tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 23, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
evening. as always, thank you for u being with us. please y set your dvr so youn never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. shisode of hannity. thank you for making this show possible. and un. iving. this is my final show beforeto b thanksgiving. we have so much to be e grateful and thankful for, not the leasti of which ongf yo uu giving us ts camera every night. we can't thank you enough. and now i'll be cooking fried rt let not your heart be troubled, laura . laura, how do you cook how do you cook your turkey?ur >> okay, do you really need to go to this place again? okay, you sent me a turkeyey fryer is here okay. >> did you use it? >> did you use it? yoyou don'u t remember. l yeah. you have been friends for so meu have been friends for so the gifts you send me. i send everyone gifts. yeah, it'syone that, that's kinf the usual pattern of mine. m buine. t debatable. t and e. t debatable. t
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>> all right.n once again, the usual suspects on the left are seethinging and they're brooding about the inherent awfulness of another american writing in psychology today, christopher ferguson notes that it's the season for f thanksgivingor and we can look forward to some members of the glitterati giving thanks by dumping on the holiday itself. we're told that the holidaglitys celebrates and news articles repeat the myth that the firstae thanksgiving celebrated a massacre of native americans . of course, that's all absurd . the only thing that makes i the left in america truly happyi this time of year, especially, is grossinger about how we're all living. >> i don't know, on stolen land ,you call yourself an activist,n ,an ally, an accomplice. jun ally, an accomplice. we seest you making plans for a thanksgiving. i don't celebrate a proper thanksgiving because because ving because
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the cultural demolition and of the indigenous people of this land is not something i feel like celebrating, celebrating >> is celebrating celebrating racist. >> gobble, gobble. whatobble, gobble. a shower every now and then? what a shame.on't you won't be joiningon your thanksgiving table. but on the bright side the, most americans see all thiss th complaining. it's just another exerciseer in self-loathing by spoiled, entitled ingrates. and most people will happilygra celebrate thanksgivingth fam with family and friends. and it's 2020 twilo draws to ado close. r the angle is grateful for so much. no one .e ma we defeated the man who iswas behind more covid liesd lies and hunter biden was behind. dr. anthony fauci. always wrong, but never ins doubt had the nerve to show himself at the white house w today, his lounge act is way past its expiration date. >> blue have correct
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information. w who takes science seriously? who don't have a strange wayori out theories about things, but who base what they say on evidence and data neee d the other side that just keepst putting out misinformationtion s and disinformation seems to be tireless. ee bin that effort. >> and it's going to be very difficult. with more on that h in a bit with his chief nemesis at the whitehis house and one of his targets. but number two, we're grateful for all those parents who workth tirelessly to fight, exposing the school boards for being radical cesspools of deviancy and racial hatred. >> bathroom still not safe for girls. books are still on the shelves of our school libraries a and parents parental rightnds ae still being ignored. the cultural marxists are hard
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at work to brainwash mg ro our children, focus on raisingct our rock bottom test scores and doom away with exposings minors to explicit material . where is the math ? where is the reading? his where is the history? where are the strong values? now, more response of all adults are running for school board positions and refusing to sta y silent. that's really great news. and politicians now know that parent power, it's a real thing. third, we're grateful that f the defeat of the defeat ofdefe the womaatn who speaks like she's kind of suffering from a spend appendicitis, we laid out very consistently and i think thoroughly, including in our last hearing wher he weeg walked through president trump's intent at of this effort's intent at to overturn the electiony as good riddance to the bush-cheney years once and for all. fourth, we're thrilled this thanksgiving that conservatives
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led by ron desantis stood up to disney and other led when those when th businesses turned on middle america, thingey os gone sodisny far into the toilet for disney after it injected itself intoid a gender fluidity issue that wee this week we learned thak t the company is firing its ceoanr and bringing back its retireind ceo, bob iger, to try to fix things. fifth,ngs. despite ballot harve harvesting, early voting and everything the democratstr tried to do to game the system, republicans won the popular vote in house races forare fi the first time since 2016. now, that happened in partaw because we saw an exciting new generation of populist es runnise counof populist the country, includingtr hispanics and african-americans. hispanicsix for the second time twelve years, liberal house speaker nancy pelosi is going to be forced to give the gavel n to a new republican's speaker.
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her ofew republican's speaker. now we're going to miss her. of course, i can't say otherwise, especially her pressn conferences and her assorted antics. >>ce as a catholic, i resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me, my whole mission in congress is about the children for the children there in the arena. en. you have to be prepared to p a punch, have to be prepared to throw a punch forildren the children, for the children. >>. well, the good thing fora o nancy is now she's going to have a lot of time on her hands to do other important work, like pouring through that footag e from police body camsry and our home security system from the side. her husband was viciouslyattack attacked. if anyone can get answers there ,nancy can 7th. we have huge gratitude fort th the fact that the court finallyv ended the scourge of roe vs.. ts wade. now, this issuuee was nevere
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something that should have been read into the constitution and now it's properl y left up cs properl to the states .an we canll all thank 50 years of hard work on the part of the pro-life community that nevee cor gave up, never gave uo on standing for life. thisme outcome was worth it no matter what the political fallout periodpolitica. eighth on the thank t, we cannotcan' forget the red state governors who continue to stand as a beacon of sanity and commonnd sense to the rest of america as states like illinois and california, they continue to bleed populatioinoid n and bd crime. crime. dakota, tennessee, mississippi, georgia, they're doingcr right.. they led us by opening up during covid and they are leading us still. governor desantis is twenty point reelection win was a stunner. florida is no longer a swing state. ithe that's because of him.r is neither is texas by the way, e
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flipping the democrat any time soon. governor greg abbott goor gre and lt.bott gov. dan patrick both cruised to reelection night. thanlection.k to lee zeldin strn for governor in new york . the gop flipped for seats ine wi the empire state with more to come in 2020 four. now, this was a big step in. everyone should send zeldinn no a thank you note forte inthank you note forte and in the golden state, t liberals felt the heat when wehs won 11 seats ie n the housee tht with one more . it still hasn't been called. next, the governorship of. california and the state houseav races. we got to start somewhere, thoughe to sta, and culturally, on the gratitude scale, there are some bright spots as well, which leads me to numberse 10 more adults finally see the inherent evil in butchering children's reproductive organs and messing with their hormonalng with their 're we're seeing hospitals like selikevanderbilt transgender heo
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clinic pressured into stopping these surgerie s for children. and states are taking action to ban theseo surgeries forea minors in their own areas. altogether, alabama, arizona, they've already have bans ingend place on gender affirming careed ,and that's for kids. and many more planned to follow . if we're successful in stopping these, quote, surgeriesfewe on children, we're going >> children, we're going like this. >> when i was twelve year old, i twelve years old, when i first g started to experience gender dysphoria, pretty mucenhn the medical professionals kept pushing the idea thaalt transition is the only pathtion forward. so treating dysphoria. o wow. eleventh and the thankfulness list, we're now seeing even some on the left waking up to the reality of and the o danger of tiktok.ti >> donalktokd trum. p was rightm
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if donalktokd trum. p was rightm threat. if you'r ye a parente and you'e got a kid on tick tock, i would be very, very concerned. all of that data that g and receiving is being stored somewhere in beijing. e in >> by the way, mike pompeo said this in 2020 on ingram angle. and we're even seeing cultural victories at the box office. we're thankful for top gun. we're maverick was the highest grossing film of the year, the fifth highest grossing movie of all time, bringing in one point four forg billion ate the box office worldwide.. now, this movi e was at its corehe kind of a tribute to the reagan era when we had no hesitation, remember, about calling out communism and standing for the usa. captain pete maverick mitchell . let meyou be perfectly you were not my first choice. oe
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you were here at the request of admiral kazansky, a.k.a. ismir,t he seems to think that you have something left to offer the navy that is , i can't imagine. all due respect, sir, i'm not>>t a teacheh r. >> just want to manage manag persust want to manage manag and finally, on a personal note, i have an enormous amount to be grateful for. first, my children to two teenagers and one on the cusp while they make life worth living day in and day out. c and of course, my real friendss who love and support us , all of us as a family, unconditionally. o and come on , my anger, manguel crew, all of them i love each t and every one of them. it takest a lot to put on the show every night. t.and i'm just the one that you see on camera. but we bu all together make it work. i'm so grateful for all of them. and finally, i'm grateful for all of you, the viewers who'vesh and with us from the very beginning and who stay with us night after night as we try to inform and entertain all atn the same time.
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he same thank you. ang and that's the angle. leing joining me now is floridaarlie congressman byron donal's. charlie hurt washington times opiniopinionn editor and fox nes contributor. and charlie kirk, founder and presidenpresident of turnin usa. charlie hurt, let's start with you. what should the american public be most thankfulpu for this season, given all ofs seeing the challenges we're seeing before? all, well, first of all, i have lau to say, laura ra, that wastribut a beautiful tribute. an uputiful tribute. their blessings the way you just didyo is missing out on aog really wonderful way to go through life. bubut speaking about politics,gt you know, i have to say the thing that i am mostshould b grateful for and i think thatwer americans should be most startie starting be most to see in the last couple of years a shattering of thisat democratic strategy of what they call it, identity politics, which is really basically old time segregationists who use racial
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differences to pit peopleo against t one another. and in order for to to makelong political gains. and democrats have been doingim. it for a long time. and what we saw with lee zeldinw and what we saw with lee zeldinw with ron desantis in floridasag and we saw with donald trumpth along the border that that racist tactic that democratsefft deploy very effectivelyiv is getting shattered. and i think that that is a magnificent thing for this lev country on so many levels,el not tacttry on so many levels,el not just absolutely a disgusting tactic to begin with . >> and congressman donald's the presumptive next speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy. he went to the border today, via which i thought was a incredibly brilliant idea. to deliver an ultimatum. >> watch this. secretary mayorkas testified under oath that, yes, the border is secure. i'm here to tell you it is notn.
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the secretary mayorkas does not resign. house republicanuss will investigate every order, every actionor and every failure will determine whether we can begin impeachment inquiry. congressman donal's and impeachment of america, as will the resultmayork be a br that is enforced or is it more political gamesmanship, wolf, to be blunt with you,s, i think that if you move that way with my caucus, it sends a straight signal to the biden administration. now they're going to tryy're to talk toug goih and say that t there's nothing to see here, but this is the right move.t wewe cannot waste time anymore. when you have two hundred plus thousand people coming across our border every single month, thousands per day, the country can't take it. we've got to get down to business and be serious. e of the next big piece of this is when it comes to spending bills in d.cs spe. we have to
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this a staple of anything that gets approved from housedon' republicans. if we're not going to standt strong about funding w with respect to homeland security and making sure that then administrationsure that actually secures the border, just going after my caucusough. alone is not enough.t >> but it's a great first step n from kevin mccarth my on .rk my concern, charlie kirk, , is that this is like a whack mole game.d you get rid of my caucus.s, he iget rid of my caucus.s, he's just replaced with someone essentially just like g it's not likoie they're goingt to turn in and put stevene miller in charge of the border.t i mean, that's not going to happen. right. so at that point, that would be fun, though. and so what happens next in the biden administration if the republicans go down this road? yeah, look, i think congressed f needs defense in funding. fieds defense in funding. i think they need to isolatent which fights they want to donew most. and thiscong has new congress nn to understand that the invasion happening on our southern border is affectin bordeg not ju our sovereignty, but our children. t when it comes to fentanyl wage wht cos comes to fentanyl wage ,when it comes to millions of people coming across
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the southern border and when it come, when is to exactly how tod this accountable, i love the strategy of first and foremost going afterying t the cabinet officials. this is finally trying to holdoo that fourtldh branch of government accountable, using the check and balance, usingies the oversight abilities, because usually these cabinet yocause usually these cabinet free pass.u n buamt we actually name a name ol the people that have allowed this to occur. time. this, i think, is a great use of time. and don't just do o mohawk's alo merrick garland for hisof weaponizes of the department of justicnt of jue, the departmento education and their collusion with the national education association. educati and the national schood association to then call momsd s and dads domestic terrorists.f we can't forget about any of these things, but i think thatrs this incoming congress has a mandate brought to you by parents that gave the m gav a five million person popular vote victory, despite what the media tells you, it was an overwhelming popular vote victory to hold this vith branch of government accountable. >> and charlie heard this is just breaking moments ago. is just breaking moments ago.
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a colorado shooting suspect is non binarshs y. you kind of are getting that from some of the early reporting on his background. babut, charlie, the left wing s activists have been spinning this as a murder that wast was spurred by parenspt and their concern about gender fluidityd and transgenderism pushed in schools. and in fact, we findd in out itn is a nonbinary individual who carried out allegedly these tho carried out allegedly these heinous murders of innocent men in this club. >> well, i'm proud to say, i don't know. >> a nonnonbin binary means, buo think this is right in line with everything that democrats do in terms of turning voters against one another based on race. it's no different. there's no tragedyon that occury anywhere in this country that t democrats are don't seize upon and try to weaponizes and turn into some sort of is re political advantage for themselves.
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and it is really, really disgusting. resgng. and i think that if reps takepu control and focus on the issues that matter to people like the border,ik lie schools like these, like crime,, focus on these serious issues. they're going to have they're going to find voters very grateful to them for doing that. >> well, congressman donald's essentially what was going on in all the front page reporting on these horrifi murders at this club was that clrders at this club was that people like ron desantis were kind of in some way kind of tangential, responsible forentil pushing the inaptlly ry named, don't say bill, that that wasy really the hate that waspe fueling these types of attacks. s and targeting of gay men, especially at this club.s and then we find out that the facts are absolutely we opposite of what they were sayingre. but they got they spewed the bias before we
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actually learned the facts here, congressman. >> look,co i'm not surprised.en they frankly, i'm sick ofdo media whu they do this kind of stuff.ff instead ofinstead of waiting for the facts and then letting the facts lead, they alway push their narratives. the vast majority ofcts lead the they are wrong. and then they go on as're if nothing ever happened. but look, we were getting a sense of what was really w happening with this situation.i promising with this situation.i because i promise you, ifha the shooter was somebody that fit their narrative, their facee would have been all over the place. the name would have been all i over the place. when the place. their social media accounts. but when the facts on the ground di frond dd not st that, they started getting very, very quiet.ry now wevery quiet.ry and now we're seeing the rest of the story. i'm sick oe amf iterican.sick o the american people are sick of it. our country can't survive this. laura , we got to get to facts and facts alone that should be guiding our decision making and our news media, nots narratives that support the radical left agenda. >> and common sense pragmatism pr and common sense pragmatism
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in a th youat w. you, and happy thanksgiving to allhap of you.of now, dr. anthony fauci just delivered what was bille bd as his final appearanceum. appearance from the white house podium. the man who fauci turnede into his nemesis during the trumpe t administration, dr. scott atlas'on, s. >> you're next with his final farewell himself. so stay with us. when i read what it took for yellowstone to be here, i realized that this was a story that i suddenly wanted to share and found the place to yellowstone look the same today as they described in these journals. one hundred and fifty years ago. no way. i'm walking in the shadow of the pioneers following the trail they blazed fauci perfect. just perfect.
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. >> allt. right . yo just when you thought it is safe to return to pre pandemic normality,y grou the doomsday groundhog himself himselemsday groundhog himself to report that there will be at least six more weeks ocof covered . the real danger isn't the people who have not been vaccinated. e so that's where we expecext if we're going to see a problem this winter, it's going to bege among those people. so my message and my final message may be the final message i give you from this podium. this podiuis that please, for y safety, for that of your family, get your updated covid-19 shot as soon as your eligible to protect yourself, your family and your community. >> brought to you by pfizer. joining me now is the one man who stood up to fauci, dr. scott, atlast former white house covid adviser, senior fellow at the hoover institution.fellow at th dr. atlus, wasn't this this
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a fitting farewell for dr. fauci, although he said it las might be the last time hew stands at the podium? don't we know no w that those people who are getting covid tend to be people who have beene vaccinateden and triple and sometimes quadruple boosted? at least everyone i know who's getting covid has had three or four and sometimes five shots. yes, lorette is very fitting to hear this kind of constant mantra of almost nonsensical utterings by dr. fauci . data shos by dr. fauci . you know, we know by now the data shows that the vaccines, although they do have pretty good protection for high risk people and elderly againsretty t death, they do nop the spread of the infection. do nott stop you fromection. getting covid as the getti sars infectionng. and the risk benefit ratio for r people other than high risk is very different. you have to decide if it's appropriate to take an experimental drug. if you have a lo rw riskis of
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a serious illness, particularly children. in fact, anyone ate who recommes that children, healthy children should get the vaccine anmental experimental drug injected into them. you know , i think there'sdica a question about medical ethics. there are we as ta societhere.g to start going down the pathway of even if you believe that ite stops the spread of infection, which would be contrary to sciencere, are we going to ue our children as shields for infections? i mean, this suppions? is really uncharted territory for what's supposed to be a civilized society. civilized society. civilized >> laura: and what we know and what we know now about the truly finality of the virus, even of those under the age of i believe it wasough 70 when we looked at thate progression thatof was done recently, it was infinitesimally small for those who are not of high bmi, hypertensive disorder, o have diabetic, you have to have m multiple comorbidities in most cases, overwhelmingly, most cases that's professor atlas
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for this to have taken place. and yet he's still pushing this this multiple shot. i mean, i find the whole thing to be i mean, borderline insane at this point. it's frightening to have people in power that don't know what they're talking about, that use you 're talking about, that use of data you don't often hear. i, in fact, you may never have heard dr. fauci use data. and , you know, this is very frightening to two thirds ofs wh people in the united states who died from over two thirds haveql greater than or equal to sixdit comorbidities. healthy people do not havet have a significant risk fromcovid, a serious illness from covid. that's a fact. t that's nott opinion. shoul improving the world over.abou if ioving the world over.abou dr. falsies legacy if i have a minute, because he's got legay. e, because he's got no.lure one , he presided over the biggest failure in public de health history over two different presidential wefferent presidential number two, his policies werehoe
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implemented and those policy shifted the burden of thiss thef illness from the affluent to the poor. and incurred massive harmincurr on our children. edthe psychological damage, long lasting damage, obesity crisis. and we really haven't seen the tip of the iceberg on that damage to children. and all worse, o low income and poor kids.y and then thirdly, and perhaps ans mostmost importantly, dr. f dr. burke says underlayingcd a and many of these other people at the cdc and on the talkingv heads on tv have destroyed the trust and public health. we hav public e a huge challenga country to fix what happened in his wake. and dr. atlus, ralph baric and the gain of function research debate, the reckoning with professor barack hasn't n advocacy forhi gain of functiont but dr. alice, it's greatu as to see you as always, and happy
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thanksgiving and breaking. just a few hours ago, a judg agg in the case ofe missouri, bided has granted plaintiff's request to depose dr. fauci tomorrowt hi about his role in censorings roe the great barrington declaration. its authors and others who criticized his covidio approach. targoach. the declaration and a target of forces, friend of the show, dr. he's a professor at stanford school of medicine. t impool of medicine. t important question you hope your lawyers pose to dr. fauci ? dr. fauci and the entire biden administration used their power to censor legitimate scientific discussion about covid policy on the web. your previous guest, my friend, dr. scott atlus, was censored.t i was censored in a in a youtube video that i did with governor desantis. necountless of other scientists who disagreed with dr.rece
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fauci were on the receiving end of oivf suppression campaign. in fact, a smearing and demonization campaign. i would like to know what rolee did he plaply in inducing sociao media to suppress scientific discussion online? and we know that he was in contact. in fact, there's a boyette email of him, konta. m they're changing with exchanging information with mark zuckerberg. the ceo of facebook, where zuckerberg offers his help. redd much of that email is redacted so the public can't see exactlyy what they wrote.know i would love to know exactly what they how they spoke to each other. what wha, t how dr. faucied directors, underlings to enact this suppression censorship campaign that violated the first amendment of a larget number of scientistsof a and led to the misinformation, the theio the the the misinformermd warmig of the american public about basic facts, about covid throughout the pandemi hroughout the pandemi c. and professor, also because you challenged the lockdown orders,
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you have said that you're lifese at stanford in some ways became kind of a living . and now you say that academic freedom itself is dead. so explain how academia is part of the problem here in this covid debate. >> of the pr well, you know, loa i work and teachnd for the last 20 some years. und universityiv, we get a hundreds of millions ofe dollars of money from the nih. e a lo tt of the the top leadershp in the medical schools with and elsewhere in our friends with dr. fauci, personal friends with dr.aucional fri fa the what's happened duringd the pandemic is that people who have spoken up against the lockdown policy, dr.wn lesle ,you just heard me. dr. john unities is a verys famous scientist at stanford,, we'v a friend of mine. we've all been on the receiving end of a tremendous pressure within the university to try to keep us silent. there have been at one pointc
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during that, during the pandemic, there was a poster campaign. i had the crime of havinge of governor desantis tweet my picture out because i saidle at a roundtable that he'd va a roundtable that he'd by vaccinating the old, we protected the vulnerable. c that was apparently a terrible u crime. they put that my picture up and i felt threatened on campuse and the leadership did nothingaf . >> i mean, we really need to fix that. and dr. bennett, shari'ah academic freedom doesn't mean anything if dissent is punishede from whatever the establishment at the time is saying. he time thank you for your brav during these past few years, we've gotten to know you. we have enormous respect for you. thank you so much. and liberal wunderkind and crypto fraud sam bank winfried faced bankruptcy courte for the first time c victor davis hanson and miranda devine are here nextg to, they'e going to tell us why he and even his parents are the poster children for liberal creepiness. stay with the world doesn't
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ar these are elderly.e are weak and they're sick. they're living on two dollars they're living on two dollars a day before. now is how god's children are living. hate this time to send hate this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten? >> the international fellowshipr >> the international fellowshipr ofovide christians and urgenty di twenty five dollars. pr one survival food box with all of the essentialsto celeb they critically need for their diet. >> for one monthra. holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle ofo wih hanukkah. faith.e in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. >> the communists came and wiped out your grandpa, and now we're coming to her and we're saying it's okay. and we're saying it's okay. to have faith. it's okay to light a candle.
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>> we're justl prov twenty five dollars. withu can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. >> your support will provide >> your support will provide them with a box overflow, going with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. >> god tells and i vivors us toh them, to feed the hungrye . and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for it to survive through all the joe biden joe biden no one crying out for la la la la la la la. >> visit by kim .com for
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more details, crypto creep and democrat darling sam banks a and fred's company officialto face bankruptcy court inda delaware today. now the details of his grift,te especially as it relates to the bahamian real estate purchases made, are jaw dropping. now, official property recordsw show that sbf and his associates bought at least the 19 properties, the total value of nearly one hundred and twenty one million just over the past two years. tely, now, separately, one oonf the company's units spent s three hundred million dollars in the bahama$3 buying properties for its senior staff. tho includede in whi a vacation home in which bank manfred's parents, who are both liberal stanford professors, were listed as signatoriesor. sa now, wheidn asked how it was par for, a spokesman for the professor said they'd been trying to return the property to their sons company.n what h okay, but given what his fathere
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said just three monthse go , it kind of seems hard to believe tg the most relevant thing herem's is probably that i'm sam's dad.n but i think we've always, enjoyed working together and thinking together. but i think fromogether.i thin y whenever i was useful, i lenoud a hand. >> joining us now, hoover>> l institution senior felloauwd victor davis hanson and miranda devine, fox news contributorrk and new york post columnist who has been following all of this. , are you surprised that this 30 year old was was the product of two liberalrs i professors and academia? s no, i wish i was surprised, but there's something wrong morally with the zip codes between san francisco and san jose. it's the it's silicon valley's it's the it's silicon valley's capitalization or it's a sanctimonious virtuecankit, segoline, of stanford university. but that combination hasta grt that combination hasta ponzi scheme in our own lives.os hichs mother ran mine, the gap,
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which was kind of unfair and ann attempt to get money fromalle silicon valley and disguise the donorsd then poured into, s the election. >> remember, this is not it ne new law. we hadw. elizabeth holmes from theranos. she was a stanford person. h sholmes, e ran an eight billion dollar ponzi scheme. if you remember that big p hillary clintoonzin donor and yu diane feinstein, billionaire, has a chinese chauffeur for 20 years. our no consequences. barbara boxer, our senator fro m the same area. sha e wares a registered chinese foreign and was working with a t state company that helpedhat surveil the waggers. and then we get intot into the hypocrisy of nancy pelosi violating her own quarantinequ that she she championearantid, e her lectures on ice creas m and or twenty four thousand and or twenty four thousand i could go oren and on with the french laundry. gavin newsom, tom steyer, the stanford board trustee, one hundred ninety $1 millin.
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he ran for president , didn't get one delegate, and yet he made a lot of his fortune with indonesian coal plants dirty coal. so what the common denominatorth is , these people have enormouee amounts of money. consnts of money. consequence of their own ideology. and they vertue signal to thet f rest of in this utilitarian philosophy that the ends justify almost any means necessary to achieve them because they're so noblee , they're really dangerous. >> maria , let m n here.a , let m yeah, i think i think, victor,ii it's worse than that. that. and miranda, they they workr to shame other people. it sounds just like they vertue it sounds just like they vertue other people, as in thisjust ca this this kid is ripping peoplen off of billions of dollars.a they forced sequoia capital to day one , the biggest venture capital firms in the world, to apologize ap to their investors for being for buying into this s fraud. so secoya is is totally total
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capturedly by this 30 year old0r fraud who's whoslde parents are professors at stanford. and we're ale all supposed to gk like this. okaye , well, sequoia's should apologize. i mean, we heard today that three billion dollars has gone i missing from this company and sequoia. it was obvious to everybody that this shambolious to ethc, e ,creepy kid was not someone that you would trust with billions of dollars. and so i would neverd neve invea money with sequoia because . and look what victor was justjut saying about sbf parents and their utilitarian philosophy. phs absorbed that utterly cynical. haterly cynical. the last few days talking about this supposed philosophy, longed really a cult that he belonged to called effective altruism.
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fectivalwhich is all about doin, but doing lefty good, whichod is not really doing good ator all. >> it's another word ford fo socialism and he just laughedd h about it. he said, oh, yes, , we pretended we just adopted these woke shibboleths to fool people because then we could get awayde with blue murder effectively. i'm paraphrasingt away and thatr exactly what happened. he donated to democrat, pas to s tune of tens of millions of dollars and therefore the regulators turned a blind eya bline like we're ocana, congressman or ocana. he was a huge beneficiary of the money coming from from bank winfried. and the democrat s look like they're just running for the exits or not even want addressed this at all. >>e exit no, no. >> all right. no. miranda and victor, we got a roll. they're telling me.u so, thank you very much.o suspec happy thanksgiving to both ofun you. and with nivero suspec ot, the the university of idaho murders the finger pointing has begun.
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what one anonymous sourcesays is saying about the loca al police and why our next guest ta says that's unwarranted. mark furmat's n is here to tell us in moments. these bill s are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a gold mine. e doesn' pat knowrt if she owns a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more . she can all work part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even a term policy, even policy.l >> find out if you're sittingg on a gold mine . coal country direct today at eight hundred four nine six ninety two hundred or visit coventry direct .com. >> why do more than 50000 customers recommend taking sandweiss before they eat? because nyc works. why is digestive health products help reduce gas bloating and promote a healthy gi tract? >> i notice less discomfort
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lingering in the case of four murdered university of idaho students nine days ago. and tonight we're seeing frustration boil over someone described as a source closeo th to the investigation telling the daily mail that moscowmoscow police botched the initial investigation, saying they likely obliterated mountains of evidence at lon the scene by waiting so longpr to properly investigatoperlye. inso another development, law enforcement sources are telling fox that fox investigators may be probing whether the killer hid in the woods before bef enteri the woods before bef and they're also investigating the possibilitng the hy of a pe. tom situation. joining me now is fo x news contributor and former lapd detective mark furman. mark, good to see you tonight. is this kind of finger pointing at this point, at this stage ine of this point, at this stage ine the lack of leads? >> you know, laura , i'm not sure. but when i read thisd th articl, the very way that this source is describing is not
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the language of a policeec officer, detective or eventive a forensic tech. >> the very idea that that thiss homicide investigation has been done improperly, that would mean you have access to the . you know, homiciden is not a investigation is not a timeainl to event. ec >>ia and ite i certainly appree that they've taken this amount of time to process that scenein because they could it was inside. it was closed from the elements and they control the heat. >> s o this was very good.i wa nontt very bad.o play nontt very bad.o play from what was a press conference this past sunday. >> what do you still believel this was? this was thievs attack was done by one perpetrator. and if so, how doest one individual kill four people twe individual kill four people the other two roommates? our investigationti
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will continuon wile to look at l avenues of that investigation. t i cannot disclose any of thati ' information. i don't even know that information at this point int time. >> market reaction to that? >> well, i think the chief is he's a little uncomfortables that he's doing the press conference. he doesn't wanest to givs e awav any information, detectives or the fbi or the idaho state police are working on . so he's trying to kind of walkn the line on that. and , of course, they're not going to release. yes, we think it's absolutelys n one one suspect or you it had to be multiple people.ave to they're not going to release that. infog formation in case they do get a suspect so they canerroga actually interrogatete thatef person effectively. that should be absolute. the first thing that everybody should understand, they're going to givg toe enough to help catch the suspect or suspect, o
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but they're actually going to keep back and hold clos e to the vest information thatld only the killer would know. rk now, mark, speaking as a mom for a moment, if my son or o daughter were at thisr is u universitynivers and i'd heard,c we don't havt,e the suspect, we don't seem to have it doesn't seem like there are many big leads, but it' s safe on campus. would i just wouldn'n't feel that way. maybe that's irrational, but fee that's the way i would feel.l. your reaction to that? i wou i would agree.ld b buutt i think the mindset of wht we've been going through for probably the last 10 orterror 20 years is terrorism and active shooters on campuiss and that's wherey a lot of. security is geared. now, when the detectives g and the officers got to thee scene, they realized that this crime scene and these victims crime scene and these victims were killed. >> mark, thank you. weec appreciatene your input.t it wasclalonpa wheres you.
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sometimes struggles on her feet so when the philippine she decided to keep it simple. >> hello, hel hello, hello, hello, hello, than k you. hello, hello, thank you. >> laura: that is the most aerial dynamic i've seen in two years. to have a good thanksgiving. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert multiple people are dead and multiple you ended after a shooting inside of a virginia walmart late last night. >> when we first got here, quickly realized it was an act and we switched our tactic to respond and that motion. several officers, many officers responded and we located multiple fatalities and multiple injured persons. a little
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