tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News December 3, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PST
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rachel: i'm friends with dan, he didn't ask me to come. will: you guys don't like soccer. pete: let's not get into that right now. will: let's get into it, you want to do it? a fox news alert -- pete: we're seeing confirmation that democrat officials played a major role in those the efforts. rachel: alexandria of joins us live in washington with the details. >> reporter: good morning. this thread that was posted showcases how initial skepticism by social media companies over the hunter biden laptop story specifically rolled over into overt partisanship. the writer turned the information into a lengthy twitter thread posted last night, i taibbi wrote just weeks before president biden was elected into office, requests from connected actors to delete betweens had become routine. one executive wrote to another, more to review from the biden
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team. handled, was the response back. now, he continued that celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party at any time with democratic officials proving more powerful in that regard. the thread also notes the extraordinary steps taken to remove the hunter biden laptop story from circulation, it was blocked from transmission by a direct message, a tool that the company reserved for extreme cases like child pornography. the screen shots also show there's some internal debate over locking out users ors from their account for sharing the story, namely kayleigh mcenany. she was, quote, bounced by site integrity for violating our hacked materials policy, that's what they said there. one democrat did reach out to the company with concern over this. congressman ro khanna wrote to twitter that it seemed to be
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violating first amendment principles adding that it should not bar a journalist from running a story. and what's really interesting in this thread is the suggestion that ceo at the time jack dorsey actually knew little about the censorship taking place at twitter, but that the fbi may have or at least gave a reason for it. fox news digital reports hat fbi warned -- that the fbi warned there could potentially be russian hack and leak operations. and this is not over. musk has teased that round two of the twitter the files will be released sometime today to. will, rachel, pete. will: can't wait to see what might be in round two. we can only hope manager that does bring in or crystallizes the connection between the decisions made at witter and the impetus -- at twitter and the government. pete: that is the key connecting point. if there's something there, you've got to believe elon musk would be willing to bring it up
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at this point. let's bring in miranda devine, author of request -- "the laptop from hell." miranda, when you saw that twitter thread last night talking about what had happened at the company pertain thing to the new york post -- pertaining to the new york post, your reaction. >> look, it's fantastic that elon musk has chosen to move the dial a little bit further to the truth for the american public to understand exactly the egregiousness of what went on back in october 2020 when the nation's oldest newspaper, fourth largest by circulation was censored by big tech in service to one of the two candidates for president. they interfered in the election. so it's fantastic that elon musk has sort of opened the twitter files. unfortunately, he left out a crucial element, and that was
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the involvement of the fbi. and is we know that the fbi went to twitter and to facebook, mark zuckerberg's told us that that, in the weeks and days before our story came out to warn them of a specific what mark zuckerberg called a dump and what fbi agent elvis chan who was just deposed in a republican lawsuit the las, elvis chan called it a hack and leak operation. and that is what he told twitter executives, that they were expecting a hack and leak operation probably in october, and yael roth who was at that point twitter's top moderator -- he's now resigned -- basically the head of site integrity, he was at one of these weekly fbi meetings that were going on with the social media giants and fbi
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every week before the 020 election, and roth has since said in a sworn declaration that in one of those meetings the fbi warned of this impending hack and leak operation possibly in october and said that there were rumors -- this is what the fbi told him -- that it would involve hunter biden. and the reason why that's so important is because the fbi at that point was spying on rudy giuliani about a month after he became then-president donald trump's private attorney. they were spying on his cloud, so they had access to all his e-mails and all his imessages. and including in those e-mails in august of 2020 the was the initial e-mail from john paul mcisaac, the computer repair shop guy who had in his possession hunter biden's laptop that he had abandoned there
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eight months earlier. and he told rudy giuliani exactly what he had found on it particularly to do with burisma. he was worried about national security. he included screen shots. the fbi would have had access to all of that back in august of 2020 -- will: right. >> -- and then also would have had access to my text messages with rudy giuliani if about exactly when "the new york post" was going to parish. -- publish. rachel: miranda, this is so disturbing. it's so big. and it's interesting, the fbi should be protecting us from joe biden -- [laughter] and his son and the martial security threat -- national security threat they are to our country, and yet they were involved in suppressing it and altering an election in the process. but more importantly, putting our country in danger. i mean, the reverse of what they're supposed to do. because now joe biden is the president, and he is probably compromised because of these dirty deals that he do did with the chinese, with ukraine and
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with the russians. >> yes. i mean, we don't know if he is compromised, but certainly it's logical to ask that question because his family took in millions of dollars from our greatest adversary, china, not to mention russia and ukraine and romania and kazahkstan, various other countries. but china's the one that matters. and i really think that the since the president has obviously not been completely truthful about his knowledge and involvement in his son hunter and his brother jim's overseas business dealings when he was vice president, those questions are on more urgent to be answered -- will: right. >> and that's why i think elon musk has done the country a real service here. and let's hope that in his part two that he actually does reveal more details about the fbi and also about jim baker. there was one tantalizing e-mail that was released last night
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from jim baker who was at that point twitter's deputy general counsel, top lawyer in effect. he had come to twitter from the fbi where he had been the fbi's general counsel. so i think the fbi was trying to pre-censor a story because, as we know from if james comey on, they were doing their best to damage and destroy the trump administration. will: really quickly, and i'm glad that you highlight, miranda, what we all mow to be true, this story is about potential corruption. there's an effort on the left to try to make this a story about decency, meaning it was about nude pics of hunter biden. this was never about that, and it wasn't about hacked materials, it was about corruption. on that note, and i want to save a minute to get to one other thing you're reporting, you focus several times on the fbi in this conversation. what am i to make though of the entire intelligence apparatus? it was not just the fbi
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afterwards that called this russian disinformation. it was cia, the entire american intelligence apparatus that waved their hand, dismissed this story. >> you make an incredibly good point, that's right. there was that bogus letter four days after our story written by the 51 former intelligence officials -- officials including four or five cia directors, former cia directors or acting cia directors, people like james clapper and john brennan, leon a a panetta, people who used the authority of their former high offices to the pretend that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation when they knew it wasn't. and joe biden used that letter in his debate a couple of days later existence donald trump, the final -- against donald trump, the final debate, and basically the letter got him off the hook. so, yes, i think it was a deep state collusion, coordination to
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insure that donald trump didn't win the election. pete: absolutely. will alluded to it, miranda, the new york post has a headline, hunter biden's former law firm received $10 million in por given covid loans -- forgiven covid loans while donating $1 million to democrats what's the story here? >> this is an investigation by an independent transparency organization called open the books, and they looked at 300 of the top law firms in the country, saw what ppp loans they got during the pandemic when they were supposed to be for mom and pop businesses to help them get through the pandemic. it certainly wasn't something that a top law firm where hunter biden had worked, had been paid $216,000 a year for this no-show job where he didn't have to attend meetings or turn up with regular office hours. this company, their democratic -- they're democratic donors. they got 10 million plus in
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pandemic loans, and that was the all forgiven under the biden administration in 2021 at the same time they donated around about a million dollars to democratic federal candidates. pete: it's amazing. how washington works. will: thank you, miranda. great reporting morning. we appreciate you sharing with us on "fox & friends." rachel: that's why they call her the great miranda devine. pete: we should have her back tomorrow when the second dump -- will: i agree. rachel: that would be fantastic. all right, we bin with some headlines and a fox news alert. a 7-year-old girl who was missing for several days in texas has been found, sadly, dead according to official ls. athena strand disappeared wednesday after leaving her home polling an argument with her stepmother, authorities finding her body after following a tip leading them to a delivery driver who later confessed to the abduction. investigators say they believe that the suspect killed her after the kidnapping. the top designer of a
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controversial baa lens balenciaga -- baa lens crag georgia ad is apologizing saying in part, quote, i take my responsibility. it was inappropriate to have kids promote objects that have nothing to do with them. he meant objects that are about sex. anyway, however, that designer made no indication he would resign despite severe backlash and swarms of influencers dumping the brand, and balenciaga is dumping their lawsuit against the marketing agency that they blamed for the disturbing pictures, the she owe todaying -- the ceo saying they are setting aside a significant fund for grants to organizations to help make a difference in protecting children. more than 8 million people watched the usa beat iran to advance to the next round. they'll take on the nyet per lands also -- netherlands also known as holland this morning. pretty confusingsome right. well, a dutch dairy farmer joined us earlier this morning, and he says he's also confused
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about this. listen. >> i'm a dutchman living in the netherlands, and when we play soccer and we going out on championships, we say go, holland. [laughter] so i don't know what the reason for that was. [laughter] rachel: that game at 10 eastern on fox, but before that will previews the game at connolly's bar later in the show. stick around for that. and those are your headlines. pete: we don't even know the name of our opponent, but it's going to be a game. rachel: all right, well, now it's time for -- ♪ ♪ [applause] rachel: may the best friend win. today we're introducing you to sub soccer. it's a revolutionary new way to play the world's most popular sport while seated at home. pete and will are going to head to that table, they're already there, and it's right inside our studio. will: i get it. look, beverage -- pete: i see it.
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will: -- competition. pete: revolutionary sounds a little over the top, but you add that all together -- will: we've got a ball here, we've got our soccer field under us -- pete: we've been testing different goals and stances. will: first one to 3 wins sub soccer. go. 1! pete: did you score? will: yeah, i did. pete: rachel, who do you think's going to win? if i don't win, i'm gonna hurt him. will: 2 the-0. pete: no way. rachel, you want to come and play goalie for me or somethingsome -- something? will: 2-1. pete: i don't like -- i'm going to get in there on my defense. when i pressure him with my d -- no, that was not in. he's off his game. rachel: the winner though, pete? pete: it's an ankle breaker, i'll tell you that.
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[laughter] get in the hole! will: that kind of hurt! pete: rachel, did that go in? okay. no! wasn't even close. will: they're overcheering. rachel: it's all the protein powder. [laughter] will: it is. friends, take your protein powder. to learn more about sub soccer, go to sub i feel like all the cheering i'm getting in my ear is a little patronizing. i win sometimes. [laughter] pete: that was a legit win. it wasn't even close. [laughter] ah, i think we're still on tv. what if there was a community of like minded
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communism just like those who stood up to tyranny in cuba just last year. congressman maria salazar warner's family fled communist cuba, and she joins us now. congresswoman, so great to have you. >> thank you. rachel: i share the frustration that you have with administration's refusal to stand up for freedom fighters, people who deserve their human rights and dignity. you saw that last summer when the protesters asked for access to the internet which the biden administration could have provided and didn't, correct? >> of course. and i'm so happy that a you're sharing my sentiments but not only us, but thousands and thousands of chinese or cubans that they want, rachel, the same thing we have, freedom, democracy, free market economy to be able to travel, raise your his -- kids any way you want to, go to school. and unfortunately, the biden administration is an accomplice -- rachel: why? >> because if you don't stand up and you are the number one
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country, you are the beacon of human rights in the world, the chinese, all they're doing is holding a blank piece of paper. but in reality what they're saying is we want to live like you. we want to be free. if i were to be the biden administration, i would call the chinese ambassador right now here in washington, and i would say i do not understand what your government is doing. but you want to do business with us -- if you want to do business with us, you have to behave differently, and you have to allow those people to say whatever they want to say. because it's not an organized protest. it's just people are going out expressing what they have been holding on for years. same thing with cuba. rachel: yeah. >> as you said, i have been asking the biden administration to provide one thing and only one thing, connectivity, because the cubans want to know that the rest of the world is watching how brutalized they are on the streets of havana just like the chinese are being brutalized on the streets of beijing. it's the same story.
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people want to be free. rachel: yeah. >> and we have a duty, we, the united states of america, a duty to help them. rachel: we are the united states of america, but we're struggling with free speech in our own country, and truly what i see as the chinaification of our own country, sadly, and that might be why he hasn't stood up and said anything in either of these two very important situations. i want to move to another topic because it's the also very trouble thing, and you're somebody who follows latin america very closely. we are seeing the biden administration making some very puzzling moves again in latin america, driving china -- driving our allies into the arms of china. talk to me about what's happening there. >> listen, i think it's a fantastic question. you know, i belong to the house foreign affairs committee. i'm in the subcommittee for the americas, and we hear from central america, guatemala, ecuador, the countries that would love to do business with the united states. they want the american companies to come in to bring all those
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businesses from china to central america, for near shoring. that would be one of reasons we could stop influx of central americans rushing our border. but where is the biden administration? there's no leadership. everyone that is watching this program needs to know that latin america loves the united states. and ronald reagan recognized that a when he was fighting the sandinistas. every single country wants to do business with the american companies. everyone wants to be with the gringos. we don't want to be with the chinese or the russians. but if those the companies don't show up and the chinese are coming with their dollars saying, hey, what is it that you need? roads? if yeah, we'll pay for them. bridges, no problem. soccer stadiums, anything. we're here to give it to you with ono strings attached -- with no strings attached. all they're doing is trying to invade not militarily, but economically. and we're talking about latin
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america. it's our back yard. people can walk from argentina to texas. walk. and that's the big danger that we are not confronting. rachel: well, sadly, congresswoman, it's not something that's going to happen, it's something that is happening right now, and that is china's takeover of latin america. we ought to be keeping an eye on that and holding the biden administration accountable for what they're not doing in latin america to protect us from the chinese in our own hemisphere. >> absolutely. rachel: congresswoman maria with salazar warner, that means you're a newlywed, con graphlations. [laughter] >> yeah. good things happen to you once in a while. rachel: i love it. [laughter] >> with he's a boy from alabama. he's a farmer from alabama. could you imagine? now i'm going to get a southern twang. [laughter] i'd love to see that, maria. >> from my spanish accent to a southern accent.
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rachel: well, you found a good one. >> yes, i did. rachel: congratulations. >> of course. to you too. rachel: by the way, i go into this problem in latin america, all the different situations that the biden administration is driving allies of ours into the arms of china in latin america. it's very important, from the kitchen table. check it out. we interview the former ambassador of the organization of american states. check out our podcast at all right, to our top story is, censorship of the hunter biden laptop story exposed. dan bongino gives his unfiltered take on elon musk. will: he's here! e. pete: come on, dan, don't hold us in suspension. let's go. ♪ ♪
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rachel: all right, we have a fox news alert. elon musk exposes twitter piles showing censorship of hunter biden's laptop and the tech giant's political bias. he writes: twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a first amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech with no judicial review i is. our guest, dan bongino, is here to react. i'm not even going to ask you a question. i think that's enough of a tee-up for dan bongino. >> yeah, listen, here's the deal, okay? the government cannot deputize private actors to do what the government is forbidden from doing constitutionally. you and i talk about this tonight on my show with regards to the second amendment. they're trying to deputize banks to get a gun list. but on free speech you can't say to twitter, listen, you need to do this on our behalf and communicate with government
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officials because we can't do it ourself and do kind of an end around. see, when you're talking to liberals, you have to be -- you have to make it really simple because a lot of them are just dopey. i don't know any other way to say it. you and i are pro-lifers, right? if you were the president, i was the vice president, we can't put out some executive order saying if will cain goes is and beats up someone trying to get an abortion, that you can't sue will cain. we can't do that, as much as i hate abortion, i can't deputize will to sop someone on my behaly behalf. and i don't think liberals get that. and i saw this thing about ro khanna, and i was like, okay, wow, a democrat who actually seemed to -- pete: yeah. >> ro, you know, brother, you and i may not share politics on a without -- on a lot of issues, but if you want to link arms on the free speech thing, that's a fight i'll go to war with min, ro khanna, bernie sanders, because if you can't speak, you
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don't have a constitutional republic. rah. rachel: you may with the only one though. will: you built a very strong digital presence throughout your career, and clay travis said it would be a mistake to think of this as exclusively a twitter story. we know about twitter because elon musk is opening the hood to twitter. you're very strong on multiple digital platforms. >> yeah. will: it's, you know, we know the government was meeting with all of them prior to the election. mark zuckerberg told us hat government was meeting with facebook. how broad, how wild, how many topics do you think -- how wide, do you think this deputizing of companies to suppress the first amendment was? is? >> on any given day, the second or first largest facebook page, me and ben shapiro swap spots a lot. they've got to -- gone to war with my page. it's not just that they had the fbi go there. they use what they call fact
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checkers which, ironically, are opinion clerks. if they don't like an opinion, they'll call something missing con text. what they do is it then reduces the reach of your page and shuts you down. and if you get a strike, you can be entirely demonetized and kicked off the platform. they never do that to liberals. this war on free speech is real, guys. this is not a joke. and the fact that leftists can't seem to get their heads out of their rumps and understand that a conservative government with malicious intent can turn this on them is really disturbing. you've got to remember, i put my money where my mouth is. i've been an investor in a lot of these platforms, and our thing over at rumble is, hey, come on over. we love liberals because the best counter to free speech you don't like is other free speech. i mean, didn't we used to all agree on this? will: thought so, yeah. >> one more thing about that elon story. the most disturbing part of that twitter thread -- and great job by matt taibbi who's been one of
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the few journalists doing actual journalism, i was glad he tweeted that out -- they use tools for child pornography to make sure you couldn't even dm the link to -- do you understand how bananas that is? that is crazy. what are hay going to use next, terrorism rules? pete: yeah, her finish. rachel: they did. [laughter] >> it's true, i should have -- rachel: it's so bad. pete: january 6th and the whole thing, it's all become a rationalization. >> you're right. you start to wonder, like, what happened? when did this devolve so quickly? it used to be the aclu and leftist groups. there's a clip on my show tonight, i used to be rage against the machine who turned into a bunch of crazed leftists. they are the machine now. rachel: yeah. >> the left is the machine. let's fight the man, bro. you are the man, bro. [laughter] do you understand that? you're the -- we're the
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renegades now. we're the misfit children now, not them. pete: yeah, it's true. by the way, earlier will cain was able to convince us not to have chick-fil-a and instead ordered an acai bowl. >> big mistake. folkses, this has been going on in the green room are. it made it up stairs onto the couch. i lost, like, 30 pounds, i had to -- rachel: you look amazing. >> thank you. i was getting a little soft. acai is great, i love it, but the bowl is a lot of sugar -- rachel: just say what you said in the commercial break, you might as well -- >> you might as well just glue the bowl right to your rump like this. [laughter] because i'm telling you, it's a great product, acai -- will: going to pretend like chick-fil-a -- >> definitely chick-fil-a. i'm a big -- pete: always for the win. >> i i eat the hell out of some chick-fil-a.
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pete: who do you have on the show tonightsome. >> i got guy, pete hegseth, he's a very strange cat. jesse watters, an fbi agent and, please, please listen to my monologue tonight. this is totally unfiltered, there is zero prompter because i didn't need it. it is about this disgusting, filthy war on our kids with this balenciaga stuff and the response to it. and i go absolutely def con nuclear on this stuff because if we can't link welcome back shields to protect our kids -- link shields to protect our kids, it's just a land mass of people 45 serves no function whatsoever. ray rae thank you for doing that. it's a war on their innocence. >> disgusting. will: unbelievable. >> it's not just the story, it's the response to it on the left, blaming qanon, alyssa griffin, whatever, on the view talking about republicans pounce.
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really? really, are you kidding me? these are kids in a bondage ad -- rachel: and she's one of those parents. who are those parents? >> nuts. please don't miss it. will: all right. a bit of a turn, what better place to watch today's usa game against the netherlands and holland and dutch? we're going to take 'em all three on. [laughter] figure that out, let's go to the bar. maybe they'll tell us what all three of those are. are they the same thing? [laughter] >> all right. see you, guys. pete: rachel and i will are hold it down. >> hold down the fort. pete: we didn't get an invite to the bar. ♪ ♪ this is our destiny ♪
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rachel: welcome back. we have a fox weather alert are. lava prosecute world's largest active volcano know is creeping closer to a major highway, the volcano know rutting last sunday for the first time in almost 40 years. fox weather correspondent max gourden is in hawaii with more. good morning. >> reporter: well, the flow has slowed down considerably ever since it hit flatter ground. it's moving about 150 feet per hour x that last update from officials it was less than 3 miles away from the main east-west highway. that highway still remains open at this hour. mauna loa first started erupting
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on sunday, the first time since 1984. this is the largest active volcano know in the world. since then lava has been spewing from the volcano know drawing visitors and locals to see the awe-inspiring glow. sad to say they don't know how long this eruption will last. currently volcanic smog is a concern for folks here, caused by the gases emitted from the volcano know and potentially be harmful. officials are monitoring air quality levels. and while the highway could eventually be in the path of the lava, no evacuation orders needed to be issued, and no homes are currently threatened, a relief to hawaii's mayor who said he initially had concerns when the volcano began erupting. >> there was a little bit of fear for a lot of our residents that live down slope on the other side of where it's coming. but seeing where it's the at now, i just feel relieved that we're not going to be jeopardizing anybody's homes,
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people will be able to, you know, go about their business. >> reporter: if the mayor says they have plans to shut down the highway if the lava comes too close, and if it becomes overrun, they'll use heavy machinery to clear away the rock or they'll just build new highway right op on over it. back to you. rachel: all right, max, thank you. those images are amazing. you can follow this story and all the latest weather developments by downloading the fox weather app to any of your connected devices. pete? pete: thank you, rachel. i'm still not over it, we're here and will's at a bar. all right, a new report from college fix found nearly 50% of departments, get this, 50% of departments across these 7 major university withs -- ohio state, you know, university of georgia -- have no registered republican professors. and 92 the % of educators -- 92% of educators identify as democrats, outnumbering are
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republican professors # 1 to 1. joins i -- joining us now is victor davis hansen. victor, it's not like we're listing out the ivy league here. not that it matters, but ohio state, nebraska, north carolina, georgia, cornell, oklahoma, alaska-anchorage, zero republicans there. >> yeah, that's what's really disturbing. as you say, it's not stanford, yale, harvard where we expect that. these are conservative states, and these used to be neutral institutions, but they've been taken over. and what's also disturbing, it wasn't just english and history, the economics department as well. and the question is why is it happening, and even more disturbing is that when people say democrat versus republican and the polls probe further, the people who are not republican, 75% of them identify as communist, socialist or marxist. [laughter] pete: great. >> they're not bill clinton democrats, so it's pretty scary.
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so what happened? we all knew when you give people lifetime appointment with tenure and no accountability, it ends up in utopia. but i think it's a little different the last, oh, 10 years, especially the last 3. most of these universities are not requiring s.a.t. or a.c.t.ments as they used to. the grades have been inflated, the teaching loads have been reduced, and a lot of professors see a lot of new students coming in that wouldn't have been admitted, but they're very ideological. and the courses are therapeutic, ideological, they're political. it's much easier to teach those kind of courses than the enlightenment or the renaissance or calculus. and so i think what's happened is the professors are saying, you know what? we've got a lot of motivated political students, we have fewer and fewer standards. i'm not going to give people c or bs or as, i mean -- pete: yeah. go along to get along. >> yeah. and i'm gonna do it. so what they do is they take out
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indemnity insurance and say, you know what? i'm not going to be classical liberal anymore, i'm not going to have standards because it's easier for me. i don't want the diversity, equity, inclusion czar down my back, i don't want to refuse to take that loyalty oath, diversity, inclusion, equity oath -- pete: yeah. >> -- and they just take out insurance and say, hey, i'm very hard leftist. and they live, a lot of these faculty members live lives of quiet desperation, they mouth all this stuff and go home and clinch their teeth and say, my god, this stuff is crazy. it's stalinist, but they won't buck it because they know the consequences -- pete: their job would be at stake. >> and these are not ma owe salvo -- mario salvo free speech listists of the '60s -- leftists of the '60s, they're stalinists. peace and love, free speech, they don't believe that. they're determined
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revolutionaries. pete: well, now i'm depressed. i mean, we knew higher education was liberal. you're saying it's still accelerating, and it's not just harvard, it's ohio state, nebraska, georgia, your alma mater, my alma mater, others infected with this disease. victor davis hansen, nobody does it better, thank you,s sir. >> thank you. pete: back to rae chel who's still not in a bar to raise some headlines. rachel: pete, we have a cocktail segment coming up, so that'll help. all right, we're going to turn to some headlines, a disney world favorite is headed for retirement. the iconic splash mountain in magic kingdom, which i love, will close permanently on january 23rd after 30 years. disney will replace it with a ride based on the princess and the frog. the closure follows complaints against disney that it's based on the movie song of the south anded had racist overtones. prince and princess whosome
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boston celtics coach joe ma assume la didn't seem too impressed with the prince and princess of wales. when a reporter asked him if he got to meet the royal family, he replied jesus, mary and joseph? oh, no, i did not. i'm only familiar with one royal family. i do not know too much about that one, which was an amazing response. and those are your headlines. all right. coming up on tomorrow's show, judge jeanine pirro, maria bartiromo, janice dean and more. but first from pepperer mint -- peppermint-tinis, we're making your spirits bright with. pete's already going for it. ♪ ♪
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♪ rachel: well, there's nothing like making spirits bright during the holidays. pete: so while you're lighting the tree and decking the halls -- do people deck the halls? rachel: yes. pete: you may as well get your guests a little lit -- [laughter] rachel: oh, wow. pete: nice. >> alan jackson, we love alan
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jackson, it's his daughter maddie, she joins us for her favorite christmas cocktails. what a wonderful thing for you to come and show us. >> hey, this is my favorite segment, is i'm glad to be here with you guys. pete: tell us about the whiskey which is phenomenal. >> yes, this is silver valley whiskey, and it's dad's personal label which i got to have a really special hand in picking because i'm a certified sommelier. a lot of people hi that's just wine, but it entails all sorts of spirits. so when dad wanted to put out a bourbon, he let me talk to distill theres and all that stuff, and we did a little taste test on christmas eve as a family, and this is the blend that we came up with. pete: very smooth. rachel: and what a lovely family activity. >> it's a really good way to spend christmas eve -- [laughter] pete: tell us about a couple christmas drinks here. >> we're going to start with one that's really close to home. dad has a home made eggnog recipe which is in one of his cookbooks. you can use whatever your
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favorite eggnog is, and all we're going to do is add a little silver sali whiskey, i'm going to concern valley whiskey, it's it's up to you. how festive are you feeling. so we add a little whiskey. obviously, give that a stir. rachel: easy. >> yeah. and i like a little cinnamon stick in it, you can do some nutmeg -- pete: oh, that's it? >> that's it, man. pete: that, i can do. >> and then the special i drink, santa claus-mopolitan, this is basically my parents' love child. we're doing this for hem. so we're going to build this today -- pete: you tell me what to do, i'll build it. >> all right. so we're going to do 2 ounces silver valley -- >> come on, man. pete: what'd i co? >> you're fired. [laughter] pete: not the last time i've heard that. >> two ounces whiskey, one and a half cranberry, and then
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three-quarter ounce fresh lemon juice. pete: got it. >> give it a little squeeze of agave syrup, simple syrup, whatever you like, and then two dashes of these orange bitters. rachel: not hard to make. >> super easy. and then we do a little ice. you want to shake it for me? rachel: shaken, not stirred. >> the important part is the top so it doesn't spill -- pete: i've always wanted to do this. makes you feel cool. okay. >> all right. and then we're going to pop that open. pete: got it. >> put the strainer on this -- pete: get a little love. >> give it a little love. look at that. pete: this one's for you. >> yep, do that garnish, it's going to come out looking like a beautiful christmas tree. pete: where can folks find that recipe? >> on this segment, i suppose. [laughter] i think we're flashing it somewhere. pete: rewind your tv. rachel: this was awesome. >> enjoy. rachel: i will.
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i'm waiting for the commercial break. [laughter] pete: maddie jackson, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. pete: president well, we end today's show with will cain and dan bongino in a bar to promote team usa taking on the ether -- netherlands in the world cup, 10 a.m. on fox. will and dan, are the fans ready? what have you got? will: perfect timing, hegseth, because we just finished the national anthem, the crowd just cheered. it's new york city, connollys right around the corner. i found a dutchman. he's going to ten us -- help us out. can you explain the difference between the netherlands, holland and the dutch? >> no, i cannot. most of the dutch guys don't even know. will: are you feeling confident? you are the favored team. do you feel confident against usa? >> pretty confident but i guess there's quite a chance it might be a draw, and then we'll see what the penalties. will: that's the one dutchman. let's get to some americans, dan
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bongino has a whole family of americans. >> there's absolutely no do you want who crew here is for. john, let me guess, you are team usa -- >> let's go, baby, let's go! >> team usa! >> we've got a real american hero here, a police officer. team usa all the way? >> yes, of course. >> win! >> who's going to win today? >> usa! >> how sure are you? >> very sure. >> 100%. will: can i see the back? all right. team usa -- i've got a table full of guys, they're getting started. look, these guys are ready. these guys are ready. they got the guinness out, they're doing the soccer thing. you don't call it the pitch though, it's a field. >> no, it's a pitch. >> it's 0-0, not nil-nil, right? >> i don't know, we'll see. will: do you feel good about america today? guys? >> feeling good. [inaudible conversations]
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will: what's your prediction? >> 1-0. will: 1-0, usa. where's dan? i've lost dan. here he's. in the 72nd minute, there's the prediction. >> i feel great about it. i gotta tell you, i played soccer growing up, i sucked at it, so i'm living vicariously -- will: we're at connolly's, go, usa! pete: well done. [cheers and applause] ♪ david: pressure growing other a border crisis that shows no signs of slowing down and a twitter storm that's only just beginning as elon musk revealing inner workings of its past. good morning, everyone, i'm david asman in for neil cavuto. welcome to a special edition of cavuto live. let's get to it. first to the border, nearly 400,000 migrants crossing illegally into the u.s. since october, and that doesn't even include a record 73,000 gotaways in novemberment unless -- november. unless something is done i
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