tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 5, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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way? is it a town of 13? whatever it is, we are going to buy drinks for everybody. did i just promise that? i did. that's all for tonight. dvr "primetime." you better. tucker carlson is up next and always remember i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. the main thing we learned on friday night with the previously undisclosed documents on twit service connected not that social media companies censor conservatives, we knew that but no one was surprised to confirm or deny it in the first place. we learned on friday big tech works aggressively and in secret with government agencies to subvert the outcome with the rest of us assuming free and
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fair elections. the fbi committing censorship on behalf of one candidate and hurting the other. hard to imagine a more brazen attack on the democracy than this. this is not how the system is supposed to work and it is in fact illegal. twitter violated the first amendment and a established campaign finance law and never declared them to the biden campaign. that's a crime. thanks to the reporting of matt tiabbi, we know this hatched. it's not a -- happened. it's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. in the days since taibbi's jaw dropping scoops, none of them followed up on the story and dismissed them as entirely normal. of course the fbi was working secretly with twitter and the biden campaign to control your brain by limiting your access to
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factitial information. that's how elections work. or they're attacking matt fibromyalgia personally for daring to write the story. as of tonight you'll be happy to know sam bankman-fried is in the bahamas still not indicted and the guy uncovering illegal censorship during a presidential campaign. hard to believe they're saying that, oh, but they are. here's a selection. >> elon musk re-tweeted the "twitter files" a collection of documents that detail how the social media platform supposedly buried a story about a ukrainian energy company paying money to the president's son, hunter biden. first of all, i just have to say that this whole thing is just ridiculous and it's not true. >> it was amazing to me that all of these sort of fox news or whoever else jumped on this without ever fully understanding that it was basically meaningless what happened and
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turned out to be a good thing. >> musk seems fixated on a two-year-old story about hunter biden's laptop. >> that's what we in the cable business call a hot take and reveal's elon musk as pro found ignorance of the first amendment. >> it was a helpful thing of the twitter files because we got to see how content moderation works and how when a group of people with differing political ideas and ideologies and views gets together in the spirit of making a platform safe and healthy. >> tucker: there's so much there. al sharpton teaming up with the former george w. bush aid telling you censorship is good and first lady saying this ukrainian company allegedly paid hunter biden when there's no allegedly about it because everyone involved admit it had and allie saying we in the cable business but has never been in the news business and people in the news business cover the news and p propaganda people censor 4
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distort the news. it's crude and uneffective and so unbelievably not believable. censorship explains brandy like kindergarten teacher and called content moderation. when we hide facts that you need in order to cast an informed vote in a presidential election, that's "safe and healthy". hiding facts from you is safe and healthy. not many believe that but they're saying it anyway. the former rnc chairman by the way letting you know that actually revealing the mechanics of censorship is itself an attack on free speech. >> putting those back on the platform just with the position of the argument that he's all about free speech, really undermines some of the central
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tenants of free speech is that it is about the freedom of you. you really claim the platform is supposed to b. >> tucker: any day you get to see michael steele misuse the words justification and it was the constitutional law. the essential tenant of free speech and the essential tenant and they're never going to say things they object it. okay, michael steele. if you get a chance, let us know what constitution you've been reading and the one we have here in the u.s., in the united states, you get to say as an american citizen what you believe, period. under no circumstances may the government infringe on that right, period.
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that's the first amendment. thanks to twitter files we know the first amendment was violated more profoundly than any time in our lines. miranda devine of the new york post reported that the fbi met "weekly" with twitter executives before the 2020 election and the fbi warned about hack and leak operations by state actors that would involve hunter biden and "likely come out in october". we know that because it appeared in the sworn deposition from quitter's former chief -- twitter's former chief censorrer and it was also facebook. the fbi was holding meetings with facebook which also not surprisingly and as a direct result of these meetings censored the hunter biden stories. watch. >> there was a lot of attention on twitter during the election because of the hunter biden laptop story. >> we goat that too. >> you guys censored that as
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well? >> we took a different path than twitter. basically the background is the fbi basically came to us, some folks on our team and was like, hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump of -- that's similar to that so be vigilant. >> tucker: so this is a stop the press' story. the fbi is the largest and most powerful domestic law enforcement agency in the world. it can't become a secret police force and if it does, it's no better than say russia under putin and it is a authoritarian state by definition if the largest domestic law enforcement agency starts to play in domestic politics. but they are and we know that and no one is saying anything about it and that's very
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strange. the twitter executive was roth. yole roth had no technical expertise of any kind kind and didn't know about hacking and foreign affairs and russia and received a phd in the background of grinder and got a app from the university of pennsylvania, reportedly an ivy league school you should be impressed by and grinder appears 300 times in his research and upenn gave me a phd for that. whatever you think, how did that get yole roth into the position that he occupied at twitter where he was in charge of what you were allowed to say and think? well, the one qualification we know yoel roth did have is he does not believe in free speech, period. he made that very clear in an
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interview last week. >> babalon is the one that got him to buy the thing, which was not particularly funny. the babalonb man of the year is rachel. >> the targettization of assistance gender on twitter is real and thief -- transgender on twitter is very real and life threatening and extraordinary. we've seen from tiktoks that there's orchestrated campaigns that particularly are singling out a group that is already particularly vulnerable within society. twitter's written policies prohibit miss gendering, full stop. >> tucker: it's so great. it's life threatening to tell jokes. the life coaches that joel roth upheld his life to protecting
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and never know when they change or what grounds and they change and usually caught in the cross fire and you're busted for saying something you didn't know you weren't allowed to say. probably the greatest example is that yoel roth himself once attacked trans people on twitter and called them trannies. whoa. thereby threatening their lives. "it wouldn't be a trip to new york without one big scary tranny". that's an actual tweet from yoel roth and the kind of tweet that if you wrote it he'd call the fbi and now has to pretend to be offended by all this because his proported offense, the terror he feels gives him a pretext to censor you on behalf of the most powerful people in the world.
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>> tucker: the biden administration appointed the person who effectively allowed joe biden to get elected president by censoring chris schism of his business deal -- criticism of his business deals in which he took money from china and rewarded by getting an advisory role on cisa, cybersecurity and infrastructure administration. it's the censorship arm of the federal government. how can this exist? our first amendment specifically prohibits that and why is there no court case on this? why are people standing by and
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putting up with it? its reach is extense and i have the new document in the on going document and big tech reveals how aggressive the censorship cifa practice is. they're a hot line that allows the government to pressure the big tech companies to censor political opposition. i wanted to flag two tweets about possible misinformation about the election. it's a new word been around in the intel world for a long time and never been used in common conversation till recently and the misinformation and lying is that misinformation can be true. it doesn't have to be untrue to say it. not anymore. with mis-and disinformation if i don't like it, if i'm in power, i can censor you. one of the offending tweets that
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the 2020 gubernatorial and reads ignored and awarded the democrats. ballots can appear whenever from whomever. now you can agree or disagree with the tweets, it's true. but it's their opinions. and you see tweets like that all the time on twitter and this is a free country or was. but what happened next is shocking. it's amazing that anyone would defend it. the federal government shut down those opinions within minutes cisa flagged the tweets to several dhs accounts. people with guns and cisa sent the report to twitter. please see the report below from washington and the tweets were censored and they got a random
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person with a small twitter following shut down because they didn't like his or her views on the election in the state. diha got guy withs guns to take it down. kentucky's secretary of state did this all the time and colorado's also. colorado reported several political parody accounts to dhs that then alerted twitter and all were pulled off. they were all parodies by the way. even if they weren't parodies, doesn't matter and they were in fact jokes. you're seeing one of them on your screen right now. smoke weed every day is what it reads. twitter took the dhs complaint seriously, why wouldn't they, and censored the accounts. we'll escalate twitter wrote at
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the beginning of the election cycle in 2021, staffers for secretary of stater in arizona warned by gubernatorial candidate and katie hobbs directed censorship. i'm flagging this act for your review wrote hobbs for center of internet security. cisa was later cc'd on the e-mail and the tweets were an attempt to furred understood mine confidence in the election institution in arizona. you're not allowed to have confidence in elections, really? this is the state where the biggest county took more than a week to count the ballots and the printers didn't work on election day and worked before. you're supposed to have total confidence and in fact you're commanded to and if you don't have confidence, you'll be punished. "thank you for your consideration in reviewing this matter for action".x twitter then censored them. twitter replied we'll escalate.
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for the fifth time this, isn't just offensive, this is illegal. this is a crime. a crime is being -- a very serious crime. a crime against our democracy, not pressopassing in the capitol or -- trespassing in the capitol or gazing upon nancy pelosi's desk. outcome of elections. it's beyond belief. it's also very common. much more common than anyone thought. this weekend elon musk suggested that twitter interfered abroad too. they do it here, why not in other countries. mucks said "i'm seeing a lot of recent tweets about the brazil election". it's possible twitter gave preference to left wing candidates. okay. i mean, it's possible. if that happened, can you imagine? the people lecturing you about democracy and foreign countries in brazil probably in hungary
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and el salvador and any regime they don't like not because the regimes pose a threat to the united states but don't like the cut of their jib? what we're learning about state interference in democratic elections also over the world has long been suspected and now it's confirmed and there's a lot more coming from matt taibbi and others. in the meantime, we're joined by kari lake and her opponent in the governor's race work with big tech to sensor her voters. kari lake joins us tonight. thank you for coming on.
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>> this is a propaganda arm of our government and we need to wake up right now and demand that we get control over what's happening in the government. the fb and i recollects we're talking about -- fbi and we're talking twitter but what about facebook and tiktok and this will go so deep and people will be shocked to learn the full extent. i can't wait to hear about censoring us on covid when people's lives were at risk and children being masked up. shocking. >> tucker: and vax syrians. how can you have a democracy in
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a country where the government is suppressing speech. how can that be a democratic country. >> i believe it's called fascism and they're the ones of being a fascist one and spent three years of russia, russia, russiah russia and the collusion story and hunter as laptop and problems with the elections in 2020 and saw repeated in '22. when will we have a serious discussion about what's wrong in this country? what was term they used we're on it, we'll get on it right away and we're getting on it in arizona and the people have had enough. we're sick of the katie hobbs office and secretary of state's office and what they've been up to, and we're going to start fighting back and drawing up some lawsuits in our election because we won't have elections that are run like they're run in third world countries. we have too much to save in the country to allow elections to be run that way.
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>> >> tucker: god speed. i think all -- i think -- i would hope all people would agree with that. kari lake, great to see you tonight. thank you. >> thanks. >> tucker: so as we told you in 2020, the fbi was all over the social media companies including twitter meeting weekly with twitter and warning of a potential hack and leak operation involving hunter biden and then the laptop came out and the laptop wasn't hacked and dunses of intel officials claim -- dozens of intel officials claim it was russian disinformation. here's jim clapper for example. >> how much does the source matter and the story of the laptop and don't know a lot and know the way this information is getting out is through steve bannon and rudy giuliani. how much does the source matter here? >> the source matter as lot and the timing matters a lot. i think and to me this is this classic textbook soviet russian
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trade craft at work. >> tucker: so they were lying, none of them including jim clapper has ever apologized and yet they sit on corporate boards and treated like real people, they're invited on television and subverted a presidential election and never been held to act for that? charlie heard is at the washington times and joins us. welcome. here's a very cut and dry case of intel officials subverting an election and then continuing on as if they did nothing wrong. how are they allowed to do that? >> well, they shouldn't be allowed to do it. it is patently unconstitutional and the big take away of the new revelations are we knew that the fbi had worked hand-in-hand with democrats and the media to spy on donald trump's campaign in 2016 and spread propaganda to try and destroy the president because they didn't like the
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president and they did everything they could to destroy him and they did everything that was prepositioned before the 2020 election after having gone on offense and all their offense had failed to go on preposition to go after -- to protect joe biden defensively because they viewed him as their best chance of destroying donald trump. they'd had that laptop, what, for about a year. we're not sure whether they even looked at it and know they did because before the new york post story even came out, they were beginning to get social media to censor the story and prevent people from knowing the content and they're not talking about pornography here and we're talking about a clear strategy by the biden family to enter corrupt relationships with china
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and ukraine. >> tucker: you made such a smart point and can't believe i left it out of my script and they had the laptop already. thank you. thank you for reminding us that the fbi had the laptop and of course they knew. amazing, charlie hurt of the washington times, great to see you. >> great to see you. >> tucker: as you heard chairly say, there's a lot of -- charlie say, there's a lot of pornography and drug use and all that stuff on laptops and salacious stuff but the point, the reason it's actually news and not a sad chronicle of one man's self-destruction is the laptop contains key information linking joe biden to highly corrupt and illegal money making scheme. somehow a lot of people on the left are denying this. we connect the dots in a two part series called biden inc, which is absolutely worth watching and first part on fox nation tomorrow. here's what it looks like. >> i think to own the [ bleep ] you've done. >> yes, to own the [ bleep ] i've done. >> it'll come out.
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i do. i do. i do, i think it's more important for you to recognize the damage you've done to your family. >> president's son, hunter biden, the investigation into president biden's son hunter biden. >> hunter biden has nothing to offer a chinese businessman so that immediately raises the question of what are chinese officials looking for. >> there's nothing there. ask the right questions. >> there are hundreds of data points that joe biden was acting in a capitalist ick term as a chairman. >> my son has not made money. >> the chairman serves a purpose. >> i know why we've held together. >> that was joe biden's role in the biden family business. >> the article that's online and printed one time. i think it's clear. >> i'm peter swieser. >> i'm tony bobulinski and i'm a former business partner of hunter biden, jim biden, and
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formally joe biden. >> tucker: the documentary is called bind inc, a preview is baseball -- biden inc and a preview available tonight on fox nation and entire preview out tomorrow. people whispering for two years that maybe covid e ledgered from a lab and we know -- emerged from a lab and know we know. one doctor was the first to say this and her life was at risk for saying it but she's still around, thank goodness. a lot of you ordered the see's christmas ornamentment last year and decided to do it again this year. made in america. get one ot at
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and ecohealth alliance is northern laboratories did not have adequate roll measures in place. ultimately resulting in the lab leak at wuhan institute of virology. so this looks like game over with the admission. it did come from the lab and we can all stop re-tending it came from the l wuhan lab and not clr if huff is toling the whole story and chinese virologist came on the show to provide evidence that covid was engineered in the chinese military lab. watch. >> from my first part, i saw the scientific evidence to our audience that this virus, covid 19sas-covid 2 virus is not from nature and work with the top covid virus and together with my experience i can tell you this
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was created in the lab. >> tucker: dr. leeman young joins us tonight. doctor, thank you so much. you were attacked and dismissed and fear for your life and you're one of the very first in the country to note it was obvious this was created in a lab and do you feel vindicated and are you happy that most people now believe what you're saying? >> hi, tucker. it's nice to talk with you again and actually, yes, my evidence get verified and verified again but this is definitely not the end of the game because, you know, this is from the lab and that was from wuhan and this was a function engineered weapon nicing the virus and however as you see now the senator or led
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by the senator reaching out already published the report saying this sas covid 2 and covid-19 virus is most likely related to research incident and now they changed the word from accident to incident because this gives us the new direction for the further investigation that rather it was an intentional or accidental incident and also what i want to tell you is that, yes, i have suffered a lot from ccp because they tried to silence me not only in physics but also in physical way. however, based on the confidential sources my team obtained that there are the people's liberation army that are very well planned and ordinated operations happened just before the outbreak of
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covid-19 in wuhan and even with manage to get the code name of the operation related for structure and supporter covid 2 and also the general -- sars covid 2 and leading operation that will get promoted now and this kind of evidence we're going to keep providing to the related staff. >> tucker: thank you and i'm just sorry that you weren't taken seriously earlier because it's changed the world. >> dr. leeman young, good to see you. >> tucker: republican voters by in large would like new leadership of the party. there's speculation tonight that that new leadership may include a very frequent guest on the show, hermine dylan joining us next with a new announcement.
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>> i'm trace gallagher with breaking news and actress kirsti oh, alley has died after a short battle with cancer. she played in ch ch cheers and y was 71 years old .x disgraced attorney avenatti sentenced in a federal prison for defrauding clienting out of millions and the judge also ordered him to pay $10 million in restitution. here he is in 2018 on tucker carlson tonight. >> i know nor a fact is that your client is not driving and for you to look me in the eye and say she wants to perform in strip club withs people throwing things at her is insulting and people don't do this unless there's no choice and she likes it. >> tucker, now you're the defender of my client. you don't even know her. >> that was his handling of
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stormy daniels. back to tucker. >> tucker: republicans didn't do as well in the midterms as expected and it's fair to ask, well, whose fault is that and a lot of people are asking and you may have seen reports on potential challenge to the current leadership of the republican national committee and those reports suggest that our friend frequent guest on the show is considering a run as chair of the rnc. is that true? well, no one would know better than dylan herself and chairman of the republican national chit tee and joins us now. thank you for coming on. is it true that you plan to run for rnc chair? >> tucker, i am announcing i'm running for rnc chair and the reason to play off a famous catch phrase is republicans are tired overlyings and we need to -- losing and we need to radically reinvigorate our leadership to win. we can't keep running elections
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like in the 90s and 2000s and moderate with the democrats and dollar for dollar in the ways with the messaging and reacting to news cycles and what the democrats are doing. and i think that the party needs to realize that the party has become a p pop ewe list party ad demands messages that speak to them and not chamber of commerce messages and not neocon messages or warmongering messages and i'm afraid the party is not get hag it needs from the leadership. after three successive rounds of really disappointing results, tucker, i'm a member of the rnc and no other member is stepping up to challenge leadership and our current leadership has never been challenged for the chair job and i think challenge and competition is very good and so i'm hoping to gain the support of grass roots americans that do not like the direction of the
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party and its leadership and they need to contact the 168th member of the rnc and states and territories and say they too want change and change is popular among the base and hear from thousands of americans on a weekly basis about that and they want to see us fighting. tucker, you know as well as anybody else i'm a fighter >> tucker: yes, you are. >> every waking hour of the day and that's what we need right now and that's me, i'm offering to take a giant step back from my law firm and my nonprofit to do this. it's a big sacrifice but i think it's important for our country that i love so much as a first generation immigrant. >> tucker: i love it. i can vouch for your toughness and it's well needed. harmeet dhillon, thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: there were big protests this week across the country against b balenciaga for
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promoting child sexualization and had kids holding teddy bears and bondage gear. an auction house that sold art and art that sexualizes children and one of the people that's disgusted by all this brittny aldean who is the wife of jason aldean. brittany, thank you for coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: i don't know if some of the people know that there's protests against balenciaga's usage of children. >> there are. i for one love fashion and super into fashion and refuse to represent or wear a brand that has any affiliation, any affiliation of sexual exploitation of children or the sexualization of children of course and it's disgusting and showing recently in their campaign is pure evil. >> tucker: it is pure evil and fashionable people sneer taking it too seriously and who cares
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and no actual child was hurt and taking it seriously. why do you think it is 1234 it's absolutely worth taking seriously because every single detail of the photo shoot was meticulously thought out. i've been on photo shoots before and there's weeks of preparation if not months. this was meticulously thought out for them to think it's appropriate to put children in a situation that we have seen, much less a campaign for their brand is disgusting and every single prop and book and teddy bear and everything was meticulously thought out and saying it was not a mistake and they've shown us who they are and it's disgusting and evil and the common denominator here is we have to stand up and fight for our children. this is not political. this is not about religion. the common denominator is to protect the children at all costs. everybody should be outraged. >> tucker: so nicely put. thank you for saying that about photo shootsment you've been on photo shoots and they're claim
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that we had no idea. i mean, that's totally absurd. >> it's laughable, yeah. >> tucker: thank you for doing this. you're not embarrassed and i think it makes a difference when people are honest. >> thank you. >> tucker: brittany aldean, great to see you tonight. thank you. >> good to see you. thank you. >> tucker: what we learned from the twitter files on friday night and continue to learn in the coming weeks is that twitter wasn't just censoring conservatives and twitter was with the help of the u.s. government and the biden administration interfering with trying to rig democratic elections in this country and across the globe, including in the nation of brazil and we'll speak from brazil, next.
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both simple and life-changing. what's not a choice? addiction to opioids like fentanyl. but even with opioid use disorder, you still have a choice. by choosing treatment, you choose family, your career and your life on your terms. choose change, california, and find medically proven treatment options at >> tucker: matt taibbi's reporting on friday night prove that had twitter often at the direction of u.s. government officials interfered in what the
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rest of us assumed is free and fair in the country and not just this country. elon musk tweeted the other day "i've seen a lot of recent tweets about brazil elections and if those are accurate it's possible that twitter personnel gave direction to left wing candidates". we know that twitter tampered with the democratic election in brazil, which is -- should be a crime that's certainly immoral. is there any evidence that the biden administration or u.s. government agencies were involved? >> i haven't studied the involvement of the u.s. government on that. what i can -- what i can say for sure is that we tampered with the brazilian election because they editorialize the trending topics in brazil which normally would show whatever content is virallizing on twitter during
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the election period was heavily tampered and organic trends with half a million main shows were lacking and absent on the trending topics in brazil. meanwhile fresh hash tags out of the campaign had less than 50,000 hash tags would mention and get on trending topics in a few minutes after they were deployed. more than that, we had the situation like i was saying when musk initially bid for the acquisition of twitter, we realized that twitter entered panic mode and for a day, a lot of the accounts of the right wing and the conservative movement in brazil were instantly removed from the shuttle so both of us ended up getting 100,000 followers in a span of a few hours handed down
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from congressmen and in a day they acquired the same number of followers they have. >> tucker: we saw something similar here. >> there was tampering >> tucker: yes, i'm ashamed because it's proportedly an american company and it happened in brazil. thank you for coming on and telling us what was discovered. studying climate change and discovered it's all about her. you'll hear her theory next.
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crisis. it's part of a mindset that looks at a woman and says nice [ bleep ]. >> tucker: in other words my ex-husband caused climate change in in addition to everything else. it's all about her. so great. we appreciate your watching tonight and back every weeknight. here's shawn hannity. >> sean: we begin with sad news that kristie alley passed away from cancer and they praise their mother's passion for life and eternal joy was creating was unparalleled and leave us inspired to live life to the fullest just as she did. we're going to have more on that coming up later on in the show. first tonight, our country i
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