tv Hannity FOX News November 29, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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that for certain. so we should never have claimed it. all we can say is they eppstein themselves, they they did to themselves or no security cameras. and is perfectly natural, perfectly normal and nothing to worry, we wish you h so with that, we wish you the best night with the ones you love. >> and of course, we'll see yout tomorrow. >> in the meantime, here's the great sean hannity. tucker, they alway s want to take us out of context. that's just the rule., yo if you're a conservative, you're goingu'ret of to take itf context, period, end of sentence. >> but it just goes with the territory. >> twenty seven years worth. i know. anyway, tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity. and tonight, the christmasth season is soon upon us .s and in keepingso with the tradition, the biden family once again refusing to acknowledge the existence of their own four year old granddaughter. gdaughterexcept when a court ow forces their hand. and jill jill and hunter have no decency or honor. we're going to explain that tonight. plus, the recently recently demoted don lemon of fake news.nn cnn proclaiming that cnn had
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never had a liberal bias. was t okay, ithe was first hilarious moment by the way, on stephent w colbert's late night show that a not many people are watching. they ten d to watch greg gutfeld anyway. we're going to play the tapeg straight ahead, but wegutfeld. n tonight in qatar, where earlier today the u.s. men's national team defeated the islamic republic of iran, one to zero to clinch a spot in the knockout round of the world cup. tiran has now been eliminatedut from the competition. its playeround.s are likely drer the short flight home, nots becaushee they lost the game. for them, a lot more is at stake. the terrorists is at thugs thatt iran have already threatened the players, their familieens with imprisonment and torture. this after iran's national teamt ,well, they refused to sino g along with the country'sth islamic nationale anthem in s the first game. look at thisin. they weren't singing and they pu showinghose a solidarity with those all overln the country of iran. trprotesting the murder ofn a young woman who was killed
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by the iranian government for not properly wearing a headscarf. properly wearing a head scarf. afte but today, after threats from the country's islamic revolutionary guard,r th the teu well, they stoically it up and did as they were told. and sadly, tonight, it is unclear what fate awaits those players when they return home. now, any act of dissent is dangerous. iran's islamic fascist regime regularly murders their own aro others around the world, they are the numbeund sponsor of terror. and the mullahs, by the way, have wreaked havoc in the middle east, especially in neighboring iraq, where the regime, as many of us remember, murdered scores ofd american soldiers and they continue to kill innocent civilians to this day. and whilo e many in iran are risking life and limb to protest these atrocities, and they're out there risking their life for change, well, president biden, your president can't be bothered to say much of anything fromto s the comfort of the white house or his beache house in delaware or
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the beautiful island of nantucket that joe bidenat is much more intereste mord ing appeasing the mullahs in iran in order to push his idiotic nuclear deal across the finish line. so then at the end of the deal, he can import oil from iran and make those mullahs rich and and make them stronger in terms the tyranny they're imposing on their people. and by the way, at the same time, ignoring the vast energy resources we have here at home. so biden is more than willingn to overlook the fact that women in iran are being tortured, they're being imprisoned, they're being killed. the team g is being threatened. their families are threatened. and , of course, in this case, for the moral crime of exposingn their hair. now, he's more than happappyyth to overlook the protesters being murdered. he has no problem overlooking the terrorism, all the humanori, rights violations in exchange for a diplomatic troph tyations and some texas t oil. i t now, meanwhileexas, in china, we see the same thing, not a word about the brutal crackdown as the chinese people have
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taken to the streets. all over china, desperate for a chance of freedom themselves. now,m we saw these courageousk demonstrators back in nineteen eighty nine .s yoscu might remember this scene at tiananmen square, a man standing in front of that tank, that tank moves left, moves right to tank right. he moves left. back then, china's military gunned down these protesters in broad daylight. now chinese security officials i and bizarre white hazmat suitsrr are throwing them intoe wh prise camps. and yet, once again, your president, joe biden,eril is eerily silent. in fact, just today, biden's. press secretary couldn't even be bothered to comment one way or the other. >> tak. ae a look. has t commthe white house communicated to beijing any possible consequences of itsrotr crackdown on protesters? and also, is the white housensin considering saying something orn using existing u.s. government toolexiss to help chinese citiz? get around internet blocks? >> i have anything to preview for you at this time
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on on, you know, anythinghing c connected to the sociaonl media. your first or second question? i don't have any callso to preview for you at thisy time. we've been vercleay clear that people have a right to peacefully protest without fearst witho. we're all these morallymo superior democrats. do they not care about humanral rights? they care about women's rights, that they care about ju equality, democracy? equality, democracy?iden that's why biden has no problem doing business with what saudiia arabia, after he himself accused the crown prince of murdering journalistening jamaal khashoggi. it's why biden is opening upup l oil exploration in maduro's? venezuela. but guess what? our countr ouy, the united states , refuses to evenco recognizgnize the legitimacy of maduro's brutal socialist murdering regime. and it's also whn hay joe bidena no problemsh lashing out atstayn hagger republicans, all while sile when it comes to china and iran. canyou he way, russia include them as well. if dem
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now, foroc democrats who claim to care so deeply about mankind, and human rights, it'sa a little more than a cheap political ploy. a because when it matters, they are silent and their silence as a matter of fact, is deafening. in the end, like all lefties lee they really only care aboutagai power. and it again raisesrahe q the question, whenuest a you loy many of these countries and the biden family and the tens of rad millions of dollars they raked in with zero experienc zere. wil the question we have to ask that will be now investigatedn h by the republican majority in the house is youe hor president, joe biden, compromised, by countries like saudi arabia, countries like china and russia and kazakhstan and ukraine with reactio?n? texas senator ted cruz.. you know, senator , i would woud expect that america being the beacon of freedom and there are even reports that people in china and in in iran are quoting our framers, our founders, the great patrick henry.
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give m foundercke liberty or gie death.f su no word of solidarity, no wordpr of support for people riskingt s their lives like this. a >> well, you know, imat is amazing how for two years we've seen joe biden in the democrats showing weakness ,appeasement to everyof enemy of america, whether it is china, whether it ameri is i whether it is venezuela,ne whether it is russia. thiszuela is an administrationt can't stand up to our enemies. this is an tr administration thatation surrender to the taliban inshowd afghanistan and showed weakness to the entir w thee world. right now in china, you look at what's happening, it's extraordinary. you're seeing millions of people risking their lives, taking to the street look to goi protest. it's one thing to protest int's america where the downside is negligible. there those people are literally risking being thrown in prison, being tortured, being murdered. buuredt they're standing up for freedom. and this is a potential inflection point.inflection point. joe biden and joe biden ought to stand up and unequivocally stand with thestand people of china and say they deserve to be free. but this white house won't dong
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that. we're seeing in iran again, people heroicalliny protesting e the street, protesting the repressive ayatollah rep who again tortures and murders his own people. and again, joe biden and the democrats are terrifiedcl to speak out. i',, let me be clear, sean i'm not saying that weir should go to war with iran. i'm not saying we should go to war with china.o se nobody wants to see a shooting war between china and the united states. but the bigges but bully pulpit in the world is the presidency. and ronald reagan showed pld ret when you stand in front of the brandenburg gate and you say, mr. gorbachev , tear down this wall when you speak out for freedom, it'ous terrifies the communist dictators. it terrifiest terr the tyrants n china, in russia, in iran and in venezuela. and instead, what does bidenhin do? he appeases and shows weaknessrt ,all of them. >> okay, so the question i was asking is , look at china,>> sea let's isolate china. hunter biden getn:s one point five billion dollar deal with bn
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the bank of china. i would assume that if chinahina really wanted somebody with financial experience, wit they might go to goldman sachs or deutsche bank or any one , the big financial firms.e right. but no, they wenfit to huntenar bide adig the time addicted to crack cocaine. that doesn't make sense to anybody. k cothen, of course, there was one hundred thousand dollar shopping spree for hunte00,000ri and his family by a chinese national. and i don't knowfo ir f you ever got loan terms this good, but they offered the biden family of five million loan with noh no interest and it was forgivable. i assume the word forgiveable py means you don't have to pay it back . yeah, that's another word. it gir a gift. that's cash in a brown paper bag. and listenn pape, the pattern fr decades of corruption within the biden familye bi is stunnin cod one of the things i wantwa to commend jim jordan and james homer in the house for focusing and the upcoming investigations in the house, they're properlyh. focusing where they should, which is this is notthis i about hunter biden. by all accounts, hunter biden is a troubled soul.
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he's dealt with substance abuse his whole life. the the biden doj wants to makea it about this poor guy with a drug problem. this is about joe biden. this is about officialt of corruption. ficihunter biden for decades has sold influence and access to daddy. the millions of dollars hunterdl biden made froarm communist is h china. what matters there is the 10% for the big guy, which wente bie to joe biden directly in ukraine. ctlyhunter biden got paid eighty three thousand dollars a month to be on the board of barack obama. just today i was nominated. i was questioning a biden statea department nominee who was ins ukraine at the tim.e. nter bi and i asked him, i said to senator biden, speak ukrainian. no. does. youdoes he knoknoww anything t oil and gas? no. e ha did he have anve ay qualificati for that job whatsoever other than his daddy was vice president of the united states ? answer no. and so thi er, nohis investigationn is about how joe biden hasha usd his family members to sell
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official favors. and let's be clear, with bousman, ukraine, what what boris forgot what it'sy what it was worth because the ukrainian government was investigating the oligarch who who owned boris and joe biden flew to ukraine and he held up a billion dollars us taxpayer money unless and until they fired the prosecutor investigating the oligarch a t joe biden toldn of a us on camera, well, son of a ,m. so in they fired him. and so, in other words, her wor, the prosecutor off the back of the corrupt oligarch who was paying his son a million bucks a year. thatrgot what they paid fo by santacruz. thatqu sounds like a quid pro q with joe, that he leverage the billions of dollars to get a prosecutor fired son of a b, they did it.. you're right. he did say that. as he and then wsae find out that his son , as he said h to gamein his own words, he had no experience. yo,e you pointed out today
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that sounds like why wouldvice p a vice president ever leverageu money except that the investigator or the prosecutor was investigatins g hunter. so that seems like an abuse of y people's money. here's my big question. when you look at the deal with china and you look at the money coming fromof the former first lady of moscow, be it investments in real estate or the three and a half million dollars going to hunter bideer bidenn, and yot all together. is there a possibility thatt this president that swore over and over again that he never talked to his son about his farm business dealings? we have photographs that prove s otherwise. we have business meetings confirm that, prove otherwise. e otherwise, this in fact he' that, in fact, that he's boughtd and paid for and that he's a cor compromiseomd president . is that a strong possibility in your in n your view?t >> look, i think it is . tha i think for four more than a decade, joe bided n and his son and his brotheother, hr, hie family has had a business over selling access and official
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favors to enemies of the united states . and they've gotten very, verythl rich doing so. they like to vacatioike n in nantucket. they like to live liken billionaires and sellingngin official access to foreign nations can be very lucrative.oe lucrat and i think the media tries to cover this up desperately. i also think there's an interesting pattern. almost every single thing the democrate thin gets india au the corporate media accuse donald trump and accuse republicans of doing is in factl what the democrats are doing.l so they accuseof trump of all of this, of the quid pro quo. was but, of course, it was biden who very deliberately his son , get a million bucks in orderr to provide daddy's protection for the oligarch. on you look at the democrats who went on and on about about n the doj and attacking the doj under trump, thig s department f justice under joe biden is the most politicized we've evere rad seen. their rating mar-a-lago. they they just appointed
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this new special counsel, jack smith.k smith. my latest podcast with ted cruz. i lay ou y troubling facts about jack smith. he was hand picked to indict donald trump. and he hass a record that is deeply, deeply disturbing. it is what they accusef doin the other side of doing is whatg the democrats are they are corrupting government for partisan and political gain. >> that' ps what the house hou judiciarsey will be investigatig with congressman jim jordan, senator ted cruz, we appreciate you being with us, being with us, as always. thank you.ur n we now turn to the washington swamp where biden is meeting with lawmakers finally on both sides of the aisle and beggingsn them for help. another day, another crisis forn the administration. now after joe bragged about potele after joe handedly avertg a potentially devastating rail strike through masterfulns negotiations. well, guess what?es that rail strikes what is now a. imminent. so now biden th pleading with congress to pass legislation that would adoptrail a new agreement between railroadroad workers and operats
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in order to preventde shu a devastating railway shutdown . at the 11t h hour, by the way, they already were offered a twenty four percent salary increase. now, meanwhile, with republicans set to contro to controll the house in less than two months, the cowardly congenital liar adam schiff, he's nowwhen suddenly experienced the change of heart when it comes the issue of the value and importance of subpoena's. >> take a look. is there any circumstance in the world in which president trump could dodge the subpoena? no. he's going to need to comply wod it with a subpoena. >> ia f you are subpoenaed by republicans and they take over, will you comply? you know what? would you we'll have to consider the validity of the subpoena. >> oh,ave no. you can just consider it validity. >> anyway, her subpoe with moree and so much more house minoritym leader kevin mccarthy is with us . let me knoe w ifi i get this rt . so you now have beeno yoe minority leader for two years, and today was the firstu day that you went to the white house to meet with joe, nancy
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and chuck and mitch mcconnell. no, we went one other time at the 100 day mark. 1 >> but since then, we've never been back together. the reason and the reason why he calledlleu us down is because he oncesled again intentionally misled us . he said he had us. a rail strike solved when in september when h he knew that he didn't want the american public to know before the election that he remer what he toldn't. us that inflation was transitory. remember, he told us that the influx of illegals was seasonal, that the taliban wouldn't take over afghanistant again and again. but nojuw we're just weeks away from the busiest season of the entire year of christmas. >> and our whole infrastructure can shut down based upon this administration's negotiation with the real this pro union individual who has failed once again. and he's asking governments to step in to try to solve this problem. but he's begging begging the hok and senate to do it just up to
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to take the bill up tomorrowmooe when people have not evenean: s read it. >> all right. so here weo here hav w eighte et other unions have signed offyo on the agreement. >> but you have at the 11tht hour, you got all of these different unions, 12 in total,wr representing rail workers, et they're et cetera. >> they'reno not going along with it. the deal they're being offereded is a 24% raise, five thousand dollars and bonuses retroactiveg to twenty twenty , meaning the average employee would get an immediate payout of 11 grand. it seems liks e a prettyli genel offer. are we going to let these real workers just hold the entire country, our supply line, our fuel lines, hostage at this point? we won't. but thinpok abouint? wt that. a4 inw many people got a twenty four percent raise in the last year? the reason they di t d that is because this administration forced the companies to have n to have and the only reasons i believe these unions are holding it up becauseng they think this president would again and make them give even more and it's jeopardizing
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the economy of america. that's why our supply chainn is is not working. this administe r and doesn'tt ue anderstand how to make anrs economy work. eto get out of the way and let. the private sector run it once again. fa he has continued to fail. remember the other lie that he told us that he didn't ask saudi arabia notch to change unl their they're pumping until after the election? well. we found out that came trueo ha as well. thiss made man who's made our ey cost higher, our transportation cost cos, he's made inflationpen continue to rise with a runaway. spending. he has a border that's not inv secure. today in that meeting, i invited hiitedwnm to go down h border with me where i just went there. i talkedi talk about what has happened in el paso last week.i i just went over an overpass. 00 seventy thousand people have come across there just ins th the last seven weeks inif h one overpass in el paso.s and if hdoe continues down this path and if he lifts title 42 , that means 13 millione ac more people will come across just in the next two yearsthe where he's still serving. servi
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>>ng so you have about at lastot count that i saw about thhundred and ninety or so republicans in the house thatr 218. support you. you have to get to the numbe r 218. you have a slim majority and obviously you have the overwhelming consensus. warning or admonitionat i would give to your fellow republicans that either you guys all stand together or you will fail together. and by failing, that means you won't be able to fulfill the commitments to america by failing. that means the investigation s into whether or not the fbi is politicized. the dos poj is weaponizes the origins of covid lookingcov, into the biden hunter biden family syndicate, joe biden family syndicate and the moneybe influence peddling issues that are at hand . do you feel that this teamthink will unite behind you? thm willand that you will go fod with the positive agenda that you ran on , but also the investigative work now that you have the power of subpoenayo
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and the power of the purse?i' >> sean, i do. i'm very honored to have more than 85% of the conference vote for me.e vote and that's like winning the primar y who wins by eighty five percent. so we're going to th e flooreve we and 'li believe we'll get to 21 y because if we don't, none of those investigations go forwardo . none orkhaf the work that we ha put before us . we can't start investigating my caucus. we can't secure the border. low we can't lower the gasoline price by making us energy independent. energy we i can't give a governmentwe and hold them accountable. we can't can pas'ts a parent'srh bill of rights. all oftsl of t thahat will stop the subpoenas. can' t move out until you electu elec a speaker. so i believe we will all come together because shawn, you're right. we need to do this for do eople. the american people.ul we either are successfulr together or we will fail iwe wig eventually. and we will noitt be giveny orpt the possibility. ah, the opportunity to be in the majority again with a slim majority, though every singley u solitary republican congressman or woman will havebl
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the abilityd talk t to go directly to you and talk to you about the concerns they have, correct? >> exactly.da today i broughout algh thel the different factions in on the conference. i call them the five families. we sat we talked togetherwe h because we have to woravk together, otherwise we won't be successful. it might be a small majority, but it's the same size the democrats have today. two hundred and twenty two but,a i thinmek could actually be a very positive situation where we all learned22 that the peoplw come first, that we workorput ou together, put our differences ae aside and do irit for the american public. remember our goalsur. minist stopra this biden administratio from all their lunacy problems, are causing create a majority and fire. nanclunacyy pelosi. chieve we just achieved all three ofno those. now we've got to work for the american public and make this economy strong.ubli a nation that'd makes safe , a e that's built on freedom and a government that's held accountablm e. ll b all right. we'll be watching closely. kevin mccarthy, thank yothanu fr being with us. it's importantrthy republicans the house unite, that's for
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sure. all right. five car s res rented by the secret'll ge service, they burst into flames. we'll get a report frorom mam matt finn. al he'll haveso the latest., also, itwo wouldn'ult be a biden speech without, you know, a number of blunders and lies.fs well, we got bot ah of today's lowlights. we'll check in with mark'l meadows, kellyanne conway there up straight ahead as we continue. okay, sweaters, check beanies. check now. scarves, scarves. where are the scarves? surprise. i saved one just for you. i love it. you should order all of your gifts at the fox news shop. >> or scan the qr code here. shop now for exclusive fox news holiday gifts and of hope will give a blanket to someone in need. this holiday season with every purchase over $50. >> now i want one too. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my geezer dream bedsheets for the best offer ever.
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one . again that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . now back to a troubling story out of nantucket tonight as biden's secret service rentouublingl calls they burst o flames just one day after the president left nantucket ato the very latest of matt finn.s. matt , sounds strange on paper.a >> good reason. yeah, sean, it's kind bazaar. nantucket airport briefly shut down yesterday when multiplefive vehicles caught fire and five of them were suvs justst returned by the secret service p
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after being rented forre president biden's thanksgivingst holiday. s the secret service tells fox news they rented dozens of carss their staff used duringaf the president's nantucket island vacation. the secret service tells mers they rented or returned those rented cars late sunday, that on monday, hertz notify themd s. that a ford suv caughtu. fire ad the flames apparently spread to other suvs. hertz confirmsserves to us that one of its carons did catch fire monday morning in a rental car overflow lot and no one was injured. video showt d s firefightersvide spraying the flames on five suvs, including a chevy suburban, a ford explorer,ing fm a ford expedition, infiniti eighty and a jeep gladiator.sev cae secret service tells us it had no issues with the carss while they were renting them. however, earlier thiwhs year, ford recalled certain expedition and navigator suvs becausforde of a potential fire hazard. it's not certain tonight a ifrd the ford suv was the first the to catch fire or if it was parto of that recall. fee
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the car fires reportedly spreado to just 40 feet away from nearby jet fuel tanks john . oh, pretty scary medicine.r tod, thank you with that report. now, earlier today, biden was yet again rewriting historyng h' on the economy, saying he's just done a greats job. i we just haven't seen the effects of it yet. okayye, take a look. the >> together with the help of your elected leaders, today, we had an extraordinary two years of progress. erican >> we passed the american rescue plan. nocue w everybody knows that wed so much. no one knows the effectsdn't oft yet. >> we're just just coming intoet play. ohhe problem i, the problem is e actually seeing and feeling the pain that his policy are day causing every single day. but meanwhile, oil executives, they're angre, oil ey and they o to slam biden for turning to brutal dictators, murdering regimes like venezuela, saudi arabia, to pump more oil while attacking the u.s. energyt sector. and you got to askqu yourselestn important question.
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why remember , oil companies are mor not going to invest in more drilling tens of millions of dollars at the same time that biden continues to attack them over and over again and is likely to pull the rug out froma underneath them if they start a new project anyway. w t and by the way, and of cour capitulating to green new deal climat ce alarmists, cultists that are setting the real agenda, the extreme far left, wn they don't want any american domestic energy production.y domesticthey want it wiped out. then w they want to abolish all fossil fuels. they have nothind g to replace t with the so-called renewable technology does not exist. the lifeblood of the world's economy is , of course, oil, gas, coal.f itth wouldn't be , you know, abidance beach, by the way, without another rambling blunder of hisn't be a, as joe w claiming that he could havejoe been. bisaid hi guess i could have be. i guess anybody could have been an all-american football player . >> here's joey reminiscing hes and i good old day
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told you, if i had you running in front of me when i was a playing flanker back , i could have been an all-americall mann could have been big. >> you could havcoe been big, tu could have been ant, astronaut, and he could have played centerfield for the yankees. >> too. anyway, here with reaction, former white house chief oield f staff mark meadows, alongk mead with fox news contributor kellyanne conway, the reality is people are paying . they're feeling the pain. we republicans don't usuallylare win the popular vote , but they won the popular vote in the election. electithey squeaked out a victo the house. we lost some close senate raceos ,governor's and my question is , is this related to the fact that republicans are reluctantd with early voting and reluctant with mail and voting? and do they need to overcometerm that in the short term until they can elect governors and legislatures? that will change the laws and make put election integrityy measures in place. >> well, i think it's two things. effone is, is that get out the
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the vote effort, whether it is by mail in ballots or any other process, needs to be perfected. e that.ocrats have don they've perfected that t and they've done a good job ofht that. and yet what we also see is , is we've got to be very clear with our message. you know, it's not enough we're to say we're not them.n is listen, joe biden's talkingking about giving a good speech. good speech doesn't cover up bad policy. he's talking about being an ally american. and yet his oil policy his hasa. nothing to do with america. he's now supporting venezuela. s and so we need to highlightk those things and talk aboutt how we can make it different.anm >>ak and by making it is not lie weight loss. >> mark's audio there. but we got hav kellyanne conway i believe. su i'm pretty kellyanne, let me ask you this.. let me go to mark's point about looking elsewhere as it relates to you. are our energy sourcese li the lifeblood of our economy?
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fethe lifeblood of the world'swe economy? we've got more gas. of've got more oil, we've got more coal than all these countries combined. hesewe have the ability to prode it. we d o it faster. we do it cleaner. we do a cheaper. why would you go to venezuela, a country we don't even recognize? why would you go to saudi arabia where you thinky th it's being run by a murderer? ng why don't we produce it here at home and create jobs? >> it's good for nationalre a security. on top of it, it's the same question americans are asking. a poll was releasen d yesterday sean, and it gave americans five choices about this very issue. the edand a combined top two an. 75% essentially said we either l want to return to the energyin and drilling policies we had in the last administration or we o want to start producingil more oilne. so it's one in the same. but any wa y you slice it, didn' people have to say nothingt . s they didn't say reduce that. sohi i think joe biden's gotteni himself intott a little bit ofia a pickle here. if the media would just bother
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themselves to fact check himo ft once in a while earlier this month. chm. no biden said more drilling this weekend. he offered permit drilling. permits in venezuela. now henow, i, in the matter of one day, has shown that heers or stands with polluters over protesters. you have freedom fighters toking to the streets in china and you have spokespeople for joe biden saying he's not commenting on the protesters. they speak for themselves, butin he has no problem pallingound around with dictators d and easing their economy. >> their economic and their energy policies by allowing permits in venezuela. why you asked a question about why not just drill here, drill, a which is what most americans want. i believe joe biden's governin gust se philosophy is is often spite. it just seems donald trump didrl it. i have to undo it.want republicans want it. we'll never let it happen. it seems, based on spite.n and i tell you this crew were really serious. >> yeah. th is he givin eag inn: or to e climate alarmist cult that
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really is the base of his party? >>e alarmist yes, i was just ges to them. biden you're absolutely right. biden and his crew are so obsessed with climate change. it's like a religion to them. and as disciples of this tthey religion, they're constantly'rcy pushing this. john kerry sai sd the inflationu reduction act was misnamedctio,s doesn't reduce inflation, but he loves it because it's really about climate change. clim is climate czar. but joe biden and cornell harris keep taking air force one on the air force two and aem flotilla of planes to the westat coast. him to lictak an f ice cream co, her to stand in front of you. old school buses. they're expanding their carbon footprint while trying to tell the rest oprint anf us we can nr have domestic drilling. and one last point. . how many jobs, how many peoples and families livelihoods depend on the energy and oil sectors and the jobs that radiate from that. i read an article today, the banks, the caterers, the mom and pop stores, the moms and dads community folks rely upon the oil industry within their larger within their smaller r
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communities for their own livelihood. >> let me go back to marko mark beddows. werk, we lost you for a second there, but it's good for national security, highse paying career jobs in the energy sector. l it lowers the price at the pump, lowers the price ofrie diesel, lowers the price of heating and cooling your home.ct it has o an impact to lowering this record high inflation. we ce. and we could even take it and a step further and be energy suppy the energyrope needs of our allies in europe. and yet he goes to countries m that hate our guts and helpsh. to make them rich. >> tell me the logic behind>> that. w wellell,, there's no logic behir it, sean. i mean, whenea you look at it really takinitg it to texas and and pennsylvania and siding with china, venezuela, iran and others, it just doesn'itt it defies logic. and quite frankly, it shows that the climate change kind of coalition, the green new deal abalition, is all about
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joe biden because they've gotm y him by the short ears. all right. thank you, mark meadows. appreciate it. kellyanne, great to see youllyan as well. e,u. and straight ahead, another wait another scandal for 06 experience. hunter biden, where do you see what happened this time? we'll tell you all about it. it'll shock you straight ahead. are you over 50 ? would you like to get up to 33 percent more income in retirement than coal? now for this free book annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers from a leading financial firm on maximizing your income in retirement. that's right. free this free book reveals little known secrets about annuity strategies in simple to understand terms that will help you make the right choices before buying an annuity. and it's free call right now for your free book and as a bonus, we'll also throw in a free annuity rate report. we researched over twelve hundred annuities and summarized the rates and benefits of annuities from financially strong insurers. again, that's annuity dos
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new twitter ceo elon musks is now hinting that heg that will soon release more information about that platform censorship of the hunter biden laptop story et in the lead up to the election in october. 2020, he tweeted out the twitter files on free speech suppression, soon to betd published on twitter itself. the public deserves to knowt re what really happened, buthappen the family's troubles don't stop there becausefamily's firsd jill biden recently posted christmas decorationenchristmas including stockings for each family member except one .ignori once again, ignoring hunters out of wedlock daughter navy jones. roberts, who hunter had with au woman by the name of london roberts. now, remember, it was hunterchil that denied that the child was even his in the first place until a dna test proved otherwise. now, just one of many bizarre moments in the chronicles of of hunter biden. with all that said, a child, i think we should all agree desr is innocent deserves the love
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of parents and grandparents. bln and if i, t was a republican,rec i bet the reaction wouldtionrmer ar very different here with reaction, former arkansas governor mike huckabeekaernor,,g with former florida attorney general pam bondibondi, governor huckabee, we startlook with you. look, hunter has, hunter a lot f troubles. i actually hope thatt he he's beyond them. people may not believe's. people that. i still think he should be held accountable. but if somebody can get offd od drugcas and get out of a lifestyle that is going to kill them. i'm happy to hear that. t ofi believe in redemption.ll l >> but the issue of a child, this is still the president's grandchild. why would they not recognizegrai their own grandkid? rit's really heartbreaking. and i don't want to be flip about this. i really want to be serious in saying that, you know, this is a precious child. and first of all, i'm sot grateful that the mother decided to have this baby , not to have it aborted, but pre to realize this is a precious human life. this child has a great future. let's hope that the child does wonderful things in life
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and makes all of us proud. >> but the denial of the existence of the child is painful to see. t they ought to embrace, not the the maybe the circumstances of the child's birth, bu td embr embracace it. this child carries on the genetic code that is a part of their family the. n >> they certainly can celebratet that. you know, look, life gets complicated. almost every family in fam some respects, pam, that's fine. but the child is innocent in this and that the child is not even being recognized here.his. >> what's your reaction to thati now?ng it is . it's heartbreaking. s yo and what you and governorf huckabee just said is so true. this child is innocent let's just hope that the bidense were too busy off in nantucket or somewhere in delawareto to really realize what they were doing once again, the second year by ignorinas thg the biological grandchild of the president of the united ofd states . contrast that, john , deth melania trump. she hand selected every
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decoration every year. i saevery w firsthand in that we house and her love for childrenn even continue on this year by having a christmas collection with her best initiative, fostering the future, raisinheg money forn foster children who aren't even her children. so wt even let's just hope that, the bidens, by the way, did have ornaments made forthe wa their animals. we're all animal lovers, buty he they're ignoring their grandchild. so let's just hope that they were too busy doing otherre things, because this is aboutin that that little girl who's going to remember this and see this when she grows up.s >> i mean, that's that is a great point. this kid will see this when the kid is older. whenshe's an innocent victim, government governor . >> and all of this. do you think it's in them to make this right or not? not? well, they've got three and a half weeks to do it. let's hope they do. christmas is still several weeks away. away so they can make it rightl just
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and put that stocking up there. and i hope that maybe they'llsa, just sayjust, you know, it's jut the right thing to do. pot's let's pray and hope, because i think pam made the great point. one day this child will grow ul . she will know thatrand shech wa the biological grandchild of the president. ofof the united states and thatd the entire family pretende sd se didn't exist. >>te i hopr the she's better th that and overcomes it. tear and that makes people almost want to tear up and cry for that kid. kidyeah, yeah., it >> sean, it does. right let's hope they do the right thing and let's hope hunter biden tells his father mother, and mother, jill biden, hey,eeds this is my child. her stalking needs to be hung in the white house with the rest of my children and my nieces. and nephews this christmas,'s because that's what it's all about, celebrating all children and the life of . all right. pam bondi and governor gover huckabee, thank you. smarnot wisdom from both of youa all right. when we come back , by the way,o
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this is not a joke, don . s cnmon is out there saying fake news. cnn is not and never has been h. liberal. and we've got the tape., joyles also joyless. bahah had to apologize on the view yet again. "th we'll show you straight. >> are you over the age of 50 considering buying an annuity in the next 60 days? i have some important news for you. don't buy an annuity until you understand the pros and cons of annuities. paul , now for this free book on maximizing your income in retirement. annuity do's and don'ts for baby boomers from leading financial firm jadi mellberg. that's right. free this book reveals little known truths about annuities and simple to understand terms . grab a pen right now because we're about to offer you this free book that unlocks the five little known truths. we believe baby boomers and seniors should know before buying an annuity. and it's free. call 877 four one one eight . >> as a bonus, we'll also throw
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five five eight five nine one for that eight hundred five five eight five nine one for all. i think cnn's don lemon. do he stopped by the late show with stephen colbert last nighth and was stunned when colbert ste asked if cnn wasph stillen allod to be liberal under new leadership. take a look. >> the word on the street is that you guys aren't allowed to be liberal anymore. is that is that the case?eral >> i don't think we ever were in liberal. what? yes.'t think i don't think we we were that'se saying that.>> that's the people out there saying that he's not letting you be liberal. that' s >> anymore. is >> well,ten, listen, i think tht i think what chris is saying is that he wants republicans
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sensible republicans. he wants to hold people to account, but he wants people to come on and feel comfortabled with coming on and talking on on cnn. >> why comfortable can't they : be honest? can't t don lemon is a talk show hoshet just like me. a member of the press.t >> wjue do news. we do investigative reporting. we do opinion. we do sports and culture. o it all well, like a fulley're newspapejur. it. they're just dishonest about it. anyway, the same don lemon relentlesslye same d smearing tp supporters, calling them racist and bigots, comparing him to drug addicts, even said that he wouldn't shake donald s trump'ais hand . but according to a lemon cnn, they're not liberal at all. accot the media mob malpractise it doesn't stop there. joyless behar at that hard hitting news show, abc's the view. shs behae was forced to apologie after falsely claiming that justice amy connie barrett wastt part of a hate group. >> take a look. take a here's my question that she is a religious person. she belongs. those people have praisedle o a group which the the southern
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poverty law center has labeled them a hate group.e do you want to clarify?t to yes, i have to clarifywant something i said yesterday. i want to correct somethingf i said on air when i stateprd that people of praise had been a deemed a hate group. i just got them mixed up was with another group. it was inaccurate. sorry abou so i don't think that's rightits that i . j i have to say, you know, sorry . about that. just it was anyway, i conflated> them. okay, it happens. >> you know, it's easy to do it with reaction. fo reax news contributor liow to point out terrell, along with fox and friends weekend co-host. i mixed it up with some other group, of course, and see what the other group they literally what the other groupp. . t to i want to know what the otheris group i was with , the other group, i of i like to know what the other group is to, the group, you know, you neveryo saw don lemon is as liberal, right? >> i mean, he's straight down the middle. >> look straight downth the middle. sean, i wonder, are you c the sensible republican , the sensible conservative that
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would be allowed or me or leoogram or someone else to come on the program and have that fair minded conversation? you know, hearing that, first of all, stephen colbert asked the question. don lemon says we were never liberal and no one in the audience laughs. >> it's because everyone intephn that audience knows stephen colbert's libera colberl and that don lemon's liberal.. right. you i wa of a bookbook bernie goldberg wrote in 200 t1 called bias and was all about his 30 years in the cbs newsroom.alle and i'm going to give don agets pass here a little bit. he's lived so long inng the bubble, sean i, that he actually thinks the view of manhattan media liberals is the moderate position and that anyone who doesn't agree positia radical republican . you notice when you come on cnn, you're a far right republican , but if you're a democrat, you're just a democrat. >> you see their whole world view has shifted so far left. they think they'rew moderate.ea he actually does. he's not that smart. he thinks he's moderate. they're going to try to changece things there.ings they won't be able to because of there course, he's a liberall
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everyone else in manhattan, inse the news industr iy who missesar all of middle america.ichy we wi that's why we win and they lose. and that's whyos they can't change. >> okay, look, we're up front.lo i'm a talk show host, a member of the press, leo. i mean, we do straight news. i produce thousands of hours ofa it. investigative reporting,nds of same thing. we do opinion, but we're honest about our opinions. when we say its opinion. we do sports and culture likeife a whole newspaper, nontey different. they claim they're journalists r . why can't they juswht owy n tha' their talk show hosts like we ar e, they're gaslighting their gas station. pictur remember that picture of cnne when they talked about the the riots and said peaceful protest and the buildings burning in the back of the city? >> larry, you know, the city's pretty down, but the thing now maybe got a point.>> i mean, le let mt me let me plar don imus attorney . he's saying we're not as liberal as the "t. york times" we're nowat as liberal as the
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washington post. we're liberal, but we're not as liberal as msnbc. they're all in a collective group and they're basically trying to say, you're worse than we are. but the truttrh is ,uth they'r together. they're basically agents ofcrat the democratic party. ific par they are going to be ut and honest, talk about the hunter by laptop, which they didn't do, talk aboutlaptop the steele dossier, they'll never talk about these things. they are committed. thee to the democratic party, nothing more , nothing less. noe in denial. >> last fifteen seconds, pete. wellbe, and on the joy behar side, because she believes inn traditional views, she should eecuse herself on a suprem court how about katie hobbs intary of arizona, who is the secretary of state, might want to recuse herselre her f running for gove, overseeing the entire election, just saying they pla ey one sid. over the other. i'd love leo leo terrell to bey atto my attorney any time. by the way, you've got to see the whining inside of pete's jackets. they have the american flag. it's pretty awesome. all right. thank you both. moore, hannity, straight
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all right.y that i unfortunately, that is allyo the time we have left this evening. sh hlways, thank you for joining us . thank you. opetfor making the show possibl. we hope you'll set your dvr so e you never, ever, ever miss an episode. and for news any time, all the time. every time it's fox news .com, hannity .com. and in the meantime, let not b your heart be trouble. laura ingraham and the "ingraham angle" and the are next. okay, i sent you the video of te me and the turkey that you're. not allowed to air now. did you think? well, i have to say, first of all, i had to ask tommy, my executiveo producer, whether you really meant it when you said don't put it on airt .pu because you said don't put but i thought that was kind of a like a cute oh, don't put it on air. why didn't you look good int i' that video? i'm not goinm nog to put it on t because tommy said i can't. but you look, go to video. ectin >> i you wouldn't think or there's got to be some legal protection. i have you you actually wereying frying your own turkey , but i don't understand
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