tv Gutfeld FOX News December 5, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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pack among 2020 contenders. >> you're doing a hell of a job i don't think you're in this for money. >> all of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs. >> greg: oh my god. avenatti will soon live out those fantasies after pleading guilty to wire fraud he's just been sentenced to 14 years, pour one out for avenatti tonight. gutfeld next. ♪ ♪ >> greg: oh, boy. here we go. yeah, yeah! happy monday everybody. it's the last friday with the help of journalist matt tiabi elon musk revealed how facts were suppressed on twitter in order to sway an election.
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it was fun to witness watching the left lose its [bleep] like a porta potty in a category 5. it watts everywhere and everything you assumed might be true about something it turned out to be true all along and unless you're watching me work out, that almost never happens. but we found out that twitter was, indeed, manipulated by liberals to inch few and suppress information in order to control public opinion and ultimately an election. it wasn't a smoking gun. it was a flaming howitzer. so where are those who say this is worse than watergate? you know, like this jackass. >> this is far worse than watergate. >> why this is water gait, is worse than watergate. >> this in some ways is worse than watergate. >> i keep getting asked are there echoes of water gate in this and there are. >> oh, shutup. finally you have the real election tampering and this dope is like our president's teeth
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after 8:00 p.m. nowhere to be found. and now musk is pulling the curtain back and the truth is as plain as the powdered covered nose on hunter's face. and yes we're covering it like we always covered it before but everywhere else the story disappeared like a half gallon tub of potato salad in and a navarro's fridge. i moved on from brian. i love potato salad, i don't bee grudge her. just like the story did when it first appeared. remember it disappeared too. seems the more the truth bubbles up the more the media buries it but with elon's twitter you see everything, even the most honest back and forth between an ex-wife and husband ever. here is one of musk's angry ex-wives tweeting at him like, well, an angry ex-wife. quote, so let me get straight, we're now supposed to step into
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the marketplace of ideas to debate and disgus if hitler behaved poorly or if women should be raped and locked in cages because these are conversations the culture needs to be having. and she goes on and on from there. so what's musk, the ex-husband's response? [laughter] >> greg: it's amazing how a single emoji can convey everything. if you translated that face it would say, now do you see why i nearly sawed off my hand to remove my wedding ring? this is why emojis rule. imagine how much faster if any legal proceedings would be if both sides submitted an a single emoji. the whole amber heard johnny depp trial could have been reduced to this. long way for a poop joke but i will a go there. now on twitter the only
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suppression comes from those a holes who were always suppressing the news from the beginning. they hogged the mic and turned twitter into their personal karaoke party and now they've been exposed and trashing the whistle blowers for blowing the whistle on them. you have the media going after tiabi for acting as the conduit that exposing their baez. seriously how dare he act like a journalist and like mindless little worker bees their buzzing used all the same words. a dem pollster quote doing pr for the richest person in the world which sounds just like a tweet from nbc's ben collins who says he's throwing it all away to do pr work for the richest person in the world. look at all of these. almost entirely identical tweets from blue checkers in the media. you always knew this to be true. it's like they all called each other and asked, what are you wearing to the party tonight.
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or in this case i should say funeral because musk is killing the old media with absolute daylight. you can see it. so now our journalists are no more than bots that vomit span designed to overwhelm people into thinking there's more of them than there are to you. similar to movie makers using cgi to shoot a seen with a crowd of 500,000 people. it's easier and cheaper than hiring a bunch of humans. but these aren't bots, they're humans. but in reality they're as predictable as a room ba with a busted wheel except they spread dirt instead of clean it up and it's all one sentence cut a pasted from who knows where. who gave it to them. at least they admit the story happened i mean good luck finding it in the new york times or cnn. you would have a better chance of finding a picture of me in a heart shaped frame on chris wal's night stand.
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i thought we ended am amicably but he doesn't. when the high mind of the media reacts like this, it's because someone kicked their nest and they're buzzing mad. they lost control of the picket of information and that means they can no longer suppress truth while amplifying hoaxes like they used to do. before they would bury real things from crime to covid origins while amplifying false divisive crash pit ping blacks against whites gaze against straits, rich against poor. but their powerful friends breaking the law, those stories vanished like a tray of cannolis in james corden's dressing room. and now twitter has pulled the crap-stained rug out from under them. appear what do they do? they turn on the one journalist doing their job for them. kind of amazing reporters turning on reporters for reporting. ben col interof nbc called matt tiabbi doing the work ben collins won't do. like matt's a scab during a
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strike. that's the thing they're not on strike, they're still getting paid to report the news. and not the news they are told to by the white house or just the news that they agree with. it's all the news, you idiots. and that scares them. and with musk in charge they should be. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. she's so bubbly, we're handing out tums to the audience. outnumbered cohost emily compagno! [cheers and applause] >> greg: he's a political maven who enjoys misbehaving. vice-president of public relations for z lab chris barron! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: i was the inspiration for pepper spray. actor writer and comedian jamie lissow! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: and she's only a phone call away, if you dial the psych ward.
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fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: emily you look quite green tonight. is that for any special reason? >> no. festive, we're in the holiday season. >> greg: enough of that. i thought it might go somewhere interesting but apparently we'll talk about this it's okay we'll move on. i'm amazed by the cut and pasting on twitter. i get it we already knew about the hunter biden stuff, i'm hoping the story crosses over into a world where people don't know about it. but the fact that all these people like basically cut and paste it tells you everything you knew about the media. they're robots. >> emily: they are and they demonstrate and they are demonstrating right now if you dare to be a free thinker or think for yourself ever, if you are not in lock step you are absolutely annihilated you are can balanced. and what's interesting in light of that demonstration that we knew it was this toxic swamp. we knew it was a cesspool that's why a lot of us aren't on it
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because 90% of the noise is coming from 10% of those rabid users. what happens now? as elon musk has laid bare the censorship the absolute suppression of real information that americans needed to know, all of that is happening is an absolute full frontal howitzer laden assault on the journalists. meanwhile sitting next to them is that putrid carcass of the actual contents that are laid bare. i argue that it is worse than watergate. or at least on par. because what we are learning means that there was a question of conflict of interest of the commander in chief of the white house and has been for quite some time involving many foreign powers. and i'm not drawing some conclusions about you the questions are there and why et this media totally covered it up and that collusion we've seen rampant in this administration every day since. and what's interesting i talked about this before which you guys, the protection twitter and social media platforms enjoy from any type of legal liability as to that content is that, oh, we don't touch it at all, right, we just host it. about you now they clearly touch
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it and they more of it and suppress it so they're going to be on the hook for a lot of liability including to their shareholders. >> greg: they were definitely touching it. [laughter] >> greg: don't touch it. jamie, some say your marriage was worse than watergate. do you think emojis could have helped you there? if you conversed less with words and more with primitive images from your phone, you might still have a family. >> jamie: i was thinking about that as you were doing the monologue because i was like man i haven't seen someone ignore a laptop like that since my wife came home early. those pollsters all -- that was great. one was in a hurry and they just tweeted copy and paste. >> greg: yes. >> jamie: i think while i was reading it it watts saying like we didn't get some of this suppression, we didn't get like some of hunter biden's
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pornographic tweets. we have to ask ourselves do we really want to see more hunter biden porn -- yes. >> greg: don't even finish the sentence. >> it's always him and hot girls and they're on water slides and they have no clothes on. my favorite hunter biden's pick pics the one where he's the photographer. in my life, why does it matter these got out. have you ever got man we really thought he was a good guy until the 12th time we saw him doing cocaine. this guy had the greatest life ever had his allowance is now like $10,000 a week. hunter doesn't have to do anything. can you imagine hunter's at home and joe's there and he goes dad can i get my allowance and he gives him $10,000. then hunter leaves the room and he comes back and he goes, dad, can i get my allowance and he gives him $10,000. [laughter] [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: nicely done. nicely done. chris, welcome to the show. >> chris: good to be back. >> greg: it's good to see you back, and your back. so anyway what was your take on friday's event. >> chris: here's my take, it was five years of the legacy media telling us that a couple hundred thousand dollars in russian facebook ads made trump an illegitimate president. cnn's doing steakout and at old lady's house did you know you're part of a russian prop. nothing showing it had an impact on the election. we have polls that show the impact of the hunter biden scandal. and here we have not somebody went and bought some ass, here we have direct connection between the biden campaign and by the way between democrats in government. we're always talking -- they're like it's not the first amendment, it's not the government. here we actually have sitting
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members of the house and senate working with twitter to manipulate an election. and, by the way, people can say what they want about trump and they can get all worked up about his mean tweets or mean truths whatever they are now but the fact is he's right. this election was rigged and twitter was part of rigging this election and we ought to have a serious conversation about how do we prevent this again and for every lefty out there who says i don't have any problem with this. good. because when ron desantis and donald trump are working with elon musk to suppress information that you don't like. we'll see how much you love it then. >> greg: exactly. [cheers and applause] >> greg: well put. kat, you know what's funny, we made fun, every day when trump was president, something was worse than watergate, right? and we were actually dealing with this, how people who aren't on cnn or msin, bc we actually tweeted responsibly. we're like looking through this, we admit we know this stuff, we
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know this is terrible but we also like have learned enough that it may not have any effect because the media is still going to -- they're already burying it >> kat: they're actually going on the offensive against elon musk saying all the hate speech is worse and all this hate speech is all elon musk's fault. and i'm just like super old school where i think that the hate speech is the fault of the person who says the speech. i used to learn about this stuff in school. like subject and predicate. >> greg: yes. we did learn something interesting though. this is something -- about the fbi alerting twitter about what is called hacked and leaked stuff. i don't think i knew that. or maybe i did know that and i just forgot from all the drinking. but fbi called ahead to make twitter aware of hack and leak operation. and they met with twitter weekly on that. so that's got to be investigated.
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that's another part of the rigging. you have the fbi. you have all of this intel, all -- remember the 51 people? you have brennan, clapper, all these people pushing this. >> and by the way none of these people have ever apologized, none have said we got it wrong we're sorry. >> greg: i don't need an apology. maybe i do. i accept your apology. somebody just apologized to me at home. up next a job unmanned for our second in command. ♪ his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite.
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staffer is leaving her office making it the most popular office to leave since matt lauer's. yeah, huh. >> i like it. >> greg: so do i. this time it's communication's director charles simmons who only held it for a year which for a kamala staffer is like holding your breath underwater for a month. apparently they got a job in new york and his family had to relocate which is code for we have to get away from this cackling nut job. you know it's bad when a family announces a move to new york. sure there's crime and failing schools and urine in the street. but at least no more babbling about buses. despite the fact kamala loses stafferer faster than my proctologist loses pens she's still one of the more popular democrats on the board for 2024. although biden's still the front runner. a recent poll finds when you
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take joe out of the equation kamala is still the highest of the bunch. i know, to be fair taking this pole is like asking which finger do you want removed? from your butt. at 32% she's ahead of sanders, buttigieg, newsome and even liz warren prompting liz to ask how. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: that could bode well for harris whether in 2024 or down the road when you consider joe biden's push to reorder the democratic primary calendar. this is boring. that plan would make south carolina first where harris is expected to do well among black voters. but i wonder has she improved her public speaking skills at all especially when it comes to rules and norms. >> and we agree to advance specific rules and norms, international rules and norms. regarding rules and norms we are
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working together to develop norms for the responsible and peaceful uses of our space. more specifically regarding rules and norms and international rules and norms and established rules and norms to govern safe activities. >> greg: i'll have what she's on. but in the words of the great britney spears, hit me baby one more time. with bongos. >> and we advance specific rules and norms in space, international rules and norms. regarding rules and norms, we are working together to developing norms for the responsible and peaceful uses of outer space. more specific regarding rules and norms and international rules and norms, and established rules and norms to governor space activity. >> greg: everything's better with bong os. but what's the big guy think with all this? >> oh, no, no, no.
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look, kamala's not going to challenge me. i keep her busy. i get her together with kids and have her talk about outer space. you know? she's, ha ha ha ha, i love the moon, all that stuff. i don't know if she likes me, every time i see her she high fives me but she leans away. what are you leaning away for kamala? are you afraid i'm going to come in close for a little sneeze and sniff? you're dam right i am. >> greg: so jamie i did some research as a citizen of alaska, you aren't allowed to vote unless you produce the skin of a harp seal. iss that true? >> jamie: that's a hundred percent true. i haven't voted in a couple years. >> greg: wow, that's good. good for the seals. >> jamie: yeah, it's just so dangerous, you know. >> greg: dangerous. what do you make of this recent finding? >> jamie: well, when i heard the communication's director for kamala was leaving i think i was
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like everyone, i was like she has a communications director? what does he say to her? oh, i look i can that, repeat it over and over until people change the channel. what? i can't even believe -- i would -- by the way, did you goes know if you invite cam kamala to a dinner party she always brings the word salad. that was really silly. i will show myself out. i would love both of them to run and i would give anything to see a debate between kamala and joe biden. i would give anything to see that. wouldn't it be so fun. she would keep repeating stuff over and over, and it would be good because he would need her to. [cheers and applause] >> greg: chris, what does this say about all the other names in this bunch of crowd. >> chris: like the democrats have the worst bench of all time. by the way, we're still pretending that mayor pete, pete buttigieg whose career is i was
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mayor of a small town in indiana and then i didn't show up to do my job in the biden administration is seriously considered presidential timber. that's terrifying. i will say this about kamala harris. she's a lot like hillary clinton in the sense that she's shrill and unlikable. but unlike hillary, she's an idiot. hillary at least knows her stuff. she's on noxious, she's the smartest girl in class and wants you to know it. kamala has no idea what the hell she's doing. she spends all her time trying to sound smart. i for one would pay good money to see trump and kamala harris on a debate stage. i mean, you wouldn't even need the bong os in the background. >> greg: we should just engineer these debates independent of the presidential election kat that would be flake. don't you agree with me? >> kat: like an off-season. >> greg: do you think this information's reliable? isn't this more about name
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recognition, like the fact that they just know who kamala harris is? >> kat: probably yes especially when you see how well she did when she actually tried to run for president. which is, she didn't do well. >> greg: no >> kat: i think that like everyone says the worst kind of boss is like the elon musk who's like a jerk, like you have to work your ass off, work so hard, i have no mercy on you. but actually the worst kind is a secret musk which is what kamala is. i think about that piece that came out last year where it's this abusive environment nobody can stand it she's such a jerk. people go in there thinking she just babbles about how we can see the moon and you get in there, and you have no idea what you signed up for. >> greg: signed up for. isn't it kind of interesting, emily, people kind of look as working for her as a tour of duties. it's like i did two years in afghanistan. oh, yeah? i did two years at kamala.
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>> emily: only as conscription though. have you noticed the revolving door that is her staff it's all the same names too. every person in there, they did a tore with carrie. all the same tiny bench just like the recycled names for democrats they're floating for 2024. stacey abrams has still not conceded 2018 and they're like what about her. the tired exhausting tiny bench that the democrat party has. they will it really have no one because everyone has spent time being that is right of that machine. that's why biden has been literally at that chair or near it for the last hundred years. they don't have anyone young and fresh and maybe actually intelligent. they call her environment abusive saying it's so crushing. 30 white house staffers went on the record of i believe cnn they were anonymous but they went on the record, 30. could you imagine if that was any other employer. elon musk just dares to be
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transparent and throw open the curtains, he actually playr pays his employees and expects him to show up. she's a total monster a dumb one, too, to your point. >> greg: a tiny bench. i rode one of those in the pee wee league. up next climate dog ma for bids charging a car and having kids. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: will giving birth screw the earth and electric cars for the swiss are a swing and a miss. ha ha ha ha. don't know why i laughed to be honest. wasn't that really funny. switzerland which is named after legendary football coach barry switzer [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: it's true laugh all you want. this tiny island is considering a law that would ban driving electric cars except in emergency conditions over the winter because there's not enough electricity to power them all and they've yet to invent a car that runs on hot cocoa. exceptions when you can use the
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car include absolutely necessary journeys like driving to work, visiting the doctor or moving nazi gold to a different bank location. meanwhile, a piece in the washington post profiles a mom who, quote, couldn't shake the feeling that by giving birth she might be doing something bad for the earth. she thought the diapers, the party favors, the toys, and the billions and tons of carbon emissions warming the planet every year. she felt weighed down by the consumption of her children before they were even born so she killed her child with her barehand. i'm kidding she didn't. i had you there for a minute. you guys. half half ha ha. you thought she killed him. i'm going to live with that one for a while. and she felt guilty about the diapers and party favors? i thought biden's birthday was last month. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah, make fun the old
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guy. the writer also refers to her child as a small carbon bomb. a phrase i haven't heard since kilmeade used our green room restroom. oh, baby, huh? you know what i'm saying, chris. so you know what i always wonder all these people that say humans are a problem, why don't they commit suicide? they're just like, you know what they are? they're just like the diversity -- the people that say how great diversity is, like a white professor, why don't you resign and make space for somebody more diverse than you. so if you think you're bad for the planet, reduce it. right? no don't applaud. people are going to go gutfeld show applauds suicide. >> chris: it's the media headline for tomorrow. >> greg: but i do. not. applaud that. what say you chris barron. >> chris: two things, one can you imagine the damage this
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woman's actually doing to her child? like talk about like all of the damage parents do their kids and everything. here you actually have a published article in the washington post where your mom is talking about she regretted ever having you. you were a carbon bomb. she's literally -- the daughter's 13 years old and she's still sitting there like i don't know, was this a mistake. should i have even had this thing? lifetime of therapy coming. >> greg: just say, mom, i want you to be a stripper because that's what's going to happen. >> chris: being serious for just one second. the, ton post should not be giving a platform to somebody who clearly needs mental help. and this is serious. if you honestly think that you should -- you're racked with guilt over giving birth and your daughter's 13 years old and you
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feel compelled to write that in a national newspaper, you need mental help. >> greg: that is true and kat she chose that line of reasoning because she knew it was shocking >> kat: it is. and i think that's -- okay i'm not a mom. i think it's normal to think bad stuff about your kids. i just don't think you should stay bad stuff about your kids on the internet, right? >> greg: fair point >> kat: it's part of the reason i don't have a baby because sometimes i want a baby but if i did i just might keep being jealous of how young she is. but i would never say that. >> greg: but you would you fracture anonymously on instagram. you would trash your own ten year old daughter. oh, look who gained weight >> kat: i would be fine having a young daughter as long as she was ugly. but i would never say that. >> greg: we're going to keep
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this tape forever emily. >> emily: that's like what happened in snow white literally. >> greg: literally? snow white is literally true. >> emily: what i kept thinking about, similar to you, is this how liberals view children as a burden as a carbon bomb. and meanwhile conservatives, christians, gop, we view every child as an independent sentian soul and unborn children in the same way with gratitude and cherishing every single life. and that unwant notion is so disturbing. we know someone who feels socially isolated has the same effect as physical abuse on a body in your brain and to your point i can't imagine what that yuck girl is feeling right now but it's disgusting. >> greg: jamie as did only one here with kids, for now anyway. >> jamie: yeah. >> greg: we're still waiting on the court. [laughter] >> greg: do you this i your
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offspring contribute negatively to the climate and if so what are you going to do to stop it? >> jamie: it's too late, they're here. >> greg: yes. >> jamie: you know what i mean? i listen to kat, people are going to use this as an excuse to not have children. you hate children, no, i love the earth. you know what i mean? that's going to be a reason not to have kids. i went further down in this article and they said there's other tears as things get more serious that they're going to have people stop doing. one is no leaf blowers, turn down the they were stott and no light. i was like, who wrote this, my friend's dad? [laughter] >> jamie: and my other problem with this is it's very subjective what an emergency would be to take an electric care. i'm going to be honest with you, i'm 48. i have to pee all the time. i have to pee right now. i peed right before i came out here and i sat down and i have
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to pee again. last night i was peeing and i thought i have to pee again. the other day i'm in a doctor's office there's a little cup with a lid. i'm going to leave room, i'm going to go for a urine sample and cop come back and get it. i was like i'm 48 i was going to pee in that regardless. >> greg: at least we got in the body fluids for the c block. coming up will a dispute for cheese bring a company to its knees. ♪ ♪ energy demands are rising. and the effects are being felt everywhere. that's why at chevron, we're increasing production in the permian basin by 15%. and we're projected to reach 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2025. all while staying on track to reduce our carbon emissions intensity in the area.
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(jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because the golo plan takes a holistic approach to weight loss. we focus on real foods in the right balance so you get the results you want. the release supplement makes losing weight easy. release sets you up for successful weight loss because it supports your blood sugar levels between meals so you aren't hungry or fatigued. golo is real, our customers are real,
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this book has helped me reach so many young homeowners who have become their parents. hey, what's the lowest you'll go on one of these mugs? ah, remember -- no haggling in stores. oh, yeah, chapter six, yep. they may have read the book, but they still have a long way to go. was hoping to get your john hancock on there. well, let's just call it a signature. i noticed there weren't any refreshments, so i'm just gonna leave a couple of snackies. folks, the line's in shambles, let's tuck it in. -sir? -come on, come on. okay. all right. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. okay, we don't need a line monitor. >> greg: they were made with cheddar but she expected something better so will this cheese bait and switch make this plaintiff rich? yes it must be time for. >> hey, the wrong kind of cheese is in these.
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what is this mozzarella gate? >> greg: very clever, huh? a woman named amy joseph has sued tgi fridays after purchasing a so-called mozzarella stick only to find it doesn't contain mozzarella only cheddar. also they aren't really sticks. but that's like when i give panhandlers canadian cones. joke's on dirtbags, huh? she filed the lawsuit last year but a federal judge, robert dowe, is that the name has ruled although tgi40's is not to blame because it's licensed its name the suit can move forward against the snack maker which is known as adventure foods. now if true they you willied friday's good name like the city of chicago does to the band
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chicago. why did i need to know the judge's name? that was so stupid. the plaintiff had purchased a six pack of the snacks for 22.95 which is the kind of purchase most people only admit to in a therapist's office. of course this isn't the first time people are filing such lawsuits against such companies. just last week we showed you someone suing velveeta because it took more than three and a half minutes to make like the box intended. who can forget the pop-tart saga, strawberry pastries without real stray buries. and i'm suing reese's peanut butter cups, turns out they weren't made from monkeys. where's the joy of sinking my teeth into a reese's pete you in buttercup if it's not a monkey kat? if it's not a monkey, why am i doing this? >> what the hell? >> kat: i think that i've been living my life all wrong.
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i always thought hard work was what's important. you work really hard, you, you know, have some success, make some money. that was wrong. you've got to sue people. >> greg: sue people >> kat: i've been spending too much time at my desk not enough time at the vending machine just buying snacks and reading the labels. >> greg: you know it. i've got three lawsuits pending. jiffy pop, right? right? because it's just a mess. jiffy pop is a mess. amodium i'm suing them because of their package agoing. it never looks like the chocolate milk. who are you suing, you're a lawyer you probably wake up in the morning file a lawsuit in your pajamas. >> emily: here's the thing kona brewing and texas barbecue sauce. >> greg: etch a sketch. it doesn't look like anything etch a sketch. >> emily: the list goes on, the list goes on.
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>> greg: it does and it will go on. >> emily: i find it just as annoying as you guys because it embarrasses me that it's my profession however to be the contrarian it serves a purpose we have to be true to our marketing. if it said mozzarella sticks and the inside was something totally crazy and different it serves a purpose to keep the company in line but all these samples waste our tax dollars paying for the court fees because even though the party is paid there's an element of tax dollars. >> greg: jamie i want to keep your emotions separate because i understand friday is the place where you drop off the kids to meet the new cool step dad the bartender. [laughter] >> greg: i was thinking that this could be a great way for you to earn back the money you lost in the divorce. >> jamie: yeah. and the last time i dropped them off, it was a monday. that's false advertising.
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dude, i love this story so much. and i heard about it even before today because i subscribe to [bleep] lawsuit weekly. isn't it kind of funny if you really think about it, this tgi-40's been around for like 50 years. someone finally looked at the ingredients. like people that eat mozzarella sticks, they're banking on you not looking at the ingredients and that's why i think you sign a contract when you eat mozzarella sticks. i think it should say, under ingredients, you don't want to know. >> greg: by the way they look different, cheddar is mozzarella yellow and mozzarella is white. >> emily: cheddar has white. >> greg: only if you're a racist. everything has to be white with you. everything has to be wife disgusting i work with people like that. >> chris: what's disgusting is someone goes on amazon and buys a six pack -- are these frozen?
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what are they? if i wanted a mozzarella stick, the last place in the world i would go is amazon. why would i go to amazon for a mozzarella stick. >> greg: they look like deep fried cat pillars. >> chris: honestly, tgi friday's should sue this woman because this is negligent use of amazon because if you want a mozzarella stick, why the f are you on sampson. >> greg: i used to love friday's. remember before friday's there were no restaurants for young people, right? >> kat: what. >> greg: you onto went to restaurants with your parents on your birthday and it was a places that had like red table cloths. >> chris: bennigan's >> greg: yes the first bennigan's. first you friday's then bennigan's then ruby tuesday's then the mexican restaurants. i can't even keep track of the
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mexican restaurant. what's it called. >> chris: chi chi's. >> greg: chi chi's. >> chris: it's gone. >> greg: chi chi's is gone. >> chris: big thing of chips. >> jamie: i hung out at tgi friday's remember it used to have half price apps. friday's was the original app store. >> greg: wow, that really killed the mood. i loved friday's, man. up next just how unclean are all those touch screens? find out. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. dancing is everything. soccer is the best. but her moderate to severe eczema
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. it should read fecal matter. bacteria and feces crawl on self-service check out screens and it is found on your computer board. does it gross you out or you find it aarousing. >> first of all, it does not surprise me at all. my dad sitting in the audience taught me in the young age that these types of bacterias are everywhere. 95% of the population is not washing their hands enough. >> oh wow. >> if you want that bacteria not on your screen, other people's bathroom on your screen and on your atm and on everything. >> get to the point! >> wash your hands for 20
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seconds or more. >> i was really disappointed because you brought your dad to this, what's going to happen? >> something awesome. >> you are accusing your dad of pooping everywhere? >> my dad poops on the keyboard. [ laughter ] >> and dad, i brought you hear today because i had enough. [ laughter ] >> jamie, children are often crawling with bacteria. that's one plus for being divorced. >> that's true. >> o>> oh god. this story is a little bit upsetting to hear the facts of this story on our self-service screen, there is fecal matter and vomit? what are people pressing the buttons on a baby? >> i will go months without washing my gear. it is a complete - sometimes i leave my
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bag over night. >> by gear and bag -- do you mean? >> not that kind of gear in a bag. >> don't go away, we'll be right back. could qualify it for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to find out. then work with highly qualified professionals to fill out your forms and submit the application. go to to learn more. [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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hey, we are out of time. thank you, emily compagno. thank you, i love you! [ applause ] thank you, greg, good evening everyone, welcome to america's late news. fox news at night. i am trace gallagher, los angeles. ♪ >> breaking tonight, a record of 1.8 million people voted in georgia senate run off, it will still come down to who shows up on tuesday. two major speech fights under way. the supreme court hears argument in a case with major implications on religious
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