tv Hannity FOX News November 29, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
displeasure from god. we can't note that. we shouldn't have claimed it. why should have said they epsteined themselves. it's perfectly natural, nothing to worry about. so with that, we wish you the best night with the ones you love and we'll see you tomorrow. meantime, here's the great sean hannity. >> sean: they always want to take us out of context. that's the rule. if you're a conservative, you're taken out of context, period, end of sentence. whatever. it just goes with the territory. 27 years worth. thanks. welcome to "hannity." the christmas season is soon upon us. the biden family once again refusing to acknowledge the existence of their own 4-year-old granddaughter except when a court of law forces their happened. joe and jill and hunter have no decency or honor. we'll explain that tonight. the recently demoted don lemon of fake news cnn proclaiming
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the iranian government for not properly wearing a head scarf. after the counts from the revolutionary guard, they sucked it up and did as they were told and sadly tonight it is unclear what fate awaits those players when they return home. now act of dissent is dangerous. i ran's regime murders their own people, others around the world. they're the number 1 state span sore of terror and the mullahs have wreaked havoc and continue to kill innocent civilians to this day. while many in iran are risking life and limb to protest these atrocities and risking their life for change, president biden can't be bothered to say much of anything from the comfort of the white house or his beach house in delaware on in nantucket that
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joe biden is more interested in apieing the mullahs in iran to push his idiotic nuclear deal across the infinish line so he can import oil from iran and make them rich and stronger in terms of the tyranny they're imposing on their people. so biden is more than willing to overlook the fact that women in iran are being tortured, being imprisoned, being killed. the families are threatened. in this case, for the moral crime of exposing their hair. he's more than happy to overlook the protesters being murdered, has no problem overlooking the terrorism, the human rights violations in exchange for texas tea, oil. in china, the same thing. not a word about the ccp's brutal crackdown as the chinese people have taken to the streets
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all over china desperate for a chance of freedom themselves. we saw these demonstrators back in 1989. you might remember this scene at tiananmen square. a man standing in front of that tank. the tank moves left, they move left. chinese security officials in bizarre white hazmat suits are throwing them in to prison cams and joe biden is eerily silent. biden's press secretary couldn't be bothered to comment one way or the other. take a look. >> has the white house communicated consequences in the crackdown of protesters and is the white house considering saying something or using existing government tools to help chinese systems get around internet blocks? >> i don't have anything to preview for you at this time on
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anything connected to the social media, your second question. i don't have any calls to preview for you at this time. we've been very clear that people have a right to peacefully protest without fear. >> sean: where are all of these morally superior democrats? they not care about human rights, women's rights or justice, equality, democracy? that's why biden has no problem doing business with saudi arabia after he himself accused the crown prince of murdering journalist jamal khaishoggi. it's why biden is opening up oil exploration in maduro's venezuela. guess what? our country, the united states, refuses to even recognize the legitimacy of maduro's brutal socialist murdering regime. it's also why joe biden has no problem lashing out at maga republicans all why staying silent when it comes to china and iran and by the way russia, you kin include them as well.
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if democrats who claim to care about man kind and human rights, it's a little more than a cheap political ploy. when it matters, they're silence. their silence is deafening. in tenned like all lefties, they only the care about power and again raises the question when you look at many of these countries and the biden family and the tens of millions of dollars they raked in with zero experience hunter, the question we have to ask that will be now investigated by the republican majority in the house is your president, joe biden, compromised by countries like saudi arabia, china, russia, kazakhstan and ukraine? here with reaction, ted cruz. senator, i would expect american being the beacon of freedom and reports that people in china and in iran, they're quoting our framers, our founders, patrick
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henry. give me liberty or give me death. no world of support for people risking their lives like this? >> it is amazing how for two years we've seen joe biden and the democrats showing weakness and appeasement to every enemy of america, whether it's china, iran, venezuela or russia. this is an administration that can't stand up to our enemies. this is an administration that surrendered to the taliban in afghanistan and showed weakness to the entire world. right now in china, you look at what is happening, it's extraordinary. you're seeing millions of people risking their lives, taking to the street. to go protest -- it's one thing to protest in america. there those people are literally risked being thrown in prison, being tortured and murdered but they're standing up for freedom, this is a potential inflection point. joe biden should stand up and stand with the people of china and say they deserve to be free. this white house won't do that.
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we're seeing it in iran. people protesting in the street. protesting the repressive ayatollah who again tortures and murders his own people. joe biden and the democrats are terrified to speak out. let me be clear, sean. i'm not saying that we should go to war with iran. i'm not saying we should go to war with china. nobody wants to see a shooting war between china and the united states. but the biggest bully pulpit in the world is the presidency. ronald reagan showed us that when you stand in front of the brandenburg gate and you say mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall, when you speak out for freedom, it terrifies the communist dictators and tyrants in china, russia and venezuela. instead what does biden do? he stays silent. >> sean: let's isolate china. hunter biden gets a $1.5 billion
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deal with the bank of china. if china wanted somebody with financial experience, they might go to goldman sachs or deutsche back or any one of the big financial firms. no. they went to hunter biden adigited to crack cocaine. doesn't make sense to anybody. there was a $100,000 shopping spree by hunter and his family for a chinese national. i don't know if you got loan terms this good, they offered them a $5 million loan with no interest and forgivable. that means you don't have to pay it back. >> that's another word for a gift, cash in a brown paper bag. the pattern for decades of corruption within the biden family is stunning. one of the things i want to commend jim jordan and jim comer in the house for focusing the upcoming investigations in the house, they're properly focusing where they should. this is not about hunter biden. by all accounts, hunter biden is a troubled soul. he's dealt with substance abuse
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his whole life. the biden doj wants to make it about this poor guy with a drug problem. this is about joe biden. this is about official corruption. hunter biden for decades has sold influence and access to daddy. the millions of dollars hunter biden made from communist china, what matters there is the 10% for the big guy, which went to joe biden directly. in ukraine, hunter biden got paid $83,000 a month to be on the board of burisma. just today was questioning a biden state department nominee who was in ukraine at the time. i asked him, i said, does hunter biden speak ukrainian? no. does he know anything about oil and gas? no. does he have any qualification for that job whatsoever other than his daddy was vice president of the united states? answer, no. so this investigation is about how joe biden has used his family members to sell official
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favors. let's be clear. with burisma in ukraine, they got what its worth. the ukrainian government was investigating the oligarch that owned burisma. joe biden held up a billion dollars in money unless and until they fired the prosecutor. as joe biden told us on camera, well, son of a bitch, they fired him. so in other words, he got the prosecutor off of the back of the corrupt oligarch that was paying his son a million bucks a year. they got what they paid for. that is corruption. >> sean: senator cruz, that sounds like a quid, a pro and a question with joe that he leveraged a ball of our dollars to get a prosecutor fired, son of a b, they did it. you're right. he did say that. then we find out that his son, as he said to gma in his own words, he had no experience like you pointed out today.
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that sounds like -- why would a vice president ever leverage money except that the investigator or the prosecutor was investigating hunter? that seems like an abuse of people's money. here's my big question. when you look at the deal with china and look at the money coming from the former first lay:did of moscow, be it investments in real estate or the $3.5 going to hunter biden and you put it together, is there a possibility that this president that swore over and over again that he never talked to his son about his foreign business dealings, photographs that prove otherwise, business meetings that prove otherwise, this in fact he's bought and paid for and a compromised president? is that a strong possibility in your view? >> look, i think it is. i think more than a decade, joe biden and his son and his brother, his entire family has had a business over selling access and official favors to
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enemies of the united states. they have gotten very rich doing so. they like to vacation in nant nantucket. they like to live like billionaires and soling official access to foreign nations can be lucrative. the media tries to cover this up desperately. i also think there's an interesting pattern. almost every single thing the democrats and the corporate media accuse donald trump, accuse republicans of doing is in fact what the democrats are doing. so they accuse trump of all of this, of the quid pro quo. but of course it was biden that very deliberately, his son was making a million bucks in order to provide dadty's protection for the oligarch. look at the democrats that wentz on and on about the doj and attacking the doj under trump, this department of justice under joe biden is the most politicized we've ever seen. they're raiding mar-a-largo. they just appointed the new special counsel, jack smith.
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my latest podcast, i lay out five very troubling facts about jack smith. he was hand-picked to indict donald trump. he has a record that is deeply, deeply disturbing. it is what they accuse the other side of doing is what the democrats are doing. they're corrupting government for partisan and political gain. >> sean: that's what the house judiciary will be investigating with congressman jim jordan. senator ted cruz, thanks for being with us as always. thank you. we now turn to the washington swamp where biden is begging for help with washington lawmakers. another day, another crisis for the administration after joe bragged about avert ago potentially devastating rail strike through masterful negotiations. guess what? that real strike is all by imminent. now biden is pleading with congress to pass legislation that would adopt a new agreement between railroad workers and
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operators in order to prevent a delve stating railroad shut down at the 11th hour. they already were offered a 24% salary increase. meanwhile with republicans set to control the house, in less than two months, the cowardly liar adam schiff is now experienced a change of heart when it comes to the issue of the value and importance of subpoenas. take a look. >> is there in the world where president trump could dodge a subpoena? >> no. he needs to supply with a subpoena. >> if you were subpoenaed by republicans, would you comply? >> have to consider the validity of the subpoena. >> sean: anyway, kevin mccarthy is with us. >> let me know if i get this right. so you now have been the minority leader for two years. today was the first day that youient to the white house to meet with joe, nancy and chuck
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and mitch mcconnell. no. we went at the 100 day mark. since then, we have not been back together. the reason he called us down, he intentionally misled us. he said he had a rail strike solved in september when he knew he didn't want the american public to know before the election that he didn't. remember what he told us. inflation was transitory. remember he told us that the influx of illegals was seasonal. that the taliban wouldn't take over afghanistan. again and again. now we're just weeks away from the busiest season of the entire year of christmas. our whole infrastructure could shut down based on this administration's negotiation with the rail. this pro union individual who has failed once again. he's asking government to step in to try to solve this problem. but he's begging the house and senate to do it, just to take the bill up tomorrow when people
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have not read it. >> sean: so here we have eight other unions that have signed off on the agreement. you have at the 11th hour you have all of these different unions, 12 in total, representing rail workers, et cetera. they're not going along with it. the deal they're being offered is a 24% raise, $5,000 in bonuses retroactive to 2020 meaning the average employee would get an immediate pay-out of $11,000. seems like a pretty generous offer. are we going to let these rail workers just hold the entire country, our supply line, our fuel lines hostage at this point? >> we won't. think about that. how many people got a 24% raise in the last year? the reason they did that is because this administration forced the companies to have to do it. the only reasons i believe the unions are holding it up, they think this president would make them give even more. it's jeopardizing the economy of america. that's why our supply chain is
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not working, this administration doesn't understand how to make an economy work, to get out of the way and let the private sector run it. once again, he's continued to fail. remember the other lie. he didn't ask saudi arabia to change their pumping until after the election. we found out that came true as well. this is a man who has made our energy costs higher, our trans poortation costs. he's made inflation continue to rise with the run-away spending. he has a border that is not secure. today in that meeting, i invited him to go down to the border with me. i just went there. i talked about what has happened. in el paso last week, i just went over an overpass, 70,000 people have come across there in the last seven weeks. in one overpass in el paso. if he continues down this path and if he lifts title 42, that means 13 million more people will come across in the next two years where he's still serving.
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>> sean: so last count, i saw about 190 or so republicans in the house that will support you. you have to get to the number 218. you have a slim majority. obviously you have the overwhelming consensus. the only admonition i'd give to your fellow republicans that either you guys all stand together or you will fail together. by failing, that means you won't be able to fulfill the commitments to america, by failing that means the investigations into whether or not the fbi's politicized the doj, the origins of covid, looking into the biden -- hunter biden family syndicate, the joe biden family syndicate and themoney pedalling issues at hand. you think this team will unite behind you and you'll go forward with a positive agenda that you ran on and also the investigative work now that you have the power of subpoena and
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the power of the purse? >> sean, i do. i'm honored to have more than 85% of the conference vote for me. that's like winning the primary. we're going to the floor. i believe we'll get to 218. why? if we don't, none of those investigations go forward. none of the work that we have put before us, we can't start investigating mayorkas, can't secure the border, can't lowter gas line price by making us energy independent. we can't hold them accountable or pass a parent's bill of rights. all of that will step. the subpoenas can't move out until you elect a speaker. i believe we will all come together. you're right. we need to do this for the american people. we are either successful together or we will fail individually and not be givening the possibility or the opportunity to be in the majority again. >> sean: with a slim majority, every sickle solitary republican congressman or woman will have the ability to go directly to
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you and talk to you about the concerns that they have, correct? >> exactly. today i brought all of the different factions in on the conference. i call them the five families. we talk together. we have to work together. otherwise we wouldn't be successful. it might be a small majority but the same size that the democrats have today. 222. it could be patchy foggive. we all learn that the people come first. we work together. put our differences aside and do it for the american public. remember our goals. stop this biden administration from all of their lunacy andfire nancy pelosi. we achieved it all. now we have to work for the american public and make this economy strong, a nation safe, a future built on freedom and a government held accountable. >> sean: we'll be watching closely. thanks, kevin mccarthy. it's important that the republicans unite.
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five cars rented by the secret service burst into flames. we'll get a report from matt finn. he will have the latest. also, wouldn't be a biden speech without a number of blunders and lies. we have today's low lights. we'll check in with mark meadows and kellyanne conway. they're up straight ahead as we continue.
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after being rented for president biden's thanksgiving holiday. the secret service tells fox news that they rented dozens of cars that the staff used. the secret service tells me they returned the rented cars late sunday and monday, hurts notified them that a ford s.u.v. caught fire and the flames spread to other serves. hertz confirmses to us that one of the cars did catch fire and a rental car overflow lot and nobody was injured. video shows the firefighters playing flames on a several cares. the secret service said they had no issues while they rented them. ford recalled certain s.u.v.s because of a fire hazard. it's not sure in the ford was first to catch fire. the car fires spread to 40 feet
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away from nearby jet fuel tanks. john? >> sean: thanks, matt. earlier today, biden was out rewriting history on the economy saying he's just done a great job. we just haven't seen the effects of it yet. take a look. >> together with the help of your elected leaders today, we had an extraordinary two years of progress. we passed the american rescue plan. everybody knows it but we didn't so. nobody knows the effects of it yet. >> sean: the problem is we're seeing and feeling the pain that his policies are causing every single day. meanwhile, oil executives are angry and continue to slam biden for turning to bring tall dictators, murdering regimes like venezuela, saudi arabia to pump more oil while attacking the u.s. energy sector. you have to ask yourself an important question. why? remember, oil companies are not
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going to invest in more drilling tens of millions of dollars at the same time that biden continues to attack them over and over again and is likely to pull the rug out if they start a new project anyway. by the way, capitulating to green new deal climate alarmists cultists that are setting the real agenda. the extreme far left. they don't want any domestic energy production. they wanted wiped out and abolish all fossil fuels. renewable technology does not exist. the life blood of the world's economy is oil, gas, coal. it wouldn't be another biden speech without a rambling. joe biden said he could have been. i could have anybody, anybody could have been. an all-american football player. here's joey. >> if i told you i had you
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running in front of me, i could have been an all-american, man. i could have been big. could have been big. >> sean: could have been an astronaut, could have played center field for the yankees, too. here's mark meadows with kellyanne conway. the reality is, mark, people are paying -- they're feeling the pain. republicans don't usually win to popular vote but they won to popular vote in the election. they squeaked out a victory in the house. my question is, is this related to the fact that republicans are reluctant with early voting and reluctant with mail-in voting and do they need to overcome that in the short term until they can elect governors and legislatures that will change the laws and make -- put election integrity measures in place? >> i think it's two things. one is the get out the vote
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effort. whether it is by mail-in ballots or any other process needs to be perfected. the democrats have done that. they have perfected that and done a good job of that. yet what we also see is we've got to be very clear with our message. it's not enough to say we're not them. listen, joe biden is talking about giving a good speech. good speech doesn't cover up bad policy. he's talking about being an all-american and yet his oil policy has nothing to do with america. he's supporting venezuela? so we need to highlight those things and talk about how we can make it different and by making it different -- >> sean: i think we lost mark's audio there. we have kellyanne conway, i'm sure. kelly, let's go to mark's point about looking elsewhere to our energy sources. the life blood 0 our economy.
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the life blood of the world's economy. we have more gas, we have more oil, we have more coal than all of these countries combined. we have the ability to produce it, do it faster, cleaner and cheaper. why would you go to venezuela a country that we don't recognize? why go to saub raid that you think is being run by a murderer. why not create jobs here and national security on top of it? >> it's the same question -- a poll was released yesterday and gave the americans five choices. the combined top two answers, 75% said that we want to return to the energyand drilling policies we had in the last administration or we want to start producing more oil. it's one in the same. but anyway you slice it, people didn't say nothing. they didn't say reduce that. so i think joe biden has gotten himself in to a little bit of a pickle here if the media would just bother themselves to fact
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check him. joe biden said no more drilling. this weekend he offered drilling permits in venezuela. now, in a matter of one day he shows that he stands with polluters over protesters. you have freedom fighters taking to the streets in china and you have spokespeople for joe biden saying he's not commenting on the protesters. they speak for themselves. he has no problem palling around with dictators and easing their economy, their economic and energy policies by allowing permits in venezuela. you asked a question about why not drill here, drill now, which is what most americans want. i believe job's governoring philosophy is often spite. it just seems donald trump did it, i have to undo it, republicans want it, we'll never let it happen. it's based on spite. if biden and his crew were serious -- >> sean: or is he giving in to the climate alarmist cult that
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is the base of his party? >> yes. you're right. biden and his crew are so obsessed with climate change, it's like a religion to them. they're constantly pushing this. john concernry said the inflation reduction act was misnamed. he loves it because it's about climate change. he said that as the climate czar. but joe biden and kamala harris take a fleet of planes to the west coast. they're expanding their carbon footprint and tell the rest of us we cannot have domestic drilling. do you know how many jobs and family livelihoods depend on the oil sectors and the jobs that radiate from that? the banks, the caterers, mom and pop stores. >> sean: everybody. >> folks rely on the oil industry within their smaller
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communities for their own livelihood. >> sean: let's go back to mark meadows. we lost you there for a second. good for national security, high paying jobs, lowers the price at the pump, lowers the price of heating and cooling your home. it has an impact of lowering the record high inflation that we have. we could take it a step further and be energy dominant and supply the energy needs of our allies in europe. yet he goes to countries that hate our guts and helps to make them rich. tell me the logic behind that. >> well, there's no logic behind it. when you look at really taking it to texas and pennsylvania and siding with china, venezuela, iran and others. it just doesn't -- it defies logic. quite frankly shows that the climate change coalition, the green new deal coalition is all
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>> sean: as we mentioned earlier tonight, republicans now in charge of the house committees come january. they're in charge of the whole house. the gop can now properly investigate the biden family syndicate and expose how the biden family used their political status to profit and pedal influence. according to a new poll from rasmussen, 62% of the american people approve of the republican plan to investigate. get this, new twitter ceo elon
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musk is now hinting that he will release more information about that platform's censorship of the hunter biden laptop story in the lead up to the election in october of 2020. he twittered out the public deserves to know what really happened. the family's troubles don't stop there. jill biden posted christmas decorations including stockings for each family member except one. ignoring hunter's out of wedlock daughter, navy jones. remember, it was hunter that denied that the child was even his in the first place until a dna test proved otherwise. now? just one of many bizarre moments in the chronicles of hunter biden. a child is 90, deserves the love of parents and grandparents.
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if it was a republican, i bet the reaction wouldn't be different. here with reaction, former arkansas governor, mike huckabee along with attorney general pam bondi. governor huckabee, start with you. look, hunter has had a lot of troubles. i hope that he's beyond them. people may not believe that. i think he should be held accountable. if somebody can get off of drugs and get out of a lifestyle that will kill them, i believe in that. the is the president's grandchild. why would that the not recognize their own grandkid? >> it's heart breaking. i don't want to be flip about this. i want to be serious in saying this is a precious child. first of all, i'm grateful that the mother decided to have this baby, not to have it aborted and to realize this is a precious human life. this child has a great future. let's hope that the child does wonderful things in life.
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makes all of us proud. the denial of the existence of the child is painful to see. they ought to have embraced maybe the circumstances of the child's birth and embrace the child carries on the genetic code that is a part of their family and they certainly can celebrate that. >> sean: life gets complicated for almost every family in some respects. the child is innocent in this. the child is not being recognized here. what is your thought of that? >> in child is an innocent victim. let's hope the bidens were too busy off in nantucket, delaware to really realize what they were doing as the second year biological grandchild of the president of the united states. contrast that, sean, with melania trump. she hand selected every decoration, every year.
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i saw it first hand. and her love for children even continues on this year by having a christmas collection with her best initiative, fostering the future. raising money for foster children who aren't even her children. let's just hope -- the bidens by the way did have ornaments made for their animals. they're ignoring their grandchildren. let's hope they were too busy doing other things. this is about the little girl that will remember this and see this when she grows up. >> sean: that's a great point. the kid will see this when she gets older. she's an innocent victim in this. you think it's in them to make this right or not? >> well, they have 3 1/2 weeks to do it. let's hope they do. christmas is still several weeks away. so they can make it right and put that stocking up there. i hope that maybe they'll just
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say, you know, it's just the right thing to do. let's pray and hope. i think pam made the great point, one day this child will grow up, she will know she was biological grandchildren of the president of the united states and that the entire family pro tended she didn't exist. i hope she's better than that and overcomes it. >> sean: that makes me want to tear up and cry for that kid. >> yeah. yeah, sean, it does. let's hope that they do the right thing. let's hope hunter biden tells his father and mother, jill biden, hey, this is my child. her stocking needs to be hung in the white house with the rest of my children and my nieces and nephews this christmas. that's what it's all about, celebrating all children and the life of christ. >> sean: pam bondi and governor huckabee, smart wisdom from you. when we come back, this is not a joke. don lemon is saying fake news
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>> sean: fake news' cnn don lemon stopped by the late show with stephen colbert. he was stunned when asked if cnn could be liberal. take a look. >> are you allowed to be liberal anymore? >> i don't think we were liberal. >> that's not me saying that. >> listen, i think that what chris is saying is that he wants
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republicans, sensible republicans to hold people to account. he wants people to come on and feel comfortable talking on cnn. >> sean: why can't they be honest? he's a talk show host just like me. we do opinion, news, sports, culture. we do it all. they're just dishonest about it. the same don lemon smearing trump supporters, calling them racist and bigots and comparing them to drug addicts and said he would not shake donald trump's hand. according to him, cnn is not liberal at all. joyless behar at "the view" was forced to apologize after saying that aim any coney barrett was part of a hate group. take a look. >> she's a religious person. she's belongs to this people of praise group, which the southern
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poverty law center has labelled them a hate group. >> you want to clarify something? >> yes. i want to correct something. i said on air when i stated that people of praised that been deemed a hate group. i just got them mixed up with another group. it was inaccurate. i don't think it's right -- i have to say sorry about that. it's just -- anyway. i conflated them. >> okay. it's easy to do. >> sean: here with reaction, leo 2.0 terrell with pete hegseth. i mixed them up with some other group. >> what is the other group? >> sean: i want to know. >> what is the other group? >> sean: i'd like to know, too. pete, you never saw don lemon as liberal, right? straight down the middle. >> straight town the middle, sean. are you the sensible republican, the sensible conservative that would be allowed or me or leo or
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someone else to come on the program and have that fair-minded conversation? hearing that -- stephen colbert asked the question, don lemon says we were never liberal and nobody laughs? it's because everybody knows that stephen colbert is liberal and don lemon is liberal. reminds me of a book that bernie goldberg wrote in 2001 called "bias." don lemon gets a pass. he lived so long in the bubble that he thinks the view of manhattan media liberals is the moderate position. anybody that doesn't agree is a radical republican. notice when you come on cnn, you're a far right republican. if you're a democrat, you're just a democrat. you see, their whole world view has shifted so far left, they think they're moderate. he's not that smart. he thinks he's moderate. they're going to try to change things there.
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he won't be able to. he's a liberal like everybody else in manhattan that misses all of middle america. that's why we win and they lose and they can't change. >> sean: we're up front. i'm a talk show host. i'm a member of the press. we do straight news. i can produce thousands of hours of it. investigative reporting. we do opinion but we're honest about our opinions and we say it's opinion. we do sports and culture. we're like a whole newspaper. no different. they claim their journalists. why can't they own that they're talk show hosts like we are? >> they're gas lighting. sean, remember that picture of cnn where they talked about the riot and said peaceful protesting and the burning in the background? >> sean: the city burning. >> let me play don lemon's attorney. he said we're not as liberal as "the new york times" or "the washington post." we're liberal but not as liberal
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as msnbc. they're all in a group and basically trying to say you're worse than we are. the truth is, they're all together and basically ages of the democratic party. if they were go to be honest, talk about the hunter biden laptop. talk about the steele dossier.they're committed to the democratic party, nothing more, nothing less and they're in denial. >> sean: last 15 seconds, pete. >> well, the joe behar side because she believes in traditional views, she should recuse herself on a supreme court case. how about katie hobbs in arizona, the secretary of state might want to recuse herself running for governor overseeing the entire election. just saying. they play one side over the other. i'd love leo to be my attorney any time. >> sean: you have to see the lining inside of pete's jackets. they have the american flag. more "hannity" straight ahead. it needs care too, and when it does,
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7:00 pm
. >> sean: all right, unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening, as always, thank you for joining us, thank you for making the show possible. we hope you'll set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode and for news anytime all the time it's, and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled laura ingraham and the laura ingraham are next. okay, i sent you the video of me frying the turkey that you're not allowed to air. what did you think? >> laura: well, i have to say first of all i to ask tommy my executive if you really meant it when you said don't put it on air. but i thought that was kind of a cute like a don't put it on air. you look good on that video. i'm not going to put it on air because tommy said you can't but you look good. >> sean: there's got to be some legal protection i have. >> laura: no. you actually were frying your own turkey. >> sean: of
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