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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  November 27, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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difference in their lives. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, hope you have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on-line or on the trey gowdy pod casted, good night from south carolina, "life, liberty and levin" is up next. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is our special thanksgiving version of "life, liberty and levin." i hope you have a great thanksgiving. i know it cost about 20% more. but these will be the good old days, wait until next year. but, that said, one thing i'm blessed to do is this program. and i'm blessed to have you.
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we make this program depadifferent from most. we don't have a conga line of gifts duking is out, we have a long form interview program. we have one or two guests that is it, i want to go deep with these people and understand what it is they have to offer. we have tried, so you know, over past several years to get what we call i guess smart liberals, that is oxymorinnic on the program, we can't get them on. they don't want to come on. i have given up. instead i just expose you to as many good, smart intelligence people as i can, some of whom you know, some of whom you don't. some of whom are fame out and are not. we'll continue to do that through out the rest of this year, and next year as well. one of the highlights of this program to see is when we have individuals who have
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written textbooks. -- fantastic books, i very much enjoy reading them and having them on the program to discuss with, what it is they wrote about. it is not easy to write a book, you are out there, intellectually naked and you have to defend or make your case, i find it interesting. what we're doing this program, is to show you gain against some of the outstanding interviews from the past year. of individuals just like that. that is not to say that there are not others, there were others but we have a one hour program, i have taken up almost 10 minutes, let's jump in with one of our greatest legal minds senator ted cruz. >> justice corruptive. this book could not be more important than today.
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ted cruz, out on tuesday. it is important to read this before the repeal. real election, what about january 6. what do you make of how people are being prosecuted. they don't seem to be cigaretti -- segregating the people from violence and nonviolent. >> this book is first insides account of what happened on january 6, i take reader through the events of 2020 election to january 6, i take them through evidence of election fraud and voter fraud, which democrats and corporate media insists does not exist. i walked them through l
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litigation and my being asked by lawyers in pennsylvania case. i walk you in the book through president trump asking me when the texas case of the supreme court if the supreme court took the texas case if i would argue that, i told president trump i would be happy to, i walked them through that day on january 6. where in the days beforehand i worked to assemble a coalition of 11 senators to stand up and object and demand an election commission to examine the es evidence of voter fraud, and trying to keep that coalition together, standing up and objecting and walk through the riot that happened, work to keep senators together, some were getting wobbly, and i walked them through the narrative to understand what happened, if you are at home talking to people about january 6, lleft used wildly politicize term like insurrection, that is political garbage.
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anyone that uses that word is engaged in partisan spin. i walked through what happened this day, the contrast your question is right, what biden doj, uses actions of a handful of people to that day who committed accidents of violence, anyone who commits an act of violence you should be p prosecuted that is true whether i agree with you or disagree. if you assault a cop you go to jail. what biden doj has used violence access of a view to target and smear the tens of thousands of peaceful protesters who were in washington on january 6. the t tens of millions of conservatives and trump voters and the d double standard is ridiculous. paused at same time they ignore the antifa rioters
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and black lives matter rioters, kamala harris bailed out of jail violent protestors who were engaged in blah black black lives matter and antifa programs, i ask why, january 6 prisoners treated differently from other prisoners, they are questions that doj, were it fair and impartial would be willing to answer, they stonewall. you want to know the stakes of this election are rule of law, we revere the constitution and the rule of law, why do we have prosperity in america, where much of the developing world does not, because we had the rule of law because our judicial system is not just a political weapon to persecute the enemies of the president, under barack obama and now joe biden, that is what it is becoming, that is dangerous. mark: book justice corrupted, how left
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weaponnized our legal system, what would you say about law enforce. in general. >> police officers across the country are heroes, that they feel demoralized and undermined by democrats and the radicals in this party, one thing that i talk about is how president biden nominated and every democrat voted to confirm not one but three of the leading pro proponents of abolishes and defunding police to senior positions at different of justice. and talk about ge george soros prosecutor, put millions in terms of electing radicals who let violent criminals go and talk about -- waukesha christmas parade murderer, the mass murderer who drove his suv into the crowd, he
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went in and out with left wing soros prosecutor that kept letting him go, that is radicali radicalized and dangerous, you talk about marxist a lot this goes into critical race theory and and -- they come in and say, one of ways that undermine our criminal justice system is to take over the role of prosecutor and refuse to lock of criminals. and that danger is profound, you and i, neither one of us' to see a republican department of justice or a democrat department of the justice, we want to see a department of justice and fbi that follows the law fairly and impartially.
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engaged in a corrupt persecution with hillary clinton party, and let me say this, last time i went on your show was my last book, one vote away. it shot to number one on amazon bestseller list, we have leased when ruth bader ginsburg died. this book i am h hopeful we'll see the same thing, i have to say this doj on exercises every day the abuse of power that we're talking about, this book explains why. mark: he was great. one of it greatest leaders of our time, reelection as prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ luxury exemplified.
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innovation electrified. with apple music seamlessly integrated. the all-new, all-electric eqs suv from mercedes-benz.
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mark: welcome back to this special thanksgiving episode of "life, liberty and levin ." "bibi: my story" is a fantastic book about natalia bryant, he hand wrote the entire book himself, over a period of about 12 months when he was out of power, he will be prime minister again, longest serving prime
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minister in history of israel, it is a fascinating book. let's check it out again. >> i want to stard not at the beginning mr. prime minister, but with something that is existential to our countries, this regime in iran. now, president trump had his foot on the throat of this regime, he got rid of deal obama administration. is working at break-neck speed to get their nukes. >> i think it will be height of folly to enable iran to get nuclear w weapons. what we're seeing in world today is danger of aggression armed with nuclear weapons, iran, will
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be worse thing you can imagine, they chant d death to israel, but they also chant death to america, we're the small satan but you are the big satan. you will be held hostage forever. you have seen what it is like with a rogue regime like north korea with nuclear weapons, and half of asia is quaking in fear. they could reach you here. to have the ayatollahs committed to destruction of our way of life and chants death to america have to them have nuclear weapons is nothing short of folly. it has to be stopped. i have devoted a lot of my time to stopping it i think that any responsible policy on part of united states should do that. it should not facilitate the iran deal that paves highway
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with gold with billions of dollars for iran to become a threshold nuclear state, it should work the opposite. >> do you think that administration in israel headed by lapides had been effective in confronts iran. >> no, i think that they give lip service to the opposition to the upcoming nuclear deal because the majority of public is against it. the way that you galvanize this opposition to go to the u.n., and draw a red line to u.s. congress, which i did, it was a very difficult decision to go to joint session of congress and oppose policies of a sitting president, where the u.s. is our ally was not an easy thing to do, i wrote about that in my book of memoirs, i said when you have a regime that is openly
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calling for the th the -- an i'll be of the jewish state i h had no choice. i did it in every forum, and every meeting with leaders. iran's nuclear weapons threaten us and they threaten you and the peace of the world, you do not want a fanatical islamist regime to be armed with nuclear weapons. >> the book is "bibi: my story," you can get it at or at any major bookstore in united states what was your relationship and you write about these things in the book. -- your relationship like with barack obama? >> it started out in a
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janitor's office in airport in washington. he was a senator then, we had a good meeting, i looked forward to cooperating with him in case he was elected. when we both got elected we mmet in israel, he said to me what i said to him, we came out of opposite sides of the political spectrum. we're pragmatic enough to work together for our country's interest. at least i hoped. but in some things we did. but in iran question, and palestinian question, our ways parted. i thought that obama was not a w weak person, i thought he was strongly committed to his beliefs, they were just in my opinion on these crucial matters the wrong beliefs, we had a clash when i realized he was
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pursuing a deal with iron that nominally to prevent, iran from getting nuclear weapons, but it was allowing iran with american and international seal of approval to develop -- to become a threshold nuclear state with a break out time with obama himself would be zero. you know, i thought, this is something i cannot accept. i can not accept the idea of containing iranian nuclear weapons, i believe in prevents them from having them. i sought to apply everything that i had, including when necessary taking the very difficult decision of confronts a sitting america president and his policies. mark: and joe biden on this subject, you were prime minister for a period of time when he was president.
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and you have hamas raining missiles down. on your country and you talk about this in your book. "bibi: my story," what was joe biden's reaction? >> well biden, whom i have known for 40 years. since he was a young senator in washington. he always says, bibi, i love you, about i don't agree with a word you say. high agreed when -- he agreed when hamas was firing rockets at israel. we retailated. it was supportive. he was the supportive throughout our right right to exercise civil defense did you he was under great pressure of a certain wing of the democratic party, he started saying you
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have to end it i said no, joe, i have to continue until we accomplish our objectives that took about 10 days. i would say, the american pressure and the israeli action met at point where we completed our objective, we stopped. i think that biden is sympathetic to israel but his policy on this, unfortunately reflects his policy on palestinian question, and on iran. i think is also misdirected. i am try trying to be a diplomat here, it is wrong for people to seek to contain an i -- iranian nuclear weapon.
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no. that is something that will not advance peace. i think that you need strong leadership to reinstate a credible military threat on iran, that is the on'ly thing that will stop them, if you look at rogue countries, that and i write it in the book, the rogue country that try to develop nuclear weapons, one was saddam hussein's iraq, stopped and second syria and libya stopped by military action. fourth was north korea, there was no military threat. there was a series of agreements which north korea violated and the result is they have a nuclear arsenal that can threaten you. and fi cir is iran for one year alone after second gulf war thought that
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america would take action against it, they suspended their -- after a year they realized there of no threat. they have been going at it. i have -- as i said, i d devoted a good many years, to do everything in my power to stop them, stop them through military action, and political action, i think that it requires american leadership. to stop iran to prevent evan from having nuclear weapons and proposed agreement is the opposite of what is required. mark: we'll be right back.
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in the air dangled in a power line. there are 3 people in the wreckage they are not hurt. but they could up there for a while, rescuers try to figure out how to get them down, and as many as 80 thousand homes in the vicinity lost power, when the plane careened into the power lines, authorities say they need to rescue the people in the aircraft before they can start to restore the power. we will be keeping an eye on this developing story, and keep you updated on the rescue effort. plane hit the lines around 5:30 this evening. i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: kayleigh mcenany, a real class act, here is the book, it sip spiring and about facing. about belief. and how it affects your evevery day life, did
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you have to reach down deeply in your faith when you came under attack, they did not treat you like jen psaki. >> oh, i did. you look at things that they would ask, any of the reporters, they were absurd questions, i went back and i was watching a briefing, i am flipping through pages in my binder, i was asked a question by a quote, unquote serious reporter, is the president glad that the south lost the civil war to which you could see me stop flipping the pages and look up, bemused by this question, i said there is no such thing as a dumb question but that was dumb, i was asked a lot of questions, with shouting over mias a spoke, interesting to difference, jen psaki, someone shouted over her and the white house press got program and said,
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we may punish this person, i said where were you during the entire duration of my tenure when people were yelling. it took me digging up on diet with peter 3-5. >> a different question. health never be asked that question. tell us about your faith. how you practice your faith. >> instrumental to my life, i lean it to. before my first briefing, my parents got on the phone and we prayed together, last thing i did was get on my knees, say a prayer and walked to the podium. podium. i had is a serenity as if
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irp were there my whole life, it is a relationship with my savior, i was raised southern baptist, i went to all girl 's catholic school but my f faith is so much more, we had a lot of tough times. i found refuge and most powerful building in the world, sometime most challenging. mark: you are a cancer survivor. >> baraka 2. i have a genetic mew mmutation. i rail find refuge in my faith. that was such a time as well. on may one was my double mastectomy. my mom had one before me, i
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look to very strong women before me. i took action and took my chances down to zero. i'm thankful for all women who came before me. mark: what do you say to people who are facing these life and death decisions about faith? >> i say this, ask god, if he is out there. challenge god, i heard a story about underground church someone who was not a believer but challenged god, it was encouraged to do so, he showed up in a powerful way. in a healing way. if you are on a life and death decision, that will challenge him. are you there, ask the question, show up, i promise you. he did that for me, my faith became real, i was in a very lonely spot. my parents were not availablable to talk on the phone, i said, god if you
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are out there i have to hear from you, i got a phone call, they said this is journey church. how can we pray for you, that moment that someone i don't know who that person was changed my life. i got a call that forever changed my life. mark: i want to thank you for your service to the country, outstanding, and thank you for how you dell with media, you did it with class and grace, you were always prepared, you came with your notebook, fantastic. the going, for such a time as this. my faith jo journey through the white house and beyond, you will love the book,, she wrote it from her heart, a fantastic book. >> thank you, as a young conservative, have looked up to you for a long time. a lot of people doing what
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they are doing because of you, and others like you, but you are -- stand alone, mark levin, it shows. mark: you are very kind. very sweet, god bless you very much kayleigh mcenany. >> thank you. mark: coming up next one of most solid conservative senators in united states, a very smart man, combat veteran, who also had a lot to tell us that year. senator tom cotton. we'll be right back. ss the coun, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping...
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mark: welcome back america. senator tom cotton is more of the more intelligent senator in u.s. senate, he wrote a new book, not just about foreign policy. is crucially important. but about the progress of movement. and ideology that serves this movement and how dangerous it is to the country. and how it, it embraced by
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the biden administration, very important book. only the strong. reversing the left's plot to sabotage american power. >> here we go. mark: i look at china, i think to myself, why isn't there more of an urgency in this kaj administration and congress to build up our military, our military is flat. china is on the move with bases all over the world with w weapon systems they did not have 5 years ago. xi is now dec a dictator for life. is this a time where president should give a speech and rally the nation for preparation. >> joe biden cannot bring him self to mention the name china. he talked about how we don't
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seek a cold war, we didn't seek one with soviet russia either. when there are cro country wages one against you, the otherly choice you have to win or lose, this has been typical of his career to late 1980s, and 90s when so soviet russia was on the ropes, joe biden favored a policy of appease am. to china. he favored letting them in w.h.o. and celebrating china's rise, said they welcome it, he said that the last presidential campaign as well. an example how joe biden does not recognize the threats from a brutal communist regime in china, just like he didn't recognize it in cold war as i layout in only the strong.
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mark: this is endemic it his party. the candidates that are running, you look at these candidates this is like whose who of who worse than the next, fetterman, warnock beasley, ryan, kelly, mcmillion, demings. could you do worse? >> no you really couldn't. sometimes democrats try to meddle in republican primaries. we don't need to do, that democrats do a good job of nominating radicals. we can't afford to let any of these radicals win. they want support the and obama-biden approach of c sabotaging american power, and weakening our military, and keeping our borders wide open, and strangling american fossil fuel
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production. this is so important we elect republican majority in house and senate to begin to put a curve on radical democratic idea logical agenda. mark: putting aside rank and file democrats. you see their so-called masterminds throughout media. what is the purpose of the democrat party other than take down the united states as it exists? >> i believe you see that in their statements. their political leadership often times will not say it publicly, joe biden pretending he wants lower gas price, mark my word the day after the eel al election they will d continue their war with fossil fuels. they have a deep ambevilance
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about america. they think that world and america would be better if we pull in our horns atone for our sins, and apologized for our past. we know that is not a recipe for success but defeat it would make america more dangerous, less free and impoverished. mark: after the break, shocking insight from one of my favorite intellectual screen writers, david mamet. he has a sharp mind, very much worth listening to and we will w when we come back.
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mark: welcome back. david mehm mamet is a courageous man, imagine being a conservative in hollywood these days. he wrote a fantastic book. we had him here months ago. i just want to remind you, of who this man is, how he thinks and his fantastic book. >> so what is the reaction in the entertainment community on the west coast to you? >> well, i'm very fortunate, i came to hollywood as a successful playwright. idea of something being an industry that was absentee to my mind. i am a man of the theater, it was an art. it was full of marvelous
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people and a bunch of parasites. i came out here to the industry, i found out that because it wasn't an art it was a business. because it was an art it didn't have artists or people but very people in it who were in it to do something yummy, that is migmy -- great gift that god gave me to do stuff that was yummy. hollywood is always a city of hustlers, and they will always go with the flow and ride with the tide, the moving after world war ii, the american movies were garbage. i get it to pass the time, but we were not here because it was a successful industry. and day w to do
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anything to protect saying, i don't want to get caught with no chair when the music stops. i had a great career in hollywood, i wrote movies and directed them for 40 years, and a bunch of television. show the business does not owe me anything, i am suffsorry it has died, everything dies. i had a great time. mark: you are a a man of faith. ya man of faith. were you always a man of faith. are you more of a man of faith as you get older. >> absolutely, i was a fallen away j jew, and i
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do know understand judaism until i got married. it has been -- a tree of life, i was looking at what happened to america. i have to understand t the -- the forum. about what is the form. every form has 7 certain requirements, i realized it a biblic biblical, epic. the natural turning point of any civilization, prosperity to a point that brings civilization down something must be done, we have two choices to let to die and the other say we have aged time to reexamine it and have a vigorous old age,
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like saying you are 75, either oh, i am dead or god has granted me more days, let me figure out what i can do. mark: at ch core of it america lost what? culturally and politically? would you say. describe it. >> we lost belief in god. if you don't believe in god, you can't be grateful, if you are not grateful and you are prosperous what happens? they get terrified. why am i hir here. they can't say god put me here let me figure it out, they either tern turn to becomes slaves or tyrants,
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what happened to the individual citizen, that citizen took his strength from god. mark: pretty much when the declaration of independence say you have politicians like obama and others they read it, they leave out the part about the cr creator. at the founding of this nation is the judeo-christian belief system, they talk about it, god given rights, that right and wrong is the s same thing whether you are born in america or china. good and bad is the same thing regardless of who you are. mark: i have a few final words. we'll be right back. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small.
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mark: welcome back america. we heard from some of the
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best. about why this is a great country, and why we need to maintain it what to we have to be thankful for? our family. our faith. our god. our friends. and our country. we have to be thankful for one another. we have to be than thankful for fact we still have free speech and freedom of association, for the fact that we're able to communicate with each other. we have to be t thankful for fact millions of us who understand the perils we face, we're not rolling over and playing dead, we have men and women in uniform all over the world who put their lives on the line, so we can live lest we the life we want to live, and great blue line, despite fact that police officers, have been smeared. ry k we know better. we have to be thankful for 7
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types of politicians, who do give up everything. to represent us. to did w do who they can to save this great country. i personally am thankful for you. every sunday. coming to watch this program, in huge unprecedented numbers and i am grateful to upeople in this audience, i never take you for granted, i respect you and i dl thank god you are there and you can spread world of liberty, remember liberty dud does not come easy, it can be easily lost, tyranny takes advantage. i know these are daunting times, i know sometimes things seem overwhelming. sometimes it seems that clouds are always dark. but always remember this, god is on our side.
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you have your family. we have one another. we are not going to permit this country to sink, it's just not going to happen, not on our watch, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." >> when "the next revolution" be in china? as chinese people take to the streets to call for an end to authoritarian lockdown censorship and president xi's rule. good evening hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. life tonight on this holiday weekend.


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