tv Hannity FOX News November 25, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: that's the day after thanksgiving show. we can't see you but can imagine you. glad you tuned in. sigh you monday. have the happiest weekend with the ones you love. see you then. >> welcome to a special edition of hannity. jason chaffetz in for sean. with thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, the christmas season is now in full gear. unfortunately between back breaking inflation and high gas prices, millions of americans are struggling with expenses this holiday season. meanwhile, our president, joe biden, well, he's just struggling to get by. have a look at this. >> i think i should answer
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this one. hello, mr. president? i don't think i can hear you. can you hear me, mr. president? hello? happy thanksgiving, mr. president. are you there? >> we're here. >> i was so worried the call wasn't going to go through. how are you? >> president biden is now 80. the serious questions about his mental and physical health are not going away. but don't expect much transparency from the white house. have a look. >> when will you get your annual physical, mr. president? >> what, do you think i need it? >> you just had a birthday. >> i will get it, part of my physical is already done. i'll be getting it before
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the end of the year. >> according to reports, biden is weighing whether or not he will run for a second term. but many are wondering if biden is capable of finishing out this term. now between his low poll numbers, america's economic woes, and comparisons to jimmy carter, some democrats are ready to move on. here now with reaction, former hud secretary and the founder of little patriots, a free digital platform teaching children america's founding principles. dr. ben carson. mr. secretary, thanks for joining us on "hannity." i want to talk about the policy side. that's one issue of what's going on with president biden, but i want to talk about the cognitive decline. is that do you think a fair question and how do you view theis as you see somebody that's 80 in the white house and seems to be struggling on a day-to-day basis. >> well, you know, the human brain is a very complex organ system, and
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when you're born you have billions and billions of neurons. over course of a long period of time, you don't increase those number of ne neurons. they can decrease or become less functional as time goes on, and certainly when you become an october general airport, questions can be asked particularly if act in a way different than you acted 20 years ago. it is a very simple thing to do what we call a mini mental exam. takes less than 30 minutes to answer these 30 questions, pretty straightforward. and it would not be at all a strange thing for people who are older to take this, if they're in a very responsible position, and many responsible positions do require it. i can't think of any more responsible than the president of the united states. the only reason not to do it is if you are trying to
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hide something or have no respect whatsoever for the people being governed. >> well, look, if you struggle with whether or not you allow him to fly an airplane, i don't know if you want him flying the country, having the nuclear codes as well. secretary, there's also comparisons to jimmy carter in terms of policy. there was a malaise, high inflation, there was lack of energy production, our military was struggling. you know, this picture is roughly when joe biden was running for re-election at that time and he had been in washington that long. what do you see the comparisons policy wise between jimmy carter and joe biden? >> well, you know, at the time jimmy carter was the president i was a democrat. i was a liberal. and found many ways to excuse the activity.
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things have changed, become a little more sophisticated than analysis. most of the things going now that are problematic for our country are self inflicted and they can be resolved relatively quickly with the injection of some common sense. and common sense is something that both democrats and republicans sometimes have. it's not necessarily a republican or democrat thing, but we unfortunately have a media who tends to completely excuse one side and blame the other side and people who aren't very well informed are very easy to manipulate. this is the reason john adams said our system was designed for an educated and informed populous because he knew that people who were not in that category could go very easily manipulated and that that would be a danger to our country and to our system of
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governance. >> well, i guess it begs the question as to who are the puppeteers that control the president and the message. it is one thing when the president is making gaffes spontaneously, another thing when he reads the prompter and saying things that are true and off base. mr. secretary, i wish we had more time. hope you had a wonderful holiday. thanks for joining us on "hannity" tonight. tonight, biden's problems continue to grow with a republican majority in the house, multiple investigations are now forthcoming. of course, this includes a probe into the biden family's shady international business deals. keep in mind, this scandal is not just about joe and hunter and the laptop from hell but also about the coverup that ensued. even mark zuckerberg said the quiet part out loud and admitted that facebook suppressed the story because of a warning from the fbi.
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and now we're about to learn even more as elon musk is vowing to release details of twitter's own censorship campaign. joining us now with the latest, ranking member of the house oversight committee, congressman james culmer and ebb buck and fox news analyst greg jarrett. i want you to set the scene here. these two gentlemen in the middle of the screen will have a prime time seat to ask the questions, call the hearings, issue subpoenas, and do those types of things, but it's not just about facebook, it's also about twitter and the laptop. i mean, the issue is almost too big to try to cover. but set the scene for us and what they're going to deal with. >> jason, we already have evidence through lawsuits that the government was working with social media companies to suppress stories about covid and the potential origin of a
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chinese lab. now we have mark zuckerberg admitting the fbi pressured facebook to suppress the laptop story of hunter biden and joe biden. i do hope, justice brandai said the best disinfectant is sunshine, transparency. i do hope that elon musk peels back the veil of secrecy, tells us what was going on when twitter was suppressing the laptop story. was it simply a liberal editor at the time at twitter or was it more nefarious than that, was it the fbi. we've got whistle-blowers, more than a dozen, who stepped forward and said there was a scheme among top officials to bury evidence of biden corruption by portraying the laptop falsely as russian disinformation. and at the same time,
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shutting down their investigation and ceiling it in a file so only top officials could gain access to it. so i do hope that representative looks into the fraud, the bribery, the corruption, influence pedalling of hunter biden that directly implicates his father as an expected beneficiary, but also into government action which is prohibitive of the first amendment, censorship, overtly or covertly. >> so congressman buck, you and i served on the house judiciary committee together, an honor to do so. as you look at the myriad of issues facing the house judiciary committee, you're a former prosecutor, what and how do you expect this will play out in the house of representatives on the judiciary committee? >> well, jason, good to be with you. i think there are two critical issues here. one is big government
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colluded with big media and suppressed the story. and i think when you're looking at a story that impacted an election, an election that in arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan was incredibly close, could have been decided. a story that would have come out three weeks before the election could have very well tipped the scales. that's a critical thing that the oversight committee and judiciary committee need to look at. then i agree with gregg jarrett that the fbi saying it was russian disinformation, the laptop had evidence that joe biden knew about hunter biden's activities with a chinese bank, his activities with oligarchs in eastern europe. that information is critical for the american people to be able to judge whether joe biden will in fact be an honest broker as president. >> congressman comer, you will have the committee i
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used to chair. one of the struggles is issuing subpoenas. during the obama presidency i would issue a subpoena and they thumbed their nose at it. they wouldn't actually participate in enforcing that. what can you do, what will you do to ensure that the biden department of justice, merrick garland and others, that they actually will follow through on the subpoenas that you're about to be able to issue? >> as you know very well, jason, when you have a hostile doj, it is very difficult to get people to comply with the subpoenas. we have been working very hard over the past two years in anticipation of taking over the majority, working with people we need information from with respect to the hunter biden and joe biden investigation, we've been working closely with the banks. we need the banking records because we believe that not only did joe biden know about hunter biden's activity, that he was an active part of that
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activity as well as a beneficiary of the shady business dealings. and that's something the american people need to know. with respect to twitter, in april of 2022 long before elon musk took over we sent a letter to executives, asking to preserve documents, correspondence and documents with respect to the censorship of the hunter biden laptop story. i feel like we have a willing partner with elon musk. i believe we'll have a better success rate with our subpoenas with people in the private sector, especially ruling partners like elon musk that want to come forward and want to get the record straight. i'm very optimistic about being able to work closely with representative buck and the judiciary committee and trying to hold people accountable that made the decisions within this government to suppress a story that would have probably had a major impact on the presidential election. >> gregg, is congressman comer starts the issue of the subpoenas, what's your anticipation how merrick
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garland and department of justice, do you think they'll move with the speed anted ten as tee as the january 6th committee and a media that has no intellectual curiosity and fairness to it. >> merrick garland has been running a protection racket for joe and hunter bidens from the outset of his tenure as attorney general. to answer your question, no. he won't enforce the subpoenas. he'll come up with some excuse not to. among the subpoena might be the 150 suspicious activity reports flagged by u.s. banks over financial transactions, the millions of dollars that was flowing into the biden coffers, 40 million from russians, 30 million from the chinese, 11 million from ukraine. treasury department
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normally hands that over to congress upon request. joe biden reversed that tradition and refused to hand it over. so will merrick garland enforce a subpoena with 150 sars reports? i wouldn't count on it. >> congressman buck, there are a myriad of things to look at this. what else shows up on your radar that perks your interest that you believe congress has really a responsibility to look at from the judiciary committee? >> look, jason, i think what's critical, you mentioned it earlier, that is the biden administration has set the tone and there's now press tent for how they have enforced subpoenas. they have charged steve bannon for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena, they threatened mark meadows and others in this regard. if they now because it is a republican congress don't enforce subpoenas, they look at hypocritical
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now as we think they will be. so i think it is critical that we look at this administration and make sure that they are even handed in how they apply their subpoena enforcement between a republican congress and a democrat congress. >> congressman comer, there's reports the democrats are doing something they evidently haven't done before, that is set up a war room. you have some of the democratic operatives with millions of dollars that are going to go after anybody that questions biden, hunter biden, or anything out of the oversight committee. i felt when i was a chairman, i went up against a lot of headwinds, but didn't have millions spent to disparage members of congress and their staff the way the democrats are reportedly setting up to do that now. how do you plan to handle that and what's your perspective of that? >> we're just going to plow forward, we're going
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to investigate and let the american people know the truth. if the democrats want to embarrass republicans on the oversight committee for making allegations that aren't true about the biden family, all they have to do is prove what we say is not true. turn the bank records over, suspicious activity reports. this is the most damning thing with respect to what this white house has done to block congressional investigations and to protect hunter biden and the entire biden family from all their influence pedalling overseas. they changed the rules to where congress can't have access to the suspicious activity reports. that shouldn't be something we have to subpoena. we will if we have to, but at the end of the day maxine waters, once joe biden changed the rule put language to give congress that authority back. that's something the financial services committee can do early onto try to get congress to have the ability to access those suspicious activity reports and i think another tool that
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nancy pelosi set precedence on was contempt of congress. this is something that i'm hopeful our republican leadership will take seriously. if we are willing to give enough credible evidence as to why we need to subpoena for information, then i hope that congress will go along with our efforts to investigate. we're not doing this for political reasons. we're doing it because the american people deserve the truth because of the suppression of the laptop story, the american people never really understood how involved the biden family was in influence pedalling with adversaries in china, russia, and ukraine. i think they deserve answers to that, to the origination of covid, to what the biden administration and may cuss have done on the border. that's what the oversight committee will be doing in january. >> one of the stories i hope you all investigate is lewis freehed, contacted hunter biden,
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taking a six figure sum and giving that money to the biden family kids as a thank you for business as a business referral. i would think one of the first people to call is louis freeh, have him explain financial transactions going back to the biden family. there's so much going on. the people that are watching at home, the use by these two gentlemen of tr transcribed interviews, i think there's in seichable desire. get hunter biden there first. that's not necessarily the first witness to call. you want to call other people below the scenes and get them before you bring in the high profile person. but i got to tell you, there's a lot of outstanding questions. fo are me personally, i am no longer there, but louis freeh, spending $100 plus,000, giving it to the biden grandkids, that's as explosive as anything.
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i can't believe the media really truly never reports this. we could go on. i'm sure there will be more "hannity" on these subjects. hope you had a wonderful hol holiday. thanks to the three of you for joining us tonight. coming up, early voting in georgia, it starts tomorrow. we'll discuss senator raphael warnock's latest stunt on the campaign trail with larry elder and leo terrell when we come back.
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important georgia senate runoff, well, it starts tomorrow. republican candidate herschel walker has been campaigning with brian kemp all week. meanwhile, democratic senator raf aefl warnock who once said america should repent for its whiteness refers to his re-election as important spiritual work. watch this. >> if you eton thursday, shop on friday, you can vote on saturday or on sunday. tell your pastors to take souls to the polls because this is important spiritual work we have to do because this race is about competence and character. >> joining us with reaction, hose of "the larry elder show" with the epic larry elder on with
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leo terrell. leo, i want to start with you. love your hat, larry. leo, i want to start with you. it is important spiritual work? i'm not quite understanding where he is coming from here. >> i don't understand either because this is a man who preaches hate. remember, in his congregation from the pulpit he said that america needs to repent for its whiteness. jason, if a black person -- if a white person said the reverse about repent for blackness, that's a hate crime. this guy is a d.c. politician who plays the race card in the church and right now he's scrambling. this is the sad part about ra raphael warnock. he has everything in common with joe biden. for him to preach hate at the same church of dr. king is shameful. this man has nothing in common with dr. king.
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he focuses on race, which is a form of hate and division and trying to divide the country. georgia needs herschel walker. >> larry, what's your take on this race? >> apart from the fact that leo 2.0 is underdressed, raphael warnock voted with joe biden almost 100% of the time. he said america needs to repent for its whiteness, has spoken warmly about louis farrakhan. i have been called a self loathing black man because i oppose raphael warnock. i want to remind you, when somebody named barack obama ran for state senate in illinois, he deposed a blam female incumbent. ran in a house race, primaried a black man still in the house and lost but primaried him. he ran for u.s. senate against allen keys, a
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black man. when i ran to recall the governor of california, barack obama cut a commercial attacking the recall. he recently went down to georgia and trashed herschel walker. so obama can oppose black conservatives on ideological grounds, nobody calls him, wait for it, a self loeting black man who hates his own people. we oppose raphael warnock for ideological reasons and somehow we're sellouts. that's the race card that the left and democrats played for years and years. never mind destruction of the nuclear family, opposition of choice in education with people in the inner-city. this man is dangerous to america, dangerous to black america in particular. >> you make a great point. leo, we're talking about herschel walker. one of the most beloved people in all of georgia. it's almost as if they took the same play book, didn't realize on the other side of the aisle
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there was herschel walker. i don't understand their approach here. i also do believe if herschel walker can get republicans to vote republican, if he can just get people that voted for governor kemp to vote for him along with people that love donald trump and everybody in between, he is going to win by a good, decent margin. >> jason, i agree with you 100%. the bottom line, the democratic party is upset that blacks and hispanics are leaving the democratic party. that's why they're angry at larry and herschel walker and have been vicious attacking him. donald trump did something significant. he turned the republican party into the working last party. the democratic party is a party of the elite. raphael warnock is an elitist. has nothing in common with people of georgia. he has everything in common with inside the beltway. this is why this election is critical because it makes a transition of blacks and hispanics going to the republican party. there's no democratic
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party without people of color and they're leaving in droves. >> larry, look, whoever wins the race is going to be sitting there for six years. so whoever you think you're going to support for president or moving the country forward in these types of principles, this person that represents georgia will play a critical role in the country moving forward for the next six years. >> absolutely. and what obama said when he went and trashed herschel walker is he was a great college football player, maybe one of the greatest. but if you were flying an airplane, you want to know if he can fly the plane. a point well taken. the same party lowers standards to admit lesser qualified black and brown people over better qualified white and asian american people. it is completely inconsistent once again. >> leo. i find it interesting that the high profile democrats with the exception of president obama, you don't
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see joe biden or kamala harris on the schedule, certainly stacey abrams, i don't see her. >> because joe biden and kamala harris support open bofrders, georgians do not. joe biden and kamala harris have no respect for law and order. that's why they're not in georgia right now. i tell you when they talk about competence, we have a female vice president who is incompetent, a white house press secretary that's incompetent. georgia wants the same that middle america, people throughout the country want. law and order. lower inflation. they want to make sure their country is secure. a vote for raphael warnock will not provide that. a vote for herschel walker will provide that. >> and larry, last question here. it is at the end of the day about policy and there's a stark difference in terms of policy between what these two gentlemen
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will support and vote for, and this really is a choice election. >> absolutely. and joe biden said of the georgia voting laws, it is worse than jim crow, my father is from georgia. more people voted after the laws were changed than ever. it is once again the democrats playing the race card to divide america, make black people angry in hopes they'll pull the lever for the democratic party. things are a-changing. >> gentlemen, thank you so much. hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving and great holiday. thanks for joining us tonight on "hannity." straight ahead, biden's thanksgiving day remarks included a vow to ban semi automatic guns. congressman jeff van drew and charlie hurt will react. stay with us. ♪
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>> welcome back to a special edition of "hannity." the holiday season is upon us yesterday in nantucket, president biden said all he wants for christmas is a ban on semi automatic guns. have a look. >> the idea we still allow semi automatic weapons to be purchased is sick. just sick. it has no, no social redeeming value. zero. none. i'm going to try. >> what will you try to do? >> try to get rid of assault weapons? >> during the lame duck. i have to make that assessment as i get in and start counting the votes. >> biden's top priority is taking guns away from law abiding american citizens.
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this as he does nothing to secure the wide open southern border with illegal drugs, fentanyl, guns, 3 million illegal immigrants flooded across since the day joe was sworn in. what's his solution to the crisis? here with reaction, fox news contributors charlie hurt and new jersey congressman jeff van drew. thanks for joining us. congressman, i want to start with you. you have been relentless. we have been watching, it is impressive, you're going after secretary mayorkas and bringing attention and driving the issue to what's going on on the southern border. i don't ever hear joe biden get excited, ripped up, mad about what's going on. every time i hear secretary mayorkas or the president or the white house spokesperson, everything is good, the border is secure. but it is obviously not. >> that's what's so bad about all of this. this president, i hate to be mean spirited, i am
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going to say the truth, he doesn't tell the truth, he lies, so does mayorkas. mayorkas looks you right in the face and the president and says these things. he creates a problem and the majority create a problem and then their answer to the problem is even a greater problem. so here's an example. they leave the borders open and you have people on the terror watch list. some get caught, some of them don't get caught, they get guns, they get drugs and commit all types of atrocities. in our cities and everywhere, by the way, in the country. we are letting people out of prisons and we are a allowing people that commit a crime, to go in, a day or two later, literally a violent crime when they have 20 or 30 priors. so again, exit prison and nothing happens to them. we don't worry about the mental, deteriorating mental health of our young people and the fact that that created a lot because of what we're doing in
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society and what our educational system and other folks are doing, and that's part of the problem. i mean, there are so many different pieces to this. and you know what i'm going to say it, maybe it is corny, but it is the truth, if we went back to faith and family and freedom and americanism and american exceptionalism, then we'll cure a lot of what this is. this is not about good law abiding citizens who go to the gun range or hunt or do whatever. i go to the gun range once or twice a week. i certainly would never hurt anybody. my community i live in is semi rural, and just about every other house they have a gun. we have one of the lowest crime rates in the state of nerj. he is just not telling the truth. he is coming up with an answer to make people feel like he is doing something. you want to do something, close the border. you want to do something to help our kids, you want to do something, don't let people out of prison as
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quick as you put them in. >> right. yeah. look, charlie, this is the problem, right? i don't mind a president who gets whipped up about something. the solution i don't think is the right one in this case, but he does nothing to show any concern about all of -- not just an open border, all the other problems that are created and come in as a wave behind this all these people coming illegally. we bring in about a million, more than every other country combined in the world. they come legally, lawfully into the united states, i never see the president ever get whipped up about illegal immigration. >> no. in fact, what they do is they celebrate the lawlessness at the border and that celebration of lawlessness sort of infects every other aspect of life. of course, not to mention the massive amounts of
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drugs that are flowing across the border. then joe biden goes off talking about semi automatic weapons. well, of course, it is all a distraction. it is a distraction away from decades of democrats' failed policies, 50 years of failure, joe biden's failure in washington. he talks about these things and all it is, it's just a distraction because if you look at anything else or address any of it seriously, it's all been absolute failure. he talks about things like banning semi automatic weapons. i would dare to venture 98% of all americans who went out and shot a turkey yesterday went out and shot a turkey with a semi automatic shotgun. and the congressman is exactly right. these are law abiding people, these are people that make america work and make america great and make america safe.
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but joe biden is so desperate to talk about anything other than his failure that he brings up things like this, throws it out there, and then wants to use a lame duck session of congress to go after these things? it is pretty scary if you think about it. >> congressman, that's the concern, the lame duck will bring us a massive spending bill coming courtesy of nancy pelosi and the democrats along with attempt to have gun control legislation. i also find it interesting that so many of the democrats who try to talk about guns and gun control, it is evident they never shot a gun nor have any sense of what a magazine or clip is. they have no idea how this works, yet they want to legislate about it. >> they don't know how it works. they never shot a gun and literally by the way, i think i mentioned this before, but where the gun laws are the most extreme, where they are the most
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restrictive is generally where the highest crime rates are, whether it is chicago or new york or philadelphia and a bunch of other places. the bottom line is, think how stupid this is, a criminal or bad guy or somebody that has a real mental issue is not going to say gee, joe biden passed a new law so now i'm not going to go out and shoot up the people in the movie theater. they're really not. they don't care. >> that's already against the law. >> exactly. i mean it is against the law. so we make new laws more restrictive to good people who are obeying the law. that is not the answer. but it is so typical for him and this administration and this majority. for example, they create an open border, created more crime, created evenly financial, fiscal issues for us, created a terrible drug issue, we are killing our young people. and their answer to it is
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just to allow even more people in. the answers are worse than the problems they created. >> charlie, i've only got 15 seconds left. last thought. >> you know, i mean, probably the most appalling part of all of it is their willingness to exploit any tragedy to advance their crazy political agenda and this is just another case of that. >> never let a crisis go to waste. i wrote a book about it with that. and it is so true. they do that every time. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on "hannity." have a wonderful holiday. with the holiday season in full swing, americans are struggling to afford everyday essentials, let alone gifts. now a looming strike could derail our economy even more. aaron perino and steve moore will react straight ahead.
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>> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." today is black friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year, but america's economic outlook doesn't seem so great right now. inflation is still soaring, costing families over $400 a month, according to moody's analysis. amazon warehouse workers around the world staged a strike today. maybe don't count on packages arriving on time. and the catastrophic railroad workers strike that joe biden told us he personally averted a few months ago, that might happen after all. crippling america's economy just in time for christmas. here with reaction, steven moore, founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, and aaron perini, vice president at
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tag strategies. thanks for joining us. steve, start with you. all things economy, you are the go to guy on the economy. where are we at now. what's the reality? >> jason, it is not surprising workers are angry and you're getting a lot of labor unrest. that's what happens, jason, when you have nine straight months of 8% unemployment. workers around the country are agitated. paychecks are shrinking relative to inflation. jason, you have 8% over nine months, people's wages only grow by 5%. people feel like they're poorer and they are. this rail strike obviously would be a great danger to the country because if you think things are expensive now, wait until you have the rail system shutdown. i hope we are able to avert the strike. half the merchandise you buy, whether it is groceries or other items, think about energy as well. so much of our energy is
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transported by rail thanks to joe biden because we can't build pipelines, right, jason? this is a real black eye for the administration that told us that they have this rail system solved before the election. >> yeah, aaron. they took a victory lap. joe biden was telling scott pelley on 60 minutes, mr. president, tell us how you did it. that was the kind of probing that "60 minutes" put to it. this strike is looming on the horizon. you have a few unions out there that didn't approve it in the latest vote. >> that's right. there is the looming strike. this is the democrats and joe biden strategy all along, a short term strategy, just get past the election, kick the can a little further down the road so the american people are told there's progress when there's no real progress whatsoever. joe biden and democrats are the grinch who stole
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christmas, they sucked the turkey off the table, cost people 50% more because of inflation, fueled by democrat reckless spending in d.c. now they're coming for your christmas gifts as well. the american people are saying they're going to spend less this christmas, going to buy less, and that's going to matter. these are real economic hardships brought on, perpetuated by an administration that will not face today's reality because they want to score political points, whether it is the rail strike, joe biden kicking that down the road, or the student loan scam. we know that's likely going to fall apart. or if you know it is oil and try to work with the saudis before the election to try to keep the markets a little more flush with oil so democrats looked better on election day. democrats don't have the long term success strategy for the american people and it is going to hurt them at christmas and every day after. hopefully with republicans at the house, we can get this back on track. >> steve, to aaron's
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point, it doesn't seem to be, i can't recite for you. what is the democrats' plan to actually address this? other than allow us to stay in power, spend record amounts of money. i can't tell you honestly what the democrat strategy is. >> that's because there isn't one. when you have these issues of not producing american energy, when you have issues that you were talking about, out of control border, these are things. i work for donald trump. we didn't talk about supply chain problems. do you recall that, jason, when trump was president? these problems didn't exist. by the way, pete buttigieg was supposed to have solved this six months ago. i'm hoping this thing can be resolved. one other quick thing, you ask what i'm worried about, jason, look what's happened in credit card debt. people are having to go into debt now to maintain their living standards because of the higher prices.
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>> yeah. i read a stat, something like 20 million americans months ago couldn't pay their utility bills. that's a huge number. erin, a little time left. what's your biggest worry as we turn the corner into december? it is right about to happen. >> my biggest concern is the rising cost of everyday goods for the american people. if you use home heating oil, that cost has jumped significantly. people are holding back on refilling the heating in their homes which effects the hot water. we are going into cold winter months. democrats need to step aside, let american energy independence be unleashed to keep costs down for our own people. >> and jason, if those rail strikes do happen, maybe santa has to get the sleigh to get christmas presents under the tree. >> yeah, no. it is very real. it's something that has to be dealt with.
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and i just don't believe the president and democrats have a strategy other than trying to blame donald trump which has nothing to do with it and blame republicans. i am sure start to blame kevin mccarthy. i hope you both have a wonderful holiday season. thanks for joining us tonight on "hannity.." >> thanks. >> stay with us, more of this special edition of "hannity" after the break.
6:57 pm
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7:00 pm
seat. hope you have a chance to check out my podcast. jason in the house. check it out anywhere you listen to podcasts. i think you'll enjoy it. sean is back monday. "the ingraham angle" is next. have a great weekend. >> i'm in for "the ingraham angle." we have a big show. let's jump in. the biden administration word of the year is shortage. >> we talk about a teacher shortage. >> we saw the impact of the chip shortage, housing, short anding in the united states. >> shortage in shipping, trucking shortage. >> what haven't we had a shortage of this year? everyone remembers baby
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