tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News November 30, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PST
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decorated. a lot of people are taking pictures of our all america tree outside. >> bill: i will see you later and make sure on saturday morning you set your alarm and get up early and get the family and friends together. team usa, the show starts at 9:00 eastern. game starts at 10:00 and we'll see if we can win again. >> dana: julie banderas is in for harris, "the faulkner focus" is next. >> fox news alert. critics torching the white house's barely there response to the ongoing protests going on in china. chinese citizens rising up against the communist party's hard line covid lockdowns and demanding freedom. president biden himself has said 0 about the issue. this is "the faulkner focus" and i'm julie banderas in for harris today. critic after critic after critic calling out the administration.
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they call the muted reaction, quote, pathetic, pure cowardice and bland nothingness. the white house saying we have long said everyone has the right to peacefully protest in the united states and around the world including in the people's republic of china. that is their story and they're sticking to it. >> they are speaking for themselves. they are out in the streets. they are braving the elements to make clear what their views are. so they are speaking for themselves and we stand up for the right of every citizens around the world to be able to speak up freely and peacefully for what they believe in. that's what i was talking about. it is not about us inserting our language or rhetoric. >> one publication saying the only thing the white house has
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offered is pure mush. republican lawmakers on the same page. >> president biden should not just be treating this as a public health question. he should be voicing american support for these brave chinese who are in the streets demonstrating against their communist government. >> this is of great concern and we will have to deal with it more forcefully than the white house has been willing to do thus far. >> those people are risking being thrown in prison, tortured and murdered. three standing up for freedom. joe biden ought to stand up and stand with the people of china and say they deserve to be freed. >> jacque heinrich is live at the white house with this story. >> china experts say these widespread protests are a real threat to president xi's rule prompting concern he could call for and carry out a bloody or brutal crackdown much like 1989 ten m -- in this case with chin,
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it would risk potentially further fraying relations with the country, which we want to maintain for our strategic interests. this administration says. so china hawks are saying that now is the time for the white house to take a harder line and give a more stern warning. >> this is not just some protest on a college campus in america or european capital. these chinese are protesting the world's most powerful, dangerous, techno totalitarian government. >> the reaction of the chinese government should be a wake-up call to the world. these people want to be the most powerful country in the world. what will they do to you if they do this to their own people? >> unnamed officials told "politico" a strong u.s. response could lead the chinese government to turn the focus on the u.s. and allege foreign interference rather than address
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the frustrations of the protestors. the u.s. has a strategic interest in maintaining a base level of cooperation with china in important global and economic partner as compared with iran where the u.s. has little trade, little cooperation and has vocally expressed support for protestors there. national security council spokesman john kirby expressed u.s. support for the protestors this morning. not going so far as to echo calls for regime change and down playing the significance of those calls. >> we're not taking a side in terms of what these protestors are about. largely, steve, you know the protestors are really out there about the lockdown. their main concern what drove them to the streets was the very stringent covid policies by xi's administration. >> the chinese foreign ministry has criticized the u.s. response for being too forceful and also mocked the number of deaths in this country and claims that what they want is to protect their own citizens, julie.
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>> thank you very much. i want to bring in sean duffy now, fox news contributor and former republican congressman of wisconsin. thank you so much for talking to us. always great to see you, sean. let's talk about the president's reaction or inaction, or lack of reaction if you would over these protestors. everyone has a right to protest. this is a little different than just protesting, okay? they're actually fighting for their lives in this country in a communist regime and the president is called to be ousted because of the abuse and human rights violations that these poor people have covered for the entire three years of this pandemic being silenced no more. >> they aren't just protesting as ted cruz mentioned, they're risking their lives and being tortured. so this administration is losing weakness. ronald reagan is rolling over in
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his grave that we don't have a u.s. president standing up for those fighting for freedom. you look at the response. it begs the question, julie, does the biden administration stand with communism or freedom? the weak response makes me believe they stand with freedom. i look at china and go listen, this country has not just stole our technology, they stole our jobs and brought us covid, they threat en their neighbors, threaten the independence of taiwan and joe biden has said nothing. it begs the question is biden compromised? the outrage from both sides of the aisle is a u.s. president has never behaved like this when people are on the streets fighting for their own freedom. the chinese are being locked in their homes. welded into their homes and separated from families over the 0 covid policy. these are the very basic human rights we all demand that they're asking for. this is the tepid weak response? one last point. it doesn't surprise me. joe biden's donors, he filled his cabinet up with people who
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are the group that believes in this one world government. and they believe that the chinese model is the wave of the future. not freedom, but communism is the path for the future. and so when you try to criticize china, they are like this is what we should be like. which is absolutely frustrating for freedom loving americans. >> this is an example to the entire world of what the world should not look like. >> that's right. >> listen to this virginia mother who survived the revolution there and had this warning. >> ccp was born from violence. in its 75 years of regime it used violence and killed up to 100 million chinese. it will not give up its power voluntarily, it would not. it would use any way necessary,
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any means necessary to stop the protests. >> this is the "washington post" opinion piece. i was there when the communist party sent in troops to gun down the protestors and i fear history can repeat itself today. the world should not underestimate the determination of xi and ccp to remain in power. this is absolutely despicable. these protestors are fighting for their lives. this is three years of them being silenced. three years of lockdowns, which the united states did, in fact, follow suit and look where it got us. look at our economy because of all the businesses that couldn't actually flourish and instead now we're paying the price in the midst of inflation on the brink of a recession. when you look at what's happening in china, how does the united states not only decry against the violence, but not stand up for the protestors? don't remind they they have to right to free speech.
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it is much more than that. sean. >> that is so weak. as you mentioned earlier, the chinese had no problem criticizing america in regard to gun violence, criticizing us in regard to our covid response. joe biden doesn't have the heart to criticize china in regard to free speech? in the clip you played there we have a former chinese citizen who said they acquire power through violence. no doubt they do. people don't give up their freedom unless it is taken from them. one of the reasons why they can't push back, julie, is the people don't have guns. they use rocks and bottles but no firearms in china. firearms take it away. they did it in cuba, venezuela and the left in america want to do the same thing here. no firearms to push back. our founders were brilliant how they set up our constitution and freedom for speech and gun ownership. these folks have very little
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ability to fight back and push back against the chinese who are willing to use all kind of power to suppress the protests. >> seeking a pushback. the president should be pushing back, not cowering to china. kevin mccarthy is putting his foot down when it comes to the vote for house speaker in january and facing some resistance from a handful of conservatives in his very own party. he issued this stark warning. watch. >> we want to make sure everybody has input but we have to speak at one voice. we'll only be successful if we work together or we'll lose individually. if we don't use it right the democrats can take the majority. if we play games on the floor the democrats end up picking who the speaker is. calmer heads will prevail at the end of the day. >> so-called fed up five have said they will not support mccarthy's bid for the gavel. andy biggs, matt gaetz and ralph
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norman. they say nothing can change their decision to vote against him. why are they so adamantly voting against him? if they do understand this and like he said if they don't vote for him, then the democrats could potentially make this decision and that's the last thing the g.o.p. wants. >> so listen, julie. this is a team support. you have to stand together or you'll fall apart. those three are friends of mine. they don't want speaker mccarthy. the rest of the conference does. get on board. if it's not mccarthy you have no other option. no one is waiting in the wings. kevin mccarthy is right that you will give creed power back to democrats and nancy pelosi to pick the next speaker. let's do it together. the vast majority of the conference wants kevin. get on board. you can't have rogue players when you have such a tight majority in the house. they have to be a team player. >> great to see you. thank you for talking to us. so president biden accusing
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americans of being lazy when it comes to manufacturing. the backlash and why critics are calling him a hypocrite. plus the clock is ticking on the massive rail strike and the damage it could do. we'll discuss. >> it would be absolutely devastating to the economy, to the commercial economy, to people who want to travel. you talk about supply chain problems in this country. they would be exponentially worse if we got this. >> how much a strike could actually cost our nation every single day and the millions whose jobs hang in the balance. david asman weighs in next. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for you family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no... give us a call.
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bipartisan vote. it is a compromise and it is what we must do. >>julie: house speaker nancy pelosi wasting no time taking up president biden's request to act to avoid the looming rail strike. the bill is on the floor right now as we speak. many republicans, lawmakers oppose the bill along with rank and file rail workers. some progressive democrats are also against it, by the way. one sticking point no paid sick days in this deal. >> it's nobody's hope we have a rail strike. it would be a blow to the economy and some people would definitely be hurt by it. so our goal is to avoid one and it's a very simple thing. we need to give a sick leave. it's a fraction of cost to the railroads. no reason why this can't be taken care of and accomplished.
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>> a strike could cost $2 billion a day. 115,000 rail jobs could be lost and millions in other industries affected. critics accuse biden of not being the pro-labor leader he claims to be. biden's big u.n. union deal could implode. everyone else pays but him. david asman joins me now. president biden was supposed to be a union guy. what happened to that? >> democrats have a big union problem now. talk to the unions. we had a union leaders in. we've been having a lot at fox news who interestingly are supporting the bernie sanders side but interested in getting the message out to our audience as well point is that they say that this is not a union presidency because they are against this particular administration is against an expansion of the industries that
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unions care about. railroad, oil and gas. a lot of union representsives in the oil and gas industry. hundreds of thousands of workers are furious at the fact this administration is cutting down on pipelines and oil drillings despite the rhetoric you hear from the administration concerning permitting or leasing. they aren't doing their job. a lot of union members and leaders are furious about this. >> a lot of railroad workers are upset about the representation or misrepresentation where they are almost looking greedy. paid sick time, everyone is entitled to paid sick time. where is that even a point of contention? >> frankly, i think that's what's going to make the deal possible is the fact that bernie sanders of all people, the socialist in the senate. i don't necessarily fully agree but the point is he has the
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answer, which is a seven-day sick leave policy. that's what the unions want. he is got an amendment saying that. i think that's what will be the deal maker in this process. if we do have a strike, not only all those figures you mentioned at the beginning are true but we also need oil. we had a cut in inventory, a huge cut. we have 12.6 million barrels less than we were expecting to have in our oil inventories and most oil as you probably know, because they shut down the pipelines, is now being shipped on trains. >> you look at potential increases in oil and fuel. i want to move on to our second topic here. democrats making a last-ditch effort to spend more taxpayer money in the final weeks of congressional control. the party is facing pressure to pass a number of spending and tax bills in the lame duck session. it could add some $5 hundred billion to the national debt according to a watchdog group. that number right now more than
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$31 trillion. leaders from both parties declining to comment on the possibility of any cuts to pay for the new priorities since biden took office. he and the democrats have pushed through spending measures to the tune of around $4 trillion. you look at the numbers in the midst of the inflation that this country is suffering, in the midst of a potential railroad strike is devastating. >> let's face it, that's why we have inflation is because we're spending money we don't have. when you spend money you don't have, if you are a federal government you get the fed to print more money. the problem is, if you don't combine tighter fed policy, which the fed is tightening by raising interests rates, if you don't combine that with more incentives for the private sector to produce stuff, you will have stagflation. inflation and a slowing down of
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the economy. that's what we've seen and we'll see more of. we're going in the opposite direction. obama did the same thing in 2009 and we had the slowest recovery coming out of a recession. biden looks like he wants to duplicate that sad record. >> the more money you spend, the longer it takes to get out of recession. >> not only more money spent but the less incentives you have for the private sector. coming out of recession lower taxes and regulations. they are doing the opposite. >> the president is accusing americans of getting lazy. that's right. he thinks you are lazy. he is arguing that manufacturing jobs have largely become outsourced for a lack of effort. speaking at the opening of a new chips plant in michigan. watch this. >> president biden: we invented the chip in america and we got lazy. federal investment helped reduce the cost to creating the market
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in an industry america led. we produced 30% of all the chips in the world. the backbone of our economy got hollowed out. companies began to move jobs overseas instead of products because it was cheaper for them. >> those comments come as biden faces major backlash outsourcing oil production to venezuela pushing the u.s. further into energy dependence. this is not a time to be calling the american people lazy. i wonder if he would have used that term before the mid-terms? i don't think so. >> just on chips alone. we can talk about venezuelan oil when you think of all the oil and gas we have here. the fact is one reason we had chips doing better overseas than here even though we invented the chips primarily, is because of federal involvement. 30 years ago intel led the pack of everybody saying we should
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protect the chip industry here in the united states. more federal involvement led to a less competitive chip environment here in the u.s. that's why they did so well overseas and why we did -- the chip industry get lazy because they were used to federal involvement meant to protect them. now we come out with this chips bill that a number of -- more than a dozen republicans signed onto which is a disgrace. it is costing us $52 billion for the chips bill and that will make our industry, will it make us more competitive? i don't think so not based on history. when the federal government gets more involved in a particular industry, that industry loses its competitive edge. we're going in the wrong direction. it is the worst of all worlds. >> thank you very much. come back with good news next time. >> right.
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america is still the best economy in the world. >> we could be better. >> because of the private sector. we have to focus on the private sector, not on government help. it's never very helpful. >> great to see you. thank you so much. victory for the justice department in their efforts to hold january 6th rioters accountable. a d.c. jury convicting members of the far right group oath keepers. jurors finding them guilty. it marks the first time in 20 trials that a jury decided the january 6th violence was the product of an organized conspiracy. america's crime crisis is raging for two years and counting now. after the mid-terms have wrapped up, the liberal media is admitting it finally but leaving out some key details about the leadership in those
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crime-infested cities. even some democrats demanding a plan from dhs secretary mayokas over the border crisis. the president's answer to a republican's direct invitation to see the growing crisis firsthand. >> border patrol is so busy doing logistics and protesting people they aren't able to do the job that they're supposed to do. as the numbers go up we deal with more people dying every day and the biden administration is promoting that. ...tower cam for a - hey!
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leader kevin mccarthy met with the president yesterday and invited him to the border to see what his policies have done. aishah hosni is live at the capitol to give us the president's response. >> good morning. that's right. the gop leader did ask the president to visit the southern border with him when he went to the white house yesterday. he said that the president didn't say yes, didn't say no. instead he simply dodged the invitation. watch. >> what is the president's response when you invited him to come to the border with you? >> i asked him. he asked me what did i want to see happen at the border and i walked through exactly what i want to see happen at the border? i want to see border agents were able to do their job and not be processing agents. >> saying the president said i'm sure you would want me to come down. the invitation comes as four moderate democratic senators are pressuring dhs secretary mayokas
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for a detailed plan for the end of title 42 which happens, of course, on december 21st. democrats say they've expressed concern with dhs's preparation for the end of title 42 especially as the situation has deteriorated at times. record annual encounters have led to untenable situations, they write. and also axios is now reporting the administration is apparently weighing barring some asylum seekers in preparation of this policy going away. this as fox news confirms that there were nearly 2,000 migrant encounters in the el paso sector in just the past 24 hours. this means the fiscal year-to-date is now up 257% compared to this time last year. incredible. sunday video footage showed chaos near the rio grande as venezuelan migrants were clashing with mexican police trying to clear a camp of
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thousands of migrants waiting there. by the way, julie, mayokas facing growing calls for his impeachment from house republicans. of course, we're anticipating those calls to continue to grow as the house takes the majority the next session. >> aishah hosni, thank you very much. let's bring in jason riley, "wall street journal" columnist and marie harf, a fox news contributor and former state department spokesperson. i have to ask you first, marie, what do you make of kevin mccarthy's invitation to the president? he does want to show the president the problems at the border considering the president has never once in his life visited the border. the president's response was simply i'm sure you do. >> well look, kevin mccarthy is interested in a photo op and why he wants president biden to go down there. >> you don't think he is interested in trying to fix the border? >> it's why president biden said i'm interested in solutions and talking policy, not interested
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in a photo op. those are my words. if kevin mccarthy has policy solutions he will put forward if he is able to be head of the new republican-led house that's where this work really needs to be done. we know the executive branch cannot solve this problem on their own. congress has to act and they refuse to. kevin mccarthy if he is serious wouldn't invite president biden to do something he knows he would not do. he would come out with a plan and proposals for how congress can help fix this problem. i don't think joe biden should chase kevin mccarthy around the southern border. he have is waiting to see if the republican congress will have ideas here. >> i don't think kevin mccarthy actually thought the president would say i'll take you on, let's go on a road trip. but at the same time he is looking for solutions. you just mentioned the president wants solutions. the problem is the one solution that did work is about to expire and that's title 42, jason, on december 21st. with the number of illegal migrants crossing our border
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with over 2.3 million in the year of 2022. over 200,000 in october alone, it does not spell for a good outcome in 2023 already. i don't really see the administration seeming all that concerned about it. >> you're right. the judge who made this call on title 42 said it was a pandemic-era policy and the pandemic is over and he is right. the pandemic is over. but the border crisis is not over. border patrol needs this tool. it has been quite effective. the problem with the administration and i would remind marie that not only do democrats control the executive branch but also control congress and have for the past two years and haven't acted on this. so i agree there needs to be a legislative fix. who has been controlling the legislature for the past two years? the problem with the administration is they're talking out of both sides of their mouth sending mixed messages to the migrants. on the one hand they say don't
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come. the migrants know if they get here even illegally chances are they'll be allowed to stay. that's the problem. the incentive to come remains in place they know if they make it into the country chances are they weren't be deported. when title 42 ends the chances of not being deported is going up. >> mayokas is losing support on the left. you have democrats now frustrated with mayokas and i guess the inaction by this white house and this administration. the fact that the president has never once visited the border in his life, do you not see that as a glaring problem an almost a perfect talking point for republicans who say they have no solution and there is no plan and they are just trying to close a blind eye to it? >> it may be a talking point but not a policy fix. you don't need to be there to know what's going on.
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many officials have been there. the biden administration knows it's a problem. >> what are they doing about it then? >> they know it's a problem. >> we know it's a problem. what are they doing about it? >> two things. the first is to attack the root causes of why people come here. >> kamala harris was supposed to figure out a work cause and still working on that. >> it is a long-term problem here and cracked down on the border. the reason we have so many apprehensions is because we're catching people, right? so they're trying to both crack down and also increase ways for people to migrant legally which is our obligation under our law and international law. trying to do both things sement but until congress has come present senseive immigration reform the executive branch alone can't fix it. republican and democratic congress has failed to do this. >> we're catching people and letting them go. more people are coming over the border and the white house actually maintains, jason, the talking point that the border is
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closed. i'm sorry, when a door is closed you cannot get through it. therefore you wouldn't be able to catch people if they were actually crossing the border. as far as those that are being caught, the morale right now among border patrol agents is at an all-time low because they put their lives on the line and they are arresting and apprehending and the people are going back into society in the united states. we could talk about this until we're out of breath. i just don't see a solution, jason. >> well, it's going to take getting serious about secure the border. right now the progressive left. president biden defers to them regularly. they consider any border security tantamount to racism or xenophobia and that's the bind that biden finds himself in when it comes to increasing border security. the left wing of his party does not want him to do that. but the signals to these folks matter. so long as the administration is
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sending a signaling that if you get in chances you'll be allowed to stay more people will continue to come. we need to change the mindset. you change that mindset through policies like title 42 by making it clear we're serious about border security. this administration simply refuses to do that. >> there needs to be a deterrent, repercussions, consequences, deterrents. that's what prevents people from reoffending like our next topic. now that the mid-terms are over the liberal media is starting to pay attention to the country's crime crisis. this recent headline from the "washington post." these are nine stories from america's homicide crisis. what it fails to mention is these nine cities are all democrat-led. a "wall street journal" op-ed reading is it merely a coincidence that the mayors of all nine of these places are democrats? the post story doesn't make the connection. as citizens consider how to stop
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the bloodshed it is critical to examine a city's political leadership and policy choices. blue-led cities have seen a big spike in violent crime over the past year compared to last year. new orleans, baltimore, new york city, philadelphia, all in a world of hurt. i mean, marie, i've been talking about this through the entire pandemic as crime has gone up and i have pointed out the fact that democratic lawmakers are making it literally impossible for police officers to do their job not to mention bail reform, cash bail being reversed, all of these things making it easier and easier for criminals to win. >> most of those cities are in states run by republicans. >> no, i'm talking cities run by democratic mayors. >> in states led by republican governors who also have a role to play here. many cities led by republicans are also experiencing crime surges. so when we're talking about the causes of this violence and crime, we have to be very careful.
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there is not a lot of evidence that some of these quote democratic-led policies are leading to more crime. i don't think democrats should be soft on crime and you don't see people like eric adams being soft on crime. >> letting people out with no cash bail to reoffend? you want to talk democratic governors, look at new york and california. taking away cash bail basically says you don't need to have any money, just go and commit a crime and we'll let you right back on the streets. that's a democratic-led decision. >> cities many in republican led states and we can pretend like it's not the truth but it is. if we look at the causes we can't just point to the democratic policies. it's one of the reasons we should look at not the whole story. >> final word, jason. >> the democrats are saying things still aren't as bad as they were in the early 90s. they're right in terms of the
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national average. some cities things are back to the 90s. in philadelphia the prosecutor brags about how few people he was putting away, crime and homicides from increased every year he has been in office. so i think there is some evidence out there, marie, that these policies have led to disastrous results particularly to minorities are the most likely victims of violent crime. >> jason riley, marie march of, thank you for coming on. a big win for the u.s. after defeating iran and advancing to round 16 of the championship and victory being seen as a moral and political one. republicans coming to the defense of elon musk. >> american public have spoken on this. the first amendment stands up. i think they should stop picking
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on elon musk. >> why the white house says they are keeping a close eye on the new twitter owner. buck sexton in "focus" next. er so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. ♪ [christmas music] ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products. weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... tablet holder... boot tray...
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under elon musk. >> that's offensive to me. government is going to go after someone who wants to have free speech? what do they have to look at twitter about? do they want to go more after the american public whether they can have an opinion on something? i think the american public have spoken on this. will no longer let government go after people simply because of their political views. >> kevin mccarthy echoing what most republicans are saying and elon musk says apple is even threatening to drop twitter from its app store but hasn't given them a reason as to why. florida governor ron desantis tearing into the apple ceo. >> they are serving as a vessel to the chinese communist party. they are trying to get lelon muk twitter off the app store. maybe the most powerful company in the entire world.
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>> tim cook is set to meet with the house g.o.p. leaders in washington this week. he reportedly wants to strengthen relations as the party gets set to take the gavel in january. buck sexton co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show joins me now. this is the biggest and most utter waste of time i have ever heard for the white house to actually be worrying and concerning themselves and spending time on keeping an eye on twitter. let's not keep an eye on other things of greater importance. let's make sure that free speech is not free on social media. is that what -- am i understanding this right? >> no, i think the white house nice twitter you have there, lon, it's meant to be ominous trying to influence the outcome of the twitter takeover by suggesting that maybe the white house will try to take some kind of action not just through perhaps executive order but they could always use one of the many
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investigative agencies of the federal government, regulatory agencies to harass elon musk and i think that's why the white house is saying this. their base understands don't worry, we know you've lost one of your favorite propaganda toys and no longer a left-wing platform of total domination. we'll do something about this. i don't think the white house is idle chatter here. it is meant to menace and show you that one, we're about to find out, i think, with the revelation of the hunter biden laptop suppression from within twitter it was bright red line violation of the first amendment stuff this white house was engaged in. there was collusion on the issue of suppressing the hunter biden laptop and the issue of suppressing covid dissent which turned out to be true, by the way, on a range of issues. they will be in a rough place and brute force from the government will be a tool they try to rely on to stop the truth from getting out about what happened inside of twitter and what will be the future of the
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internet. >> elon musk tweeted a picture that was so scandalous. diet coke on the night stand and a pair of prop guns were enough to make twitter go crazy. one person said how shocking. richest man on the earth is a trailer park simpleton. jonathan turley saying elon musk triggers liberal sending them into wartime footing over free speech. elon is having fun with them. if they overreact eli come back with something else. apple has stopped advertising on twitter. for what? because they are afraid of free speech as well? this is the sort of rhetoric spread by the liberal and mainstream media actually catching fire. now twitter is being threatened
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by the white house. >> it is now a foundational belief on the left, something you have to buy into that speech that is offensive or in any way problematic is effectively the same as violence, which is crazy. they say a lot of crazy things. let's be clear on this. twitter was operating, i think, with the white house. we've seen some of the accounts that were suspended and what we've seen is that over time you aren't allowed to say things like only men can get pregnant. you have to say things like men can get pregnant and if you say things that are outside of the acceptable discourse they shut you down. >> i have to go. quick reaction. team usa pulling off the big world cup win against iran. what's crazy is iranians were rooting for the u.s. i need your reaction on it quickly. >> it's awesome that america won. usa, usa. and hopefully we'll be able to
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beat the netherlands and that will be a tough one. but i have faith because we'll come out on top. that's all i got for you. i'm not a sports analyst guy but i love america. >> the political ramifications really do speak volumes. that was a great story to read. buck sexton, thank you very much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." harris is back tomorrow. "outnumbered" after the break. p. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank.
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