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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 26, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST

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am reallaziny is . how many times i haven't, but i . >> i'du lovtoe you to come. i would love to come, but i probably won't be . no, no. not sold out. yeah it's sold out. yeah. that's. s to get me down.n mcdowe matt whitaker, jim norton, pat cipollone out. it's i'm greg gutfeld . i love you. marika. hello. everyone. i'm jessica tarlov, alongica ta with rachel campos duffy, jerry jones, dagenrl mcdowell and jimmy0 fallon. it's five o'clock in new york city. and this is thand this ie five s biden is out i gn nantucket for thanksgiving and grappling with the most consequentiathl decision he'll have to make in his nearly 50 year political career. so far , will he run forjust reelection? the president, who just turneder 80 , taking time to talk
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with his family at the dinnerepo table on what his next stepsul should be , calling it, quote, ultimately a family decision. it cision. comes as he sees somi big leader and leaders in his party, like nancy pelosi, step aside as democrats cry out for a new generation. so whatever he decides is sure to send shockwaves throughout the democratic party and the country. >> but biden isn't too eagerwhat's to say what's on his mind. about 20 thank you notes. >> and as president bidenenti searches for aaln answer on twenty twenty four , his potential successor, vice. president kamala harris, isn't doing herself any favors with awkward moments like like? go . hello. hello. he hello. thank you. hello. ank yo hello.u. thank you. >> and decides to run. aign his campaign is likely to look like this. the whitor the we house is puttt
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what it calls a thanksgiving and thanksgiving menu of accomplishment t peops that people can use to talk up the president around the holiday table. i certainly used it to myself. but before we get to talking thk politics, how was everyone'ssgjm thanksgiving? >> jimmy jati? it was zing.but my family doesn't know the difference between hospitality and a hazing ritual. >> so it starts out as like this friendly thing to ours. >> and it just sounds like a civil war battlefield. >> everybody's moaning and achy. and hurting. and late again.ed >> it was great.>> if if you don't get stabbed iyon the back of a hand with a fork, it's a good day. >> it's the meal. good i wadas sick so i didn't get off the sofa or really get out of lv bed. little aboute how ji jimmy quit. >> what happened to me on the battlefield to start with stolen valor right out ofrt the gate. out obut this guy, he's cancel. >> my thanksgiving was we we our had our actual traditional dinner on tuesday, came up a on wednesday, got to host on the couch yesterday. and then we went and sawthe we t the rockets and bill's burgers and my bank account is depleted
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,but my belly and heart is full. >> well, maybe if you weren't trying to tip the rockets, the r you'd have to listenoc to this. >> maybe don't make it rain. i wish i would have sat closer. that's all right. that was the rockets for your beautiful daughter. oh, yeah. there's something for everybody.o get there is someth everybody. >> how many ki how many kids did you have?ave? >> we only had seven . only seven this time. but it was a wonderful time. everyone really prepped. so i put on my instagram like my kids did that whole like, fast forwardy all of us preppik on instagram. so, yeah, we workeedd all befor together the day before. so actually it wasn't too bad yesterday. and sean fried, the turkey jones face puffy this morning. >> and i was like, what was he doing while he was up late? morning. he this woman could the night before hosting on fox and friends know. but i had help.n team i had help. big families mean teamwork.wo yeah.. >> i just love that you pulled l that elon musk and laid off twod
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kids off. >> sorry, we're downsizing. all right. so let's shift gears to whatbas i presume is going to be some biden bashing from youo to guys. i'll go to your firs yout. where do you think biden is going to land on this? obviously, the midterm lans went better for democrats than expected. my guess is he's going to ru ed wags n is that what you think as well? >> i think you i mean, yes, i think you will run. i don't see why he wouldn't unless he is true. old age, which i think is an absolute possibility. i mean, heart disease, anythingh coulappen d someone that gets ol i mean, that's just kind ofem part of it. so true health problems could prevent it. but if he feels like he candon' physically do it, i don't know. whwhy wouldn't i mean, he does have a mandate he can take to the democrat party right now from the midterms. doesn't mean that it's a winning strategy for twenty , twenty four . >> but within his party, he's got a mandate. all right. like that answer, jimmy . let's see if you can live up, stop standard. so biden's popularity has been taking up since the midterms, which is what typically happens
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when there's a good performance . let's say that he decides not to run. and then there was a huge free o for all going on . are there any names? and put yourself in the mentality of your show, your radio show, which is about bringing people together, trying to be nice. are there any democrats thatinko you think would throw their name into that proverbiaue hat that wouldng pose a challene for republicans? >> oh, well, that you'd have to vacate her gubernatorial a fauci one in 2018. >> so that's that's complicatedw and things complicatedou. i honestly don't know who would fill the void, but i don't. think he's running. and here's why i don't reallydo i really don't thinkthhe cou he's running. i don't think he can handllde hl the rigors of a full campaign. and what i mean by that is he didn't have to run in 2020. the pandemic allowed himd him to stay at home watchingto h bonanzome a while the mediaer campaigned for him. there were more elvis sightings in the summer of 2020 than they were joe biden sightings. and i don't begrudge him that. e he's at an advanced age. >> you know, they say everyone ages differently. i believe he's eighty, but a yodon't thg ninety five . i don't think he could get outki there and do it.
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and i know it't's not going to e kamalare because they're already at the stage ofis the administration where she's getting ten jobs get. >> did you just see that videog fi her being a wal-mart greeterm down at the fish hatchery? sh hatin the philippines? don't yeah, they don't even know wha who she is . they don't even know what she's saying. yingbut this is a really, reall quick thing. there's a thing people with kids do, and you coulda speak to this. you can speak to this.yo when youu havhae a busy house and you have kids getting in the way, you give them pretend jobs like, hey, lincoln, do youn want to go get the monsters outt of the washing machine is oh, boy monstersmachin. >> he runs down to the washing machine. they're now doing that with the vice president . hey, you want to go to the monsters off the dock? he doc >>k she's down on the dock saying hello. it won't be her. that's my only guess. yeah.t the philippines is deeply offended that that washat ph the grandparentsil taken. do you think it's possible that biden isn't going to run if somebody decides to step in and take the car keys away from him before he gets intoin the parking lot? and i mean, the car keysparkingf the united states ? it would probably be iouldf andm speculating, obviously, i'd probably be a family member because it's his right. r.
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he's the president , united states. this is his to decide anypres periodid whether regardless of p what people might say about him behindhi closed doors. but i want to talk about justto bring these talking points from ron klain about wouldn't tell that uncle when he comes at youl at the thanksgiving table.e. that's what they actually think about conservatives. that you got this dense lunkhead at the dinner table who can't see, hear, smell or taste fictitious propaganda. insteactitiousd, i thought it w, deplorable, bitterly clinging to their guns and bibles. this is bad. and instead of talking at that conservative uncle or aunt or o child or parent, they should be listening right now to judge. judy. put your listening ears on andat find out what financial hardship from inflation is really like. and if they're not, listen nowty they're going to be listeningfrn a year from nooww when
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the economy's in a deep recession and home prices have e fallen 30 to 50%, they'rp e goig to be listen, listenoi, and begging conservatives to pay attention to the democratvatives ion to ts. so, rachel , i'd love to gether your thoughts on whether you think it's only liberals that o feel like they talk past conservatives or the conservatives feel that about liberals, because that's cofeel than. liberals. okay, well, then i guess don't answer that part of the job. listen, do i think let's talk. about whether he's if you need talking points, because we don't know it's okay. i mean, no, no i'm, no, no. no. . not what i'm to b they sent that out. talki so, you know, talking with yourv economy is not very good and your foreign policy is alsob not very good. and that's why they do that.ut i bu tt can i talk about the decision to run? because i understand somethingat about that as a family. it is a family disease. yeah, so the biden family is sitting in a twenty millionne dollarnt donor lente house. >> yes. on the on the heels of a vogue wedding where like the hunter's
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daughter, had this like princess diana link to vailoff going off the balcony intoe garn the rose garden. they act like they're royalty, okay? and they're going to decide whether they're which, of course, they're all going to sit around the table. this is a family that loves money and is willing to sell out our country in order to get money. >> of course , are going to comes, out and say, yeah, definitely, let's run again. let's do so. i think they are going to run again. and i think it's shamefulking t becaushie as they're making thin decision, they're totally tone deaf. all of these moves that they've justhey are totall made, this v. so tone deaf american are dea suffering for me. let me just say this forf. me. there's a 40 percent increase in first time use of food banks and those food banks, the shelves are empty because americans don't have extra to give to the phone even the mose t generous peoplee in the world. rr these are terrible times. i have no idea how they did so well. sthe midterms, i suspect it's a lot of the indoctrination of young people. we can tali suspeck about that .
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and that's what the big tech and big tech. tht i think they are running again. i mean, a lot of money.r, t they lovhee the power and they love the position. >> my favorite point p on the talking points is at the know where you havhae to gie 10% of your mashed potatoes to the big. i do agree with you. probably the executive branch. i love jimmy . stop the court press ofre agg the whitree house to be on his back .. >> have hi s back . thing yeah, things would be differensn if i weren't leading thi'ts bloc and i would have more talk. >> i'm sure every came out of his mouth for each of the viewers at home, i feelen about that. so coming up, a story we have been following, the desperate search for a killer in idahos a expands as cops probebl a possiblee new new lead in who murdered four college students . life asks a lot from you. why not get a little relief along the way? the pelambres messager from sharper image with improved ergonomic handle and enhanced performance, the power boost
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>> a gruesome murder mystery that started in idaho, possibly crossing state lines. a deranged kille r stillloser on the loose. and cops aretond nino closerhere to finding out who butchered four college students as they noept in their beds and now investigate are looking into otr two other unsolved stabbing attacks in nearby states .of in june of 2020, a woman wasfoun found in her home in washington with multiple stab wounds to her torso. ounds to 14 months later and just 7 70 miles away, a husband and wife were attacked in their sleep and orgun husband killed. thos roughlye a five to six hour drive from moscow,ca idaho, and police say they wille follow every lead until they find the murderer. e lookin i think we're looking at every avenue and we have other agencies reachinther g out to ut with other cases and stuff thata we are doing follow up on . we will continue to follow up ay on those. are you aware of thaout casere ? i actually had a tip come ine i
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on that case and i forwarded to our tip line, joey, in all three of these cases that i mentioned, no suspect has been identified. >>u it raises the issue or we have to confront the possibility that maybe this doesn't even get solved. >> what didn't get solved on the first two? right. we hav e no idea if are connected, but there are factsat about all three that are very similar. so i think it'r,s the due diligence to see can they bee connected? is there forensic evidence aectt one they can corroborate forensic evidence at the other. ansaw the one statemenn t thatwt one of our analysts hereai on the on the network said wasds listen, if this person has never been arrested, or ifin a their dna or fingerprints aren't in a databasedataba, fort evidence doesn't go very far . and if that's all they have, thend they they are in a bad sp. the story is tragic. any time innocent life is taken as tragic. this is obviously incredibly gruesome. s it's surprising you send your kids to college thinking that, hey, i'm worried about drugs, i'm worried about parties, i'm worried about duis.
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worried this is not what you se your kids to college being worried about and it shakerriedt everyone out there to their core. and i'm notht benigneir . the fact that young, innocent life is taking in a bunch ofutay ways around this country and we should be concerned about all of it. >> but this particular storybut is very gruesome. th particuery gruesorachael, yof college aged kids and students ale going to be allowed to learn remotely and study remotely. but i wanted to point out therea is a candlelight vigil scheduled foht r wednesday of nt week at 8:00 p.m., the location to be identified.o? >> what would you do? thisi'd bring my daughter home. i mean, this just this wouldout. freak you out is a small town , of course, you'd say come home. and i think the school is ri is right, especially if we done remotely for really dumb reasons. now, we have a reason why this killer could be on the loose. s can i just say something? this happened so close hoo the holidays. these families, i feel sys i fed for them. ou our president has come outtemen and made statements on two grher gruesome murders that we'vuee had. so one , the kubra in colorado,
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the other one in walmart. a shooting said nothing aboutd h these. and i justab thinkout thes therf difference in terms of how how tragic this is for these families, how gruesome these murders were, how you you just wonder, does he only come out and show compassion when there's a political angle being against knives? what be against knives or white or for white kids. so i just think that's something to point out. k it's really disappointing. i think at this time of year, he should have said something about all of them. he w to say something o to any of them. themadf ane a statement and he s the called the club owner yesterday, which i have no problem with , that he did that. but it'sproblem with tha just ss seems kind of ignored, althoug h it has not been ignored by they country, the country has been riveted by it because we do have kids. and we do say, as you said, joey, this is not something we ever expect. just no, it's completely unexpected. and that we have so littleittl information a week and a half later, that's what'se really stunning. we were in more than one week and it'll be two weeks sun .
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and on the day before thanksgiving, there was the pres s conference and you thought that there was going to be something to come out of it. itbut instead, we're all gluedat to the tv, waiting to feel as if there was going to behesef some relief for these families that there would at leasamt be e tip or something that they can share. and i understand that police work is incredibly complicated i . i understand that the fbi is involved, and i hope to godye that they wake up tomorroww mo morning. they tell us we got it.rn all right.inl wele gotss a guy and he did thn other two things as well. >> and he'gss going to rot inii prison for the rest of his life. thst oi don'f his t think that the case. and there were so many questions that were coming from the reporter class and especially the local reporting class that seemedme. really spot on to me like, yeah, did have you considerednef that his phone, if he di hd know these kids, was on the wi fi for a second, let's say if he pr had been to a party there or it's a small campus, etc., right these things the policeol officers lookeicd so confusedd by these questions that seemed natural for a young personink ie to be asking. right.
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you're going to think immediately about what goes p on in your phonehone. . it's such a letdown in terms of what you expect from law what yo enforcement. and i, i just hope that hope th they fix it and that they don't come out and honestly talk to us until there's more to this. but i don't know how there canee be these three killings that follow basically the same fact pattern, even down to between three and four a.m., is when this guy likes to kill people in their beds like this and with a knife and you have nothing in that press conference. >> the speakers did note the number of fbi agentsvolved i involved in this investigation now, but particularly to behavioral analysis units, unit individuals, fbi agentst's who were on the ground there. and that's when they work in identifying, creating a profileo and jim clemente, he's a former profiler with the fbi among many jobs, a retired supervisory special agent.
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i listen to a podcast that he hosted and he went and this was on fox news. h profene wet through just the bac outline of a profile. and it's very specific and narrow that he's a young man who has not carried outcrims violent crimes before. he's slopp y, he's not sophisticated, but he believesbe that hlievese knew at least knee of the people because you'dndly never go into a home blindly like that would if there was if what if they were armed. >> but also he said that he is comfortable with blood and knows how to use a knife. he doesn't mind. it's graphic, but he said thatts he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty and doesn't mind the sight of blood . and he said it could be a hunter or a butcher oro i fe somewhere. so i just felt liklte that wasff such a specific profile that the fbi on the ground knows a lot more about the i take
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i issue a sorry. i guess you it might be somebody who has tortured animals and may have that kind of record . people that hunt have a great >>spect fot haver. i just i want to get jim in here. i'm not i'm reading what jim clemente said as a refined as a profiler. >> yeah. no, of course. >> but more people want to hear from jim failla. >> can i take my time back ? i kid. listen, man, it' s really heartbreaking story on so many levels. i am optimistic that. law enforcement knows more than they're telling us . i think what happens timeot of times is we conflate media proficiency with crime solvingmn proficiency, meaning we've seen them have rouge seh moments at the podium, but their job is not to be great at the podium., >> ideally, they wouldideally . >> but what we really need them to do is solve the case. and when you hear things like there is a lot of data potentially digital from cell phones, potentially forensic, which comes with a qualifier if the person has no criminal record , i want to believe thi there's so much national interest in this story. e are so many thingsrm
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specific to it in terms ofegio the region where it happened,es the overlap with the other crimes that i want to believe. we're a lot closer than anyonet. thinks right now.t and i know we'reha notve going to have that proof until they get there. >> but no one supports the cops harder than me. so i hope they get it frustrating for for all of us . it's excruciating for the families. but it's but it's not the job of the cops to make us feel better. no, of course, they also did rel really hurt themselves by coming out at first and saying it was safe and that. the kids could remain and they don't want to give them credit. they did on that night, but they did come back and own it. >> you know, i know. yeah, i'm praying for them. yeah, we pray for tapout.out. >> be sure t be sure to tune in. >> tomorrow night, lance jones will host a specialross-c edition of cross country live from moscow, idaho. that's tomorrow. oufrom mat 10:00 p.m. eastern.ce and switching gears now, wor the world's richest man, elon musk, teasing some dirtte on the censorship ofas biden's laptop famil web site.apto >>p. for you.
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up at twitter and the liberals can't stand it. the world' worlds richest mancrc is trolling critics with new stay at work merchandise is following his discovery of state woke t-shirts at the company's headquarters. and the left is really not going to like this. the may release juicy details of twitter's internal discussion thas that led to the censoring of the hunter biden laptop report, which saihd which he says is , quote, necessary to restore public trust. so i'll start with you, jimmy . if if he has this information, why is it playing games? why is he teasing it? i'm going to do a twitter. >> just release it. we ought to know right now. i do think it's coming, but he's probably just trying to hire a food taster before he does because they are out for this. >> they hate you so much. he has. >> but why does they just do it? i don't know the answer to that. i think there's two things. el i think elon musk is wellmbra intended, but he has reallced y embraced the role of twittersame
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troll at the same time, like he is in the trenches on twitter, like i like to the point that i'm like, get a life, dude. like, so much like when i got a a reply, i was like, all right, >> i is a little carried away now, you know what i'm saying?ih >> it's been funas. it's been fun. i know it hasn't been fun for jessica, but jessica. but i do nearly as sensitive as you would think. jessic i woulda, not for not for jessica to be on twitter, because i see the that people say to her, listen, i apologize for most of it. >> yes. >> okay, so let me ask you this really quick so we know purportedly when this stuff comes out, we'll see what wewe all suspect is happening, which is that, you know, liberal voices are elevated, conservative voices are turnedo. down. if you ask me, you ehav politics, you know as much as ii do. that's in kind donation. that'son illegal. so do you think we should investigate when when this information comes out? should we investigate and prosecute those executives? but even those employeesecute th who were involved inn of
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the suppression of democrat candidates, for example, or campaigns or republican campaigns? i don't i guess you have to see what happens there. but i do know, for instance, now it's funny that elon musk owns twitter. we only talk about big tech being twitter, right. that suddenly we've gotten back and we don't mention the fact that facebook, which is still pretty popular, that conservative media does better than liberal media. and we know that to be the case. well, so i'm just saying i have never been afraid of biden's laptop. i have not been afraid of anr tn investigation into thesethese th things. i think that the american public knows what they think is a real investigation, what they think is a sham investigation. and they know also if they think that whatever biden ,which we can all agree, is not someone that you would of voting for. right. if you were running for any office is different than his father. so i have not about. i get it.. okay, i get it. okay, okay. but if one is linked to the other, then it's significant mon and we'll find that out.yo but at this particular moment,
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you just have a lot of videosw right now. but we know thaten lapto the suppression of the hunter biden laptops story affectedn of the election of 2020. that matters, joey. matte that matters, doesn't itrs? the suppression of that storys. matters. >> the hunter biden is anter bi absolutede of a human g okay, that's true about hunter.t but if fatheher has beenthe busi complicit in the business dealings or covering up fo r his son , that does matter because that is who people have to vote for. and republicans ar peoe voe notg for wanting to investigate this, because where there's smoke, there's fire or smoke everywhere. r estigate you are but you're talking aboun musk on twitter. if a platform bans the babylon b for misinformation, they're on the wrong track and they have an agenda. and i hope h e does expose it. i don't hitch myselfe to anybody's wagon. there is no messiao meh. there was one and it was a longs time ago. i don't care if it's es the president. united states, elon musk, kanye west or anybody else that says something radical one day that i believe in. because you're going to saye go something tomorrow. it's going to put meing in
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a corner. so don't praise elon musk. don't praise anybody. anybfind the principles you bele in and reward the people that consistently engage in them. do and if that's what elon musk does now, that's great. but i don't like or trust him any more today than i did before he bought twitter. i don't like or trust twitter. i any more today than i did before he bought it. >> well, again, we'll goht twitt back to the original question. if elon musk has this information, whyy.he has doesn'e just release it? and if he does release it it an and it shows this sort of complicity between the federal e government, democrats and twitter, is that prosecutable?ui >> because that isn't in kind donations to many campaigns.. >> it means the twenty twenty with a bigger issue. it would be and this is wild speculation is if there was any contact between anyone in the federal government and twitter and that were. well, that's a violation of the first amendment. yes. fiperiod. but it's not like there's like a piece of paper that wase's a on ellen's desk when he showed up apias on hit twitter.
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and it's like, oh, well, that's who was involved in it. it requires a huge data dove and he's got other thingslike k on his plate, like keepingee. the advertisers on board. but i find musk is in favor of greater freedom of speech, greater freedom of expression, greater transparencyof, and thea fact that liberactl journalistsl like don lemoniberal and that la at "the washington post" are mostly triggered by this kindll you ells you everything that you need to know. it's pathetic and embarrassing, but it tells you that they sees their jobs as being mouthpieces of the left and advancing the narrative, opinion and worldview of the left wing universe. d dview of ti just love and i jd wher and by the way, where's the outrage and hand-wringing obd self reflectio the outn over accepting an obvious lie about hunter biden's laptop story about it being disinformation? right before a presidential
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election and then silencing actualidential journalists who e the story? >> i just love really pearl clutching. >> i just love that cbs has authenticated the story. yeah, they're on it. it took them two years to complete an investigation, but they complete a twitter boycott in two days.tter >> yes. days. aheaan, it's laughable. all right. we got to go ahead. climate change. protester are getting even more crazy, and it's apparently fuelin and ig nightmares in the studio. >> parents and some attention, home chefs, cooks and foodies. you've just cooked the perfect juicy roast, a traditional cutting boards to make it difficult to carve meats or cut fruits and vegetables. and there is always an annoying mess to clean up. >> introducing the carving king driftless cutting board two one one system carving king's patented and genius two and one
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christmas. it's part of my special free christmas bundle to order your free christmas gift bundle. just visit free christmas bundle .com. >> that's free christmas bundle. .com. i might be a ballerina. i did my job. you say no to my fiancee kids and well, my mom. >> magical princess. if your child is sick over and over again, it could be a serious defect of the immune system early testing gives children a chance to dream up. then i will be pretty. >> visit us at info for puppy dog rather than i think it's time for an intervention.huggin my tree hugging friends. because you're climate osteria is really starting to scare star out of little kids. inout fact,of according to a new survey, over 70% ofpercen children aged seven to 12 say ae
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they are now afraid of climate change. instead of being afraid ofmonsts the normal kid stuff like monsters under a bed of the boogie man, today's kids are hyperventilating ovetoday'sr some polar bears, but it's really no wonder why they're scared. i mean, haveed.have y seen withe lunatics have been doing d a group of climate activists alonoingthey cg themselves to an berlin and shut down airthey traffic. fi bungt they wer ge sniffinglu gle as well. and protesters in italy dumpedll flour all over a sports car painted by andy warhol and just the latest stunt targeting priceless works of art. let'y andy s go to the table on jessica. the andy warhol stunt with a flower a little much, but you have to admit, it was nice to see a painter covered in white powder besides joe biden. >> yes, i desperately have to admit that it was a good warhol joke. >> anyway, you could havu e jusn stuck with the drugs and youto h liked a good one .un i could have been him, too. but i see what you did, a.j. you can't give it it back . kid >> so it makes sense to me that kids would be concerned aboutei this. and i don'r t think those are their parents.
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i think it's normal to teach to kids that what we do affects the environment, not to scare them to i don't want anyone gluing themselves to a van gogh or anything like that. but i think kids should. be aware of what's good.e po >>in i feel like i feel like a the whole point of being a kidge is to be like, shielded from the adversities of adult life. >> you know, people say a verysa liberal perspective. should i think, no, g i can grow up and they should know what their emissions are doing. they'rmissionsto the rest of th >> i don't know, though, aten the age of seven , do you? really want to go seven to i ? well, as an adult, i vat i have had a kid in this age group, rachel , so i will pivott to you, my son lincoln.orried a the climat is not worried about the climate. he's more worried that they're not serving beer at the world cup. s morethat theare noat his age,e we're accelerating adulthood? doby dealing kids? >> and on political adversity, we're selling them lies? first of all, look, wes conser as conservative, we talk a lot about crt in the school and , you know, gender theory in t our schools. we don't talk enough aboutabou g green in our our sch selling a lot of lies. a lot of these young women now don't want to procreate because
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they're afraid that if they have more than one or two kids, they're going to be environmentanmental l terrorist. i think the oil and energy industry has done a terriblerrie ofb of defending themselves, oil and energy givesty us prosperity, lifts people out of poverty. they dt o a good to us. much of the green energy that's being created,ener some the the products, the the evs are baselave labd on labor in and d in africa to get many of the of. the inputs for this for these kinds of things. so it is not we we need to tell the truth. if you're gointhg to be green in schools, then get big energy in there too. so we hear two sides of the story instead of all this. >> you sound weird.use owned gender's you sound, by the way. exactly like my seven year oldtt nephew spot on . >> he says that exact thing. spo she's absolutely right. one of the countries, i thinkin it's norway is trying to sell us on offshore wind.. it would one , it's completely unsustainable here. and we cal causeoney l so much e they're trying to do it, ymay'll make a lot of mone on us maintaining. but, yes, so much of materials come from unethical labor, the
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a lot of it slave about they don't want to talk abouty e that. okay, but let's keep talking. every time one of these little sport punks that doesn't have enough real people problemsi that they're going to go throwua paint onto art. i don't care about art. i don't care about art at all. not every time they do it, i burn a stack of tires just because they're not goingr on m to gete one over on me. >> let me tell you this.want t that's not true. you won't tell me a twelve yeari old is worried about their carbon emissions. carbon emio tell the twelve year old what big ag does to the whole region. egg that ruins the mississippi delta. and we're losing species ofwe'rg fish and wildlif spanie becauset corporate ag is killing ale l the small farmers and we don't have a problem with that. there's a lohat of things thatt have to do with conservate and protecting our environment before we get to losing our energy. that is the end of the line.n te and they focus on that because t they can indoctrinate 18 to t 30 year olds the vote for them like we just saw. >> and who do you think is angry that people glued themselves to the tarmac , right wingers who don't agree with their politics or climateim activist who couldn't takeat ofc in their private jet out there?u
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>> you remember don barb. three years ago. >> now, just i'll just remindin you, i shouldn't be up here.i sd >> i should be in school now. did you can order in the ocean. you have stolen my dreams in my childhood. what? put your empty wes and d with are on the vergef mass extinction. e let me turn that on its head. she is a distraught, terrorizedz child who's miserable,ed who thinks the world is ending because of climate alarmists. because of climate alarmis she was the victim and now n she's the perpetrator. >> yes, she's part of, but the problem. >> but this was a child who wasy frightened to death by people feeding her this garbage. so it's like, what are kids kid being told? if your parentg s drive an suv, you're killing me. that's true. that's a lot of my child and environmental. all right. well, all i'll to say to these
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light hour flight. yottu can see the little brad jumping up and down on top of the table much of the day, to the dismay of the male passenger sitting directly in .ront of her. ,ne person saying, quote their words, not mine.s wh this is why i hate kids, especially this toddler age.adey what it was, is they had just ca talked to thtee head about climate change and about how much that. so the kid was protesting because it'spr always the parens in this it'sep not i the kid. somebody's supposed to step intt and you because the parents clearly weren't. yeah, but if you goi were going to really quickly rank whaterim the most offensive things on a plane are in terms of the mostt bothersome people, it's not kids. i consider kids like fifth because you can get noise canceling headphones and gettin g them out.stands okay, the gu uy that's the moste annoying guy is the guy that stands up the second the plane u lands. younu know that guy i'm like, dude is about thirty five minutes. do we get off this plane?need to i don't need to be in it's the overhead bin standing with a net crane. seco i've has the second guya who i've had the pleasure of flying with twice in the pasth. year who trims his toes on a
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plane. >> buty anyt you want to say ang because you don't want to upset we or i tried that one time i went to high, you knownt, whao do you think about this? hout t is it wrong that i was hoping that the tray tablewould woulsnd again, that's not really the worst i get. s worst dude on the plane is a guy who takes his shoes off and then shoves his hairy footot between the the seats. and it's on your armrest and he hasn't trimmed his toenails. >> that's the worst part since these two are revoking thing re things s i know nothing about. >> jessica, what do you think about it? it's hugelnoabout.y upsetting tt parents let this happen. i've only just startedth happeng with a little person and shetrat can't jump on a tray tableab because you said you check her. yeah, yeah, totally. with the stroller. i just keep her, but i don't hoa know how that was allowed to go. >>on it's crazy. yeah.>> yeah. obviously, this is a parent i halem for sure. >> but i've seen while the drunk stories of peopleanes on airplanes and i would say
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the kid is not the worst behaved ever. ke on it >> here's here's my take on it.o you are putting you're putting yourself in a piece of metal fly and you're flying into co back downorse or to get somewhere that would take weeks on a horse or days th a car. just be thankful we have that yu technology. if you have to listen to a kidte fo wr a little while, i don't know. that's the worst thing about life. you know what?n keep this is why we've my fatherto would not let us go to a restaurant with them until bothm my brother and me couly d say we that. >> all right, we ggo got to go.s one more thing is up next, how everybody's age christmas from the bam. hello. i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night.
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started in 2016 when an arizona grandmother sent a text to who she thought was her grand sunday and her husband. i can't mall received the text. he is not one of her grandsons but let her know he would be attending. the new friends have been getting together for turkey day every day sense. passed away in 2020. still planned a scaled down gathering in his honor. friendship developed into a netflix movie. all the good things about the holidays. >> if i text you are not welcome at my house. i think i will take the bull from here. >> jessica: jimmy, you are up next. >> >> jimmy: i want to wish a happy 14th birthday to my son lincoln failla. he turns 14 today. very hard to imagine it was 14 years ago that maury povich said he was my son.
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hooters true story. this year staying home and wants is he steak and bourbon. >> i love seeing him. that's what jimmy would look like if he were handsome right there. there he is. voices in my head do we have copy on the fox shop in front of me to do really quick on my page the fox shop. >> dagen: last page in your folder, jim? >> jimmy: black friday show on fox news you can save on selects news shop apparel. go to shop dot to check out the sales. >> jessica: absolutely the best promo in fox news. >> jimmy: i think they feel great about that. >> dagen: all new gut tell if he would tonight i'm on it the matt whitaker, kat timpf, agg is
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there himself. and if you want to know who makes these ear rick's. >> jessica: know how to buy them. rachel, you are up. >> rachel: here is a story i loved a man is going to marry a woman. he she has a little daughter. the daughter's biological father has not been involved in this little girl's life. and so the new husband is going to marry the mom he actually proposes to the daughter as well. say i'm going to be your dad. take a look. >> momma say yes? can you be my daughter? i be your daddy? yeah? >> oh. i love you forever, i promise. >> her reaction is just so genuine. so many grown adults walking away with the pain and anguish of not having a dad. that dad is healing that wound and i thought was just beautiful. >> joe: now crying and i have got 30 seconds. real quick you guys know i'm
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