tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 7, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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>> i wouldn't have missed it. you could have brought me here in a hospital bed. >> bret: we salute you, sir. thank you for your service and your sacrifice. thanks to all of those who served. tomorrow on "special report," we will talk to congressman mike gallagher who also served about china policy. he will be heading up the new house select committee on congress. thanks for inviting us neuro i don't home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair balanced and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. jesse. >> jesse: salute to the pearl harbor survivors. absolutely, bret. >> bret: that's awesome. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: we all try to impress the boss, whether you are up for a promotion or it's just time for the bonus, you know when it's time to start skipping lunch breaks and eating at your desk. as a matter of fact, my door man walked me to my uber while it was drizzling holding an umbrella over my head. do you know what he told me? your cologne smells amazing,
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jesse. and i wasn't even wearing cologne. do you know why he said this? because it's christmas tipping season. we are all human and we can burn out. when your boss finally steps out. you dozen off. >> stanza. excuse. have you seen ca castanza. >> i have seen him around. >> he was humming a song yesterday. i can't seem to get it out of my head i have to know the name of it. >> jesse: sometimes you catch your boss sleeping in your office and if you don't cover for him, you are out. >> this is pam. , oh, hi, pam. he is on a sales call. no message? bi, jim. >> jesse: sleeping in the office used to be frowned upon now it's trendy. companies realize why should we send our workers home after an 8-hour shift if we can have them pull a 16-hour shift with a few power naps in between?
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so companies started building nap rooms. little sleeping pods where you can dip out and dozen off. >> this is one of two nap rooms. these are incredibly popular. i can see why. apparently they are booked all day every day. you have to schedule your nap. apparently they are so popular that ariana herself once joked or was it a joke she saw two people come out of a nap room. >> employees loved it. nap rooms have boosted productivity by 35%. and profits are soaring. even got the media asking why don't we all just live at work? and when elon took the reins at twitter he warned all his employees work hard or take the severance and split. of course, the first ones to leave were these people. >> welcome to a day in my life as a twitter employee. i made my way down to the salon
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cabin area. i don't know what this is. it was really cool. play foosball to kind of unwind a bit. also, found this really cool meditation room that i thought was super neat. >> jesse: the people left now at twitter don't have time for foosball. the foosball table has cobwebs since musk moved. in they have been working day and night to meet musk's deadline. some have been sleeping at the office. i know exactly what it's like. i may have done it. san francisco have a problem with this. twitter's headquarters is in san francisco the mayor of san francisco london breed launched investigation into twitter for building nap rooms at their headquarters. unleashed building inspectors to raid twitter's headquarters because you are only allowed to sleep on the street in san francisco. you can't sleep at the office. they say they need to make sure twitter's building is being used
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as intended. san francisco is mad twitter is working around the clock. was anybody mad when mini madoff was sleeping at the office. not only was mini sleeping at the office he was sleeping with co-workers at the office in the office while he stole 8 billion. and how did the media react to that? >> i want to thank you for engaging in a time in truth when i know you have been advised not to. so thank you very, very much. [applause] you can sleep screw and steal at the office and the democrats clap. if you work at twitter it's illegal to take a power nap. san francisco, the city with more drug users than kids in high school is saying this. the city that wants robots to have a license to kill. the city with $2 million toilets legalize shrooms, illegals
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register to vote and slam hammers at your head. you can't get into city hall without swimming through a tent city. kids have to step over crack addicts to get to class. >> i'm sorry y'all got to see all this [bleep] >> get home safe. [bleep] >> come on, man. these little kids got to walk through these streets [bleep] crazy. that's okay. if you burn the midnight oil for elon musk, the mayor launches an investigation. a naked illegal alien on the lamb can shoot heroin on the steps of city hall but putting a cot at company headquarters is against the law. you can sleep on a cot on the street, high on sill sigh bin and the mayor doesn't care.
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but musk can't lay a cot out if his engineers get tired? musk hammered the mayor saying quote san francisco companies pro-vigdz beds for employees instead of making sure kids are safe from fentanyl? over 500 people have died of fentanyl on london breed's watch. kid almost od wanted in a playground. >> park in san francisco's marine district is a popular destination for the city's children. one dad is posting on next door his 10-month-old son barely survived after ingesting fentanyl at the park. the child was at the park with the nanny who noticed that the child was sluggish and starting to turn blue. the post goes on to speculate that the child may have found the fentanyl in a leaf pile. the father crediting the quick-thinking of the nanny for performing cpr and for first responders who administered narcan which he says saved his son's life. >> jesse: is london launching an investigation over the toddler
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almost oding on fentanyl in a city park? nope. mayor london breed says don't believe your eyes. downtown san francisco is magical. you can come here for almost anything. downtown is not just a place to shop. it's a place to eat. it's a place to hang out. it's a place to just look out at the magic and the beauty of what you see. >> jesse: maybe if you are on magic mushrooms which she legalized. don't look at the tent cities and addicts. look at the stanford grads trying to get ahead. trying to turn around the company. a company that hasn't made a profit in years landon breed was beg musk to bring tech workers. bring the workers back into the office so san francisco can thrive again. and what does elon do? he brings them back and what does she do? she launches an investigation.
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told you last night san francisco is building a suicide net under need the golden gate bridge to catch people if they jump. how much $400 million. how long take to build? five years. all because people are being driven crazy in san francisco. do you know what? this is a distraction. this is about democrats picking high profile fights with republican villains. like they did with trump. like they do with desantis, like they do with tucker, like they do with musk instead of governing. the media gobbles it up dragon layer is yea london breed stick to musk. meanwhile cities and states are falling apart. don't fall for it. dan bongino is the host of "unfiltered" on saturday nights. this is crazy, dan. >> yeah. i mean, this is what happens in totalitarian regimes, right, where you investigate people in search of crimes, and crimes in
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search of people. i say it all the time. you said they have got a target list, tucker, elon, trump, pretty much anyone working for vox. you show up in the neighborhood crime. listening to your monologue, you are pretty spot on with san francisco. you are like your border of board ofsupervisors chief of poe sitting around in a meeting how are we going to allocate our scarce resources today? i don't know, johnny, we have six guys taking a dump on the corner over there when i walked in. five guys main lining heroin. we have a few guys having a kegger on the corner. we have got 62 murders last week. and they emptied out gucci last night of every handbag in the store and the guy goes screw all that i got an idea. someone told me there is a cot over in twitter. that's it. johnny. that's it. get them over there. >> jesse: get that cot out of here. >> get that cot out of here.
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you can't have that. don't mention the guy taking a dump on the corner. you can't have that cot in twitter. that is totally unacceptable. brother. >> jesse: we have to take the name abraham lincoln off the elementary school because the guy was racist that abraham. and then we got to go after that cot. that will clean up san francisco. this is what they do, dan. they pick a fight with this big name, elon musk, and then the press writes about it and they say london takes on musk and then they post it out in a press release. and then they get fundraising. that's how the game is played. >> and keep in mind london breed, the mayor, if i'm correct, wasn't this the same lady who apparently she is not fascinated by elon musk and his job creation in san francisco with twitter headquarters? but she is fascinated by tony, tony, tony? do you remember that? >> jesse: yeah, i do. >> remember the mask thing. listener, they are super talented but no one has heard
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from them in like 42 years. >> jesse: she didn't have the mask on. she was dancing during covid and she goes hey, tony, tony, tony is on. >> how many jobs has tony tony tony brought to san francisco. i love you guys. you are great. with two thumbs up. i guarantee you elon musk has brought 100 million percent more jobs to san francisco than tony, tony, tony. but that's london breed's priority making sure she drives elon musk -- elon, come to florida. i don't know if you are watching right now. i live in martin county, florida. we will take it. bring your stuff over here. we will take the jobs. we lo it. >> jesse: they are going to bring probably a gazillion dollars tax revenue out of san francisco and stick it in florida if she is not careful. >> not tony tony tony. >> jesse: he already took tesla out of there. he will take twitter, too.
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dan bongino, check him out. >> listen, the guy has co-hand nasa, man. he will do it thanks for coming on my show last week. >> jesse: any time. saturday night 9:00 p.m. eastern, dan bongino, thank you so much. "unfiltered." political correctness has gotten so nuts that transgender activists are fighting lesbian feminists. >> whoa, whoa. what's this about? why are we doing? they took your sign. ♪ ♪ [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry.
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>> jesse: from roman gladiators clashing notice coliseum sumo wrestlers tossing each other across the ring. we always love a good feet. why millions would tune in alli and tyson lace up the gloves. this one for the ages. traps gender activists versus lesbian feminists. it went down as a protest and it started peacefully. >> we are not out here to engage right now if the public. we are doing a silent protest. can you go to the website of this organization and can you read all about it. >> jesse: this was the quiet before the storm. but, like many protests, it went from peaceful to mostly peaceful in a matter of seconds. o. >> oh. whoa, whoa, whoa. what's this about? why are we doing this. >> [bleep] you. >> why are we doing this? >> these are violent men. these are violent men.
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>> this was not a fair fight. being trans ambushed the feminists pelted them with eggs, covered them in yoke. slammed into them with bicycles. before the feminists knew what was happening. the sign was ripped out of their hands. never let someone steal your sign. >> they took your sign. >> yes, they did. >> oh my god. freedom of expression. >> who are these people? >> they are trans. >> bull crap. >> jesse: what was this all about anyway? the feminists were protesting a law in california that allows biological men, who identify as females, to serve time in women's prisons. they don't want convicted murderer dana rivers to end up in prison with women. dana is a transgender activist who was born a man, then prance sessioned to a woman and murdered two lesbians and their kid and then set their house on fire. i wouldn't want to be locked up with dana either. men are naturally bigger,
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stronger and more aggressive than women, also sexually aggressive. there is a reason we build separate prisons. looked what happened in new jersey. a biological man, who identified as a woman, was doing time in a woman's prison until they impregnated two female prisoners. you can't have men and women in the same cells. sharing showers and bunk beds. you are not supposed to be getting knocked up in lockup. prisoner is already a dangerous place. you have the most violent critical killers, rapists and crooks all in one spot. now you want to start mixing in the opposite sex just to appease the left? they emptied the prisons during covid. they said it was too dangerous. if you are a lady, would you rather share a cell with a man or a lady with a cough? i know what i would want. they always talk about how racist prison is. when women are in real danger, you don't hear anything. this is what they want in our schools now. boys in the girls locker room.
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all in the name of being progressive with no regard for safety. where does this end? douglas murray is a fox news contributor and the author of the war on the west. did you ever think you would see transgender vs. radical feminists? >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah, jesse. come on. we have seen this coming for years. i wrote about this five years ago in the book called "in the madness of crowd." you could see this coming all the way down the track. you could see it when it started with mma wrestling where people like joe rogan started to become canceled effectively in all the mainstream press because they said, hang on, this looks like a trans man ie a man, beating the hell out of a female fighter. are we shore what everyone is calling progressive? so, in the 21st century, if you want to see a man really beat the hell out of a woman,
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there is only be one way to do it which is if the man says that he is trans, and that is perfectly acceptable. it's the same thing with these people who just attacked these women in california. those people are clearly dressed as black book antifa it's is a similar thing. if you want to really behave like a fascist in the 21st century in america you got to call yourself anti-fascist. it's all part of the same schtick i'm just amazed they will get away with it. >> if i commit an armed robbery and then i transition to a woman, i can get sentenced to serve time in an all women's prison? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. it's the same thing that has happened in britain and other countries. anyone who has objected to this, as i have for years, they say who are you, bigot? why are you assuming that these trans people are going to rape the female inmates? and then, of course, there are all of these cases where that's exactly what happens.
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and you say isn't that what we warned about? and they say shut up, bigot. it's very hard to know what way through we get other than simply the hope that more and more people see this isn't about political correctness. it's not about being uber woke. it's not about defending trans people from all sorts of oppressions that we're always told they are suffering in fact, by the way, trans people are less likely to be murder than non-trans people. the actual fact the data shows the safest way for any of us to not be murdered is to transition to the opposite sex. put that aside for a second though, jesse because we all don't want to do that to be a bit safer. all of the lies told about trans in our era. total poppy congress. should have seen through them a long time ago. and at the moment it is just being used by extremist like antifa to go around and beat women up on the streets of america all in the name of this great cause. in the name of antifascism and
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in the name of anti-transphobia that's the only way in the 21st century you can beat women up in public. and these guys love it. and i suggest the rest of us very clear that we do not. >> jesse: poppy congress sounds like a female prison gang. thank you so much for joining "primetime" tonight. up next, tucker carlson joins e "primetime."cz . it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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>> jesse: earlier this week twitter fired this hack james game clocker. he was caught filtering the fbi's name out of the hunter biden files before they went public. so clinton passed the dossier to bakener 2016 and then baker killed the laptop in 2020. is he on both sides of the crime. the same crime interfered in back-to-back elections for the left and both sometimes he got
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caught starting to look like the fbi is running a blackmail op. the fbi has like let's just is say a history of blank mailing people. take it back to hoover. hoover used the fbi to gather blackmail material on politicians he thought were gay but he didn't stop there. in '62 hoover invited jfk over for lunch just to let him know he knew about the affairs jack was having. the fbi used to track martin luther king like the domino's pizza app. they knew where the guy was at all times and they had the goods. you remember during the trump transition when comey pulled the president elect aside and said they had a pee tape. trump knew he was being blackmailed. sniffed him out and fired comey. special counsel spent two years investigating trump for a crime they knew he didn't commit. just to tee up an impeachment. all of this begs the question. how what was the slimy fbi guy doing sifting through these
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twitter leaks? deleting evidence? a little white washing, the guys at the corner office? the fbi wants you to think they had no idea bidens were so corrupt. when the sole reason they exist is to know these types of things but they were caught red handed openly co-liewlgding with social media censoring damaging info on the big guy. dolls it look like joe biden is worried? doesn't look like it to me. in the last couple weeks alone we saw hunter front and center at the state dinner. he had a wedding for his daughter at the white house. sipped up too nantucket and rubbed elbows at the kennedy center. joe is sending a message to the u.s. attorney in delaware. go ahead, make a modify. come get my boy if you have the stones, i dare you. tucker carlson new fox nation documentary goes deep into all of this.
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>> the institutional centers of american life, the media, the tech companies, federal law enforcement are now full there committed to protecting the people in charge at all costs. they are rotten to the core. and the way they dealt with the hunter biden laptop story proves it. the biden family amassed a fortune not through skill or experience but by selling access to corrupt oligarchs in foreign countries. joe biden was aware of this. that's a fact. it's demonstrably true based on evidence provided from hunter biden's laptop and from his business partners. that means that federal law enforcement has a trove of actual evidence against the biden family. so what have they done with it? nothing. they protected the biden administration. tucker carlson asks the same questions we all do and he joins "primetime" now. you know d.c. is hunter and his father going to skate on all of this? >> of course. that script was so good. i wish i had written that and bless you for mentioning it. thank you for mentioning j.
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edgar hoover. for generations republicans defended hoover because he was conservative. but the truth is no one should defend the operation blackmail by permanent sectors in the u.s. government against elected officials because that defeats the whole idea of democracy which is the people rule through their representatives. that's crazy. that anyone would ever defend that or put up with it or, you know, not seek to root it out completely. we're putting it up with it now with christopher wray. i'm glad you said that. >> jesse: if you have a house republican hearing next year and they're putting out documents and wire transfers and whistleblower testimony, witness testimony, this thing is too big to keep a lid on. do you think the media is going to be able to do that? >> well, for sure, they will certainly try and thank heaven for substack and rumble and fox news for being independent enough for being independent enough to tell the truth but what is happening. the last election was influenced
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by the fbi. if this were happening in another country, in the third world country the state department would declare the election illegitimate it. would have been. you can't have law enforcement agencies weighing n presidential elections trying to sketch information harmful to one candidate. accentuate information harmful to the other candidate. that's absolutely election interference. am i naive? i spent 35 years in washington. i never imagined something like that could happen but it did. >> jesse: you are not even allowed to say election interference anymore. >> it was. >> jesse: you can say it if you are a liberal. if you are a conservative you can't even say that word. you understand hunter, let's play armchair psychologist here. this guy was trying to somebodye his father's presidency and he couldn't even do it, tucker, he couldn't even do it, so many people, keep covering up for the family. what is going through this guy's
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mind? that's very deep and i have considered that i will say because i'm sort of familiar with it. it's a tight family in some sends, i mean, hunter and his dad shared a bank account. do you share a bank account with your father in your 40's? probably not that's very unusual close on the one hand which i admired then and now corrupt which i abhor then and now. i think he was actually trying to sabotage his dad. i'm not a shrink, don't even like shrinks. i think you are on to something there. permanent washington, including the department of justice, the fbi, the law enforcement arm covered for it. i'm not sure because they love joe biden. i don't think anyone loves joe biden including his wife. i think they were so afraid of the disruption possible under trump or someone like trump. someone who might say why are we holding all these files? why have 15,000 documents from the kennedy let's know how this works. so threatening to them that they would do anything to keep
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someone like that out of office. >> and they have the xavier complex. that's how they justify it. i'm saving the public that's how they psychologically get away with it. >> totally right. >> jesse: tucker carlson has the special are now streaming on fox nation. thank you so much. we will see you in about 25 minutes. day here and go to tucker get even more like wrapping paper and stocking stuffers i actually have a tucker carlson tote bag which i'm proud to rock except when i rocked it in mexico. i did not get the same kind of reception. thanks, tucker. next, aoc is under investigation yep. and coyotes are coming for your kids. [screams] [screams]
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♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. alexandria ocasio-cortez is under a house ethics investigation. the house committee is looking into aoc after a complaint was filed with the office of congressional ethics. now this process is just beginning and this won't go anywhere until next year's congress is sworn in. but, it got us thinking, what could they be investigating? are they looking into aoc's former campaign manager? who failed to report nearly a million dollars in campaign expenses back in 2018? not it. is it for dereliction of duty?
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because she hasn't lifted a finger to stop the crime crisis in new york. her constituents said this. >> down the steps 20 times. that was 9/11. [shouting] >> this is insanity. >> that what we want. [shouting] >> black woman stabbed on a train platform. >> jesse: that isn't it either. sources have confirmed to "primetime" that the ethics committee is investigating aoc over her appearance at the met gala last year. remember the party i'm talking about where aoc wore a dress that looked like a bag of chick-fil-a with tax the rich written on it? now ocasio-cortez got to crash the party for free. those tickets to the gala run around $35,000. so who covered the bill? that's what congress is going to try to figure out. who covered aoc's party pass? because it looks like to me it's
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a $35,000 bribe. now, turning from the swamp of d.c. to the wild woods of america because americans need to take notice. wild animals are coming after you and your family. in california, one mom lived every parent's worst nightmare. [screams] [shouting] [screams] and it's not just coyotes that are coming for your kids. in connecticut, a vicious raccoon tried to maul a 5-year-old girl as she was waiting for the bus. [screams] [screams] [crying]
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[dogs barking] >> jesse: that's bad. be thankful you don't live in india where things like this happen. [shouting] >> jesse: most people never consider what they do in these situations so what would you do? bring in wildlife expert and radio host tom nelson before we get to the strategy to defend yourself, why are these things happening? >> jesse, it's just brutal, man. we are moving down the food chain. okay? when the rodents next week call my partner joey because i don't want to go there with the rats. all right? seriously, when the fangs hit the flesh, it's too late. the time for preparation is past. and it's time for action. and at the very least, these days, you have to pack. and if it's not a micro 9- then maybe a browning 22 buck mark.
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at the very least get bear spray. something, dude. i will tell you what, if you are a parent and you are in this situation you don't want to hear that from your kid. it's just a tragedy. you have four tires on your car and lug wrench and keep it under the driver's seat rather than the backseat. got to be able to help out that kid. just another symptom of woke wildlife ideology over biology, jesse. >> jesse: we discussed last time the prevalence of bear attacks are because of democrat policies. you are saying once it sinks their teeth into your flesh it's over if they have rabies, you are done, you got to just pull it off. you say you probably shoot it before it gets to you or hit it with some wrench that you can pull out of your car. the scream of the child, i mean, it is pure panic pure panic. >> last thing any parent wants to hear but it's preparation. if you are thinking along the lines of preparing your property against crime, making sure your
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bushes are trimmed back, you don't have garbage, you know, hanging out where there is a subsscent or anything like that. need to know what a tracks look like. what do raccoon and coyote what are droppings look like. if you are seeing that around your house take steps. >> jesse: got to be identify coyote drops? >> i would advise that at this point, jesse. i'm not taking anything off the table, okay? it's situational awareness, my friend. know your enemy. and know what is he dropping. and if you see those kind of droppings on your property, you know, you are not a pressure washer away from getting out of that problem. >> jesse: what kind of damage could a coyote do to a human? i'm not talking about a child because they don't stand a chance. that one almost got dragged off. what about a full grown male like myself? >> the fact that these smaller animals are not just attacking damage not just the damage you alluded to it earlier when you
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mentioned rabies. chances are the raccoon attacking that child because it was ill, it was sick. right? you don't want to get rabies and get a dog bite maybe all a coyote is going to amount to. but the problem is when we have overcrowding of these species in our outskirts, this leads to a lack or an inadequate natural sources of food and territory which causes these animals to spread beyond their original area. potentially harassing more humans and increasing the risk of, again, going back to bears and everything else. seeking sources of other food hopefully not us and hopefully we are not moving down the food chain as far as it is looking like. >> jesse: i don't know if we can go any farther than that this is getting bad. thank you very much. i will now go to look to see how can i identify more wildlife drops. >> all right. come on out. >> jesse: a scientific bombshell about short people. short people and tall people. stick around.
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>> wed mess day, let's do the water cooler. first up. yesterday i issued a bold statement to the short people of america about their usage of umbrellas. walking down the straot, usually you get out of tall peoples way. when it's raining you have a umbrella, can't see and power right through me. look up. maybe they're doing this for a reason maybe this guy was try og tell us something. >> shut your mouth. you're not god or my father or my boss! dude, want to step outside. want to step outside?
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>> i don't think he was mentally you mean posing enough. >> why? >> where are you walking to and from a car. >> no i walk from home. because of the tree. >> i think i want to run for office. my only platform is tree go in staten island. >> you now how hard it is you have to take a ferry. >> nobody who lives here want that tree. people live and work here >> up next this. is why i hate lawyers. >> customer is now suing the maker of tgi friday ba baked
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>> it actually went through. you're buying snacks on amazon. whatever. i guess they're sitting around. i'm bitter, i work for money. i should instead be suing. >> you don't think people should sue for cheese. >> not if i'm not doing it. >> maybe that should be your second part of the campaign platform. >> it only has to be mozzarella. >> i'm focused on the tree right now. >> the old saying goes dance like nobody is watching. >> we are watching. maybe someone should of walked away. >> it gave me goose bumps. he used that moment in the senate on things like freedom to
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vote and making sure people understood. >> that was a warnock staffer. >> i'm all limbs. i don't know how to move my body in an essential way. >> you thought that was rigidity rhythmic. >> compared to me way better. >> you're like elaine from "sig. >> is it a white thing or should we not stereotype. >> i love to dance. i was upset my us bland wanted a table in the apartment. it's less dancing room. anyone else. i let him win that one. >> i thought you were going to say something else. >> i let him win the table argument. >> as long as you don't dance on the table and nobody gets hurt. >> you think i don't. >> we will have to up the homeowner policy. a little different transition.
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i want to take a moment and reflect on something. >> pearl harbor. setting the stage for fdr to deliver this message. >> december 7th, a date to live in in family. emfancy.>> we want to thank alle served. >> move the cots outside. once it's on the streets it's perfectly legal. and you can shoot arrow in there. elaine from may con, georgia. i'm short and have been pushed and shoved my entire life. why don't you look where you're
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going. i do look where i'm going. i see everything. you guys can't see. l essa from ohio. fox needs to install a nap room after your tantrum on the 57. i think that would be good a nap room on the twenty-first floor. jesse r their nap pods in the white house. true, that's why they call him sleepy joe. rachel, would you rather swim with sharks or go against trial. i think i'm getting home cooking from the judge. i know what to do with a shark. swim towards it and punch it in the gills. eric from muncy, indiana. if you could interview biden what would your first question be? can you please wake up? the cameras are rolling.
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shannon from north carolina. i love douglas murray's accent. would you consider doing a show with a british accent? you want to see that for a whole hour. i think we can do better than that. maybe spanglish. tucker carlson is up next. remember one thing i'm waters and this is my world. >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. you remember when russia invaded ukraine in february. at that time our leaders told us this wasn't a far away conflict in europe this. was our war. no military should be allowed to invade a sovereign nation. the invasion of ukraine could not stand, it was a matter of
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