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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 25, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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sgivingafter the thanksgiving h and for watching special i'm gillian turner. goodnight from us in washington. good evening. welcome to tucker carlsontonigh tonight. hope yout hade you ha a great thanksgiving, a day away from politics and mass media with people you loverom mass m o love you back . it's really a spiritual spa treatment that's the ideal. we ought to do it more than a couple of times a year. but we are back and now we are nobbys obvious observation. all prosperity in this country depends ultimately on energy. our consumer economy runs on it
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. it takes energy to make things and bring them to your house. our tech economy runs on energyr to a lot o ef it. conomy r how do you think their keepep te their server farms running? energyirserver is pretty much it the key to everything that americans do for a living. it's the key to health carr a le and agriculture. and yes, media and travel and construction. entertainment, even finance,h te which is symbiotic with the real economy, depends in the end the end on energy because youne can't lend moneyrgy be to busins if they no longer exist. >> and if energy prices go up gigh enough, they don't exist. so given how central, very obviously central energy is to everything that matters in america, it's hard to believe the biden administration would intentionally make energy much more expensivenerg because we knowgh for a fact, having seen it repeatedly through history, that high energyhigh prices will crush our economy faster even than the covid lockdown's l it. somele will become poor.come some of them will die. that's not a guess.ven ital will happen. so given all that, it's unimaginable that anyone but
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our enemies would want to raise our energy prices to the point where our economy collapses. and yet that is exactly what the administration has decided to do and to do it. they're using twin instruments of climate policy and their war against russia.. the effect, in the nation with th the fact in a nation with the largest recoverable oil e reservesarth on planet earth, my americans can no longer affordad fossil fuels. and once again, this is not an accident. it's not a naturalit's not cycle going through. politicians and policy makers art to ue doing it to us on pur now, david , elections are over. the media can finall y begin to cover the inevitable results of these policies. cnn, for example, just ran anwrn article about americans who are worried about freezing to death over the winter in america. atwhen sixty three year old wom in philadelphia called charmaine johnson said thane joe is torn between heating her home and buying food. and of course, she's choosinoog food because she has no choice.i it's miserable, she said.oo, it's like living in an igloo. >> another man, a sixty seven year old man called tim
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wisely, that he turns on his heat only when his teeth beginto to chatter. you can't go food shoppingt's o and get oil. it's one or the other, he said. >> it's a horrible feeling. it'sis a feeling i wouldn't wis amernyone. and it's a feeling that had americans have not had in generations. getionthese are american citizea living in a major american city that used to be consideredan't first world and they can't afford heat. and it's happening not just in. philadelphia, but everywhere. averagage homee home heating prs went up 17% last year, and they're up another 18% this year. not organi organic. this is the resultc, of policiet from the bush administration and its allies , not just in the congress, but in think tanks across washingto but in ae entire american news media. this did not happeny acci by accident, as fox business has reported. once winter arrived,once win the problem is going to get much worse. >> we're ridinwrg around with o for less, and they say thattingc their customers are struggling to keep up with these skyrocketingos costs acrosse exe the board, heating costs arect
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expected to be high this winter. ter comiheating oil in particul about 68% year over year. >> today, they filled up this tank with about nine hundred and fifty dollars worth of homet heating oil. a year ago o, the same amount of oil would have cost them closer to six hundred dollars. that's why the company tells me that some customers are just doing without. >> people have gon e withoutwater hot water and heat for four a week just because they haven't had the money to call me and say, hey, come on in, they don't have the money for hot water or heata again. what country is this? any country that can't provide hot water or heat in the winter isn't much of a country. and again, it doesn't need to be this way. oicause we're the largest recoverable oil reserves on the planet. n the planetwhat happens when es continue to rise? will people run out of money and doesn't take long? according to data from the bureau of economic analysis, households are spending their cash reserves far faster than anyone.r fast all those economistser rejectedi >> even as credit card debt reaches historic levels. oney f
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>> iorf you're borrowing money for household expenses on your credit card at exorbitantu ar rates, you're done. as business insider reported, quote, americans have already burned through a third of their pent up savings. that's nearl y three times more than previously thought and signals spending will soon'a slow down. yeah, that's what happens when people run out of money. they stop spending it becausende they don't have it. and then the consumer economyn slows. ows. >> so when energy costs rise, again, just to be clear , because it's not sophisticated economics herecs , when they ri, so does the price of everythingi else. and thn e first staple to rise t cost is the one that you have to have and that's food watch on the menu. >> this year for thanksgiving. rising prices, overall prices pe are ups seven pointd seven percent from last year and grocery prices are more than 12% higher thant a year ago. here's what it means. for the family grocery bill as firsshop for the big day. first, the turkey per pound. prices for turkey are up 17%an
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year over, an average frozen turkey costsyt roughly two thirty eight cents a pound. that's up from a dollar seventy four . now,m you can blame the avian flu outbreaks and higher fuel feed and labor costs because oft inflation running near forty year highs. ion runninwhat about eggs?e th eggs cost 43% more than a year ago. butter and margarine are up 34%e .d flower flour is up nearly 25%. your pies are going to cost more to make these higher prices could potentially change thanksgiving plans. >> so why is this happening? all well, you heard the reporter bun allude to it, but noott reallyt explain it. there are, of course, manye twoi factors, but there are two big factors that are driving this,il driving inflation and the rising cos t of everything around you. and they are in order global warming policy and the war in ukraine now, as it always does, the left used people's best's instincts, compassion and care for the planet to subvert them
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into supporting these two lunatic policies. if you car e about people, you support the war in ukraine. if you care about the planet, you suppor plat global warming policy. but of course, neither one of o these was about what they said e it was about. both of them were designed to spike energy costs,to i to increase the control of the people currently in charge. and to enrich their donors. >> so if you wanted to fix this ,the very first thing youit would do if you wanted to help the american middle class would be to force a cease fire inine. ukraine that would help the world and it would help our middle class. then you wouldthen encourage you more domestic energy production, because we have the domestic energy. then you would take a look at h the trillions we have spentls on renewable energy, solar panels, electric cars, windr, t power. >> this has made a small groupup of people incredibly rich, butsu it has put our grid in perilpe and it has raised the cost of energy beyond the reach of middle class americans. but the bush administration is not looking for solutions, just the opposite. wa
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they're looking for waysa to squeeze a few more dollars out of an increasinglyw more. impoverished american middle class, according to bloomberg this week. and we're quotinmberg, the irs s more auditors and upgraded technology could help raise as much as one trillion dollars. >> oh, so you have less moneytok and they plan to take more . a that's done an active hostility. what is it is an act of hostility. they don't like you and they're not hiding it. but big picture, every other ama major company in americag is laying people offpeople at t somehow, thanks to joet mo manchin , the moderate froderam west virginia, the irs somehow has the dough to hire eighty seven thousandyou. new employees and they're coming for you.n'vest they didn't hire those peopl pe eem by accident. they hired them to tak e more of your money. so businesseofs who have tothisn forecast for living have seen this coming. >> and they're preparing to cuth workerey archestrates. if yo and so what this looks like, if you take three steps back , is an economic death spiral ahead of christmas shopping season when amazon usually econs
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employees. amazon is now laying offof chris employees, a lot of themd thn thousand people laid off from amazon and the founder of amazon, jeff bezosmazo, is actuy encouraging people, hisis customers not to buy his s no products. >> watch this. the economy does not look great right now. layoffs are slowing down. you're seeing layoffs in many, many sectors of the f the econo people are slowing down the probability, say, if we'ree not in a recession right now, we're likely to be in one veryya soon. if you're an individual and you're thinking about ut buyin large screen tv,down maybe slowed that down, keept ca that cash, see what happens. wit same thing with a refrigerator or a new car or whatever . takes some risk offit the table. if you're a small business, maybe delay some capital purchases. do you really need that new piece of equipment? maybe you can waitcash o, ju a little bit, havest some cash on hand. just a little bit ofco risulkrec reduction could maker the difference for that small business. if we do get into even more serious economic problems,m we're going to play the probabilities a little bit ,which the guy who sells big screen tvs on the internet
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is telling his customers. the source of his personal wealth not to buy big screencre tvs off the internet. reallys. , that's how worried he is . >> the actually, for maybefirsta the first timering ever is caris about you. nth that's quite amazing.e on and he's notly the only one bezs is not the only one who's worried that something bad is about to happen to our economy. the global economy. in october, the imf warned thats 2020 three will bringio a recession for most of the world. that same month, the ceo of jpcp morgan, the country's biggestmo bank, jamie dimon, said a recession is almost certain in the coming months. >> so what do you do to avert a disaster? will you probabler whey can't sp it. you should know what it's outlines. we'll look at. take a look atu shou the housink outlines market. sales if you want to know. home sales are at their lowestl level in a decade. y as the fed raises interest rates to fight inflation, mortgages become too expensive. but if the fed were to cut interest rates, home prices would go up along with inflation. you se.e the problem here. we've reached the end of monetary policies, ability to tweak our economy.
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>> so faced with all of this, the one thing you'd hope is to have an administration that understands what the problem is and might at least be interested in fixing it and taking care of the middle class people who don't hav e the p a margin. people were on the is they're always the subject ofin our concern. what we do f aboutixing of the what do you want peopleou goi to make? eighty thousand dollars in the new yorkng suburbs? e nobody cares about them. here's joe biden explaining a straight face that i actually everything's fine. >> his economic plan is working, folks. economic plamy economic plan isg results. people are starting to feee l i . we're making progressss and on bringing down inflation without losingnging do jobs. folks are saying much neededede break in inflation atbreak the grocery store as we head in the holidays. >> so that's pathetic. everyone knows it's pathetic. and maybe the only upside of the bush administration is that there's really nato lying at th point. this isn't working. they jusis nott did better than expected in the midterms, the democratic party, unfortunately. but we'rd, bute now facing the t election in twenty , twenty four . and no sane person wants joe biden to run because
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everybody gets it. this is unsustainable. even the mediat is uns gets that att. this point. the he question is , who replaces joe biden and whaoe in that person do abouth the the disaster that his administration has created? >> lookingdi a ahead tonight, e are honored to welcome victor davis hanson, a senior fellow at the hoover institution and one of the smartest peoplern we know. professor, thanks so much.g for joining us .clear so i think it's pretty and clear where we are, how we got here, what next? >> unf well, unfortunately, tucker, we had a midterm referendum on the biden administrationnista and they not only didn'tti what they were doing, they didn't defend it. te so tworse yet, they didn't promise to change. th and so they look at the referendum, the midterms. and i think, you know what, inflation, oil prices we didn't even talk about. instead, we called our enemiesst in my fascist. we said they were un-american. we sai d women were dying all dying alo over the country when they can't get abortions. and that wascountr so successful formula. so we're going to do what were did before. we're going to double down
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on it. we would rather be ideologically correct than t worry about the american people, the middle class. gn trl this is exactly what he promised on the campaign trail in 2012. hehe said he was going to eliminate fossil fuel. he just picked up the mantra from barack obama who said he was going to make electricity prices skyrocket when he shut down coal.. and steven chu, the designate energy secretary in 2008, saidge he wanted european high prices. i think we got to get acculturated. the fact that this, as youas said, was deliberate. it's going to continue. and they see it as a great a great good. they're never subject to thecone consequences of their own ideology and they feel stupid. middle class people don't know what's good for us . they do. hav and we've got to go down this ti green road into oblivion. and every once in a while whent they get close to an election, they can tapto the strategicresv petroleum reserve or they can h get about half a trillionst dollars student loan amnesty.
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and then after the midterms are over, we'll hear about all the lay offs. >> are the bitcoin collapse ofne mr. banks freed and then they can continue putting a little band-aid on the wound until the next election. but they're not goingange, to change, unfortunately, now. >> they'rean not going to change . and i think that's the key. aren and say they'rote not going to change. they're not. and voters, unfortunately, this. cycle, unfortunately, everything they've articulated>h ,tucker, is absolutely true. but they wouldn't disagree y with you. they would say, yes, this is this is the cost of transitioning to a green future and there's going to be some damage not going to be offset or hurt. but they're not they're notth ashamed. they're noey'rd,t apologetic. >> yeah, well, untilil they they banned private air travel, i'm not listen to a wordgreat they say and i mean that. victor davis hanson, greatht to see you tonight. thank you. so much. >> thank you so as we just told you, a lot of people in this country, hard to believe, butto it's real, will not be abl aeisn to afford to heat their homes this winter. the ceo oftee a newceo of englg company wrote a letter to biden
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saying the power grid might not make it through either. ever saw ceo joseph nolan told biden, quote, i'm deeply concerned about the potentially severe impact of winter energyv shortfall would havesses on the people and businesses of this region. mike taylor owns combined energy services. he joins us tonighint to assesst what this winterhi will look lih with this energy crisis. mike , thanks so much for coming. how and we've talked thisel before. noveare you feeling abouint thib winter? we're atwhat the end do of nov what does it loobek like for the next four months? we'll talk. i've been speaking with some suppliers and also opus provides that information industry. they're claiming that inventories are at 65% of the the five year average.ery in a good news is a refinery in new scotia just reopened serving oil supplies. much of new england and paulsboro, new jersey, is back supplying the new yorkt harbor. so i think wherefi to findne l e line as i said before, with heating oil and diesel in the northeast. but my suppliers are saying, i as long as we keep this la nina warm weather pattern, i think we're going to have
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enough heating oil for this coming winter. i think the bigger problem sai, as you said, is the bush administration, their war against fossil fuels. we're missing five refineries,te the united states , that's over, a million barrel s a day. they shut down when covid hithis and they have no plans ofo reop reopenineng as well as apparenty we have control over one in st. croix that they can't meet clean air emissions. we've shut down a refinery inin another country. so the administration's war on on fossil fuels, tucker, is just mind blowing. >> se is so there's such a demar fossil fuels for diesel,, kerosene, heating oil, jet fuel, gasoline. >> of course, , how could five and six , including st.fiva croix refineries, be closed? >> i don't understand that. >> well, i'm assuming it'smonizi a demonization of fossil fuels in these institutions. no longer allowing reinvestment in them. but i look back at the agendai to put us on electric. so, tucker, i was on a panel discussion in albany,ente new york , of the empire centerr this past spring. national grid at a present, are there large electric and naturapresentel gas utilityi
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the northeast? their representative said on winterspresentatinters,, then winter, they put out foure time to five times as much energyth r with natural gas than electric does on its hottest day in summer. so somehow up here in the northeast new york , we're going to eliminate all the natural gas, heating oil, propane, and we expect the grid to pick this up. i just can't imagine how this is going to work. theyd electricso sai rates are up 65% this season.wh >> where do we think this is going to take. >> well, it's insane.l and natural gas is far cleaner than renewables. cleaner than renew ables than solarit's far cleanen solar or wind. >> i mean, it's it's lunacy.lunv >> and i appreciate youinting pointing that out every time. mike taylor, thank you.. we got thanks for having me, t tucker. ou for hso the cryptocurrency ee fauci blew up in spectacular i fashion. it looks like fraud, but in the wake of that, rather than thinking through like, why did regulators let this happen? there was a new effort underway to regulate every single financial transaction that occurs in this country through something called central bank
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digital currency, c, the d, c.t fl that happens, we're done. they can control you with the flick of a switch. e so you should know what they're planning and how we might be able to stop it. that's all straigh t. >> when i read what it took for yellowstone to be here, i realized that this was a story that i suddenly wanted to share and down the page to yellowstone look the same today. they described in these journals one hundred and fifty years ago, no way. i'm walking in the shadow of the pioneers following the trail. they sent me. it's perfect. just perfect. oh, come on .
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to get 15% off the brand new wash and free shipping order. >> now the cryptocurrency
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exchange f.t. ex blew up a couple weeks. may >> it looks like one of the biggest, maybe the single biggest financial scam ibiamnhot history. w >>as and you all have to wonder, how was this allowed? so the head ofs the company is all over the media. in a number of interviews, he was wearing shorts and playing video games. wh y didn't nobody notice?body n and where wereot the regulators where was gary gensler? well, they were apparently giving this guy a pass becausew they knew hihim. they agreed with his politics.nd so they're not being punishedt y for what they allowed to happen. allothousands of people defraudd out of their life savings. instead, they'rengs, using the collapse of fdx to theirnta own advantage to push forto something called central bank digital currency dc. now, what is centralc, which bak digital currency? well, that's where all w financial transactions arere effectively controlled by the central bank, really by the government. governmeweand as we saw in canah winter, if they don't like whatt you're doing, they can zery're a your savings with a keystroke. so you hav ke noyou autonomy
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whatsoever. you are completely underth the control of the people in charge who , by the way, may hate you. >> so this appears to be coming in this country. for their several banks have announced already that they're working with the fed to implemen he fed tt ac dc once again, if this happens, we're done. no more political debate. we have unprecedented levels of regulation, of surveillance, and of control. ly effectively, chinese social credit scores come to america. l russell branipd recently explained all of this in a clip of the new prime minister of the uk, where she sent boosting ac dc for england. watch. >> this is a keen advocate of cbd central bank. curre digital currencies hernce is in fact advocating for them today.d >> i'm proud to say that under the uk's presidency, the groupom of the world's seven most advanced economies, the g7g a
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is launching a set of publicse policy principles for retail,trl cuntral bank, digital currencies, cbrrd, central bank. digital currencies could be a a digital version of money, a bit like a digital banknote. >> i like a broad concept. >> what is this person's an idiot, which which we think that they are. it's like a digital penny for your digital money box. for your digital trail that you live in. you will love nothinll owe ng. >> you will be happy that could be used alongside physical notes coins.til we >> p for now, we phased them ou. if you start any little protest . ohou, where'tcoms my money gone the digital piggy bank, i'm afraid. >> stop being a bit more co-operative. unlike most of the digital money people use daily today, it would be issued direct by a a central bank, the bank of england in the uk, the central bank. nothing wrong with centralized authority, centralized power, globalist decrees coming down from on high, avoiding
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democracy. >> that's exactly what wt e wan. ceep talking. and governments and central bankankss across the world arear working together.wo >> oh, really? they'rrking e working together.king oh, well, that's just such great news. the imf,that is the world bank. why are we involve the wef and the whl? what we need are unelected global bodies that have been able to co-opt political power ,respond to financial powernd t and ignorefu to press ordinary people, whether it's the recent medical emergency or the costll of living crisis. we're seeing the benefits all i around us .fo r i wait for your next policy. you have to take our money now. this is great. t.looking into what having a digital currency might mean in practice. digital ency migi think i know n practice. >> more power for, you know, power for us . >> this includes issues thathatu people care about, such as ensuring users money would ad be safe and secure, that i stldr could work with other waysk to pay would be energy efficient. i>>f itasenergy is energy efficient, is it. energy efficient? i got to make sureot to ma few n questions. you wouldn't use this everyou wo
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would you, to implement, control or to advance social credit type systems or to shut down the bank accounts ofe people you disagree with or to surveil people and have a surveillance network that you've developed in conjunction with big tech and nowl ar a financial arm that you're developing so that youm th can lockr and step together and gridlock us in a digitatogridlockl priso surveillance tyranny. >> answer to those . uestions >> oh, yeah.t people bank robber swami is one of the smartest people we ever talk to . author of nation of victims joins us tonight to assess civir comingc. thanks for coming on . h so here you haveav regulators in the united states failing in the most obvious possible wayto to rein in this crypto currencyw exchange. ak and then in the wake of that, they're not punished, butt more they've decided they're going to use it to get more power for themselves. >> am i misreading what's happening? p am i think i m you're reading ie correctly. as the expression goesre?ou're r let a good crisis go to waste. now, i think these cbd is here in the u.s. are really bad few r idea, tucker, for a few reasons. but it's worth knowing
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the reason that economists supposedly support right to thec main argument is they sahiy tha actually china is doing itompeti and the us wiltil be lesss strog competitive and that the dollar would be less strong if the u.s. fails to keep up. >> there are so many things wrong with that argument. but td at the first and most obviou mss is that that's a good path to get us to be more like the u china, which is not a good.s wan for the u.s. to go in terms of being a surveillance state. at a and actually, it's exactlyso foo that reason that if you think about itu , the u.s. could actually have a stronger dollar if it does not jump onto the bandwagon because people might want to actually hold a a currency curre that doesn't aw them to be the subject of surveillance and control. sollance and you could make thet equally in reverse about the supposed strong dollarr we't we're going to miss outnd aga on without the cdc's. and this is , ofin course, against the backdrop that, you know, altucher, which is thew wl fetishization of the strongfetih as supposedly a good end alliztn be all anyway. that's what actually hurts manufacturers. why and there's a very good reasonna why china has artificially tried to depress its currency to have a weaker yuan.en >>cy so so on many levels, the argument fails.
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this is not an investment show. but since you're very fluent in this language and knowledgeable, what will this do to gold prices? >> i mean, l this dprices do they get close to this? a lot of j people are just goin to try to opt out of rig the system, correct? hti would think that it has a hl a big effect, a positive effect on gold prices. beemarkn a little bit weird in the last year wherest gold certainly hasn't gone up, as you might have actually otherwise predicted to in normal times. but against that backdrop, though, when you ultimately all forms of paper become meaningless and actually go into digital currencies, that could be means of coulrnments fluctuating control.d that might be the last standt st for actually gold. finally havinganr go the last lh at the end of the day.s we but more importantly, tucker, is we shouldd not see this gres reset, this dissolution of boundaries betweenn of public and private sector, between different nations, ultimately create etween d this new world order. e and mark, my words are justt de the symptom of that deeper cancer. >> well, that is exactly right. so nicely put. vic, it's great to see tonight. thank you so much. thank you. so they've been telling you
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that the problem is you're keeping too much your moneypingt as we need. ooeighty seven thousand new irse agents. again, thank yount, joe manchin but at the same time, they are sending tens of billions of beggar in the aine's begger. the in the tracksuit constantly demanding money. . it's completely over the top. and so we decided to put together a video montage of some of the zelenskyy's most recent demands, not requestsof, demands. that's next. that's next. it's a new day because now updated covid vaccines protect against both the original covid virus and omicron. just in time to say, oh, you bet, i'll be there a whole lot more . are you over 50 ? would you like to get up to thirty three percent more income in retirement? than coal? now for this free book, annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers from a leading financial firm on maximizing
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traditional marriage. it could close their doors. and it's wrong. washington thinks you're not paying attention. they think you won't stop this attack on people of faith, get the facts at heritage dog before it's too late. >> hello, i'm mike lindell. i'm excited to bring you my biggest betting sale ever. just in time for christmas, get my geezer dream bedsheets for as low as twenty nine . ninety eight . a set of pillowcases. only nine ninety eight . rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper for as low as ninety nine ninety nine . we also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. we even have blankets for your pets. get duvets quilts down, comforters, body pillows, bolster pillows and so much more of the biggest discounts ever. i know my bedding products are perfect for you and i'm extending my money back guarantee for christmas until march 1st. 2020 three . making them the perfect gifts for your friends, your family and everyone you know. >> so go to mypillow .com or
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it's nice to meet a very specific medicine. without it, he could die monday. the cleaning lady is why should i trust you? can you get me to . i get the meds for half of what we paid in mexico. there are only two more episodes until the season finale. guilty for drug trafficking. the philippines is done. what if you can't come back into the country? that's the risk i have to take . >> if you don't come through on this, do your son will get nothing? >> the cleaning lady all new monday at 9:00 central on fox. welcome to fox news live. i'm ashley strohmeyer in new york . amazon workers and activist in 30 countries spending black friday protesting the retail giant. the planned mass strikes are part of the make amazon pay campaign organized on twitter. the protesters are asking for better pay, working conditions and improved climate change policies. the walkouts and protests took place in the u.s., india, australia, japan and several european countries.
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you are solving problems for england at the world cup after a zero zero draw. this is the latest time the u.s. team has defied all odds, being what most people thought was a superior team. england is still waiting for its first win in three world cup matches against the u.s. on the world's biggest soccer stage. they tied one to one in south africa and twenty ten . i'm actually still trying to back to you, tucker carlson tonight. for all of your headlines, log on to fox >> yazji stands fortand environmental, social and governancer enviro, in other doesn't really mean anything, but it means everything. it's a businesyts version oft t a chinese social credit score. it's a way for the left to control companies and makee e certain that all the money, all the investments go to causes they believe in. will the effects of this, not. surprisingly, been a complete disaster? countries with high esg scores like sri lanka and ghana are collapsing. >> but the biden administration
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still sees those countries as a model for us . they've decided to transform our economy with esg. this is what happens when all decisions are made throughough a political ideological lens that works great in sociology class doesn't work very well if you're running a country. s pu but it's the reason the bush administration is pushing so-called renewables and electric car s, which increase our reliance on china. china makes the solarls powered panels in the wind turbines of the world. they also control most ofe mate the materials needed to make batteries for those electric cars. michael shellenbergeriesr is onf the few people who sees the big picture here and the details. >> he's the author of apocalypse never. co joins us tonigh joinst. michael schoenberger, thanks soi much for coming on .th gr the rest of us just sort of noticed that groceries are a lot more expensive and gas is up and heating oil, is unobtainable. you see, i think what's really going on here this a much bigger movement, really, that's been thought through. >> well, let's try. it's good to be with you,
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tucker. and i mean, the evidence is in . for e been experimenting nowmenn with renewables for a couple of decades.f decades and diet china contro you know, chinlsa controls 90% f the market for rarore earths and wind. >> solar and batteries require n seven percent more rare earths than conventional fuels. >> scent morth than o moving toa solar and batteries is a recipe for making ourselves dependent on chinese energy. when we are rich in natural gas and oil, our natural gas actually reduced our the price of energy over the last two decades have reduced our carbon emissioneducs. natural gas is a blessing thatgt the biden and the president bide n is boasting about shutting down. you may remember that rightio before the election he shouted no more drilling at a new york rally. >> so, yeah, this is an effortar to enrich a small number of global elites at the expense of the american people. and in terms of the isg,f the criteria of environment,g is social governance, nothing is worse than solar panels. p anelmade in china.labo they're made by enslaved weaker muslims. they make electricity,
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the united states expensive and then make us dependent on china. >>iv an it once you say it that way, you realize that they don't have arguments. they only have force. and that's why they have to call. you would deny or suggesting you're immoral and crazy because they don't have anythingg to say to say to thatu as you know, because you live it. michael shellenberger, as always, a voice of >> i appreciate it. good to be with you. >> so the s.g. global warming agenda is part of the reason eco our economy is tanking. the othenotanking.r part is ukr. are pushing, in fact, engaging in a hot war with russia at this moment, which is upended energy priceshe around the world and is getting worse. the u.s. congress is somehow earmarked more than 90 billion dollars to ukraine, just thiis b year. that's double what wlee spend annually in afghanistan. that'snistan, far more than rus entire annual military budget. but it's still not enough for the president of ukraine. zelenskyy he doesn't ask the u.s. congress for money.
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he, demandszele it.mand here he is over the last three months. watch this. we absolutely need the unitedrs states to show leadershianp and give ukraine the air defense system sy bustt believe me, it's not even nearly enough to cover the civilian infrastructure, schools, hospitalse civili,s, hm universities, homes ofes ukrainians. >> we have to key financial needs of the country. that's thirty eight billion for to make up for the deficit of our budget. for next year. and other 17 billion dollars wer that were verified by the e word bank and needed to rebuild the critical infrastructure we would really like forport the support, especially the amount of support to staofym the same and to have this jointy support from the u.s. society and above all, us taxpayers. because at the end of the day,
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this is not the money of the government. >> put the money of the people in. u know tha do you know that guy? who is that guy? he's some ukrainian corrupt strongman, really. >> and he's demanding money from us . the gall of that guy, where does he get ofwhere dof? >> l'état what is the founder of comedian and former special operations pow? he joins us tonight. ted , thanks so much for coming on . so the question once zelenskyy ,where does he get this attitude? he's not a supplicant. g the u. >> h e is someone who is demanding the u.s. congress fund his government, not juste this war, but the salaries ofth his bureaucrats. >> what does he get this attitude? >> look, zelenskyy, you was brought to power by an oligarch named ihor cullom whiskey, which he recently went after and targeted for persecution in ukraine. so that tells me ukraine so that zelenskyy now has a bigger and more important and morech bn powerful and more richef benefactor in that being the bush administration. beinworld economic forum in the cabal that's pushing this'sn agenda on the united states .
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so zelenskyy is not working for the people of ukraine. ground they are suffering massively. you know, we have had a team on the ground for since baydon0n in 2014. and we're being told now forthee months they're saying, where is all this aid is supposeding. to be coming here? we're not seeing anything. we're having teams having to gop into poland with our owneo fundl and buy food for the people by medical supplies. a large percentage of the ukrainian population right now has no waterhas or electri or heat going into the winter. think about that. and a lot of them, these high rise, you know, soviet built bud buildings. so it's really a disaster. heinsky is working for a bigger agenda, not for the ukrainian people, that's for sure. iso. >> ninety million dollars, there's been no audit of where that money went. democrats in the congress are fighting an audit. why wouldn't they wantau wh to ? well, because approximately tea this is you've got to realize this is the varsity team ofm, money launderers in ukraine.e a estimating that only 30 percent of we're estimating that t only thirty percent of the supplies in military aidwhe is actually getting to where it needs are supposed to go. there's been evidence, which we talked about on your show recently, of a plane crash in
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greece where arms are being e shipped overseas. and so thirms s money is notg wr getting where it's supposed to go. the a lot ofeds thito go.s mony is going to offshore. you know, we're talking about homes. you knowomes, there is credible reports that a lot of these thee ukrainian officials have u bougt property offshore. they don't want peace. they want the money trainue for to continue for the defense contractors in the u.s .. and i'm fascinated to seeascina what's going to happen wheten the house gets taken over by the gop and hopefully this money train stops. >> so we'll see. >> i hope so.reason and then you see decent, reasonable conservative people, nice people like joni ernst backing us . i mean, a lot of republicans need to wake up and understand they've been had ihad n a inin y profound way outside. what i appreciate yo u comingn. on tonight. thank you so much. thank you.ship i >>s so home ownership is obviously the key to the american dream on . your little piece ofortuna the country, unfortunately, is now out of reacteh for a lot of people. the number of home sales has not been this low since lehman brothers collapsed. so what is happening to housing markets? what is hag we should probably l
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>> we'll find out next.t ne xtthank you know tucker carlson think and get. america loves watching tucker in prime time, bringing it every night. there's the unflinching documentary series you can only see on fox nation covering the stories. no one else on planet will touch. plus, it's tucker doing the most in-depth extended interviews you won't find anywhere else. three big shows, one tucker only on fox news and fox nation. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my biggest betting sale ever. just in time for christmas, get my geezer dream bedsheets for as little as twenty nine . ninety eight a set of pillowcases. only nine ninety eight . rejuvenate your bed with my pillow mattress topper for as low as ninety nine . ninety nine . we also have blankets in a variety of sizes, colors and styles. we even have blankets for
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don't win. called 872 nine nine five eight. that's 800 792 nine nine five eight. the so if you're running the fed, ar the two things you're afraid, of course, are inflation. aid wth and slower growth. and they're on opposite sides. we now have inflation. the fed is raising rates and as a result, getting a mortgage is now very difficult for a lot of people, impossible for some for millions of americans. and the housing market looks like it's about to melt down grown men who are on the verge of moving out will be living with their parents for years to come. if this continues. so it's a real problem. the question is , how do you fix it? charlie gasparino covers this
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stuff and much more . >> he's a senior correspondentdv . a fox businesshi covered this business world for many decades. for many ds us tonight. charlie, thanks for coming on . so any time. what do you do about this? thint you know, i think the onlye fed thing left to do right now is what the fed is doing. >> and it it created a bubble in all sorts of risky assets from crypto . risky as you know, crypto is imploding to mean stocks. s and housing was one of those assets that it helped propel to even greater, greaters kind o heights. and this is kind of whatat h happened during the twenty financial crisis. i don't think the banki s ardone impaired as they were back then. s but, you know, banks lent outs d money because money was free it wd by theu haveeate o fed. >> and amid all this, you have in housing prices went up dramatically. i know housing prices went upg c 100% iesn certain areas of the south. south carolina, florida. yeah, now, there's a there'sthes a logic to that. these are lower tax places that people from new york were moving to . alsoalso there was a there was a speculation at level two here that hasn't been seen before that has to come thahas tot has
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to pop and it has to that that. froth has to go away and but what i think is going to make it even worse when this thing continues to unravel is the fact that you don't have a lot of natural buyers from from grown men who are living with their mother. i mean, yo.u it's a meme that, people talk about you. >> you know, you liv e with youwith yr mom, you know, and , you know,an in italy, i have family. in italy, they call they theesee memories, these older guys living with their mom into into the thirties and forties. >> but it's real and it has an economic impact. and you'll see with housing. hi >> sngo is there any i mean, so but on the other side, you've got inflation, which everyone's afraid of for very good reason. so what i mean, what do you do? you don't want memes stocks to blow up, but you want, to housing to stay reasonable, but not tank like it's tough. it's a tough it's a balancing act and it's all done by fed by the fed. and , you know, they they they dug us into this hole where there are pockets of speculative bubbles. and , yes, meem stocks are one of those crypto is one of those.
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as we know, they're they'reand, collapsing as we speak here. and in certain pockets ofo is h the country. >> souo is housing. very i mean, you know, like i said, it was there was a rush to buy houses and all these places fueled by the pandemic, fueled by restrictions in the northeast and in california, but also fueled by the fed and the only way to get rid of that is ,is t is pain. and tho paine pain is going to e lower. wer housing pric housing prices and people's net worth goines's net wg down. >> unfortunately, for a while until this thing gets sorted out, it would be nice to have an economy that was driven by productivity and not money bh printing. e omy that is an event that you would think that we would have learned that from the financiadl crisis, where everything was built on financial engineering here, you know, derivatives. >> but no, but and here we are again. and here we are again. and you're getting to cover both. charlie gasparino, thank you so much for that. and i see you. >> the state of texas has one of the biggest natural gas reserves on the planet.
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and yet somehow last year,planet the state of texas ran out of energy. what that happened exactly. tootle time has been spent ruminating on that. exas >> well, leaders r ieln texas relied on so-called renewables like windmills, which sound great, certainly fast. but all your friends think school, but they don't really work during windstorms, for example.. in texas they failed and peo and texas, they failed and people died as a result.forn so if an episode of our documentary series, we went to texas to see what this problem look like firsthand. here's par hert of what we foun. with no chance of being approved near malibu or greenwich or in the mountains of aspen, the development invariably happens in poorer parts of the country that no one place for wind farms is texas. but the question is what happens when the turbines stop spinning or the middle of nowhere in texas?e of we're trying to find a place just to sleep tonight. everything is sold out. t >> there's nothing available. it's now expected to be the largest insurance claim event in texas history this winter storm . totally overwhelmed the power system in texas.s. and i can tell you this morning
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>>early four point two million texans still have no electric city. acity texas has the most wind power capacity in the united states . texas s turbines, which are not winterized, iced upcold during a cold weather event in february of 2020 one . coll electricity output collapsed. rs texas regulators ordered rolling blackouts monday as an arcticered g bl blast is frozen wind turbines, no water in the hotel. you have all this federal and state subsidies for wind and solar that have caused an overbuilding of wind and solar in texas. it's cheap energy. big companies love it. they love to . vertue signal with it because they say, look at us work. we're zero carbon. right. and what they really like, of course, is that really cheap wind energy. what they're not paying for , though, is the reliability of the grid. idies fothe texas grid, likeene. the california grid, is becoming increasinglycompanih unreliable and difficult to maintain, difficult to keep windre not p in a steady basis.. this 20 year old turbine is leaking oil doesn't look toon
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green to me. >> that episode is called blown away the people versus wind power. >> you can stream it right now on fox nation. >> we'll be back tuesday on shows. the stars and stripes must come out strong as christian pulisic leads team usa into a crucial showdown against iraq. imagine coverage begins tuesday at 1:00 eastern live on fox and a fox sports . >> our attention marines and family members who spend time at camp lejeune. if you spent time on base at camp lejeune prior to 1988 and developed many of these cancers or suffered any of these injuries, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation called camp as young victims to discuss your case now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogen chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer
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