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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  November 28, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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gotten one of these we did know what to do with it you want someone do with it? [laughs] [laughs] >> i'm nothing seen anything like that. >> how long did it take you? >> hey that's critical. so go and one week he got his first ball game in 12 years. congratulations jason that's it for us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: happy monday. welcome back. yes, yes, yes. yes, let it wash over me like a warm bath. but you're wondering what became of the ontario school teacher
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prosthetic? and does it involve skydiving? with a self-described conservative. it does. it does. which means that it's time f for -- ♪ ♪ >> if it happens up here we report it down here. canada 2023. ♪ ♪ >> 2023. we are in week 11 i believe, here's what we have been reporting to bring you up to speed. according to the toronto sun, she, who was once a key decided to wear a massive prosthetic to class. the school board still stands by a teacher we know the choice. [laughs]
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[laughs] >> greg: there's been upset parents and aroused and confused babies, so welcome to canada. you can't spell identity. we don't know if this is indeed a real thing, prank, or a prank gone wrong. the school board where she teaches have come up and support of the teachers literally in your face fetish. how about a little common sense? women don't even look like that in my dreams. [laughs] so i walk you through this for a reason, because nobody else has. as our obligation to provide all of the coverage that is missing in this story. this is our wheelhouse, and it helps that the teachers every go lives are the of wheels. do no actual work of my own or anyone here for that matter, we have stumbled onto some actual real news. the shop teacher was recently pictured in all ferments, skydiving.
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both pilots initially reported as a collision of weather balloons. [laughter] [laughter] no joke apparently she was skydiving with a male. that's what some might call the teacher. he claims that he didn't know who she was before she jumped out of the plane. he also claimed that due to your height and size taken on a tandem skydive was a challenge. it's the first time that she told if the shoe doesn't open you'll be fine if you land facedown. this raises the key question only to show has the guts to a ask. do they weigh what they are supposed away, or are they hollow? lightbend inflatable doll i may or may not have owned in the 90s. this is key, because of it in transition and make the change more than just an attention seeking fetish, shouldn't it be the real way to? and if not, is this trans
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teacher guilty of stolen valor? thank you. how about all the natural women who suffer with agonizing back pain like dolly parton. sofia vergara, and this guy. [laughter] [laughter] [applause] [applause] because if they were truly the true weight, you couldn't skydive with a separate parachute for each and that's assuming that it clears the plans weight restrictions for takeoff. on any normal flight you have to put them in the back of the plane with the checked baggage. so these may be sized at triple z but a good guess by her easy movement, the are empty as joy reid's head. [applause] [applause] ou people. so she has packed her own flotation devices and if there's a water landing, she can pontoon the whole crew to safety.
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talk about a miracle on the hudson. the toronto sun, a paper says the teacher remains on leave to an injury not suffered at school. which requires or to wear a boot on her foot. so, how does she hurt her foot of reporter would ask. did she get caught when she was putting on her? maybe she fell off the stage during a wet tarp contest. now -- she can't teach shop class. she can skydive. so what is a tell us? that the on leave things as genuine as her doritos size hubcaps. that's another word. this could be yet another twist to the best trolling ever. so you say teachers can't identify however they want and force on the students question were cool, i would like to order the double taj mahal.
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and as you sit in the home for an injury? cool, a goal skydiving with my massive belief and everything, i love this person i would hug her if my arms were four times larger. the wig came off quicker than justin trudeau's blackface. you would think, when you think eight shop teacher would've bolted it down? the daily mail which reported on this says it's not clear what the relationship is if there's any between voodoo, the woman, man now woman. so we expected to believe that this monster just randomly selected the only conservative skydiver on earth to pull off the stone. something smells fishy, but once it's not me. but i don't care. what you do care about is how identity has embraced fetishism. once we've obliterated the binary nature of gender, any summits of sanity is gone. man can identify as a cartoon
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fetish, scribbled on a bathroom wall in eighth grade. or a jesse watters case last tuesday. [laughter] he does all the time. and if you don't abide, that you are the villain. even if the truth is staring back at you with shot glass s size. on rejection of standards. let's anything be a woman, anything, making womanhood meaningless. because being a woman is more than simply some guy who gets off dressing planet size. according to the trans movement can be. if i were a woman i would be passed, who is to say i'm not? [cheers and applause] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guest, she puts the liberals in their place with a smaller face. mercedes schlapp. [cheers and applause] he's like fonzie wears a leather jacket and as honest as in the men's room, nick gillespie.
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[applause] she is on the no-fly list after an exterminator sprayed her condo. fox news contributor kat timpf. [cheers and applause] he breaks the ice by walking across the arctic, met massive sidekick, heavyweight champion, tyrus. [cheers and applause] i was just thinking mercedes, it's the name her would make as they jump out right? they go back and they lap? >> mercedes: the deaf in happened when she jumped out of the plane. >> greg: this the third time you been on the show and we talked about it. >> mercedes: every time the story comes up, i'm on the show. [laughs] [laughs] >> kat: there were more times. i know because i've been there.
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>> mercedes: will i feel targeted and i feel like i should go up to canada and interview. >> greg: do you think that they've introduced a new variable, a conservative adult film star that did being played? >> mercedes: elites are not going skinny-dipping and scuba diving i would be a huge problem if you try to submerge herself into the water waiting about that? [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: the skinny-dipping is really interesting. >> mercedes: this gets complicated. >> greg: it does get collocated. >> nick: what is a conservative? >> tyrus: can only wears one turtleneck when he films. >> greg: this feels a good reality show happen. conservative, a male to female trans woman with triple z.
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cubed. loam at their what you think annette? by the way this is your first time discussing it it's okay for bit overwhelmed. >> nick: i am a bit overwhelmed. these canadian stories if it doesn't involve lightfoot i don't think it's real. i dig is made up. >> greg: they better take care. not a major joke, howdy searcy feel? >> nick: i cannot believe it's only monday, i feel clear so far down the greasy flagpole i'm without speech. this is deeply disturbing to me and i don't know where my life went wrong that i'm sitting here talking you? [laughs] [laughs] on the most popular late-night show in human history, you've more viewers. >> greg: when you know how to get applause and i like that about you. >> nick: thank you. >> greg: when you were getting put on? >> nick: i think canada is the funniest place on earth and this
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is honestly made up. [applause] >> greg: tyrus welcome back, i will be able lovely holiday. >> tyrus: this has to stop. [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: me doing the story? >> tyrus: yes, there is no we. were not asked on this. this is your secret thing and the only way to end this is listen, we will take the night off, have her down you have or one-on-one safety minute interview and get to the bottom of it. because we are fed up, we are tired. >> greg: are a target for her too? >> tyrus: we think that you need help. [laughter] what bothers me the most about this, women always seem to be there was get attacked and the same thing about it that faisal and how dare you, but it's not how women are women act. you are identifying with stuff used on the internet or
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fantasies, edition. it's like when you're 13, 14 efforts view that you see in you suddenly think all women, whatever conversation you have ends with them wanted to have with you and he gone to the real world when you say high they don't say anything. that is reality women are like this. this is not normal behavior. this is her fantasy try to portray and then she wants the same protection. this is not it. >> greg: do you think this is what this is? >> tyrus: i think it's meant the whole thing, it's just for you. your turn to be a fantasy of what of doing impersonation. we talk about what cried five times a day, i can't make my mind on a restaurant. those are stereotypes, no. you're just undecided person that's not what it means to be a woman. >> greg: you're absolutely right because you see the incense way in these kind of
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stereotypes. >> tyrus: they're not portraying what is to be a wo woman. they're living in their dysphoria fantasy what a woman is what actually. that's why do not women in my eyes. >> greg: kat ago do you, dysphoria, or prank? >> kat: you said most women are like this, but most ran people are. [laughs] [laughs] people in general are not doing this. >> nick: i also want to mention not most shop teachers. [laughs] [laughs] >> kat: most skydivers. [laughs] we've done is just so much i just don't know what else to say about it anymore. i'm about to say summing up that i'd never say which is if anybody in canada wants to reach out to me. let me know if there's any other take on this thing.
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okay, i do want to know what injury involves wearing a boot on your foot and you can go to work, but you can skydive. i would like to use that the next time we talk about this. [laughs] [laughs] there will be a next time. >> greg: there is, because were getting an answer that question over my dead body. that i say that? >> tyrus: if you try to catch her will be over your dead body. [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: it just shows you what a fearless journalist i am against their judgment -- >> mercedes: i understand with you. other people are covering justin trudeau in the drag show, i know that was outrageous. [laughs] [laughs] i think i was mine. >> tyrus: i think your go to on the ground reported. >> greg: all right. we have to move on to some real news. actually that was run news come
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up next chinese patriots resists ocommunist lockdowns. and make them ?we squ from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. ♪ ♪ this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: welcome back. that i do it? thank you, that is toast, but he still got banned at "the washington post." protest picked over the weekend and major cities across china including beijing, shanghai, anger boiling over like a pot of bad soup. after nearly three years of lockdowns on the countries zero covid policies. much less effective than their let's give the whole world covid policy. [laughs] [laughs] [applause] i will take it.
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and while most protesters want to see an end of arbitrary restrictions they call for the chinese leader to step down. i wonder if there's a word in mandarin for he will be dead soon. that kind of opposition against the chinese communists has not been seen in decades, but for now the government isn't showing any signs of backing down. no matter how many spies had a - i will give of your country old man. meanwhile "the washington post" continues to compete for the world's most detestable person over 40. by defending china's zero covid policies. a middle-aged woman called out her own paper story but a critical flaw in beijing's strategy tweeting, you can get covid over and over and over again because there's so many endlessly evolving strains and
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antibodies. also choosing not to kill off millions of vulnerable people as the u.s. is doing is a critical flaw. so that's interesting take, she is the first person argue the covid will also be with us we should always be locked down m man. in the meantime twitter reported they had a tough time and with blocking is the protest. the chinese accounts tweeting out links to, escort services and other adult sites. it's a distraction strategy that seems only work with some journalists. [laughter] [applause] nick, this is amazing in the sense that what taylor lorenz is saying is that cobras can be run forever is that she basically concluding thing must be locked down forever? i think she ever her house. >> nick: the d.c. public schools insist that today the kids had to have a negative
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covid test to go back to. in that sense covid lockdowns, it's disastrous and i don't think that this is no example that we should be falling for the chinese government. >> greg: they been really good about other stuff. >> nick: and the idea that they've had virtually no covid deaths is obscene summing that we should take with the shop teacher size grain of salt. right? >> greg: i didn't bring it up how does that make you feel? >> kat: i don't feel anything. [laughs] >> nick: much like the shop teacher. >> greg: if we keep doing these lockdowns you never to get better is feeling it sicker because they don't have natural immunity. all there's no real natural media anywhere. so what you plan on this? >> kat: of no one is ever
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invited her anywhere. so she loves the lockdowns. i don't know who sees what's happening in china and is unlike, they are so lucky. you're so lucky that they live there that things are like that there. answers like oil was only saying that i just think it is a matter we are saying something to sing always sucks. i never have ever heard her say a single good point ever so it's kind of touch although she does make good content for a show like this. we see what's happening in china the only reasonable take is that that's why we have to be allowed to have guns. they go. [applause] [applause] >> g>> greg: isn't it weird to e left is being supportive on our regime? >> tyrus: the unaffected what she was out here in the starbucks on the wood vegan mark decided to discuss what was going on china with covid.
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it's virtual signaling from you will have no business targeting. this is how bad the lockdown w was. this isn't an american protest we can go out for buff the police get in her face. act a fool and only do anything. they will allow you to do it and will you seek to things for why buildings burning down. this is china. everybody who goes out there understands that they might not get home that night. or if they do get home, they might slip out the window of their apartment that they're stacked up on. there are real-life consequences for protesting. that's how bad it is. so for her to have any, or first of all why we even looking for any kind of -- do you think and what said hey what are your thoughts on this? i think she just needs the attention. it's so bad the lockdown, that they're willing to risk their life to stand up for it and this is one of the first times were protest all over of the same thing. usually china's pretty good about putting a stop on that
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because that's how bad the lockdowns are. our lockdowns weren't as bad as they over in china, but we are still dealing with the side effects. it took all the mental health issues were having, the violence who are having, the promise of educating her get her kids back on track. douses a short -- in this to want to play these games because it's unaffected idiots like her who talk about stuff they should not be talk about. then they want us up and pushed on for people who try to restore life we say enough in china. >> greg: odd people don't realize that there are these other consequences of lockdowns you may not get this. i think traffic decks jumped like crazy because the people who were on the road were driving so fast because a few people in the road, the fewer cops, so they had more fatalities. using these proteins will have any effect? because it is china though do what they want like tyra says. they can question whenever they want. >> mercedes: this taylor chick as i get to karen and she looks like she is about 12 cats that she talks to single day.
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[laughter] to get their opinion on what to do in terms of the chinese commonest government. look at, they are two options here, either you stand with a communist, or easting with the protests who are risking their lives, risking their families, risking their safety. because the crackdown is can be huge. we know this, from the communist government, these people are in a weakened position and it's heartbreaking to watch what is happening. and quite frankly, take karen -- medicine and food and see if she can even survive a day in chinese communists, and eight chinese communist regime. it's horrific in my heart goes out to the chinese protesters, but look it's can be very tough to defeat the commonest government. quite frankly when you vigil by the administration giving a week in response on china, it just shows that we ourselves, the united states and the zonation are not standing up against the
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communist. >> greg: all right. >> nick: u.s. different of these protests are doing anything? i a couple weeks ago went to a human rights rally organization called human rights foundation meeting in new york. the guy who runs it said, all of these protesting places like venezuela, china, cuba, nothing happens until finally you get to a point where the guys with guns for putting them at their own people say i'm done not doing this. these protesters are moving that needle in china. it's horrifying, terrifying, but eventually something will ch change. >> mercedes: this way no one should take away your guns from law-abiding citizens that is it. >> greg: we have to go, a mix she took her tesla off theaded streets because she hates elon musk's tweets. [applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really?
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party. regurgitating more malarkey see that was fun. center claiming that elon musk's twitter is a health concern. sing for eight bucks, someone can impersonate the cdc put out harmful information which might conflict with the cdc's official harmful information. [applause] [applause] >> greg: meanwhile, meanwhile former actress melissa milano on twitter she got rid of her twitter for an volkswagen instead. pretty trashy if you ask me you didn't see me tweeting when i trade my ferrari for another ferrari. i guess she wanted a car with more range than her acting. she tweeted that i gave back my tesla, i bought the bmw and i love it i'm not sure how advertisers can buy space on twitter, probably trading companies, products being pushed in the line with hayden weiser premises doesn't seem to be a
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winning business model. yeah, that'll show elon musk. she accuses his twitter be a pie from of hate and white supremacy since he took over. and like package it blow up in her face. she got this picture of hitler with a model of the vw bug. [applause] [applause] how do you applaud hitler. later did alyssa know that it was founded in the 30s, you should've heard what they were saying on twitter, wow. meanwhile ice-t, the wrapper down the beverage, tweeted the hypocrites people hate so much that they're leaving twitter, but it still drive us cars. the way people protest nowadays confuses the fnma i wonder what the f stood for? what is right, at some is like making a song called cop killer
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and then playing a cop on law and order for 20 plus years. [applause] >> tyrus: people change, people change they grow. >> greg: alyssa milano had nothing but a twitter stocker of elon musk, just loved him, loved him, now they will pay atte attention. >> tyrus: oh, dear, sweet greg. no, no as we say to someone special. [laughs] 's view when you really think i'm special? all that sweet. [laughs] >> tyrus: so special. we need to put you in a package and drop in the river somewhere. [laughs] it's about the spotlight, it's not about facts greg. i just matter that she drove her tesla because she would try to save the whales? it's because she had a spotlight. then everybody did a greg. >> greg: that was no longer cool. >> tyrus: are not getting attention for this, so now the new thing is i am. michael president donald trump,
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i'm leaving the country. somehow they stayed. she is trading in, she showing let the wheels die. because twitter is so bad. she is willing to buy hitler's favorite car. [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: i feel bad for vw it's been a long time. >> tyrus: yeah, some things you just can't let go. you know? like if you try to bring the mustache back he be like, look on charlie chaplin, no your little hitler. you just can't bring it back. it's a good look but you can't bring it back. >> greg: when you can't bring it back. >> kat: didn't ted bundy have one? [laughs] >> tyrus: like the mustache, you can bring her back either. she wants to be in the spotlight, so now she's hunting at the light. >> greg: way to wrap it up tyrus. >> tyrus: that's what i do. >> greg: doesn't matter matter for its guns, or ideas, or this case words so is a threat to public health.
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that way they make it so broad that they could say, if i disagree i'm actually a threat to public health. >> mercedes: yeah you are. look, i agree with senator it is a public health concern. because liberals are becoming filled with anxiety, filled with depression, the snowflakes, i mean her having meltdowns. it's a total public health safety issue for the poor snowflakes. a spill in which we do for them question what i want to help them. [laughs] [laughs] >> mercedes: they should buy tesla's. [laughs] [laughs] i do feel sorry for the vw owners, can you imagine if you have one right now you look ashamed. let me traded for tesla, so i she think that she is on a great service elon musk. >> greg: i got to be honest i never knew that vw -- i didn't think about googling it. >> kat: i don't research the ethics of anything.
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[laughs] >> greg: henry ford was kind of a jerk too. >> kat: you never buy anything. people do all the time i'm like okay, you know your phone with probably made by people who didn't really want to be making phones. >> greg: right, in china. this entire show is made in haiti. i'm not even the real greg gutfeld i'm just some guy they pay in coins. from a fountain. [laughs] >> kat: that's why got a kind of feel bad for her because i think everyone knows that. so she didn't really want to do this in order to i don't know, why do people do things that are morally right? on her no. orality points? and how it works? she wanted attention for the tweet and now she's getting the wrong kind of attention. >> tyrus: she wanted to tweet from elon musk. she wanted to be aoc, she's getting the shine some to say something you want to talk to me, and them to be back on top. and then who's the boss?
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: nice i see what you did there. >> kat: i didn't get it. >> greg: the funny thing about who's the boss -- it's a tv show based on hitler's life. a lot who will know that alyssa milano she made her money off hitler. >> tyrus: played by tony da danza. >> greg: exactly, the sonic in my throat. >> nick: august he to want to. what are your thoughts? nobody's leaving twitter. and even like cbs news i will point was like rock and advertise on twitter because we don't know what's going on like yeah. on twitter. ice-t is correct nobody's leaving twitter. >> greg: that is true, that is true. it is weird. it is a form of sadness, but we will get over it.
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this doesn't bother me. nothing bothers me. [laughs] i am dead inside. [laughs] >> tyrus: like a rock. >> greg: coming up, just >> greg: coming up, just losingng in our benefit white power?n? [applause] nice. kevin, where are you... kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. ♪ avoiding triggers but can't keep migraines away? qulipta® can help prevent migraines. you can't always prevent what's going on outside... that's why qulipta® helps what's going on inside. qulipta® gets right to work. in a 3-month study, qulipta® significantly reduced monthly migraine days and the majority of people reduced them by 50 to 100%. qulipta® blocks cgrp
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♪ ♪ >> everything is racist. >> greg: everything is racist. cnn suggests that daylight savings time might as well be a hate crime. new c in an online article titled daylight saving time sheds light on lack of sleep to support disproportionate areas of committees of color. if you're having trouble sleeping try reading that article. the piece explains that daylight savings time can cause sleep issues and sleep issues can cause health problems, and since minority have my more health problems all the clocks which you must be hurting them more than it hurts white people.
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that's a bigger reach the dana perino opening a car door. the correlation does noise mean causation, dog owners tend to be healthier not because of the dog, but because of all the walking. that's why got a dog my assistant is so much healthier. [applause] and i don't provide insurance. all i got some applause. obviously that killed a joke, if you argue from the unseemly and broad conclusion that minorities are more health problems due to racism, you can then say everything is racist. an example brian has a radio show in america and minorities have more health problems in america which makes it harder for them to access radio shows. he is a racist. i don't have any proof of that i just want to show canceled. [applause] [laughter] ice to be against daylight savings time, no i love it
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because i realize i was always had a reverse. without daylight savings time it's dark earlier, we should be camping it up. i do it three hours. make it permanent who cares if it's dark in the morning. nothing fun happens in the morning. nothing fun happens in the morning. [applause] [applause] >> kat: i agree because when he way cap of the morning like all i'm so glad that sunlight is so bright? >> greg: nobody says that. >> kat: unless you're a psy psycho. >> greg: unless you like some weird reverse vampire. >> kat: like a go for a run before work. what a loser. [laughter] it's so sad it's like dark out a 4:00 and in the winter words like already hard to find a will to live. we just on the cusp of mental breakdown at all times. now they get dark outside, i liked it when you the 2 minutes from the office to the car and
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then home to the car is nice to minutes outside to see the sun. i miss those for for treatment of minutes of outdoor sunshine. >> greg: means anything to me does that make us racist nick? >> tyrus: yeah, a little bit i listen the junk. i love the morning. i love this on my face when i get up early. but, i'm playing this game wr wrong. instead of fighting this ignorant stupid [bleep] but how it somehow my blackness prevents you from getting up or being on time for work and i can only work on nondaylight savings, i'm just can agree with it. so i'll see y'all in june i will be 20-15 minutes late because when i get a new customer, minority. all the sons out, getting sick got to go. >> greg: that is true is a very race article. >> nick: in the article when the experts mention the death of breonna taylor who was killed
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lynn before before george flowed while sleeping because the no knock raid that was issued. she was black, and emt she was shot to death in her bed by drug cops executing a fake warrant as part of the drug war. the drug war is racist. a light savings time, not so much. >> greg: actually died? oh, my goodness. >> tyrus: it was the leader son. >> nick: she was asleep when you research that. there are real problems that we can deal with, and in this b.s. like daylight saving time. >> greg: i will say this though, mercedes, is this crazy topic that makes on the show. so i'm grateful when these topics come up. >> mercedes: the footnote said that this show is racist. it's the weirdest thing, because you're just so late. at 11:00, you see people have to stay up not getting enough sleep. i mean things have to change
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greg under what you're doing making everyone stay up so late. >> tyrus: to be fair to greg, the show was supposed to be filmed at 8:00 p.m., but i'm dead here till 11. [laughs] [laughs] so if you want to confront me then he does sometimes undergo rude. [laughs] [laughs] >> mercedes: i didn't sleep for a decade and i okay. those few mothers that's a real problem. because they don't sleep. i think that's a study they should do instead of creating this. >> kat: can't you just mindful your kids? [laughs] [laughs] >> tyrus: you can. you got to handcuff them or the just get out of it. >> mercedes: get the put on earmuffs he don't hear the crying. >> greg: that seems pretty easy to me. yes. >> tyrus: with a straw. >> greg: hey my parents did that to me and i turned out o
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♪ ♪ >> a story in 5 words. >> greg: suing over
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mac and cheese mercedes, a woman is serving craft for 5 million claiming that the shells take longer than three and a half minutes to prepare as it states on the package. [laughs] [laughs] is at eight were the lawsuit? >> mercedes: is the cheesiest lawsuit of ever heard. [cheers and applause] >> greg: i think, i think this is a marketing ploy. because i've never mentioned velveeta shells on tv in my life and now i am. >> nick: shells, cheese in the portable cubs. >> greg: summit is a single dad. >> nick: strawberries and the strawberry pop tarts. this is a sign that the world is ending a pretty sure this is like the book of revelations. these lawsuits, they don't speak well. >> greg: tyrus, i kind of like
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these lawsuits because of stephanie sue you know what i would? nestle quick. >> tyrus: what for not being quick? >> greg: it never looks like chocolate milk but it looks like milk with big clumps in it ri right? >> tyrus: no that's because your little arms can stir fast enough. [cheers and applause] what all do is next time you want some all stirred for you okay? [laughs] all right? >> greg: even with syrup. >> tyrus: asked you this weekend i got the kids and went shopping and like daddy he made? was like yeah emma and wasn't there. with some log cabin company thing mike wears aunt jemima? the little white guy target like it wasn't me. [laughs] [laughs] known him saying? >> greg: is a little lady, little native american lady are
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off land o'lakes. >> tyrus: they took all the jobs away from us, we can't be on the sun -- >> greg: land o'lakes is just a big old. i, like the fact they are going after the instructions on the easy. >> kat: it's weird because it seems like an idea they'd come up with after your up all night doing cocaine. we'd all be eating this if you're more of a weed guy. >> greg: cocaine guy would be suing the straw company. >> kat: i want to see who this lady is? although she is in florida, they don't have like real problems in florida. i never even thought about this i eat a lot of shells and cheese. >> greg: about you have the look of the shells and cheese lady. >> tyrus: deceased stopwatch? >> greg: i want more lawsuits like this because these are things i'm adjusted in. >> nick: i've got one, will
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connor forever and really feels like it takes forever. [laughs] [laughs] 's we were there we go. >> greg: don't go anyway willfo be rightr back gold bond. champion your skin. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ over the last 100 years, lincoln's witnessed a good bit of history. even made some themselves. makes you wonder... what will they do for an encore? ♪
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>> greg: we are out of time. thank you. "fox news @ night" with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. >> trace: thank you. good evening and welcome to america's late news, "fox news @ night." i am trace gallagher in los angeles. breaking tonight, even dr. anthony fauci says the covid lockdowns and china are group tony tony in. protesters in china are calling on president xi to step down and the white house? now saying it has "no reaction." apparently fossil fuels produced by dictators do not harm


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