tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News December 4, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST
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called the briggs meyer. pete: heard of it. will: you take a quiz. asks you questions, i'm definitely a procrastinator. rachel: me too. will: whatever the task, it goes at the end of other things i warrant to do. i tend to think, three weeks before christmas. that is forever. my wife is like, no it is not. we need to do the shopping now. rachel: kathleen is smart. pete: not the big tree. big tree is amazing. biggest it has ever been. come by to take pictures of it, the other trees next to it. do you know what it takes to put lights around every single one of those little branches? will: no, actually. pete: my goodness. that is my nightmare. all the way up to the top, all the way around. it looks phenomenal. >> is the hegseth farm lit. pete: not this year. it will be next year. too much renovation, construction, stuff like that. but it is beautiful up there. when we walk out. there are people there taking photos. it is becoming a signature. i saw the rockefeller tree.
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not that we should speak of that. it is barely bigger than this one. we're moving on up. rachel: this has music. a place to take a picture with your family to become a christmas card. it is a destination. will: three of us spend a good amount of time kicking new york city in the shins. rachel: we do. will: this is time, new york city at the holidays is actually very charming. rachel: really cool. will: the truth is, so is your hometown. so is the downtown square in small town america. we all know because we're from those towns as well. beautiful time of year wherever you are in this beautiful country. let's pick up on the biggest news story of the morning, the central character in, if not the central character, one of top three or five central characters in the censorship of the hunter biden laptop. elon musk held a twitter space where he talked about the unveiling of the twitter files. center of the story, the man on the screen, john paul mac isaac.
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he loaned the laptop repair shop, computer repair top where hunter biden dropped off his laptop. john paul, great to see you again. since we all four of us spoke a lot has happened, recently as last night. i'm curious, you saw things unfold, saw elon last couple days what are your thoughts? >> i'm grateful. i don't know how many people know, i was basically financially ruined by twitter last year. i tried to save my career because twitter labeled my actions hacking. i went after them in a defamation suit. ultimately the goal from the opposition was to make sure that twitter would cut my legs off, to make sure i would never have an opportunity to fight my battles in the court of law again. so obviously watching elon release this material over, friday night was very exciting for me because what i felt like i knew the whole time was true.
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and i feel vindicated. i feel, i'm grateful for elon. if he wants free tech support he has got it. >> [laughter]. >> it is refreshing. it is obviously, you know, if he had bought twitter during the lawsuit i think things would work out better for me. it is what it is. i'm grateful that the truth is coming out now i'm vindicated. rachel: go ahead. pete: one of the tweets that came out from matt taibbi as part of exposure of twitter. twitter's public policy executive, caroline strom, returned the answer that the laptop story was removed for the violation of the company's hacked materials policy. you had been approached by the fbi. they were in the possession of the laptop and that information. we know that agencies were meeting with twitter on a regular basis and other social media companies before the election. how much time would twitter or the fbi had had with your material, especially the fbi
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before they made this excuse that it was hacking? >> well the fbi took possession of the laptop on december 9th. with that they took all my notes, all my information i provided them. they had ample time to review that data. realized it wasn't russia. pete: december 9th of 2019? >> yep. pete: december 2019. story breaks in october of 2020. will: they had it 10 months to know and share. we know they were meeting, right, john paul, with big tech, to know and disseminate the information, this is real, we're taking it seriously, we're trying to quash it. instead of pretending all of a sudden it is hacked. >> exactly. when i watched the internet shut down on october 14th, the "new york post" came out with a story at 6:30 in the morning. by 9:00 you couldn't find any discussion of it on the internet. that is not something that
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happens naturally. that is something coordinated, set up, so when the story broke they would be ready. they could flick a switch, shut it down. that is exactly what happened. i'm really hoping combined with my future lawsuits, hopefully more people will read my book to understand what really happened. i'm really hoping the truth women come out and i can get on with my life. rachel: the truth will set you free. how just upset were you that the fbi is supposed to be actually investigating people like hunter biden and joe biden was actually the ones covering it up? you went with really good intentions to the fbi and they turned out to be the bad guys. how did you process that? >> well, you know, i was always suspicious of the fbi. january of 2019 they raided roger stone's house with cnn. three years of russia collusion. so i was apprehensive. i think the person affected most
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was my father. he had given 31 years of his life to the military in defense of this country. he never asked for his country or anything in return. went to the albuquerque field office for protection of his son. his son was in possession of a time bomb. he was worried about my safety. he feels so disenfranchised with the government. i'm hoping to bring some justice to my father so he can love his country again. pete: wow. speaking of love of country, first amendment, elon musk spoke last night on twitter about what he is trying to bring to twitter. take a listen to this. >> seem to be like this more and more group think amongst the media. more and more sort of towing the line amongst digital social media companies and, basically just, we're traveling the path more and more of suppression of
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free speech. pete: we're talking about twitter but we only know about twitter, john paul, because of elon musk. but you could go to facebook. you could go to google. you could go to any number of other platforms where these things went on and we may never know? >> uh-huh. i think zuckerberg needs to go on joe rogan some more we seem to learn more and more about facebook every time he is on. rachel: that's true. will: forgive me, i would love to ask you two quick questions, john paul, one, as much as we've seen from what elon released about the coordination between the government and twitter, there isn't necessarily a smoking gun to your case, hunter biden. in other words we don't have the government official saying, spike that. do you think that probably exists? do you expect that somewhere, yet to be seen? we haven't, we see a twitter that is ready and willing to do what the government wants or in this case the dnc. it was the dnc at this time, the
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democratic party, we haven't seen who made the call, who put it in their mind? >> well i believe zuckerberg described at least the fbi and facebook's interaction as predominantly in person or over the phone. i think the fbi is smart enough to not create a paper trail when it comes to affecting the course of the election. i'm pretty sure the fbi was careful how they communicated. i wouldn't be surprised. we do have acknowledgement from facebook. even zuckerberg back in october 28th of 2020, told congress when zuckerberg and youtube, google got dragged in front of congress to explain section 230 immunity, they said it was common practice for law enforcement to reach out to social media. so i'm not surprised there is not a paper trail. i hope that the fbi is smart enough not to implicate them in something like that, but, i wouldn't be surprised.
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fbi knew it wasn't russia. i told them when they came to my home. they came to the shop. they took the laptop. they did not admit the as evidence in the impeachment trial. i knew the fbi was bent. there is really no excuse. rachel: i do think all of you have been vindicated. others have been vindicated, rudy giuliani, calling so many people calling out what was happening, would affect an election when they suppressed the information. i thank you for sticking through it all, with some people trying to cancel you, the weight of the federal government. will: real quick, the federal government, what is your relationship with the fbi? after this gone down, after you have spoken to us, do i hear from the fbi? >> not at all. i offered fresh, clean copies of the drive, if they lost the one i gave them back in december.
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you know, if they want to work with me, i respect the agency. if i didn't believe in the fbi i would never have fon to the fbi. i just didn't trust the fbi. there are two different things. so i would still like to have, give the opportunity to the fbi to revisit this issue and clear their name. rachel: interesting. pete: john paul mac isaac. what is the book again real quick? >> "american injustice," my battle to expose the truth. pete: sounds like a good christmas gift with 21 days left. rachel: sure does. sure does. pete: thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. pete: this is the most troubling part to me what he laid out, the fbi knew exactly what they had in their possession. they knew it wasn't hacked. they knew it wasn't russian. which means when all the former intelligence agency leaders came out wrote the letter this is misinformation, they knew, they would have known. they knew when they were meeting with twitter and facebook before the election, there is a leak
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and dump coming out a leak and dump coming out as opposed they knew was verified was hunter bidens. they did it for political materials. will: they called it hack material. then russian disinformation. what they're calling it two years later, making justification, it was offensive material. they are saying this, this is important twitter you get peek into the mind who want to say this what they're saying today as republicans want to share junk pics of hunter biden and that twitter invoked its offensive material policy. can't have nude di picks up on twitter. it is not about that. it is not about crack. it is not about hookers. it is about whether or not a presidential candidate at that time had potential corruption with foreign powers. pete: that is what the post was focusing on. there were no nude pics that
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couldn't be shared. it was all made up. rachel: joan paul mac censoring, the fbi not paying attention to what he had to say, happened to tony bobulinski. tony bobulinski laid it out as well. they never called him back. they never called it back. they didn't want to know. they already knew. will: note what was really about on his twitter space, elon musk says hunter seems like a fun guy, setting aside the corruption he was talking about. hunter knows how to have a good time. pete: we knew -- rachel: here's the deal. i'm fascinated by hunter biden. you guys know that. i can't stop talking about him. will: he is the patsy of the story. rachel: i sometimes feel sorry for hunter and his family drama. pete: we know christmas is coming soon. so is 2024. so there is someone involved in interviewing a candidate in 2020, now has views on 2024 that are pretty interesting. if you remember this is a flashback to then candidate biden was on "the breakfast
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club" with charlemagne the god. here is a portion what he said. >> if you have a problem figuring out whether you're from me or trump, you ain't black. pete: so there is that. well in an interview with fox news digital charlemagne the god relives that moment and talks about 2024. listen. >> only thing i took away from it, taking a page out of trump's book, saying the quiet part out loud. whether he said it in jest or not, i'm sure how a large part of the democratic party feels. they feel like, hey, black men, black women, they're almost oil voting block. they show up for us no matter what. i think that is something he probably said, he was hearing other people around him say that it might have been shocking to hear. he didn't say anything folks didn't already know or folks didn't already feel. hey, the democratic party takes the black vote for granted.
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that is something a lot of people are realizing. there are black conservatives out there, sorry. you know what i mean? ault black people are not a part of the democratic party. personally i mean, damn near everything they promised black people i have not seen come to fruition. rachel: that is the truth. pete: nice job, fox news digital. interesting to hear from him. he is exactly right. will: obviously the entilement what joe biden had to say, right? how about the brass ones? you get to a point in your life you believe you can say this? pete: yeah. will: this is how, you're not block if you don't vote for me. pete: it's a stunning statement. will: those brass ones sitting there clanging around. you shouldn't -- pete: i think they're clanging around up here. that is where the brass ones are clanging around. will: where they're clanging around, the point it is inherently racist statement. you're not black if you don't vote for me.
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you have to think one way, dictated by the color of your skin and it is my way or you're not real. rachel: not just joe biden. its entire believes they own people of color. i have experienced it as a conservative myself that you know, they will say you're not latina. you are a sellout to your race. you're malincha. you're coconut. there are so many names for anybody who is a free thinker. breakfast taco. pete: for sure. he says everything they damn near promised for black people has not come to fruition when tom said what are you got to lose. rachel: was that he trump was saying quiet thing out loud, what was he saying? pete: taking a page out of trump's book, saying quiet part out loud. he would say trump often says things people are thinking. will: that is a lifetime of
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emboldenment. remember when joe biden said they will put you back in chains. a lifetime of emboldenment you say something outlandish. rachel: said that picked the vice-presidential candidate for the first african-american president. if you're a democrat you can do anything you want. will: a few headlines a scientist who worked in a research lab in wuhan, claims covid-19 was man made. this is a lab connected. andrew huff working for institute virology on coronavirus research. the lab genetically researched the disease using funding from the u.s. telling the son i was verified what i saw. we were handing them viral weapon technology. the lab has been the center of the fierce debates about the origins of covid. bad blood for taylor swift fans. dozens are suing ticketmaster over the ticketing fiasco. they're accusing the company of
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fraud, price fixing, antitrust violations. the lawsuit same to fine the company 2,500,000 per violation. ticketmaster maintains overwhelmingly demand and bot attacks are to blame. it has been 10 years since guy fieri introduced the world to his famous trashcan nachos. he is releasing holiday trashcan dessert nachos. that is a lot. cannoli chips, mini pretzels, brown any pieces combined with rich toppings to hold everything in place. guess we have some here to try. pete: we sure do. how do you eat it? will: i don't know. pete: use pretzels as the dip? i think you just grab -- will: oh, pete. whoa. pete: just kind of grab it like that. will: my gosh. oh, my gosh. rachel: i was going to say, you actually performed it. i was saying this is something
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like "elf" would eat. you know the movie "elf." will: it does. >> pete eating it the way i would. pete: falling apart on me. give it a try, guys. will: you made it less appetizing to be honest. i want one of the cannoli chips. that is what i want. rachel: you have your own. will: i don't see my cannoli chips. somewhere in inside and pete -- rachel: actually really good. pete: taste the like christmas. will: tastes like christmas. super pepper minty. pete: make it yourself. will: here is the necessary ingredients. there is the cannoli chips, the pretzels. >> can do it with kids. will: here is the stuff all over pete. how do you say that? pete: didn't give us forks. get your clutches into that. rachel: gave us napkins. pete: clutches into it. will: this is all-timer, dude. this is something else.
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pete: old-timer? they're moving us along. rachel: move along. keep eating. watch this a rabid raccoon attack. a crazy video of the animal latching on to a little girl. how her mama bear jumped into action. a new study reveals, just how much the pandemic has impacted teenagers mental health. the sapphires are back to break it down. welcome! will: the sapphires plural. ♪. where can you go for family fun... and do your holiday shopping all-in-one? lowe's, actually. this holiday season come experience the magic of winterfest.
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♪. rachel: the brains of teenagers aging by almost three years since the beginning of the pandemic according to a new study. researchers at stanford university discovering teens aged 15 to 18 have also suffered from increased rates of anxiety and depression since march of 2020. here to discuss fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier, her husband, board certified vascular neurosurgeon in
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new jersey, dr. paul safire. i don't want to say dr. safire and dr. safire. >> it is confusing. rachel: what does it mean the brains aged three years? >> it is concerning. the study out of stanford looked at the kids before and also during the pandemic and forced lockdowns, these preaustere measures what they saw as you pointed out, kids had higher levels anxiety, depression, internalization of external oppressors. kids not in the lockdowns, there are significant structural changes both in superficial and deep portions of the brain. what these researchers said, going forward it is going to have to recalibrate or essentially reset what the implications for these kids in other studies. so you know, in terms of psychological and emotional and cognitive issues going forward, we have to rethink in this generation of kids that were
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underthese austere, draconian lockdowns what the stressors on them has going forward. rachel: would you see these kind of things happening to the brain for a generation that lived through a very traumatic war? >> stress affects everybody. asking anybody on the street right now, it affects us internally. the brain is both receptor and mitigator of stress. we create these neuromodulators that modify our response to stress. we yes, do see people that undergo very traumatic ordeals or situations they have significant changes both internally and also externally. rachel: really quickly what can be done to help those people or this generation or anyone going through something traumatic that actually impacts the structure of tear brain? >> that is the issue, we don't know yet. it will affect us long term. rachel: interesting. well, very, very fascinating
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stuff. things we didn't think about before we locked our children down. >> some of us did think about it but we were not in charge. rachel: we were not in charge, no one was listening to us and calling us conspiracy theorists. nicole, the pharmaceutical are coming up with a fentanyl vaccine? why am i not thinking this is a great idea? >> first of all, rachel, something has to be done with the opioid crisis. 150 people are dying from fentanyl poison innings, accidental overdoses. i applaud any effort to put to save lives from fentanyl poisoning. this is university of houston in rat studies. they are able to produce antibodies against fentanyl and derivatives. in theory you give it to a high-risk individual, that fentanyl would not be taken up into the brain, wouldn't get euphoric high. they wouldn't want to take the fentanyl. one question i have, if they
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don't get high from fentanyl will they stop to illicit it from heroin. rachel: does the high kill them? >> if it doesn't get into the brain it will not necessary depress the respiratory center which causes them to die. one of the things i have concerns about as a physician, fentanyl is used medicinally. we use it in procedures and treat severe cancer pain. if you give the vaccine to people, limit treatment options in the hospital it will be difficult. i have questions about this they're developing it for human trial use. we'll obviously keep an eye on it. it is more important to get the supply off the street and not come up with a bandaid for a rapid fix. it is more important we focus on getting supply off the street and educating people as to the dangers, harms of fentanyl. rachel: let's not normalize bringing over of fentanyl drugs over the southern border and its
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existence in some of our communities. i agree with you on that. so dr. safire, dr. safire, there is a lot of brain power on the couch right now. no pun intended to the neurosurgeon here. so great having you. love having you back. >> thank you. rachel: i feel really dumb right now. [laughter] >> my god. with nine children. okay, rachel, you put us all to shame. rachel: you're the best. we'll have the safires back. coming up we stick with our top story. elon musk is exposing twitter censorship. miranda devine, judge jeanine give their takes. the season for giving. janice dean and her stare in law are giving back with operation gifts for seniors. stay with us. ♪.
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rachel: we're ordering breakfast. sorry. will: you do that i do it. v. 'tis the season for giving. janice dean's sister-in-law made it her mission to give back to the elderly operation gift for seniors. it started to honor her parents who died in nursing homes from covid-19 back in 2020. donna johnson and janice join us now. there they are, right there. they are, you're in the middle of it right now, donna and janice, right? tell us what the project is and what you're doing this morning? >> well this is the second year for operation gifts for seniors and donna, my sister-in-law, is the brainchild of this. what was your reason behind doing something like this, giving gifts to seniors this time of year? >> i did it because in 2020 after my parents passed away, i learned these things about these facilities. the thing that hit me most, people, there are a lot of people in there who don't have families, don't see families. we started sending cards and
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little gifts here and there. it turned into this now. >> look at this store. you had to bump up the storage facility. >> we had to get a larger unit last month. donations kept pouring in. we couldn't fit it in the other units. we had to get a bigger unit. >> what are things seniors want most for christmas? >> they always ask for puzzle books. we distribute gifts all year. so the puzzle books, i collect all year. we give all occasions. they love them. the adult coloring books. like any kind of games. the women love makeup and jewelry. so i have like a whole box of lipsticks and jewelry for them to, to go to a facility. >> let me talk to an elf over here. thankthank you for coming so ea. why is it important to help the johnson foundation. >> i known them for years. donna is the brains behind the operation. it is good, helping out seniors especially this time of year.
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>> donna, what do you hope for this time of year? what is your message? >> bring tons of smiles to as many seniors as we possibly can. >> that is what happens. you see pictures of seniors, even if a blanket or puzzle book, they are happy to be remembered. >> they were. even just a card. they are amazing. feels like the outside world. like a stranger sent this to me. >> donna took tragedy and made goodness out of that. that is the giving spirit of christmas. i love you so much for doing this. i mean, mickey and dee would so be proud of you. this is the tech year. you can still donate? >> we have amazon wish-list own any social media outlets. we'll post it today. go to the wish lift, send a gift right there, if you don't go shopping. go shopping. send it to me. the address on our website or any social media. the website is operation gifts for
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that's it. >> thank you so much. listen, "fox & friends" has been so supportive of this foundation. i just love you. i love what you're doing and thank you to all of our viewers as well for helping out because it means so much to us. one more thing, who cares? we care. what does that mean? >> if you remember in one of our then governors news briefings, he said who cares, they died. well we care. >> we care. >> obviously we care. all these things we care. >> "fox & friends" cares as well. over to you my friends. i love you, pete, will, rachel. thank you for being with us. rachel: we love you too, janice. will: i janice i want to apologize. i said mikey and dee. it is mickey and dee. the website is the bottom of the screen, operation gift for contribute to the give back for seniors. thank you very much. coming up elon musk exposes censorship of hunter biden laptop story. but does the mainstream media
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>> well i think those people should be looking in the mirror wondering why they were deceptive, why did they deceive the american public? instead of redirecting blame to matt taibbi, accepting responsibility for themselves not being truthful to the american public. pete: elon musk call out bias in the media as he exposes twitter's history of censorship. outkick founder clay travis, not one single article about elon musk or twitter release last night on "the new york times" app this morning. elon musk replied because the new york times has become for all intents and purposes an unregistered lobbying firm for far left politicians. got that right. here to react fox news contributor joe concha. great to see you. your response overall how musk exposed and media reacting? >> same movie over and over again. before the presidential election, october of 2020, the
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hunter biden laptop story was dismissed it was mocked. if you even thought it was a real story your account got locked on twitter and you were called a conspiracy theorist. here we are two years later everything in the laptop, all the emails have been verified. journalists you would think let's not do this again. elon musk puts out documents through matt taibbi, a real journalist. we're seeing from same journalists mockery, dismissed or ignored. "washington post" has a story on the email dump by elon musk. all they do is say there is no there there. this is no big deal. this is one of the most egregious, what do i want to say here, biggest violation of pow every by an industry, big tech in its history what they did with the story. it became pongyang in the u ask. a. reporter: elon musk said i believe there was election interference based on what twitter did.
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do the reversal of any media company, social media company, it would be a four column byline or maybe five on "the new york times"? easily. social media giant exposes election interference. instead, here is the media coverage. we'll do it again. abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, zero minutes. cnn 10, good for them. because it is about the collusion too between big tech and the government which new it wasn't a russian hack but told them it was to justify it. >> here's the thing, say the laptop didn't belong to hunter biden or donald trump or eric trump, talks about the big guy getting kickbacks ukraine, which is in the news, getting money from u.s. pete: russia. >> russia for that matter. you would have a sitting president who is compromised by the likes of china who unleashed something called covid on the
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world killed millions of people, crippled economies. i think journalists would care that is the case. pete: instead we run breathlessly fake compromise president with russian collusion story. what the press did, ran with that made up out of whole cloth. they continue to this day ignore real potential compromised president if it was in front of them? >> think about russia collusion and election stolen in 2016. not supposed to said that was stolen in any way, shape or form. in 2016 2/3 of democratic voters believed russians got into the voting machines and changed vote totals. that is how much impact of media coverage on the particular story which wasn't a story had. we have a real story. verified emails. we have a media saying you got to be kidding me. going after matt taibbi, simply for one who put it out. pete: listening to elon musk it
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was kind of like fox news channel. before the fox news channel. there was no other conversation. today it is the highest rated network in the country. you could see a renaissance on twitter. i have a real conversation here as opposed to being blocked or suppressed everywhere else. >> twitter rivals are popping up, liberals are going to, this is the place. known likes echo chamber. they love twitter from engagement by both sides. when fox came about, found its niche audience, half the country. they were hungry for something else what they were being spoon-fed every day. pete: heaping other news organizations are being changed. >> don't change the socks. pete: vikings, jets, every single audio camera tech in the studio are for the jets. >> that's right. pete: vikings will do it. i think i got to toss it to
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rachel. oh, okay. my job. it is national sock day. we're going to talk about it in just a moment. ♪. where can you holiday shop for less... and experience a whole lot more? lowe's, actually. get our best deals of the holidays backed by the lowe's price promise. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, innovation refunds could qualify it for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then work with highly qualified professionals to fill out your forms and submit the application. go to to learn more.
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pete: it is national sock day. we are celebrating sock companies giving back to worthwhile causes. they make great christmas gifts, stocking stuffers? we have founder of soldier socks. thanks for being here. first thing i notice soldiers spelled differently. explain. >> spelled s oled ier like sole of our foot. he was unbeknownst to us he was dealing with bacterial foot infection with a good supply of good quality socks cleared that up. pete: you've been behind the troops ever since. i have multiple pairs. they're fantastic. all made in the usa. >> 100% made in the united states. pete: we love that, made in the united states. tell us what they can do to support the troops as well.
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>> every time a pair is purchased we donate a pair to active duty, veterans, first-responders in the purchaser's name. pete: give one today. >> love to donate one in servicemembers. pete: somebody somewhere will get a pair of socks that says pete hegseth fox news? >> yes. we put donation tag with the donation and city. pete: these are beautiful socks. got a lot more online. spell it right, s oled made in the uss. will over to you. will: one person says you're taller than i thought on tv. this segment is about to undercut that. let me introduce you to lisa and mike friedman clark, mike friedman their son. founders of tall order. you can see how the founders -- i'm 6'2". how tall are you. >> 6, 11. will: tell me police about the
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inspiration for tall order. >> unfortunately on september 11th, our dad andrew friedman was killed in the world trade center. he was on the 92ed in floor of the north tower. in my and my brother's mind it was tall order to give back. we created tall order in december of 2017. the idea was to make socks not just for tall people but for everyone. also tall order is about giving back. we donate a portion of our profits to various organizations focusing on families through drama tick loss, first-responders and rescue workers n our mind it was a tall order to give back even in tough times this is our way of saying thank you to all those who helped us. will: what an awesome story. what an awesome inspiration of the company built, what you just described for us. lisa, you have an interesting partnership right now. >> we do have an interesting partnership. what happened was we make socks for people of all sizes. we go up to a size 20. will: yeah. >> we were doing it, the socks
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are incredibly cushioned. they were supercomfortable. we get a call one day, honest to god going over george washington bridge a friend of mine, he says there is a sock emergency at the new york yankees. we're out of the blue. what is the emergency. aaron judge's feet are too big for socks he is wearing, can you do something? so we call, after he peed on myself basically. we, call our manufacturer. i got to give him a plug. ice act ash, united leg wear apparel. greatest man in the world. most philanthropic. i will do this. he creates the sock. will: aaron judge and, aaron is. >> equity partner as isaac. the very quickly on april 6, he puts socks on for the first time. it was against the orioles. he goes 3-5, four rbis a moonshot of a home run. so he is sold on the socks. will: you can be like aaron
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judge. rachel, over to you. rachel: wow that is good sales pitch. we'll bring in mark and john cronin. they are father and son. founders of john's crazy socks. we had you on lots of time. you're the biggest sock store in the world. how many socks do we have? >> we have 4,000 different kind of socks and sources. >> because john couldn't find work, make my own job. said we should sell socks, right? >> here we are. rachel: you also employ so many other people with special needs which is another great reason to buy the socks. >> right. more than half of our colleagues have a differing ability. you have down syndrome. >> i have down syndrome. down syndrome never held me back. >> we know that is important to you. rachel: that is important to me. >> more than half of our colleagues have a different ability. so every time a customer buys from us, they're going to get great socks. we have over 30,000 five-star reviews. great service. what do you put in he have
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package. >> from me a personal thank you note and candy. rachel: personal thank you note from john and candy. crazy sock. >> they help us employ people with different ability. rachel: yes. >> they help us give back over $550,000 to the charity partners. rachel: that's right. >> and they help us spread happiness. >> great happiness. rachel: wonderful. we'll be right back. more "fox & friends." stay with us. avoiding triggers, but still get migraine attacks? qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. qulipta gets right to work. keeps attacks away over time. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. ask your doctor about qulipta. ever wonder why they call it the american dream... and not the american goal? announcer: derek jeter ...or plan? maybe... it's because in dreams, you can do anything.
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