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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  November 23, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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droves to give texas rookie green gave out 100 tuckers arey. tomorrow we are talk to tony gonzales. happy thanksgiving to you and yours. thanks for inviting us no your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report" fair balance wanted and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" brian kilmeade on every show now. hey, brian. >> brian: thanks, bret. have a great thanksgiving. >> bret: you too. ♪ >> brian: president biden has done it untruths alienated ally not jill not barack. hunter the smartest man he ever knew? no, i'm talking about the media. yep, what pushed them over the edge was it the laptop being verified? was it the student loan handout blowing up? was it because inflation wasn't transitory? was it because al-qaeda is back
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in afghanistan even though the taliban promised not to let them back in afghanistan. was it because the claims about the border being secure was just flat out wrong? was it because the inflation reduction act actually inflated inflation. was it because he said he didn't decrease oil production but actually we are down a million barrels a day? no, no, no, no. they think he lied about his granddaughter's wedding. why? well, last week the white house said no press was allowed at the ceremony on the south lawn. >> they have decided to make this wedding private. it is a family event. it is -- and we are going to respect naomi and peter's wishes: >> brian: exactly. but is that true in the press was shocked when a few days later they saw naomi on the cover of vogue in her wedding dress. there was an uproar. who wouldn't uproar most of the white house press corps has been holding biden's water for two years and they did not get an invite. they were hurt. they started calling the
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president a liar. confronting the press secretary. >> you said from the lectern that the wedding of naomi biden and peter. it will be closed to the media. yet, i'm reading all about it and looking at pictures on the vogue website. can you just talk us through what happened there? >> so, first of all, let's level set here for a second. this was not a national security meeting. this was not an economic meeting. this was not an economic summit, portrait shoot on thursday afternoon. green room? >> i love it. can you talk us through it? yes, can you talk us through the vogue shoot? so he they're upset that vogue was able to take a couple of pictures of president biden's granddaughter a few days before her wedding. that's what made them turn on the president? where were they when the white house officials were saying this? >> the economists that the president has been relying on suggests that there is a transitory nature, the inflation. >> the president has said and
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you have tweeted that allegations of wrongdoing based on files pulled from hunter biden's laptop disinformation. >> broadly known and widely known, peter, there was a broad range of russian disinformation back in 2020. >> secretary mayorkas do you continue to maintain that the border is secure? >> yes. >> brian: right. of course, you have to hit the button, yes, the border is secure. is anybody going to call out the biden administration for all those untruths? now media cares more about hunter's daughter's wedding than hunter's laptop. they called the laptop a hoax until president biden got into the white house. some even kept up the lie through the midterm. but cbs just verified it is actually real and 69 days after the "new york post" says it's real. >> the president will be a target for investigations and that means data from a laptop reported of to belong to biden could be crucial to the investigatory process.
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cbs news has obtained its data. >> you are confident, based on your analysis, this is hunter biden's data and that it's real? >> yes. >> forensic experts recovered images of credit cards, a driver's license, social security number. >> brian: right. all those things were on the laptop two years ago. two and a half years ago. but they could not find the forensic expert, a cyber expert to go through it all of cbs. the media always waits until after the elections to start verifying what could actually hurt the democrats. remember when they told us that trump was selling nuclear secrets from the basement in mar-a-lago? >> the donald trump might have thought, you know, when i leave the white house i will take everything of value, potential monetary value that's not nailed down. steal documents. apparently he thought that and those documents, if those are what these documents entail man, there is a big nuclear black market. those secrets could be worth a ton of money if the president wanted to try to monetize them.
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>> brian: exactly. well, now, after the midterms "the washington post" admits that's not true. trump was just cleaning records as mow men it toes like trophy if is like the kim jong un letter or cocktail napkin or dinner menu from the white house. what else did we find out after the midterms? the "new york times" says the fbi had dozens of informs at the capitol riot on january 6th. hold the phone and number of them in the fbi tried to stop it and if they knew it was come because they were with the proud boys or qanon or whatever, what why did they not alert the national guard or capitol police and avoid whole unrest. another post midterm surprise. biden's term to forgive student loans for millions of people frozen out by a judge turns out unlawful. against the law. it you think all those people that voted would have voted differently if they knew they were not getting their loan forgiven by the president? i would think. so one of the witionest story that came out the democrats second biggest donor sam
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bankman-fried complete fraud who stole billions of dollars from investors and dirty cash. toe they would us he was the next jp morgan. >> jp morgan of this generation. sam bankman-fried. >> we talk about him a lot. >> sam bankman-fried. >> is he the jay cool of our era or jp morgan of our era? is he vanderbilt. >> he could be. >> is he. >> is he carnegie? >> brian: or is he the bernie madoff or al capone? what else is the media highlanding from us. what are we going to find out now that the election is over. bring in former democrat keith ellison gabbard. former presidential candidate all this stuff comes out after people voted? >> yeah, you know, brian, i was reading through these articles, and the thing that dawned on me, it reminded me of the 8 years
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that i served in congress and how very quickly after getting there i saw how this permanent washington establishment is a a whole will the like high school. there is a lot of immature self-serving people gossipping and clicks and who is getting invited to what party. and cool kids sitting in one area and the outcast sitting in another. and, yet, these are the people who are supposed to be the most serious in this country making heavily consequential decisions same thing on the presidential campaign when i ran for president on thei was ready to k to the american people about offering to serve you as your commander-in-chief and your president. here are the serious issues facing up the new cold war and nuclear armed race, nobody in the media wanted to talk about this. they were talking about nitpicky things one candidate not what's in the best interest of the american people, like you said earlier what we are seeing out here they feel. the media feels so betrayed.
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to the party. cozy relationship between media and these politicians and bureaucrats in washington. >> do you know what's interesting? the cbs story in particular, tulsi, they pretend they just found forensic experts to go through a laptop that just had years of personal photos and horrible photos and hookers and crack and emails, could have been verified by a phone call. hey, devon archer, is that your email to hunter biden? but cbs no interest and we know what social media did to it. with you they are about to be found out. so they are trying to get ahead of the story now that the house flipped, almost the next day after the house flipped they pretend to have cyber experts discover the laptop is real. is that okay with you? is it okay with the country? >> this should anger every american because it is absolutely revealing
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relationship between journalists supposed to be doing their job and telling the truth reporting facts rather than being concerned about whether or not they are protecting their political friend, which is exactly what happened here and the lead up to the 2020 election, all of these people in politics and the media and the national security state and big tech, they got worried about this laptop because they had a feeling if voters knew what was in there, and they might not vote for joe biden so they all got together and said well, we have got to do everything we can to keep it this from the american people and therefore directly manipulate and influence the vote -- the information that voters are exposed to to influence and impact the outcome of the election. that is the real core issue here that everyone should be really disturbed about with this stuff that is in the news today. >> brian: i have a theory i want to share it with you. do you have a minute? >> i do. >> brian: okay. they are done with joe biden. and now that they got through the midterms, he is 80 years old, they want to move on. so they are no longer going to protect the information that
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laptop, which doesn't show a person addicted to drugs which sadly we all can relate to somebody in our lives directly or indirectly, it's going to show a vice president -- former vice president doing deals in 50 countries including with our enemies that really sold influence for 50 years in washington. that's what it is going to show. and i don't think anyone is going to protect them anymore. what do you think of that theory? >> you may be right. the years i spent in washington. self-serving. looking out for themselves. not wanting to get caught looking bad or not doing their job and like you said, they are scrambling now because the facts are coming out and now they are trying to pretend now we are actually going it do some serious hard hitting reporting when really transparent all along, they only care about themselves. >> so good you are a contributor. you did a great job giggling in for tucker.
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>> you too, happy thanksgiving. >> brian: keep talking politics all eyes on georgia. balance in the senate coming down to republican herschel walker and incouple bottom raphael warnock the georgia supreme court ruled in favor of early voting which technically should benefit warnock. warnock saying now, it's okay. do your duty on thanksgiving. put the turkey aside first and make sure you do the right thing and vote this weekend. it's your religious duty to vote for him. watch. >> if you eat on thursday and shop on friday, certainly you can vote on saturday or on sunday. [applause] will georgia pastors take souls to the polls. because this is important, spiritual work that we have to do. >> brian: all right. spiritual work. now, look at a recent poll since the runoff happened since got 50% of the vote. the arp did one and shows the up
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by four herschel walker. >> get those four points back. republican candidate joins us now. herschel, great to see you, do you feel you are down four points? well, no, i don't feel i'm down four points, right now i feel that the race is dead even. they are trying to out spend me. i think they are spending almost 4 to 1 against me. that's why i encourage everyone to go to team they are trying to buy this seat. senator warnock is very radical. you have hear him talk about vote for him. he voted and people don't know, this he voted against religious liberty. he voted against religious liberty. he is a man of the cloth. right now, they are trying to outspend me and the media outspend me in getting out the vote. right now i'm telling people help me stay with him with this spending because i will get more votes than he is going to get. is he going to continue to be this man that he was told that he is a great actor.
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he is not a good senator. he is not a good pastor as well. >> brian: i don't get it. he has got $17 million he has raised to your 5 until. i thought the party was all in on this. is it the donors? is it the rnc? who is not backing you, herschel? >> well, no, people are backing me. >> even during the general, i was raised just as much as anyone in the republican side, but, this they were raising a lot of money. they were buying a seat because they can't run on the policies. right now i don't think he is run on his voting record. what he has to do is outspend you to put these ads out pretending to be someone that he is not. he is a very radical voter. he voted that way many times. we talk about voting joe biden. >> you were with brian kemp yesterday. the governor had overwhelming victory. people look at him as a presidential candidate perhaps, how could georgia want to put a conservative in agree, send a
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liberal to washington. can you get your head around that? you know, i don't think people understand that. that's one reason i tell people to go to team i'm not just saying that because they don't understand that you put someone like raphael warnock in washington. now he is rowing the poet against brian kemp. that means you are not going to go anywhere. he has shown that when he was in washington before. everything that brian tried to do he voted against or set back and let the president destroy it. we got to put people in washington that are going it row the boat in the same direction. when i get to washington, i'm going to vote with the people of georgia. that way -- he should be doing but he hasn't done that yet. >> brian: so interesting, independents went to warnock. you got over 50 few category. 54-39. number one, how do you get them into your camp and also, brian kemp got 200,000 more votes than you, you are campaigning together working with his team. how do you feel that gap and how do you -- how do you win over independents?
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>> going to win over independents and let them know my message. right now people got to know that this is bigger than herschel walker. this is bigger than senator warnock. senator warnock has done absolutely nothing for the state of georgia. what he has done is he went to washington and foregovernment about georgia. he went to washington and became one of those smooth talking senators that session whatever you want to say just to get your vote instead of doing the work. get my hands dirty. in front of a paycheck. people talk my football career. let's talk about business experience. in the business world i created a business, a very successful business. he has never done that all he has done is become a slum lord in an apartment building that he take advantage of dissed a van teenage the people that's not what he wants to do he is a man of the cloth but yet. he is not living there he is not what he practiced that he said he was. >> herschel one thing to keep in mind. the balance what the vice president about go to the democrats but the committees will be 10/10. he will be equal. they will co-chairman. if you lose, that 1 eye 9 every
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single committee. schumer no longer has to scramble. everything will be a lot easier for him. if anybody is ever sick and the balance ever flips, no votes happen for democrats who want something passed in a simple majority, there is a lot at stake in this election december 6th is going to be the kay. hard for you to enjoy thanksgiving but herschel walker one thing is pretty clear you will run through the tape, right? >> that's exactly right, you know, i got in this race to win it and i'm not worrying about thanksgiving right now. i'm going to say happy thanksgiving to everyone out there. i. you to have great time but also georgia to get out and vote. let's have your voices heard and vote counted because that's what we have to have done. >> brian: so interesting you danced in the nut cracker. sang country music. ufc fighter. outstanding olympian as a bobsledder and of course heisman trophy winner and outstanding player in the nfl and this is the latest resume builder.
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i would put that resume up unjust about anybody. >> thank you have a happy thanksgiving, go team walker. >> brian: holiday who w horror s before thanksgiving. what are the cops stay saying about it. and what are they keeping under wraps? we will try to explain
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when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou
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the insurance company getenwasn't fair.ity y cablele. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ >> brian: horrifying attack leaving six people dead after walmart employee opened fire in virginia before turning the gun on himself. national correspondent matt finn is here with the latest.
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matt? like it's a tragedy for this community two days before thanksgiving. shot and killed six people and shot himself in the store that was busy with holiday shoppers, the shooter identified as 31-year-old andre bing, eyewitness employee says there were about 15 to 20 people in the break room when the overnight started opening fire. >> i looked up and my manager turned around and he just opened fire on everybody in the break room and it is by the grace of god that a bullet missed me. not going to lie. i literally looked at him. i saw the smoke leaving the gun and i literally watched bodies drop. >> another witness told waivey tv that the shooter was laughing and the attack seemed planned. wavy tv reports police identified the shooting victims range from age from 16 to 70 years old. investigators found a list found a list. presumably went to target.
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responded to the active shooter around 10:15 p.m. last night. not clear if the shooter fired outside in the break room, three victims found in the room including the shoot his or her took his own life and others were found across the store. some apparently were able to move before being taken to the hospital. three other people were shot. binge was armed with one hang gun and multiple magazines. police are trying to find the motive. the shear he is does not have any notable background. brian? >> brian: bizarre. matt, thanks so much. we move ahead. today moscow police gave update grizzly murder left four idaho university students dead. they first said this was targeted attack. the captain's name roger lanier why won't they tell us which of the four victims was the actual target? >> we have the integrity of the investigation to preserve. and we feel like that information is integral to us
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and how we conduct our investigation. releasing that to the public may or may not flood us with a lot of information that's not relevant or specific to what we are looking at. >> don't you want more information from the public. >> we do want more information but we don't want to -- we don't want to put our investigation in jeopardy by releasing what we have, there is always a balance be between what you are willing to release versus what you are trying to gather. >> that's the puzzle. investigators also say they received hundreds of pieces of information that victim kayleigh con cavs had a stocker they haven't been able to verify that she had a stalker. kaylee made comments about a stocker, that's where that came from. we followed it up looking at specific time frames and specific areas of town. so far we have not been able to corroborate it but we are not done looking into that piece of
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information. they collected 150 interviews and going through thousand tips. the fbi has been brought in to assist. we're almost at two weeks since the murders actually took place. i'm surprised, maybe you are, too, we don't have more answers. the former u.s. marshal regional tank force commander. lenny, are you surprised we don't have more answers? >> well, good evening, brian, and to answer that question, no, i'm not. i mean, you know, the law enforcement right now is on a fishing expedition. they are chasing a ghost. it's all about collection right now. human intelligence, signal intelligence, crime scene is certainly important. the digital footprint footprint talk about. not only with the suspect being in that house and what type of cellular intercept may have
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happened but the victims themselves. yes, it was a targeted attack, brian, definitely, who was the target? med call job. knowing know were probably asleep. important to identify who that was and work your way backwards the suspect is they can say is not a suspect. drivers dropped them off. roommates left athrown sleep, the surrender they saw at the food truck. the ex-boyfriend all not suspects so rule them out. i'm questioning the terminology, you tell me if this is police vernacular. the one of the roommate's phones was used to call 911. why won't they say the roommate called 911. and the fact is they said they were unconscious when clearly it was a bloodbath. how do you make sense of those two things. >> well, as an investigator in these types of investigation especially homicide four victims. >> they are turning their worlds upside down.
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cellular intercepts and phones dumping. there could be something on that phone they don't want to release to the public. they left the ground running with this investigation. the fbi, forensic folks are doing their work with the crime scene itself. ton of information. again, about like i said earlier, they are chasing a ghost. once they hopefully they will get a suspect. they will identify somebody and, you know, then they got a man hunt at that point. >> brian: hopefully get some answers and they're keeping their facts out for a reason, hopefully they have more to go on than they seem to indicate today at the press conference. lenny, thanks so much. have great thanksgiving. >> thank you. happy thanksgiving to you. >> brian: republican goes to the border and put the cartels on notice. a little bit later american soccer legend joins us to break down all the up♪ qatar at the world cup. could the u.s. beat england and be the third major upset in that tournament? okay that was more hope than anything else. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> brian: all right, we are almost two years since the biden administration and still no handle on the crisis at the southern border. it's getting worse by the day. a record number of migrant arrests human drug operations continue to rage. we go bill melugin. >> brian, good evening to you. as this border crisis continues to get worse, we continue to see both bizarre and dangerous methods of human smuggling, case in point. take a look at first photo here out of border patrol tucson arizona sector where agents stopped a u-haul moving truck they opened it up and find inside 1 illegal immigrants all dressed in calm fallujah being dress camouflage. that door was locked shut. arrested and charged with human smuggling. take you down to the rio undervalley. border patrol stopping a utility work truck in kingsville, texas, inside of that they find seven
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illegal immigrants being smuggled in the back of that work truck. then we will keep new texas. take a look at this i had haveio given to us by texas dps in lasalle county, one of their troopers pulling over a human smuggler. once that vehicle stops, five illegal immigrants go bailing out into the brush trying to escape. the driver was arrested and charged with human smuggling. a warrant out for her arrest and told investigators she was paid more than $3,000 per person for that human smuggling event. lastly, take a look at two mug shots. del rio arresting on monday in two hour span two separate sex offenders and two separate groups. that sector has had more than six sex offenders arrested in the last week alone. back out here live speaking of that del rio tech tore. they have been critical condition credible, more than 10,300 illegal crossings and nearly 6,000 known got-aways
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back to you. ever. kevin mccarthy called on dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas to step down from mismanagement from the border crisis no better border break no intention of resigning, that's not a surprise, texas congressman dan crenshaw also visited the border yesterday and delivered a very strong message to the cartels in a lang will sting. >> [speaking spanish]
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brian congressman dan crenshaw joins us now. what brought to you the point where you had to call them out and could you fulfill what you said you would do and make their life hell? >> we absolutely have to. look, they declared a war on us a long time ago. i think everybody understands that by now. we have 80,000 americans a year dying from fentanyl. that's not a drug problem, that's a poisoning problem. on purpose. they have been at war with us for ail who. they facilitate this the entire immigration crisis. they facilitate the whole thing. time we go to war with them and time we make the mexican government cooperate with us on that. legislation last week called declaring war on the cartel's act. increase our authorities basically treat them like terrorists. allow sanction those though aid and abet them. you know what? i'm talking to the mexican government. corrupt mexican officials that aid and abet these. they have go after them in a whole of government approach. this should not be a partisan
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issue by the way. this has to be a whole of government approach cbp leading the charge also with the d.e.a., the cia, the fbi, the military. this is a serious problem. this is some of the most well-equipped, well-armed, most dangerous people on earth just south of our border and mexico is at risk of becoming a failed narco-state. if we don't pay attention to this right now, if we don't accept the fact that we are already at war then we are going to lose it pretty quick. this administration needs to get on board infuriating this is not a partisan. border and take care of this national security threat. >> brian: dan, they say the republicans have no plan. they want to create do these tricks at the border is that what was going on yesterday kevin mccarthy these tricks at the border? >> i'm disgusted by everything that comes out of the press secretary's mouth these days. of course we have plan. i told you about the bill i have introduced. and introduced other bills fix
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the asylum process. do things that actually create the problem. do you know what else our plan would be, having the state department do its job and establish flight routes with these other countries so that ice can actually put these people on planes and send them back. i can solve the border crisis really fast, you simply put them on a plane and you fly them way into the interior of mexico or back to their country, do you know what will happen? they will stop coming. they will stop coming very, very quickly, the word gets out so fast. the state department is a part of this that is not getting blamed enough. they are the ones who have to do the gleems and create those flight routes so that ice can use them. >> brian: remember, if you want 20,000 mexican marines on their southern border, you threaten tariffs and pull aid. same thing with central american countries that's what got their attention. real quick is kevin mccarthy going to get the votes to become speaker. he has five short now. >> look, i don't know whether a kind of games these five are
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playing. they don't have a plan. right? they don't have anybody else in mind. they think they just want attention and notoriety. they need to get off this little high horse of theirs. be honest with nobody. there is in nobility in what is happening with this. there is no greater cause. mccarthy is our guy. we voted for him in conference. we need to vote for him when the time comes. what are you going to end up with otherwise? he has been doing everything right. do you know what? he was the one out there trying to win elections so we would have a bigger majority. he was the one out there raising money. those people that didn't want to vote for him? what did they do? nothing. they did nothing to help us win those majorities and elections. i don't want to hear it, mccarthy is going to be our speaker and it's going to happen. going to have to stare these guys down on the face and blink. >> andy biggs among them and congressman good win and others. i appreciate your passion. hope people are listening have great thanksgiving. >> meanwhile, can a guy named adams channel george washington and beat the british on friday? u.s. soccer legend up next from
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qatar and, later, tsa lets the cat out of the bag, eventually. ♪
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>> brian: the world's most watch sporting event world cup taking place all this week. plenty of drama and upsets going all around. four-time champion germany. they actually lost today to 24th ranked japan by a final score of 2-1. this came just a day after the biggest upset in world cup history. saudi arabia scored two second half goals to beat argentina 2-1. at this point you have to say there are no favorites, it's all up for grabs. how is the u.s. doing still very much in the thick of things after opening up disappointing 1-1 draw with wales. could have been worse. up next england last time we beat them general washington and this time tyrell adams. can we pull it off. ask world cup goal keeper tony. i know you have been watching. played in world cups yourself. what is happening? is the world flattening out? with r. we done with super
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powers on the soccer field? >> it certainly seems like it. the way the results are going. i think what we see about every four years. and i think you are right. starting to flatten out a little bit to use your term there is players all over the world. look at today and japanese side that beat germany a team that someone told you that they were one of the favorites you would have been okay, loves germany power house. 8 guys on japanese side that are playing in the league. there is guys playing all over the world. what you are seeing is that there is just great players all over the world. the game is universal. we he know that teams that have been in the u.s.' spot for years and years and years kind of lagging a little bit behind. we want to be in germany. we want to be a argentina and umbrella. so your players have to leave your leagues and go play. it so far has been the most exciting world cup that i have seen. >> by the way kind of interesting that the goalkeeper from japan was asked who was his
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childhood idol it was tony meola growing up that must be interesting hearing that fantastic keeper and single-handedly kept him in the game second half. friday game against england. do those two upsets give the u.s. a sense that something like this could happen for them? >> hey, it's a really talented u.s. side albeit in the world cup. i go back, brian, 1994, world cup in the u.s. we drew switzerland in the first match and we were playing colombia side the likes of pay lay picked to win the world cup. i look at how far were we then compared to colombia? we were probably further away from colombia than this u.s. team is from england if that makes sense, right? so i wouldn't be so surprised. the one thing to keep in mind, you have got a tyrell adams how mentioned earlier, christian and brendon erickson and guys playing all over europe and in
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particular the primmer rogue, l. one game you probably won't be in awe of it is playing against england. no doubt england one of the top five teams in the world talent wise, question marks about their leader harry kaine is he going to play? harry mcgwire in the back center back looks like he has a little bit of an issue he is dealing with does derek south gate their manager. there is a lot of factors that play. in as we talked about from the beginning, what we have seen in this tournament don't be so surprised if they pull off a result. >> we are splitting the screen with the coach greg ball holt ter one your teammates. wearing a shirt that says states. nike made polarized politically. a lot of people are exercised by it. should would he be? >> i don't think so, i saw the media sort of outburst if you will today and last night and i
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guess nike has done this done it in basketball, done it in baseball, so i saw those mock-up jerseys and stuff. so, knowing greg, i would think from greg's standpoint, i wouldn't read into it, but i can completely understand how people could look at the way things are going right now in the u.s. and think that way. i wouldn't, don't look into it. >> you never know, we are just trying to find out. we go to put out the fire, the brush fire. tony, i look forward to your post game analysis. u.s. beats england on friday. i look forward to talking to you again, thanks, tony, thanks, brian, appreciate it. >> brian: straight ahead, elon musk makes a shocking discovery at twitter headquarters. plus, i have jesse's phone and have you been texasing him. texas -- texting him. i'm going to read some of the texts out loud. i will be on tour. don't forget december 2nd i will be in the new jersey, the new
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jersey performing arts center and then on december 3rd in jacksonville. brian for tickets and to find out more. you don't want to miss it. ♪ ♪ orting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. ♪ ♪ this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪ - [narrator] if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can qualify you for a payroll tax refund
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>> it's wednesday and jesse might indeed be off. joe, are you ready for the three story s? >> absolutely. been ready for this my whole life, coach. >> you seem inspired. >> i understand the spirit and appreciate it. didn't take long for twitter's new boss to start cleaning house and we don't just mean with the employees. get around if the black of the closes et, elon unearthed this. >> at the most -- with the
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entire closet. >> what's your side? >> i hope. >> that video got 20 million views and counting. >> wow. >> >> it's amazing and elon, he's like first named status of this point, it's sh shaq, micha, oprah, kilmeade and twitter is supposed to implode and it's running fine. >> i hope he knows what he's doing and i look forward to seeing his imprint on the social media platform. >> tesla and spacex. >> i hope so and anyone can go into space and create an electric car and turneddous to be -- turns out to be quite the surprise last week when they found a line and ever brought a cat? >> this is why i'm a dog owner.
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i noticed the dog and the cat and x-ray machines noticing the cat and wouldn't survive and are belly of the beast. didn't know when the catcher is stuck in the bag and i found that hard to believe. >> try explaining in and this was a guy with the cat and girlfriend or the wife. >> we lost the cat. we lost the cat. i accidently got my suitcase and didn't notice. get to the bottom of the story. >> sit here as i read these texts. >> of course. >> is that the way i do it? just read them? okay. here's a text from pam in florida, hi, brian, how have you been? what are you doing for thanksgiving? funny you should asking, pam, i'm doing something that's a little a traditional. we're a little spread out so we're going to eat out for dinner this year on thanksgiving. turns out the pilgrims ate out because no one many a house.
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meanwhile john wrote cbs reporting on hunter's laptop two years late is like reporting on a storm two years late. does no good. >> welcome to the party, pal. only 769 days and two elections later that cbs got around to confirming the story that new york post did in october 2020. thank you, brian. >> sure you didn't prepare for this >> yes, i d. >> brian did jesse live his phone at work or find it in the repair shop, referring to what hunter biden did. he left it here, this is his work phone. if there is a problem, if there is a problem, he does not sit at the repair shop. we bring to the 18th floor. >> the burner phone. >> that's true. >> brian i see you all the time, do you ever rest? the answer is i rest at night for three and a half hours and i'm ready to go again, a cold shower and we'll see. >> i'm not resting by the way tonight, i'm going clubbing and
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downing zimas and early intervi want you tojoin me. >> i don't know where you find a zima. friday i'll be joined by pete hegseth and rachel duffy and at the heart center and go to for tickets and all american night. tucker carlson is next. i checked tv guide. ticker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. if you've been watching the news, one thing for certain about the accused gunman in the massacre in colorado is he was a crazed right wing anti-trans extremist. this is man radicalized by this show and the twitter account with tiktok to hate transgendered people and that's why this man walks into a bar, a gay bar with a gun


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