lot of prayer. and so i -- faith still moves mountains. jessica jessica congratulations. >> judge jeanine: impressed. >> will: i'm not used to watching football like this because you are a filly boy. buffalo? three to four feet of snow. they can't clear it out. they cleared out. they are leaving buffalo. going to detroit to play their home game. the bills can't -- i love the bills game they clear it and you can see the line markers and they slip around in the snow but not with 3 to 4 feet. so, off to detroit for the buffalo bills. >> jessica: warmer climate.
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jesse? >> jesse: i actually don't have a one more thing because i wanted to save more time for you because that's the kind of guy i am. i'm just going to promote my show "jesse watters primetime" tonight obama blames fox for americans not liking him. >> judge jeanine: still? >> jessica: really generous to save time for me but that's what you put up there. that ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪
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