tv Outnumbered FOX News December 7, 2022 9:00am-10:01am PST
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acted quickly to exit baker on tuesday. raymond, you know, this guy is essentially the forest gump of every major anti-trump endeavor over the last six years, possibly plus, and as greenwald writes it's a bit difficult to maintain the u.s. security state had no role in twitter censorship regime when baker was centrally involved in russia gate and all sorts of politicized abuses and somehow ended up at the deputy general counsel at twister with his paws in everything. >> amazing. this is the guy who gave the okay for those fake pfizer warrants that looked into the trump administration, so it's worse than forest gump. he was a nice, passive bar taker in everything. this is a partisan jack the rubber. this guy was in the f.b.i. they bring him to work at twitter. this is like inviting harvey weinstein to run the girl
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scouts. you dont's do that. he had his hands in the weaponization and politicalization of the f.b.i. then he moves to twitter and becomes the conduit for the f.b.i. to control information flow at twitter with a partisan end. you can't do that. and we need serious investigation into this. >> as of now it's been incumbent upon elon musk to disinfect everything, throw back the curtains but there needs to be follow through to ensure accountability. and what about those other platforms. >> he has a lot of work to do. two things about this story really jump out to me, emily. one of them is elon musk said he didn't know any of this was going on. can he trust anybody? like no one is willing to tell musk what's going on? he was right when he said i'm going to clean the house. i don't know if he's gotten to all the people who need to leave so he's got a lot of work to do.
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i'm going to borrow from pete. he just spoke follows on this last hour that got me thinking. facebook, other platforms. who are their jim bakers? are we looking at a situation where campaign by the democrats, particularly the biden family, might have had some support with certain issues that we don't know about because we didn't know about the jim bakers placed on platforms. is there more than one of this type of thing going on? you're right. investigating it and the follow through and all of that but somebody -- elon musk and i said this, he can't buy everything so does he have to buy these other platforms to find out who is working there? do we need a crowd fund to help elon musk? >> that's exactly right. that was my point. for every platform, having a likely jim baker, not every platform has the benefit of an elon musk. interestingly again, greenwald pointed this out, none of this is surprising. zuckerburg testified to this.
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we're seeing it every day. yet only liberal journal i haves and the democratic functionaries hold them accountable. >> i think it's nice and refreshing that elon musk has come in, with more money than anyone in the world, has come in to pull back the curtain and unpeel the onion, whatever analogy you want to use, to see what's happening. now we have proof. listen to this. the f.b.i. lad the laptop in december 2019. there are videos on there with hunter's voice, pictures of hookers, foreign business dealings. why did it take 10 months? finally "the new york post" reports it. then they censor it at twitter. why, the f.b.i. had 10 months before the story came out, why didn't they get to the bottom? why didn't he get into trouble? what's so hard to verify about that? you play videos, the f.b.i. knew "the new york post" had the story, giuliani had the information on the hard drive.
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they go in, meet with social media once a week to talk to them. >> that's a lot. >> guess what's coming? you're going to get hacking information, you're going to get a story. just know it's hacking and it will probably involve hunter biden and probably drop in october right before the election. that's exactly what happened. the social media company said this is what the fib was telling us about. this must be the story. here's my question. why is the f.b.i. involved in politics? they need to be separate enters so we can trust this organization. there are a lot of wonderful people that work there. the information was held from the american people to benefit one political party. and imagine if this had happened to donald trump. imagine if this had happened to any republican? the story would be throughout and all the networks would be reporting it. >> instead, ironically, coming after the jim comb any egg on their face embarrassment you would think the f.b.i. would go to great lengths to ensure their reputation remained sacred, that there was no questions about whether there was conflict of
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interest about their behavior. this just throws that out the window. >> what it brings up is a bigger point. while the hunter biden crime and the ties with the political party, that certainly needs to come out. we need some good journalism for it. fox news is doing great job. i wish other media outlets would cover it more. >> or at all. >> with big tech, with the white house, with the f.b.i., this should shock all americans. this is feeling a little bit ccp-ish. communist party of china. minimal government intrusion, and all of a sudden they are now molding what we see, what we hear, and they are having direct influence influence on our elections. >> what's crazy to me, as you pointed out, the lurker, the stalker, that's everywhere, the
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audacity of baker to remain at twitter through elon musk assuming the chief role, how does that come into play? >> this is picking up on what you were talking about. the f.b.i., there are big questions about the f.b.i. what did they know? why were they engaged in partisan election-eering. they embedded them in these media operations. remember, jim baker was the guy who said when the pfizer application came, he's like drowning frat boy with three kids. let's go do it. get those warrants. suddenly hunter's laptop arrives at twitter. we have to be cautious, this hasn't been vetted. we have to check it out. >> so the part that i wanted to get out was the communist party. that the chinese communist party connection, they also have a pretty big platform called tik tok. and you saw the governor of maryland today cut off, you know, he's trying to cut the faucet off of tik tok in his state. i think that's another place we
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really have to take a look at because who would love a situation like this. people complicit to destroy one party over the other and the ccp, they don't care which party. they just like all the chaos and the division in america. >> we're very critical of tik tok because of how the ccp is involved in that but what about what's going on with our own tech, twitter and facebook. they are compromised. we need to take a look. >> how are you handling that in your house? my daughter is seven. your boys are young. your older son might have tik tok. we don't want them to be on it. how do we handle that? >> i'm a helicopter mom. so, i provide the device, so i have rules. and if you can get a job and buy several hundred dollar iphones, let me know. otherwise, you'll use an older platform, you know, they don't have a 13 prong ax like i do but i put them on the platform and i say, the ig is where you can be. it's got privacy controls.
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that's the one that i think is fine. if instagram changes i'm off to the next. they have to be on a platform that offers privacy, 13 and 15. >> when you were on fox and friends -- >> let's co-write a book. >> i was asking you, give me your advice because your children are good at sports and they are determined. >> and beautiful. >> thank you. >> you have to stay on them. >> and you make it, i mean, compulsory. they know that when they step out of line what's the first thing i'm coming for? that's their thing. that's their generation. >> and later the car. [laughter] >> rebekah has pulled a few keys back. >> oh, yes. >> coming up, rising crime is forcing some business owners to take matters into their own hands. hiring heavily armed private security. details next. inflation's eating into everyone's budget, but if you're a veteran and own your home, you've got a big leg up. it's your va home loan benefit.
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>> america's crime crisis is forcing business owners to make some tough decisions. they have to take matters into their own hands in some instances particularly the owner of a philadelphia gas station who hired armed guards, and i mean armed, ar15's, shotguns, to protect his business and customers. neal patel says he's resorted to this because the city is not doing its job. the final straw came when his business was repeatedly vandalized by young people. he gave these images of a recent ransacking of his station's store. the surveillance video of a hooded thief dragging the atm machine out the door is also what we saw, so i would say they would have to have like a whole team of people themselves because that's heavy. patel's car also hit in the crime wave at his gas station.
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tires slashed, windows broken. the former philly police officer who owns the security group has some choice words for the city's da, larry, you remember him. >> we have uncle larry, the da, who is not a da, he's acting like a social worker. when people elected him in office, we wanted a prosecutor. we didn't want someone who would be kum ba yah. that's what his office door says, prosecute. prosecute the criminals. that's what you're supposed to do, not give them the keys to the city. >> uncle larry -- i guess -- >> i feel like getting a little hug. >> kum bah yah is reserved for camp gravestone. not reserved for, you know, your community when you're trying to protect everyone. i was talking to one of our guys outside. we all love the security officers we have at fox. he said thank goodness. i said, you're right.
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no one is messing with this gas station. he said this is job security. he said many of us are leaving the departments. we're trying to find other jobs on the side. we all want to do this. we want to keep america safe and i love that. we did a story this morning on wal-mart. they are raising prices, might have to shut down some stores. wal-mart has lost $3 billion per year because of theft. target c.e.o., shoplifting at their stores jumped 50% year over year leading to $400 million in losses in 2022 alone. >> i think it's fascinateing what you said, security guards here in new york city, fox, and around. what they are doing. they have exited one way to protect us and they have entered another way to protect us because they get it. it's just us. the criminals are winning. >> but there is danger here, harris. i agree. i love, and i feel so safe when i come here, when i go to certain establishments in new orleans. >> we'll help you out. >> i knew you would. >> and we pump gas. >> this will be like charlie's
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angels. >> oh, my goodness. you won't get any email on that. [laughter] >> you got it. but here's the problem with this. we don't need private security militias. this isn't venezuela or guatemala. i have seen friends of mine going to get gas and family members thrown out of their car. >> what are they going to do, a refusing door for the criminals? >> we have to depend on public security. >> maybe we can't wait. >> you bet. >> but we've got to insist on it and get these -- >> where is everyone in philly going to get their gas? >> i hope everyone in philly starts packing a gun. they don't have this problem in nashville. >> you don't want armed guards but you want -- >> i would rather have an armed populace who knows what they are doing with a gun as a deterrent, just as to him people we pay to secure our businesses but i worry about replacing private
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security with public security that we are paying for and that's part -- >> you know what i want to do? i respect where you're coming from. i want to check on the legality of our expert. emily, is it a problem to have those private guards there if something happens? >> the issue with legality would be what kind of thing happened. so traditionally you're not allowed to use lethal force for a nonlethal attack, right? and then the devil is in the details. we've seen a highly publicized and high-profile case, for example, of self-defense, right? >> the bodega owner. >> i was thinking of kyle rittenhouse as well. because sometimes it's a defense to a prosecution and at other times it's the reason that the da will decline to prosecute which is what happened to the bodega owner. i have to say, raymond, to your point, the deficit is in the public police because they have been defunded so that's why many
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minneapolis residents crowd funded to have off-duty and their police officers patrol their neighborhoods. it's why this business has to pay his own money for armed security, and you know what's happened since he got that armed security? nothing. no robberies, no beatings, because deterrence matters, and if there is not enough police to do the lord's work, which is what they are doing, and not enough lawmakers to have those laws on the books. it's why portland business owners, i could list every city, why everyone is closing their business and or paying for their own security. >> so what i also got from what you're just saying, the importance of the professionalism and the experience of those people providing the security. so this is a former philly police officer leading a team. which would be different than, you know, you or i doing it. so when you say it depends on the crime if something were to happen and what they would thwart, i would respect them to have what it would take to make the judgment call in that moment
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more than just about anybody. >> yes. yes. >> we know that's cops' thing. that's their lane. >> if you look at philadelphia specifically, in 2020 the democratic mayor of philadelphia decided to defund the police and they cut the budget of $20 million and police officers lost their job, many were forced into retirement. they said a couple of months ago we need to refund the budget by $30 million because there aren't enough police to keep the town safe. what's happening with the da, we know a lot of the progressive policies are having a negative consequence. unfortunately what i see happening in philadelphia, crassner won his latest election a year ago. he got 65% of the vote. i don't think he'll get impeached. my concern is that this will be more political stunt and not focusing on what needs to happen and that's supporting and rebuilding the police force of philadelphia and being tougher on crime. >> by the way, you spend $10
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million to get back the experience you lost so you took $20 million out but now you've got to spend more because you need cops who actually want to be there. all right. let's move. coming up, questions over whether president biden used a holiday event to snub reporters? is it a question? anyway, we'll be right back. ♪ your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically made for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body.
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left off the invitation list including "the new york post" initially, which famously broke the hunter biden laptop story. an anonymous journalist told the "post" "this guest list is an example of how the white house is taking punitive measures against journalist who is are simply doing their job." another said engaging in -- is a sign of weakness, not strength, how many acts of petty blacklisting does this white house have to commit against accredited members of the news media? that's a really interesting question. >> that was actually one of my favorite responses because, of course, no one can articulate it best other than reporters, right? they are the speakers. another one said it's double speaking and pure hypocrisy in my view. i thought it was -- amusing is
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not the right word but disappointing to hear of how many people had been invited in the past, year after year, how many members of our free press corps, and all of a sudden interestingly halfway through the obama administration, under this administration, their invites had been cressended. john had such a beautiful attitude. he said i'm so grateful for all the times i was able to go. he said i'll look forward to an invitation in the future but i guess it's not happening again. >> i do want to put this out there. i don't know that donald trump as president did these parties. >> no, he did the first year, and then consciously he said i do not like the press. i do not like the media and he didn't do them the next two years and then they didn't happen because of covid. >> he wasn't treated fairly. i get it. >> you have two different personalities. trump was like i don't like you so i'm not going to have a party. he didn't hide how he felt but then biden who espouses his support for freedom of press yet
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he's been the most inaccessible president to the press and then he doesn't actually, he's not transparent as to why they were not invited. maybe trump was brass and people didn't like his confrontational ways but at least he was honest. >> you never saw a media that was so well fed. everywhere he went, they were just all over him. i thought he didn't even have one but you're right. you corrected me, he did and he made the decision, if you're not going to be fair -- >> i remember bumping into people there, people at fox, people at other outlets. however, i didn't like the idea that donald trump did not come down and take pictures with everybody, because it was white house protocol. >> there was breaking news that night. >> contentious. >> i remember, a lot of stuff was happening. joe biden, this is a symptom of the press corps also. come on. being invited to joe biden's christmas party, first --
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>> john legend was invited. >> they went to the state dinner the other night. i mean, oh, my goodness. enough said. >> my feeling is, get dressed up in your christmas gash, go down to madame tussaud's take a pick with joe biden. he'll probably be a little more articulate than the real thing. stop focusing on this 'em femoral stuff. you provide a service to the american people, white house press corps. your job is to get answers from him. not to be invited to parties. and if he's shutting you down outside of the party, he's going to shut you down in the party. don't go. it would be better if you didn't go. >> i want to go to the journalists who was at the party. >> i was so excited to be invited to that because we remember being kid and going to the white house and we were at the white house christmas party so i was thrilled. it was such an honor to get that invitation in the mail and i know not everyone did. i think when the parties change, we just kind of know, we're not going to be invited or we're going to be invited and i wish they would invite everybody because it is christmas time.
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the reason for the season. it's not politics. so i do wish they would invite everybody so it's a chance for us to unite like he promised when he was elected but obama's party, everyone would have gone -- do you think biden -- >> everybody went. i would say everybody there. >> at obama's party so he invited republicans. >> i would see conservative outlets, everybody was invited. >> that's the way it should be. >> and it was packed. >> the national anthem before a sports match, right? you're on different sides but it's the anthem that unites you so i understand it might seem superfluous. >> did you get invited? >> harris, did you get invited to biden's christmas party? >>. no i'm not a laptop denier. i cover the news. [laughter] >> i think that's part of our responsibility. >> maybe next year. >> i guess it should be a badge of honor. i don't know. >> the tv party is december 8, which is tomorrow, and the other media is december 13.
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>> this time it's not disney. the popular doll brand american girl is now getting slammed over its book that offers gender-changing tips to kids. parents call the book titled a smart girl's guide body image both deceptive and dangerous saying it strips away all innocence. the book is marketed to children ages three to 12. we actually have the book and one chapter is titled gender joy. it explains "gender expression can be feminine, masculine or somewhere in between or someone
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who doesn't quite fit into the category and that gender expression is what you show on the outside. gender identity is what you feel on the inside." another part explains if you're questioning your gender identity, or if you already know for sure that you are trans -- or binary, talk to your parents, a person you trust, that person can connect with you a specially trained doctor who can help you decide what is best for your body. you might talk about wearing the clothes and using the pronounce that make you feel like the true you. if you haven't gone through puberty yet the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body's changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity. and if you've already gone through puberty a doctor can still help. raymond you're over here like lifting your arms. what's going on there? >> i have a couple of problems, look, when i first saw this, i said, oh, it's about getting girls to accept their body.
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this is a good thing. it's buried in the middle of it, but the killer line is this one, if you don't have an adult you trust there are organizations across the country that can help you. >> go to page 95. >> right. this is the america emancipated gir. they are trying to separate children, who are naturally questioning. dr. sapphire can speak at length about this certainly with more authority than i can. they are naturally questioning the changes in their body and what's happening but to say you don't have to talk to your parent, go to this organization, is insidious, and that's my big gripe. and i both have -- you and i both have books on the market for children. you have to include the parent. >> mine is about your birthday, i'm glad that you were born, yours is about christmas, those messages, how you feel about politics or gender identity.
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heche, you're raising two teenage daughters. how do you feel about this? >> you know, i would never have had a conversation about anything sexualized when they were ages three to, you know, the tender ages of that age group, three to 12, three to eight. american girl dolls are basically geared toward eight plus. eight is a significant point in life. not three, so i wonder how this really got done. like who did they want to become by putting this in a book that has such an age range that goes so young? and you talk about the separation and the keeping out of parents, that's a theme in our country right now in certain places. that's how glen young became the governor of virginia and popped out a previous incumbent who was a democrat. right? he came in, because there were conversations that parents were left out of. why are we being left out? what are they afraid that we're going to do by inserting
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ourselves? oh, parent? well, i'm not outsourcing that. and american girl doll has more free time now because, i love the dolls in the company. i don't endorse something that forces me to have a conversation with a three-year-old that is hard to have with an eight to 12-year-old. >> how do you feel about this from a medical perspective? >> at first, like raymond, i thought it was getting kids to accept their bodies. but they were highlighting children overweight and they didn't talk about the fact that being overweight is unhealthy and we have a massive rise in childhood obesity. instead of talking about healthy ways, you want to accept your body and also be as healthy as possible, they didn't do that, but when i read further and started seeing this. first of all, three to 12-year-olds those brains are not fully formed yet. we don't trust those age groups,
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they can't vote, driver cars, they can't do those things and there is reason for that. here we are, they don't know what they want to be when they grow up. why should we be advertising to them permanent medical intervention that is will alter the course of their life indefinitely in this age. it's completely wrong. it's very upsetting to watch as a parent but also as a physician. >> emily, from your -- you're a lawyer, from that perspective. look at disney. disney stocks went down. so many people were not buying tickets to disney. people were not buying the movies anymore. they were upset. they were boycotting them. we heard this from some of our viewers. listen, we all have our views. some moms and dads want the teachers to teach this in the classrooms. some moms and dads want reading, writing and arithmetic. they want to teach the morals to those kids. should companies get involved in politics? is that a smart move? >> disney forgot who their paying customer was.
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>> american girl, all of our little girls love it. >> to harris's point, you sort of articulated that choice, i'm paraphrasing, i don't want to endorse something that forces me to have a conversation with my child before i'm ready or how you more beautifully phrased it. my issue with this is that lack of credentials, earlier, raymond, you said dr. sapphire can speak about this with more authority than i can, so why is it that american girl doll company, who, as you said, we were talking about at the commercial break, how prolific this company is, they have birthday parties there, it's a huge company, why do they have as the author of this gender book someone, and i'm -- pursuing your passions is part of what's absolutely amazing about this great nation, she has a masters degree in children's literature, misplaced and giant food in picture books, how does that give someone the credibility to talk about something -- [laughter] >> so serious, so important, so
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potentially unreversible, as gender, right? gender identity, so to me, to your point, i would think the company, if they want to put a book like this out it better have an m.d. after it, a ph.d., and more credentials than giant food. >> we don't ever go to american dream girl. >> you'll be a granddaughter one day and you'll take her all the time. you can come with me. [laughter] >> yes. >> real quickly, one quick point, raymond and i were talking about this in the green room, i said, if my daughter came to me and we had these issues we would discuss it and talk about whatever we felt was best for our family and if i felt like getting this book was responsible, i would but he made a good point. he said. kids can go in there, what was the phrase? >> it's a mass marketed book. >> this is available to everybody. it's not in a doctor's office under the instruction of a doctor and a parent. >> this is an american girl. >> puberty blockers should not be a rite of pass sang for our young girls.
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i'm sorry. >> sometimes these books get into our kids' hands. we just trust, it's american girl. >> i trust no one now. >> i know. [laughter] >> well, i would trust your book if you wrote a book on how i can parent a little one to grow up to be a teenager. >> we would have to write it together. >> coming up, "washington post" out with a headline that's frightening. shark week features too many white guys named mike. doink-doink. [scary music] with no upfront costs for an appraisal or termite inspection. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really?
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>> are we at a tipping point when it cups to big tech inclusion with the federal government? we debate at the top of the hour, plus a live report from bill at the southern border as calls grow for president biden, from both sides of the aisle, to pay a visit there. mark on that, and lee reacts to democrats winning in georgia last night. come join john and me live at the top of the hour. ♪ >> apparently discovery is a
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very popular sharp week program, is racist. they also hurt the feeling of sharks. the "washington post" out with this headline. shark week lacks diversity, overrepresents men named mike and the report highlighted a study as well that claimed the show emphasizes negative messages about sharks. and overwhelmingly featured white men as experts including several with the same name. that would be mike. thankfully, the sharks can't read this. harris? >> harris: so let's put them all in a shark tank and see -- [laughter] >> harris: if they can take the feelings of the sharks into account in that environment. [laughter] >> harris: that's it. i'm done. >> what say you? >> i would say if we find out discovery is only hiring men named mike, preferably mike, and maybe there is a problem but give me a break. mike is such a popular name.
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there are so many men who love sharks. there are probably more men in this profession than there are women, and happen to be named mike. that was a very popular name, michael, when we were growing up. still is. i don't think we have a problem here. i'm not offended by this. if we need more women in the profession, fine. hire son women to be on discovery. give me a break. this is shark week. do we really care? >> raymond, on the other hand, people argue, the voices are really important, representing matters, there are plenty of women and people of color in the field that grew up washington shark week that say i can't enter that field because those people don't look like me and the reality is, in that industry, they are mostly males, and people of color aren't represented. how do you balance the two? >> this woman, this researcher, her name, by the way, is lisa white -- nack, people may have issues just with the name. this is ridiculous.
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when you look at something like shark week naturally men are going to be more drawn to dealing with sharks. it's like me saying, i did a study. too many of those housewives of beverly hills and they are all, you know, against the husbands. or, you know, too many drag queens. that's what the show is about. we can't take issue with the people that are naturally attracted to this reality genre or that and try to make a national case of it. if you don't like that one there is another one over there. >> that's a good point. you can change the channel. >> change the channel. there is diversity across these networks. >> you and i are both part of fields that used to be absolutely male dominated and now that ratio has changed. >> absolutely. >> most law schools are mostly women. i think the stats are changing for the medical school. >> medical school, 50-50. i agree with ensley, what she said. this would be a story if they had evidence where they produced evidence showing that black, brown applicants were being
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denied for less qualified white applicants named mike. that's the story. [laughter] >> what i seem to find as the issue in this is the waste of academic funding, so this study came out of allegheny college and received funding from the college. they also just got a $500,000 grant from howard hughes under the name of to foster equity and student experience in the stem programs. i don't know, why don't we take that $500,000 and put it into the stem innovation so we can attempt to be on par with china. it's a waste of academic funds and it happens all the time. >> that's a great point. taking a serious note for a second. if the industry is lacking why so much focus on the coverage? what does it matter if someone is on tv? shouldn't it matter who has access to the research xwhooshgs is able to get the education. earlier in the system rather than whether a production company has featured someone. >> absolutely right. i would love to leave it on a
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serious note but i do want to take it here. because you're right. brilliant. [laughter] >> has anybody asked the sharks if they identify -- like are there round sharks on the inside? i just want to know. >> can i say what i would say to my daughter. mom, i watch the show. there are no women on there, i would say, go donning it. go get on that show. >> should we change from it a great white shark to a great neutral shark? >> your daughter can watch me drive tanks if she wants. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪
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hey, it's ryan reynolds, owner of mint mobile. it's the holidays and the big wireless companies are busy spending billions on advertising. at mint we're not into wasting money. so we bought this spiffy stock footage for $500. our footage also came with another hand, so we can let you know if you switch to mint, you'll get three months free on all of our plans. even unlimited. feels like that deserves an exclamation point. whoa. easy, easy.
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there are a lot of people outside the glass. last but not least, if you are looking for gifts this holiday season to give, a recent piece suggests don't make it clothing. some argue it's risky to get the size right or the clothing style is just too personal. all right, seriously. have you ever gotten a gift and you are like why did somebody buy this for me, this is intimate? >> it depends on what it is. clothes, they ask, is clothes -- is it kosher during christmas. unless you are in a nudist colony, yes, always kosher. i like ties, shirts, sweaters, you generally know the size. you don't want to get to intimate apparel, or you might miss the mark but other things are kosher. >> if you need to know the size, i agree. too far. >> any gift is supposed to be appreciated. some you may not tell them you may regift to someone else, might not have a need for but i think it's ok to give clothes.
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i enjoy getting clothes and if i were at a store and said this is something that i could see emily wearing, i would give it to you, you might think it's crazy, but we all wear similar dresses. what if i found a beautiful dress and i gave it to you. i think you would appreciate it. >> five sizes too big if i gave it to any of you. >> give a guy a tie, a shirt. >> don't get me a dress for sure. >> socks, underwear, sweaters, all men in my life expect it. >> i like socks. >> when it doubt, always order up. better to give too big than too small if you are worried about people feeling -- >> then you put it on and like hey. >> i'm with you, ainsley. it shocked me, profiled a young man, every year for the last 15 years his mother had given him something from vineyard vines and he's like i'm not interested
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in the loud preppy culture and don't know how to tell her, heartbreaking. if my mother was here on this earth and gave me a gift every year which today is her birthday, so happy birthday, mom. >> happy birthday, emily's mom. >> generosity of gifts and she thinks its a sweet tradition, you look here in the eye and say thank you, you wear it. >> spirit of the season, moved a mountain, faith still does that. >> yes. >> one best seller. >> you've got a christmas book out, you've got a christmas book out -- ok, "america reports." >> do you think he should go to the border? he only did a drive-by, he's never physically been to the border, especially in the past two years. >> vice presidents, senior leaders, absolutely. senior leaders should deal with the crisis in the country. >> do you think the president should visit the border himself? >> i think the president knows
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