tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 2, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
that's all the time we have for this evening. thank you for joining us. to be sure to check out my podcast. jason in the house. type in jason in the house. love to have a listen. i think you'll like it. sean be back on monday. the ingraham angle is up next. have a great wonderful blessed weekend. thanks for joining us. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight we start with the startling breaking news detailing how twitter censored the bombshell hunter biden lap top story in the runup to the 2020 presidential election. but first, it's important to remember how this all began. in april of 2019, hunter biden dropped off three water damaged lap tops at a delaware computer shop for repair. after 90 days, hunter still had not returned to pick them up. it was then that the owner of
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senior intelligence officials sent an email. they have all of the classic earmarks of a russian disinformation campaign. >> this is the laptop that officials have warned is likely russian disinformation. >> to say there's no evidence that this hard drive is part of a potentially a russian disinformation campaign doesn't make sense to me. >> now, despite zero evidence of this, social media companies, twitter chief among them, moved to stifle this story. they even suspended "the new york post" twitter account. do you remember that? well, the message had gone out. this story was not to see the light of day. and elements that did must be labeled russian disinformation. well tonight, we finally learned the details about how the coordination effort unfolded. it came in an interesting manner. elon musk gave former rolling
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stone writer matt tiabi currently on sub stack the rein of taking everybody through this. twitter was a brilliant tool in instant mass communication giving the power to share ideas and communication instantly without barriers. twitter more than lived up to it's mission. as time progressed, the company slowly forced to add those barriers. some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters. so how did this manifest itself. tiabi through musk writes, this is the bombshell, by 2020, requests from connecting actors to delete tweets were routine. one executive would write to the other, more torre view from the biden team. the reply would come back, "handled," wow. joining me, molly hemingway,
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contributor and editor in chief of the federalist, mike davis. he clerked for supreme court judge neil gorsuch and founder of turning point usa. we've been waiting for more and more as time goes on. what do you make of the evolution from twitter in the early days to twitter in the election cycle of 2020, especially in the fall with the laptop story having been revealed. >> this social media company changed so much about how we can communicate. it started out as a platform for free speech, free thought, and free debate. what happened in the 2016 election was that former president donald trump, then a candidate, was able to bypass the propaganda and hostility of corporate media by using social media to speak directly to the american people. and it worked. and he won election. when that happened, social media companies said they would never let it happen again.
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they began wide spread campaigns of deplatforming, censorship, algorithmic game playing and meddling on the elections on behalf of their favorite democrat candidates. this did, a perfect example, a story where we learned so much about what twitter did to suppress free speech and debate about the bide b business and the corruption in this biden lap top story. learning details, we need -- learning who was involved, how much democrats were involved in suppressing this news that americans had every right to know before election day. it was kept from them by these bad actors. >> mike, i want to go to you because as you read what matt tiabi is releasing with his sub stack, no. 9, point no. 9 was that celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party. okay? it goes on to say that both parties had access to these
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tools. for instance, in 2020, requests from both the trump white house and the biden campaign were received and honored. but the system wasn't balanced. because twitter itself, tiabi goes on the say, was of one political -- overwhelmingly of one political orientation. so more channels, in other words, to complain about what conservatives were doing or trump supporters were doing than the other way around. your reaction tonight, mike. >> big tech platforms have way too much power they're too big, too powerful. if you have political actors, including government actors that can reach out the the big tech platforms and say something is misinformation or disinformation and then gets the information censored and people deplatformed, we have serious problems. we have a first amendment problem with this. we have a general problem where big tech platforms can throw elections. if the american people could have known what was on that laptop, the laptop from hell
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that "the new york post" got censored over, president biden wouldn't be in the white house today. >> laura: that's the rub, is it not? we know for a fact that a lot of americans have reported that they would have reconsidered their vote had they known the extent of the biden family corruption as a results from the hunter biden saga and now we find out because of this slant and political orientation, that's point 12 that tiabi tweeted tonight, that you know we see that the assessment of former and current high-level executives was only going one way. so, again, this reveals how the bias played out in realtime during october of 2020. >> direct campaign intervention. and laura, what bothers so many americans is they thought they were getting the whole story in the fall of 2020. when elon musk bought twitter, i
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don't think he realized he was buying a democrat superpac. this puts an entirely different phrasing on the idea of "kill the story," you have the ability, or you had the biden campaign ability to make a story disappear. you don't like the hunter bind story, email your friends at twitter and it can vanish from the spire landscape. we are learning this is interdepartmental. former intelligence officials, 50 sign a letter. federal law enforcement. you had twitter. how far they went. how shaky this is on so many different levels, it will forever question and taint the 2020 election the more we learn about this. and i'm glad elon musk has the courage to declassify or do the equivalent of deaf classification and let it be known. transparency is the answer here. of. >> i think another key thing here is that what they're saying in the release of these documents is it's not -- you
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just can't take their word for it, tiabi or musk, it's a viewpoint of current -- it says multiple current and former high-level executives at twitter are confirming this. so, that's pretty -- that's pretty shocking in and of itself, is it not? >> that's true. there's documents -- documentary confirmation of this as well. i love we're getting this information of the hunter bide b story, a horrible suppression. but it's important that people understand that this type of suppression of news and information that hurts democrats was going on for years prior to the 2020 election. this is just one notable example. when you uh think about how many votes are affected by this manipulation of information, this disinformation that comes out by pretending that certain information isn't there or other information is more valuable, it is -- it has profound consequences. there needs to be a lot more. i'm so glad we mentioned that the fbi was involved in this. we had learned that mark
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zuckerberg that facebook officials were met with by fbi officials who were told to look out for this information to suppress it. this is something that the new republican congress is going to need to demand answers from from the government officials that were involve and everyone should remember that just because intelligence officials say something does not mean you should believe it. given their track record, you should almost disbelieve it. >> mike, that applied to the rosi assessments of the war in ukraine, covid, all of the things that have led people to take very drastic actions in their own personal lives and support various efforts around the world that the biden administration is pushing. going to 18 in the flurry of tweets that matt tiabi set out. twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress the story, removing links and posting warns that it
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may be, quote, unsafe. they even blocked the transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, like child pornography. so, like they were able to stop you from communicating with your trusted friends and colleagues and associates on direct message about hunter biden? that's how worried they were about this? wow. wow. unbelievable. >> "the new york post" is one of the oldest newspapers in america, they were able to shut down "the new york post" over this. this shows big tech has too much power. they have gate keeping power. >> laura: ridiculous. >> we need to break up big tech they have way too much power. we have seen over and over they're willing to use their power to crush conservatives and others with whom they disagree. >> laura: charlie, this leads us to discuss the house now which
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is going to be in republican hands kevin mccarthy will be the speaker of the house. he's been known to be more friendly in the past than others to big tech. he received an enormous amount of money over the years from big tech companies. we like kevin mccarthy. we've had him on the show many times. but this is where the runner meets the you know what road here. i don't care who gave you the contributions. this must stop. this is -- these are proxy censors for the left right now and this has to stop. because this is going on as molly said across the board on all of these big tech companies. >> we need a church and pike committee equivalent immediately out of the gates in january. i want to see jack dorsey, i want to see egewaldt subpoenaed and see them under oath on why they used the instrument of power to benefit a candidate. were any laws broken here? did they knowingly do this knowing
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that the story was false? was there a quid pro quo twitter would be broken up by section 230, these questions that need answers immediately. and there needs to be some form of justice to this. because everything that americans will teach their children about fair play and following the rules was obliterated by the alleged public square which was twitter in the fall of 2020 and they got their way. we know how voters would have voted ifs this this story would have been allowed and let it be known this was the stoppage of the transmission of what could have been the end of the biden campaign. and just tragically, the censors and the bad guys were able to squeak through. there needs to be justice. >> laura: who doesn't think this has a significant effect on the election when in some states the elections were fairly close all of these irregularities and so forth.
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the idea it would have had no impact or minimal impact, we don't know that. we don't know that at all. >> i wrote a book called "rigged," and this is a big part of it. you're right, it was a close election. it came down to three states, 40,000 votes. the idea that this doesn't manage to affect not just this story but so many stories, the algorithm game play that google does, elevating news and information from democrats. there are so many ways in which big tech companies are able to put their hand on the scale in favor of their political allies. it affects probably millions of votes. it's an existential threat to the republican party, yes. but it's also an existential threat to our country. we have seen how these big tech social media platforms have opinion able to create in people the idea that we shouldn't be able to debate or speech that is unpopular should be suppressed
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violently instead of believing in the confidence of the first amendment that we have the right and responsibility to argue for our position to seek truth, to have freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, these -- these platforms are almost more powerful than our government. they frequently are. and so it's a threat to the entire republican what they're doing. and you can see how much the left is freaking out about one social media platform not doing what they do. it's not like elon musk is helping out republicans. he's just saying there should be open expression. he's not even doing a perfect job with it. but moving in that direction, they are freaking out because they know how much of their political power is thanks to the big tech social media platforms. >> laura: you bet this is why they were so upset and freaking out about elon musk taking over twitter.
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mike davis, to you on this, this is 21 public policy executive caroline strum noted caylee mcanally locked out of her account returned that the lap top story had been removed from the hacked materials policy. they kept her locked out, caylee. she was a white house employee at the time. and she was merely discussing -- she was top white house communication official. and she's merely talking about something that's true and they locked her out for that. wow. >> it's amazing. >> if kevin mccarthy wants to be speaker, he needs to support this breakup of big tech's beat keeping power. >> laura: this is important the back in august said 79% of
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voters think that truthful coverage of the hunter biden story would have changed the outcome of the election. so, that's 79%. imagine we had an immediate media honest about covid, the economy, hunter biden? your response. >> it's worse than them not covering the story. they covered it up. there were steps to use the instruments of power to prevent any sort of direction. you lost your twitter account. you couldn't direct message it. how different is it than living in a dictatorship when it comes to the elections on the tech tolling landscape. that's a serious thing to say. how is it different. you come across a lap top that has emails and communications tied to the soon-to-be president, it's a -- >> laura: yeah, china would be proud of all of this we're going to continue to follow all of the details
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tonight, molly, mike, charlie, thank you so much. the main stream media may be getting fooled by china. not "the angle," all of the details coming up. gordon chang joins us from asia, next. ♪ energy demands are rising. and the effects are being felt everywhere. that's why at chevron, we're increasing production in the permian basin by 15%. and we're projected to reach 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2025. all while staying on track to reduce our carbon emissions intensity in the area.
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i know, what took me so long, right? i love the rivalries. with the drama even on display during press conferences. now, earlier this week, you might have seen this, an iranian hack, a fake journalist, harassed our team captain, tyler adams. >> you say you support the iranian people but you pronounce it wrong, our country is ir-rahn, not eye-ran. get it clear. are you okay representing a country that discriminates against black people in the borders. >> my apologies on my mispronunciation. we continue to see progress every day. as long as you see progress. that's the important thing. >> laura: a classy and frankly a beautiful response the americans followed up by beating iran on tuesday in the next round. 50. >> iranians are up, comes into
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the box again. iranian player looking for a penalty. and the game is over. >> exhale, america, they're on to the knockout rounds. >> but the whole world isn't just watching the world cup this week. they're watching how the government is reacting to china's brutal suppression of dissent and free movement in china. ment some were arrested, some led away, some threatened, some perhaps killed. and tim cook is helping china by agreeing to drop can apple's air drop file sharing service in the country. he's too much of a coward to answer questions when he was approached by fox yesterday. >> any reaction to the factory workers beaten and detained for protesting covid lockdowns.
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protesters used to evade surveillance from the chinese government. do you think it's problematic to do business with the communist chinese party when they suppress human rights? >> laura: cook, who prattles on about america's racial sins is just another phony social justice warrior meanwhile, he's actually assisting with the ccp's crackdown. president xi wants to teach the world that america is a fraud, we don't really care about freedom or liberty or anything other than money. he wants to show that our politicians are corrupt and decadent and our business community, our academic community, they care more about short-term profits and access than they do about long-term -- the long-term health of america. xi wants to show no matter what he does, whether it's killing americans with fentanyl, supporting putin, stealing our technology, lying about covid,
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threatening his neighbors, it doesn't matter. america has become so weak and crooked it can always force us to submit. xi's plan slowly unfolding is to show the world that america is finished and that the future belongs to china. every time we beg for cooperation and dialogue, every time general millie picks up the phone and avoids misunderstandings of the ccp, the rest of the world sees that xi is right. and that the 21st crept bry is china's to shape and ultimately control. now, news broke early thursday morning that china was shutting down it's covid quarantine camps and relaxing other covid restrictions. we don't know what the truth is, right? there's no free press there. but to the outside observer, this might seem like china's dissenters prevail, china is learning and evolving. isn't it more likely that this is just more ccp propaganda that's meant to assure the
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global community that china can adapt and even moderate when necessary when the people ask them to. joining me now from tokyo is gordon chang, senior fellow at the gate stone institute and the author of the coming collapse of china. now, gordon, we know that the chinese government says they're loosening restrictions. but what are you hearing from your sources inside china tonight? >> i don't think that they're going to relax substantially, at least over the long run. laura, on november 11, they announced 20 optimization proposals. in other words, relaxation. and they were imelemented in only a scattered -- implements in a scattered fashion or not at all. they weren't supposed to lock people in their apartments, they did that on november 24, people died in that fire because people were sealed from the outside. you know, right now in terms of what's going on, the ministry of
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state security, public security bureaus are rounding up protesters. there are reports which are unconfirmed that the regime is trying to enforce the notion of collective responsibility by burning down apartment blocks. the idea is that other apartment blocks people will turn in protesters so their places will not be set on fire. now, that's the maliciousness that's beyond most of us to understand. these are still unconfirmed. but this is the nature of the chinese regime. that's what the chinese people, in fact, are saying going -- was what's going on. >> laura: an ongoing waging of campaigns of terror against discenters, is it -- dissenters, is it not, forcing the old abortions on women or rounding ouigers up or knocking down steeples on underground houses of worship that weren't supposed to be really houses of worship,
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that's what they do >> that's what they do. and the capital of the province, that ear building a quarantine facility supposed to house 250,000 people. now, that can't be for disease control purposes, laura. that's more like control of the chinese people. because we've seen similar quarantine quote/unquote facilities being built across china. so, i think the regime is prepared to lock down a sub stan shlg portion of -- substantial portion of the chinese population. the question we should be asking is why would they be making preparations to do so. >> laura: political lockdowns to avoid a revolution china's internet watchdog is stepping up the rigs of sooip space as authorities intensify the crackdown on on-line dissent. internet users in china will soon be held liable for liking posts deemed illegal or harmful. well, it doesn't sound like china is moderating much to me
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there, gordon. that's according to cnn tonight. >> no, it's not. in the wake of the november 24 fire, wechat, a twitter-like service in china, was just overwhelmed with people who were just expressing outrage against the regime. we heard those reports and seeing people in the streets saying down with xi ping, down with the communist party. the censors couldn't keep up. i think what the regime is trying to do as things cool down is to buttress their capabilities to prevent that from happening again. but they know they can't. pause people across china feel the same way. and that's why the protests that we're, you know, were not coordinated, no leaders, weren't organized. but they all occurred across china because everyone felt the same way, the communist party had lost the goodwill in the hearts and minds of the chinese people. >> laura: so good to see you tonight, thank you so much >> thank you, laura.
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>> welcome to fox news live. twitter ceo elon musk releasing details about what he characterized as twitter's, quote, suppression of a controversy story about hunter biden's lap top. he outsourced his findings to a journalist who published a thread about what had transpired behind the scenes at twitter. the articles were in violation of the hacked materials policy. later twitter's then ceo jack dorsey said his company's actions were a mistake. "the new york post" story about the lap top was published october 2020 less than a month before the election. the pentagon giving the public a glimpse of the american bomber aircraft to be built in more
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than 30 years. it was built after years of secret development. the maiden flight is scheduled for next year. back to the ingram angle. for all of your headlines, log on to fox >> laura: it's friday time for friday follies. we turn to raymond arroyo. biden held his first state dinner. i know unlike the rest of us, you were watching every second -- every morsel that went in their mouth. every person who walked the threshold and went into the white house, you learned a lot. >> i did it so you wouldn't have to. it reminded me once again during glittery, international events, the president is never quite sure where he is or how to leave. >> from the spirit of marcus
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lafayette who help to secure the success of our revolution -- >> oh, no. >> who would have imagined that france would be the leader of the leader of the free world? i've never seen anything like it. i guess it beats the easter bunny, but this is really a horrible look. that was just the opening. he couldn't even say mar i can day lafayette. marcus de lafayette. it was a mess. the state dinner looked like an msnbc christmas party at the phantom of the author's lair. but it played like a state of decline dinner. >> good evening, everyone, i'm honored. truly honer nowhered to welcome you to the enduring alliance of
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france and the united states and the host of the first diplomatic post before more than anything else, france has been our first friend. a young man named marquis de la fayette fought for the american cause. please join me in raising our glasses which neither of us have. >> laura, he still can't pronounce lafayette. but, you know what? everything about this state dinner. for the millions you and i blew on this thing, everything was half ass. i have to tell you. the speech was lousy. the staging unforgivable. i thought they were going to serve french fries and ask the cast of beauty and the beast to come. they're so ridiculous. this was embarrassing. embarrassing from from top to bottom. >> it looks like the msnbc news room with the scroll in the back. are those chandeliers?
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>> laura: yeah, they're usually kind of bright not oppressively bright, but it's quite laglubrious. you expect the can't lab are a would walk by you. >> the only thing is if the chandelier would have fallen. >> laura: no, not on anyone. >> not on anyone, just fallen. one got no coverage. say what you want, but when the head of a foreign country, he's not lobbying for the american people oppressing policy. no, biden has one focus -- introduce them to family members. >> and he literally led macron,
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laura, to his sister, valerie. i'm sure hunter got a personal intro to macron too. given all we know about the biden family and the influence peddling, this was horrible, no matter how you want to say it. >> laura: you expect her to say, she has a killer cabernet she liked to grill it, expand her operations in burgandy. can you help her out with the vendors there? it's like pushing a deal. >> laura, what does it tell you when the only organic act that joe biden makes of his own volition, own agency is to connect the world leader with the family. this is unbelievable. >> laura: yeah, show me the money >> given they're under federal investigation for the ties between china and ukraine and all of the other countries, this is a horrible look. amazed more people didn't point it out. >> given bide b's slipups. we now know who obama was referring to when he was on the stump down
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in georgia the other day. >> we all know some folks in our lives. who we don't wish them ill will. they say crazy stuff, we're all like, well, you know, uncle joe, you know what happened to him. you know? it's okay. it's -- they're part of the family. but you don't give them serious responsibilities. >> no, we just make him president, laura. this is unbelievable. do you think he knows what he's saying or is it an accidental slip up. >> laura: i lake the fake family family -- talk like this, it's all fake. how you doing, how you doing, atlanta. that's all fake. >> the uncle -- get aunt pookie. get her to vote. this is biden today at the white house that might explain what obama was saying? >> go to georgia to help senator
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warnock. >> i'm goinged to -- not to georgia. doing a major fundraiser up in boston today. before our next and continued senate candidate senator. >> he's not going to georgia at all. it's a total lie. biden is at 42% approval rate in georgia. that's the last place they want to -- general sherman has higher ratings right now than joe biden. i don't think warnock or any other democrat wants him there. >> maybe he's challenging ray charles and he has georgia on his mind. great to see you. >> that would be good. >> laura: all right, two wisconsin parents are uh no suing after the school that their daughter was at secretly tried to transition her without the parents' permission the mother is here to tell us her story. next. could qualify it for a payroll tax refund
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take advantage now. call or go online today. ♪ ♪ my next guest's daughter first started to express the sentiment that she didn't feel like a girl anymore and she felt like hurting herself now the daughter, we aren't naming to protect her identity was only 12 at the time. she had a history of anxiety and
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depression. tammy, the mother, said they decided to work on her mental health and tried to improve her self-esteem before making such a drastic change. the next morning, tammy's daughter went to a mental health provider in town. now, tammy said staff immediately started referring her 12-year-old daughter as a boy named leo. and a day later suggested she go on medication. they urged tam my and her husband to use the name leo and male pronouns when talking to her daughter. tammy didn't agree to that. and says the facility didn't first address the underlying issues of depression and anxiety their daughter was sufferi from. tammy told the school what was going on. before the end of winter break explained she wanted her daughter to be referreded to as a girl and by her birth name. now, what happened next led tammy and her husband to sue the school district.
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tammy joins me now. tammy, you had two calls, i know, with the principal. it was the second call when he told you how the school was going to treat your daughter? what did he say? >> he said that he is an advocate or the school district is an advocate of the child and not of the parent. they currently have a policy in place where they allow the use of nicknames. and because my daughter was choosing to go by a different name, they were going to allow it. >> laura: wait a second so you told them that your daughter was to be referred to by her birth name and that didn't -- that simply didn't matter to them? >> no, they said they have a policy in place where they allow nicknames and they're an advocate of the child. and they cannot infringe on the
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child's rights at school. >> laura: now here's an email confirmed by your attorney that your daughter received from a district staff member saying you're so brave and i'm so proud of you to be strong enough to be you you are an amazing person and you will be happier now that you can honor who you are. tammy, as a mom, what was your reaction upon reading this? >> i was quite upset. she's had a -- she had a long running rapport with the staff member who sent that email but, my underlying issue was the school itself, the district, once they were aware of my request to use her birth name and gender until we had it fully looked into, they refused. >> laura: your daughter was really mad at you i know when this was unfolding initially? >> yes. >> laura: what's your
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relationship i'm a mom of 3 kids, 17, 14, and 12. so, i know raising kids is not easy today for sure. sometimes they do. but how is your relationship now with your daughter? >> i believe it's wonderful. ite not perfect. she's a teenage girl and i'm a mother trying to raise her. she's more stable than she was then. she's happy and healthy and trusts me. >> what happened? did you pull her out of the school? or where is she now? >> yes, i did. i pulled her out of the school when they told me they were going to disregard what i wanted for the mental health of my child. and she's currently in a public school in wisconsin in a different district. she's happy and thriving. she doesn't have any problems at all with gender disforyeah. that seemed to correct after she spoke to a provider that was willing to, you know, dive in to
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the thoughts that were going on in her head. >> laura: oh, well, did she get the thoughts about gender transition or changing her gender from the culture, the media? ticktock? friends? where did she even get the idea? >> i would say definitely social media played a large role in where she got the idea of it. generally, from my perception of what happened with my daughter, she felt very lost and alone and isolated in covid and she was sad and she was looking for any place to belong. she thought that this was it. because as soon as she came out as transgender, there was a lot of people that supported her. in that decision. but once she started to reflect on the long-term effects of making such a life choice
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because it was important to me that if she was going to make that decision, that, okay, well, you're going to make it like an adult now. we're going to sit down and discuss the ramifications of any choices that you might make in that direction. >> laura: this is so wild what's happening to our children thank you for speaking out, standing up, good luck with your lawsuit. >> thank you so much. thank you for having me on, laura. >> laura: i think this is the best video i've seen -- perhaps all week we'll show you, next.
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>> italy she had a good sense o humor about it imagine if the pasta had been al dente, they could've gotten the concussion. fact is it for us tonight, have a wonderful weekend for eight hope you got your tree up and i may be decorating it with your family. set your dvr see allstate conduct connected with us. greg gutfeld and the gang take it from here. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> happy friday. i am kat timpf, i am in for gre he was a little under the weather tonight and i cannot emphasize this enough, the coff
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