tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 6, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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recognized for everyday jeopardy and ethics. other outlets that's not the case. here on fox we showcase the heroics of the border patrol and what they deal with every day. dr. strange love says does your son paul have any interest following your journalism footsteps? no, paul and daniel want to be businessmen they have told me. and they will be fair, balanced and unafraid. that's it for us. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. you put up your family i thought i should 'put up my kids. >> jesse: i think you should your kids. >> bret: see you later. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: here at "primetime," our job is to hold powerful people accountable. when the rest of the media ignores the bad behavior of the biden administration, the pelosis or the clintons and everybody in between, we step in. but we also have to give credit where credit's due. biden was in arizona today
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celebrating a new computer chip factory here in america. >> construct a second fab here in phoenix to build chips three nano chips, the three nano chip -- chips that are three nano. you know what i'm saying. >> jesse: you know what he is saying. is he trying to say this is a gut punch to china. any time we bring jobs to america and gain control of the chip supply chain it's a win. we are dealing with democrats here. this $40 billion factory is going to take years to finish and executives are going to skim off probably half the budget. the last thing biden funded in phoenix was an anti racist bird watching bridge to nowhere and that's going to take at least five years to build and cost $25 million. a semiconductor factory seems a little more complicated. and as with most of these government projects, democrat donors are probably going to get the contracts. all of the sudden the 40 billion turns into 85 billion. and we are keeping an eye on the
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pelosi family pelosis love computer chips. they had billions, millions invested in nvidia. all set and red can to go for the chips act ready to pass. all perfectly timed trade. "primetime" in the unusual called they will them out forced to sale for the first anytime a long time paulie p. took a loss. and don't forget when nancy snuck her is on the fresh prince of san francisco paulie p. jr. on to the little plane to asia. remember? she took him to check out some of the semiquick tore factories in asia despite him being about as qualified as hunter. she tried to hide him in the shadows but "primetime" spotted him lurking behind some heavy hitting malaysians. nancy didn't want us to know about him owe is the on the payroll of two lithium mining companies. asia happens to be a lithium gold mine. how are they going to use this factory in arizona to tack on
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few more zeros? we will watch them closely. good to bring manufacturing back to america. but biden's trip to arizona today pure politics. this is a ribbon cutting ceremony on a plant that hasn't been built he is just driving headlines in a battle ground state and patting himself on the back for the chips bill no. surprise there it's part of the game. both sides do it. after he burned all that jet fuel to fly across the country, why not stop by the border? >> mr. president, why go to a border state and not visit the border? >> there are more important things going on. they are going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise. >> jesse: more important things. a f.o.p. at a construction site is more important than meeting with border agents? more important than showing the cartels who is boss? more important than seeing the holes in the southern border firsthand? he could have sent kamala to the factory. or he could have just hopped on his helicopter. phoenix is only 100 miles from the border. he could be there in less than
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an hour. that's about the same distance he travels from d.c. to his delaware beach house. you know, the house he built a wall around? he is happy to take that trip two or three times a week. biden has left arizona 2:00 p.m. local time. he could have hung out for an extra hour or two. biden uses the complaint all the time he doesn't have enough time to visit the border, remember? >> do you have plans to visit the southern border. >> i have been there before and i haven't -- i mean, i know it well. i guess i should go down but the -- but, the whole point of it is, i haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down. >> jesse: today he has got time. but it is just not that important enough. he knows that's not true. when you have done something wrong it's hard to face it. just like a kid who won't look you in the eye after getting caught in a lie. instead of fessing up the white house digs deeper. >> do you know if the president has never been down to the border. the possible next speaker said
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that he's him to go with him. so is he going to? >> so, look, he has been there. he has been to the border. and since he took offers. >> when did he go to the border? >> since he took office, the president biden has been taking action to fix our immigration system. and to secure our border. >> jesse: 40 years in washington never been to the border. 5 million illegals that we know of crossed the border since biden took over. that's fixing our immigration system. fentanyl seizure is up almost 500 percent. enough to kill the entire country ten times over. that's securing the border? that's what they caught by the way. look how easy it is to get in our country. >> man, man, look at this. you got a brother tripping. bro. look at that. [bleep] >> dude, look at that, bro.
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this is our government [bleep] money, bro. yes, sir. another one. another one. another one. woo! >> jesse: those weren't border agents recording that tape. as far as we know, they never got caught. what was in the backpack? who knows? there is plenty more videos like that one. migrants dashing through traffic after jumping into the country. our country is open to anybody who wants in. chinese drug smugglers, cartel hit men, terrorists. all they have to do is get to mexico and walk north. door's wide open. come on in. not important to the president. today's border boycott signals that for the rest of the biden presidency, not going to do a damn thing about it. let's turn to south carolina senator lindsey graham. this looks like a just big middle finger to the country to get that close to the border and then fly home to washington, d.c. >> yes, really scary to me.
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it's dumb, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible to say what he did. there is one of two things going on here, jesse. he understands the border is broken that there is n.i.v. fentanyl coming across the border to kill us 10 times over. 90 people on the terrorist watch list come here and got out into our country that 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed since he has been president. and he doesn't care to fix it or he is clueless about what is going on. either way, it is a irresponsible thing for the president to say and do. it is dereliction of duty. and if he really understands what's going on at the border, and he is not going to go visit and give morale boost to the border agents who are being overrun. he is the worst president. >> this is going to define his presidency. this was a dumb, dangerous thing to say. so he that knows what is going on and doesn't give a damn or he is clueless. and i think is he clueless. i don't think he has any idea what's going on at the border. he had no idea what happened when he withdrew from
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afghanistan. we're going to have another terrorist attack on our country coming through a broken southern border because of our withdrawal from afghanistan. he has no idea what's going on at the border. >> yeah and is he going to blame someone else when a terrorist secureys across and plants some pipe bomb at one of oyou are buildings. what is a u.s. senator, what can you could to force his hand on border security? >> number one, whether we take the house, i met with jim jordan today, come up with a border security plan that eliminates asylum claims in america. why are so many coming here? if they get one foot in the country they claim asylum they never get deported. stop making asylum claims in our country. you have to apply outs of outside of our country. finish the wall. we can come up with a plan to deal with the fentanyl problem with a broken border. we can drive the narrative because we have the house and challenge democrats in the senate to vote against a border security plan. i want to say this again, i don't believe president biden understands what is going on at
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the border. i think is he clueless. because if he did understand what was going on at the border and wouldn't go down there to do something about it, he deserves to be impeached. >> jesse: you are saying the president because he has been derelict in his job is executing the duties as commander-in-chief could face impeachment for not securing the southern border? >> i think this is criminally negligent by the dhs leadership. they are allowing drugs to flow in our country to kill thousands of americans every year. they are allowing terrorists to come in our country and they are doing nothing to fix it. so i think it's dereliction of duty by the commander-in-chief to allow this to happen and not make corrective action. i think it's irresponsible for him not to visit the border. and talk to the agents firsthand about what's going on. why is he not going? apparently he doesn't want to know what's going on. >> jesse: well, he told those other guys that were caught not whipping the other border crossers, he told them to go have desk duty. i mean, that's why he doesn't
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want to a picture of him next to border agents because his base will go nuts. >> joe biden has surrendered the border to drug cartels and criminal elements and terrorists are coming through that border. it's a matter of time that they kill a bunch of us if we don't make corrective action. the only time he gets involved on border issues is to go after the border patrol. the republican party needs to put together a plan in january of next year, pass it through the house. and challenge democrats up for election in 2024. either be with us or against us. the president of the united states, when it comes to the southern border, is surrendered it. he is derelict in his duty. and i don't think he has a clue of the threats we face as a nation from withdrawing from average. if he had a clue, he wouldn't have done it. and to not do something about the border. giving all the facts we just talked about on your show, what could you say other than der elections of duty? >> jesse: he has waived the white flag. do you think he is not being
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briefed? this is a national security issue you are note having guys with medals come and brief him and show him footage of this attack on the border? >> this is the key question. who has told him and what have they told him? has he been informed that mr. is more fentanyl come across the border any time in history? it's up by 400 and something percent. enough to kill everybody ten times over. is he aware of the fact that we have had 90 people in the terrorist watch list come through the border, evade detection? is he aware that 5 billion people come across the border illegally with no end in sight? if he knows that and he does nothing about it, then is he derelict in his duty if he doesn't know that the people around him are derelict in their duty. here's what i think. the think the man is clueless. i don't think he has a damn idea at all about what's going on at the border because to know about it, you would want to do something about it. >> jesse: i'm in complete agreement. senator lindsey graham, thanks for joining us as always. >> thank you.
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♪ >> jesse: when you live in democrat cities you are on your own especially in my hometown ever filly. city going to hell in a hand basket. shattering crime records year after year. filly police are still searching for this low life who walked right up to a parking enforcement officer broad daylight, shot him in the head. point blank range and by the grace of god somehow the officer miraculously survived the execution attempt. and is he expected to recover. but that doesn't change the fact that this lunatic should have
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been behind bars. we reached out for comment to the d.a., uncle larry. no response. is he too busy fighting off a recall. and crickets from the fetterman team as well. yeah, we did reach out to both fettermans, gisele and john, nothing. in fact, the nypd is also jumping in asking the public to identify the suspect because they think he was involved in another shooting at a bronx gas station just three days ago. that's why these gas station owners feel like there is no other choice but to bring out the big guns. watch. >> hired security strapped with a.r. 15s or shotguns standing guard or walking the property of this north filly gas station and convenience store. berry says she is on board with it? >> if you are trying to get gas, live in a bad area and only place is here and they're getting robbed all the time, i support the owner. >> over the past few weeks, he says his store was trashed by young people an atm stolen out of the store. he said his car was vandalized
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while parked at the store. >> they are forcing us to hire the security, hire security state level. i fear for the safety of my employee as well as my nice neighborhood. >> it's a wonder why the small business owner would resort to hiring private security. is he doing this to save his own life and the lives of his employees and customers. we reached out to the man who has gone above and beyond to help small businesses feel safe. chief andre boyer former filly police officer who is now the owner of site the private security group made up of former filly ph.d. fill -- p.d. looks like you have got a guy behind you. what kind of effect does this have on this gas station? >> what kind of effect it has? >> jesse: yeah. if i'm pulling up to this gas station and i see you there, i'm feeling pretty safe. >> yeah. well, in the beginning it wasn't that way.
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a lot of people didn't understand why we were here. and then the following week when people realized what happened here, a lot of people got on board and they say hey, i love coming here now. this should have been done -- this should be done throughout the city. in fact, one lady actually she works for way way she is a manager. she said we need you at wawa. >> this is what we need. >> are you willing to use your team at site to provide security for wawa as well? >> yes. let me explain to you pennsylvania sites. we are not security pennsylvania state agents. we are different than security. you are gawrdz are the guys that stand at the door or stand around and walk through the mall when something goes down they pick up their cell phones and call 911. that's not going to happen with us. we take action. we can make arrests. >> and that's what's going to happen if that person with my client commits a crime. he is -- he or she is going to get arrested. and if i have to use force, i
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will use force. >> what kind ever things were happening at these gas stations that made this owner give you guys a call? >> philadelphia is off the chain. right now, statistics say 62% of thefts, robberies, and the biggest one of all, carjackings, happen at the pump. now, for this owner, the last straw was when he got hit three weeks ago, they pulled up to the front of the gas station, and got out. walked in, with a hand cart, picked up his atm machine, and went outside and put it in his car and drove off like it was nothing. and the second thing that brought him -- and the second thing was when he -- this area was flooded with drug dealers selling drugs in front of their store. so, what he tried to do himself
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is basically say hey, you guys can't be here. i don't want you on my property. you are scaring away my customers. each time he told them that. they vandalized his car. each time. so, i guess he said enough is enough. and his words got to fight fire with fire sometimes. >> jesse: what do you think is wrong with filly? is it the lack of political action? is it the criminal drug traffickers? is it the culture? what the hell is going on? >> the lack ever political action. we have uncle larry, the d.a., who is not a d.a. he is acting like a social worker. when we people elected him into office, we wanted a prosecutor. we didn't want someone who is going to be kum ba yah. that's what his office says on his door says prosecutor. prosecute the criminals. that is what you are supposed to do. not give them the keys to the city. now, you have a mayor who is doing the same thing. for four years we listen to them
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keep coming to town hall meetings telling us we have come up with a great idea. we are going to spend $2.5 million to do this and do that and we are going to give it to this program to help kids make t-shirts. we are going to give it to this program to clean up the block. none of that has to do with violent crime. none of that has to do with guns on the street. none of that has to do with anything taking guns off the street. 82% gives away to programs. i call them fake programs. can you do the statistics. none of those programs have taken a gun off the street. none of them. but if you give money to programs like mine, at least you will have people patrolling the streets. at least you will have safer neighborhoods. put the money where it should be used. to protect the people of the city of philadelphia. and not the criminals. >> jesse: chief, you are doing more, your program than any of these elected officials. i salute you and that's probably the safest pump in the city right now. and i wish you -- i wish there was more of you guys out there.
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>> jesse: believe it or not it's been three years since virus leaked out of a sloppy lab in wuhan. it feels like no one is in a particular rush to get to the bind of it. fauci has been trying to close the book and say never anything funky going on. >> debate whether it's a lab leak from something that was going on in a chinese lab or a natural occurrence, it could have been something like study of virus that they got out of the environment perhaps having it leaked out into the community
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i don't think that's what happened. >> jesse: i don't think. whatever, 6 million dead. evidence everywhere that this wuhan lab they were monkeying around with the viruses and people like fauci had fingerprints all over it. nih handing out ecohealth alliance to fund project. giving chinese scientists like the bat lady lessons on franksen steining on viruses. gain of function research. fauci denied it happened. >> do you still support funding of the nih funding of the lab in wuhan. >> nih has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the wuhan institute. >> he is talking about gain of function research, this has been evaluated multiple times by qualified people to not fall under the gain of function research definition. >> jesse: we haven't even figured out what happened with covid but fauci is still keeping the spending free going.
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just in october he sent more money to the same group ecohealth alliance. why are we still funding gain of function research? can we hit the pause button, please? dr. andrew worked inside the wuhan lab and he says covid was man made also the author of the new book "the truth about wuhan." so covid is man made? you are 1,000 percent positive? >> oh, i'm 1,000 percent positive. one thing i would like to clear up here real quickly i never stepped foot in china. i never worked at the wuhan institute of virology. i was executive at ecohealth alliance. we funded and managed all the work that went on there. >> jesse: you funded it and you managed the work there. so you had to have known what was going on. what tells you that this thing was man made? >> simple all in my documents which i released on twitter.
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aguffa.g. huff on twitter. your audience can download documents and look at them themselves. in the understanding of the risk of bat coronavirus emergence proposal funded by dr. anthony fauci it very clearly lays out the gain of function work we were doing at that laboratory and also unc with dr. ralph barrick. >> the big psychological operation has been from the u.s. government and this whole debacle is trying to confuse people with this complex virology what i do in my book is explain this very simplefully layman's terms so high school student can understand what happened and how this went south. >> jesse: so even i can understand it. i appreciate that so why are they covering this up? i mean, if they did it? own it. have no look at this. millions of people are dead. this sounds like alex jones conspiracy theory. a lot of very wealthy people. highly wealthy individuals and
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corporations around the planet took advantage of this man made disaster to restrict freedoms, our way of life, i mean they are using it to exert power and control. and, you know you, why not take advantage of a good disaster? that is sort of the old saying here really people like anthony fauci and daszak deserve to be in prison for what they did. this is not a new story. that's the funny thing. i have been trying to get this story out for 14 or 15 months now finally the mainstream media caught wind of my story. this is not a whole story that's the craziness behind. this i came forward like i said 15 months ago and evan trying to get this story to the mainstream. i'm glad i'm here now. they are terrified. they are terrified of the fallout from this. >> jesse: why do you think fauci should be in prison? >> if you look at u.s. policy
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and law around what this is. i mean, it's a number of direct violations of u.s. policy from nih in gain of function research. so what they did is they actually circumvented a domestic ban on gain of function research by exporting science to china. crazier. i believe that was so they could collect intelligence on the wuhan institute of virology. i used to have top secret clearance working in laboratories bioterrorism i know more things about this which i can't talk about. it very much looks like we are exchanging trading advanced biotechnology to the chinese so we could snoop on their lab. this is where it gets, you know, even -- i like to ask people this question. do the chinese need $600,000 of money which they have loaned to us? no. the chinese do not need $600,000. they don't need $5 million. but the thing that the chinese really needed was our advanced biotechnology.
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so, gave them advanced biotechnology. worked on research in subpar substandard research in environment and it escaped. >> jesse: using these grants as an excuse to spy on the bioweapons component of those laboratories. that's -- wow. >> that's what i hypothesize. i think there is a lot of strength to that argument. the only way we are going to get to the bottom of this question everything i say please do. congress needs to launch a full investigation into the origin of this virus. and i believe firmly that all the facts i lay out in my book will point in the right direction this is dlefntly a lab leak. the only question is how when and why? >> jesse: all right. the truth about would you alan. everybody check out dr. huff's book. we really appreciate you telling the truth on this show. proof that the virus sprang out of a sloppy lab can no longer be ignored. fauci still says he is clean.
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actually he is using the classic i don't recall line. in fact, fauci said i don't recall 174 times last week in court where he was being deposed over his role with big tech to cover up the lab leak story. newly released transcript fauci says he gets a lot of emails. can't really remember anything and doesn't really recall if twitter banned tweets he didn't like. oh, and remember the twitter account that mocked fauci? you know, the one that he got taken down? he says he vaguely remembers it. dr. fauci under oath says he was concerned that all this misinformation out there would interfere with him saving the country. and, said we shouldn't blame the chinese, that kind of wild accusations is just mean. he actually admitted his doctors were all really impressed with the way china was masking up and locking down if you didn't like what was coming out of china you were guilty of spreading misinformation and needed to be
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censored. we did get one interesting nugget from this fauci deposition. turns out fauci's daughter, alley fauci, hey, alley, was actually working for twitter while they were censoring tweets the good doctor didn't like. we hope this isn't the same daughter remember the wedding fauci couldn't attend because he caught covid? well, sources tell "primetime" alley fauci loves bringing the heat. she enjoys, quote: tight hugs and popping, locking and dropping it better than you can. yeah. and she just happened to be on twitter's payroll during the pandemic. so big pharma that and big tech were all paying the fauci family. what a coincidence. eric schmitt is the missouri a.g. who watched fauci squirm during that deposition and he joins me now. what was his body language like when you were peppering him with questions he has probably never been forced to ask before to answer? >> i think one thing that was telling is that in the seven
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hour deposition the court reporter sneezed dr. fauci wanted her to wear a mask. think about that for a second, november of 2022 this is was the mentality of the guy in charge of looking down the entire country and destroying lives and livelihoods. very telling insight into his mentalities. you covered it as -- his daughter worked at twitter. you know, he -- he said i can't recall 174 times. this is coming from the guy who claimed to be the all knowing, all powerful oz, right? >> science according to him. his memory lapsed when he was asked tough questions. >> when you asked him about the fact that he was trying to cover up this lab leak, have you smoking gun emails where his people are saying it probably looks like it came from a lab and then is he like hey, let's not go there. what did he have to say for himself? >> well, in fact, jesse. he was privy to about five or six drafts of article came out.
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plausible theory open to the lack. dismissing it entirely and basically anybody who committed heresy was to be cast out and called a conspiracy thirst. theorist.he doesn't recall any r email. look, here's the thing. this guy was the high priest of covid tyranny. when they were sending out smoking orders to carry out his lords people were censored and lives and livelihoods were ruined it is a disgrace. jess this is a grace. we need to get to the bottom of it. we expect the republicans in the house doing that we appreciate you deposing the doctor. it's the only way we are going to get answers. thank you very much. "the washington post" thinks this is racist. >> wow! my word! ♪
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sharks. we spent all summer covering the ancient predators and even learned a thing or two about how to fight them off if we do encounter a shark and it's hungry and we can sense that it's very hungry do we poke it in the eyeball? do we gouge it? do i take an ore, snap it and stick it in the mouth of the shark so when it bites down it can't swallow me? >> i would say jesse, you find yourself swimming in the water and you know there is a shark there, turn around and swim right at it. you are not going to be able to outswim it. swim right at this. >> jesse: i'm not sure if that was real advice or that expert was trying to get me eaten. anyway we are not the ones obsessed with sharks. staple of the summer season always been "discovery" channel shark week. >> it's hard for me to move do the to shark biting my cage.
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[bleep] >> oh. incredible breach. [shouting] >> wow! my word! >> jesse: its nature in most raw and dangerous. can't miss tv. who doesn't love shark week? well, "the washington post." the post has just called shark week racist saying it lacks diversity. most importantly, features too many white guys named mike. what's the post's problem with white guys named mike? well, we have white mikes here at "primetime." what do you want to do about it? "primetime" wouldn't be a success without our two white mikes. so, back off, bezos. speaking of which, maybe the post should look at their boss before they start calling shark week racist. bezos is a white guy. is he not allowed to talk about sharks now?
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how about frederick ryan jr. publicist and ceo another white guy is he not allowed to talk about sharks. too many white guys are talking about sharks, what about the sharks themselves? the great white shark is he the grand wizard of the ocean? clay travis the founder of outkick and co-host of the clay travis and buck sexton show. clay, when i saw this headline i thought it was the onion. >> it's amazing. follow me here, jesse. wouldn't it be more racist to put minorities in cages and let sharks try to bite them? are there tons of minorities like, you know what? there is too many white guys getting attacked by sharks in shark week. we got to have more equality, more equity. i want in the cage to get attacked that seems like it would actually be racist. and also, how about the fact that the "the washington post" is covering this jesse they didn't core the twitter document drop collusion and censorship.
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a study comes out about racism and shark week. we got to put every reporter on this and make sure we don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to bring this story to the masses. i also appreciate whether your crews saw this story they said oh, we have got to make sure clay is in to talk about the racist shark week. i love it too. i'm terrified. i'm totally expect i will be killed by a shark one day. all the ways to go that's a bad ass way to go, right? >> would you swim towards the shark as the expert suggested? >> i saw that advice, that seems like awful advice. i like your idea about breaking the ohr and try to keep him shark prong probably strong enough to break the ore. goar.i don't have a great straty but i have thought about it in the same way that i think about it when i'm down in florida if alligators attack as a dad and i know you are in the process of fatherhood congratulations? >> jesse: thank you. >> you sit around once you become a dad thinking of ways
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you can save your children in the event of a wild animal attack all the time. it's like a constant obsession. and so,. >> jesse: i want to get attacked by sharks with you clay. you seemed to have put a lot of thought. you get the gills and i will get the -- gouging. the guy assigned to this daniel wu. so he says too many white guys are talking sharks. all right? so if you are concerned. daniel, maybe change the channel or if you if looks like he is an asian guy. i don't know what he is. maybe he could talk about sharks on discovery. h>> how about he goes into the shark tank into the shark, you know, cave or whatever you want to call it like right here. is this something that everybody of all races is -- i don't want to be in there, jesse. i want to who aren in nest with you. minorities film white racism is keeping them out of the cage. put them in the cage. >> jesse: protect yourself from sharks, bars he is your man. thank you, clay. >> thank you, jesse.
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>> jesse: coming up, the suicide net for the golden gate bridge might cost more for the bridge itself. only in california. ♪ >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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does that make sense? no. but this does. the adjustable windshieldfone from weathertech. it extends and retracts for a perfect fit in any vehicle. plus, a quick release tab for easy one handed in and out. and for kids, use it in the back seat too. comes with short, medium and telescopic arms, to fit any vehicle. order the american made windshieldfone at even makes a nice holiday gift.
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>> back when america was america and we were the land of innovation and hope, people went far and wide to re-create the american dream. one was the golden gate bridge and its creation. >> may 28, 1937. opening day. ♪ ♪ ♪ singh of moco. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the bridge that pessimist said could not be built has been built. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> the fact that they were so deeply proud of the accomplishments, proved that all men's are builders at heart and conquerors of the impossible. >> at the time it was the largest suspension bridge in the world, and architectural wonder. only taking four years to it became an iconic symbol of the california's greatest change and it includes reentering the golden gate bridge. back in 2018 the state started prevention of people jumping off the bridge to save lives. it's probably a necessary one. but the suicide note was supposed to cost $76 million and
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supposed to be done in two ye years. >> and it is going to cost as much as the bridge itself for prevention because it takes $2 million to install a single stall public bathroom in san francisco, like everything in california, caught up in litigation and the project stalled out. building a bridge and now 85 years later they cannot finish it in the same amount of time and this is announced moments ago at the san francisco board of supervisors meeting, a huge reversal from last week's vote, which gave the local police will
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authority to have robots and them assaulting individuals when warranted, whatever that means. the ability to put explosives on them, extraordinary circumstances, well, my goodness, back to the drawing board, kudos to the many primetime fans over on the san francisco board of supervisors who did the impossible and terminated the terminators. ♪ ♪ ♪ and when it rains, short people need to make sure that they are aware of their umbrella. taller people are used to having four people get out of the way on the sidewalks and they don't notice that they should be getting out of the way for the taller people and they will
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steamroll you with an umbrella and go straight through you. like on the cowboys offensive line. and this individual has been in government since 1975, lindsey graham, doing absolutely nothing, we are going to give him your e-mail address. and robert from pennsylvania. are you serious? and they want to put an ice cream truck at the border wall there goes potus. and this one says are you trying something new with your shirt tonight? your caller look smaller. i should've picked up the dry cleaning, i have an old collar that i should have picked up, i
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get it, it won't happen again. and mike from florida says hey, can i work for you, well, we already have two white guys named mike and i think that that is our quota. "the washington post" said we could have a lawsuit on our hands. dvr the show if you can. tucker carlson is next. i'm just the waters and this my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, everyone. there's alwa point where you know that there is a pivot point and a revolution
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