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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  November 30, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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deep water. he used a baton to driver's side window. because of the quick-thinking he was able to lift of the woman to safety. that is great for him. tomorrow on "special report" we seek common ground on consumer. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. join us tonight. fox news at night, america's late news. have great night. jesse watters right now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: long day of work, kids you picked up from day care are in the back when all of a sudden you are surrounded by a mob angry protesters punch your car, break your windows and threaten your life. what do you do? we saw a lot of that during the summer of love, black lives matter and antifa were swarming drivers ♪ shouting. no.
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[shouting] >> get out of the car. >> that summer we saw cars massacred all over the country. >> >> [shouting] [laughter] >> jesse: it wasn't just property that was damaged. people got really hurt. one man in utah was driving to
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home depot when black lives matter descended on him and shot him. [horn blowing] >> what the [bleep] are you cooking? gunshot] [engine revving] >> what the heck? >> later that summer, are portland man was beaten by a mob, kicked in the head after they forced his truck to crash. >> [[bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> loser. [bleep] >> jesse: what would do you if you found yourself in that situation? do you wait it out and hope for the best or do you protect yourself and hit the gas? >> oh. >> oh. ing.
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[shouting] [screams] [bleep] get out of the god damn truck. >> two years ago a will bunch of leftists were protesting ice, they wanted to abolish ice. this was in midtown manhattan. when a woman named kathleen can a see owe found herself in the middle of the action. she was just trying to go christmas shopping with her 29-year-old daughter but she never made it home that night. kathleen kaseo said protesters banged on her car, tried to break her daughter's window and called her a white privileged blank. she said she panicked and floored it. here's the video. [shouting] >> are you serious? [shouting]
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[screams] kathleen drove her car through a group of protesters and nine got hurt. her daughter dominique told the press it was traumatizing and they were being menaced. dominique says she has ptsd from the incident and is in therapy. and afterwards, kathleen stopped driving a couple blocks away and she wars arrested. given a desk appearance. and then she was charged with reckless endangerment and assault. cass see owe appeared in court yesterday and for the second time turned down a plea deal. this was the deal she was offered. six days of community service and her license is suspended for a year.
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kathleen can a sill low wants to go to trial. she knows deep in her heart she wasn't duty she had to do what she had to do to protect her daughter. she wants to clear her name. since the incident kathleen and her family have received death threats. police had to be stationed at her house around the clock. she has been called a racist but kathleen says she had no idea who these people were, what they were protesting and she was just trying to protect her family. protesters though won't give up. they are rallying outside the courthouse during every hearing saying kathleen is a nasty racist who deserves hard time. they say she is the new kyle rittenhouse. think about this for a second. what would you do? the most famous case involved reginald deny. remember during the rodney king riots in 92. four guys dragged him out of his truck and beat him within an inch of his life then he suffered a fractured skull and for a while he couldn't walk or talk. so, again, what would you do in
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a situation like this? if your car is surrounded, you are being blocked. you feel like your life is in danger and your gut tells you it's about to get ugly? do you drive through or do you try to stay calm and hope it blows over? it's a very tough call. you don't want to hurt other people at the same time you don't want to be the one hurt. and d.a.s these days probably won't give you a fair shake and a jury, well you never know. let's turn to criminal deference attorney mark geragos. mark geragos, this woman is turning down a pretty light plea deal, six days and community service, suspended license, she wants to go to trial. do you think this is fair? >> well, i will tell you what strikes me, there is an old adage in the criminal justice system if they offer you low term. got a weak case. if they offer you probation, and no time, that means they have got no case. this offer means translates or
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implication that she is factually innocent and taking a look at that video, even the worst spin on it, she wasn't trying to intentionally hurt anybody. she wanted to escape there. she obviously, i believe had her daughter in the car. she was panicked. i can't imagine that of the prosecutors in this case really want to go forward on this case. that's why they have made this offer tempting her to take a deal so it went go to trial. >> jesse: especially with the climate so racially charged as it is. put mark geragos in a situation. you are in your benz. i'm sure it's a benz, geragos and you come across. >> no. >> it's not a benz? what is it. >> it's a range recovery. >> jesse: you got the range and you just were in the way trying to go shopping and there is a major, major politically charged protest, your car is mobbed.
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people are banging on the windows, if you hit the gas and hurt someone, what happens to you in the criminal justice system? we have a similar case in los angeles right now where a gentleman fell asleep went up the curb and hit a bunch of sheriff's recruits and injured a couple of them. but, at the end of the day, there was no alcohol, there was no drugs. there was no intent to do anything. he comes from a law enforcement family. this woman does not appear to have any animus whatsoever. i know people are protesting and assuming that there is some animus, but i haven't seen anything to support that. and i don't know what you are supposed to do. are you supposed to sit in there and see if the windows get bashed in? >> jesse: right. >> are you supposed to see if you are this woman if they are going to pull out and recreate birth and pull her daughter out of the window? i just think it's an unfortunate situation and not everything
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needs to be criminalized. >> jesse: so if you are in a car and surrounded but they haven't started smashing your windows but they are blocking your car are you aloud to hit the gas then? is it once they start pounding and threatening? >> yeah, once you cross that line, and you can justifiably say i was in fear, then i think you have got the right, but, you know, it wasn't like she fled and ran home, she only went a couple of blocks. she was promptly arrested. cooperated. obviously the cops on the scene did not suspect that there was anything untoward going on by her because they gave her what's called a desk appearance in new york. >> jesse: if she goes to trial and she is convicted that's just terrible. she could face hard time and it's like that bodega situation here in new york. the guy was defending himself. he felt like his life was in danger and something happened and they get the book thrown at them. that's the fear. >> well, that's -- the fear here is and there is not a whole lot
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of clients that i have dealt with over the years. can i probably count on two hands. that will facing years if they get convicted will walk away from six days of community service. i mean, even if you are factually innocent, that's a very, very tough position to be in if you see geragos in the range recovery get out of the way. thanks, mark. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: mini madoff finally showed his face today. and stick around and hear what he had to say. ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey.
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the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry.
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>> jesse: very important meeting weighs held today between kamala
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harris and emmanuel macron. they didn't talk about ukraine or china. no, today's discussion was far more important than both of those things combined. listen. >> i believe fa space a place of unrealized opportunity. and for that reason, there is so much potential in terms of the work that nations can do there. >> jesse: how did kamala become space czar? well "primetime" sources at the white house say biden was sniffing kamala's hair and she says joe i need space. joe misinterrupted that and put her in charge of the galaxy. now, just think about what our border would look like if she put in half the effort she puts into the final frontier. she is not that passionate about immigration. her heart is in space. so cadet come la says better than anyone if we are going to expand our efforts beyond the stars we need to establish rules and norms. >> regarding rules and norms, we are working together to develop
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norms for the responsible and peaceful uses of our space. and this is critically important work. more specifically regarding rules and norms and international rules and norms and established rules and norms to govern space activities. >> jesse: i mean, can you even imagine outer space without rules and norms? it would be total chaos. take "star wars" and multiply that times 30. that's basically what would happen. don't worry, kamala is here. she is the head of the space council and she would never let anything happen to those precious craters. >> you guys are going to see, you will literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. i don't know what it is about those craters on the moon. [laughter] >> jesse: the rich and powerful all got together in new york today for the "new york times" big deal book summit. ever heard of it? me neither. and you had to be somebody to get through the door. ticket alone probably, like, what three grand?
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star studded lineup included ukrainian president zelenskyy, facebook's mark zuckerberg, biden's treasury secretary, janet yellen, just to name a few and even movie star jlo's husband stopped by to publicly brag about the perks of being famous. >> i'm not built to be famous. i don't like it. you can keep it. i really have not gotten any benefit from it other than, you know, i got out of some speeding ticket and restaurant reservations and i don't wait in line at disney land which may in fact been worth if it you have ever waited five hours to take a three-minute ride. >> believe it or not, none of the bigwigs were the star of the event. it was actually a guy in a plain old baggy t-shirt. sam mini madoff freed the crypto kid who raided $3 million of customer cash blue it on wind chills and p policy amorous. mini madoff says the problem is this wasn't really involved enough.
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>> the question is whether you were supposed to have access to these account to begin with. >> i didn't know exactly what was going on. i didn't know the size of their position. obviously that's a pretty big mistake. that's a pretty big oversight i wasn't more aware. i think i was, you know, scared of nerves have you of the conflict of interest. >> jesse: sounds like he had raided the coffers even more. axios reported he mobile has 100 grand left in his bank down from billions. crypto company was one big sex party and he was funding all of it. those parties do get expensive. >> it sounds like a bunch of kids on adderall having a sleep over party. [laughter] i mean, look, i screwed up.
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i'm the ceo. >> there have been pictures of something called in sam increases level of dopamine to the brain for parkison's? were you taking that to patch? >> so, it's funny hearing this. i had my first sip of alcohol after my 21st birthday. there were no wild parties here. when we had parties, we play board games. >> jesse: board games. monopoly. except the money was real that's not what his girlfriend told us they were popping amphetamines for fun. second largest donor. >> is the other piece of it is using your money and influence and i there there was a question about whose money you were using but to donate, for example, to the democratic party. >> you know, my donations were mostly for pandemic prevention and they were looking at primary
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elections where there were candidates who were outspoken in favor of doing things to prevent the next pandemic. >> jesse: that's what he is going with, the crypto fetterman says it was all just to fund the pandemic but that's a lie. he admitted it was all a scam just to get the democrats on his good side. >> there is a bunch of [bleep] that regulate companies do to try to do good. these are things that everyone who does them basically knows they are kind of dumb. it's just a p.r. campaign. masquerading as do gooderrism and, you know, things like green washing are things which i think end up in similar area. >> fair to say you participated in this. >> yeah. we all did. >> jesse: we all did, didn't we? mini madoff one big scammer but what really to worry about the whole democratic party and
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regulators he had in his pockets. he is not even worried, look at him. even admitted they were bought off. >> how worried are you about criminal liability at this point. >> i don't think that -- i personally don't think that i have, you know, but -- >> monica crowley is the host of the podcast and joins us now. he only stole billions of dollars he doesn't personally think he is going to prison. >> look, i screwed up, but i wasn't really on top of things. it was his company. he was the ceo. not talking about nickel and dimes here, right? we are talking about billions of dollars where people actually really got hurt. where they lost their life savings. while they are all focused on this guy we should actually be paying closer attention to the actual victims of this criminal who, by the way, belongs in prison rather than part of this
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globalist jamboree. by the way i have been to that. >> jesse: you have? >> i have. >> jesse: did you pay to get 3 grand. >> no, secretary mnuchin when i was at the secretary department spoke at this but i have been there. it really have a globalist jamboree. all the elites yessing each other to death and protecting each other. and this guy obviously belongs behind bars. >> jesse: did he pull it off, monica? sometimes it looks like he is reading a statement but did he pull it off? is he doing enough to remain free in the bahamas to have more sex parties? >> you know, it's incredible that he has not been returned to the united states to face charges, stand trial, et cetera. again, the elites all protect each other. so the fact that he feels comfortable talking to andrew ross sorkin at a "new york times" palace form that is clearly all for the elites to just slap each other on the back say what great job they are doing taking over the world is completely outrageous, jesse. again, the fact that he feels so
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comfortable doing this, you have seen this time and again. whether it was jeffrey epstein getting a sweetheart deal the first time. again and again. these globalist criminals who steal billions of dollars or commit major violent crimes or you name it, they get protected by the system so sam bankman-fried can go out there and make light of the fact that it was like a college frat house where they were just doing a couple of drugs here and there. i screwed up once in a while but really no biggie. the fact that he can make that argument in that kind of forum with a straight face tells you how deeply corrupt the entire system is. >> jesse: he would be burned at the stake. you say the establishment is circling the wagons around this crook. bigger than madoff. 26 billion disappears and they are circling the wagons? >> because he poured billions of dollars into the establishment. all of the regulators maxine
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waters and so on, they all got gary dense ler at the fec. they all got major payoffs or business deals or business associations with this guy. and so, of course it is diseninsent advise. >> jesse: i'm going to start donating so i can protect myself. >> life was easier when you were on the left. >> jesse: i had such a great life deal book times summit and hang out with jlo's husband. i would never get in trouble. i would steal billions. man, it is hard being a republican. really hard. >> i'm telling you it is our cross to bear to save america, jesse. >> jesse: thank you, monica. >> you bet. >> jesse: next, americans are popping pills like candy. >> sugar, spice, and everything nice. [laughter]
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>> jesse: americans start their day by taking pills, maybe for blood pressure or add or sometimes just some advil for stiffness or hangover. other times, watch. >> medication haul [bleep] we got a new lease on life for 30 days. mood stabilizer, right? keeps me from shooting too high. got antidepressant from shooting too low. do you know what i'm saying? a ceiling and a floor for my moods. and then we got an anti psychotic. this one is more so for the general well-being for the society around me. do you know what i'm saying? you don't want me off of this one. gu, seen my last name is gumby. that stands for get up [bleep] we got things to do. sugar, spice, and everything nice. [laughter] >> jesse: "primetime" hopes that kid is okay. but what is going on here? we have all noticed the country is popping pills like crazy and
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here's the prove. 1986 antipsychotic medication sales were half a billion. last year almost $15 billion. almost one in four americans are on psychiatric drugs. why isn't anybody talking about this? and teenagers are the biggest market for big pharma that. teen depression and anxiety is up 70%. so we're more medicated than ever and we are more depressed than ever. it makes you wonder. is the medication working? well, dr. marty makary is a fox news medical contributor and the author of "the price we pay." dr. matt marty are these drugs working. >> probably 2340789. we have the most disabled diagnosed population in the history of the world. in some cases we are medicating ordinary life. of the medicinization of ordinary life. in other instances medicating problems that we create.
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we cover kids faces for two years with masks and wonder why half of them are depressed or anxious. big pharma that is not upset at this problem. as a matter of fact, they are encouraging doctors pro prescribe more. the old guard at the nih is trying to fund more laboratory science that will lead to more medication cures. we need to study food as medicine and how to treat diabetes with cooking classes and to treat high blood pressure with sleep science and stress management and things like that. obesity needs to be treated with school lunch programs. we just can't keep throwing medicines at the problem. and right now that's exactly what we are doing isn't anxiety the part of life. greatest generation weren't anxious in the 18th century when the pioneers were colliding with the native americans? anxiety now in 2022, what, your seamless isn't there in time. >> one epidemic problem none of us talk about is the impact of
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the loss of communities. of isolation especially in seniors but also in students. we see depression and anxiety at epidemic proportions and many times the solution is creating communities people are living alone and isolated and no wonder they are depressed. these are common sense problems been around for a long time that can be treated with communities except for rare cases where medications are desperately needed because all else fails? >> jesse: i think you are exactly right. dr. marty thank you for joining us. check out the book. have a great night. >> thanks. >> jesse: extra security night at the vigil for the four idaho state students who were murdered in their beds. as police are concerned that the killer may attend the vigil. christina coleman has the latest in moscow, idaho. >> good evening, jesse. yes, the vigil to honor the students who lost their lives in this brutal attack is set to start shortly. thousands of students are expected to attend this event.
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i talked to some students today and they tell me that they are very worried because no arrests has been made in this case. >> i personally live pretty close to where it happened and i live by myself and it's kind of terrifying like every night it gets really dark here early. >> we don't know where this guy will be? he could be in canada, we don't know. i really hope to find him if he did something like this and he is still alive then who knows he might go crazy and keep doing stuff like this. >> idaho state police say the evidence at the crime scene is coming to a conclusion. yesterday cars belonging to the slain victims were towed away from the off campus house where they were murdered on november 1st. a total of five vehicles were seized from the house to be processed for evidence. as students, faculty, and local residents come to terms with this kwamquadruple homicide. >> this is a safe community. statistics show it's been a long
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time since we have had a murder in moscow, over seven years, i believe. but crime does happen. >> also, security is beefed up on campus because, again, there is no arrest in this case. jesse. >> jesse: thanks, christinena. weave sent one of our producers to interview. so students at the university and many of them are saying things on campus have completely changed. >> i have noticed a lot of my friends that are girls have parents that are really scared and that have not decided to come back and girls have decided to stay and finish off school. >> i used to keep my doors unlocked now i don't anymore. it's not like knowing who it is. honestly, i feel like it was a student and went to school it. would help because it was a targeted attack. one of them got targeted more than the others i'm assuming.
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>> jesse: we will have the rest of that package tomorrow night. up next, before you invite any white people to your party, you got to make sure you ask for permission. >> controversial opinion but if you have a token white and you are hanging out with your friend group of color, you need to ask permission from everywhere in the group to bring your white friend.
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>> jesse: the u.s. used to be the biggest melting pot in the world. in case you haven't noticed the democrats seem pretty determined to make america racist again. so they are implements a new rule effective today. if you are black, hispanic, or asian you need to ask your crew for permission, probably in writing before inviolate a white friend over for dinner. seriously. now, you are probably confused about this, and i was too. until a woman who calls herself ther is watch that lesbian explained it. >> controversial opinion but if you a token white and you are hanging out with your friend group of color, you need to ask permission from everybody in the group to bring your white
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friend. don't just bring them. ask for explicit permission from everyone i might not be in the mood to deal with white shenanigans. feed into their ego. don't make them think they are a good white person don't give them that card to use against other people. >> can you imagine going to a party in her house a party with no shenanigans everyone is pale never seen the son like aoc's fiance. >> reilly, what has been helpful to you in come batting racism. >> i think it's helpful and important to talk to other white people about racism and i think a lot of people they don't want to be racist. they don't think that they are racist. but they also don't know some of the things that they believe or say are and can be racist and i
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think one of the, like, effective ways, is just to talk and kind of help teach them about why some of the things they believe or say or think are wrong, not necessarily racist but that they are wrong. >> jesse: but aoc's fiance doesn't practice what he preaches. when aoc was hebled by a guy she said was racist? what did her fiance do? he didn't talk to him and didn't teach him about what to say and not to say. i scampered up the stairs with his little dog and didn't defend his woman. >> aoc my favorite big booty latina. she wants to kill babies and still beautiful. you look very beautiful in that dress. you look very sexy. look at that booty on aoc. favorite big booty latina. >> selfie. >> jesse: this is why white guys need permission to be around. shenanigans like that. trey classifies founder of
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outkick. have you ever been involved in white shenanigans? >> i would like to think that i have. i went to college and law school. if you didn't you would turned into the ftx crypto bureaus andd become a billionaire. i saw the clips you were playing earlier from that "new york times" interview if you are a billionaire and still super boring really feels like you are wasting a lot of your life here. >> jesse: he lost money and his personality. >> goes to the jail for the next 30 years. but, look. it's amazing, jesse, how if you just listen to the audio. you didn't know who was speaking, you would say man, that sounds a lot like 1950s precivil rights america, which is why, i mean maybe matthew mcconaughey got it right when he said time is a flat circle because it feels like all of the arguments that are being made now by the wokest community of
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the left wing democrat party are actually super racist and they are the same arguments that would have been made by the super racist people in the 1950s because they are all predicated on judging individuals based on the color of their skin as opposed to the content of their character. >> jesse: did you just quote matthew mcconaughey on "jesse watters primetime." >> and i combined it with martin luther king which is probably the first time that combo has ever occurred in the history of television. >> jesse: save the day. do you like how she said that you don't want white people feel good about themselves. you don't want to be a good white. you got to keep them guilty. >> what about the fact that i really believe this. the way that aoc and elon musk are flirting, that ginger boyfriend has no hope. he is done for. is he going to take his spot in a heart beat. >> jesse: not even close. you could see it coming a while away. you know what? i shouldn't say that. i hope they get married and live
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happily ever after but there is a lot of sexual chemistry picking up between musk and aoc and it is undeniable. there is going to be white sen shenanigans there. >> inevitable. it's every romantic comedy that you, jesse, and every guy and girl watching this program right now have ever been to. they start off hating each other. flirtation a little bit and next thing you know they're undeniably attracted to one to another. i would be nervous if i was the ginger talking about how awful white people are. elon musk african-american slide right in. he checks two boxes both african-american and a white guy. i think the ginger is in trouble. >> jesse: are you allowed to say ginger? is that an insult. >> red hair. >> jesse: i don't know. if do you have red hair there is a lot of white shenanigans. that is guaranteed. clay travis who knows matthew mcconaughey better than he
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knows himself. up next, killer robots, cursing kids and cocaine bears. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: it's wednesday. let's do the cooler. joining me tonight, jimmy --
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>> so close, he was so close. >> jesse: host of "across america" with jim" fala. >> boom. one for two. >> jesse: first, when it comes to parenting, everybody has their own style, but what do you think about letting children swear around. around the house? >> what's the problem? >> it's wacky wednesday [bleep] >> i'll get you new socks. you're funny. >> i'm very confident in my parenting style. let's talk about it. about a year or two ago i decided i would be the person in my daughter's life to teach her the context of swear words. she's a well behaved polite little girl, who gets good grades, respectful to teachers and classmates. never an issue. >> jesse: jimmy, is that how you were raised? >> at my house? oh, my god. worse than a smack. it was a belt or spoon. you had to go get it for them.
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in the italian house, you get the inanimate object. >> jesse: and walk slowly. >> it's preparation for buying an engagement ring. that's what they're doing. here you go, kid. >> jesse: it's not good parenting. i can say that from experience. jesse jr. knows no swear words. he will after watching this show. on monday night we reported at that killer robots in san francisco would be armed with guns. we want to make a correction. that's not true. they will be armed with explosives. they clarified that today, jimmy. >> i'm glad we got that out of the way. to be clear, if you've ever walked a san francisco street, this isn't in the top five threats. tenderloin is where seal team six goes to get scared. i'm sorry. with all the hobbits and time travelers. a robot will roll down the plank, see people go potty on the sidewalk, and go back into
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the fan. >> jesse: next up, a black bear once ate an entire duffel bag, and now they're making a movie about it. >> no, no. don't eat that. let's see what kind of effect that has. [bleep] >> jesse: what's cocaine like, jimmy? >> it's funny you make that joke, because people can't tell if i'm fox talent or selling drugs to fox talent. the answer is both. the bear did eat cocaine in 1985, which is the same year hunter biden had his school trip to the zoo. go figure. whoever pitched this, had to be on cocaine to pitch it. in what other world would you walk into a boardroom confidently? we've got a bear doing cocaine in the woods, i'm telling you.
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>> jesse: you'll see that in the tenderloin. >> ha-ha-ha! tenderloin bear. >> jesse: jimmy, thank you so much. where are you going with that jacket? >> on the air, prepare for "outnumbered." i'll meet you on the one train after on the air. >> jesse: i'm losing my intellect faster than my hair. let's do the window. there's an update on turkeygate for those who didn't see the show on monday. on black friday, i went into my grandparents' house expecting leftovers. you know, you want to make that sandwich with all the sides and turkey, heated up with the gravy. voila. my uncle, we found out, had taken the turkey home with him. now, again, he didn't buy the turkey, cook the turkey, or carve the turkey, yet he took the turkey home. so i didn't have any turkey on black friday. we called him out on live television. he texted me and blamed another family member, said the other
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family member put the turkey in his car and left with it. but today he made things right. today uncle joe bought turkey sandwiches to the "primetime" team, hand-delivered. look at him, chowing down. so we want to thank uncle joe for coming through. but the controversy continues, because when i came back to the pod after "the five," i said could i try one of the turkey sandwiches, they ate them all. again, i was left without my turkey twice. twice. not happy. >> oh, man. >> jesse: next thanksgiving there will be some changes. grayson from michigan, i enjoyed your thanksgiving recap. i hope you do the same thing for christmas. keep an eye on your uncle around the handle. my uncle is a handle. we'll keep an eye on him, like they're keeping an eye on musk. monica from san diego. maybe kamala will get the best aerial view of the border. did you think about that? that's true. she does have an eye on things.
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we trust kamala to keep us safe from different types of aliens. chris from arizona, if you think mini madoff is shaking now, wait until maxine waters, no relation, has to run again with stolen money. maxine, asking him questions under oath. i don't even know who to side with. terry from colorado. crypto fetterman is clearly going for the insanity defense, but shaking like bacon in the pan. and chuck todd nowhere in sight. raymond from shreveport, louisiana, i actually have family there, they don't steal the turkey. the word shenanigans is of irish origin. why is that person culturally appropriating it? you're right, if it's asian, if you say shenanigans? i don't know the rule these days. kim from new mexico.
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ciroca lesbian. i don't know what ciroca is. i know what lesbian is. jimmy, is this you? it's pronounced "fala." "tucker" is up next. always remember. i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson." tonight we'll start with a advertise. what do you have when you find sam bank man friedman, janet yell 11, and y y yes 1


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