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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 21, 2022 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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than normal. first, thanks for joining us. catch me tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. on the fox business network. today is a special day around here. we've got the live all-american christmas tree lighting ceremony. it's going to happen during "the five." watch it. it's going to be absolutely beautiful. we'll let "the five" warm you up. they start right now. >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino, along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." >> it's beginning to look like christmas out there on fox square. 30 minutes from now, "the five" will be outside along with a huge crowd to light the all american christmas tree. your favorite fox news hosts will be joining us as well as
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some heroes from the nypd and fdny, and the police athletic league. plus, a big surprise you don't want to miss. it's going to be lots of fun. before we head outside, let's talk about the big news of the day. the incoming republican house majority ready to shake things up in washington. potential speaker, kevin mccarthy, says he will strip some controversial democrats of their committee assignments. >> can't get a security clearance in the public sector. why would we ever give him a clearance in the secrets to america. i won't allow him to be on intel. you have adam schiff to lied to the american public time and again. we won't allow him to be on the intel committee either. congresswoman omar, not allowed to be on foreign affairs.
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>> a democratic is firing back. adam schiff is predicting chaos in the gop-led house. >> it's going to be chaos with republican leadership. and sadly the kind -- the crazy caucus was grown among the republicans, many republicans who won primaries in deeply red districts are coming to congress. >> all right. so jesse, this would not be unprecedented, what kevin mccarthy is talking about in terms of taking members off the committee. that's what the democrats did last year to a couple republicans. >> there's a walnut-sized area that's nestled here in the frontal part of people's brain, called something cortex. i'm not sure what it is. it's there for planning ahead. it makes human beings unique. i believe the scientists cracked on the brains of democrats, they wouldn't find anything there, because they have a childlike ability to plan ahead. who would have thought that the republicans would come back and do the exact same things the
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democrats did to them? they never imagined a scenario where they would lose power. they only did this because kevin mccarthy doesn't want to do this, he has to do this, because when your opponent drops a weapon, in order to survive and pick that weapon up, then you attack your opponent with that weapon. let' he fell for a communist chinese honey trap. either compromised or too stupid. then adam schiff totally discredited the intelligence committee, because he would go into the briefings, hear there was no collusion, and speed out of the briefings and leak to the press that there was collusion, and he was involved in orchestrating that stupid whistleblower to come out and spill the beans on the perfect phone call to disguise the fact that joe's family was corrupt in ukraine, and fell for a fake phone call and tried to get pictures of donald trump in his underwear. he's either too stupid or a pervert to be on the
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intelligence committee. omar seems like the kanye west of foreign affairs. the democrats had this coming. >> even the democrats thought about censoring omar, but didn't. i thought one thing kevin mccarthy said was interesting, that he couldn't get a security clearance in the private sector. >> i don't think he could get a security clearance at a cub scouts treehouse. he was pony-potted by a chinese spy. this is what corporate videos tell people when traveling. warning, don't get compromised. be aware of attractive women hitting on you. it's not because of how you look. in the video, she would show a video, "you do not attract beautiful women at bars," and that should tip you off immediately that, no, it's not your lucky day. omar won't be on the foreign affairs. what about family affairs? gentleman, did you see that one
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coming? first off, i think what republicans could do, don't take any advice from anyone in the media about proposed hearings, because they play for the other side. that's their game. they'll say we have so many things to concentrate on. this will distract us from the bigger problems, as if they really were on top of covid during impeachment. you got those three things. every day we should meet a new intel agent that signed that letter about hunter biden, and the origins of covid, which i think we can all agree. when the media says it's a waste of time, that means it's worth it. >> the other thing is, remember when the whole clinton, monica lewinsky scandal happened, the democrats created they've done it again. basically liberal money coming
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in. they already have $1.5 million, mainly trying to do pr to talk to the media to get them set up. >> they understand it takes money. they know how to collect money. they don't care whether it's dark money, where it's from. they'll do it to defend themselves. the crazy part, it's the democrats -- it was obama who said elections have consequences. i mean, we could say the same thing to them. elections have consequences. so your people are going to go. no one better than omar. by the way, for all of the things she said about israel and her sept anti-semitic tropes, ty passed a resolution, and never put her name in it. they said, we object to hate speech, and let her off the hook. it was crazy. so they removed marjorie taylor greene. i would expect they would at the very least remove adam schiff.
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i'll tell you why. he's a former prosecutor, he's a lawyer. he comes out and swears, he says i have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt -- beyond a reasonable doubt -- that donald trump colluded with the russians. every day he came out and said it. he lied to the american people, and contributed to the divide in this country which we didn't need. when it came time to say it under oath, he admitted he had nothing. what we've got here, we have a whole group that has to go from omar to him and to swalwell. he's a liar. he got caught by hone pot. >> i don't know that swalwell is a liar. he was seeing a woman who was a chinese spy, but it doesn't appear she got classified information. he hasn't been in contact with her since 2015. >> where did you get that info from? >> u.s. officials. >> give her a chance to talk.
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>> that walnut thing in the front of my brain is short-circuiting, so i don't know if i can get the critical talking points. omar, i wish there was no place in the democratic party for that thinking and speech. i appreciate that the judge actually said marjorie taylor greene's name out loud, because everyone else said this is what the democrats did. marjorie taylor greene, the reason she was really taken often the committee because she liked to post about putting bullets in the heads of other democrats. there were a number of republicans who supported her pulling off committees, because if you want your opponent to die, you do not have any place serving on these committees. >> so she -- >> it can't be eye for an eye if the eyes aren't comparable at all. they aren't in this case. swalwell, i get the security clearance argument. let's see what happens there. for the rest of it, makes no sense to me. >> what you're saying is, our
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bad guy is not as bad as your bad guy. that's biased. we can say the same thing. our good guys are better than your good guys. >> our bad girl is better than your bad girl. >> both sides have bad girls. we should send both bad girls to their room till they learn a lesson. >> there's bad people on both sides. >> because we have a big event you have to stay for, much more to come, counting down to the all american christmas tree lighting on fox square. while americans struggle with the rocketing cost of energy, guess what, president biden is gearing up to pay billions in climate reparations. ♪ ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus.
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unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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it's a climate shakedown. while americans struggle to heat their homes as the energy costs skyrocket, joe biden and his buddies have agreed to pay up
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$1 billion in so-called climate reparations to poor nations. here's the kicker. the world's biggest emitter doesn't have to pay a dime. communist china could actually get some of this dough. greg, i'll go to you first. communist china is the world's top polluter. they're going to be eligible -- >> she is the pronoun. >> she will be eligible for handouts, and americans are struggling to pay their heating heatingbills. does this make sense? >> you almost have to love china for not buying into the bs we do. at least we could be smarter about it. they're like the guy at work that sees through the bs. are they worried about transbathrooms? i don't think anybody approximately glue themselves to a portrait of a great chinese
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leader, because they'll cut off the arm and say here's your sculpture. you know, the irony here is that they've created probably one of the most influential persuasive of political activisims in the west, tiktok, and won't allow their kids to see it because they know it's so dangerous. they don't have to do anything we do. they're pushing wokism in our country. >> sure they are, as well as the fentanyl through the southern borders. dana? >> this was a move that was significant by the biden administration, hidden by the weekend. imagine if you're a keystone pipeline worker, where do you go to get your reparations? there are none. also who will oversee how this money is spent? do you think it's going to be spent well? we can't spend it well in america. look at covid. this was a way to pacify the developing countries, because it said details to come.
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they never come. what we should do is allow them to grow their economies, using the greatest fossil fuel they can in the most conservationist way possible. >> we're basically admitting that we are responsible for underdeveloped nations not being as developed as they could be because of fossil fuels and climate change. do you buy into that? >> yeah. >> should we owe them money? >> i think we owe something to nations stuck in our thruway. this is what happens in the caribbean all the time. padetails to be hashed out. congress has to appropriate the money, by the way. the u.s. and the eu have said that they will not sign on until they know that china will not be getting handouts out of this.
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the un deems them to be a developing nation. we'll see. >> none of that is linked to science. >> a developing nation? >> i want to know how you link the financial punishment to science. this is the same thing they had with reparations, trying to link people back to who was a slave and who wasn't, who sold slaves and who wasn't. once you get into the nitty-gritty of who deserves what, it explodes. good luck trying to link financial reputations to a country -- reparations. what do we owe them? what's the the algorithm? who do we pay? >> and al sharpton is upset that black americans are not getting the reparations and the climate is getting it first. carekerry said we're not going o pay climate reparations, and three weeks later we're paying
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it. how many world wars have we bailed the europeans out of? we industrialized first. we paid pakistan billions in money, and now it's not fair? >> warning democrats about woke education. ♪ ♪
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>> bill march ripping into his fellow democrats over the dangers of woke education. >> when historians look back at our time, they will not divide us into red and blue, republican/democrat. the things that were wrong with us were wrong with both sides in different ways. they manifest in a more dangerous way on the right. on the left, there is a rot. it comes from academia, and filters down. am i wrong about that? that's where it's all coming from. >> greg getfeld. >> all right. i love listening to that, but
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it's 10 years too late. again, everything could happen sooner. i'm happy he finally listened to us. i read a book 13 years ago called "the joy of hate" about academickia. we underestimated the ability to translate into the real world. it went through tech platforms like facebook and twitter, but ended up in the media, hr of many corporations. we got it wrong, because we thought it would die on campus, but he didn't even see it coming. >> greg can see the future. did you know that? >> yes. it's not good for you. it's not good for you. >> i think that we've been on the air, our 12th year, going on for, like, 10 years, 10 years, and moms and dads are not for lowering education standards, teaching this alternative universe. what i'm worried about, you mentioned all these other sectors where it's brought up. also in government. look at all the policies being driven now.
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they have to be -- people who are against those win in court, but you have to go through those steps to get to that point. >> academia brought us a lot of bad stuff. communism, socialism, crt. >> jessica tarloff. >> 1619, you want to apologize for? >> i feel great. i like bill marr a lot. this class of democrat i fall into, 80% of the time, disgruntled democrats, never going to vote for the other side because they think the threat from republicans are far too great, but they're dissatisfied. this is what obama was talking about when he did that podcast a few weeks ago. he said, you got to let people be and not make them feel terrible for everything they're thinking. he was talking about academics at nyu, something that a lot of democrats are feeling. >> not jeanine. she looks at the issues. she doesn't vote right or left.
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>> i look at the evidence and come to a conclusion. the thing that disturbs me about all of this, harvard and yale decided this weekend they were going to scrap the lsat, a standardized test, an interesting move on their part, because it refreshes reading comprehension, logic, and the ability to work through problems. i get what they're saying, that reading comprehension and a lot of this stuff that goes into preparing for the lsat, the law school test, can be bought, that you can get a tutor to teach you how to win at that. but at the same time getting rid of it all, i'm not so sure they'll have students who are able to comply or get through, you know, the very rigid kind of studies that go through law school. i mean, it's a bummer. so there are good things and bad things going on in this. >> so our lawyers will be dumber? >> like the pilots. >> is that possible? >> greg didn't see that coming.
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are you ready for it? the official countdown to lighting the all-american tree is on. we're all heading out to fox square next.
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♪ ♪ >> we are back, america. welcome to another epic year of the all-american tree lighting here on fox square, presented by "the five." how about this tree, huh? it's back and better than ever. you're going to want to stick
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around, because in just a -- yeah, go ahead and cheer. yeah. get it out of your system. because very soon we're going to have our guests of honor hit that button to light this sucker up. not in a bad way. [laughter] if you remember last year. everybody say hello. this massive 50-foot tree was made right here in america, born, bred and then killed. it took a team of 50 people 4,000 hours to build this symbol of christmas, and a crew of 20 people to assemble the tree right here on fox square. >> it is pretty impressive. the tree has 340,000 lights. 12,000 ornaments that sit on 500 branches. it's topped with a 6-foot-tall star, a tall star, taller than greg gutfeld. >> that's not much. >> a star big per than gutfeld. >> hard to believe. >> that is hard to believe.
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>> tonight we're joined by familiar faces to help us make new memories, including your favorite fox news employees, as well as members of the nypd and fdny. >> we will also welcome members of new york city's police athletic league, the largest independent youth development not-for-profit organization in the city. fox employees are helping make deserving children's christmas dreams come true by donating over 400 gifts and they wrapped every single present that you see right here tonight. >> after a busy year in america, it's nice to take a step back and celebrate traditions like this, remember how important it is to come together and focus on what truly matters. this tree is not just for us to enjoy, we want you watching at home to be able to come here and make christmas memories with your family and friends, and of course your pets too, of course,
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as you can imagine. >> do we have a special prize later, greg? are we going to meet someone that's near and dear to your heart? >> yeah. very close to me. are we doing it now? >> yes. >> not yet. not yet. make them wait longer. we want to build up the suspense. >> it's killing me. >> one other thing to do, though. lighting the all american christmas tree wouldn't be complete without a blessing. we were sent this special message. here. >> good evening, everybody. cardinal timothy dolan here. wish i could be with you in person, but you'll understand i'm with my family for turkey and pumpkin pie in washington, missouri. let us pray. dear god, we gather as a nation that dares to say, in god we trust. we gather as a country that claims to say that we are one nation under god. never are those noble sentiments more evident than during this
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beautiful christmas season. we gather this evening to let you know that, lord, we need a little christmas. we need a little christmas, yes, for us christians who believe that christmas is the birth of jesus, the son of god, our savior. but for all people, of all faiths, or even none at all, all those beautiful virtues of christmas, unity, friendship, joy, hope, peace, coming together as family and friends and neighbors, we need a little christmas right this very moment. thanks be to god with this christmas tree it's beginning to look like christmas, and it's christmastime in the city. this tree ever green reminds us that life is meant to be eternal. this tree rooted, rooted in the soil, reminds us that our lives are to be rooted in you, dear lord, and in all the virtue and nobility to which you call us. things, those virtues, and that nobility that are so beautifully represented by -- well, like the
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police athletic league and the new york police department and the fire department of new york. please, might this christmas season indeed bring us ye peaced unity, for you are god forever and ever. amen. >> thank, cardinal. >> america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and shined thy god with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. let us pray. of the our father and our god, the god of abram, isaac and jacob, esther and mary, we come before your throne of grace as humbly as we know how just to say thank you. thank you that we live in an america that is blessed with many freedoms, but even at this time we have those who are hungry and those who are homeless at chri christmastime,d
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we ask that you remember them in a special way. bless, too, our first responders who run into danger to protect the rest of us, and those who would stand on the wall to protect our many freedoms. we ask that you would bless this city and this nation in a special way at this time of year. these blessings we ask in the precious name of our savior and the man who love god said, and the women who god love said, and the men and women who love god said, amen. >> thank you reverend. rabbi is here to say a few words about the importance of the holiday season. >> thank you, judge. i received the most unusual invitation from fox. someone called and said, rabbi, do you believe in free speech? i said of course i do. well, good. come give one tonight. years ago, there was a magazine called "life."
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after "life" there was a magazine called "people." after "people" there was a magazine called "us." after that it went to "self." went from "life" to "self." ultimately it's about all of us, one people, making life beautiful for all people. may the branches be as strong as the roots. we are many branches here today. different backgrounds and beliefs. we also have common roots. so for some it's christmas. for others it's hanukkah. together we all believe in thanksgiving. may we continue to be thankful and give life and love to one another. amen. >> amen. >> who do you have here?
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>> just some little thing i found on the street. this is my first pet i ever had. his name is gus. check him out. isn't he great? he has a nice jacket. >> oh. >> he's only 8 weeks old. >> how much does he weigh? >> you know, that's kind of personal. i think he weighs about 6.5 pounds. eats like a pig. farts like a -- >> don't say. >> just like his owner. >> just like me. loves wine. >> what's been something that you didn't anticipate? >> the wild satanic screaming of a pi puppy in the middle of the night when you crate them. it's otherworldly. you have to ignore them. >> what about all the good stuff, all the good feelings that you get? >> i get good feelings, don't i, gus? >> gus, this is your moment.
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>> he's, like, i need more food. just don't throw up on me. that's jesse's job. >> i'm glad we got to meet your emotional support dog, greg. now i want to show off fox news gear. where did i get this amazing scarf you're asking? >> hey, where did you get it? at the fox news shop. right now you can buy one, it's the hottest gift. not just for grandparents, but also people a lot younger. do we have the sweater? where is the sweater? bring it on, montana. throw it up here. >> you're not going to believe this one. this is a good one. >> this isn't what you'd wear to an ugly sweater party. this is fashionable. check this out. all right? >> it's a dress. >> don't gasp. you get it for very, very low prices, if you have a discount code, which you will find at
2:41 pm >> you should get one for gus. >> just mince from now, we will light the giant beacon of christmas. before we get to, we'll find out how our fellow fox hosts are getting into the holiday spirit. ♪ ♪ >> i had my family on set to do a taped message every year on christmas, from when they were crawling to now. we'll do it again. merry christmas. see you on "special report."
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ci had no idea how muchw i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> my favorite christmas memories, they always go back to being at home with my mom. i think it's her cookies. the smell of cookies. every cookie. i think she made maybe 10 or 12 different kinds. ♪ ♪
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>> all right. so i'm here with some fox people. sean hannity insisted that i stand on a step below him so he would be taller than i am. merry christmas, sean. >> i will go down two steps just to honor you, jesse. >> do you support celebrating christmas before thanksgiving? i know you're a traditionalist. >> i support celebrating christmas 365 days a year. that means we're off every day. >> i would agree with that. you've been working very hard. what does christmas mean to you, sean? >> i'm a traditionalist. it means the simple things. i mean, that god so loved the world, he sent his only begotten son. if we believe in him, we shall not perish, but have everlasting life. that's what it is for me. then kids, making them happy. family time. it's all fun. now that we have a new dog in the greg gutfeld family,
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everybody can borrow the dog a day. >> a lot of people say you're more generous than santa clause. what should we expect in terms of gifts? >> gifts received or given? >> i'd like to get some this year, sean. >> i'm going to go to the fox nation store right now. >> very good. >> merry christmas, jesse. >> merry christmas, everyone. we have a big crowd tonight. we're so grateful to all of you, of course, christmas, hanukkah, all of it means so much to us. woulder grateful for all of your support, that god sent his son, jesus christ, to die on the cross, and be born on christmas day. it's his birthday. i think about what that celebration might be like in heaven, but we know what it's like in our houses and homes. to our jewish friends, hanukkah, it's been a difficult last few years with covid. now we're out of that. hopefully this will be our best christmas yet. >> i'm sure it will be.
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let's talk to people who have a lot of faith, because they have a lot of kids. the duffys. where are your children? why did you decide not to pry them? >> date night. >> how do you manage the christmas season with all these children? is there a strategy? >> yeah. you have to be organized to have this many kids, manage christmas. it's fun. you just kind of let it go. >> rachel was talking about a secret amazon account today. i got to figure things out so kids don't forget who santa really is. >> sean hannity is santa. i'm not going to sit on his lap, though. where is lauren green? oh, there you are. >> right next to you. you'd think you'd find. >> i come in late sometimes, lauren. thanks for making everybody aware of that. merry christmas. do you have a message? >> remember the meaning of the season. it's about the birth of jesus, why he was born, why god broke
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through and sent his son, and took on flesh, and he did it for tuesday. so that's the greatest gift that we have been given on christmas. that's why we give gifts to people, because we've already been given the greatest gift ever. >> could we have a gift on christmas day? i'm thinking maybe high 40s, low 50s, fox weather? what are we thinking here? >> you can't have snow if it's 40 degrees. >> oh, we want a white christmas? oh, okay. we do want a white christmas. we want some nice weather. would you like to show us how the he elves dance, my friend? >> i don't know. it's cold for my bones, but i could do a head shuffle, head bob right there. tell us about the fox weather app. >> i'm glad you asked, because if we didn't fluking it our bosses would put coal in our stockings. download the fox weather app.
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stream it 365/24/7, and always know what's going on when hit comes to the weather. >> merry christmas, everybody. let's go back to the rest of the crew. >> jesse, great job as always. even though you came in a little late. you always bring it to the show. all right, in the spirit of giving, fox news media partnered with new york city police athletic league, or p.a.l., working together with nypd and the law enforcement community to support and inspire new york city's youth to realize their full potential. fox news media employees very generously donated nearly 500 gifts to benefit all of those in the police athletic league program, and we set up santa's workshop where they turned into elves to wrap the gifts. i saw that for myself, jessica. >> i was invited as well. it was fantastic. in the crowd are p. a.l. board
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members and employees and ma mascot. >> and also their children, who are gorgeous, and a little cold. great to have you. carlos, i'm going to let jessica hold the microphone for you. fortellus about p.a.l. >> we're an after-school program, serving 27 sites, giving a place for young people to grow, find mentorship, partner with our partners in law enforcement, keeping them safe and keeping them inspired for the future. >> that's awesome. kristi, tell us about being a p.a.l. family. >> so my son has been a p.a.l. -- he's a little shy. >> it's scary. >> he's been going to p.a.l. for five years. this is my daughter's second year. it's just great. we both work, so to know that our kids are at a place where
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they're cared for. my son has learned to play cello there. he was upset he had to leave early today. it's a great program. it's great to be part of the community. we just recently helped them collect food for food donations this week. >> that's great. carlos, tell us, for those -- obviously the gifts are important. what other kinds of donations do you need in order to keep this great thing going? >> definitely. we only survive with support from the great people of new york city, and across the states. so monetary donations help inspire our young people, keep them going with supplies and opportunities. people can go to and donate and keep the work going across new york city. >> thank you for being here. >> merry christmas. >> it's the moment we've been waiting for. just minutes from now, we are
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going to light this all-american christmas tree right here on fox square. we have one more. i'm very excited about this. there's a huge surprise coming. that's up next. you do not want to miss this. it's coming. >> christmas caroling is one of my favorite things to do, get around the piano and sing-songs. i don't have the best voice in the world, but i sing loudly and enthusiastically, and always give credit to anybody who knows the lyrics. not the first verse, but if you can get down to verse two or verse three, that's impressive. merry christmas, everybody. at y! (limu squawks)
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>> from the "fox and friends" weekend crew, merry christmas to "the five." >> we have a special performance for you. >> a gift, if you will, from "fox and friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we are so grateful that the yuletide carolers are helping us get in the mood. it is almost time to light the all-american christmas tree. joining us to do that are heroes from the nypd and the fdny. the these selfless honorees put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. >> with us tonight are members of the nypd's precinct 32. in january, they lost detectives
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jason riviera and wilbert mora in an ambush attack. from the fdny are members from ems station 49. in september, one member was senselessly killed after being stabbed in a random assault. >> with us is fdny assistant chief. we want to thank the fire department in new york city for all the work you do. people don't think about it that much, but every time you respond there's a burning building, a burning house, and every time your life is in danger. >> yeah, sure, judge. thank you so much for having us. it's only fitting when we begin the season of joy that we pause for a minute and recognize those people that we lost last year. okay? we lost captain allison russo, we lost firefighter timmy klein, we lost firefighter jesse gerhard, all three members
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tragically killed in the line of do you tell, all epitomizing service. >> god bless you. >> thank you. >> and representing the nypd's inspector, how are the police doing? we always worry about us. how about them? >> the police are doing great. what makes the city so great is the beings between the nypd and the community. events like this tree lighting tonight are what help to strengthen that partnership between us and the communities we serve. it is a privilege to be able to represent the men and women of the nypd here tonight as we honor and remember the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes, detective jason riviera and wilbur mora. we miss you immensely.
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we work hard every day to carry on your incredible legacy. today and every day. to all the family and friends, co-workers, and all of new york, and the rest of america, merry christmas and happy holidays. >> thank you, inspector. >> stay with us. we will have you press the button to light the tree in just a moment. >> awesome. thank you. we're so excited to have fox anchors and employees kids here. this is my daughter cleo. jesse jr. over there with his dad. >> this is jesse, jr. >> the judge brought stella, right? in all per pinkness. all the kids. >> this is j.j. j.j., wave to everybody. can you wave? hey! we have an extra special surprise for all of you. i've been telling you about it. look over at the fire truck. santa is here.
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>> whoa, santa. >> merry christmas. merry christmas. >> all right. are we ready, everybody? let's light the all-american tree right now. in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> you want some candy? i can't promise you. i have to check that list again. you never know. >> thank you so much. >> merry christmas.
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>> all right. that's it for us. thanks, ev


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