tv Hannity FOX News December 2, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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through because there's thereer is ne is no there's no comparison. but i like james woods. i , i , i don't want to say other than. thank you. com thank yoinu fo r coming on . than k you for explaining that.o and congratulations on your vindication. i hope we see you soon. sean hannity right now n, will seu . welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz, in for sean and breaking tonight, elon musko is officially lifting the veil at twitter. we ar and what we're learning aboutut the tech giants roll the twentyh twenty election. it's downright horrific. election according to interna dl twitter documents from 2020 shared with journalist matt taibbi, twitter employees regularly fielded content moderation questions primarily from democrats and the biden campaign. and then acted quickly to remove content they didn't like.
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much of this objectionable content included graphic images and videos of hunter biden and his laptop from . in fact, twitter employs were so desperate to censor the new york post very real story about hunter's laptop that they even blocked users from sharingy the story through emergency technology. typically usedolog to block the dissemination of child. chi now make no mistake, the level of left wing bias and corruption at twitter, ithel was extreme. this comes on the heels ofew new testimony from a federaldera agent who claims that the fbi held weekly meetings with major tech platforms ahead of ahead the twenty twenty election to , quote, discuss disinformation on social media and ask about efforts to censor that information. in other words, your federalment government was colluding with big tech to shape the outcome of a presidential election. but fo electior some reason, tht administration is doing little to counter the disinform
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on tick tock, where the communist party of china is actively interfering i our elections with viral social media accounts. nistratiral socithat promote des and attack republicans. here now with more are fox news contributors joe concha, tammy bruce, and clay travis. thank you so much for joining, us , clay. i want to start with you. and i want to put up this this tweet that ellen sent literally just in the last 10 ,pu 14 minutes or so. if we put that up on the screene ,it really is telling twitter acting by itself to suppress sel free speech is not a first i amendment violation.t a first amendmen but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech with no judicial review is what's your thoughts as you look at this?e na you nailed it. yeah, he did. i think he nailed it.e nail and let me just kind of contextualize this for everybody out there who's wondering about what exactlyt up is going on in china. they have set up what they call the great wall of china for
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internet blocking. socking so the government itselo controls what you can thercannot see. i think almost everyone out there would say, well, that'ssc scary. that's chilling. that is incredibly dangerous to be happening. what's happening here, what elon musk has just demonstrated through the release of these documents, we knew it. we suspected it, but we didn't have the smoking guns to prove it. that's what he's done here, is they are showing that our government, the biden administration, the biden election campaign at paig the time was colluding with big tech to do effectively what government is not allowed to do by itself. bthey effectively deputized these big tech companies to undertake actions that they otherwise would not have been ablele to do without violating the first amendment. and one of the most chilling words that i saw in all of these emails that were shared was handled. it said it by itself. there wa
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s this complaint fromn the biden campaign about a variety of different tweetsf n that were out there and sort of in chilling refrain, the answer was handled. and by handle, they meant deleted a race, not able to be found any more . this was the biden campaign telling twitter, this makes us uncomfortable. this is not ideal . campa for us .t of take it out of here and there. you see it there at the bottom,. handled these, handled them. it is just a degree of familiarity and interactionkl as they said in these documents, that, frankly, was chilling. sometimes it would happe refor republicans to be fair. but as thepu demonstrations to e is overwhelmingly it was in favor of the democrat party. yeah, tammy, i want youyo to react to that, too, because it's more from the biden teamth. suggesting that there were other types of requests and is simply in less than three three hours. it came back the email,
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the response from the employee at twitter saying handle these three .s less than three hours later, right. i look, this is what is i think now confirmed which people in a way, it's hard to believeliev and you don't wantth to believev that this could be occurring.elr but effectively, in this case, twitter. and now we kno ww also in leak,d perhaps with facebook and other conversations regarding the fbi and their conversations, is tha at certain platforms and certainly now twitter, we're acting as agents of the state. and this is what is remarkable. the thing the specific thing apt that sets this nation apartm fromal all the totalitarian rath holes around the world that abuse their people and crush them and have fake elections or no elections is in fact our bill of rights. the fact that the government is not allowed to do certainr things and freedom of right expression, the admonition against the government, you are not allowed to interfere with a right that the american people
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already have, which is theirthei right to speak, their minds. and the government cannot control or interfere with that . they decided that that was going to be abolished effectively. ed i mean, they abolished it in league with in this particular case, these exchanges with twitter. and of course, once they were in the white house, we know they they saw elon musk coming around the corner and they set up casually this disinformation ward. they saw that they mayma losy ee control of these agents off and they were thinking, well,y we'll just do it officially in the government. this is how sloppy they became. but it theme is also dangerous f they are willing to do this. and it is public and this sloppy, whatel else are they doing? and this is really an extrajudicial elimination ofla particular rights defined in the constitution that we are. and the first one , the very first amendment that
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they decided could go had to go. it didn't matter.ways does that mean the systemn itself has always been corrupt?p does it mean or does it mean thatawfu the democrats are so awfult they knew that they couldn't win without doing it this way? i and that, of course, the american people don't matter. they know better. and we see that in every single one of their policy decisions, whice h is why the country is in the condition it's in now. so j, joe oe, i can't count the number of times conservatives, republicans have been lectured by the so-calledee mainstream traditional media and the democrats on these topics. theseand they claim that our democracy is under attack. o heaven forbid that somehow there be a first amendment. you know a, it's all aboutco the democracy, the fall of our our country. heyoand yet when you see what ws going on here, it was a very concerted effort to suppress legitimate news stories like those that were publishedublish by the "new york post". >> absolutely. edjason .ost.
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and all this information is coming in so quickly and a few notes, i mean, one email per an actual journalist. and matt taibbi shows thatl -- the democratic national committee ordered that actor james woods, who just appeared with tucker by phone to talk twout it, wanes a conservative that he'd be banned from 202 twitter in october of 2020 and would just told tucker, quote, the government of the united states conspired to take my free speech and throw it in the gutter, unquote. he then declared on national television and said directly to the u.s. government, i am no t afraid of you. this is very powerful stuff. and again, thiths is an actor with strong, oftentimes hilarious opinions who doesn't to e the democratic party line. and that makes him a pariah and a threat to those on the left. it's just a remarkable. in another email, the bide.n campaign sent tweets to twitter that were negative about them.i. and as you just showed, twitter obeyed orders from the campaigni and executed on those orders by locking accounts, removingd o tweets because they were told to by a democratic presidentiali campaign.
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and you know what's amazing,azi, jason , albeit not surprising, mind you, is how many journalists, so-called journalists out there are truly upset to the point of unhinged that elon musk is releasing all of this information in an effort to be transparentasin abt what happened here with thist laptop story, which may be the eyes to thek this journalism community. one would think that this wouldd be universally cheered b by the journalism community, but instead it's either being mostly criticizeer beingd or ig. i just went to cnn's website and there is no mention of this email dump from elon musk on twitter censorship. the only story a musk is about a half goat statue honoring him in the first five stories, ofeso course, are about donald trump.m welcome to the new cnn.p wethe same as the old cnn, i guess, jason . yeah, joe . tami, clay, thank you so much for joining us tonight on "hannity" with all this breaking newu s. >> we really do appreciate it."y here now with more, the ranking member of the house oversight committee, soon to be chairman, james comber, from kentucky. thanks so much for joining us .b congressman, i goter to tell yov
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that the information that we've seen is stunning. elon musk releaseds informationtion as he promised. it went from matt taibbi, the the the journalist. and it is a stunning array of content about what was going on behind the scenes. one of the things that stuck out to me, congressman, was james baker, james baker, who was the general counsel there dealing with assessment information at the fbi, highly controversial, is now over at twitter. and you see this array and this volley of tweets or emails that are going back and forth. they cannot figure out how to justify this type of suppression. so the i guess the question is , what can congress what can the oversight committee do and where are they going to go next? >>art with this will in januare >> jason , when i take your old position as chairman ofha the house oversight committee, i can promise you thisirmathe oe every employee at twitter who was involved in suppressing the hunter biden laptop story
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will have an opportunity to come before congres cs a and explain their actions to the american people. this wasis was a a huge story we announced the investigation of the biden familye anno and refee material from the laptop. many in n the mainstream media said, well, this is just a conspiracy theory.main s the mainstream media still tryingtrea to use the old talkig point that the laptope ho is somehow russian disinformation. we know from cbs forensic audit the laptop is legitimate. w fromno elon musk that there was correspondences o between the biden campaignrres t and the democratic national committee to suppress this story. i believe this story would have had a huge impacte on the presidential election. we hadhad a very close presideo election.k at and when you look at what's ine the laptop, it's very concerning. there was no evidence ever at any time that the laptop story wasn't legitimate. the new york post did a great job. i'm glad they're beinga vindicated. but this story is justt beginning, jason , becausepers we're going to have every single person at twitter that was involvedon in this in frontt
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of the house oversight committee as soon as possible. >> well, and onee hous of the ts ,matt taibbi put out the very last one . he said is he basically cut it off for tonight? is that there be more information about shadow banning, about suppression,fake about fake accounts, about all these types of things thatconser i think conservatives and republicans haveva been have been saying for so long and yetr chastise it every single step of the way. and this really is electionce. interference when you're talking about public officialsls who cannot get out informationo that is and endsin up being totally true without any adjudication along the way. at one point, kayleigh mcenany, who now works with fox news, but at the time was the press secretary for the president of the united states on her personal account, tries to send out this story that appears inan the in the new york and they shut it off. they wouldn't let it be done. they use tools inei their repertoire that they use normally for child to not allow her to share the story.
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that. is election suppression. it is election repression. and twitter need to be held accountable. thank goodness for elon musk on you and elon musk about the company that this was going to be a positive thing in the notion of free speech, because we knew thatw de the democratic national committee was communicate with twitter. we knew the biden campaign was communicating with twitter. that's why in april of this year, we on the house oversight committee requested that twitter preserve all documents and correspondence between twitter executives and the democratic national committee and the biden campaign with respect to the biden laptop story, this story, as i said, earlier, jason , it's only going to continue to grow because of of what the content n the content show that joe bidens knew darn well what his familyvd was involved in and they were influence peddling with adversaries around the world. the fact that the mainstream media hah s forever tried to say this is russian disinformation is another black eye for ano the mainstream media. they're going to have to acceptt
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that they made a huge mistake mad they're going to have to accept the contents of the laptop are very damagingde to joe biden. i'm glad the truth is out, but i look very forward to hearing from the twitter executives in front of your committee, jason , and allowing them to have an opportunityt to explain what evidence they hadth to suppress such antr important story days before a major presidential. well, congressman, i look forward to you being chairman and being able to use that subpoena power. thank you for joining us tonight on "hannity". all right. tonight with elon musk "ha following through on his pledge to increase transparency and freedom on twitter, twitter, more on the left are not happy. >> their days of gatekeeping on twitter are over. it joining us now with reaction, fox news contributor jonathan turley. tionjonathan , you're one of the smartest minds i've seen out there.b contributo as you've read . if you read through thises and you see this, what comes to mind? steppin what where are they stepping over the line ethically, morally, and maybe legally? >> well, this is really confirm
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some of our worst aspects. and you have direct communications from the dnc as well as the biden campaign and almost immediate service agreements with tweet or twitter. >> you know, s they they send these tweets to be eliminated. they're eliminated. send twewithin a few hours and . get back these responses justhae handled. >> and that really captures the problem.problem. all of all of this was handled bac and this back channel has long been suspected. most o hf us had l little questn existed, but it became eveng more menacing when this back channel went from being a political ally to the all gompaign, to being an ally to the governmenvet in power, because then it becomes censorship by surrogate. and we've seen thath with twitter, which hahad this massive censorship system inen u
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place. >> and s rtho whenes you read te emails, you really see the sorth of face ofip censorship surrogae of what would become governmenti officials, in some casesration calling upon a corporatione to do their bidding to silence their critics and thethat underlying story was very elect relevant to that election. io notit was not just about hunr biden. it was a scandal involving influence peddling, one of the largest influence peddling on in the history of this city. and influence peddling inpeddli washingtonng is a virtual cottae industry. but few of us have seen anything like this. and so they killed a storyth tht was directly related to the biden family and whether they cashe bidd in on access. n >> and it was a close electionte and might have had an impact. h buadt at the end of the day, we have to ask, how far did this hw go , particularly after the bide n campaign became
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the biden administration? and then you havame the all thee usual suspects that come up,ncli including jim baker,ng you know, he was he went from the fbi where he was part ofn the russian collusion investigation. con investthen he goes over to . and when some people on twitter say, gosh, i don't know if we have the basis to to censor this story. bakey, bakerr appears and says,, you know what?anted. caution is oncand so, once again, he seems to be at leastf inclined, not eager to see a russian threatjo and in this case, a threat that protected joe biden right before the election. think tyeah, i think that's th, is that they're running out running out the clock now. e e- now, to be fair, the emails that have been put out by matt taibbi indicate that there were some republicans who are makingb these kinds of requests, but also in therli makine you also e rukhsana, a democrat, who even he weighs in with jack dorsey,
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saying, you know what, you can't defend this.wrong. what you're doing is justredi wrong. i give him credit for int real time calling thitis out.s but at the same time, it always seems to go against republicans, always against conservatives. and when there are days left in an election to have a new yorkn post story taken down, not even allowed to be shared, that it to me is just beyond pale. >> it's just unbelievable. yeah, there are redeemingng characters here. >> i think representative cohen is actually one of those redeeming characters. he actually says in his email, isn't this a first amendment violation? i mean, it seems to me that we're censoring information. and of course, he was right. and so there t were people in twitter that said, what is our basis for this? s i mean, how arupe we supposed to justify this? y but they were quickly sort of overruled and a natural default was to do exactly what the biden campaign had asked. >> yeah, and that's what's.
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stunning also that jack dorsey heading up the company seems to be late in the game and almost obliviouseveryt to everything that is going on here. but when you. have a senior people, the general counsel, the the head of safety or whatever they call his title, and they all say, no, we better suppress this just in case,en to even though they couldn't internallyug find a real justification for doing so. jonathan turley, thank you so much for joining us . >> you really do appreciate it.. here now with more fox news legal analyst greg jarrett and former us attorney brad tolman. >> greg, i want to start with you. you've covered this story u.s top to bottom for a long you have these intersecting characters like james bakerr coming along. you know, one of the things that was absolutely stunning to me is they in one of the email and the email chain that was put out tonight, they talk about the donations from twitter 990 six to 99% of the donations all went to democrats. >> so if you want to know where the predisposition this position
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is about, where they believe, who they're pr, and voting foro, and donating to , i think that is a key indicator that, hey,. they have a bias. you can n vote , you can donate, you could be in a company.alwa i get that.ys but it always goes againstt conservatives. >> you know, early on at twitter, they were using these computer tools for good reasons to get rid of and weed out everything from fraud to spam. spam t to child. pornog burat then people begane bega to realizen partizans of twitter, hey, we can usen us the same tools for nefariousfaru political purposes. and what's stunning about what we've learned today is that these top executivesth acted on censorship demands by not just the democratic national committee, but joe biden's presidential d team. they slanted content, moderation, decisions, and they
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invented hacking out of whole cloth as a pretext. and it was completely phony. and thes ie changes show it. >> and what taieb pointed out when you reported all of this just a couple of hours ago, is that one of the reasons why the democrats were so successful in gaining the censorship at twitterip is because it's staffed by progressives and liberals. that is true not just of social media, but the mainstream media as well. and they were witting accessories to this. leslie at cbs and her famous interview with donald trump said, oh, the laptop can't be verified. she didn't want to verify. ensi of course, it could be verified, hire forensic specialists to examine it. o examor simply and easily askke the people who sent or receivedu emails from hunter biden or are these true and accurate? and if the answed r is yes and d was yes, the.n it's verified and so were the contents. but but she's an activist.
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she's not a journalist.. ot man and so many of the other people at nbc and cbs and abc and as i said before, they were whippy accessorieabs in this censorship campaign to help and protect joe biden. and it worked. the media research center found 16% of biden voters said they would have cast their ballots differently had it not been suppressed. >> you followed this. you're a former us attorney. you worked on capitol hill, a senior position on the senate judiciary committee. you know, we have elizabeth warren saying that now. oh, ellen, musk is just in some cave making these decisions, but he's revealing the truth here. what strikes you about this story? and that the emails and texts that were revealed tonight? and >> look, jason , my upset about the infringement and the use of government to infringe on a? abso on a constitutional right. absolutely. but that's not what angers me. whatwhat angers me is at the hes of this investigation ofatio the hunter by the laptop is the
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potential compromise of our national securitd thy and te pay to play scheme that wasr elaborated by an insider that was being buried and that was being not only buried, but they were turning and flipping the stage so that anybody that e wanted to look into this wasn seen as a conspiracy theorist, was seen as someone who wa s not pro america. or pro democracy. had twitter. i'm i'm not i'm not surprised, jason , that this happened, but i'm outraged because this could have been an investigation thate cleane been d one of the most cs incidences in our nation's history. and that should have been done. and i would have loved to have been the special prosecutor that was appointed on this and would have led a team l to diged into the allegations pe and assemble the evidence and then presented it and thrownd th people in jail. that's what twitter was ignoring, was the substanced ou and the outrageous allegations that turnetrd out to be true.
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>> yeah, and on the life and the reality is the chinese have this the chinese were publishing it. the chinesthe were using this as a tool, and they weren't allowing the american public the understand the national security threat. i think you're absolutely spotg on . greg, than k you. up next, you won't believe what biden did last. congresswoman beth died. buck sexton. and we're going take join us next on this special edition of "hannity". >> it's a good day to start something new to brush away gray in five minutes, to put yourself out there and always put your best face forward. just for men , mustache and beard. >> magnesium is vital for bone, nerve and muscle health. i recommend tunel extra strength. magnesium, unlike regular magnesium kernels, high absorption helps you get the full benefits of magnesium. cuno the brand itrust. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee.
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one . again that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . now is the democratic agenda facing setback after setbackes biden last night hosted hised first state dinner as presidenti with french president emmanuel macron. and while the lavish lobster dinner event was slated as an opportunity to strengthen relation dinnes with a key ally, the party quickly becamees
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more of a bash for the liberal celebrity elites, including far left voices like stephen colbert. john legend, along with biden's medicobua allies from msnbc and cnn. of course, no whit ande house ee could be complete without an e awkward moment or two fromvent president biden. look at your screen there. biden awkwardly shook micron's's hand for forty two seconds during the welcoming ceremony. in just the latest bizarre blunder from the struggling commande fror in chief.ief. but remember, it's bad policy, not blunders that are atilures the core of biden's failures failing at the border where ther.e were over 73,00 seventy three thousand got aways in november alone. failing to ease economic pain as americans continue to suffer under rising costs, all while selling americans one bait and switch after another like the student loan forgiveness debacle. which was struck down in federal court last month. d now,ow the supreme courtsuprem will hear the case early nextse year, but experts say it's
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unlikely biden will get the legal win he so desperately needs. e leand what are the democrats answers to all of these growing failures to launch more baseless smears against republicans? launc baseles and to try to scare voters as much as possible? for example, hillary clintonposb is now saying that overturning roe v. wade puts america ine pu the company of afghanistan and sudan.ica in company o have a look.suda >> this is an indictment of our health care system and it's an indictment of our failuree ae to provide equitable access. but mostly as as vicki said, sod shocking to think that in any po way we're related to poor afghanistana in sudan. but as an advanced economy, as we allegedly are on this measure, we unfortunately are rightly put with them here for reaction to this. t
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plus, the breaking newhis aboutr twitter and hunter biden's laptop are radio buck sexton, along with former state department spokesperson morgan ortega's and republican congresswoman beth van duyne. thank you all for joiningg us here. but i want to i want to startbu with you. i want to continue on with t the twitteo starr feed that we'e getting and some insight. we had just over 40 tweets from matt taibbi.has your read on tha situation? look, all of the allegationsonel from conservatives and honestly, the worst fears abou t fet what's really a fraud against the american people that twitter and the dncatic and the democrat apparatus engaged in all those fearsed hau been proven true. they have effectively beenting operating a propaganda organit for the benefit of the left at key moments, people say, oh, cov but there are some conservatives on twitter who do just fine. yes, but right before an election to essentially suppress a story that could throlectiow the election to lieb to everyone about it and for
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there to be direct contact with .o know then later on the white house,e by the way, as we also know is the case, once they were in power to get certain people kicked off or to get people's accounts suspended. these are bright red line violations of the first amendment once the bushlation administration has taken office. and the whole thing justs. goes to show you that there's been so much dishonesty, so much lying. we are and finally, thank god for elon musk. we're getting the receipts r, aw the proof we've known this was thing on , but it is as bad as we thought it was. this is the real collusion.part yeah. of issu congresswoman, part of the issue the here is that thes. are the regulators now. they have section twe seo 30 tht gives them protection against all the content that they may want to put out there. but when you get a call from your regulator saying, hey, we really strongly encourage you doing that, there's an implied threat there. there's there's a there's an opportunity to really screw up it because they are in control. right.n, and so, again, it begs the question, as congressman colmer earlier, what canearlie congress dr,
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o now that the house republicans will be in loo the majority? >> well, look, we'rek, w going to obviously have to have some investigations to find out how happened in the first the r place. how has this monopoly been able to grow and be able to completely throw out the first amendment rights of o so many individuals? to be able to attackoniz and demonize conservative voices while enjoying the protections of the federaleg government? that is something we're actually going to have to getng get behind and have investigations on . encond thing is why ar why ear they enjoyinjog these thesefedea protections from the federal government when they were obviously not eveniously not goa basis of what they're supposed to or respecting voices? this is supposed to be an openrf peopform for people to be able to share ideas and to have open discussions. they are shutting down one sid purs .pu they are pursuing pushing another. and they were actually sculpturingshin assaulr information that the public needs to know. yothat theu had a previous sectn about what was happening. >> the hunter, biden, a laptop a
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. >> they weren't evened t allowed to write about that. not only want to get into covide in what they wer ge doing with people's rights on that, inet e're going to hav investigations. you're going to see that. a you're going to see that be apee priority because people's voices have to be heard inan the first amendment has to be respected. >> yeah, we're talking primarily about the hunter biden laptop. but really, the issue is one ofr national security. the whole reason the person run who is running the the teched i shop to fix the laptop turned t it over to the authoritiesonal is because he was concerned about the national security implications. it had joe biden's travelul schedule, for instance, which is classified. so, morgan, you've been deeply involved in the state department. you're there oute for now at td the defense forum there at the reagan library. mowhat's your read on this stor? and also, if you have a thoughto or two aboutught o what happenet night at the state dinner with with macron? >> well, it's amazing to be here at the reagan library. it makes you think about the things that are so fundamentally importanoft, like freedom of speech, likesp our privacy. and these are aleel thingsch ant
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seem to have been violated at twitter by looking at matt taibbi or tweet thread tonight, you know, it reminds me how things can start off, tt jason , and be really well intentioned. but when there's not the prope.r ot guardrails, you aren't following the constitution, it can go off the rails. i remember back i think it was two thousand and nine when there was the green revolution. n rein iran. ng. they they were protesting. they were very much using twitter. fast forward a few years. years i was living in saudi arabia during the arab spring. whenever you saw people aroundn the middle east that were rising up against authoritarian governments, i lived throughwas that. and twitter was very muca hpart a part of those protests. and was, we thought, a great tool for democracy at that time. cracy at tof course, again, fasa those guardrails weren't there. they were not clearly followingi the constitution, at least from what we've seen so far .tuti and as bob pointed out, it should be concerning to every american, that a very seriousge and a very damaging storyy th that's now being investigatede n
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eleche fbi was suppressed 20 days before an election. and then listen, i just you want me to talk about the state dinner? it sounds great. undsi have to tell you, jason , i can't i can't let our audience go without talking abou, jat what hillary clinton l about women and comparing women in the united states t woclinto afghanistan and sudan. utterly ridiculous. and she should know better. secretary of state, i've beene to afghanistan more times than i can count. i wents than i to khartoum, sud, about thirty , thirty two weeks pregnant with my i have held the hands of afghan women as they fought for freedom and in the grossness and the disrespect does. not you have women that aren't allowed to work, that aren't allowed to go to school right now. d to wtoin afghanistan, and you women struggling for basic rights and food and everything else in sudan to compare the plight of those women to the plight of the women in the united states . it's not just unfair to to us as a country. of it's unfair to the women who struggle under some of the harshest regimes in a the world. and it'snd completely inconsistent and disrespectful to their true struggleonsisten
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>>d their true fight. >> now i, it's a great point. i'm glad you brought that up. the extreme abortion laws,e ab the world except for china, north korea. >> so, yeah, there's thathree o as well. >> thank you, all three of youpe really do appreciate it. have a wonderful weekend. all right.> gh dit.d obama take a shot at joe biden? shot at we'll show you the tape hed discuss the heated joe geora heatte runoff runoff race with eric perini and michigan congressman elect john james. when this special edition of "hannity" continues . hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to bring you my dream dream bedsheets for the best offer ever. we're all experiencing rising prices, but i was able to secure a limited amount of guzik cotton for a great price, and i'm passing those savings directly onto you. you can give my kids a dream bed sheets for as long as twenty nine . ninety eight . with your promo code, they're the most luxurious sheets ever made with the world's best cotton. it's grown only in a region
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no christian promise to cling to the stars and stripes as they face another must win battle with european giants. the netherlands, usa, netherlands coverage begins tomorrow with nine a.m. eastern live on fox and the fox sports and catch up on a match for free on tubi. not only want you to base your fear, we want you to smash it when you can't watch. >> listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time, anywhere . >> fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcome back to this specialk to edition of "hannity". we are just four days away from the georgia senate race runoff between herschel walker and raphael warnock. and the democrats are onces reln again relying on obama to pushop them over the top.. >> he returned to georgia
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yesterday where he criticized. uncle joe . take a lootake ak. >> we all know some folks in our last who we don't wish them ill will . they say crazy stuff. we're all like, well k, yonow,u hicle joe , you know what happened to him? you know , it's okay thatart of they're part of the family, bute you don't give them serious responsibilities. was obama referring to president biden, their uncle joe obama's visit comes as polls indicate it will be an incredibly tight race, with aret recent emerson poll showing mourdock with just a two point lead here with reaction. tagg strategies, vic president aaron perini and michigan congressman elect john james . congressman elect,tions congratulations on your race. onr raceherschel walker's in the of his life. he's within striking distance there. i got to tell you, if and republicans just show up
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and vote republican , if the people that voted fovoted r governor will just get out and vote, then herschel walker will win. , right. look, a bunch of things, right?e this isn't the race versus life . hershel's concord l and continuing to work on mental healthtinu and mental illness and raising awareness to reduce stigma. illn reducr has been to military bases all over the world. i've checked all for the world c to reduce stigma so that our service members can get the help that they need and we can reduce the veteran suicide rate all over the country. all over the world. herschel walker is not ine bu the fight of his life. he's in the fight of right now. i >> i thought that when i went to georgia yesterday to talk the to folks to remind them that the run off is on december 6th and remindful sat among peopleac in georgia who know the race is on december six . herschel walker is actually ahead by a point when i remind them that they are on the front lines of freedom for the entire nation and that vote for hershel because. forty one i'm sorry. fifty one . forty nine democrat is a heck
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of a lot different than forcing kamala harris and joe biden to break a tie to to to keep america safe and strong. no, i listened to herschel. walker speak with the passion and the eloquence of somebodys o who loves people and is willingh to sacrifice for them. he's note race running the racef his life. he's running the race of and i after hearing him, i know where his heart is .t is >> and i'm excited to be a friend and supporter of herschel walker. well eed, you make a great poinw there. and look, we got to liver. with this. the whole country does for six years. ele this isn't some special election. this is a six year commitment. commi >> and i got to tell you, the good people of georgia, you've only got until tuesdayt to get out and actually vote . aaro this is a very tight race.w do the early voting numbers have been record breaking in georgia right now. so it is going to come down really to this final stretch. and election day voters in georgia to congressman elect james , this point, this is the race of their lives. and herschel walker is in ited a to win it. this means youla need to havel o
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a plan in georgia. this means this is a firewall bi stop the biden harris agenda that has decimated the economy. that is destroyed energyd independence in this nation and has set us behind by decades. people need a voting plan. n how are you going to get out? do you have things ready? are you ready in georgia to make sure that this is a flipped seat for republicans? thy to save opportunit america and make sure that we stop an agenda that has destroyed our nation comes downe to georgia and everyy wh vote matters. d fo and to your point as well, jason , everybody who voted forp kemp, they show up.>> big walker wins. election. yeah, it's a big election.choi it'sce e a choice election becae these candidates are not the same. thank you both same. for joiningce us and congratulations on your race. all right. coming up, more insanity> comimf california. you're not going to believe what they're prioritizine nog as crime continues to spin out. of control.e continue thctor davis hansos n, along with leo terrell, weigh indition as this special edition of "hannity" continues
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one three three eight three one. that's 1-800- for one three three eight three one no. >> welcome back. to this specialannity edition of "hannity", california's left wing insanity is pushing new boundaries. inrsaht, a proposal unde consideration by governor gavin newsom's reparations board suggests giving each blackm' resident over two hundred thousand for housing discrimination at a total cost0 of five hundred and $70 billion . dollars. that's more than the state's entire budget. in oakland, voterse just approved a new plan that gives city residents $100 in voucherst to donate to the political candidates of their choice. here now with reaction are two californians, fox news contributor leo to point out terrell and hoover institution senior fellow victor davis
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hanson. gentlemen, i used to live in. california's born in california, but not smart enough to get out of there. you two are still there. yo so, victor, what's goingthere. on across the bay? there in oakland? what's this? twenty five dollar vouchers, a hundred dollars per resident. and you can give them to any candidate you want. $20 vothey don't have to be a resident of the uniteda states , for goodness sake. you guys are nuts.resi out there. >> no, it's just a public way of funding left wing candidates. but the wordllio twenty five billion dollars short on the budget, jason . and we've been givinn dollars s ggiving 500 million to illegal aliens. we're giving people for gas subsidies, covid subsidies. hig and we have the highest income tax rates in the united states . we have the highest gas taxestih in the united states . we have one third of alle welfare recipients in california. >> and we have the highest energy costs, the highest gasoline cost. we have about 21% who liveve
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below the poverty level. so these are existential problems. and you think that thisl government's would address we ar them. but we suffer. we're committing slow motion suicide in the san jose to san francisco nexus, where we have seven trillion dollars of silicon valley market capitalization. we have nancy pelosi, dianneancy feinstein, barbara boxer, kamala harris, jerry brown , nancy pelosi, and that's who has run the state for twenty years. and they've run it to the ground. and , you know, three hundred and thirty thousand people, third of a million people are leaving the state every year. they took the natural paradise and then inherited paradise and they turned it into purgatory. >> yeah,d pa hey, look, they'reg moving to utah. i get it t. i understand they're. oh, come on . come in west. and it's and it's sad because california is such a beautiful state. it has so much potential. but these things are not going to solve the problems. and leo. five hundred and $70 billion reparations. two hundred thousand dollars per person basedd on on the colr
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of their skin. >> what's up with that now? let me just simply say, as a civil rights attorney , as african-american, no one in this country, no one in the state of california deserves reparations, simply based on skin color causation. the result of any type of adverse effect among black . erican are you talking about slavery? i mean, we are in the twentycivi first century civil rights act,r fair housing act, all the acts e that have taken place to improve the quality of life. i'm not goinity ofg to sit heret and tell america i need two hundred thousand dollars simply because of skin color and i s deserve it. what gavin newsom wants to do, jason , is to play the raceo card on the national level. he wants to run for president and he wants to be the guy who stars the dialogs fo about reparations for black america. thisk will divide the country. but one caveat victor forgot to mention in in that conspiracy of northern california is gavin newsom. he's there.av
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he's our nexint child prodigy to wreck this country on a national level. the california disaster is a total disaster and he wants to go national and he's using this reparation nonsense, outright nonsense as a startingc point, victor. i look at crime.i look i look at homelessness. i look at the core issues that d are plaguing the state,or the immigration problem, the drug use. and these things areru getting worse, not better. >> how did the democrats justify this stuff? well, that's why that explains y these crazy things. they do. o prom they try to promise peopleis they're going to get something wer nothing. and we have 40% of the homeless in the united states , in california cities and san francisco has the highest per u capita crime rate in the united. states . wa s a beautiful city.n >> it's almost been ruined. and when you see all thesee taln pathologies, i mean, think about that. we're talking about twitter and we're talking about mark zuckerberg putting four hundred and nineteen million dollars in
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dark money in the last election. and where did mr. sam blankman free free came? >> he came out of the stanfordm silicon nexus, as did his lieutenant, miss ellison. swo and this is where elizabeth holmes came out. so there's somethingthologic pathological about this corridor in california. with all of this money. >> and then we're a medieval society where we have these coastal elites who have all this money and power and and thn we have a peasant class of poor people in the middle class has left. l and when you do that, you kind of have a medieval system of politics where the very wealthy are exempt from the consequences.litics w exemp an of their own ideology and they give handouts to poor people so that the poor people don't revolt against them. and there's no middle class. well, gentlemen,le i got to go.of thank you so much for joiningnn" us . more on this special edition of "hannity" right after the break. >> one of my favorite supplements is qnol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy
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12:00 am
edition of "hannity". >> unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thatimr as always, thank you for joining us . and to be sure to check out my podcast, jason in the house, just type in jason inn in the house. loerever you listen to a the podcasvet. >> love for you to have a listen. i think you like it. sean will be back onit. monday the ingram angle is up next. have a great, wonderful lasthava weekend.reat thanks for joining us wonderf.s i'm laura ingram and this"ing is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. >>m angle" we start with a starg breaking news detailing exactly how twitter censored the bombshell hunter biden laptop storyr ce in the run up t to the 2020 presidential election. remember but first, it's importantl to remember how this all beganin . in april of 2019, hunter biden dropped off three water damaged laptops at a delaware computer shop for repair. hun after 90 days, hunter had still not returned to pick them up.
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