tv Hannity FOX News November 22, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
position themselves with an identity as an advocate for the homeless or a climate change activist or civil rights activist or something, then they use as a way to get legitimacy in mainstream society, even though they have goals that are aimed at undermining pillars of civilization. >> michael shall enbetteringer, on fox nation. see you tomorrow night. >> sean: thank you. happy thanksgiving to you. welcome to "hannity." fa fauci's big farewell goes off the rail as careen jean pierre loses control of the press briefing. and house leader kevin mccarthy calling for the dhs mayorkas to resign after refusing to secure the southern border for two long years. later, a story that will shock and disgust you, new ad campaign from a fashion brand featuring kids
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joe manchin be put on the hot seat, and by the way, they did after they went with the inflation increasing act, his poll numbers plummeted. might be ready to switch parties and be with people that if they make commitment to give his state a pipeline don't pull it back after he makes a vote he didn't want to make. herschel walker herschel walker joins us with ted cruz, lindsey graham at the site of a huge rally. we begin in the washington swamp and sewer where it was a very big week for joe biden. moments ago he touched down in massachusetts where he will be staying at a $20 million compound in the beautiful island of nantucket for the biden family annual thanksgiving celebration. one does have to wonder whether the biden money used to pay for the lavish vacation is from the tens and tens of millions of dollars the biden family syndicate took in from countries like our friends in russia and china, ukraine, and of course
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zero experience hunter and the big guy, they cashed in big time. before his big trip to nantucket, biden first hosted a wedding at the white house for one of his grandchildren that he officially recognizes, not the grandchild he doesn't recognize. naturally, the press corp was shut out of that event. vogue magazine was given exclusive access. only question i have, did the biden family syndicate, the newlyweds gets paid for pics? the next morning joe enjoyed a special brunch celebrating his 80th birthday, oldest sitting president in american history is now older. monday, couple of big turkeys and joe biden waddled out to the white house lawn for the annual thanksgiving pardoning ceremony. as it turns out, those turkeys weren't the only ones granted clemency by the administration. this week we now learn the white house asked a federal judge to grant saudi arabia's crown prince mbs immunity in a
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civil lawsuit over the death of journalist khashoggi. he vowed to treat otto warmbier -- saudi arabia as a pariah ate. now he wants to offer immunity. the same day, the day after opec plus led by saudi arabia, all of a sudden they're reconsidering an oil output increase. i'm sure a mere coincidence. biden offers immunity, saudi arabia pumps more oil. maybe a quid and a proand quo with joe. adam schiff, eric swalwell, where are you. deep concerns about quid pro quo was a giant fraud like the left's climate change hysteria. think about this. in the name of saving mother earth, beautiful mother earth, biden shutdown the keystone pipeline, restricted oil and gas drilling, blocking new exploration permit,
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but at the same time offering immunity, legal immunity to a guy he said was a murderer. the islamic kingdom of saudi arabia he hopes will drill more oil for his kind deeds, like his buddy vladimir putin got a pipeline waiver after the bidens made millions from russia while simultaneously shutting down the keystone xl pipeline. but their mind, saudis don't produce it in a more environmentally friendly way than we do, and in order for the u.s. to use their oil, has to be shipped, massive gas powered cargo ships across the ocean. you think democrats are protecting the environment, you're a fool. they're making it all worse. and joe is paying reparations up to a billion dollars to countries because of gas emissions from the u.s. everything he is doing is driving up gas prices which is driving up the cost of everything you buy in every store you go to.
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i hope you're enjoying it. the green energy movement is a sham. so is the student loan handout. he stated in september the pandemic is over, but clearly the elections are not. in the latest scheme to bribe young voters out in georgia, biden extended the quote, pause, through june of 2023. he knows it is unconstitutional. he offers hope to people with student loan debt in the hopes they'll vote for a democrat in georgia. if you have a small business loan, you need to make all your payments on time. but if you're a 35-year-old with $100,000 masters degree in gender studies from harvard or whatever college you went to, you will get a free pass courtesy of hard working americans, contractors and carpenters, plumbers, electricians, nurses. they'll be paying for your
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college. for the past two years, biden treated the federal government like a slush fund for his supporters. remember, there was the blue state bailout, multiple trillion dollar spending deals, the climate bill disguised as inflation reduction act that allocated hundreds of billions of dollars to joe's friends in the green energy industry while doubling the size of the irs. 87,000 new agents to squeeze americans into funding part of the bill. needless to say, most americans are not happy with biden. we have a new emerson poll that has him well underwater at 39%. yet somehow the vice president is polling even worse and that's why the vice president polling worse, which is why the biden administration is sending kamala harris farther and farther away out of the public spotlight. you probably didn't notice but she has been in asia for awhile. here she is once again talking about the
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significance of something. something of significance. take a look. >> this is my third trip to the indo pacific region as vice president and really signifies the significance of the relationship between the united states and our allies and partners in this region. the discussions that we had included in large part a discussion about the significance of the climate crisis and what we can do as the united states to be a leader in that regard. >> sean: maybe it is far and distant for many of you. december 6th, coming up soon in georgia, you can choose to reward kamala harris and joe biden with a 51st senator or hold them accountable with someone who is not going to be a rubber stamp for their radical agenda. the choice is for you and the people of georgia. a lot is at stake. here with more, texas senator ted cruz, the man himself, georgia's senate candidate herschel walker, and south carolina senator
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lindsey graham. her shell, i saw the contest with you and lindsey doing the pushup contest. when we did it together, i did 100, he did 34. what's up with that? >> well, that was a start. he was doing it to raise $34. right now, he is agreed to do 50. everyone would give him $50. i have to tell everyone out there, donate $50 to team >> sean: you can say hi to the crowd for me. you just had a big rally there. i am glad senator cruz and senator graham to see you. how many pushups can you do? >> i'm a debater and lawyer, i'll argue about it while you do the pushups. >> sean: that's a good answer. so this race is important. maybe some people don't think it is important. i think it is important.
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lindsey graham, why does this race matter. you and ted and many others parked out in georgia to help out team herschel. >> schumer said a 50/50 race slows everything down. makes a difference to us. herschel is saving america from my point of view. if chuck schumer thinks he is getting it his way, help $17 million spent in the last ten days on tv ads for warnock, 5 for herschel. if 10% of you watching gave something, it raises millions. we're going to win this race because we can't afford to lose. herschel will change the senate for the better. schumer knows this. what can you do to help this fine man? go to the website, give money if you can.
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pray, vote, and give. >> sean: ted, this has been a very hard election to analyze, but i don't think there's any doubt under the guise of covid voting has changed in this country, and looks like the left and democrat are way more comfortable with mail in balloting and early voting than conservatives and republicans are. if i had my system, it would be election day is a national holiday, paper ballots. we had signature identification, voter id, partisan observers watch the voting, watch the vote counting that night. call a winner like canada does and the french do and israel and great britain, all these other countries do. that's the system we want. i didn't it's not the system we
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have. do republicans and conservatives need to get over the reluctance to mail in ballots and early voting they seem to show? >> well, listen, there's no doubt we need to use every tool we can to turn out vote, every tool that's legal. right now we're in a sprint. we'll have plenty of time to engage in retrospectives about election day in weeks and months to come. december 6th is this runoff. this makes a huge difference in georgia. i believe herschel walker will win, but it is 100% turnout game. depends who shows up. the left will bus people out, try to turn out the radical base. they have organizers that are very effective. this is a call to common sense people of georgia that believe in freedom, people who believe in supporting the police, people who believe in supporting the military, people who oppose the socialist agenda that raphael warnock votes for. chuck schumer has told you he doesn't want herschel walker to win, he doesn't want a 50/50 senate. why is that? because in a 50/50 senate, committees are even which
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slows them down. if raphael warnock wins, schumer can expedite confirming radical judges to take away your free speech rights and religious liberty rights, second amendment rights. i want to say, sean, to everyone in georgia, come out, vote december 6th. bring your friends and family. if you're not in georgia, go to by the end of it, we'll say it more than lindsey. that's impressive. i think he has it printed on his driver's license. what's the website, lindsey? >> nobody is going to outdo lindsey. the reality, what he is saying is true, they dumped nearly $20 million in negative ads on herschel's head, that does have impact on the races. herschel, one thing i'm glad to see is that governor kemp who beat
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stacey abrams, a person that said the worst state to live in was the state she wanted to govern. i don't think that went over well in georgia, nor losing the mlb all-star game and $100 plus million to the economy she lost. but i understand governor kemp has gone above and beyond to help you and campaign for you on your behalf, stand up for you in this race. how important do you view that endorsement now? >> i view that endorsement very important. right now, governor kemp and i can row the boat the same direction. governor kemp can do it on the state level, i can help on the federal level. rafael will row the boat against governor kemp in almost everything governor kemp tried to do. all the voters of georgia need to know to get georgia back up going where it should be going, you have to get people in the boat rowing the same direction, me and the senate working with governor kemp. that's when georgia will blossom more. >> sean: i want to ask
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lindsey, you the same question i was asking ted. that is it is an uphill battle if republicans and conservatives, if they don't like the system we have, i want to change it. i explained that to senator cruz. i wish i could change it, snap my fingers, i can't. the reality is democrats have embraced early voting, mail-in voting, republicans, conservatives have not. that means often is the case that you come to election day and 30 percentage points behind, you have to catch up all day. that's not an easy thing to do. do you think republicans and conservatives for the time being have to face what the reality is and work with the system they're stuck with? >> yeah. here's the reality. if we can elect herschel, it is harder for schumer. in 2024, we have west
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virginia, ohio, and montana, three very good pickups. if you start at 50/50, all you need is one in two years to fire schumer. we just fired nancy pelosi. this is the road to firing schumer, begins tonight. am i shameless? i get this. shame on us all if we can't help him. this guy has taken a lot of crap, he stood out, he is an african american conservative, all hell has broke loose against him and his family. the least we can do, shame on us all if we can't help him because he's going to change the republican party, he's going to change america. go to and unashamedly give to an african american conservative who deserves your support. change america, change it now! [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: i don't know, senator cruz, do you want
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to try to top that? >> well look, i'll say you look at all the voting rules that the democrats used covid to put in place. this election here in georgia will determine whether those rules get forced all over the country because if warnock wins, the democrat are one vote away from ending the filibuster. if they get one way from ending the filibuster, joe manchin will roll over, schumer will end it, and first thing they will do if they end the filibuster is pass s1, corrupt politicians act that will strike down every photo id law in the country, will legalize ballot harvesting, will register millions of illegal aliens to vote and felons to vote. they want to stay in power. this race is all about taking the terrible voting laws in california and forcing them on the rest of this country. i want to say secondly, what lindsey said a minute ago is really important. why do the democrats hate
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herschel so much? he is a black man that's a conservative who has courage to speak out, and attitude of the democrats is that african americans and hispanics, we're not allowed to believe in freedom and to support the cops, not allowed to want to secure our country, definitely not allowed to believe in the constitution and the bill of right, and that's a lie and they want to punish herschel for daring to speak out because they're scared of him because when he wins, and sean, i believe he is going to win. he is going to be a national leader that's going to resonate across the country in the african american community with young people and with americans all over the country who are fed up with the direction we're going. >> sean: herschel, i watched, pretty good. that's a close second. i watched you in this cam campaign. we had a conversation, herschel, before you ran. in that conversation i said you know they're going to smear you, slander you, besmurj you.
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you said you were ready for it. you said let them bring it on. i wish i was wrong, but all of that turned out to be true. i think one thing, herschel, i'll let you talk to the rest of the country, we have 49 republican senators around the country. why this is important to them is that you'll be 50. that will help their republican senators advance the agenda that they all went out and voted for which is why it matters to everybody in the country. let get your thoughts, herschel walker. >> first of all, this election is more than herschel walker. this election is about the people. and i said this is we the people, not we the government. that's what the left want to do is make it the government. i want everyone to know i love the united states of america, i love georgia, and that's what this is about. bringing this country back to being the united states of america and not china, not russia. that's what the left seems to want to do. they don't like the term make america great again.
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that's a wonderful term. i live in america, i want it to be great. i want everyone in america to be part of it. i want americans, that's why i said secure the border, that's what warnock voted not to do, secure the border, get the economy better, get crime off the street. it can be done if we unify, come together as people rather than do as warnock wants to do to divide us just for a vote. i want all the people in georgia to know now, i am a unifier. i want to come together, make this country great again, make georgia great again. that's what we're about. >> sean: i think we'll end it on a great note there. senator ted cruz, lindsey graham, thank you. hopefully soon to be senator elect, herschel walker. thank you please send my regards to the massive crowd behind you as well. >> thank you. >> sean: coming up, today was fauci's big farewell at the white house. it was an utter disaster. we have the tape. we'll show you what happened.
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>> sean: all right. at the white house today finally dr. anthony fauci gave what was billed as his final briefing from the white house podium. if you watched it, you might have thought the year is 2020. take a look. >> everybody should be vaccinate and boosted with flu and with covid. whether or not you wear a mask or another thing we shouldn't under estimate is testing. when we are gathering at a family gathering for
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thanksgiving or for christmas or for any other holiday as we get into the winter, it makes sense that you may want to get a test that day before you come into a place. i know sometimes when you walk in and you have a mask, nobody has a mask, you kind of feel guilty. you shouldn't feel guilty, you look terrific. my message, my final message may be the final message i give from this podium is that please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated covid-19 shot as soon as you're eligible. >> sean: this is the guy that said masks don't work, then one mask, two masks, maybe in perpetuity. a guy said you get the vaccine, you're never going to get covid. things went off the rails when a reporter from the daily caller tried to ask about the origins of covid-19. karine jean-pierre didn't appreciate the question and all hell broke loose. take a look. >> doctor fauci, only
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13% -- >> hold on a second. we have a process here. i am not calling out on people who yell. you're being disrespectful to your colleagues and being disrespectful to our guest. i will not call on you if you yell. >> she asked about the origin of covid. doctor fauci is the best to -- >> i hear the question. we're not doing this the way you want it. this is the disrespect. >> it is. simon, i'm done. i'm done with you right now. >> you're done. cancelled. while fauci is retiring end of the year after decades of high paying government service, he has to face house republicans for questioning in the new year. so he better get ready to testify. they're not done yet. here with reaction, clay travis and the ace, top fox news media analyst contributor, should have
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his own show. joe concha. let's go back to this. masks don't work. then one, two. we may need masks in perpetuity. if you get the vaccine, you're not going to need, you'll never get covid. that didn't turn out to be true. then one booster, two boosters, three. he is still talking about boosters. then the question of did the nih under his leadership give money through the eco alliance, funnel money through the eco alliance that gave money to the wuhan virology lab where they knew gain of function research took place and coronavirus research took place, did they lie to us. did we help actually fund the creation of covid? i would like to know the answers to all of that. >> amen. i hope starting tomorrow when the state of missouri and others are going to be deposing dr. fauci, he will be asked those very
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questions. sean, i point out this is the third year since covid for thanksgiving. dr. fauci is still saying when you go to your thanksgiving dinner, you need to take a covid test, you should be wearing a mask on the way to thanksgiving dinner, maybe supposed to mask between bites, i don't know. but i would love to hear from dr. fauci when is this going to end because i'm sure you see it, sean, you travel around the country, about 20% of the american public, maybe 25% whose brains were broken by covid and they're never taking the masks off. until somebody like fauci comes out and says hey, guys, you can go back to normal, remember the reaction when joe biden tried to tell people hey, covid is over, and then he went and signed the bill to do away with student loans, since extended the covid emergency. but the base of the democrat party will not allow them to return to normalcy. and dr. fauci is the most destructive bureaucrat in american history. and i hope honestly that
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he starts to cry when jim jordan and all of the house republicans finally let this guy have it in a full on investigation. i think it is the best thing about us winning the house back. he finally will have to answer some questions and i hope he breaks down in tears because i despise this guy. i think he's been ruinous for america. i am sick of having to hear from him. i hope that's the last time he speaks as public employee of the united states. >> sean: joe, as usual, the media was complicit in all this. look, we gave fauci and everybody the benefit of the doubt. we could even make allowances in the beginning, people didn't know much about the virus. fine. you have to make allowances. it was trial and error for a period. but i will never, ever, ever trust any of these people again, any government official again because with such great confidence, they told us things that turned out
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repeatedly not to be true. >> the confidence came from feelisean, not from data and science. it turned out that dr. fauci turned out to be a political hack like so many in the swamp, right? and look, it is by far one of the biggest questions of our lifetimes, where did covid come from, dr. fauci. did it come from a rogue diseased bat at a wet market in wuhan or maybe from the chinese government lab that is literally called the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab that studies coronaviruses. i mean, i don't know, just trying to use logic here. jon stewart made the same point to stephen colbert and was met with all this criticism. here's why the answer to the question is so important. if we don't know how covid-19 came about and it killed more than 1 million americans, millions worldwide, we will not be
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able to prevent it happening again. >> sean: joe, i don't want to interrupt you. joe, we know how it happened. we have a virology lab that's known for coronavirus study and gain of function study. we know what happened there. and the sad part is american tax dollars went to that virology lab. and nobody has even done an investigation or held anybody responsible for our money helping to pay for that very lab. that bothers me. >> that's about to change. that's about to change when the gop -- >> sean: what, clay? >> i said that's why he should face charges. sorry to interrupt. sorry, joe. by the way, had a good beer, couple of beers in phoenix, great time together, talked about how much fun we have on the show, before i lost $500 to you. i liked you more then. >> sean: by the way, the tennessee volunteers had a worse loss this weekend.
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university of south carolina clobbered them. >> almost as embarrassing as the fact that dr. fauci has not had to actually answer questions in a robust way. sean, i think he should face criminal charges for lying in front of congress. i think they should bring him up on perjury charges. if we had an honest department of justice, he would have to answer for lies he spread. potentially for using american taxpayer dollars to create covid. >> sean: we don't have equal justice under the law in this country. we just don't have it. right now it's a fact. if you're a clinton, a biden, you get one set of laws. if you're a conservative, republican, if your last name is trump, manafort, stone, papadopoulos, full weight and force of the fbi deep state on you. joe. go ahead. we cut you off. sorry. >> no problem. i find it amazing anthony how much has to hide
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behind karine jean-pierre and avoid the question we talked about. and to your point, to answer for dr. fauci supporting gain of function research at this wuhan lab. he may have just retired, but he is just about to find out that dr. fauci ain't sleeping in and enjoying retirement soon. when he is brought before the gop congress, he has to answer tough questions finally that some in the press tried to ask. but i guarantee you kevin mccarthy and his crew will absolutely ask and it will be very uncomfortable, sean. >> sean: straight ahead, thank you both. the situation at the southern border is rapidly deteriorating. kevin mccarthy is vowing to take action. he wants to bring all of congress down here. we'll tell you what he said along with the white house's outrageous response. and an investigative report, our own sarah carter has that exclusive straight ahead.
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>> sean: and tonight. more on biden's border crisis as it continues to spiral out of more control as illegal crossings are now surging past previous records with republicans now once again in control of the house. kevin mccarthy is now vowing he did it at the border today to take action, starting with a possible impeachment of the department of homeland security secretary, mayorkas, and congressional hearings at the southern border. that would force democrats to leave the swamp and see the disaster firsthand. now as usual, the white house is downplaying the crisis. mayorkas said our borders are secure. no, they're not. take a look. >> so we have a plan, we've been putting that forward. mccarthy has no plan. the republican party has no plan. they do nothing except do political stunts. >> sean: no, we have a plan, called the stay in mexico policy, enforcing
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laws that we have. finishing building the border wall, and upholding the law of the land rather than aiding and abetting and law breaking. that's not a political stunt. our own sarah carter took part in a ride with a human smuggling sting operation along the border. watch this. >> tell me a little bit, lieutenant, what we're doing here tonight, what this operation is actually hoping to accomplish? >> we are working a specialized operation, a human smuggling operation with texas game wardens and law enforcement working with the sheriff's department. the local police departments as well. they've been seeing increase in human smuggling, especially in this area here. they're being impacted most in terms of human smuggling, smugglers koran muching into ranch fences during high speed chases. this is an area north of a
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checkpoint. so if there's illegal immigrants made it, they bypassed check points, trying to make it further interior. you start to see more smugglers trying to smuggle them further, not just in the state of texas but out of the state. >> they got him. >> you guys got everybody? >> sounds like it. >> where are the other ones from? we have to chase them down in ranches, running through trees and branches and thorns and it is not an easy task but again,
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all goes back to what the state is doing and what the federal government is not doing. we're the ones out here doing something, trying to make impact and go after these organizations while the federal government is completely ignoring the situation on the border. >> sean: sarah carter with us now with former white house chief of staff mark meadows. sarah, it can't be any more clear. we have what, we will end two years of biden with 4.5 million illegal immigrants that they aid and abet in human trafficking across the border, they process them, give them a free phone and transportation to one of the 48 states in the continental u.s. >> yeah. absolutely, sean. as you can see from the operation that i was on, we were 90 miles away from the border. think about that. these are people that want to evade law enforcement. when i was in mexico city just this weekend, this he were talking about it in mexico city. it is uncontrollable because people are coming from all over the world,
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attempting to get to our border. when you think about the million plus, those are the known got aways, those aren't people turning themselves in, those are people we're chasing down in ranch lands in open fields. a lot of them bypass law enforcement. they make it into the interior. i interviewed somebody on my podcast, sean, a former cia analyst that was saying there are a number of concerns here because they believe the border has been so wide open that people that aren't even on our terror watch list have actually made it into the country. these are huge concerns, something that both law enforcement as well as intelligence agencies are looking at. and mayorkas has not only failed the dhs, he failed the national security of the american public, the american people, and so has president biden. so this is a very serious concern. i can see why kevin mccarthy wants to hold hearings and investigations into this. >> sean: mark meadows,
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they really want this. chuck schumer wasn't running, no democrat was running on the issue of amnesty in the last election, but the election is over. let's give amnesty to everybody. something of great value. why not enforce the law. you hear karine jean-pierre calling it a political stunt, not a political stunt. republicans have under donald trump, the border was secure. >> the border was secure, sean. interesting that sarah carter has been to the border more than the president of the united states and kamala harris combined. when you look at it, here's the only issue. kevin mccarthy calling for a hearing on the border. it makes one assumption, that the democrats actually care what's happening at the border. they would have already been there. what we're seeing right now is a population explosion of those coming across the southern border illegally that would equal the same population of
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montana and wyoming and idaho. essentially, you created the population of police states just by the illegal entries across the southern border. you have to do something about it. the time is now for mayorkas to resign. we'll save him from impeachment. >> sean: never going to happen. there will never be a conviction with a democratic senate in my view. when you look at all of this, they just lied to us. now they're going to take something of great value and they're going to basically blow up laws of the land and only enforce laws they like. and they're going to give people something of great value in hopes that they'll forever in perpetuity be thankful the democrats gave them free citizenship. countries charge a fortune to get a passport to live in that country. mark? >> sean, that's part of it. they've giving it away. but it is about buying votes, and when they do
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that, it is amazing, the press secretary talks about a political stunt. they have a political operation and that operation really is all about amnesty and trying to make sure that lives of these people that come across the border illegally are rewarded. it is not something that americans can support. >> sean: mark meadows, thank you. sarah, great report. coming up, how low will the left go? a fashion brand under fire for using kids in the latest ad campaign, holding stuffed animals, teddy bears, dressed in bondage. you can't make it up. straight ahead, pam bondi, monica crowley.
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>> sean: the fashion brand balenciaga now coming under fire for a very disturbing ad campaign. look at the screen. the ads show very young children holding teddy bears dressed in bondage outfits. you can see a closer look at one of the bears. take a look. also hidden in a separate balenciaga ad was page from a court document that references a supreme court case which overturned portions of the child pornography prevention act as allegations mount that balenciaga was sexualizing children. they announced they removed that kids campaign from all platforms, offered an apology, would take legal action against those responsible for creating the photo shoot set that featured the supreme court document. here's reaction from pam p bondi. monica crowley is with us. we strongly condemn abuse of children in any form, we're going to take the
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matter seriously and bring legal action against parties responsible. pam, aren't they the party responsible? >> yeah, balenciaga is responsible. sean, at a photo shoot like that with child models, you have to have a parent, a guardian, an agent present, and it is not just the photographer. this had to go through multiple levels of executives before the ad got aired. and why it is so dangerous, people say they did it for shock value. no, it is sickening. why it is dangerous. any sex crimes prosecutor will tell you that these videos, the pornography videos often start out with scenes almost identical to this, with children simply holding things, then the deafter tee progresses into pornography. as you said, they laid out the opinion, the legal opinion telling you what you can and cannot get away with, which is astonishing to me. in the criminal world, that's very dangerous. sex sells, child sex sells
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more. it is one of the top leading criminal industries in our world, and in 2020 it was an $8 billion industry for child porn. at least they've taken the ads down, sean. >> sean: monica, all over the country you hear examples of schools and age inappropriate content, gender identity studies, crt. there's a segment of our population that for whatever reason feels that their values should circumvent the values of parent. that's just now a new reality we have. then if you're a parent, you speak at a school board meeting, you get investigated potentially as a domestic terrorist? >> yeah. i mean, look, the biggest threat we face in this country is weaponization of our own government against us, and that includes department of justice going after parent who are simply standing up and fighting for children
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to not be indoctrinated in this leftist, frankly communist ideology. in this particular case, you know, sean, child predation is such an evil, most decent americans assumed it was very rare. then you see ad campaigns like this. you see international child sex trafficking, including our border, in and out of the united states of america, see the jeffrey epstein case, it dawns on people that perhaps this sick evil is actually a lot more widespread than we believe. so not only are our children being exploited and sexualized in the most evil and dark kinds of ways, they're also being indoctrinated in this radical left ideology. that's going to require a giant push back of decent
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americans, parents and otherwise, to push back to prevent this kind of normalization path that we're on because not only is it evil, it is very, very dangerous. we've been talking about this culture, but this is the ultimate end game, about separating children from parents, from community, having the state take them over. that's the ultimate end game of all this. >> sean: last 20 second, pam. >> sean, ads like this are extremely dangerous, monica is correct. it feeds into human trafficking. i can't wait to see what balenciaga's investigation reveals, who they're going to fire over this, how it got this far out of control. >> sean: pam bondi, monica crowley. thank you both. happy thanksgiving to you both. more "hannity" after this.
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as always, thank you for being with us. please set your dvr so you never, ever miss an episode of "hannity." thank you for making this show possible. and unless news breaks, this is my final show before thanksgiving. we have so much to be grateful and thankful for, not the least of which of you giving us this camera every night. can't thank you enough. now i'll be cooking fried turkey for kid and family. let not your heart be troubled. laura, how do you cook your turkey? >> laura: do i need to go to this place again? you sent me a turkey frier last year. >> sean: did you use it? >> laura: yes. you don't even remember. you and i have been friend so long, you don't even remember the gift you sent me. >> sean: i send everyone gift. that's kind of the usual pattern of mine. but it is the butter ball master built turkey frier. you can use it indoors. it is safe. and it is th
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