tv The Five FOX News December 5, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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a stalemate, and by them not losing, they are in fact beating russia. >> beating all the odds. thank you so much, general. always appreciate it. keeping a nice understanding what's happening. you can catch me weekdays on fox business at 2:00 p.m., "making money." tough day in the markets, but micah potter tomorrow. meantime, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> i'm dana perino with joe jeanine pirro, jessica carlisle, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city, and this is "of five was titled. ♪ ♪ the world's richest man blowing the lid off elon musk promising more smoking guns after giving a treasure trove of internal company documents concerning the
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suppression of the hunter biden story, posting the revelations tweet by tweet saying that tweets were routinely removed at the request of both political parties, but democrats had the advantage due to political leanings of the twitter staff. twitter justified the decision to suppress the laptop story using its hacked materials policy, but that required an official law enforcement finding of a hack, and that never materialized. they said that this led the company to take steps to suppress the story, removing links and posting warnings that it may be unsafe. they say there is more to come. >> twitter was acting like an arm of the democratic national committee. it was absurd. >> i think there will be more. the question is what happened after the election? >> dana: the media not only downplayed it, but attacked the messenger. dozens of reporters accusing matt taibbi for doing p.r. work for the richest person in the
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world, and others are doing their best to downplay it. speak of those on the platform, the juxtaposition with the argument that he is all about free speech really undermines some of the central tenants of free speech. >> it shows a struggle and important platform for how to deal with something so outrageous and explosive, and what to actually do with it. >> there's a long-running theme through republican politics that big tech has censored conservatives, and that is enough to have republicans say "this is exactly what we have been talking about." >> dana: the white house says that the story is not worth your time. >> happy to push this distraction, that is old news if you think about it. at the same time, twitter is facing very real and serious questions about the rising
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volume of anger, hate, anti-semitism on the platform, and how they are letting it happen. the president said last week that more leaders need to speak out and reject this. >> dana: they had days to plan an answer, and that is not the one that i thought they would have give. greg, if a tweet falls on the forest, will the media coverage? >> greg: no, but i love news story outside of the news' control, like releasing it tweet by tweet everyone sitting there like " -- and they have to pretend like it's not happening. the real story about that accusation that matt taibbi is doing p.r. work for elon musk, that's not the story. the story is the cut and paste, a uniform response of dozens of blue check-ers, saying the same thing. it is clear, something that
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we've always suspected to be true and is now being verified, that their marching orders. we just don't know where they come from, but there was a tweet sent to all these people that say he is doing p.r. for the world's richest man. that showed up everywhere else tells you that the media often relied on this on imaginary numbers. if you will speak up against the media or say something he didn't like, they would create the mob out of a singular message, which would be "you'd better shut up." that is a form of censorship to create this mob, like "all these people feel the same way," and it shows you that the media does not come up with the stuff themselves. it's spoon-fed to them by whom? i don't know, somebody in the dnc. it's amazing that the media -- this is the best part -- the media now functions as bots. the disinformation correspondence is a bot. ben collins is about to.
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the thing he tweeted was tweeted everywhere else. how hilarious is that that the disinformation specialist is himself a disinformation bot? he should call himself out, he might get a promotion. >> miranda devine talks about the other source of this, which is that twitter said that they had this hacked materials policy, so who was helping them decide that they needed to have that? miranda devine has an idea. >> the fbi had come to twitter and told them in a weekly meeting before the 2020 election to look out for a hacked materials operation that they believed was going to be about hunter biden, and was going to come in october. of course, when twitter saw our story in october about hunter biden, they censored it immediately. >> what is interesting is
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that -- so, we talk about the 51 national security folks that signed that letter that said it was disinformation. that was five days after twitter censored it, so they had this all ready to go. >> jeanine: you have to look at this on a bigger level than just twitter. there is an attempt to get rid of the foundations upon which this country was founded. you have a first amendment for freedom of speech and of the press, yet michael steele said in one of those quotes, although he is all about free speech, the so-called twitter -- undermine free speech because they -- it's free speech occurring at the harm or expense of someone else. since when do we qualify free speech as being at the harm or expense of someone else? why do we have defamation laws? if it harms you, sue!
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everything that we have been talking about since october of 2020 now will come according to the white house press secretary, is old news! in 2020, not the story -- and a discussion was the fbi warns twitter during weekly meetings that there will be, and do you have got to confirm it -- nobody bothered to confirm it. how easy would it be to confirm that this laptop was legitimate, and the emails on it were legitimate? did it ever occur to them that the reason the post ram this is because they know they defamation laws, they would not have published it but for the fact that they can show that it is not defamatory? i have one more thing to say. when it is finally disposed -- they do not deal with the truth or fact. they call elon musk and mike tybee are racist! this is doing the bidding of the richest man on earth. "the new york times" covers it up and say -- instead of saying
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it's ranked censorship they say "there was an earnest debate on how to deal with unconfirmed news." "the new york times" of all people know how to confirm the news. >> dana: there was a time where journalists might've tipped their hats and say "great scoop, good job." you have to chase it, and i know that they don't have a firsthand look at the materials. all i have been involved in many stories. let's say they get a scoop, deferred to "the new york times" and say "as reported by "the new york times,"" and then go on. that's a boring excuse. >> i think we are in a good place that now everybody -- liberal, independent, conservative -- agrees that the post story should not have been censored in the first place. when you look at the timeline of what happens, because i was thinking to myself that everyone is talking about this as if it would have changed the election. how close to the election over talking about? october 14th is when the story
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comes out. october 16th, it's back online so 48 hours. within the first eight days of the story in the wild, there was an article on facebook that had 54 million views. that's a lot. it was dominating discourse. axios' put out a survey that said that the hunter biden saga was dominating the political scene. we are still in the early voting, not even close to election day. the tim comey letter came out that close -- the jim comey letter came out that close to election. i can't stand watching conservatives, like kevin mccarthy was doing this weekend, speaker of the house -- talking about how this is about the first amendment. joe biden was not in elected office. he was a candidate. what his team, according to the matt taibbi files -- i think it is -- the pictures provided were pictures of his sons penis.
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their parents have the table. people of rome the office pits before it was not about the 10% for the big guy. speech to the link i saw was about hunter biden's junk. >> greg: don't hide behind his junk. [laughter] >> jessica: i don't know how big it is. how could i? [laughter] the trump campaign was admitted to have been asked for campaign moderation, and then he left those links out. why not tell us what the actual government asked to have taken down when you are telling us what joe biden's team -- that is a violation of the terms of service. that is someone pinging someone at twitter and saying "this is revenge porn. >> he tried to lead an insurrection! >> jesse, please reveal everything you were going to say. [laughter] >> jesse: i'm not there yet. we know that this was not a free and fair election, that they
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were hijacked, and the wrong person is in the right house, state dinners that i am not invited to. [laughter] these state dinners that biden just had should have been trump's second term state dinners that i would've been invited to. i was not invited to the australian or second i'm okay with this though, i have recovered, and that's not the point. the point is this, the fbi, the cia, twitter and the media all post a lie about the republican candidate, and they'll censored the truth about the democratic candidate. they all got caught. do any of them care? no, they would all do it again. that's what executives got golden parachutes. the cia and fbi guys got jobs in the media. the media is now saying "censor us more." what kind of people want less
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freedom? they are saying "we like censorship." i want to know less about happened. this is what happens. they knew the laptop was real in the fbi because they got it a year before. a man with a beret gave it to them, so he knew -- wasn't hacked for a year. how did he know it would be dropped? they were spying on rudy. they were spying on rudy for that case, they knew he was shopping at so they had these weekly meetings with twitter saying it's going to drop, hacked stuff from russia is dropping in october, and then it drops in october from the post, and these guys said "let's he was the hacked materials excuse, it's nuked." the same guy who was a lawyer for twitter -- >> jeanine: james baker -- >> jeanine: james baker. >> jesse: -- who killed it at twitter, is someone who crooked shock to the dossier to it. he's on both sides of this front. has he asked anything about
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this? he is your hero. >> jessica: he's not. i hate it when you call her crooked and not her actual name. >> jesse: hilary. >> jessica: every newsroom including our own at fox news turned down this story. it was rudy and steve bannon saying we've got the hook goods on hunter biden without letting us -- >> jesse: i remember well, d -- -- >> greg: i was all over it like a wet t-shirt. >> jeanine: this is not government trying to influence it. you've got fbi agents getting everybody ready for when nothing was coming down. they had it for a year, they knew about the money come of the ukrainians -- and it was systematic suppression. of the biden corruption. >> jessica: have many bridges to sell you. >> jesse: i will send it to you. >> jeanine: 10% will change their vote. >> dana: coming up next, the
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: a good work, liberals: your climate hysteria is terrorizing an entire generation. instead of being concerned with the bogeyman or monsters under the bed come up top democrat said that lo -- global warming is scaring their kids. >> they have given us a model to become our own leaders.
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let me tell you what it means to me, coming in as a different generation. i remember my middle child waking up with nightmares over concern around climate change. these are the type of experiences we are going to bring as we continue to push to meet this moment of challenge for the american people with progress. >> jeanine: no wonder that children are scared: climate guilt is all the rage in the media. the story of one mother who "could not shake the feeling" that by giving birth, she might be doing something bad for the earth. so, your child wakes up from a nightmare about climate change: wouldn't you agree the fear of climate change are probably something that a parent instills in a child? >> greg: a wise man coined a
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phrase called narrative poisoning. she has poisoned the child's brain. imagine instead that your kid is crying and saying "there is a monster under your bed, good night." [laughter] that's exactly what this is. "it will kill you in ten years." the kid cannot process it. we are assuming that kids can take on anything, understand apocalyptic predictions or gender affirmation, can understand their own sexuality at six. it's only because we have allowed political ideology to poisoned what is a parent/child relationship. if you agree with mom, murderers are environmental heroes. for every victim they pull two carbon footprints off the plane up. putin invades ukraine, 200,000 dead? you should win the nobel prize. >> jeanine: jessica cleo was a
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year old. are you weighted down by the fact that your child was added to the devastation that climate change will create and the arithmetic on -- i wrote it earlier and i don't know what it means. [laughter] >> jessica: arri -- >> jeanine: here's the problem: when i write notes i can't read them: are you devastated and worried that cleo is creating a climate disaster? >> jessica: i am waiting until her second birthday to talk to her about the applications of her footprint, the diaper footprint. >> jeanine: what should we do? >> jessica: the cloth ones are disgusting. >> greg: what about detergent? >> jessica: like you can't wash clothes. >> greg: what is better, disposable or nondisposable? >> jessica: i will have to ask somebody else. it has a dad, maybe they know something. [laughter] there was something else the representative said that was
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interesting. she said "when we go to a movie, we feel that there is someone in the movie theater with a gun," and that stuff is real because kids do active shooter drills and are overwhelmed by gun violence. we need to do better as a society that they are exposed to that. >> jeanine: dana, are you going green or this season, giving greener gifts? >> dana: here's how: i'm not getting a tree. there's so many trees everywhere. i don't need to have one in my apartment as wind -- as well. i agree on the school shooting thing. i remember, and it's not just the parents. when kids go to school, that's when i get the climate change stuff. a friend of mine told me a couple years ago that their kid was upset going to bed because the bedframe was made of wood, and in school that day they had learned that america is cutting down its forests, we are going
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to ruin the planet because we are cutting down wood, and she did not want to have of bed like that anymore. this is what i'm worried about: are these kids going to grow up and be the ones that are trying to throw tomato juice on a van gogh? is that where this leads? we have to have a perspective. the schools are going to be the problem, the parents and stomach are going to have to be a problem, every child will have to watch -- >> jeanine: there is something called eco anxiety. according to the -- 59% of kids between the ages of 16-25 are seriously concerned about the effects of climate change. >> jesse: makes sense: jesse jr. ripped off his bib this morning so i couldn't sleep last night. [laughter] knowing that joe biden has a security clearance. i said i understand that he said "no, his family is under investigation for money laundering. how was about the president has access to our most sensitive secrets?" i said i get it and i gave him
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robitussin. now, am i allowed to criticize this woman's parenting? >> go right ahead. >> jesse: someone said she's a bad parent. you are supposed to raise resilient children, not children that run out of a movie theater or cry about the weather next century. i'm going to do something as you leave: going to volunteer back. i'm going to offer to take this congresswoman's child under my wing and mentor this child. i will perhaps do active shooter duty in a cineplex so they have confidence next film, or maybe tell them but climate -- remember how they fudged the numbers to let temperatures go in that direction? i did a deep dive, couldn't help it. she grew up in new haven. parents, obviously: librarian and father, nixon voter and republican attorney. a typical new haven situation.
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upcoming tour. the site allows scalpers to scoop up tickets and sell them at astronomical prices, some for $40,000. taylor fans are out for blood, accusing ticketmaster of unlawful conduct and violating antitrust laws. the department of justice is going after them. [laughter] >> greg: this is a difficult topic for me, and you know that. given my past history with taylor -- and i wish her the best -- i think i should recuse myself from commenting on this specific case, because the feelings are raw between us. we may have an agreement that we would not talk about each other. let me talk about the ticket situation there has to be a simpler way of seeing live acts. there's a lot of scalping, it's complicated. when is amazon going to have a button that says "live acts?"
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like movies and -- it shows you everywhere in the country, you can choose a seat, it can get different price, like the difference in the size of the product. to me, that seems like the solution. amazon is buying everything. buy ticketmaster, take over and make it so you can press a button and see "more in l.a. in july 2023, great." >> jesse: who broke up with who? >> greg: it's a long story, we grew apart, which is what happens when someone like me -- someone is more successful than me. [laughter] it was a lot for her. >> dana: you had a mismatch of ambition, you succeeded. >> jesse: night -- >> greg: i just can't settle. i'm a rambling man. >> greg: rambling on and on. [laughter] >> dana: ticketmaster -- rambling on and on. [laughter] ticketmaster, this was a big
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deal back then. something like aoc says that they should never have been allowed to do it. i don't know why she cares, may be because she foresaw this problem, but the other thing i was thinking is that ticketmaster weighed in on georgia election laws like a lot of companies did. it was bizarre, like "why are you weighing in on this?" when they get called up to capitol hill, a lot of people from both sides will want to talk to them. i'm surprised that taylor has said nothing. >> greg: that's so taylor. [laughter] >> dana: ticketmaster issued an apology to fans and to her, but she has yet to say anything. >> jessica: we talked about this a couple of weeks ago. we were discussing that if someone was going to have a big effect on the way the industry worked, it would be taylor swift, that she has always been on the side of the fans, the artist, and i know this is a couple dozen plaintiffs, and i'm sure the
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judge has something to say about the odds of them winning this case, but it will shine light on something that is wildly unfair, that ticketmaster was portrayed that if you sign up to vm -- that if you sign up to be a vip, then you get really access, though people didn't know that ticketmaster bought these tickets already and then sold them on retail markets and -- >> that's the thing about a taylor swift tour, she -- the largest arenas everywhere, cannot just do a small concert for 15 people or whatever. >> greg: she would love to but can't. >> jessica: and i understand that. she could do a private thing for us. >> greg: a party. >> jessica: the biggest. she has a great track record in terms of shaking up the industry and shaking it off. >> greg: that was one of her talents. [laughter]
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>> jesse: she shook it off, the breakup. >> jeanine: is it my turn? is there a question or do i just start rambling? [laughter] 26 fans are suing for breach of contract, intentional misrepresentation fraud, fraudulent inducement, antitrust. here's the bottom line: when live nation and ticketmaster join, the federal government pretty much relied on a promise that the companies would refrain from taking full advantage of their power. the government needs to stop asking these parties for promises and just maintain competition. this is even more complicated by the fact that there are verified fans paying for something, they didn't know what they were paying for, but they thought it was -- and whether it's bots or scalpers, ticketmaster has a defense, where they could have
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sold the number of tickets that were wanted, she would've had to have had 900 concerts more than 20 times what she had planned. she is a superstar. this is a once-in-a-lifetime situation. having said that, just one more thing that i want to say. the court has not accepted this petition. who knows if it's going anywhere? that's the end of it. >> jesse: thank god. [laughter] up next, when -- attack. that and more on "the fastest." ♪ ♪ good news! a new clinical study showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. ♪ sam! hey little brother! make this december one to remember.
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there it is. that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, the fda cleared personal ekg device, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiomobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that can also detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably $1,000. $99! -wow. that's impressive. for a limited time only, kardiamobile is just $79. don't wait. order today on amazon or ♪ ♪ >> jessica: time for "the fastest." first outcome of this woman could win mother of the year. [child screaming]
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>> take the -- get down! [dog barking] >> jeanine: oh! >> jessica: it's not me, it's her. this mama fought off a raccoon after it bit her 5-year-old daughter, then flinging it back into the yard. both received shots and are doing fine. jesse, stunned, right? [laughter] >> jesse: i couldn't even do it with a stick, couldn't do it with a gun. i think she is a national hero. women can surprise me sometimes. >> jeanine: just move on. [laughter] don't address it. to me you something: there's nothing a mother won't do to protect her kids. i would fight a bear. i would get a gun. i walk around with a gun belt in the house.
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>> greg: i would have two kids, the one i didn't like i would throw over there. [laughter] think about this: she has a story, but the raccoon has a story too. you can bet that they lead with this video on "raccoon live," the raccoon fox channel. >> dana: class action lawsuits of the raccoons against the mother. we will see if they have standings. >> jessica: i love the secret lives of raccoons. >> dana: it's scary when you see one in the daylight, they are -- there is a problem, they are nocturnal animals. -- >> greg: i say that about kat timpf. >> jessica: starbucks diehards are roasting the chain's new feature. folks say that pressure to give a tip is leading to awkward moments. i hate this, the public tipping
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thing. >> greg: is this the product of the great larceny of 2022? warren saba tipping jars the first thing that was take -- were the tipping jars the first thing that were taken when -- because people were stealing? i think that was easy pickings, so -- and i agree with what you said in the green room that we should cut off the hands of shoplifters. >> jessica: nothing is secret anymore. [laughter] they do that in a show. >> jesse: does the tip count if they don't see you put it in the tip jar? do you try to make eye contact with the barista as you are placing it in the jar? you turn and -- >> jessica: take it back? [laughter] if it's a regular place, yes. >> jeanine: jesse, i'm worried about you. [laughter] is it my turn? >> jessica: if you want. >> jeanine: the burritos are not on board with the new system. i think they feel uncomfortable too. >> jessica: who wouldn't? >> jeanine: they are getting the money, they would feel less
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uncomfortable, to me. got a tip, i feel bad. when i have to pick up something, why do i have to have a tip? >> jessica: that's a question about whether you are picking up anything? >> jesse: $1 million. >> jesse! >> jesse: for a cup of coffee, the $1 tip. >> jessica: no i mean like picking up food. >> jeanine: if you pick up a $40 dinner and there is a blank for a tip -- >> jesse: if i -- a place i go to, no. [laughter] >> jessica: finally, sorry america, you might want to avoid the self checkout next time you are at the store. touchscreens are as dirty as a toilet. efforts say the problem with nasty bacteria and choppers should wash their hands regularly. greg, say something about -- >> greg: fesces are everywhere, get used to it. if you think it was bad now, imagine 100-400 years ago. >> jesse: out houses.
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>> greg: people working around in this all the time. imagine 20-30 years from now. they will look back at 2022 and think "they were disgusting, they used toilet paper." >> jesse: what will they use next? >> jeanine: none of your business. >> greg: big tp is forcing toilet paper. >> jessica: i see so many more japanese toilets, like in restaurants and -- [laughter] >> jeanine: jesse! >> jesse: what does that mean they spray you? >> jessica: up. >> jesse: japanese bidet. >> jessica: no, it's one device. -- >> jeanine: it's not a separate device. >> greg: once you go back, you never go japanese. [laughter] >> jessica: and all of asia -- their great ones in seoul, south korea. a major announcement about jesse watters. it >> jeanine: you don't want to miss this. [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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as of april 2023. we are very happy. emma is doing terrific. >> what does jesse jr. have to say? -- >> you have a boy, a girl. everything you do is perfect. >> jesse: thank you, i would agree. [laughter] >> jeanine: but it is because of emma. >> greg: you have jesse, what about jessica? jessica? >> jesse: that was vetoed. she gets a veto. >> greg: why can't it be like emma jr.? >> jesse: when this started, women were considered -- they did not have the right to vote. >> greg: what is chattel --
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>> jeanine: who was going to name the baby? >> greg: let's show name it! let prime time do it. >> jessica: let elon musk name your baby. >> jesse: their children are named strange things. >> jessica: it is longer, like pi. a tesla. [laughter] >> greg: jesse is gender fluid, could be a girl or a boy. do a george foreman did: he named every kid george foreman. [laughter] that either actually happened or -- it happened. everybody was named george or georgina. >> jesse: i was beginning to think you are thinking that i'm egotistical. what gave you that idea? thank you for your warm regards. [laughter] you will be babysitting whether you like it or not.
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thank you very much. >> thrilled. >> should i take paternity? six weeks? am i entitled to six weeks? >> you are entitled to four months. >> greg: what about people like us? we do not get these perks. we have a class action suit. we have a class action suit. >> jeanine: can i do your chauffeur four months? [laughter] >> dana: we need a lawyer if anyone will represent us. >> greg: your kids and coworkers get this paternity/maternity. call 188-937-5000, you may be entitled to a large sum of money. [laughter] "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ what should the future deliver? (music) progress... (music)
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>> dana: time now for "one more? >> jesse: okay. what do we have here? we have a tale of bravery for you. 10-year-old jazmine carney was attacked by a shark in jupiter, florida this past week. but she fought it off. here is her story. >> grabbed me shore don't you touch me. it looked pretty big. and it was gray. it hurt. so, i'm like kick it, run away. [laughter] >> jesse: you are actually supposed to do that if you see a shark swimming in the water swim towards it and attack it to show you are alpha. we had a shark expert on "primetime." 7:00, traffic is killing america an investigation. i'm going to watch that because i agree. >> judge jeanine: i agree, too. on friday night i had the honor of being the emcee at the tunnel 2 towers future footsteps to the future gala. >> around 900 people came together at the marriott marquee. there i am with siller and also
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great to meet so many wonderful people, including a woman named mecca nelson one of the gold star. it works. tunnel 2 towers. support their foundation, does so much for the families of america's heroes. also a quick shout-out to kim sigg the beautiful bag i used it was a used. it lights up and plug in your phone at the same time. >> dana: i love that smart bag. >> greg: smart bag indeed. great show emily compagno, jamie lissow, kat timpf. greg's sports he had cut. probably the greatest volleyball point of all time. something more important than the point itself. it t. is what happens afterwards. let's take a look shall we. women's volleyball. this is some where in omaha, nebraska. got two teams playing. how had do you like that? here we go. and she hit --
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>> jesse: what? >> greg: did you miss it? >> dana: she got it. whoa. what? >> judge jeanine: wow? still on the ground behind the court and then what do you see here? they go and fix the table the girls fix the table.women, thery can't do. >> jesse: you go girl. >> jesse: i thought you only watch beach volleyball. >> i decided to branch out. i think all volleyball is good. >> let me go after jessica. did you go next. we have. well we have more baby news. jesse is going to have a baby. y'all know. [gasp] >> greg: congratulations. >> jessica: carley. >> greg: jessica. [laughter] >> jessica: carley shimkus is having a baby in february. i went to her baby shower which was absolutely incredible. her with her husband pete. absolutely incredible. whole fox news crew here. janice dean and rachel
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campos-duffy. janice dean serving the weather upfront with carley. her parents were incredible. we lost the photo of that anyway, congratulations. >> dana: honestly, it's not that good. about a cam at a world cup and god an award. >> dana: "special report" is up next. >> bret: what are they putting in the water up there. >> dana: only monday. stay tuned all week. >> bret: good evening. twitter ceo elon musk is promising to release more internal records about how democrats used the company before he owned it to try to censor certain individuals, viewpoints and beliefs. information accountability. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has the latest on this tonight. >> a political storm is underway with conservatives accusing social media giant twitter of censorship and the lead-up to
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