tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 1, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PST
all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being s show with us. thank you for making this show possible. we hopwe hope you will set yourv so you never, ever, ever missnee an episode of hannity. don't forget for news any time. all the time, every time do it's fox news, .com, hannity, .com. and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, the ingram angl laurae is next. kille and i know you've got a killer a kick show. i don't want to interrups t hannity. you haa grd a greaeat show tonit and i don't even have anythingya creative to say. d you have a very bland tie on .ir it's very, you know, it's not a salmon color. you don't have pink or yellow . you just look like a normalca person tonight. there's nothing i can say.saso this is so boring. now, seriously, you got an awesome show. have a great show. n: have really nice to talk to . okay, all right. love you, buddy. all right.ingraham i'm laura ingram . f this is ingram angle fromm washington tonight. gop sellouts. >> that's the focus ofs angle. tonight's angle. tel now, i can't tell you how many t
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16th, the government will runen out of it's convenient how the deadline always runs right up to christmas vacation when all the members are just desperatstmas vacal ofe membereg call, before that deadline, congressn can do one of three things. first, i t could simply passdown nothing and shut the government down. thenat w that would mean they w cease federal spending on all non-essential services. you'tiald still get your social security check, veterans wouldns still get their benefits, et cetera. we know they hate doing this now, we know they hate doingovei this because that move, whilembr is drastic forces, membersy to stay in amoun , figure it out and be more accountable for the obscene amountending of speg that it usually just rubber stamps. second, unless drastic drast a solution for them would be to pass a temporary spending t pass in the form of what's called the continuing resolution spendin. this would freeze spending in place for 30 days or for som some limited period of time. now, the obvious benefitd periof
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this would be that republicans would end up being in controll e and, t house t by the time the c.r. runs out. and thus republicans would haveo much more say over the hugey tht pots of money that are going to be spent or not spent at all. in some cases, the third optionb is what both schumer and mcconnell apparently prefer. and i'm talking about havingi'on one giant or as my son wouldsa gove ginormous spending bill that would fund the entire so, no separate bills, in other so no separate bills.ts. in other words, for various b departments, it would all be in one just giant bill . >> this gives congress huge latitude to increase spending from twenty , twenty two levels ,which means billions more for pet causes like climate change . remember the hiring of those eighty seven thousand irs. agents and of course, never ending money for ukraine. now, this concession by the master strategist mitch mcconnell puts republicans inon
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a box with spending questions o off the table. they'll lose mos t of the real leverage they had to advance their own priorities in the new year. ths poso at this point, why shoe any of us be surprised, though, that mcconnellt just announced that, quote, there's widespread agreement that would be better off with an omnibus than a temporary spending bill or spa c.r., widespread agreement among whomement am? tonight, certainly not the republican party. and tonight, we learnee d via john thune, who's leading these efforts for the gop, thatht the appropriators are trading now, negotiating . d shelby and shelby, senator richard shelby of alabama and patrick leahy of vermont are engaged. and we'll see if they can strike a deal. okay, think about this for a moment. gop interests are being represented. nothing, nothing personalth against him, but by richard ric shelby, who is an old establishment guy. he's eighty eight years oldticaa
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and whose political career is overer. that is a joke now. well, look, mitch mcconnell prefers these obscene, gargantuan spending bills because it makes his job easier. and it means in the end, h e in th won't have to deal with concern . ith is quitconse as mucerh in y year, certainly not incertainly the house. now, more from this politico more ttoday. mcconnell also knowsoday, thate reaches a deal this month, an outgoing speakerthe , nancy pel, can be trusted to push it mccarth the house. can the same be said aboutnuary? mccarthy in january as one gop senator told politico this alre, nobody wants to handbody s kevin mccarthy a grenade with a pen already pulled. >> how he trusts pelosi more than mccarthy, mcconnelleal or washington. swamp really just is a trougishn with more and more pigs feeding at it every day. chief among them, our nation's defense contractors who gets wh basically an ice cream sundae c
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with a cherry on top from mitch mcconnell has a price for his cooperation. he's insisting that defense spending receive a bigger boost than nondefense spending. ng. okay, you cannot make up how irresponsible this is . now, this isn't the nineteen eighties when our military leader leaderss were reliably conservative, unfailingly traditiona l. now our military leadership hates us all. an mcconnell should be demanding transparency and accountability focy andr the nearly 20 billion dollars worth of militaryhardwa hardware and humanitarian uksistance we've already sent to ukraine. he shoule. d be demanding an auditrunner of pentagon spending. they're not rubber stamping what the white house wants in this new package, which, by the way,w ends up all totaled whenh you get total it all uenp with t new supplemental, we'll have spent one hundred billion dollars in the year.2 to 2020 two 202 to twenty twenty three . and we have an open border. we have tens oof thof thousandsf
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our own vets living gutters across america and we don't help them. billone hundred billion dollars to you. this is just disgusting.n to u krthis entire episode reminds me of the infrastructure fiasco where 19 gop senators decided to sign on with a democrat giving biden that vaunted bipartisan victory talked about during the midterms. so when they agreed to this, mcconnell at all squandered all their leverage that they could have used to stop the climate change bill , which we all remember passed with zero republican votes in august. bill i mean, my god, they claimi like everything on the hill is a negotiation. well, by giving the dems thishi win, mcconnell ends up avoiding having to work with the freedomr caucus. spen we're talking about this this military spending and this huge omnibus bill in the fall. d bus,t my friends, the pentagon's budget is not sacrosanct.
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and our woke military needs pe to be subject to more oversight period. now, consider the contract to consider this. contrast the run and hide leadership style of mitche run mcconnell with the take no prisoners approach of someone like a ron desantihide wits. now, he didn't choose to sellhe' out in order to keep his seat at the elites table. keephe fought disney and he won >> these are parents rights,thaa important policies in our state that are very popular. so, they brought this on themselves. all we did was stand u compr what's right. bu,t yo, they're a big powerful company. but you know what?and we stand up for our folks. and i don't care what a burbank based california company says about our laws, you got it. but here in d.c., republicans don't dare question the pentagon, keep the government contracts come and kids never can stop. now, over the next year, i betrs we're going to see more unnamed sources talking to thent establishment media, ee
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complaining that they can't keep the party unified. robablyr they're probably going to be still blaming trump for that. but if mitch mcconnell's team, i wants to blame someone, their boss are goi is going to r to look in the mirror, whether it's a snarky comments aboute our senate candidates or hisateo willingness to cram through this outr llingness of control. pork filled mcconnell just comes offested in as totally disinterested in the people who actually win hies party elections. now, the angle is praise elect mcconnell repeatedly as a a formidable fighter for judicial confirmations. >> but he uses his talents too often to help liberals just spend more money. of course, being a member of the establishment means never having to say you're sorry.ver t the only person who ever tried to explain this strategy of working with the democrats on huge spending bills was this senator bill cassidy ofre goi louisiana. ngre and going to recall thatcall tha the angle on that issue obliterated it. >> you guygos got playt played s . you had to vote first or agreeln
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first. shown they still haven't shown>> the the text of their legislation, have they , sir?y -- think you made it easier for them? can mcconnell or cassidy point to one house or senateat the seat that the republican won because of their massive infrastructure bill ? infrasnow, this going to come ae probably in the next few years when mitch mcconnell is going to need conservative support for his priorities and his candidatesneed. and that support won't be there because this cynical, selfish bargain like the one he's making on this omnibus, ini the end, ramming throughs reckless spending and stabbing conservatives in the back is neither smart politics nor good for america.for am and that's the angle. joining meer now, indiana senator mike braun, who sits on the senate budget and appropriations committees. senator , i know that's a harshs assessment, but i just liste, dd the three options that congress does have before the government shutdown deadline. hey one of which is this temporary extension.
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now, you say you normally vote against bills like that. ime.but not this time. >> explain. so this time we'd be handing the keys over to nancy pelosi, g who we just fired to do all the spending according to what they want to do. it's been on display for the last two years. last twe do this all the time oe year we didn't complete the spending until march. so there's nnoo rush. i'm on the budget committee and you know who gavels us in s there? bernie sanders. soders. has never done one thint budget mechanics. so there is no good reason to give the dems, nancy, pelosi as her swan song, another year of what we've been content with . her is based on wheelosn i got here four years ago, 18 trillion in debt. now we're thirty one trillion. so we're running trillion, a half dollar deficits annually. with this kind of nonsense. with and you could do throughis budgeting, you could do through
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proper appropriations. all of this where you didn't brinalof you didg down to the b and why would we now whenlitics politics have changed in the house, nancy pelosi put her fingerprints on is when you don't need to . >> that's what has gotten so out of line.this >> it' ps just hard to imagine o where we're at as a country. ia >> well, senator , i mean, we kind of learned this hill piece tonight and in politico earlier today that mitch mcconnell t would prefer to work with nancyi pelosi than he would kevin mccarthy. i mean, that's where we are right now. republicans have to understand that derstand if they agree theb republicans agree to this omnibus, that is a fact.ul he would rather work with nancy pelosi than work with kevink th mccarthy and risk the pentagon no t getting a blank check for ukraine or for whatever else itw wants to do. do you agree with that? >> no. no, i mean, this should be something kevin mccarthy embraces to actually lay a new blueprint out for what
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republicans are going to do. a lot of what happened in the last election. r we weren't clearly for've been something we've been over the years. i ask a republican senator the other evening how many times ifw we drug 10 to 12 democrats 1 along with a republican initiative, he said, i can't remember said, ever. you've just gone through two or three of them where they drag 10 to 15 republicans along on their deals. >> i think people in indiana the heartland indiana, where i'm from, they're sick and tired of tha'mfrom, t, not to mention that they brought earmarks back . >> sought earm o they did with r 10 years. and now they brought them back last year. this place is going to hit the ditch hard if a few ofw us don't start standing up. and we did recently recently in the senate, there wasrece some discussiontn that brought d to a head in i our own caucusn a that we're not going to keep putting up with this rolling over to democrats that unholy alliance, th they roll us becaue
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we want everything we want on defense, pleases the neocons and they get everything they want on domestic spending. and we're another trillion and a half dollars in debt. they have no leverage and you t have no leverage to push a conservative agenda. senator , i have to ask you, is it true you're running for governor of indiana? is that already come out?f >> yes, i filed the papers yesterday to put me inin a p a position to do laura , i worked hard to get har here. everything i've observed, it's going to take a real housecleaning. we'll get it done eventually. l get it don i think most of the solutions in this country are goingng t from g to come from governorsover in states . you mentioned a good one down in florida. ida. my time is too valuable toe this place get even deeper into the hole where nobody seems to be worried abouitt. ah. >> so, yeah, i get what you support. mike pence running foryour your seat if he decided to runee for senate. >> you know, to i'm would ideally like to get somebody that came
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from outside the farm system of politics. career politicians, normally staff. so that's where i came from.y sp and since i've been here, i'ven been able to speak with freedomw and not worried about, well,ing is it going to cost me, you know, a committee chair? te do i have to make this vote toi get a campaign check? it's not the way it should work. the founders said serve get back to the farm areo fa your business. we've gotten so far away from that. i don't think ever could have imagined we'd end up where we are right now. >>we'dp wher eight year old she running the run in the negotiations right now. senator ron, thank're you're a rarity now, given everything we just laid out. whything wy would republican vos even show upn vo anymore? show well, luckily, someoneup with common sense is goingad to be leading the gop's autopsy post midterms.'s my next guest, newly appointed co-chair of the audit, harmeet dillon , is rnc committeewoman from california and she joins us now. harmeet, now i have some qualms about this public autopsy.
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i mean, the democrats never do public autopsies. e ou thei get together and they kind of figure out their strategy. so first of all,t whyof a is it a good idea? and if it'ifs internally iintern discussed,al new ideas or strategies, what are they ? >> well, thanks, laura . i don't even like the term autopsy. autopsy assumes that the patient is dead and the rnc is very much not dead.hink i do think that we are on lifed rapport, and i do think that we need some radical interventions in order to becomeg part a functioning and winning party. y again. politico and so, yo yu know, i looked at politico yesterday and i was t surprisehad to see that i've bes cogned up for a six month committee project . i'm an unpaid volunteer at commi the rnc and i. i hate committees. and i don't think that we canlf wait six months to give our ideas. and so i'm speaking on behalff th of the rnc tonight. but as a six year member of o the rnc, i have some veryr to w specific ideas of things thatin we need to change in order to win. the reason that we have a republican national committee is winningthe ke elections. there's no other reason.
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and over the last three election cycles, we haven't won. and i thin nk to a certain degr we've been fooling ourselves and gaslighting our members that we have, but we haven't. and so we need to changet' some things. the mostlaura , number one , i on hold on , hold on , slowu'res down. slow down.o sm you're so smart. you're putting out allreat i the great ideas. the major problem that you see that a major impediment and perhaps we're seeing this play out right now in georgia is what? >> well, the major impediment is that we are not chasing ballots. we are chasing voterse no with emotion and with celebrity candidates. but we are not doing what the democrats do, whichmo is making sure that we huncratta down every republican ballot and get it to the polls. and i mean, get it in early. lot i know this is not popular bu with a lot of republicans, but it is the reality in manyi just states . i just saw it on the ground in arizona and that is how the democrats run absolutely pathetic and mediocre candidates like katie hobbs orns john fetterman. they get their voters to turn a in their ballots and we just we
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just don't we rely on people emotionally to go on election day. and i'm sorry, but that'spa a thing of the past. neewed to get with it in i states where that's legal and where it isn't legal. it's only the legislature can change it. bu have to play the gamee to p that we have, not the game thalt we wish we had. so that's the number one thingr that i would change. now, another majorg problemth facing these candidates is that they're they're being outspentfu in fundraising. blake masters spent abou te ma one dollar for every 750 spent $7 by mark kelly laxalt. another bad proportion of spending, about one to three eighty by cortez masto. so what's happening with the fundraising? i mean, i gues you're mitch mcconnell and you cut all these horrible deals. if y who's going to read?bl i don't know who's going who's g to write these checks. regulao cut thr americans, when they think republicans are acting like democrats. blake masters was really ripped off by by the senate leadership. mitch mcconnell chose to send millions of dollars to alaska. he had a winnable race and heala
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didn't. republicans need to stop. comparing our fundraising at the rnc to the dnc. that's not the game anymore. the game is comparing all the fundraising that democrats are doing and nonprofits, dark money groups, local parties and other infrastructure. we don't do that. and so w e really have to get smart about that. la and then finally, laura , i think we really need to move and decentralize the rnc functions out of d c and back into the country where americans are, where our voters are and also engage in much more lawfare than we do right now. he i coso i think i could go on for an hour here, but we gotbuth to change a lot of things about how we run our elections and how we run the rnc and part of that process. we and i really hopsee wee see some change and a, the populace or the america first folks at the rnc have to be more powerful and stronger. an e and the old establishment types, i know there's some more establishment figures inment the rnc as well and that that cannot stand harmeet. we're very excitedrn about
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your role and good luck. why are so many former politicians and their staffers allowed to lobby for china and in other words, lobbying for tick-tock because china essentially owns ticktock. we're going to name names and then speak to senator tom cotton next. plus, chris next, rufo, chri got his the hands on the video of disney o ceo bob iger. the first meeting sincegoer's f returning. so are they really backing downt positions?political >> we're going to ask them next day. fox station special holiday offer, extended joint fox nation for only one fifty a month stream. all the biggest series and specials. >> tucker carlson is in the house tonight. go to moment that only treasure hunters get to enjoy. >> plus, catch kevin costner in yellowstone. one fifty. when i was younger, i saw pictures of yellowstone and i thought, could there be a place like this in the world? >> and christmas at the greenbrier know why this deal ends on wednesday. >> so don't miss out a heart attack.
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just for you? get your retirement back on track at asir retirement. >> doug there weaponizes t to swap against those. >> tic-tac is hiring an army ofo former membersni of congress, senators, democrats, republicans, staffers, spendin g seven million dollars nearly last year in orderyear to lobb h on theirei behalf, exploiting the loopholes in our lobbying laws, which are very weak rightl now, thankaus to the washingtona examiner. we knominer, ww who some of thes are. congressman gallagher was just so great on the show last night. we got huge reaction.we got and among the names lobbying on behalf of ticktock, which is owned by the ccp controlledco white dance, arent the followin. former republican senate majority leader trent lott, powerful former democratic senator john breaux of louisiana, former republican congressman jeffrey blican condunham, and former d democratic congressman bart
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gordon, alsoemoc a former high profile staffers, are gettingint into the game, includinghe formr pelosi senior adviser michaepelo blum and former kevin mccarthy . political adviser freddy barnevd . all were asked to appear with us tonight with the exception of blum, who couldn't make the timing work.n of they refused. n' joining us now is senator tom cotton, who has long warned tiktt tiktok. senator , that's quite a list. and that's just scratching the surface. what does that tell you about the revolving door of power to influence peddling in washington, especially on behalf essentially of the ccp? >> well, it was a great, mike interview you had with myag friend mike gallagher. her lalast night. he's right. tiktok is like a kind of, ti digital finial oktr trojan horse on the phones of america's youth. if you have it on your phoneyl,r yoojanu should delete it, yo and probably get a new phone as well. delet an oformer members congress and congressional aides should know better than th a company that
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is directed by at the behest ofp the chinesany e communist partys that is part of its massive surveillance network.t part that is going to give access to hundreds of millions of americans. phones going for today and going forward. if it's not removed from those phones, if it's not bannedd nationally in this country,e mike gallagher and i also haveat legislation that would close this loophole. he spoke about wouldhe loophol d require any person who's lobbying for one of these chinese companies to registes r not just as a lobbyist and require diligent journalist at places like washington examiner to go ferret the mail, but rather registe rr as a, ther foreign agent, because inly china, there simply is no lineio between the communist party and chinese companies. mpyeah, that seems like such a o brainer at this point. senatosenator , i'm so glad youe pursuing this. but today at the new yorbuk tims deal book summit, the ceo off tic addressed criticism thatgovt they are just controlled by the chinese government. watch this. we take all these concerns very
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seriously for us . no us , no foreign governmentfog has asked us for us user beforea really to have it. bef and if iort did, we would say no . senator , i'm sorry. does that even pas. >>s sen the straight face test? .f you sa and if you said no, weid might g go the way of and beof jac disappeared. i've never heard from again either. look, tiktok is under the thumb of chinese communists. it has to answertiktok i to thee communist party. it has to do with the government, saysdo wha it can af all the data on your phoner apps to include all the other apps, r and your content and your text messages, your emails, istory. your browser history. you can even remotely control your camera and your control microphone. you should delete, ticktock from your phone and probably get a new phone if you have itou on there now. a nethat's to say nothing ofr the kind of content the chinese communist party allows on techh talk in their country. thwhich is basically respecton e your elders and do your homework and eat ir countryis your vegetables and what you
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find on it here in america. >> i'm not sure they're even the getting vegetables, senator , but it's good to see you tonight. thank you. now, speaking of than potentially bad actors, there's beenen som some celebration around the return of bob iger at the helm of disney, but don'tsny think that's immediately. goinf to take the company's foot off the political gas. now, wl e now have some behind the scenes footage from tiger's first town hall meeting with disney employees. >> will disney stay out of making political statements? do i lik e the company being ste embroilents?d in controversy? of course not.broile itd can be distracting and it can have a negative impact on the company. and to the extent that i can to work to kind of quiet things down, i'm going to do >> chris rufo, the journalist to uncover that video, has beenv leveling pressure against the mouse for over a year. he joins me now. he's a he's also a senior fellow at the manhattan institute. chr chris , caisn we expect this to be a real sea change about how disney is going to approach content as well?
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well, listen, bob iger is not elon musk. he's not going to have t a counter revolution inside disney. but this is a step in the righth direction. and what it really revealsrecti. is that conservatives can apply pressure to big corporations gt and get results. i certainly investigate. disney corporation sharedn some of those details on your show. ur shoin the last year. and then governor desantis wielded the big stics wik oflegl politics in the florida legislature, slamming disney for politicizingat slammi the pl bill of rights in florida.but and those thingsth really did damage to the company. we see the incoming ceo, the returning ceo, bob iger, walking it back , pledginggoer of neutrality in the culture a war. this is a victory fovictorrr conservatives, but we have to keep the pressure up. we have to keep pushinang and getting results. >> well, i hope i hope that is the case. but i think you're right to trust but verify because, you know, the pressure is going to stay on him to be woke up. i think it's worthwhile, as we
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think about this, to play something that iger said back in march.>> >> watch a. a lot of these issues are notca necessarily political . it's about right and wrong.bout thes righte don't say bill in florida. to me, it wasn't politics. it was what is right and what is wrong. and that just seemed wrong when you're dealing with right and wrong or when you'reight a dealing with something that does have a profound impact on you an dr business, then i justg wia think you have you'd have to do what is right and not worry ab about the potential backlash to it. >>ntial backlash chris , that'st bob iger's than the one that yot showed in that video. right.'s i mean, he's a he's a liberal and he thinks he thinks if you're basically a traditional christian or traditional american with traditionalist views, ican wit and you're wrong,s to i guess that's right.e sa i mean, that's whayingt. he's saying. cinly -he's a liberal, but he'r an accountant. he's seeing that this culture ds war that disney was waging had a huge impact negatively on their bottom line. and so we're seeing a verywe'r
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different tone. and , look, the idea is not't wn that we want to make all ceos conservative. the idea is that we have a system of incentives and we can create pressurf e on companies so that even liliberal ceo like bob iger does the right thing, declareske neutrality, pulls back on some the crazy. and we're going to kee p himm accountable because as we've seen from those tw ho clips,ng he's willing to change his tone and he's willing to change hisv tune while they can't even say hi, boys , and girls, as you walk into disney anymore. right. they had to change it. hi, people or something. i don't know if they'll change that. anymo chris , great to see you. thanks forre. that video., now the strange christmas silences of the bidens. and why are some disgruntlede bi celebs staying on twittedensr? n >> raymond arroyo has all the details seen and unseen is next. the world doesn't come together like this very often. but when it does, the results can be extraordinary.
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fox news contributorfoun christd arroyo. raymond, it looks like bidenen f found christmas today. >> well, sort of, laura ,rs the president and the first tre lady lit the national christmas tree tonight. now, this wanighs biden't.s ente christmas message to thech nation. >> no joke.rist mas messagthat was essentially e said. laura , i'm not kidding.? o bunlt that wasn't the only sileh acout at the white house this christmas. the bidens decorated a mantle dc in the state dining room a with stockings for each ofe their grandkids. even the first dog and cat gotng socks. but there is one omissios fon. n hunter biden's daughter out of' wedlock. navy jonesof roberts, no sock fr her. a four year ol d child for u the second year. she's been overlooked and utterly ignored. ignorthey should get coal in their stocking for doing this>>a to a child. >>, th the grinch, the ultimate
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so, ch. so it was a silent night, though. at theat the tree lighting cere. did he did he really not say anythingh be said like he said, merry christmas. >> the music came up and jill kind of hustled him off. but laura , if they wantd to shun a member of the biden clan, shun the guy who made the family subjected to federal investing and has a collectiona of and crack use videos, that's the guy to shun, not this poor little child. anyway, biden in a rough public day when he spoke at the tribal nations summit at the white house. t at white ed to give native americans a greater voice in federal affair s. then one of them spoke up and biden didn't look like he was reaching for the peace pipe. >> respect for t triberibes as nations and treaties as law, respect for beg your pardon, i wanted to shed no, i was i was a little getting a little worried. >> he said no.a oh, la la la la la la la. worri
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>> i feel like i'm watching the street three stooges like i . saywa?s he sdoes he can'ayt make this stuff up or what. huh. what you said, what you say, what you say. >> it's unbelievable. the weirder stories of the weeke that also comes courtesy off th the biden administration that gender fluid deputy secretary, the office of spent fuel and waste disposition at the energy department engaged in his own waste disposition. recently, sam brinton has been charged with stealing a ladies roller bag from carousel at the minneapolis airport. the picture that we checked, indianapolis>> laura: g. there he is , sam. oh, nothing. laura he allegedly ripped the tag off this lady's bag, too took to his hotel, lefts the woman's belongings there in hibus room, but kept the bag. surveillance footage latere us showeded he used the bag is goin to travel to europe. and surprise, surprise, this is going to shock you.
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none of the ladies clothing waso recovered from his hotel room in minneapolis. appaine that laura . he's very brandee, apparently,ra right, is a very brandee. everyone sho you we were told that everyone should just look look past his-d rather odd appearance. it's kind of a and then a thief is this to another thief. what kind? odd w this is an odd way to shop. and i noticed he didn't steal a guy's bag and take his clothes. you know, this is like an anonymous personal shopper, tjb max, a grab bag. you know, he's pulling stuff off the carousel. but givecaron hiuss and pup play causes that brinton taught at b colleges, i'm surprised hed he didn't a doggy bag for his pets. but i'm going to leave that when they are. >> now, he looks like a combination of like mr. clean. and i don't know what it it's a very odd situation. >> it'ins a very oddat situation all right. finally, ladies, because there
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is there i don't even know that there's an egg supposedly anfrom exodus of celebs from twitter. right following must tak e over. but whoopi goldberg, jack white and others, they've left. but why was everyone and now departure by good leave?they a we don't care. they all feel they have to make a big announcement. a just go . jus you know, jim carrey made a big deal of leaving. >> he posted a cartoon of a naked lighthouse keeperaming screaming in a storm. go figure. he naturally madinorm. e the announcement on twitter. >> he's still there. twso and alison he', alonzo, milan who promised to leave twitter, is now stayingo pr. >> do you think he'll stay on it? because we can't see tha t territory. it's like a turf war now. oh, that's how i look at it. >> she said to me, idealogue got whiplash, laura . >>l oh, me.lash, one minute. one minute. remember , she bought the tesla to show she was part of the green agenda. then shehe said, i gave my teslc back because she was outraged oa
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over the twitter freedom of speech. now she's staying on twitter sh so i guess she's got to buyg to a second tesla.happen her i don't know what's going to happen here, bue. t she's gotry serious problems here, very confused. but is there free speech? >> and i still can't get the energy department staffer will out of my mind. >> >> okay, laura , he could face he could face five years in prison and a ten thousand dollar fine for stealing st thatare woman's back . >> burgmann by the way, her clothes are still missing for: , foramen. he is a first. on. so that's all that matters. raym's all that matters is that position. all right, raymondond, y in big nashville, i know you got a bign book signing on saturday. and franklin, that'sg sucho. a beautiful place to to go to raymond arroyo .com for details . and i know so many people areg gonna be showing up. thanks. right. great to see you. ank you.and speaking of twitter, the european union has said they're going to ban twitter if' elon doesn't adhere to their censorship request. does n, republican senators got
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their hands on internal dhs docs revealing the tru theire et of their coordination with big tech. tulsi gabbard has it all in moments before choice. my dental health was so bad i would be a lot of pain. >> i was unable to eat. it was very hard. >> kimberly came to clear choice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease, clear choice , dental implant solved her dental issues. >> i feel so much better. feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can eat anything. to m clear choice , change my life. why do nearly clear choice , change my life. save to mail and ship? is convenients . you get the services of the post office right on your the post office right on your computer stampters money with great rates from usps and ups, mail letters,
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is a target on his back as his goal for a platform that trulys embraces free speech is nownow running up against a censorious left, first in the european union. repor the financial times is reportingti that the european commission threatened musk with a continent wide banitte unless twitter abides by strict content moderation rules. r in other words, removeul speeche they don't like or else. but yeah, that's just europe.n it could never happen here. yoheu say. s afte hous, just days after the white house press secretary saidid the the british administration is looking into twitter, treasury secretary janet yelle all but confirmed it. >> today, we have an agencyageny within treasury called citius that does look at transactions that involve foreign investmento in the united states to see iffh they create nationaley security and i'm not going to say a specifically what we areren' or aren't looking at. >> but if therbue are such riski ,it would be appropriate for fo recipients to have a look.
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>> what a frightening admission here now is tulsi gabbard, former congresswoman in 2020 democratic presidential candidate tulsi, if it wasn't clear by now, must go is hards u hitting a nerve. wow. this should clear all things ofd all doubts from everybody. evght, laura ? big time. you know, it's interesting to me is that before muskre bought twitter, i don't recallk hearing anyone from the biden administration or the washington establishment or eue eu complainingthr th about how dangerous twitter is or how it poses a threat to our democracy, which really justr shows they don't they don't spee about free speech. they don't care about democracy. the reason why they're so concerneonncerned,d or so afrai and upset right now is becauseor they no longer can controlo twitter. they can no longer uselo use ths platform as their propagandathey arm to to silence voiceslike and they don't like and to push the narratives that they want to push out. and so that that really is what is the crux of the issue here. and the biden administration
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is showing exactly how autocar l ,erratic and dictatorial they really are. , they claim to be, hey ,we have to spread democracy and defeat autocracy around the world. bu butheir own hypocrisy through their actions is pointing out they're interested in suppressing freedom of speechprs and silencing voices that daresf to challenge s or question theme not only right here atnc home, but as you're seeing now in the eu, european countries and in other countries around the world. >> now, it's not jusout thisntr around musk thing, though, telsey, because senator holly, he got his handsh on documents that the dhsn disinformation board had beenef operating months before appapublic even knew about it. apparently, the board discusserd the analytic exchange with big tech and emails reveal plans ema for a meetinilg with a facebook official who suppressed the new "new york post". hunter bidenk offici story. this is this is staggering.stor. the lengths to which they woulo go to control speech, discourse and debate in the unitede
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states . unedand this is just more evidee of it. >> it is .sure t and i'm surehi that this is not handonly piece of evidence that exists. again, they're showing. o their hand. f nicethey they say a lot of nie things about defending freedom and their concerdom ann for protecting democracy. we heard a lot o cracf thaty. g up to this last election especially. but their actions tell a veryer different story, a very chilling story aboutg how they're abusing their positiontheir of power and directly undermining our righour right to free speech and using both the levers of government through departmenth of homeland security as well set as their partners who will do their bidding on social mediadd to do that, to silence us toanoe silence those who dare tleng to challenge them and to advance e whatever their o propaganda or their agenda or narrative of the day. as congresive of thes, congresst i hope congress has the guts to really look into this,people to demand the truth and the facts for the american and i think they should also
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ask some questions about what kind of communications the white house had with the e h or european countries about this twitter thing and whetheris or not they the white house was using kind of its its power and pressure to get the euis to do its political biddin useg and advance their own agenda. yeah. mean they certainly were interested in president trump's phone calls with who inter is zelenskyy? what about their phoneesth call i mean, nice to see thoseheir p transcripts. now, the white house caronnahonh virus response coordinator was asked about this report. see that twitter was no longer banning covid with misinformation. now, listen to what he said. people deserve quality, e science driven information and that shoule d be availablei to them online. the cost o cf noost of nt havinr is the fact that hundreds ofnecl americans are dying unnecessarily of a virus where if people got up to date on their vaccines, nicole , and if peoplk e treatments that are now widely available tero.ree, we could drive tha three hundred deaths a day to close to zero. so the cos
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t of that misinformation is very large . >> the misinformation, cost ofct that misinformation, really, because now most of the people dying of covid oformatio have bc vaccinated. tulsidas are just their lives. they don't stoinated. p it. t' it's outrageous. it's outrageous for him to saysu that, looktr, into the camera, n speaking to the american people when when he pwhen h and faucibn and others in the administration have been lying to alllying o of us for s now, whether it was about masksn or is about the vaccine, sayingu if you get the vaccine, you can't catch covid or spread it . it's it' s i mean, it sickens me to see how blatantly lying peopl they are to the people.e. and everybody should shouleverdt know that and see ith clea withy eyes to see.ou >> great to see you tonight, as always. thanks so much. fun wi thfu apparentln with kamala. >> apparently that's next. fox station special holiday offer, extended joint fox nation for only one fifty a month stream all the biggest series and specials. tucker carlson is in the house
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an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews. and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food.
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these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply
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the essential foods they desperately need for one month. your support will provide them with a box overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledge that faithful christians around the world care about them. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. >> laura: we haven't heard from kamala harris in a while sa let's see if she has learned no to waste her words. >> a fellow stomach france has
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vital ally to the united states. this is a strength. our partnership in our cooperation and truly all is the background to an enduring relationship.we >> laura: still bad. 'rckwe will check back with hern the coming days and weeks to see if there are other insides. that is it for us tonight. greg gutfeld in the entire gang take it all from here. see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ >> todd: ac of people gathering ethan, madison, kaylee and dana as the residents were targeted in the brutal attack and still more questions than answer. you are watching spur xp 30 on a thursday morning. >> carley: stunning revelation
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